Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 26, 1892, Image 10

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J -
F" l,
Omimt tfth antf P ttiw.
Special Sale every day next week on our
new stock o! WASH GOODS.
Finn Ginghams nnd Ilrandonburg Suit
ing a specialty.
The Coukikii will not be responsible fur
My debt made by any one in Itsnnmo, tin
Ma a written order aivomiNUiica the Mine,
Direct from the innuufiiolurer nnd Im
porter now being illsplnycd nt the
Cor. O nnil tath St. Opera House Corner
Tfce Courier Can be round At
Motet Lincoln New Bland.
Windsor Hotel NewaHtaml,
Capital Hotel NewaBtaml.
Otfrtl'a Dining Hell, Masonlo Temple lltli
nWf Durte &r Wore, 10 O Htrcot
1 fM&tu.Hi-.NeweHUnd.lllMpHU
The Apes, 111 North Hth Htreet.
Kd. Youni , imn O Htreet. . ,
cueon. rielaher Co., 1120 q Htree t.
WMterneld' .Uartor llhop, Burr tttai.
International New. Kinmwlum, 1S 0 1U
Hon Ton CUnr Htoro, IS North Uth Htreet.
SorVeNowiBtwiul.'ll Mouth Hth Street.
Mr Ah extra supply of pappr 1 always left
alThe Ootham, In cao oilier Newsdealer
applle run short.
O Street
flknrek Advertisement,
Commencing April tyrat, Tub Couhikh
wiUlMert boUom pertaining to moiablee,
faatlvakleeturee, meeting and aermonefor
all eaurefcea free of charge. Advcrtleraent
far aatertabimeBta where an admission I
charged will be ianerted at one-half ttio reg
larrate lacal and rersonal.
Craaoer ft Co, (or pictures.
Lincoln Ice Co., lulu O Bt. Telephone 5585
Archer, dtntlst, Brace block, over Morch
ant Dank,
Cyclone In, written by M. W. Folsom
HotaUag the grocer has Euetlro Wheat
d New England graham.
Ilia C. J. Qullmette, modiste, Latta Block
orer Miller ft False. Take elevator.
Call at Orlewoulda aeed ttore for your
era end bulb. 140 south llth street.
Cabinet bath for ladle given by Mr. B.
D. Catlln profeealoual tnataeur, 1390 P street.
Brown's Restaurant it now located at 1333
O atreet and ready to carve all with excellent
Mai aad lunchea.
Walt for our grand Millinery Opening.
TheehoieeetBovelUe we have ever had.
The Whltebreast Coal and Lime company
la alwaya at the frost aupplylng the finest
radeaotallktada of coal
Ladles oaa have their party dreeeta cleaned
by the French dry prooeaa at the Lincoln
team dye work 1105 O atreet
AppUoattoB for rental of Turner ball for
aeelak aad dancing received at P. J. Woulen
fcerge cigar ttore, 198 a Uth street.
Flannel ahirta cleaned without thrlnking by
the French dry cleaning prooeat, only 15 eta,
at Lincoln Steam Dye work, 1105 O atreet.
Craaoer ft Co. for picture frames.
Order for piano tuning left with Young
asdKkJer, 308 south Eleventh street, will
receive prompt atteutlou by a C. Quick.
Hotallng, the O Street grocer not only
Kkakea a speclllty of Batavla canned goods,
but every thing usually kept In a first class
famllv arootrv.
OuntltBitn should now get out their lait
summer's suit, take It to the Lincoln Bteam
dye works 1106 O street and have it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out.
The tapestry paints for tinting chamois
8kla, moleskin velvet, bolting cloth and
other fabricator sale at the Lincoln Frame
aad Art Co. iMB south Eleventh street.
AH the latest fashion and art Journals may
he had at the Courier News Depot, 1134 N
atreet Ladle In particular will gad It 'a
very ptoaaaat place to select reading matter
Xy aad Bar Burgeon.
'Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist aad auntt, 1303
O street, telephone 875, Lteeoto, Nebr.
The B. ft M. wiU sell tkketa to various
pouts la Oklahoma Territory at oae fare for
tat rouad trip oh March 3iad only, good for
return until April 3lt. Btop overs will be
graatsd-la Oklahoma Territory regardiess of
This 1 a rare opportunity to visit a re
markaHs' eoaatry at aa exceedingly low
rata. Tiebete at H ft M det or, city ticket
i, ear. ma, aad O streets. A. u. Kiemer,
The Coo a I mi Invite It render to con
tribute to thl deportment, lending u either
hy mall, inenonKot or telephone, (No, m)
leronnl Iteini, report of pnrtlei, kocIiiIk,
ten, wedding, church entertainment, muni
cnlci, etc, which Imvo or aro uhout to occur.
Never mind tho languago) give in the
point and we will do I ho reit. It I essential
though, that wo have thl Inrormatliin ntjtho
earliest praotleahlo moment. Whenever nn
Invitation to those event l extended, n Cou
mikh representative will l delegated to nt
tend personally, Kl.)
Mr. and Mr. 11. M. Turner gave nn ex
ceedingly pleaiwut cant party at their beau
tiful little home on J street Wednesday
evening. High live was tho predominating
feature for which first and second price
were given to both Indie and gentlemen.
Mr. Camhrldgo took tho flnt honor In
form of a cut rIom cheese plate, and Mr.
(loo. Brown win reward od with a silver
loon. Among tho gentlemen Mr. John
Wright won renown by howlng best record,
and Mr. (leo. Brown nnd Mr. I'nlno tied for
Mcond beat Mr. Brown mndo tho ruccvm-
fill cut and cm rled off the tiioon. Tho llrtt
prlto wiu aluo n ooii. Hefrealiuients were
served and n thoroughly good time enjoyed
by the following! Mers. and Mosdntne II.
II, 1'ntrlck, Chn. Hammond, 1'helps Falne,
I'ompliret, A. 11. Tlbbotta, Louis TlhbntU, T.
1', Kennnnl, Kirker, Cambrldgo, Mnule,
Hlmw, N. J. Turner, A. B. Preston, Dr. and
Mrs. Everett, Wllnon, U. N. Ilumphroy,
Chas. Brown, A. Chopin, Wolcott, T. H.
Benton, Winger, J. A. liucktatr, J no.
Wright, Plank, WniUworth, H. Llnplncott.
U. O. Dnwo, Keith, Dr. and Mr. Trogden,
Dr. C. F. Lndd, It D. Muir, Allsdorf, MIoa
TibbeU, Benlo Turner.
The Kentlemeu IwIoiikIuk to thnt merry
crowd of young people who have been In the
habit of holding monthly dances at Temple
hall, gave a return dance to their ladle who
so kindly remembered them at tho begin
ning of leap year, on Thursday evening.
W hen a program of sixteen dance nau ueeu
half finished the following participants as
sembled nt Button ft Hollowbuth', where a
delicate spread awaited them : Mismw Halo,
Peterson, Ball, West, Prindlo, William,
Urimth. Hyde, Blake, Btyro, Graham, Btev
enson, Fear, Peter, LuvJ, Bmtth, Hoyt,
Fotwui, Fowler, Harlan, Iong, Watson,
Fox. Mesdame Kcker, Compton, and
Townscml. Meiwr. West, Halo, llallot, Ed
gar. Urtswolil, iiuounru, ucckvii, r . j,
Ecker, Blinder, Grimtlis, A. Eckor, Ileffley,
Cook, Small, Knight, Will and Chas. Clnrk,
II. Ecker, Koblntou, MuKce Bames, Botn
inerled, Bmlth, Ovorstreot, Kitchen, Wilis
Dr. and Mrs. F. W.' Tucker invited a few
of their friends to meet Miss Cora Tanner
after the theatre Friday night. Mr. Tucker
and Mia Tanner were schoolmates ami it af
fords the former great pleasure to be able to
welcome the brilliant star to her pleasant
homn on her several visits here. Mia Tan
ner's name in private life is Mr. Col. Binn,
wife of the proprietor of the Brooklyn
theatre. During her visit here last year Mrr.
Tucker Kuve a similar affair which was
likewise n most enjoyable cue. The gueata
wore charmingly entertained by Mlu Tanner
who related her many existences before
and behind the footlights, An elegant sup
per was served and a most delightful even
ing spent. Tno guests were: Messrs. and
Mesdamea Cal Thompson, K. K. Haydeu.
Mm. L. M. Wing, Mr. D. E. Thompson and
Kva Thompson, Messrs. Wing nnd Painter.
A pleasant surprise was that given to M1m
Mnud Hammond by her university friends
Saturday evening at her handsome home,
corner Seventeenth and J (treats, it had
been cleverly planned by Mrs. Hammond,
who bad invited tho young people to gather
there after the university exercise. As It
was a complete surprlw to Mis Hammond
the success of the eveulng was a delightful
one to nil. A delicious repast was served
and dancing was indulged in until a late
hour. The following were present i Mlssea
Bertie Clark, Minnie DePue, Qetner, Lewis,
Kirker, Burks, Lottie Clark, Gregory, Tree
man, Pruna. Metwrs. McDonald, Welsh,
Edmhtton, Dixon, Elliot, Wing, Will and
Chas. Claik, Chandler.
Dr. and Mrs. Williams showed their warm
interest in the Baptist young people of the
State university by inviting them to their
comfortable home Wednesday evening.
They responded to the number of thirty-five
and a ere entertained with a hearty supper
which was appreciated aa only a company of
students kuow how, The aftertime was
spent in a delightful manner by responses to
toasts, the last of which was one by Dr. Wil
liams which only accented the thorough,
friendly and loving attitude of the host.
The young people will long have reason to
remember the good cheer and hearty wel
come accorded them.
Mrs. Turner entertained another company,
comprising a number of her lady friends, in
an enjoyable maimer Thursday afternoon.
The guests were: Mrs. W. B. Hargreaves, C.
E. Yates, II. It Nissley, Lou Btull, Gifflti,
Cluu. Lipplncott, W. M. Leonard, Geo.
Cooke, Bcribner, Van Bruut, Mauritius,
Maule, Flnnigan, Neablt, Kirker, Huffman,
Patrick. F. A. Brown, E It Wells, Holm,
Newmark, Preston, Goo. Clarke, Blllmeyer,
A. 11. TibbeU, Myron Wheoler. Misses
Maude Hammond, Clara Carmody, Mae
Lewis, Eoda and Stell Kirker, Mary Chopin,
Effle Bteen, Miss Johnson.
The fourth entertainment of the Y. M. C.
A, course will be given in the new ball, cor
ner of Thirteenth and N streets, next
Wednesday evening. The entertainment
will be a concert by Mrs. J. G. Wad worth,
Mm. L. L. Crosthwalte, Prof. F. M.
Qlbeault, Prof. L. L. Crosthwalte aad the Y.
M. C. A. string quartette of Lincoln, I. M.
Treynor of Council Bluffs and L. B. Cope
land of Omaha. The new ball will be seated
with opera chairs and lighted with over
fifty electric light. It is the neatest concert
ball in the city and with the entertainment
will be a drawing card. Admission 35 and
50 cent. Beat on sale at Clawn ft Fletch
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens entertained the East
Lincoln WhUt club on Wednesday evening
at their home ouQ street, near Twenty .ninth.
This is a ladies rlub, meeting In the after
noon, but the gentlemen were introduced on
this occasion, for a defeat, a the result
bowed. The work of the evening was drive
waist, the ladies pitted against tho gentle
men who were very Inhospitably defeated by
the game. There were a largo number
present, and tho Interest wn unfnlllng. The
refreshment left nothing to Im desired for
the evening' plenture.
Mr nnd Mrs. Nelson Brock entertained
the whlt club very plenoantly Friday even
ing of laat week. In addition to tho mem
ber Mr. and Mr. K, P. Holmes and Mr. and
Mrs, Whitney Mnmhnl! were prevent. Mrs.
Iluckfttaff ndded to her solid silver collation
by doing best work among the ladles, while
Mr. Wright will nave swoet cause to re
number the evening so long as a huge bottle
of violet cologne will serve to remind him.
Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Hlghter entertained a
co-npany of friend very delightfully nt
whist Thursday evening. The company wn
given in honor of Mrs. L M. Wing of Cold
water, Mich. Dainty refreshments were
served which added much to the enjoyment
The guests werei Meatr. and Mesdame
Henry Smith, K. E. Brown, W. II. Har
greaves, 1. B. McEwen. Misses Eva Thomp
son, Alice Highter, Margaret Helwlg,
Louise Smith nnd Mr. Phil Wing. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Brown's elegant home
on J street wa thrown oien to a select
coniMtny Friday ovculng, Tho dinner, a
most tempting affair, win given in honor of
Mrs. L. M. Wing of Coldwater, Mich. Fol
lowing were the guesta: Dr. and Mrs. F. B.
Hlghter, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. B. McEwen, Mrs,
L. M. Wing, Misses Eva Thompson and Alice
Hlghter, Messrs. Wlug nnd Painter.
Tuesday evening a very ploasnnt social
was given by the monibcrs of tho Capital
City Council No. 454 National Union at A.
O. U. W.lmll. High live nnd refreshments
served to inakoan exceedingly pleasant even
ing. Mr. B, K, Halo captured the gentle
man' (Irst prize and Mrs. McCaiulless tho
ladle prize.
Mr. Frank Sheldon leaves today for Chi
cago. Mr. M. E. Watklns left for Pueblo, Col.,
Mr. J. E. Baum of Omaha visited Lincoln
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Rigga left Thursday
for Bait Lake.
Mr. Hard will entertain the F street club
next Friday evening.
Tuesday evening club will meet with Olive
Lntta Tuesday evening of noxt week.
Miss Alice Ikenbcrry of Plattsmouth is In
tho city, the guest of Mis Olive Lntta.
Mrs. W. It DenuU, accompanied by her
mother, depurted Thursday for Chicago.
Prof. Skinner and wifo of Crete are visit
ing Mts. H. A. Poston.
Mrs. Cal Thompson nccoinpanlod by her
mother left Monday for Chicago nnd Cln
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bradford of Concordia,
Kan., are in the city, the guest of Mrs. J. S.
Miss Blanco Koyer of East Lincoln has
been very ill with diphtheria, but is now on
tho mend.
Misses Maggie English, Cora Talbot and
Eille Bteen attended a party at Holdrege
thi week.
Mr. and Mrs.-8. II. Burnhnm ipent Bun
day In Omaha, tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J, E. Baum. ,
Ackermann's grand spring mllllnory open
ing occuft at the Famous, the last three days
of last, Week.
Mrs. Benton of Fremont is in the city via
iting her sons, State Auditor Benton ami
Mr. Will Benton.
An excellent program was given at the
regular weekly recital at tho conservatory
on Tuesday eveulng.
Mrs. C. F. Morritx and daughter, Miss
Mattle, of Wapello, la., mother and sister of
Mrs. A. N. Wycotr, are visiting In tho city,
Mrs. M. Splesberger, nfter a visit of two
weeks to her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
L. M, Cohu, returned to Keokuk lost oven
lug. . J
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark left for nn ex
tended trip east this woek. They intend vis
iting Washington, Philadelphia and New
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. L. Weasel, jr.,
1837 L street, Friday morning, March 35th,
1803, a daughter. Mother and child doing
excellently. ,
Miss Gertrude Clarke of Omaha and Miss
Margaret Wilson of Chicago, who were the
guests of Mis Shears over Sunday, returned
to Omaha Monday.
Thomas S. Allen, with Talbot ft Bryan,
who Is a graduate of the State university has
cast his anohor iu politics and is a popular
candidate for police judge.
St Paul' new chorus choir, under the
leadership of Prof. Raymond is a very at
tractive feature and was instituted last Bun
day, The names of the members will be
given later.
Invitations have been issued for tho wed
ding ceremony of Miss Marie 8. Coffman
and Mr. S. M. Walker, which takes place at
Franklin Heights Wednesday evening, at
eight o'clock.
Ladle will find the new News Depot just
opened at tho Courikh nfllce a most con
venient and handsome place to buy maga
sines, periodicals, novels, eto. We shall be
pleased to have you call at 1134 N street
Mrs. A. D. Raymond gave a very pretty
informal luncheon on Thursday. Covers
were laid for the following: Mosdnme J,
M. Raymond, S. II. Burhuam. It C. Out
cttlt, Garl Funko, D. L. Brace, Henry E.
Mr. Sam Benwanger of St Joseph will
at rive in Lincoln next week. It is reported
that Harry Joseph, the extensive wholesale
liquor dealer, will remove bis interest to
Lincoln and Mr. Benswanger will be one of
the salesmen.
The friend aud patrons of the Conserva
tory of Music were very enjoy ably enter
taluen with the musicale glveu under its
auspice last evening; it was a very enjoy
able affair and the program rennered more
than pleased the most fastidious.
Mrs. 8. H. Burobam entertained tho Ingle
side club Friday afternoon. Mrs. ex-Governor
Dawes of Crete and Mrs, Alexander of
Omaha were present. Mr. Burnham Is a
most charming hostess and the afternoon
was both pleasantly and profitably spent.
The many friends of Mr. C. It Rlcbter will
be sorry to learn that be Intends leaving
Lincoln and establishing his business at St.
Jobepb, Mo. Mr. lUcbter has lived in Lin
coln four years aud has made warm business
and social friends. He ha been a member of
the I'leasant Hour club and wa this year
elected Its president His absence will be
sincerely regretted among them, and no lees
in other circles, where his courtesy aud true
politeness have found him a warm welcome.
The publisher of the Coukirr being anxious to Increase the list of subsctlbcrs, nnd desirous of adding 3,ooo new names,
by July 15, 1892, has dccldrd to mnkc the following offer to the Indies nnd gentlemen of the city. To start with, cncli solicitor will
be allowed
on nil orders sent In accompanied by the cash, so thnt every one will be amply paid for their work, whether they win a prize or
not. The special prizes offered nrc, viz:
For the lnrgcst list of paid subscribers hnnded in by nny one person, c will give free cither one of the fotlowlng'prlzc:
Good for round trip to cither Atlnntlc or Pacific points, or
A Gentleman's or Lady's Solid Gold Watch.
For the second lnrgcst list we will give free '
ExcursiouTicket to the Mountains or Lakes
1 t
Good for round trip to the reports of Colorado or the great Inkcs cast or north or
A Lady's or Gents Fine, Filled Case, Gold Watch
OFFER No. 3.
For the third lnrgcst list we will give
Webster's INTERNATIONAL Index Dictionary.
Not the chenp trnshy editions, but the latest nnd best guaranteed genuine work turned out by the publishers, or
In offering these prizes to the public, we do so feeling thnt there nrc Hundreds of persons in the city, both oung nnd old, who,,
although they inny not be compelled to to ennvns for a living, or to secure prizes In this manner, woulil gladly accept this offer, ns
the work Is pleasant, the paper for which It Is done Is one thnt Is respected hy everyone, nnd they mny ns well put in their'
spare moments in this manner nnd thereby scenic n plcnsurc nnd vacation trip this summer ns to be doing nothing or not being
able to get something else to do. Tiir Couiukk Is too well established and too well known to need further Introduction. As n
family newspaper full of Interest to all the household, It hns no equal in the west. Elegantly printed on flue cream tinted paper,
its colutns always kept pure and free from scandal, its several departments nbly edited, its illustrations bright, and the interests oV
the refined clement always centered In Its welfare; It Is the paper of all papers that should find n weekly welcome in every Lincoln
home, nnd It Is for this purpose thnt these prlts arc offered, to bring the paper to the notice of every resident of the city.
The price of The Courier is $2.00 per year, nnd no coupon will be given for less than $1.00 although two orders for
three months each will entitle the contestant to one ticket for both. One ticket will be given for each six month's subscription,
nnd forench yearly subscriber two tickets will be given. All tickets must be at Tin: Courier office, 1134 N street, not later than
noon on July 15th, 1892, nnd a receipt taken for them. The award will be made according to the nmount of tickets that each one
turns in. Orders taken for the paper must be left nt the office together with the cash every Thursday morning, when coupons
will be issued nnd co-nmlssinns earned to date will be paid. Anyone can enter this contest who Is a paid up subscriber or who
will pny for n three months subscription (co cents) before stnrting. Sample copies of the paper, subscription blanks, etc., for the
use of canvassers will be furnished free of charge on application. Further Information will be cheerfully furnished at the office
of publication. ,
L. WESSEL, Jr., Publisher.
t3f Contest opens April ist, and no subscriptions will be accepted on this arrangement until that date.
Niw Souvenir Spoons.
Always introducing something now nnd
always bound to lend, These seem to bo tho
characteristics of Eugene Hnllett, tho Jew
eler. For mouths past he has shown to the
publlo n line of souvenir spoons that for
variety, beauty and value could not be du
plicated anywhere elso In Nebraska. Not
satisfied with this ho now introduces a new
nnd very pretty idea in this iopular line,
kuown as the Florida orange spoon, and it
lend thetnall. Ho Is nlno showing something
very dainty and nrtlstlo in n now Lincoln
spoon which the ladles say Is the handsomest
they have ever seen. Its design nnd general
finish Is unlike any other, and Hnllott's en
terprise in seeui lug them for his trade is ro
celvlug Its just reward in n big doinuud.
There are some jewelers that wait to get a
novelty until someone elso has sold some.
Hnllett does tho reverse. Ho (rets everything
imw as early as possible aud lets the other
fellows come in afterwards and the people
know it, too.
Artistic Dress Making.
Misses Sampson Si Pyott, after seven yean
of constant devotion to tho art of flue dress
making, feel confident that they cau satisfy
the most critical demands made upon them.
We solicit a call at our apartments over Dor
sey's dry goods store, 1131 N street.
too ltewaril 100.
The reader of this paper wilt be pleased to
learn that tboro U at least one dreaded dis
ease that science has been able to cure in all
Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is the only positive cure kuown
to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken in
ternally, acting directly uiwu the blood and
mucous surface of the system, thereby des
troying tho foundation of the disease, aud
giving the patient strength by building up
the constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors Imvo so much
faith In its curative (towers, that they otrer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that It
fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials.
Address, P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggist, 75c.
Elegant line of Silks, Dress Goods, Drees
Trimmings, Novelties, Wrai, Jackets,
Cai)ca in fact the largest stock of general
and fine Dress Goods, Millinery and Carpets
shown in Lincoln now ezblbltea at Herpol
Youthllene European Fase Prepartlon,
Ladles, If you want most elegant face prep
aration, try tins one. it is pure aa spring
water; no lead, sediment or other injurious
substances, it makes your skin soft, fresh.
and clear; removes tan, blotches, discolora
tion, and imparts a pearly complexion.
If your face is not what you desire it, try
"Youthllene". I guarantee It to give perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara
tion that will make complexions fresh and
young looking and nowl have found it, re
tailed at two dollars or three for five. I have
secured the agency for this trusty article.
J. II. Harley, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Premium Huln nt the llamr,
The Uazar has now a premium sale, giving
away line plated silver ware, besldos a col
lection of oil painting, also copies of Ger
man and French masters.
Offer No.
We are showing a most exquisite
line of Ladies' Waists from
35c to $6.00
EMHmffeMrirfHnP3P'"7r: p j
M m oh 1 U ! YM '1 If il ISft ! c It"
Will m -
BBBBBak III J'l ?aaBBBal P
BBBBBaVVllf 1 UltBEaafl laaaal O -
Laaaaaai HHIaaaaaaaaT aH ')
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbT jHWWV!V9IHIRibbbbbbbbbbbbbI 9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
aaaaaaaaaaaaaf MTllMli 1 MlUVVaaaaaaaaaaf Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl
1109 O
COMMON SENSE Herpolsheimer & Co.
and Children.
w bbbbbbbPI raaaaV
'A 1
HI I ft
aaaaaMavMl tiaVi IftH aHI
Before making your spring pur
chases. We can save you money.
Common Sense Combination Waist
For ladies, misses nnd children
For children it is a waist, panty sup
porter, hose supporter, a skirt sup
porter, and a diaper suppprter. For
ladies and misses it is a waist which
acts as a shoulder brace as well as a
hose supporter, underclothing support
sanitary attachment, etc.
Ask to see ladies' and misses' at the
corset department, and, children's at
the hose department,