.1 :-?(-7-v A-P6FIIIR EPER'oFM9PERN 'TIMES " Vol,. 7 No 16 Lincoln, Nrbhaska, Sa,tuhday, Ma won 20, I8G2. Phiob Pivw Co n mmmmmmmmmm3mMmmmmimMmmMmmM,fmi BMPBgJ Will It ever let up? The controversy n to supremacy between New York and Chicago 11 1 ever a tliemo for nowspapors of the two cities, and hero Is tho latest from the CMetiyo lleruld: "All tho signs of the times ilnt to the gradual decadence of New York and tho approaching suprenmcy of Chicago. The most recent Indication Is tho fato which is about to befall the statue of Diana, which has for somo tlmo been surveying the metro polis from the tower In Madison 8uaro Gar den. Now Yorkers are very proud of that statue. It is the work of Augustus St. Gau dent, and does credit to the distinguished sculptor. It Is eighteen feet tall, and Is m graceful and chaste as tho goddess herself. But St. Gaudent and the architect of tho garden havo concluded that an eighteen-foot Diana Is too big a goddess for Now York. She looks out of proportion In her enviro- Ilient. Silo Will MinrAfnrn tin mmlrt tsi nntun down from her perch, If 0110 may seak so conventionally 01 mo immortals, and n smaller goddess, one moro suited to Now York's size, will tako her placo. It will bo necessary to find a suitable location for tho nrpsntlfc Inrira ninnn find if. la ufu tn unv that shn will never feel entirely at home until sne nncls nerseir settled In Chicago. V An eastern exchange says: "The gosslper in modern society is a brandod member. Gossiping has been placarded as Indisputable evidence of low birth and common-place breeding, and it Is decidedly thiTfnd now not to repeat anything one hears: much less carry tattle from teller to victim. Only tht shod dyites are the gosslpcrs iu the society world." luefadis a good one, but candidly I'm afraid It would not work successtully in Liu coin. But really now, wouldn't it bo u good thing to try? Old Governor Routt, of Colorado, has a way with him that goes right to the heart of the Colorado miner. Just before tho sulo of public lands in Creede the other day he got up and, amid wild applause, made the fol lowing speech: "boys, I'm no tenderfoot I'm one of you. I've been through the mill and know all about your desires. You have come here in good faith to make this your home. You have xmatted on public land and you ought to have it. The statutes require us to sell to the highest and best bidder. You are tho best bidders, nnd by the eternal, tho mule's your'n. Howl down tho speculators, but don't shoot. I left my gun at home, Take yours back to your cabins. Now, go on with your bidding, but don't shoot." "Flaying chess by telegraph" is the title of a rather Interesting paragraph In the tele graph service of a Chicago newspaper which reads thus: "A unique content took place yesterday which, If successful, will mark a new epoc In the history of chess matches. For years the Manhattan Chess club, of this city, and the New Orleans Chess, Checker and N lust club have lieen desirous of testing their strength in a team match, and tonight a match by telegraph was played. A social wire connecting both clubs was put in work ing order and the match got under way. Owing to mistakes In transmitting the dif ferent moves the games wero necessarily very slow. At a lato hour tqe New Yorkers had captured ono game and n second was de clared a draw." V The various jockey clubs iu the south and west propose to hang up unusual largo sums of money this season. Tho Gurlleld Park, of Chicago, oiler 214,000 In stakes and purses. Tho Twin City Club, of St. Paul, offers $00, 000 for seventeen days' racing, and tho Lato nia club offers $130,000 forilfty days' racing. The Wellington Park Club, Chicago, offers 120,000 for twenty days' lacing, and the Hawthorne Club $200,000. Tho St. Louis Jockey Club, for forty days' racing, offers Iu stakes and purses nearly $:J50,000. Ward McAllister's only daughter was visiting not long ago iu Philadelphia, and at a luncheon given in her honor assumed airs of superiority which caused the other women present mingled amusement and rage. Dur ing the luncheon she remarked iu a supersll lous tone to a bright gli I on her right : Ah, have you anyone here who flllstho somewhat impoitant place In society that papa does iu New York!" "O, yes, several," sweetly re plied the girl addressed, "but they'ro all colored men." Town Topka Since Jay Gould gave $10,000 to a New York church, one of the clergy has termed him "ono of the loveliest of men." That clergyman ought to take a few night rides with the boys who twist brakes on the Gould railways at thirty dollars a month. V Walter Scott, a flfteen-yeur-old boy of Dunkirk, N, Y,, is the coming humorist. Ho wrote a letter to tho Loudon Times ques tioning England's right to interfere In our Chilian affairs and in Irish politics generally, and declared that iu case of war tho Ameri can eagle would pull the fur off the British lion In lets than two months, Tho Thunderer commented editorially ou tho letter and It was printed all over the world. Dunkirk should be proud of its promising bon. The following from the Chlcayo Herald of Tuesday, should bo read with much interest by every Llncolnlte, irresectlvo of party or politics. Mr. Bryun is making u line record for hlnuelf, which leiliilnly relit els credit upon Lincoln and her jieople. "Congress man Bryan, of Nebraska, has begun to pny the penalty of fame, Slnco he delivered his famous speech on tho tariff iu tho house lust week his mull has been full ly loaded with letters from all parts of tho United States. Ho receives requests by tho thousand for coplespf the Jlecvrd containing his effort, ",.iiS?i .. M9UBN 7...1 .MJlF'l. ll i'W "Ce-J ua nnd humlrels of rwpieHts for speeches from him have come in from chairmen of demo cratic committees In all parts of tho union. 'If I hail the time uml strength to spare,' said Mr. Bryan today, 'nothing would please mo better than to pass tho next year making seeclies wherever tho people wanted light on tho tariff question. If iu my humble way I could do anything to overturn the mon ster of protection in this country it would glvo mo great pleasure. But there Is n limit to the streugth of any individual, and while I am willing to do tho best I can it will be Impossible for mo to accedo to one-tenth part of tho requests mado to me. Besides, I havo a district of my own Iu which tho republi cans used to have four or live thousand ma jority, and I shall have to pay somo atten tion to that.' Mr. Bryan Is ono of the marked men of the house. Iu four months ho has taken a rank which most men would be willing to spend years in attaining All visitors to the gallery usk to havo tho young orator from Nebraska pointed out to them, and, what is much better, hu has becomo one of the leaders of sentiment and legislation on tho floor." V Are you going cast, west or north next summer on a vacation or pleasure trip? If so why not take ndvautago of tho offer mado by tho 1'iik Couiiikk and get round trip ticket free! See advertisement page 8. A violin statlciau 1ms discovered that there Is a tension of slxty-oight pounds on tho strings of mi ordinary violin, and a ver tical pressure on tho bridge of twenty-six IKHiuds. Tho tension on tho nerves of listen ers to somo ordinary violinists should bq es timated by tons. V Tho gossips seem to bo losing their reputa tion. What has becomo of those promised weddings that wero announced Christmas time to tako place iu March I Must have leen a falling out nil around or dumo rumor Isonco again n vllo gosslper Como now: March Is hero and nearly past, nut as yet no "wedding iu which tho contracting parties are from tho most prominent social circles." A few moro cold snaps and another snow storm and the scribblers of tho press will re hearse the news Items entitled "Winter js laying in tho lap of Spring." Elsewheroln this Issuo will bo found n large displayed advertisement announcing three grent prizes to canvassers for tho Coumcit which it will bo well for everyone to road. The Couihbh Mints 2,000 new subscribers by July loth, lb02, and takes this method to secure them, and It believes that n great many young ladles and gentlemen will com pete for tho prizes which will certainly at tract tho attention of all. It Is not work to get subscribers to Tub Couiiikk nearly everyone will take it if asked to do so and that tho paper is a, fit and Interesting journal for every homo is acknowledged by nil. Why not read tho offer and comiwte for one of the prizes offered? Think of tho lurgo number of subscriptions you could get among your friends and even if you fail to Kocuro a prize, your work would bo fully raid for and you would be dollars ahead for your trouble. Read tho announremo nt, and after so doing why not conclude to glvo It a trial? It costs nothing and there 's much to bo gained. THE WORLD'S FAIR BUILDINGS. Description of tlio Forestry and Horti cultural Ilulliling Illustrated Today. The Forestry building is in nppearauco the most unique of all tho exposition structures. Its dimensions aro .100x500 feet. To a re markable degree its architecture ii of tlio rustio order. On all four sides of tho build ing Is u veranda, supporting tho roof on which Is a colonado consisting of a series of columns composed of three tree-trunks each &5 feet in length, ono of them from 10 to '-.'J inches iu diameter and the others smaller, All of these trunks aro left iu their natural state, with batk undisturbed. They aro con trlbuted by tho different states and terri toiies of tho Union and by foreign countries, each furnishing siiecimons of its moat char acteristic trees. The sides of tho building are constructed of slabs with tlio burk re- is ... . IWIV" - K -. - i-i 'r-? - Vr moved. Tlio window frame are treated In tho same rustio maimer as tho rest of tho building. The, main entrances nroulaliorato ly finished iu different kinds of wood, the material and workmanship being contributed by several prominent lumber associations. Tho roof is thatched with tan and other barks, TIIK 1IOHTICUI.TUHAI, 11UII.DINO. Immediately south of tho entrance to Jackson Park from tho Midway l'luhumce, ami facing east on tho lagoou, is tho Hortl cultural Building. Tho building is 1,000 feet long, with an extremu width of 'J50 feet. The plan is u central pavllllnn with two eu I pn viIIIoih, each connected, foimlng two in terior courts, each 89x!i70 feet. The centre of the puvilllou is roofed by a crystal dome 187 feet In diameter and 1111 feet high, under which are exhibited the tallest palms, bum boos, mid tieu ferns mat can bo procured. There are galleries In each of tho pavilion", Tho galleries of tho end pavilions aro do signed for cafes, the situation and the sur roundings being particularly adapted to recreation nnd refreshment. The cafes are surrounded by uu arcade, ou three sides. In this building aro exhibited ull tho varieties of (lowers, plants, vines, seeds, horticultural implements, etc. The exterior of the building Is In " staff," tinted In a soft, warm buff, color being re served for tho Interior mid tho courts. The cost ot this building was about $1100,000. "A High Old Time." -Life. Went Homi, lo Ille, Tlio sail news telling of tho death of Mr. Abo Ksensky at Trov, N. Y was received by his brother Louis by wire Monday. Mr. Ksensky was a former resident of Lincoln, and alwut a year ago took sick. Kind and loving attendants did ull possible to nurso him back to good health and dually succeed ed sulllclent to enable lilm to return homo somo months ago. His sufferings are over now and Ills remains were laid to rest at Troy Wednesday afternoon. Ho was a bright, Industrious and upright young mun, with best of habits nnd a most kindly heart. But it is such, It seems, go first fiom life, and Thk CouitiEU extends sympathy to tho bereaved relutlves. Tho medical faculty were charmingly en tei tallied tho other evening nt the homo of Dr. and Mis. Iutta. The guests, sixteen Iu number, were Invited to an evening dinner, which proved to bo a most elaliorato and pltasant affair. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Covert, after a brief but pleasant w willing trip south, re turned Monday and will be at homo to friends after April itfth at 'MH K street. Speaking of the happy event, which made Miss Gustiu and Mr, Covert man and wife, In last week's Couhikh, an error crept into tlio type which mado it appear that tho groom's in other Georgo was a party to tho holy contract. Inasmuch us Mr. George Covert is still in tho mitrlmonliil market, it is not tho Couuikh'h wish to Injure his fair prosscts and therefore tlio correction Is cheerfully mado Iu justice to all concerned. All tho latest mairazlnes, periodicals. etc,, uowon suleuttho no w CouitlKit NkWs ;ta.Mi, 111! J. street. I '60$ ill I ' Ml FORESTRY IWILDINO, WW, CUmUm ExpaUtB, &&.- nu - ,; - - s.f.7' vvnr TmiJlrrv ti m . Tn-r-m-wmwStfSBKt- vjycswwK?yfc - K7.c--KL ' "f- .. I .. - '- si-,Vi.yllUklj-Tn- Asca2L--ri. - i HORTICULTURAL HUIDLING. Katln Putnam nnd her conimny gnvo two performances at the Lansing Saturday, pro sentlng "Lovo Kinds a Way" in tho aftor noou nnd "Emit, the Elf" at night. Good houses witnessed both entertainment, which worn of the same t lo ns havo been presented by Miss Putnam for tho Inst docado. At times she does and wiyH somo very clover things, and at ran Intervals, when sho so far losses control of her voice as to allow It to drop Into a natural pltch.then sho Is really enturtalnlng, but an n rule her high pltohed articulations jar uon oiioh moro sensitive nerves. Tho character of Ernm, tho Elf, as enacted by her, Is that of tho conventional child of nature, as only seen upon tho stngo In pUys of this order and Is about as un natural ns can possibly bo linnslnml. Tlio supjwrt generally. Is stiff and nmnturlsh with jierlmps tho exceptions of Mr. Bell, us Slguor Rosftnku and Mr. Col ton, tho siort, who present their parts iu a pleasing man ner. Katlo Putnam, ns n city stnr Is not a llrst class attraction, yet sho acceptably fills that H)sltlon In towns not so largo as Lin coln. V Of nil tho cheap trashy attractions Mint havo infested Lincoln within tho knowledge of tho writer Nlbbe's French Burlesque com I nny deserves tho distinction of being tho poorest excuse of them nil. Few people ex ported anything moro than a Creole show, or a female minstrel performance, which in themselves nro "rocky" enough, but in com parison with this aggregation certainly de servo to bo classed as (Irst-class attractions. There was a fair house present to see tho piece, If such It may be called, "ills Nibs and 'His Nobs," and If tlio groans and sighs and pretty language heard after tlio show could only havo lieen kept for keepsakes nnd pasted Iu uBcrupbock, my! whatnn historical vlumo it would have mado for tho local theatre. Why tho iinme of the company Itself was sulllclent to glvo its full merit nwny, to say iiHUglit of tho title of tho piece. But alas I tho boys will go to seo what they Itellevo to bo u great show of limbs nnd ns usual find a cheap, common herd couiosed of the low, vulgar classes and the scum of the theatrical profession. Boys, keep your coin, nnd if you will go to tho theatre for amusement go to hear something that is ie sportable; that has not tlio air of n fake stuiuiel on lis face. Nlbbe's company oieiied Tuesduy evening to close Its engage ment but owing to the fact that thero wero but a dozen people In the house, fall id togivo a performance. At the Lansing Tuesday evening Mr. Charles A. Lodor presented a farce comedy called " Oh! Wliiitn Night." Tills perform mice is somewhat better than the average farce, hut at Intervals tho lluus nro allowed to lag and many of tho Jokes nro ancient, but, on tlio whole, It pleased those who wit nessed it. The music was goo! anil the airs catchy, while tho dancing was of tho highest degree, esiH-clally tho illusion dunce of tho Leigh sisters In their Imitation of a dancer before n largo mirror Their action and movements are in good harmony with each othor, at least so much so that it is almost luqiosslble to decide whether there Is ono or more dancers. This was undoubtedly tlio event or tlio evening. Wext In proficiency follows tho Rosebuds, for their singing was excellent, ou which they wero heaitlly en cored. Mr. Loder, whllogood, was not up to tho standard existed of him. Mr, Edwards as O'Grady did some very coiumeudublo work and was liberally applauded, Miss Gennellus the smmt girl, Chick, captured the audience by Her winning ways ami petite inaiiueilsius. It was, taken us a whole, a very creditable attraction and pleased u good sized uudieuco. Wednesday evening at tho Funko a largo and cultivated audlenco was highly enter tained by Madame Modjcska, who us u menu of showing her charming personality cIiomi the character of Rosalind, and a more pleas ing part could not havo been selected for the ! i .A' rU:y -aVWJ attributes of this great actress aro to noiart lietter suited than to tho capricious heroine of SlmkosMuro'H pastoral comedy, "A You Like It." Modjcskn, as Rosalind, presents an niiluiated picture of womanly graco which Ii iu no wlso concealed by her change to man s attire for It borders Iwtweou tho renl and tho Ideal, but never does It ap proach near enough to either "to cheat tho eyes with blear Illusions." Tho hearty ap plause that came ironi tho rnscluntvd listen ers is due In part, to that wonderful magnet ic iiower that Modlesku possesses and with it curries her animated audience where oro she goes. Mr. Thnlberg, as Orlando Is very earnest in what ho does and says, so no fault can bo found with his conception of tho part that Is loyal, romnutk) and eager, but it ml ght bo Mild that he pays less attention to Ills thoughts than to his words. However, ho pluys tho part iu a very creditable man ner thouuh ho Is : trlfla too slender for thn wrestling match which, by the way, Is quite leaiostii!. Mr. John A. Inne. euuctlnir Jac ques Is probably the most attractive and Im- presslve actor iu tho supxiit. His recitation I of the Seven Ages was well received and eu- titled to much praise, Mr. ami Mis. Beau ' ,.,n.tt U.llltl. tin 'P.....!.. ....,. .....I ,.,!-- . mink uiuiiii luiiiiiniunu mid ucilll wero well cast and enter Into their respective parts with sucn real earnestness us Is war ranted to captivate such un audience as will always witness Modjosku In "As You Like It." "Two Old Cronies" was presented to ufnlr sized audience nt tho Lansing, as a counter uttrnctlou to Modjosku, ou Wednesday ovon lllg. Tills piece has been trimmed and xil Islieil Ull mill is Verv fnimv. Tim mnuli, good and the dancing of tlio Don sisters Is ' very clover. Tlio featuro of tho evening was that of our national gumo of Poker. Ander son's comedians nbly sustained tho reputa tion made for tho Cronies by thoorlglnutors, I Willis, Henshnw utid Tenbrock, who started the piece five years ago. It has lost nouo of its meritorious features in that time, but sovernl lagging parts have been icconstriict. ed, making It nil tho better for tlio change. ( Tho audience was well pleased and tho com J puny inuy bo credited us being one of tho best farce comedy companies on the road. The Sooiier Comedy company presented "Inez" at tho Funko Thursday evening as the opening piece of tho ten night engage ment at that houso. A crow led houso wit nessed that pleasing play which hinges on thoBilventiires of a "down east Connecticut Yankee" Iu the city of Mexico. Mr. Soonei a Silas Grit divided honors with the Credo dancing girl. Tlio costumes were unique and pretty; so also was the minlo of tho Mexican Troubadors catching. Last night the tamo company played "Esther's Guar dian" to n good nudlencw In tho same accept able manner. For the money this is really tho best show ever seen in Lincoln. I Notwithstanding the fact Mint Mr. Gll- i lette's charming llttlo farro comedy, "Mr. Wilkinson's Widows" lias boon seen lieforo in J this city uiidnt that tlmo did not receive n J wry encouraging reception from either pub- l llo or press, u large and fashionable audience I saw It again produced nt tho Lansing Inst evening by Mr. Frohman's comedians. As j presented by this company one could scarcely , U'lleve It the same play that was submittal to tho Lincoln public last winter. Georglo Drew llurrymore's natural vigor and happy ?ie"iilliirity of manner made herinon ncoept alilo us one of the iiilMiuderstixid widows; she. hamuli fiiilivliliiHlIti' nltfiiit In.,- tl, I ,.1........ ......., ...n.,.v Ml , .,. ,-, 1(( , ing. Miss Emily Huuckei's acting in the other wlilmv. ivna fri-,ifHtil m,i,i ui...i,ii..ti.. ... --..-. n, ..a ... i.i,,pjii,'I,IIU,u, She has a smooth, easy action Mint is very captivating. Thomas Burns as the good untitled, flirting and fickle army ullleer gave on excellent interpretation of hispirt. All Iu all, "Mr. Wilkinson's Widows" is n very laughable, ns well us pleasing entertainment to spend an evening with and was highly up I pi eclated by tlioso who were fortunate enough to be present. TlIU M'OOMill UMIAdr.ME.Vr. Tho Kpooner Comedy conisiny has nl- reudy won Its way into opu!ar favor, and . Its engagement promises to bo n most suo- j cessful one. Tho reertolre comprises some of tho best tnudaiil plays Including a mini- Iter of now nnd taking pnslucllons. bee ' what Is raid of thorn else where i I'eoplo were turned it way from the Capital City oerft houso on both Tuowlay and Wednesday ovnolngi, and thn week's engage ment of tho opulnr Hpoouer Comody com puny has been a gratifying success. Den M,)lm Yni, i Talk. Llttlo Cecil HKKmor Is a wonderful oh I Id nnd her xcialtliv nrn n strong featuro of tho entertainment. Olt iiiniwi Zii C'onr kr. Tho singing nnd dancing of the clever llt tlo louhrette, Little Cecil, was received with npplauso. tVifnr Itttpld Daily HepubUcan, HINIIAIl NI'.XT TUUUHDAY, The mott Important theatrical event of tho season will bo the presentation of the American Extravaganza Company's mam moth siiectacle, "Hltibad, or tho Maid of Dal- sora,"at tho lousing Theatre, Thursday evening. Tho organization has now been established for over live years, and is pructl-, callyn stock burlesque company, with IU home nt tho Chicago Oora house, when the Initial production and long runs of David Henderson's oxlrnvagauzns nro given. Tho plctornl beauties of "Hlnbnd" nro di vided Into four nets, uhio scoims and several tableaux. Tho play oiens with n vlnwof the Port of Balsornnt day break; tho llttlo city on tho Persian gulf from which tho original Blnbail sailed, In quest of Ids adventures. In the second act, thn deck of n pirate ship "Tho Roo" is seen. A cunning llttlo cupId who direct the characters In the piece, and protect young Hlnbnd and Ills sweetheart, Nlnetta, through their vicclssitudoi, roscuos nil tho dramatlo orsouiu from the wrlls of tho deep nnd lauds them on a cannibal island. Following this ccno conies n tangled equatorial Jungle nt sunset, and aftor that the famous valley of diamonds, frozen by the Frost King. Herothogrnud ballet of tho piece occurs. It Is entitled "A Winter1 Carnival," and Is taken part In by tho eu tiro corps of dancers, numbering over sixty girls, nttirod Iu costumes representing Iclolts, snow Hakes, skaters, tobogganers and sleigh ers. Incidental to tho dlvortisomoiit nro a dance clinracterl-que, entitled " Astrology," by Mile. Edith Cruske, nnd a novel double dntico with striking electrlo light effects, en titled " Tlio Northern Lights," by Mllles. Btoddart and Stevens. This Is the celebrated sei'iwntlno dnnco which has created such a sensation In tho east. Following this comes n graceful pas do deux by Fraullou Martha. Innler, tho premiere dnuseuso nbsoluto of tho company, osslstod by Frnulcln Henrietta Rosche. "Slnbad's" gold and Ivory unlace is the seat of the action of the fourth att, and the final scenlo picture, which Is displayed when tho trials 6f,tio persecuted hero and heroine" are over, represent " Tho Morning of Life." It Is a transformation sceno, which forjioeMo beauty and nrtlstlo coloring has probably never been urpasod. Among tho bright musical numbers of "Slnbnd" aro tho following: "Tho Boglo Man," "Ti nous Steel," "That's What tho Wild Waves aro Haying," "There nrn Mo menu When Ono Wnnts to bo Alono," "In n Minute" nnd "The Interrupted Heronnde," The company number over 100 eoplo nnd in the cast nro tho following well-known names: Ixiuio Kissing, Ida Millie, Jessio Villain, Toisy Nenu, Frnnkle Raymond, An nie Dncre, Bessie, Lynch, Emma Mlllo, Nel lie Lynch, Henry Norman, Arthur Dunn, Edwin Foy, Dan Hart, Honcer Gracey, Charles T. Crawford and Harry McKIhioii. Tlio sale of seats oiens nt tho Lansing box odleo Tuesday morning. HANK MUltl'IIY SATUltllAY KVK.NIN'Cf. No commedlan on tho road, 1k he Dutch, Irish or of nuy other cIum, over receives n more cordial welcome Iu Lincoln than does Mark Murp'iy, formerly of Murray & Mur phy but of lato well known ns tlio bright particular shining light in that latter-day success, "O'Dowd's Neighbors." Tho pleco lias had one presentation hero and the iteoplo nro yet smiling over tho irreslstablo laughs they enjoyed on that occasion. Murphy is nothing if not original nnd liU originality Is of the character that is ever iveiitive of something new. It wns lie who first sang; "lium-ta-ra-rM,"and mado tho song iopular throughout tho land. His brogue Is of tho most quaint and Interesting order and Ills vocal selections nro always uew and catchy. The engagement Is for but ono night uml everyone that loves pure and wholesomu Irish comedy of u high order will attend this performance ut tho Lansing next Satur day evening. KTUAUT IIOIISO.N'm KNOAOKMKNT. Tho coming of Stuai t Hobson to tho Laii slug early iu April Is an event of moro than ordinary importance. Besides tlio high standing of tho comedian tho play of "Tho Henrietta" Is one which has urouscd a high degree of Interest wherever produced. Wall street men anil their methods have figured in plays lieforo, but they havo never been ns skillfully t tented as Iu Itrousoii Howard's comedy, '1 hu author has blended stocks and sentiment nnd humor with rare skill. Ho lias written a piece which does more than ileal with complications of plot and laugh nhlo situations. "Tlio Henrietta" is a satire, brightly and wittily written, and io.s.sev.es a serious vein for effective dramatic Interest. "Tlio taps of the ticker," it bus been remarked, "may bo said to bo tlio tin cud of tho story. About that xierribbou is woven a narratlvoof love and avarice." Nicholas VuiiAlstyuo is tho iiioh successful unit daring operator uu "tho Street." Ho rules tho market and uses his iwwer to "bull" tho stock of the "Henrietta Mining Company" in which hols deeply In terested. He Is also interested In a huudsomti young widow wlionu charms have lunde u re markable impression upon a fiusliiounblo as tor, u clergyman who preaches against gambling and speculating! '' stocks. Tho inline of the mine is tlio cause of somo laugh able misunderstanding ull around; tho diffi culties nro Increased by the fact that "tho big deal" which Is being mado in tho stock may bo relumed If tho true facts nro given to the women. Tho scheme, however, Is threatened in uu entirely different direction. Van Alsty no's elder sou is ambitious to bo tho lender ot Wall stieel, and to obtain his owlt (continued ou fifth lmgo.) -ri