CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATUHDAV, irfARCH 26, 1892. MTDaiiiiM!glizlSlHl ,! r 1 ' HA I ;? ,;, r Pf' if "IV . 3 I f ir Vj GOODS. ma 1 BBBBBBe si H ft flfti1 jv HH ', a'1 We curry nil the Finest Gnuteiof shoes nallslmnl widths from a n to c c. Quality First-Class. Prices Reasonable. Inspection Solicited. Exposition Shoe Go. J. H.MITCHELL, Mgr. Hvsr guy a arpt UNTIL YOU HAVESEEN THE MAGNIFICENT STOCK -AT THE Exposition Garpet House ALL THE NEWEST EFFECTS IN COLORINGS AND DESIGNS. In Draperies How all the newest thing In houie Vases, and have an attractive line of Lace Curtains AND- P0RTIERRE Always tee the Exposition Carpet Store ordering. 1TJC. : Nebraska. Lincoln, Capital, $250,000 OJteert tmd Directors," Mil, WmkLPiM. T. R. Sanders, V.-P-' JTHl-eOlay, Cashier. 9 IMaMa. HP Lau. Thos Cochran,' K HSmt, TWLewsry, W I.Day to. Pasters! Banking Business Transacted. Collscttoac a Specialty. TH9 firt Rational BRINK WtflW wfw. S,w (Nters Mm Beet Facilities for traasactlag LagtthMte Baa-lag. J, . M AOPABt ND. President A B. UFPBNCOTT, at. Cashier DIRBOTORSt J rritaasraM. William M aefcriSsTT. M. Marquet A. lanaa, A. M. Ray M. Clark. J.D. aueite, uuaries mond, John L. Carson, Manicuring Hair Dressing Cosmetics ' Facial .Treatment -' ana a complete Haw of the anest sad most wkotesom goal la Toilet Articles. A (Mas, JT. 0. Boll l Berth Itth street U i a .new jaswj iiumwwwm whwhw OMSSstslsssaftrad. It Is Ike favorite tor Ike elite t Llaaoln . CALL X T'BA ik - Published Saturday. Atldre! H communications direct to tits office WtcaeiRL Printing Co., PUnUHHBHS. Courier Building, ll. N.Htrcet. TRI.RPHONR2M L. WltaaEL, Jr., Editor and Sola 1'roprlotor. KtitoredntthoPostonlco of Lincoln, Nub., a second olsss innttor. POPULA ION OP LINCOLN, 69,000. THE APWLMAGAZINKS. Thetfnrfn Amtrtcnn llerttw for April brings forward many subject of public con. cent, handled exhaustively by the formost men of the time. In the opening article, "Patriotism and Politics," Cardinal Ulbbom spoake with wisdom and warm fooling of the duties of tlio citizen In rotation to Ids country. It Is an article well designed to exalt lovo of country and to chaston party strife. Thomas Nelson Page, in "A South erner on tho Negro Question," discloses with every mark of absolute accuracy and sincer ity, the present statute of tho neuro In the south. The Hon. Hilary Herbert, who lias given much attention in congress to our trade relations with other countries, In his aitlole on "Reciprocity and the Farmor," makes a very clear expoiltlon of what ho charges the fallacies of reciprocity as forma latcd by Mr. lilalno. Madamo Adam, who may be described as the most conspicuous and brilliant woman in France, write pleas antly of "Frenoh Girls," affording us a new glimpse of their life and training. "The Modern Cart of Thespls" is a spirited account by W. H, Crane, the distinguished actor, of the conditions leading up to the neoesdty of the traveling-star system, and throws light on th evolution of dramatic affairs. With the April number, the UoimopoUtan completes its twelfth volume in a manner worthy the wide and growing popularity of this magaxlne, The leading article U on "Genoa the horns of Columbus" written by Murat Halstead who recently visited the city, and Illustrated from photographs of all the principle relic of the great navigator which remain in Genoa. "The Marriage of American Women to German Noblemen" Is discussed by Elisabeth Von Wedel, an Amer ican who is now the wife ot a titled subject of the Kaiser. Other paper are "The Thea tre of to day" by Cora Maynard; "Two Eng lish Men of Lotters" by Orandor Matthews; "All Borts and Conditions of Men" by Ed ward Everett Hale; "A Living Opal" by Ernest Ingsrsoll, and "Oount Leon Tolstoi," a description of tho family life of the great Russian novelist and reformer by a friend of his family. Beside all these attractions, the April Cot mojwMnu is rich with fiction aud poetry. 9 A notable literary article will appear In the April Forum by Mr. Phillip G. Burner ton, who discusses the important subject of the Learning of Languages, Mr. Hamtrton Is obs of the fsw men who are absolutely as much at home In French as In English, and his experience and observation make his article full of suggestiveness. The historian, Prof. Edward A. Freeman, writes an auto biographical essay showing the growth of his opinions and meteods of work. Mr. R. L. Garner, the student of the speech of monkeys contributes the most Interesting paper that he has yet published on the results of his In vestigation. Other article in this number will be on the German Emperor's policy of removing restrictions upon trade, by Mr. Poultnsy Blgelow, his personal friend; on German Colonisation and Emigration by Dr. GeScken; an explanation of the method of burial by the great funeral monopoly in Paris by Mr. Edmund R. 8poarman, who has made a special study of it for the forum. The complete novel In LippincotVa Maga' sow for April, " But Men Must Work," is by the well-known and popular author, Rosa Nonchstte Carey. In it the narrator, as vis iting governess and presiding genlu, digs her way Into the family secret, and at last banUlw the family skeleton. Iu the 1( IrticSerits, Julian Hawthorne sounds the praises oj walking, which he considers the OBly proper mod ot locomotion, and C. Davis English expound the mysteries of Fonr-ln-Haad Driving, In the JouroaHs tfo Serin, Melville Philips tells that the literary editor Is much las frequent than we com monly suppose, and gives ome old samples ot his experiences. Then an short stories by Julien Gordon and George Edgar Mont fosasry. Tbs poetry of the number is by Robert Loveraan, Hibylla Vernbu, Florence Barle Coats, Isabel Gordon, and Charles Washington Coleman, The April number ot the North American Rtvitw will contain article on Patriotism and Politics by Cardinal Gibbous; on the Olympian Rsllgtou by Mr. Gladstone; on ths Negro Question by Thomas Nelsou Page; on Mich Igan's Presidential Electors by tbe gov ernor ot Michigan; or The Free Zone in Mex ico by the Mexican minister; on th Modern Cart ot Tbsspls by the comedian, W. H. Crane; oa Money and Usury by Henry Clews; on Typhus Fever by Dr. Cyrus Ed son; on Reciprocity and th Farmer by Hon. Hilary Herbert, cLatrman ot th Committee on Naval Affairs; on French Girls by Mine. Adam ; and oa Immigration by the Hon. John B. Weber, United Bute Inspector ot Immigration, and Charles Stewart Bmitb, president of the New York Chamber of Com merce. Mrs. Gladstone, the wife of th famous Brit Ishstetesman, lit the first ot her articles, "Hints From a Mother's Life," give much valuable advtoe in the April Lad(ty Home Journal, which comes promptly to its hun dreds of thousands ot reader In a dainty Easier cover ot pink. The magaxlne opens with a full page illustration by W. Hamilton Gibson ot an xquMt poem hr Eugene Field, entitled "The Singing in God's-Acre." Th Journal's sixteen editors fill their de partawnt with all that is Instructive and entertaining, and the entire msgaslne Is a thing of beauty and excellence. T hie Easter number, with new features, admirable illus trations, and attractive supplement, is worth many tints it moderate price of tea cent. UTKBAKT MOTM. Mousy aad Usury are to be discussed in the April number of the North American Review by th well-known banker, Henry Clews. Governor J. N.Irwin has writtea for th April Forum, a rsvlsw ot th cause of th political change froos Republican to Demo crat to aeoeaoancy in lowa. Mrs. Oaspsrs millinery store 1 1 now hd quarters for all ta latest la spring a4war far the fair ess. No lady should buy a spring aatuatUsaeaas atea Mrs, Oespsrs attrac- CREEDE MINING CAMP. ASirnnrt I.edllU Fourth Plan Already (Ulnnt by the Young Cllant. Tho whirligig of fortune has stopped at Croodo, nothing yesterday, It I a town to day and will be a city tomorrow. Many a man will date his rise in this world from tho hour ho stepped Into Willow Gulch, Tho camp has practically existed only since last May. Tho I). & H. G. Ily, did not get In until Octolwr, and regular passenger trains did not run until December. yrt no other Dtnhii cttmp rver proitured to much ore ilurlnvtha mime itrrtoil of tt early t'xU Uiwee. LeAdvlllo Itself foil far behind. The extraordinary output lias come from exactly llvo mliios, nnd one of them has shipped only n nominal quantity. Early Investments proinlsn prompt and quick returns. Pam phlet containing n full aud complete des cription ot this wonderful mining camp, to gether with other valuable Information, loutes, rates nnd tickets nmv bo obuluod at II & M depot or city olllcu cor. lHh nnd O streets, A. C. ZtKMEtt, City pass, and ticket ngt. For Tablo Llnons chenier than ever before see the lino of Hcrpolsheimer tc Co. Hcotho s)ccial cut pi Ices on Uaby Car i lagos inado by Hudgo & Morris Co. merit Wins, It Always Wins. When tho Interior Decoratlvo company announced to tho public, about a year ago that they would open a resort where tho finest goods obtainable in house docora tjons would bo kept on hand to supply a growing demand for those goods, tew people gave President Zlomer credit for carry lug out such Intentions, The competitors joined with the croakers in saying) "it won't pay alnt no people hero to buy such fine goods, eto." But the opening of the place nnd the class of hanging and other decora tions shown from time to time since then, has been the causs for disappointment to the aforesaid croakers and genuine delight to the class of people that appreciate high class goods Mid superior work. Tho company' present location, 1338 O street, presents to the visitor, one of the most elaborate aud finest wall paper emporiums to be found any where. Its the class ot goods carried in stock, the manner in which they are shown and lastly, but by no means least, the way they are "stuck" on the wall. "Merit wins, It always wins," la an old adage, but Its meaning was never more exemplified than iu the tnstanco of the Interior Decorative Co. Mrs. J. M. Buford is visiting with her unt, Mrs. Upton, after an absence of two j ears, Crancer & Co. for picture cards. Only Ten 10) Cents a Pack. The celebrated "Burlington Route" apply ing cards are now sold at ten cents per pack, (V) cents is tbe usual price for such cards). Whist, high-five and euchre parties will aeon lie in order, and wj would suggest that you Iny in a stock ot these cards for future re quirements. A. C. Ziemer, City Passenger Agent. Martha A. Rice, tho venerable mother of Major Charles E. and E. E. Rice, died last week and was burled from the old Church in Biigbton, near Boston, where the Rice's have lived for one hundred and fifty years. Iu tbe same old Church she was herselr mar ried and saw both Charles and Edward mar ried and her grandchildren christened. Mrs. Rice was known far and wide as an ex ceedingly brilliant old lady and was loved by all who knew her. Bhe was 77 years old. Odell Is doing a fine business in his new stand (Masonic Temple corner) near tbe location of his former successes. The place is as neat as a pin, the service par excellence and the fare identically tho same as in past years, notwithstanding the fact that his price now is but 30 cents. No tickets, no trust, and no but, but a fine meal for cash and cash only. Crancer & Co. tor art goods. Canon City oUand Lime Coal Co. at the Whltebreasti Now centrally located at Browns popular Cafe. 1333 O street- Front pieces aud bolts in jet and jewel in large variety at tbe Baxar. Archer, dejtbt. Fine gold aud bridge work a specialty. Braoe block. Bee our fine silk chiffon handkerchiefs at 3So and 45o at Herpolshelmer & Co. New Millinery and bonnette exquisite line of novelties at Herpolshelmer & Co. The elite resort for ladle and gentlemen is Browns cafe removed to 1833 O street. Nothlug Ilk New England graham for bread or graham gems. Dealers sell it. "Bbcgo" has been at the head of all west 1 a flour for eight years. It must be good. AB experienced; fancy patent flour, of it. cooks prefer "Sbogo Lincoln grocers sell lots We carry a complete line ot flower aud garden seeds, Oriawolds Seed store ISO 80. 11th. Bread I the staff of life and It you the very best you should go to the York Bakery. t want New For scavengor work, day and night, drop j. v. neia a postal ana ne win promptly call and see what you want. Big lot of dress ginghams o 1-3 cent a yard. New print at 3 cent a pard and up ward at HerpoUhelmer & Co. , New cloaks, Wraps, elegant line of dress trimmings In everything new and iu all colors at Herpolshelmer & Co. New England Crystal meal, the latest and fluMt production for mush or baking pur- purposes. As (or It at grocers. We will take your subscription for any pubUoatiou at publishers beat prices, at tbe Courier New Depot, 1134 N street v The reader of the Courier, will find the finest line ot baked good in th city at th New York Bakery, 130 south Twelfth street. Miss Anna Dick, Modiste. Corner Elev onth aadP street over Lincoln Saving Bank Je Safety Deposit Co.,' entrance on F street. The uw Lincoln frame aud art company auk a specialty ot frame for fla crayoa work, with Elite Studio south BWveuth street WE ARE In We are in a Position to do it. We have Purchased the Scmmons Stock at 50CENTS0NTHEDOLLAR And are giving the public of a lifetime to buy good ALMOST HALF ITS VALUE. REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. Buyers will do well to call early while the assortment is unbroken. BETTMAN & CO. SUCCESSORS TO SEMMONS CLOTHING CO. Latest studies and a full line of artists materials at popular prices at the new Lin coln frame and art company, with Elite studio, 330 south Eleventh street. Coal of every site from the best mines in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A.Ray mer. Telephone 300. Office 1134 O street. Wedding invitations, either printed or en graved in the finest style ot tbe art at The Courier office. Correct forms and best quality ot stock guaranteed. Samples cheer fully shown. Mrs. Gosper succeeds Miss Johnston in the hair dressing, manicuring and hair goods business, and will continue tbe samejis here tofore at the old stand 1114 O. street, turn ishing first clas goods and first das work. NOTICE. In tbe district court of Lancaster countr. Nebraska. In the matter of estate of OUvo Wilson, an Insane person. Notice Is hereby given that on tho 25th of March, ISO. Hon. O. L. Halt, one of the Judges of tbe district court in and for Lan caster county, made an order in the nbovo matter, that all persons Interested therein, should be and appear before him at the court house in said county on the 18th day of April, 1802, at Va. in. to show cause why authority should not be granted to William Wilson, guardian of said Olive Wilson, an Insane per soo.toexeeute to John H. MoClay and Edward 4.Slxer,adeed to the following described prem Ises situate In the County of iJincaster, Htate of Nebraska, to-wit: The north half or tbe northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 82. town 10, north, range 7, east 6 P.M. Also the norih west quarter of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter of said section 83, township and range aforesaid, containing In all seven and one-half aores more or less. All persons Interested in said matter are hereby notified to appear before said Judge on said dale to show cause why such authority should not be granted accord- horlty should not be granted acror Ing to the prayer of the petition (lied In said mat ter on 1 he 2Bd day of February, 18W. Dated March aatti, im. William Wilson. Guardian of Olive Wilson, an Inssne person 8-a-8t ATKtitaow A Doty, Attorneys. If job Deposit jour Savings IK THE Lincoln Savings Bank 8 Safe Deposit Co. B.K. cor. llth and rets. TlBT WILL EARH INTEREST FOR TOD At the Rate of S-Five per Ct. per Annum-5 Save 1500 a week and It amounts with ntsrest in Ave years to il.MO.OO. Bank opens at 9iS0 a. m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday evenings, 5 to 8 p. m. at ta to Rest ia Burglar and Proof Vaults. Fire C1P1TU $100,000.00. American i Exchange National i Bank. MM. Raymond, .. President. ). H, Sumbsm, Cashier. Lewis Gregory, Vice President D. G. Wins, AssuOaahl GIVING AWAY comparison to what others ask the benefit of our great bargain. Here is the chance and seasonable clothing at WANTED Every wear a have no 1225 O ML r0FoRrfT Street. Q$ j,,.. Our meet Superior Goods ULL SET OF TEETH $5. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. NO HL0R0F0RM! All Fillings at Dr. H. K. KBRMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk. 3isEE: We keep In sight of all the people, Telllnii to each world and 1 inn to euen worm aim sutr. wnui 8. n. Nlsbet nta the feet fro , Nlsbet fits the feet from a stock that Is complete, Telling otber worlds the news, whore to purohaso ladles' shoes. For the opera the ball room or street 1015 O St 3. S. WEIYS Artists THE GOTHAM, 1136 O ST. Give us TUBE PAINTS CLOTHING for it. young lady attending school to pair of our school shoes. The y equal. 1225 O Street. , the popular.demand.. at Low Prices NO ETHER! NO GAS! Lowest Ratei. swinging high o'er hill and stsepie, our snienaia oamains are. wear, we show attractive 1 I ml nl v NISBET. 1015 OS t STATIONERY SUBSCRIPTIONS, MATBRIAL8 tP NOYBL8 -AT- a Trial Order. CANVAS STRETCHESR T tr : i i ?,- r& jj ', I.V, Ufc- . .vn- fvt"S. pf a . t U ' fe