Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 26, 1892, Page 2, Image 3

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Wonlawoi th nimlc a love nintcli and waa
lever through life.
Shelley's find, nmrrliiiio tvna imfortit
MM4S Imt hla second xviii a model of hap
Moore's wife waa one cf the nohlpnt
emitntv. nml lie never tired of singing
saw prnUos,
MontulKiie, when it widower. said ho
would not mnrry again, "though It were
wisdom Itself."
It Is told of lnnl Ilncon thnt hgcnjnyed
but little domcMlo IiIIm ntul "loved not to
be with IiIm partner."
Iamartliir, the great French poet, wns
hftpplly murrled nml received great nlil
front lil wife In nil IiIh umlertnklugn.
Buff on told hit friend thnt IiIh wife hml
great Influence over liin composition. "I
am nlwaya refreshed nml aided by her ad
Sir Wnlter Itnleluh married n beautiful
girl elghteci yenra hla junior, nml hIid
adored him with lucrcnalng hnlor to tho
retry Irtat,
BenconAllelil tnnrrled n lively young
widow, who lunde hltu ierfectly hnppy,
and he never lout tin occasion of singing
her (inline.
Molleru wni ninrrlcd to n wife who mnde
Mm mlaemble, nml Hoineieiiu lived it moat
wretched life with hla wife, who was low
ml lllltcmtc.
Tho wife of Christopher North Imd more
Influence over hint tliiiu nny other person
la the world, nml her death was hla great
Mt misfortune.
8hakccurc lout tho sympathies of tho
world by iitnrrylug Anno llnthnwny, a
woman eight years hla senior, who was
oerm) nml iKnorunt.
The Krent Dnuto wn ninrrlcd ton ttotori
oua scold, nml when he wns In exllo ho Imd
HO desire to Nee her, nlthotiKh hIio wiu tho
nether of hi nix children.
Drydon "nmrrled discord In n noble
wife," and Addison sold himself to u croas
nlued old counteaa, who made him pity
early for nil she gave htm.
Of the great artist, Domctilchlno, It la
aid thnt he nmrrliil n lady of high birth
aad great beauty, who wan audi a virago
tljat It In believed aim poisoned hltu,
Steele, Sterne, Churchill, Coleridge, By
M and Bholley were all tnarrleil unhnp
Uy, ami llulwerand Dickens have beeu
mmwh by all the world na Indifferent huu
Or. Johtuou's wife waa old enough to be
Ma mother, but "lie continued to bo under
the Illusion of the wedding day until alio
tied at the age of sixty-four." he being
suy forty-three.
Mr Wnlter Scott waa a genius of tho
first order. Ho aucceeiled In every
srtment of letter, but hlagreuteat hap
wit in nia wire, lie married her
after a abort ncfualntnncc, and It wita a
gtiulne love match, lasting until the day
if her death.
The younger Pliny thus apeaka of hla
wife. Calphurnln: "Her affection for mo
kiw given her a turn for hooka, HorpitN
ten will Increnac with our days, for It la
set my youth nor my neraoit thnt she loves,
Mil my reputation and my glory of which
aba la enamored,"
Milton waa uot great In tho character of
asalMtnd and father. We read of hint thnt
Ma flrat wife waa disgusted with hla
gloomy house aud soon ran away front
(iIm, and hla daughter were left to grow
MB utterly neglected.
Oh till aide of the ocean we are proud of
th dome-ale purity and happiness of moat
af our noted men. Ixtngfellow, Knieraon,
Ataott, Holmes, liwell, Hawthorne all
down the long and glorious list we mu
proudly point to genius annctllleil by do
maatlo love, and none the leaa happy ho
tkey were literary people. Writer.
Ib Colorado the Southern Pacific, rail
read la iwtl lasted for aome dlstituce with
rack nalt.
It la rumored that the St. Ixmla South
western will build a bridge over the Red
river nt Shreveport, La., the coat of which
The Pullman company, It la given out
the authority of George M. Pullman,
aa-pkatlcally dlacountenancea the tlppu3
f Barter on Ita car.
It U not generally known, but the super
tattcadeut of telegraph on all railway ay
tataa la employed jointly by the railroad
amaaay an't the Weatera Union Tele
gMBh company.
The Chicago, Burlingtoa and Qulncy la
MBtMt a new device of an air brake.
Mlf palace atock care have been fitted
wtth k, aad It is to be gives a fair teat ua
tIMea with the Wastlnghouse aya-
JaTtlftag frost the number of charter
Mfcea out Ib dlffereat atatea f or the cob
UlaBof railroad, It la estimated that
ward of 7,M mllea of taew track will be
Mt&aitothetoUl mileage of the country
1Mb -fear.
Tha Loutavllle and Nashville railroad
M Brcttaed a valuable tract of laud lu
liBBtgoBinry, Ala., and will erect a very
bbbjIitttbii -Lr-T The road paid 100,000 for
baaUa,aod the depot building la to coat
A laaometlve of today doea three times
a Maa work aa tea yean ago, a paaaea
ajar aar oarriea four time as many paaaen
M, a freight car twice as much freight,
aatt each employee does twice as much
wark as formerly.
Teanyaon Is a novel reading fiend.
Vtetorlcn 8ardou la credited with being
aha ugliest looking man lu Paris when he
la laughing.
George du Maurier, the society artist of
taek, says that a planter cast of the Venus
da Mil ha been hla silent companion for
thirty year, as au Ideal of the woman he
Iswaa to create,
Mtaa Rebecca 8, Clarke, better known as
aWahle May, the writer for children, re
atdaa at Norrhlgewock, Me. This Is the
HHaaje described by her as Qulnnebaaaet
1st aha atary entitled "Qulnnebasset Girls."
Tho Nast, the great cartoontet,
ajrawa younger as the years pile up their
BeirdeB oa his shoulders. In his New Jor
liafBomeat Morristown he Is sometime
I aaatenag nooui on uoraeuaca iiko a
Ml. JukU A. Carney, of Oalesburg, Ills.,
Is Mt widely known in tke world of let
lam, aa yet ake la the author of that In
asa4ag littls postleal norceau beginning
ftiaiW drops of water, little grains of
i' .
A .Wrmtk woman, Mbm. LacroU, has
sMsMftaMtbsr at tke Academy of
Afa-tsM. m sMWHtsT.atvar, Mare axteaded fr
awmsaa.; TkehaaorU stae to tke adaiir-
geB i a-naaawal - - - "-- k& gkaU IftP
Hura) I'lrn-uirea,
Mr. Chntterton I've divided to go Into
buHlueaa, Miss Weathcrhee,
Mlaa WeatherlK-e I'm vory glad to hear
K, Mr. Ultaltcrton.
Mr. ChatU'rton Vnaa, I'vo made up my
mind to devouto a farmer. Think how jolly
It must be to go out of n mnwulng and aea
the butterflies making butter, nml the
grasshopper making grass, and and 1I
that utrt of thing, you know, Grip.
Hatlier Hard.
Disgusted Artist (whose thirteenth cnmlo
drawing has Just been rejected) Well, If
you e.iii't list this, what kind of Jokea do
you want?
Kdltor (calmly) Funny onea. Harpcr'a
Too Mnrli fur Mini.
A neatly dressed young man with it pink,
fresh complexion entered a popular down
town rtwtnuraul late the other evening
and ordered half a doxen raw oysters. The
restaurant l one of the places when' the
lolMierM nml auellllsli are dressed nt a
counter lu full view of the patrons. At
the time the pink youug man gave hla or
der two men were standing at the counter
talking with the mail who cracks oyateia
open and bisect lobsters. Before tho
young man hml fairly swallowed the first
of hla half doxen the two men had raised
their voices, conversing In tones which he
could uot help but hear.
"Say." Hiiltl one of them to the man lx
hlud the counter, "are oysters dead when
they reach heror"
The young man looked up sharply anil
then pretended not to hear.
"Oh, uo," said the attendant. "Shell
oysternnrenllve till they're broken. Them
Ib that nail with their shells open Isn't
dead.'' Ilert he picked up a specimen.
"You see, when I louche It It shuts up,"
and he tried the experiment on a gaping
mollitsk, which Immediately closed.
"Then," said the limn who had lint
spoken "they're nil alive till you bunt
them open, iud they can't die nil nt oncer"
"No. I don't suppose so."
"Then n man who Is eating raw oyutcii
la eating 'em alive, Isn't her"
"Yea, I glle.HM so."
"And they're alive even when he sticks a
fork Into them and they go Insider Living,
Btehla, In hla stomach, ehr"
"Kind of funny they don't squirm more
going down, Isn't It?" .
Hlght here the young man, who had been
munching the crackers In his bowl anj
dismally watching the lilvalves on hla
plate, laid down the fork on which he had
Iiolsed the third of his oysters, picked up
lis cheek ami hastily departed.
"Then- are four nice raw oyster on that
plate us good as untouched If either of you
fellows wiuit 'em," Hitld the attendant,
with a grlu. Chicago News.
VII I'larvd t'oiilliloiico.
"llerr Sanltntsrath (medical Inspector of
the Itoard of health), would you please step
over to my house? My wife died this
morning, nml we shall want the certificate
of death made out."
"Where la the corpse?"
"Oil the Humlherg. ntxntt three miles
from here."
"That's a long way to go In this weather.
Who attended her?"
"r. KIllemolT."
"Soht I tell you what, I'll make out the
certificate here at once. If Dr. Kllleutotf
ha attended her there' no need for fur
ther Inquiry he'a a man I can de'icnd
upon." Illnkender Dote.
The Light That Failed.
"There goes Sir Kdwln Arnold," observed
the hostess toher Chicago visitor.
"Who's her" Inquired the visitor with
Innoceut curiosity.
"Why, dou't you know hluif He's a
fanioua liudon editor and be wrote 'Tho
Light of Asia."'
"Wrote up the light of Aala.dld her" re
marked the vlattor with Interest, "I didn't
know they had bad gas there too. but I'm
glad to And out that these newapaper men
are some good after all." Detroit Free
The Force uf llttblk
A recently elected mayor In tho south of
Prance, who had formerly been a police
magistrate, was the other day uniting a
youug couple lu the bonds of civil mar
rlage. After putting the decisive question
to the bride. "Mademoiselle Rosette, do
you agree to take M. iCaponnet to be your
wedded hiiabaudf" he turned to the young
man aud very gravely said, "Prisoner,
what have you to aay in your defensef"
Too Obliging by Half.
Country Magistrate (to hla clerk on his
flrat appearance lu the office after a long
Illness)-Ah! delighted to aee you at your
post again, my good friend, I firmly In
tended paying you a visit uext Sunday.
Clerk I am extremely obliged to your
worship. If I had kuown of your Intention
to do me that honor I would have remained
111 a little longer. Krhelterung
lie Kxpeiited It.
"Your proposal la so unexpected, Mr.
Spoonninore,' said the young woman blush
ingly, "that I hardly know what to aay.
You niuat give me time to think It over."
"Certainly. Mlaa .laggers," said the
young man accommodatingly. "That's the
way I've er always been In the habit of
doing In cases like ths."-Chlcgo Tribune.
Woman' Logic.
Husband I may tell you, dear girl, tkas
skis particular dish tnsten abominable.
I Wife Hut, darling dear, the cookery
book says distinctly that It utxtes delicious!
One Waa K-taugk.
Suitor-1 come to ask for your daugh
ter's baud.
Her Kather-Hhe Is my only daughter.
Sailor-Well. air. m la all I waaa
yaakat Hla.
It Is reported that Allerton will In hla
rnca next season pull it thirty-nine pound
Successful trainers of horse, professional
baseball, players nml United Ktntea scun
tors now get nboiit the snmu salary.
H, K. Willis says, "I would not have
Mystic park chaugiMl Into it kite ahnped
track If It could bo done for nothing."
It la stated thnt an offer hna Ik-cii made
of17.000 for Orme, by Ormonde, tho fa
vorite for the Kugllsh Derby, ami refused,
John Crooks, one of the oldest trotting
horse drivers of note In America, died In
Situ Francisco recent ly. He drove Gcorgo
Wilkes lu scleral races.
W. II, Keller, aeeretarynf tho Trlstatc
Fair association, Kviiusvllle, Intl., states
that Hoy Wilkes lias made it third quarter
In 'M seconds, tho full mile being paced
lu UllO.
Lady Suffolk, the first maro to trot a
mile under -:!). wi on the turf sixteen
Jems. She trotted lu over UK) races nml
won iiImiih KS of them, her money wliinliiifs
amountliiK to 11.000, i
Aeconllng to an Australian exuhaugi1, '
at the close of the year INK), Australia I mil
only 1(18 horses; now there are l,r00,()00on
tho continent, and they nru Increasing nt
tho rate of H) (XX) a year.
The reason why J. II. Huggln secured
the great New Zciland nice horse Maxim
for fJl.tXX) was bi-cniise of his late owner's .
disgust at the excessive figure, K0.O00, at I
which a tux commissioner in Now Zealand
had appraised the horse. I
Hlppoplmgyl making constant progrosN
In the capital of Cernmuy. During the
first nlnu months oMSUI ),UIW horses weta
killed lu the private abattoir at Hcrlln.
This 'number la 4'.'1 in excess of that for
the corresponding period of 181)0. I
The treasury department at Washington
has decided that after April 1 uo animal
ahull bo admitted free whose owner cannot
produce n certified copy of register ahow-1
iug'that the nlrc's blood for llvu genera
tions la absolutely pure and tho mnro'a for
four. , I
Jncketa for spring wear nru chiefly In
three-quarter length, although u fow
shorter onea are displayed.
Tho coming spring promises to be a
flower season In millinery, aud feathers
will lie very sparingly used.
Crowns threaten to disappear altogether,
so low lire those seen lu the now spring
shapes. Of course the dellcleucy will be
made good In the trimming.
There la n demand for aoft silk ruche.,
which look like feathers. They nru to bo
had In all shades, and are used to edge
aklrta nml are also worn for frills.
Ijicc promises to lie oven more fashion
able next summer than it was last. In
many cases the entire bodice Is of lace.
This la particularly effective when the
gowu la of the fashionable light shaded
A pretty evening mantle la of heavy blue
velvet, lined with light blue silk, com
posed of a drawii-ln back, with thestralght
fronts Itordercd with Mongolia goat around
the length. The straight sleeves have
deep velvet cuffs.
A gold Hllpier fad Is accounted for from t
the fact that, this peculiar style of foot ,
genr la wild to go well with any nml every
evening gown. Many of the dancing shots
are ao fashioned that only it gleam of gold .
in seen iiinaigu me )wnuniuii iuji. -.uv
York Press.
The eniH'ixr of Austria writes to the
pope every week.
Kx-KIng Milan of Scrvla la tho most fre
quent royal theater goer in Kuropo.
Princess Mary of Tuck la celebrated aa
being one of the best dancers in London.
(jueeii Victoria Is one of those few peo
ple now living who knew Sir Walter Scott
The German Kaiser recently surprised
hla cooks and scullions by invading the Im
perial kitchen without notice. He was es
corted, of course, by the steward of the
Spain's little king takes a dally drive lu
a carriage drawn by four mules, which are
selected instead of horses Ikm-uusc they nr
aafer aud never get Impatient, no mutter
how long the royal lad keeps them waiting
.when he leaven the carriage lu the 1'iulro
to play.
Tho czar baa taken to boxing aa his fa
vorite form of Indoor exercise, but the diffi
culty la to get any one to atand before him
with tho gloves, except his brother-in-law,
young Waldemnr (the sailor prince of Den
mark), whose jaw tho cxar la aaid to have
nearly broken at a recent bout.
Where one lump of sugar was sufficient
to sweeten coffee It now requires three.
Shrimp npeiir to lie out of gastronomic
fashion ao fnr na "society feasting" goes.
Some of this season's wedding cake has
been rich enough to take a trip to Europe,
This is an era of the chafing dish, and
great are the uses to which It is now de
voted. Gladstone Is said to be one of the most
Cronounced believers In the efficacy of stale
A London caterer boasts that pineapple
is the foundation for two doxeu desserts he
You cannot make bricks without straw,
nor good cake without plenty of butter
and sugar.
Rousted rice is something uew and al
leged to bo Chinese, It is "just splendid"
for Indigestion.
To enhance tho "dellclousness" of fried
oysters use olive oil Instead of either lard
or butter. New York Mall and Express.
Medicine stains may be removed from
sliver spoons by rubbing with sifted wood
ashes and soapsuds,
To keep your feet warm place a sheet of
blotting paper in your shoe. It is quite as
efficient as a cork sole and not so bulky.
Chemists say it taken less than half the
amount of sugar to sweeten preserves If
the sugar Is put In after the cooking has
A simple test for the detection of lead in
drinking water la furnished by tincture of
cochineal, a few drops of which will color
the water blue if there Is the remotest
trace of lead present.
Celery Is a sedative and la good for rheu
matism and the so culled neuralgia, which
is only auot her name for it. Cucumbers
eool the system -when fresh cut, of course.
'Lettuce Is not only cooling, but produces
sleep, especially If the stalk Is eaten.
Mr. Kelly's Proposal.
A widow of comely face and buxom
form occupied one corner of the car, am!)
next her ant a middle aged mini whose
.'oiiverantlon denoted that he, too, had
liecu deprived by denth of tho companion
thlp of it spouse.
The twain were acquainted and were
illsciiMlug each other's loss aloud to the
tdlllcntlou of tho rest of tho pawngcrs.
Then the conversation took a tender"
turn and their looks Indicated thnt the
mutual sympathy between thorn had rip
tued Into n warmer sentiment.
Tho passenger a'tw the widower alt a
Weii bit closer to the widow, and heard
hint any lu tunes too loud for a atage wills
"It's too lonely ami hard for me to en
iluro It nny longer. Mrs. Murphy, I'm
thinking of getting married again. "
"Well, I don't blame you one bit, Mr.
Kelly," aaid the widow, with a look which
lu her earlier days used to make the heart
of the late Murphy thump against hla ribs.
Thuaeiicoiiragedthe widower moved still
closer and eyed the blooming Mrs, Murphy
with such favor that alio dropped her gae
to the Moot
"Yes," continued he, "I am beginning
seriously to think about taking the step I
believe us soon 'as I find a good, strong
healthy woman able nml willing to do my
housework. Ill ak her to marry me.'
He said this with it coaxing, Insinuat
ing air nml paused to hear tho willow's an
It came mure quickly than ho expected.
"Well. Mr Kelly." said she tartly "I
wish you luck lu your undertaking, and it
I hear of nny stout, healthy woman out of
employment I'll send her to you." Boston
funny Answer.
Unconscious humor la frequently thti
heat humor The fiiuuleM thing that
wore over ald were not thought to li
funny by the people who uttered them
The answers given In school examination
are very often ludicrous.
In a recent examination some boya were
asked to define certain words nml give a
sentence Illustrating the meaning Here
are a few Frantic means wild: I picked
some frantic Mowers, Aklmlx), with n
crook, I had a do,- with an nklmlio lu hla
tall. Athletic, strong; the vinegar was
loo athletic to use. Tandem, one hehlnd
another; the boys alt tandem at school.
And then some single words are funnily
explained' Dust la mud with the wet
aqueezed out, fins are fishes' wing, mon
key, it small iwy with a tall, stars are the
moon's egg, circumference I illstauco
urouml the mlddloof the outside. Yankee
More TI11111 lie llurKitlned For.
"Well," Hald the merchant to the young
clerk whom he had sent out collecting,
"did you have any luck""
"I siipMseyou got the amount Mr. Fnth
erlngtou owes. You said he was a peruoiinl
friend of yours."
"No, I didn't get the money: the fact Is I
don't exactly know what to make of my
experience there."
"How was It""
"I went lu and said, 'Mr, Fnthcrlngtoii
I called to speak about a mutter' I
didn't get any further when he put lu
with. 'That's all right, my boy. she is
yours, take her and be happy.' "St. IajuIs
liepulilic. ;
l!iiirul Views.
Little Dick The school la closed because
ao many children Is sick.
Mamma They will probably be nil right
again lu a week or so.
Little Diek (hopefully) Perhaps the rest
of ua'U bo sick theu: Good News.
Knew Her DarUiig.
Mr. Jolliboy My gractoual Thla old
fashioned snowstorm makes mo feel young
again. Little Johnny should be over at
the hill coasting, Instead of aitttug lu a
stuffy schoolroom such grand weather aa
this. I'll go up to the school and II ml
Mrs. J. (quietly) Perhapa. tr.y dear, you
would save some steps by looking for bin.
on the hill first. Good News.
Why Uhln't Her
They bad been talking about waltr.lng.
and he, not leliig a dancer, had made a
few remarks about arms being around the
girls andthatsortof thing, when she asked-
"Why don't you waltzf" ,
"Oh," he said, with such meaning slg
nlflcance that the girl actually blushed. "I
don't have to." Detroit Free Press.
The Worst, of It.
Bicycle Dealer This machine will be
better for your !oy than a pony. It doesn't
eat anything.
Frugal Parent (not entirely convinced!
No, it won't eat anything, but I'm afraid
it'll givo the boy a thundering big appe
tite. Chicago Tribune.
Nuturul Enough,
Bagley Poor Dedbrook never gets any
Brace Why doesn't hef
Bagley He never pays. New York Her
ald. He Knew.
Wife-Shall I have my black silk fixed
over, dear, or would you get a new ouef
Husband By all means get it new one.
It's cheaper. Cloak Iteview,
Makes the Fleah Disappear.
"You have been losing flesh lately
haven't you t"
"Yes; I've been shaving myself," New
York Dispatch.
A Sign of Spring.
The trees are bare and cheerless now,
The brviuli of Winter's In the sin
Anon a nandvrlug flskuof auow
Drop allout ou the rusty shnre.
No colors yet from Nature's band
Pioclalia the adveut of the Hpring.
Tls cold aud bleak. We shiver still
Aud tunur Whiter garments cling.
knit Hpring la coming Every man
Who has a Ife and lives lu town
WIU tell you this, because hi wife
Is harping ou that new spring gown.
-Cloak Iteview.
3- vJ&r
Now We Got Profits in Two
Having purchased the interest of Mr. Sanderson in the
late hmi of Parker & Sanderson, which ended with the old
year, I have decided to offer
in all lines of goods for the next Thirty days.
Ladies will do well to look up our bargains
Street Wear and Party Goods. Remember the old
at the old stand.
looo O STREET.
Telephone 390.
THE RAMBLEET mads them all
Wichita. Kan, Feb. 15,
Ined into the construction
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Charles Dickens is eminently the novelist of the people. His works teem with shafts
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Martin Ciiuzzlewit,
TamsopTwo Cities,
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David Coitekfield.
Great Expectations,
This set set of books Is worthy a place in every home. The handsome dressing of
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This set and The Courier i year $5.00
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Phone 353
in Fine
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181U. - Durlnic last fall nml this winter I oxam"
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i am, yours very iruiy, wm. j. ltUTCIIINS
Illustrated Set
domdey & Sort,
Christmas Stories,
Nicholas Nickleby,
Little Dorrit,
Barnahy Rudge,
Uncommercial traveler,
Mystery ok Edwin Drood, Child's History op Enolanh
L. WE88EL, JR., Publisher.
Lincoln, Neb,