Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 23, 1892, Image 8

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1 1
Osmr I Oth antl ttrMt.
Wo havo mado arrangements with Profess
or llerrley of New York City, tlio chniii)lon
Lightning Artist of America,
Tn give a series or exhibition! of Ida rapid
painting In our center show window, from
lo to 13 nnd 2 in 0 dully. Professor Ilanley
Mlnti In nil nnd produces lnutinil oil pnlnt
Ings of American mid European scenery In
ten minutes, ummlly taking other artists
weks. Thcso picture will bo painted In two
dice. 14x21 mid 2Ux!. Tho smaller picture
we will slvo away with every f.1 purchase ami
nn additional TA ceitti fortliof mine, and tho
larger onoa with every A purchaso nnd II for
The Coukikk will not lie resixmsihle for
any debts nindo by nny one In Its nnine, mi
am a written order nccoiniMinlc tho
Misses' and Children's
Especially Adapted for
AJ07 "
Cor. O and tath Sis. Opera House Corner
The Cearler Cn be round At
Hotel Lincoln News Stand. ,
Windsor Hotel Newt HUnd.
Capital Hotel News HUnd. .
Odsll's Dlntns Hall. Masonic Temple
I Red Dude Ultar Store, 1080 O Rtroet
The OothanvNews HUnd, 1186 p Ht
the Ami, 111 North Uth street,
fcd. Young. MOT O Street.
Claaon, ristaher A Co., 1120 0 Street.
Westeraeld's Barber Jtfhop, Burr , Moclc.
International Newa Emporium, 1M8 O Ht.
HonToD Cigar Store, 1 North Uth Htreet.
S'aMewaMand.UA South Uth Street.
sjsrAn extra supply of papen la always left
Taa Ootham. fa cast lothar Newsdealers
appllM ran short.
O Street
Chare Advertisements.
rjsmmnnrlrg April drat, Tim Courier
wMtesart Botieee pertaining to aoolablea,
ftamTsJa.totwmmt4lngsaBd sermons for
a anarchs free of charge. Advertisement
lay aatsrtatamsats where an admission Is
akarfledwUlbekMertedat oaa-hali thsreg-tarrat
Local and Personal.
WhKshreatt Coal and Ltme Company.
Craacer ft Co. for pictures.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1040 O Ht. Telephone 2
.tircher, dtntlet, Brece block, over Merch
HMflMi the grocer baa Kaetire Wheat
aad Imagland graham.
Mies 'BWOnUmette, modlete, LatU Block
ever MlilWy Faiae. Take elevator.
Call sVrlswolds aeed store for your
sards antWilbs. 140 south 11th street
"9tW aaa been at the head of all west
nfimfor elf ht Yean. It must be good.
cViwet hatha for ladles given by Mrs. B.
, ,1). CaUia profearioaal masseur, 1JP street.
All experienced cooks prefer "Sbogo
fancy patent Moor. Lincoln grocers sell lots
Brown's Restaurant Is now located at 13S3
O street and ready to serve all with excellent
meals aad lunches.
The vThltebreast Coal and Lime company
to always at the front supplying the finest
radea of all kinds of coal
Applications for rental of Turner ball for
socials and dancing received at P. J. Wohlen
berg's cigar store, 198 & Uth street.
Orders for maao tunin left with Young
and Elder, 908 south Eleventh street, will
receive prompt attention by 8. C. Quick.
Miss Anna Dick, Modiste. Corner Elev
enth aad P etreeU over Lincoln Savings
Bank ft Safety Deposit Co., entrance on P
Tho "myatodoua social" which was held at
the First Congregational church on Thurs
day evening was In many reaped the moat
novel entertainment of tho year. A musical
program was flint given In which the follow
Ing assisted) Prof, 0. 0. Mensendorf, violin
solo, with an elaborate piano accompaniment
by Mrs. Meiiaemlorf ; vocal aolo by Mine An
notte Abbott; InatriimenUl aolo by Mm.
Will Owen Jones, and a Imim solo by Mr. J.
11. Ilarnahy. Tho appreciation wna strongly
nil own by tho hearty applause rendered. The
in jstery of tl o cvinlng was then Inlrodtitd
by the following menu!
Winters Offering, Bprlng Offering
Kattcr Offering
Fruit of tho Vino
A Young Man'aHwoelhenrt
What the t'ntlcnt Una nnd tho
Doctor Oct a
RwoethreMta A Lnt Itoaort
Cncuallelll WomonofUrlt
Altcwnrd of Merit
Rncli gueat waa limited to throe nrtlclea In
ordering, and revernl wuro ao unliioky aa to
dlacover when thrlr order wna act Itcforo
them that It coiiilatetl of plcklea, toothplcka
nnd water, The 1)111 of fnro trntiilatod la aa
loo Uronni Wnter
Honey Collco
Citko Toothplcka
Ten Hnndwlchca
Tho alTnlr wna mnunKed ly Faator Gregory
nnd It was In ovory way vory aucccNaful nnd
ThoHayden Art club had its monthly
meeting in tho Unlvnraity chnpel on Tueadny
evening, nnd In eplto of the tlhagreoblo
weather a good audience waa preaent. Tho
exorclaea were o)ened with a trio by Mlaa
Grace llurr, Mr Curtice and Mr. Ulystoiie.
Mrs. MoConnell read an able paper on IUlian
art, Uluatrated by beautiful atereopticon
views, beginning with Pompeii and ending
with Mlchette'a "Peaat of Corpus Cbrlatl."
Mlaa Sarah Wool Moore followed with rem
Inlsrencet which were entertaining and In
atructlve. An Intereatlng imper on "Bpanlali
Art" waa read by Mrs. O. II. Gere. Lantern
elides made her description vivid, ahowlug
tho work of Murlllo, Madrono, Uoya and
Kaooaura, and other Spanish maatera. An
onjoyablo feature of the enterUlnment waa
a vocal aolo by Mlaa Maude Oakley, with
piano accompaniment. Mrs. A. J, Sawyer
closed the evening with a por on Mexican
art, illustrated by slides, in which feather
work and rag figures were shown, and dol
ing with Para's painting representing Fa
ther Las Cacaa protecting the Aztecs. Her
paper was Instructive and charmingly writ
ten, and the evening was much enjoyed by
those present.
rirrv ykarh or maritbl bliss.
Monday a party of Lincoln friends and
relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cook
visited them at their home in Waverly. At
supper three children of the aged and happy
couple, who had on that day aUatned their
golden wedding anniversary, each presented
them with neat purses well filled with gold
coin and jewelry, and a general good time
was had by all iu commemoration of the
joyous occasion. But this was not all the
enjoyment on hand. After tea the happy
party accepted au InvlUtlon to vpend the
evening with Mrs. Pennington, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Cook, where a surprise
awaited the honored guests. Over a hun
dred friends had assembled, and tho evening
was put in with the best of exhtleratlng
amusement of various klnda. Numerous
preaenU, and some quite valuable, were also
presented them, Rev. lllnman making a few
appropriate remarks on the occasion. It
waa a noUble event, and aa such waa duly
Mr. aad Mrs. Cook came to Nebraska
twenty years ago, having slnoe 1873 resided
In LancasUr county, where they also have
three children living, each of whom are well
to do. They aro Mr. George Cook of this
city, Mr. Will Cook of Cortland and Mrs.
Pennington or Waverly.
TUB D. A. Y, r. CLUB.
Mrs. 0. W. Hoxie entertained the D. A. Y.
P. club In a moat delightful manner at her
cosy home, 1717 A street, Friday afternoon.
The letters D. A. Y. P. translated into
plain English are "Do as you please," and
those alone signify what an enjoyable club it
must be.
On this occasion, however, cards were pre
dominant. Late In the afternoon a dainty
two course lunch was served, which was
greatly enjoyed by the following ladies:
Mesdames J. C. Balsbury. L T. Boggs, Ed.
Blgnell, Honeywell, J. H. McClay, Austin
Humphery, E. R. Biser, J. H. Davis, Davey,
James Tyler, H. Zehrung, R. P. R. Millar
aad Mrs. C. M. Herrlck.
"the fatk or DAYS"
will open next Friday evening In the new Y.
M. C. A. building, Thirteenth and N streeU,
with an informal reception, to continue
fourteen days, opening at ten o'clock a. m.
The admission will be 95 cenU with 10 cenU
additional for the enUrUinment which will
be held in the association hall each evening.
The eutertammenU will be varied and inter
esting, being under the management of n
special and separate committee tor each
evening. Bee advertisement elsewhere In
this issue and watch uext week's paper for
further particulars.
(he surprise, and spared no pains in making
the evening one of much enjoyment. The
guests upon dopnrtlng prcrentod Mr. and
Mrs. Hnlnbtiry with n solid sliver tea
spoons ns n token of esteem In which thoy
aro held,
Master Tracy Itewlck was host at a very
pleasant gaHiTlng of young friends at the
parental home, Mil G street, Batunlny aft
ernoon, nnd from 3 til A oclork the young
muster nnd misses enjoyed a most elegant
time. Mrs. Rewlck attended th wants of
the Juvenllo nswmbly and everything Intend
Ing to enhance the pleasure of the party waa
fully realised. Mrs. Hewick was ably as
sisted by her mother, Mrs. Leckle, Mrs. It.
T. Van Brunt. Mls Florence Brown nnd
MUa Gertrudo Attkon. When tlmo for re
freshments had arrived Mlsa Brown, seated
at tho piano, played a Iteautlful march, nnd
the little men nnd women, in couples, pro
ceeded to the dining room. Those) present
were Misses Kdlth Foster, Clara Mills, Alva
Clarke, Laura Htout, Leah Meyer, Alice
Huntalnger, Ruth Holmes, Tallle Kohti, Ca
inlllo Hall. Stella Mitchell. Graco Mitchell,
Lunn Drinker, Ollvn Utt, Annie. Jones. Kdna!
tttiaiiury, Masters ieo mt, tinny inom
son, Walter Closaou, Wlllnnl Mills, John
Cogswell, Snm Foster, Donald Nisbet, Fred
Harris, Ivan tanslng, Charlie Chnppln,
Sheldon Perkins, John Hnlsbury. Marlon
Brltikcr, Willie Rewlck nnd Harry Vnti Den
Thin winy evening Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Well
entertained n compnny of friends nt their
plcnrnnt homo on II street, In honor of Mrs
Well's visiting sister, Mlsa Cnrrlo Harliach of
Ilnltou, Kniisns. Suvernl other visitor Hero
prevent nnd the company formed n inoit
genlul gnthurlng, A delicious suppur wns
served early In tho evening, nfter which high
five, held full sway, the fnsclnntlng gnino be
ing full of Interest mid enjoyment to nil.
Tho roynls were won by Mlsa Friend nnd
Mr. Colin, whllo tho booblei were nwnrded
to Mrs. Colin nnd Air. Ilecht, Thoso present
were Mr. nnd Mrs. L. M. Colin, Mr. nnd
Mrs. L. A. Ksensky,Mr. nnd Mrs. Bnrlach of
Falrbury, Misses Stemler, rierthnBellgsohon,
Allen Friend, Matilda Friend, Amnnda
Kolin, Sarah Friend of Atchison, the hon
ored guest nnd Messrs. Sam Rich, Leon
Guftenheim, E. Hecht, J. Oppenhlemer and
Ed Friend.
A very Interesting program and social
time was enjoyed Wednesday evening by
tho CaplUl City Lodge No. 80, A. O. U. W.
at their hull, 1114 O street The following
program was given:
1 Overturn Orchestra
2 Piano solo Mlsa Jones
5 Ctarlnotsolo IU Abel
4 Trio, two mandolin nnd guitar
... Messrs. Knrcher, Mooro nnd lilythstone
6 Klute solo Mr, Kenrna
0 Hong Col. E. A. Barnes
7 Piano solo Miss Qray
8 Son Prof. II. J. W.Henmnrk
0 Address Rev. John Hewitt
Bupwr, high live and danciug furnished
amusement for the rest of the evening,
una. fawkll'h man rivx.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Fawell entertained an
other company of friends in a vory charm
ing manner Friday evening. The pleasure
of high five were thoroughly enjoyed. Mis.
W. B. Hargreaves carried off tho honors for
the ladies, while Mr. A. E. Hargreaves
achieved like distinction among the gentle
men. The guests were Messrs. and Mesdames
W. B. Hargreaves, A. E. Hurgreaves, W .
E. Btewart, Cal. Thompson, U. K. Yates,
Knight, Abbott. H. H. Wilson, and Messrs.
Wilson and Van Duyn.
The Tuesday evening club met this week
at the home of Mr. Oscar Funke, 1031 D
street. As there bad been no literary pro
gram arranged the evening, up to half past
ten, was spent in playing progressive games,
after whl eh quotations from various authors
were passed, each guest being allowed three
quotations and three guesses to each ono.
Miss Dena Loomls proved herself the bright
est of tho company In guessing quotations.
Hotallng, the O Street' grocer not oaly
makssaspsellityot Batavla canned goods,
bntevsrytUag usually kept la a first class
family grocery.
Uportemsn can now buy all kinds of rub
bar aad. canvas goods at and below cost at
be stasia out tele of .the Lincoln Rubber
Cft.imO street
If has you want something nice in im
nertea eaadiss the oaly place you will find it
wiM toil the Bonton, Poshler's old stand,
TwsMkhastdP streets.
The 'tapestry palate for tinting chamois!
Mw, moleskin velvet, bnkmg ' doth and
other labrlee for sale at the Lincoln Frame
mt Art Oe. 888 sou Bieventh street.
Coal of every etas from the best mines
in OWe, Ksntanky, Illinois, Missouri, Colore-
aw aaa wyommg for saw
Talamhfiw SJW
by Geo. A.Ray-
Omos 1184 O street.
Br. Varahaan Cares
Consultation free Medi-
liaraiekedatoeaee. OMee hours to 19
a,., Stetp, an., aad 7 to 8p.m. Sundays
The wedding nuptials of Mr.O. E. MaLette
and Miss Nellie Findlon were soUunnlted at
Theresa's pro-cathedral at 0 o'clock Tuesday
evening, Ilev. Father Nugent officiating.
Mlsa Maude McFarland assisted the bride.
while Mr. John M. Patton acted as best man.
The groom later In the evening gave a fare
well bachelor banquet, at which the follow
ing were present: Messrs. W. B. Mills, J,
M. Patton, R. a McCleltan, W. G. Scrlbner,
J. E. Elllnor, D. E. Consldlne, R. B. Wilson,
J. O. Deering, Will Murray, T. A. Riodan
aad G. F. Potlans. Mr. and Mrs. Ma Lette
are now residing at 434 N. Fourteenth street
Last evening the members of the
Whiat club were entertained at the home
of Mr. aad Mrs. Perry, Eighteenth andM
streets. Mrs. Perry, as demenstrated here
tofore, is a most charming beWas, and the
evening was one of- unusual pleasantness.
Dainty refreshments were served at card
tables. The members present were Messrs.
and Mesdames J. A. BucksUff, N. C. Brock,
Carl Kuake, 8. H. Burnuam, John Doolittle,
E. 8. Hawley, J. R. Wright, J. A. Barley,
Dr. Appelgat, Abbott and I. M. Raymond.
Mrs. J. O. SaUbury was the bappy victim
of a complete surprise perpetrated last even
lag. It bad been cleverly arranged by Mr.
Balsbury that the guests should assemble
during their temporary absence, in tne fore
part ex tae evening, was Mrs. uajsoury
arrived heme she found that others bad takes
entire possession. She at once acknowledged
The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity were roy
ally entertained by the following young la
dles at the home of Miss Winger on J street,
Friday evening: Misses Jo Winger, Maude
Hammond, Lottlo Andrus, Llbbie Bencrest,
Maudo Rlssen, Kalllo Groh, Stella Elliott,
Bess Gahan, F. W. Winger, Minnie DePue.
TheguosU were bidden to a seven oclock
dinner which was enjoyed with all the sest
and mirth that alone could be found In a
party of young people.
Mrs. Loretta Wood left Monday for Tren
ton, N. J.
Miss Jeaunette Wilson left Wednesday for
Mr. and Mrs.O. B. Howell spent Tuesday
in Omaha.
Mrs. Frank Smith of Alliance Is visiting
in the city.
Mr. C. E. Montgomery left Wednesday for
Pueblo, Col.
Mrs. A. E. Wadswortb left Thursday for
Syracuse, N, Y.
Prof. E. W. Hunt and family left Wednes
day for Chicago,
Mlm Flora Craton departed Wednesday
for El Reno, 1. T.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B, McDIll are visiting rel
atlves in St Louis.
Mrs. M. C. Moscow departed for Moscow,
Idaho, Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. S. Stacy left for Eu
reks, 111., Thusday.
Mlsa Lulu Clark has returned from a de
lightful eastern trip.
Mr. H. L. Kairbrother left Thursday on a
business trip to Texas.
Dr. B. F. Bailey has returned from a
week's visit In Chicago.
Mr. Charles Clarke of Omaha waa a Lin
coin visitor over Sunday.
Mrs. S. A. Fisher departed Thursday for a
Visit la Campaign, HI.
Mrs. D. E. Thompson returned Tuesday
after a week's visit In Chicago.
Mesdames A. E. and W. B. Hargreaves
are spending the week in Chicago.
Rev. E. H. Chspln baa been conducting
services at Hubbell, Neb., this week.
Mr. Horace Williams, of Chicago, is the
guest of Mlsa Helen Burr, 1530 L street
Olrs. M. L. Parker, of Hannibal, Mo., Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Sasburry.
The Pleasant Hour club will give iu clos
ing party at Hotel Lincoln Friday evening, g
Mr. R. Murphy spent the first half of the
week In Omaha looking after business tutor-
Miss Bessie Hall ofO maba was in the city
lor a rew uays ibis week, the guest or Mrs.
Mr. A. O. Stevens of Okobodjl, la., is vis
iting in the family of hW brother, Mr. W. H.
Congressman Bryan left- Sunday evening
for Washington, where ho will remain until
congress adjourn.
Rov. II. RroM nnd wife left Thursday for
nil extended trip to Salt Lake and other
points furthor -west.
Miss Josle Klullch nnd Mr. Will Khrlleh
of St. Joaerh nro visiting Mr. and Mrs. L.
Wessel, r., on i street
Miss Graco Yule of Beatrice, who has been
visiting Miss Gertrude Hill for a week or
more, returned homo Tueadny.
Mr. Aaron Buckataff la In the city. Ho
has Just returned from a trip to El Paso,
Tex,, Hot Springe, Ark., and other southern
.4. Treasurer King, the dashing and handsome)
young manipulator cf finance nt tho mime,
leaves Monday for Topeka to visit bis
MUa Lucy Roberts, who has been the guest
of Mr. and Mra. Wcsterman for several
weeks, returned Monday to her home in De
catur, 111.
Mm. Fred A. Miller left Monday for n
.visit with relative In Helena, 111. Before re.
turning she will visit Mr. Millers reintives
in Virginia, III.
Mr. E. J. Mnckay, of Mis Gain's support,
lent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Wester
maun, and Joined tho company in Omaha
Monday morning.
Dr. C. F. Lndd moved his dental ofllco
yesterday to 1315 O street, where ho has, in
connection with Dr. Bpatir, ojicnod tho hand
somest sulto of six rooms In tho city.
Mr. Captain E. S. Dudloy, of Ios Angeles
Cal., remembered her Lincoln lndy friends,
n well as the Episcopal nnd Presbyterian
churches, by soiidlng some beautiful haster
Miss Marian Lord, sister of Dr, Rollln
r.rd. who has iwen visiting her brother for
sovoral months past, left Wednesday
Now York, where she will soon sail for
homo In England,
Mr. DeMotta 8mlth of Omaha, of tho Lin
coln Furniture company, ha doclded to lo
cate In Lincoln, and together with his es
timable lady are now enjoying life In th
capital city, Mr. and Mm. Smith reside at
the Llndell hotel.
Notwithstanding the rain, mud and slush,
many of the ladles braved the weather and
took In-the-great at Winger's last
Monday. The sale will lie opened again for
tonight and Monday but no more after that
at one-fourth off.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Hill, who hnve been
spending a portion of their honeymoon with
tho bride's sister, Mrs. J. E. Howe, nt 311
South Twenty-flrst street, loft Mondny for
Omaha whero they will visit sovoral days bo
fore returning to their future home In Fails
The Ladles Home Magazine, conducted by
Mrs. John A. Logan at Washington, will be
sent free one year to all new subscribers to
the Courier that pay a year (3.00) In ad
vance, oui suoscrioers my u uo mi
vantage of this offer by paying up arrears.
The AdelDhinn nuartetto of Doane college
gave a very onjoynbln musical program and
concert at Ht. raUI'S M. r.. cnurcn mununj
evening. The entertainment waa given un
der the aukplces of the Lincoln W. C. T. U.,
who are in need of funds to continue their
good work.
The Knights of the GoHen Eagle gave a
dance at Templo hall Wednesday night In
whlnh nliout flftv counlea participated. The
Lansing theatre orchestra furnished excel
lent muslo for the merry dancers and it was
a late hour when the company disbanded.
The affair wna a decided success in every
Long Years of Success.
Few merchant In Lincoln today that havo
been here ns long as Eugene Hnllett, can
claim the long and uninterrupted success that
has marked hla business career. In fact,
when Hnllett first opened his doom in Lin
coln there wore few here that are now rest
dents. Through.both hard times ana unsK
seasons Hallett has been one of tho Arm busi
ness enterprises of the city, and his Interests
liavn always been Identical with the jowolry
buying clasfes. People who hnve bought
watches or mm ten aim niieon yeum ngu aim
are still wearing them, find that In nil thoso
yearn no misrepresentation has been made.
These are Hollett'a brut customers today.
They havo learned to know that when he
warrants a piece of goods it means Just every
thing that is claimed this has been also the
cose with sales of diamonds, silverware, and
everything else that he sells. Is sunh a rep
utation, which It takes long years to estab
lish, not good enough for yout Why, then,
not go directly to Hallett's for everything in
his line. His stock is the largest, most artis
tic and finest In the city, and as to prices
he's been here long enough to know that rock
bottom figures, and rock bottom only, is
what catches the masses. Hallett's place is
113 North Eleventh street.
Lace Sale Continued
Owing to bad weather last Saturday and Mon
day, wc have decided to repeat our offer for
and give the ladies another chance to secure
an unprecedented bargain of
During these two days only we will allow
per cent off on' our ENTIRE STOCK
This Includes all Latest Novelties
1 109 O Street.
Dr85 (pods
- - SilKs
For Fine Attire
and Hack Wear
I ; in greatest line of novelties-
We have
of which no two arc alike or at all similar, at prices moderat:.
Exquisite New Dress Trim
mings just opened.
Drawing Great Crowds.
The front of Nlssley & Co.'s store has
been crowded for several days this week
with people anxious to get a chance to seo
Prof. Herrley do lightning painting on can
... Tim work of this artist Is truly won
derful and the crowds find no end of pleas
uro and interest in watching his hasty man
ipulations of the brush. Thebo beautiful
pictures, in two sixes, are givon away with
purchases or aa.ou aim uu, s" " .
worth fully the price paid for the goods. Go
around today or early uext week and see
the professor work.
Oeneral M. K. Conference, Omaha,
The B. & M. will sell tickets from all
points to Omaha an I return at one faro for
the round trip for the benefit of those desir
ing to attend the meeting of the general con
feieuceoftbe MetliodUt Episcopal church.
Tickets on sale April 38th to 30tn, inclusive,
good for return until June 1st For full par
ticulars call at B. Si M. depot or city otllce,
corner Tenth and O streets.
4-0-St A. C. Ziemek, C. P. & T. A.
Dr. ram ham 'Cures
blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung,
nervous, rectal and skin diseases. Rooms
Nos. 14 and 15, Hlcbarus diock.
J & mm ffi
Truly It was nn enchanting scono, ho bright, so beauti
ful nnd 80 novel withal, I hat I walked about with curi
ous delight, forgotmi of nil tho moans which enabled
mo to Intrudo upon tho llshos' domnln, until I whk
brought to my senses by 11 sharp Jerk on tho llfe-lluo.
This being nn Interrogation from Jack a to whether I
was all right. I answered It In n similar way, and, ns I
did so, a familiar object caught inyoyo In tho shape-of
tho dragon trade murk of tho Interior Uecoratlvo Co
It wn exquisitely painted 011 nilttlolodgo of rock and
I could plainly read Its naming announcomont. "Ye
Oodsl" I cried, what enterprise! An advortlsomont
even hero! I there no nlaeo on earth or unJor tho
waters wbore "tholr Paper Hangings aro unknown?"
. C, Klemer,
1338 O STREET.
Earl Edgar,
Money Savers"
-0&9le5 -
Get your flower and garden seeds and
ulbs at Grlsw old's. 140 South Uth St
' All the latest fashion and are journals may
be bad at the Couhieh News Depot, 1134 N
street. Ladies In particular will And It a
very pleasant place to select reading matter
of all kinds.
Leave orders at the Ronton bakery, cor.
Twelfth and P streets, for Ice cream, fancy
cakes, etc., elf er for family orders or par
ties. Superior goods, prompt delivery and
reasonable prices. Telephone 457.
Mrs. Oosper succeed Miss Johnston In the
hair dressing, manliuring and hair aoodi
business, mid, will continue the same us here
tofore at the old stand 1114 O. idreot, twru;
lining first class good and first clas work.
All FUllngi at Lowest Rates,
Dr.'H. K. KBR'MAN,
ip ' i 't
Burgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.