Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, April 02, 1892, Page 4, Image 4

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    SS)rfitMIJN4?4 - vnrV',,',,f
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"Z? '
piN F00t ForM
We carry all the Finest Grade oi shoes
n all d i i i and width from a a to e c.
Quality First-Clatt.
era' Aimuu. ilia Mukwuiiim that Gen
oral Harrison la a romnrknule man. Ho
has tho most Route powers of mental
analysis aeon in tho Whlto Houso since
Lincoln. Ho reads men as well na
things, ilia lawyer's habit of taking up
aay clven case, studying it in principle
Mai detail, uncovering the secrets and
ayMatries in which it is enveloped,
staads him in good stead now. Witness
hat messages to congress, his diplomatic
MSfeca la the Chilian and Bearing tea
Batters There are some things about
Harrison which even his friends don't
Hka, aad he lias qualities which even
Ms political enemies greatly admire.
Probably the candidate moat talked
last now is Senator Hill. We are
iaat tuurinnlnir tn know htm In Wiuh.
hag to. The governor rather startled us
. : .. ...
na. Tha anvnrnor rather ataitlMl na
H rame down here. Hia frank
N r.W fti
:t-r i
In Draperies
wt ahew all the newett thing in house
eVaasa, and have an attractive line oi
Lace Curtains
Always see the Exposition Carpet tore
Cheyenne County
For $3.00 per acre.
320 Acrtt in Perkins Co.
For $4.00 per acre,
and several other big bargains in various
M T Street. Audras
lierictn i Excbange
' Monti iBank.
. M. starahaat.
Lewis Gregory,
Vloa President
D. O. Wins,
f TH9
Rirt Rational
fa) JJM.Mf Urplut, 55,000
Offers the best faciltlcs for trantactlng
Legitimate Banking.
a.a. MAOrARLiND. President
O. B, LIPPKNCOTT, As.'U Cashier
JehM rrtlsflsraM. William M. Clark. J. D.
aawriaaa, r. at. ssaraaeiie, vin
A. Manna. A. m. Raymond,
M. Marquette, Charles.
John L. Caraoa.
Lincoln, : Nebraska.
Coital, -, ,$250,000
Ofktri mad Dirtttors,'
9 sttisT'T msbjsiSE. j
U aaaatAasHasT aVaMMssasVsl LTaaavsasasBSSBsVsasI
Cpllssstsac a fassiaity,
Published Saturday.
Address all communications d I root to the offloa
WaaaBt, Printino Co,
Courier Hulldlng, MM N.Mreet.
L. WiHtMBL, Jr., Kdltor and Hole Proprietor.
KnteredntthoPostornce of Lincoln, Nob.,
a second olass matter.
One of tho chief objections to the proposl
tlon to Issue bonds In tho sum of $150,000
"for tho purpose of stralghtenlhir, widening
and tleeonliig of tho ehannol of Bait crook
whore It passes through said district (uni
tary district No. 1), n as to carry off and
dispose of the drainage and sewerage of the
district satisfactorily; and acquiring right
of way for such now channel of said Bait
creek a may lie necessary, ami removing
obstructions from such art of the old chan
nel as may be used," seems to be the fact
that It tho bonds are voted, a few property
owners will receive substantial benefit in
the w iJnonased values. It Is doubtless
f lihtfrn wliioio cases property will be en-
hia stnto. Will tfiiTatt-W 'nowtmitpy
intorviowiuu; ovor bo so iwrfcctod as to
satisfy both tho limn who is intorvlowod
and tho man who dooa tho listening and
writing? I four not.
Gorman is so much addicted (to si
lence, and does so much without mak
ing any moro expression about it thnu
ia contained in a ainilo, that jwoplo drop
into the habit of attributing to him the
methods of a Machiavelli.
His reputation for skill and tact in
politics and legislation is as wide as the
land, and by many he ia looked upon aa
a master of finesse i yet those who know
him well know that a largo share of his
adroitness and hia so called adaptability
to intrigno ia, af tor all, nothing but sin-
Wmv JHM JKUmMlOM. 1 no iruui IS 3011
ornrau la a natural leader or men,
a k a
and to be that he must bo honest, ho
MM '-- - ' 4itW Ua ta, " . " "
tj-wysuiuiwpuiurrninu-me-uowns," but
If they did It would ho fjund tliat in this
city the spirit ot democracy has repud lated
the merchant tailor to an extent almost un
precedented in a plsce of this slse. The
greater portion of welt-to do business men
look with disdain on the tailor's frills, and
those who do have their clothes made to
order are In many instances those least able
to bear the extra expense. Nearly every
body buys ready made clothing. If you
don't believe it, count theclothlng stores and
then the tailoring establishments.
A long time ago, as long as six months in
sows Instances, the preparations for the
coming battle of the ballots in this city
were commenced. Some of the men whose
names are now enrolled on one of the two
tickets have labored with more or less dill
genee and persistency for a half year to at
taia their ambition, and a number of those
whose political aspirations were put to sleep
ia the conventions, devoted an equal amount
of time to saving the country in general and
nursing their own boomlsts In particular.
For weeks and months candidates have neg
lected their business, and their religion, in
the frantic chase after that delusive and
elusive thing, politics, and they have thrown
away time, bad cigars, aud, mayhaps, con
siderable money with reckleai indifference,
They have cultivated a real, live campaign
smirk and kept constantly on tap a sickly
sort of stuff which they have sought to palm
off aa the milk of human kindness.
And now the nominations are all made
and the ones who are fortunate (or unfor
tunate) euough to have secured places on the
tickets are waiting for the result of Tues
day's election. None or the candidates for
the more Important offices has, at this writ
ing, aa absolute walkover. Fear and hope
have been doled out with impartiality.
What are the prises sought for I Hut paltry
trliea,to be sure; not wcrth the striving
for. " But they'are 'offices, and men are so
constituted tat they will actually throw
away valuable time and spend several times
as much mosey aa they can expect to re
ceive, simply for tha aake ot holding office.
Of course nearly every man who is elected
next week will aay to himself, "This is but a
beginning next time I'll try for something
better, and I'll be in a position to get it."
And most of them will delude themselves
with a vain hope. For in politics in this
city and county, and the state too, for that
matter, there U 110 line of promotion, aud
the fact that you hold office or have held
office, is quite likely to be made tbe excuse
for putting you on the shslt to make room for
some one who baa not yet had a chance at
the "public crib." It is generally supposed
that municipal officers have unlimited op
portunities for enriching themselves that
the salary ia but a small part of the income
to be derived. But this, like a great many
other popular beliefs, baa only little founda
tion in fact. Unless they are glaringly dis
honest, the salaries named below will be,
with possibly one exception, all the re numer
ation candidates will receive, and after the
campaign expenses have been paid, tbe
larger portion of the first year's salary will
have goitegUmsJMrtag.,Tbost, who will re
ceive the smallest income are ia most cases
tbe ones who have made tbe greatest out
lay, A candidate for the city council can
drop a00 ia ante-convention and aate-elec-Hon
contests before be knows it. But here
are tbe main prises for Tuesday's grand
PoWoe Judge, 1,000.
City attorney, 11,500.
City engineer, 11,800.
Water commissioner, (1,000.
Coaaeilmea, 900 each.
Not very Juloy plums, are thsyf
Notwltastaudlaz all that has been written
on the subject, the importance of the Black
Hills ia not half appreciated. The wonder
ful resources or that region must some day
be developed, and when that time comes
Liaooht and Nebraska will be, or ought to
he, m a eoadUloa to prosit by the richness of
theHIHs. TMaeUy has direct coauectioas
wish aM of she important points la the terri
tory aad there le'every reason why it should
largely control tbe trade of that locality.
Ia the next tweaty-gve years the Black
Hilk wlU be she eeeae of uupsrsieled activ
ity and eaterpri, aad wealth will tow
treat the uortawset ia a golden stream.
UacoJa Is on the line of the stream
should divert a large share of the wealth Into
local chann els. If the excursionists who re
turn I from the Hills Thursday have been
hi vie to undcrstant the present condition
ami future ksIIIIIUm of that country a
good deal hss been Rained,
It mutt Iw gratifying to Mr, Ilryan's
friends, and thsy aro many, to note the fair
ness with which Lincoln's, already famous
congressman, Is being treated on all sides.
With, perhaiif, one or two exceptions, his
political adversaries have boon unanimous lis
praise of his brilliant achievements. K epub
Means whllo questioning tho wisdom of his
doctrines have admired the tnanunr in which
they have leoii prownted, and they have not
hesltntal to say so It In a fact that tho
iwges of history may bo searched In vain to
Hud anothor Instance since tho early days of
the govenmont, where udngrMtmin on
serving his llrst term has mails such n decided
Impression 011 the country at large. A fow
people wero wont tossy, "Mr. ilrynn shin us
all right at home, but his light will bo
put out very quickly when ho takui hi pi tee
In congress." Tho young democratic states
man from Nebraska has demonstrated his
ability to cope with tho ablest talent, and his
light Is still burning. Even the stralghtest
republicans must feel n certain amount of
pride In the success of tho "boy con gross
man." He reflects credit ukm the city, the
district and the state.
There died In this city this week a man
who, actuated by solflsli motives It Is true,
has done a great deal to advertlss Lincoln.
Recently ho did not operate quite so exten
sively, but a fewyears ago one might have
thought from the advertisements that were
scattered over the country that the chief In-
j;'-v ot this city was thaiaauuUewre and
.or -Pratt Treatment for the Scalp."
,ie grand formal opening of the "Famous"
far has been a pronounced success. All
newest effects are being shown and as
Opening closes today, ladloi will miss a
treat Is thsy f sll to attend.
W. Morton Smith.
ast Sunday, after a short illness, Paul,
(Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
prer, breathed its last, and at the age of
fi months and eleven days leaves heart
en parents and a circle of many friends
relatives to mourn its untimely end.
,0 little one was the first bora Into a house
uld where it was fairly idolized by all.
kd the sad affliction comes to the family as
,huiisrbolt from a clear skv. Provlouslv
little Paul has enjoyed the best ot health,
every attention poasble was given him and
every care ot most devout and loving
parents were lavishly bestowed. The fu
neral took place from the family residence
031 south Eleventh street, Monday after
noon at 3 o'clock, and the remains were de
posited in a vault at Wyuka pending future
Interment. The following lines are respect
fully dedicated to the memory of deceased:
'The Lortlgtveth and the Lord laktth away
llUuta be the name of the Loi-d."
How precious the home that Is blessed
With llttlo ones, many or few,
For they are tho angels that guide us
And hold us to ways that are true.
Bueh nhome Is a paradlso, truly,
A portion of heaven on earth;
And fortunate they who possess them,
Forgold cannot measure their worthy
But oft are the little ones taken,
And wo are loft s idly to mourn '
For the deal onus who left us so early,
In the first flush of beautiful morn.
Just three months ago our darling
Came to gladden our hearts for a time;
Put Uod has seen fit to take him
To dwell in n higher ell mo.
And our home Is sod and lonely,
Forwe miss our dear little Paul;
No moro on earth will he feel our kiss
Or hear us when we call .
The precious life that budded here,
That by "Our Father" was given.
Has been recalled by tho solfsnmo hand
To bloom mid the flowers of heaven.
--J.E. M.
Merit Wins, It Always Wins.
When the Interior Decorative company
announced to the public, about a year ago
that they would open a resort where
the finest goods obtainable in bouse decora
tlons would be kept on hand to supply a
growing demand for these goods, few people
( innunit aieuier crewn 1 or carry;
ingout suoh intentions, The competitor
joined with the croakers in saying: "it won't
pay aint no people here to buy such flue
goods, etc." But the opening of the place
and the class of hangings and other decora
tions shown from time to time since then,
haa been the causs for disappointment to the
aforesaid croakers and genuine delight to
tbe class of people that appreciate high class
goods and superior work. Tbe company's
present location, 1338 O street, presents to
tbe visitor, ow ot the most elaborate and
finest wall paper emporiums to be found any
where. Its tbe class of goods carried in
stock, the manner in which they are shown
and lastly, but by no means least, the way
they are "stuck" 011 the wall. "Merit wins,
it always wins," is an old adage, but its
meaning was nsver more exemplified than iu
the Instance of the Iuterior Decorative Co.
Crancer & Co. for picture cards.
Only Ton 10) Ceutsa Pack.
The celebrated "Burlington Route" apply
ing cards are now sold at ten cents per pack,
(V) cents is tbe usual price for such cards).
Whist, high-five and euchre parties will soon
be in order, and we would suggest .that, you
lay in a stock ot these cards for future re
quirements. A. C. Zikmbh,
City Passenger Agent
Tho General Assembly at Portland,
All who desire to attend the General Pres
byterian Assembly at Portland. Oregon, in
May, should make due arrangements to save
over twenty-rour hours In time by taking
the Original Overland Route, the Union Pa
cific. Fart time, unequaled service, Pullman
Sleepers and Diners, and tbe grandest scen
ery oa this eontlueat.
E. B. Slosson, U. T. A
4-M0t 1041 O street.
Yaathlleae European Fasa FreuartloB,
Ladies, if you want most elegant face prep
aration, try tut one. it is pure as sr-rlug
water; no lead, sediment or other injurious
substances, it makes your akin soft, fresh,
aad clear; removes tan, blotches, discolora
tion, aad imparts a nearly complexion.
.If your face is not what you desire it. try
" YoutasJsae". I guarantee it tvgive perfect
satavacttoa. 1 nave sought for a prepara
tion that will make complexions fresh and
young looking and nowlhave found It, re
tailed at two dollars or three for five. I have
seared the agency for this trusty article.
J. H, Haautr, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Crancer & Co. for art goods.
Canon City Coal at the Wbltebreast
.'oaland Lime Co.
Now centrally located at VS O street
ilrowns popular Cafe.
Archer, ile.itlit. Vine gold and bridge
work a specialty. Brace block.
, Bee tho special cut prices on Baby Car
riages made by Rudgo & Morris Co.
The elite resort for ladles aud gentlemen
la Ilrowns cafe removed to IW) O street.
Nothing like New England graham for
breads or graham gem. Dealers soil It.
"Bhogo" has been nt the head of all west
rn flours for eight ears. It must bo good.
All experienced
fancy patent flour,
of it.
cooks prefer "Shogo
Lincoln grocers sell lots
Wo carry a rompleto line of flower and
garden seedf. Oriswolds Seed store 130 Bo.
Dread Is the staff of life and If you
tho very best you should go to the
York Bakery,
For scavengor work, day and night, drop
J. C. Field a poatal and ho will promptly
call and see what you waut.
Now England Crystal meal, the latest and
finest production for mush or baking pur
purposes. Ask for it at grocers.
The readers of the Couiucii, will And the
finest line of Imked goods In the city at tbe
New York Bakery, 1-1) south Twelfth street.
We will take your subscription for any.
publication at publishers best prices, at the
Couhieh News Depot, 1134 N street.
Miss Anna Dick, Modiste. Corner Elev
onth end P streets over Lincoln Savings
Bank & Safety Deposit Co., entrance on P
The new Lincoln frame aud art company
make a specialty of frames for fine crayon
work, with Elite Btudlo 330 south Eleventh
Latest studies and a full line of artists
materials at popular prices at the new Lin
coln frame and art company, with Elite
studio, 220 south Eleventh street
Coal of every slso from the best mines
In 0hlOKentucky, Illinois, iMissourl, Colora
do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. Ray
mer. Telephone 300. Office 1134 O street.
Mrs. Oospore millinery store Is now lua d
quarters for all the latest In spring head wear
for tbe fair sex. No lady should buy a spring
hat until she has seen Mrs. Oospers attrac
tion line.
Wedding invitations, either printed or en
gtavedln the flnest style ot the art at The
Courikr office. Correct forms and best
quality ot stock guaranteed. Samples cheer
fully shown.
, .Odell is doing a fine business in his new
stand (Masonto Temple corner) near the
location of his former successes. Tbe place
Is as neat as a pin, the service par excellence
and tbe fare identically the same as in past
years, notwithstanding tbe fact that bis
price now is but 90 cents. No tickets, no
trust, and no bust, but a fine meal for cash
and cash only.
Crancer & Co, for pianos.
One hundred finest engraved calling cards
nd plate only 93.50 at Wessel Printing Co.,
1130 N street.
AHecnnd Leadvllle Fourth Place Already
Gained by the Young tilant.
The whlrlltrlir of fortune has ntnnnmt at
Creede, nothing yesterday, it ia a town to
day and will be a city tomorrow. Many a
man will date his rise in this world from the
hour he stepped into Willow Gulch. The
camp ha practically existed only since last
may,, u. ny, aid not get in
until Octnlwr. and rmrtilar niunnoup tnlm
did not run until December, yet no other
mining camp ever produced to much ore
Aurtnq the tame period, of , its early exit
tance, Leadvllle itself fell far behind. Tbe
extraordinary output has come from exactly
five mines, aad one of them baa shipped only
a nominal quantity. Early Investments
promise prompt and quick returns. Pam
phlets containing a full and complete des
cription of this wonderful mining camp, to
gether with other valuable information,
routes, rates ana tickets mav be obtained at
B & M depot or city office cor. loth and O
A. C. Zikher,
City pass, and ticket agt.
Notice Is boreby given, that by virtue of an
execution Issued by the Clerk of the Dlxtrlct
Courtjof the second Judicial District of Neb
raska, within and for Lancaster County, In an
action wherein John P. Dorr and Honeca (J.
Dorr and Z. 8 ,ilranson,are plaintiff, and Hrld
Set Dougherty aud Martin Dougherty defen
ants I will, at 3 o'clock p m, on tho 10th day
or April A. D. 1893. at the east door of tho
Court House In City of Lincoln, Lancaster
County, Nebraska offer for sale at public auo
tlon the following described realeststoto-wlt
The south half of the Bouthwest quarter of
Bectlon sixteen (16 and the Mouth west quarter
of the Southeast nuartei or Hectlon Sixteen (16)
21?, lhl V1' ftane HoveD W eMt' r the
6th, IV M. In Lancaster County, Nebraska.
Given under myv hand this 17th day of
March, A. D.189&
. . .. 8A McOlay,
-l-5t Sheriff.
In the district court of Lancaster county.
Nebraska. ' '
In the matter or estat or Olive Wilson, an
Insane person.
Notice is hereby given that on the 2Mb or
March. 1883. Hon. O L. Hall, one of the
Judges of tho district oourt In and tor Lan
caster county, made an order In the above
matter, that all persons Interested therein,
Khould be and appear before him at the court
2S8 n said county on tbe 18th day or April,
lnOiatOa, m. to show eause why authority
should not N ernnted to William Wilson,
Kuardlsn or sold Olive Wilson, an lnane per
son.toexecute, to John H. MoClay and Kdward
H.HIser.a deed to the following- described pre in
Ises situate In the County or Unoaster, Htato
or Nebraska, to-wlt 1 The north hair or tho
northwest quarter or the southeast quarter or
tho notthwest quarter or section 83, town 10,
north, range 7, east 6 P. M. Also the nonh
west quarter or tho northeast quarter or the
MHitheastqiiarterorthe northwest quarter or
uld section U, township and range aforesaid,
containing in all seven. a d one-half acres'
more or less. All persons Interested In said
-matter are hereby notified to appear before
said Judge on said date to show cause why
such authority should not bo granted accord
Ing to the prayer or the petition tiled In said
111a tsron l he 3ad day of February, 1893.
Dated March 2Mb, INS.
William Wimkim,
Guardian or Olive Wilson, an Inssne person.
a-a-St ATKIMSOK oYUoTY, Attorneys.
wear a
have no
Street. Q6
Our aim is to meet
Superior Goods
run set or teeth $6.
All Fillings at Lowest Rates.
Dr. H. K. KBRMAN,'
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Bik.
asaaBBBBSS" ( (
bxsvvX I VvfsTfcTWr V 1 ly
Hardware and Eurnlture
1118 to 1124 1 Street.
We keep In sight or all the people, swinging high o'er hill and steeple,
Telllug to each world and star, what our splendid bargains are.
8. B. Nlsbet tits the feet from a stock that Is complete,
Telling other worlds the news, where to purchase ladies' shoes.
For tbe opera the ball room or street wear, we show attractive til 1 : tit 1
10x5 O St
S. B.
Artists Materials k? Novels
Give us a Trial Order.
If you Deposit your Savings
Lincoln Savings Bank
6 Safe Deposit Co.
. H.E.cor. llth and PBts,
At the lUte of
5-Five per Ct. per Annum-5
Have 15 00 week and It amounts wltb
uterest In Ave years to 11,600.00.
Bank opsns at 9:30 a. m. to 8:80 p. in. and
Uaturday evenings, S to 8 p. m.
Safes to renl In Burglar and Fire
Proof Vaults.
young lady attending school to
pair of our school shoes. They
Mliiifrf .5
T3E? tost-
Oil CCl.
the popular demand.
at Low Prices
We will make special
prices' on Baby Car
riages for next 10 days
to make room for other
goods. Call early. We
have 50 to select from.
Z015 OSt
AT -
Hair Dressing
Facial Treatment
and a complete lino of the finest and most
wholesome goods In
Toilet Articles.
I Mrs. J. C. Doll Hi North 14th street is
now fully established and caters to the
the best class or trade. It Is tho favorite
resort for tbe elite or Lincoln .
- f
,16. .iiU x
' 1 t
I '.' t '
v . jw irvHWr-tt