CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1892 I ii i if 1 r V' k- 0 ft lV ! 'iFV: UTERAftY MEN AS HUSBANDS. Wonlswm th made it love mntcli and wm a lever through life, Shelley's n-nt innrrlauQ was itnfortu Bate, Imi his second win n model of hap- Moore's wife wan oiio tf tho uoUlrnt cwttimn, nml he never tired of singing her praises, Montaigne, when n widower, said ho would not marry again, "though It wero to wisdom Itself," It It told of lionl llncon thnt he. enjoyed but little douicstla bliss and "loved not to be with hlspuitner." Ijunnrtlnc, the groat French khi, vni happily married nnd received great aid from his wife In nil hU undertakings, UufTon told his friend that his wlfu hnd great Influence over lilt composition, "I mh nlwaya refreshed and aided by hur ad vto." 8lr Walter Itnlclgh nnirrled n licuutlful girl eighteen years his Junior, nnd she adored httn with Increasing nrdor to tho very Inst, Hcnconsftcld married h lively young widow, who made him erfe('tly hnppy, tad he never lout tin occasion of singing her praise. Moll ere was tnnrrled to n wlfu who made hint miserable, nnd Ilonssenu lived u most wretched life with his wife, who was low and Illiterate. Tho wlfu of Christopher North hnd more Influence over lilin than nny oilier person ta the world, nnd herdenth wim IiU great est misfortune, Shakespeare lont tho sympathies of tho world by uinrrylUK Anno Hathaway, n woronu clKht years hi Kcnlor, who wnt coarse nnd Ignorant. Tho great Dante wan married ton notorl oua scold, nnd when he was In uxllo ho hnd BO desire to nee her, although alio was tho Mother of his nix children. Dryden "married discord In n nolilo wife," nnd Addison sold himself to u cross mined old count dm, who made hint pay early for nil she gave hint. Of the ureal artist, Donienlchlno, It U MM thnt he married a Indy of high birth aad grant beauty, who wan audi a virago tkM It ta believed she poisoned him. Steele, 8terne, Churchill, Coleridge, By rea and Hhelley were all married unhap pily, nnd Hulwer and Dickon have been hmwr by all the world aa Indifferent hus band. Or. Johnson's wife wna old enough to bo Ma mother, but "ho continued to bo under tae Illusion of the wedding day until alio eUed at the nge of sixty-four," ho being aaly forty-three. Sir Walter Scott wan a genius of tho Yary lint onler. Ho succeeded In every department of letters, but hU greatest Imp ataeaa wna In his wife. He married her ator a short acquaintance, and It was a geauluc love match, lasting until tho day f her death. The younger Pliny thus speaks of his wife. Calphurnln: "Her affection for mo kaa given her a turn for hooks. Her pas ten will Increase with our days, for It Is aet my youth nor my person thnt she love, but my reputation and my glory of which eae la enamored." Milton waa not great In tho character of hftahand nnd father, We read of him thnt Ma first wife waa disgusted with Ids Cloomy house and soon ran away from lat, and his daughter were left to grow utterly neglected. Oh this side of the ocean we are proud of the domestic purity and happiness of moat of our noted men. Iongfellow, Kmerson, Akott, Holmes, Ixtwell, Hawthorne all 4owu the long and glorious list we cut proudly point to genius sanctified by do le love, anil none tue less lumpy be f they were literary teople. Writer, RAILWAY RUMBLES. la Colorado the Southern Pnclflo rail road Is Iml lasted for some dlstauce with rack salt. It Is rumored thnt the St. louls South western will build a bridge over the Hed river at Shreveport, La., the cost of which wilWX.OO0. The Ptillmnn company, It Is given out i the authority of George M. Pullmau, aaaakatlcally dlscounteuancea the tipping f porters on Ita cars. It ta not generally known, but the super tateedetit of telegraph on all railway ays toata la employed Jointly by the railroad eaataaay nnd the Western Union Telo ganah company, Tho Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy Is a new device of an air brake. palace stock car have been fitted 1 It, and It is to be glvea a fair teat lu tlttou with-the Weetlnghouse ya- Jadckw froai the aumber of charters takaa oat Ib different atatea for the con akrtloaaf railroad, It la estimated that award of T,500 mllea of aew track will be Mad to ta total mileage of the country lata year. TIm Louisville and Nashville railroad fcaa Mtrchaaed a valuable tract of land In Haafgoiery, Ala., and will erect a very kaadasBM depot. The road paid 180,000 for aha aUa, aad the depot building la to coat A IwhWBOttve of today does three time m muek work aa ten yean ago, a pasaen gnr car carries four time aa many paaaea- 1, a iretgui car iwice aa mucu ireigui, each employee doea twice aa much 1 formerly. PEN, PENCIL AND BRUSH. Tennyson la a novel reading (lend. Vktorien Sardou is credited with being tM aglieat looking man In Parla when he la Uuphlng. Ocerge du Maurler, the society artist of Pmk, aaya that a plaster cast of the Venua 4 Mllo baa been hla silent companion for thirty years, aa an ideal of the woman he lawaa to create. HUm Rebecca 8. Clarke, better known ai HMhl May, the writer for children, re tUm at Norrldgewock, Me. This Is the vtHag detcribed by her aa Qulnnebaaaet la Mm atory entitled "Qulnnebaaaet Girla." TbMMW Naat, the great cartoonist, ww younger aa the years pile up their fciwUa or hla shoulders. In hla New Jer af aomeatMorrittown he la sometime smm eaaterliig about on horseback like a SNW. Mrs. JuUa A. Carney, of Galesburg, His-, Is tsai widely known la the world of let fasa, aad yet aae la the author of that la aanatlag little postleal saorceau beginning "little droaa of watar, little grains of IS '' M A ewsjaan woaaa, Mate. LacroU, baa laawmbar ef the Academy of JsWtsM. aa kastw nsrar before extended 0) aw as Thvkaaarla ta tan aaaur - - .luaift asailaailaias si srainii fr awl aV kaW sVkf MWMSrtrM Rural I'lraimre. Mr. Chntterton I'vedecldcil to go Into business, Miss Weathering. Miss Weatherls-e I'm very glad to hear M, Mr. tJhattcrton. Mr. ChnttrtonYniw, I'vo miula up my mind to Ik-ooiiio it farmer. Think how Jolly It must In to go out of a maw ulng and see the butterflies milking butler, nnd the gmjtMinppvr making gross, nnd nnd ail that Mt of thing, you know. Grip. Mather Hani. Disgusted Artist (whose thirteenth comlo drawing has Just been rejected) Well, If you can't use this, what kind of Jokes do you wiiutf Kdltor (calmly) Funny ones. Harper's Uaxar. Tiki Murli fur Mini. A neatly dressed young man with a pink, fresh complexion entered utiopulardown town restaurant late the other evening and ordered half a doxeu raw oysters The restaurant I one of the places where the lobsters and shellllsh are dressed at a counter lu full view of the patrons. At the time the pink yottug man gave his or der two men were standing at tho counter talking with the man who cracks oysteta 0am nnd blsecU lobsters. Before tho young man had fairly swallowed the first of his half doxen the two men had raised their voices, conversing lu tones which he could not help but hear. "Say." said one of them to the man be hind the counter, "areoyntura dead when they reach herur" The young man looked up sharply and then pretended not to hear. "Oh. no," said the attendant. "Shell oysters are alive till they're broken. Them Id that pall with their shells open Ixu't dead." Here he picked up a specimen. "Yon see, when I touches It It shuts up," and he tried the experiment on a gaping mollusk, which Immediately doted. "Then," said the man who had lint spoken "they're all alive till you hunt them open, tud they can't die all at oncer" "No. I don't suppose so." "Then a mail who is eating raw oyntcia la eating Yin alive, Isn't her" "Yes, 1 guess so." "And they'tvullve even when he sticks a fork Into them ami they go Insider Living, mebla, lu his stomach, elir" "Perhaps." "Kind of funny they don't smilrm more going down. Isn't Itr" Hlght here the young man, who had been munching the crackers In his bowl and dismally watching the bivalves on his plate, laid down the fork on which he had noised the third of his oysters, picked up bis check and hastily departed. "There are four nice raw oysters on that plate aa good as untouched If either of you fellows wiuit 'em." said the attendant, with a grlu. Chicago News. Well I'laeatl Ciinllileiiee. "HcrrSanltutsrnth (medical Inspector of the iKMird of health), would you please step over to my houser My wife died this morning, and we shall want the certificate of death made out." "When Is the corpse!1" "On the SiiudlH'rg. nlxmt three mllea from here." "That's a long way to go In this weather. Who attended her?" "Dr. Klllemoir." "Soh! I tell you what, I'll make out the certificate here at once. If Dr. KlllcmotT has attended her there's no need for fur ther Inquiry he's a man I can depend upon." Hlnkeniler Bote, The Light That Failed. "There goosSIr Kdwlu Arnold," observed the hostess to her Chicago visitor. "Who's hef" inquired the visitor with Innocent curiosity. "Why, rtoa't-you kuuw hlinf He's a (anions Ixmdon editor and he wrote 'The Light of Asia."' "Wrote up the light of Asia, did her" re marked the visitor with Interest. "I didn't know they hnd bad gas there too, but I'm glad to And out that these newspaper men are some goal after all." Detroit Free Press The ruree of Habit. A recently elected mayor lu the south of Prance, who had formerly beeu a police magistrate, waa the other day uniting a young couple in the bonds of civil mar riage. After putting the decisive question to the bride, "Mademoiselle Rosette, do you agree to take M. vCaponuet to be your wedded hnshnudr" he turned to the young man and very gravely said, "Prisoner, what have you to say in your defensor" Zadig. Too Obliging by Hair. Country Magistrate (to his clerk on his first appearance lu the olllce after a long llluess) Ah! delighted to see you at your post again, my good friend, 1 (Irmly In tended paying you a visit uext Sunday. Clerk I am extremely obliged to your worship, If I bad known of your Intention to do me that honor I would have remained 111 a little longer. Krhelterung Ha Kspected It. "Your proKsul Is so unexpected, Mr. Bpoonamore," said the young womau blush lugly, "that 1 hardly know what to say. You must give me time to think it over." "Certainly, Miss J aggers," said th young man accommodatingly. "That's the way I've r alwaya been In the habit of doing In caaea like tha."r-Cblcago Tribuna. Woman' Logic. Husband I may tell you, dear girl, that particular dish taste alaimlnnble. I Wife Hut, darling dear, the cookery hook saysdistlnctly'tbat it tastes dellcloual -Hocuwacater. On Waa Knoagfc- Btiltor-1 came to ask for your daugh ter's haml. Her Father-Hue is my only daughter. Suitor-Wall. air. one la all I was Xaakat mask WHIP AUU SPUR. It It reMirti'd that Allurtnn will la hla races next season pull a thirty-nine pound ulky, Successful traluersof horses, professional baseball players and United States semi tors now get about the sumo salary. II. K. Willis says, "I would not have Mystlu park changed Into n kite shaped track If It could be done, for nothing." It Is stated that an offer has Itcen made of fITft.OOO for Orme, by Ormonde, the fa vorite for the Kugllsh Ilerby, nnd refused. John CriMks, one of the oldest trotting horse drivers of note In America, died In Ban Francisco recently. He drove George Wilkes lu M'eriil races. W. II, Keller, secretary of the Tristatc Fair association, Kvansvllle, Ind., stntes that Hoy Wilkes has made a third quarter lu '.1) seconds, the full mile being paced lu 2:10. I .inly Suffolk, the first mnro to trot a mile under -::io, wim on the turf sixteen years. She trotted In over UK) races and won alsiut 8S of them, Iter money winnings amounting to l(m According to an Australian exchange, at the close of the year 1800, Australia hud only HI8 horses', now then- are l,&oo,(XX)on the continent, and they are Increasing at the rate of Nt.OtXIiiycar. The reason why J. 1). Hoggin secured the great New Zealand race horse Maxim fortill.OOO was because of his late owner's, disgust at the excessive figure, tfO.OOO, at I which a tax commissioner in New Zealand had appraised the horse. i lllppoplmgy Is making constant progress in the capital of Germany. During the first, (due months of 1801 0,0!n) horses were killed In the private abattoir at Berlin. This number Is 4'.'l in excess of that for the corresponding period of 1SU0. I The treasury department at Washington has decided that after April 1 noaulmnl ahull las admitted free whose owner cannot i prixlucc a certified copy of register show-1 Ing that the aire's hlcxxl for live genera tions Is absolutely pure and the marc's for four. i FASHION'S FOIBLES. Jackets for spring wear are chiefly In three-quarter length, although a few liorter ones are displayed. Tho coming spring promises to be a flower sciihou lu millinery, and feathers will lie very sparingly used. Crowns threaten todlsappcarnltogethcr, ao low are those seen In the new spring shapes. Of course the deficiency will be made good lu the trimming. There Is a demand for aoft silk ruches, which look like feathers. They are to he had lu all shades, and are used to edge skirts and are also worn for frills. laco promises to be even more fashion able uext summer than It was last, lu many cases the entire bodice Is of lace. This is pattlcularly effective when the gown Is of the fashionable light shaded silk. A pretty evening mantle Is of heavy blue velvet, lined with light blue silk, com posed of a diawn-lu back, with the straight fronts bordered with Mongolia goat around the length, The straight sleeves hae deep velvet cults, A gold sllpiier fad Is accounted for from I the fact that, this peculiar style of foot-, gear is said to go well with any and every evening guv u. Many of the dancing shots are so fashioned that only a gleam of gold , is seen through the perforated top. New York Press. CROWN AND SCEPTER. The emK'ror of Austria writes to the pope every eek. ExKlug .Milan of Servla is the most fre quent royal theater goer In Kuropc. Princess Mary of Teck Is celebrated as being one of the bust dancers In London. Queen Victoria Is one of those few peo ple now living who knew Sir Walter Scott personally. Tim German kaiser recently surprised his cooks mid scullions by Invading the im perial kitchen without notice. He was es corted, of course, by the steward of the household. Simln's little king takes n dally drive In a carriage drawn by four mules, which are selected Instead of horses IsM-misc they are ' safer and never get Impatient, no matter how long the royal lad keeps them waiting j .when be leaves the carriage In the ruiiro to play, Tho cxar has taken to boxing aa his fa vorite form of Indoor exercise, but the diffi culty Is to get any one to stand before him with the gloves, except his brother-in-law, young Walilemnr (the sailor prince of Den mark), whose jaw the czar Is said to have nearly broken at u recent bout. EPICUREAN MORSELS. Where one lump of sugar was sufficient to sweeten coffee It now requires three. Shrimp upcur to lie out of gastronomic fashion so far as "society feasting" goes. Some of this season's wedding enke has been rich enough to take a trip to Europe, This la an era of the chafing dish, and great are the uses to which it is now de voted. Gladstone Is said to be one of the most Itronounced believers In the efficacy of stale iread. A London caterer boosts that pineapple la the foundation for two dozen desserts he makes. You cannot mnko brlcka without straw, nor good cake without plenty of butter and sugar. Roasted rice Is something new and al leged to be Chinese. It Is "Just splendid" for indigestion. To enhance the "dellclousness" of fried oysters use olive oil instead of either lard or butter. Now York Mall and Express. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Medicine stains may be removed from silver spoons by rubbing with sifted wood ashes aud soapsuds. To keep your feet warm place a sheet of blotting paper in your shoe. It Is quite as efficient as a cork sole aud not so bulky. Chemists say It takes less than half the amount of augar to sweeten preserves If the sugar la put In after the cooking has commenced. A simple test for the detection of lead In drinking water Is furnished by tincture of cochineal, a few drops of which will color the water bluo If there Is the remotest trace of lend present. Celery Is a sedative and Is good for rhcu matism and the so called neuralgia, which la only another name for it. Cucumbers cool the system -wheu fresh cut, of course. 'Lettuce Is not only cooling, but produces sleep, especially If the sulk Is eaten. Mr. Kelly's I'ropoMl. A widow of comely face and Imtom form occupied one corner of the cur, nnill uext her sat a middle aged man whoe conversation denoted that he, too, had been deprived by death of the companion ihlpof 11 spouse. The twain wero acquainted nnd were illscusHlng each others low aloud to tho Mllflcntlou of the rest of the pittsengcrs Then the conversation took a tender turn and their looks Indicated that the mutual sympathy between them had rip rued into a warmer sentiment. Tho passengers saw the widower sit a tree bit closer to the widow, and heard hi in say in tones too loud for a stage whls peri "it's too lonely and hard for me to eu dure It any longer, Mrs. Murphy. I'm lhliikln of getting married again." "Well. I don't blame you one bit, Mr. Kelly," said the widow, with a look which lu her earlier days used to make the heart of the late Murphy thump against Ills ribs. Thus encouraged the widower moved still closer and eyed the blooming Mrs. Murphy with such favor that she dropped her gae to the flooi "Yes," continued he, "I am beginning seriously to think about taking the step I believe as soon 'as I Hud a good, strong healthy woman able and willing to do my housework. I'll nk her to marry mn.' He said this with a coaxing, insinuat ing air and paused to bear tho widow's an swer. It came more quickly than he expected. "Well. Mr Kelly." said she tartly. "I wish you luck in your undertaking, and it I hear of any sioul, healthy woman out of employment I'll send her to you. "Boston Herald. Funny Answer. Unconscious humor Is frequently tl.i best humor The fiiuuleM things that were ever said were not thought to lu funny by the people who uttered them The answers given in school examination I are very often ludicrous. I In a recent examination some boys wero asked to dellne certain words and give it sentence illustrating the meaning Hero I are a fewr Frantic means wild; I picked some frantic Mowers. Akimbo, with a , crook. I had a dog with an akimbo lu tilt tall. Athletic, strong: the vinegar was too athletic to use. Tandem, one Milud . another; the boys sit tandem at school. I And then some single words are funnily explained Dust Is mud with the wel squeezed out. fins are fishes' wings, mon key, a small boy with a tall, stars are the moon's eggs, circumference is distance around the mlddluof the outside. Yankee lllikle More Than Ho llitricitlucil Par. "Well," said the merchant to the young clerk whom he had sent out collecting, "did you have any luckf" "Some." "I supiMiseyou got the amount Mr. Fntli erlngton owes. You said he was a pcnioual friend of yours." "No, I didn't get the money; the fact Is I don't exactly know what to make of my oxperlcnce there." "How was Itf" "I went lu and said, 'Mr. Fathcrington I called to speak about a matter' I didn't get any further when he put In with, That's all right, my boy. she is yours, take her and be happy.' "St. I ami Is Hcpumlc. lloirul Views. &f Little Dick The school Is closed because so many children Is sick. Mamma They will probably lie all right again In a week or so. Little Dick (hopefully) IVrliaps the real of us'll be sick then: Good News. Knew Her llarllng. Mr. Jolllboy My graciousl This old fashioned snowstorm makes me feel young again. Little Johnny should be over at the hill coasting, iustead of sitting lu a stuffy schoolroom such grand weather as this. I'll go up to the school aud find him. Mrs. J. (quietly) Perhaps, my clear, you would save some steps by looking for bin. on the hill first. Good News. Why Didn't He? They had been talking about waltzing, and he, not Itelug a dancer, had made n few remarks about arms being around the girls and thnt sort of thing, when she asked "Why don't you wnlur" . "Oh," he said, with such meaning slg nlflcance that the girl actually blushed. "I don't have to." Detroit Free Press. The Worst, or It. Bicycle Dealer This machine will be better for your boy than a ony. It doesn't eat anything. Frugal Parent (not entirely convinced) No, it won't eat anything, but I'm afraid It'll givo the boy a thundering big appe tite. Chicago Tribune. Natural Enough. Dagley Poor Dedbrook never gets any credit. Urace Why doesn't her Hagley He uever pays. New York Her aid. Ha Knew. Wife-Shall I have my black silk fixed over, dear, or would you get a new oner Husband IJy all means get a new one. It's cheaper. Cloak Review. Makes the fleth ttUappear. "You have been losing flesh lately haven't your" "Yes; I've been shaving myself." New York Dispatch. A HIkii r Nprliis. The trees are bnru and cheerless now, The breath of Winter's In the air: Anon a wuuderlnir flake of suow Drop Mllout ou the rusty share. No colors )ut from Nature's hand Pioclaim Ibe advent of the Spring. Tla cold aud bleak. We uler still Aud to our Winter icarmenta cling. Hat Kprlng Is cuinlnu Ewry man Who has a wife and lite lu town Will tell yim I his, becauM bis wife la harping on that new spring goara, -Cloak Ituvlaw. 3. 7Ws ' IN IT ALONE. Now We Cut Profits in Two Having purchased the interest of Mr. Sanderson in the late hrm of Parker & Sanderson, which ended with the old year, I have decided to offer SPECIAL BARGAINS in all lines of goods for the next Thirty days. Ladies will do well to look up our bargains in Fine Street Wear and Party Goods. Remember the old reliable at the old stand. BARI PARKER. iooo O STREET. G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAI CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFECTION, DUQUOIN, JACKSON, HICKORY BLOCK, BEST GRADE Telephone 390. EXPERTS CLAIM THEY ARE THE BEST "THE RAMBLER" haps them all Wichita. Kan , Feb. 15, lPDJ.-Diirln lost fall nnd this winter I exam ined into the construction and principles of the dlflercnt makes or wheels with the Intent Ion of buying one. nnd as I am sonifwhnt laruo, wclghliifr 230 pounds the nuchunlcnl structure, mntcilal nnd strength of a wheel has been a series of rentures which I hsvo regarded carefully. The result of my linestlRatlnn Is slmpl. tlil: I have found ro many superior points In tho mechanical eonicriietlnu of the Humbler (aside from Its superior beauty, arrannement or w heels and tho n miner of making frame) that I am fully coin Inced thnt It In tlm very best wheel on the market, and tho only make I desire to trust under my weight. I bnck misstatement up by placing my order with you for a No. I Intlated 1 Ire Humbler: desiring this tiro In soino respect,, over tho pnuemallc; hut think thepnuematle tho best In the clnss made, I am, yours very truly, Wm, J. Iiutcuinb mw The IIohiI to Health E. I?. GUTHRIE. Sole Agent In Lincoln. 1545 O Street. u COURIER" 3-Three Great CHARLES READ 15 FINE CLOTH VOLUMES, At the Price of Paper Covers 1 1 THIS handsome set of books Is printed on fine paper from clear electrotype plates and finely illustrated. The binding is executed in the most handsome and substantial manner. The best binders' doth Is used and tho embossing is in ink and gold, from original design. Charles Dickens is eminently the novelist of the people. His works teem with shafts of sparkling wit, touches of pathos, thrusts of satire; bis characters are original and real as well as quaint and grotesque I ha unmasks vice in all its forms. Tho lights and shadows of life are delineated in a thrilling and dramatic style. To own a complete set of his Incomparable books is to bo possessed of an inexhaustible mine of InteresUnir Utaroture No person is well read who has not oerused thm VJUVEk 'i WIST, Martin Chuzzlewit, Talk ok Two Cities, kf.i'rinted pieces, 1'ickwick Papers, Old Curiosity Shop, Sketches by Boz, AMERICA', kuiu, Our Mutual Friend, Hard Times, Bleak House, ' David Coppekfield, Great Expectations, This set set of books Is worthy a place In every home. The handsome dressing of this edition will place them in the best libraries in the land while OUR REMARKABLE OFFER Insures a set going to those of the most limited means. This set and The Courier i year $5.00 We also offer the following In exactly the same bindings: Iliad etay's Complete Works In ten Eliot's " o Address all orders to L. W ESS Phone 353 irvur a COLO&V Vftk NEWCA OF HARD COAL. Office x 134 O StrMt, PREMIUMS' Premiams-3 A NEW Illustrated Set OF DICKENS' WORKS IN domdey & Son, Christmas Stories, Nicholas Nicklkuy, Little Dorrit, Darnahy Rudce, Uncommercial Traveler, Mystery ov Edwin Drood, Child's History op Enqland volumee and Courier one year $4.25. " " " " $3-35- EL, JR., Publisher. Lincoln, Neb, V.. a