Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 05, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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"Nothing Succeeds like Success"
in her Original Character, HAZEL
With the Original DUNSTON by
Supported by
Frank Weston as "Pittacus Green"
mid n Carefully Selected Company In the tvatel of all the M.nll
on S(iiaro Theatre miccca
Hazel Kirke
A laughter anil tear producing Domestic Comedy Drama
"lintel h'irXe Goei Home to livery Home"
flggfA handsome-Souvenir which will be treasured as a
Momcnto of the occossion presenteed to every lady.
Having been approached several times the last year wanting to know why we
could not procure the service of an expert drapery man, one who had originality, taste
and other possessions that would make him master of the situation.
It was with much hesitancy and doubt we could make up our mind to entertain
the Idea, knowing this kind of talent was one of the rare things to be gotten, and
when obtained a very expensive luxury.
Feeling satisfied the field of lalxr In our fair city is large enough to give one
mans efforts f.ilrly etmijh to do we made the effort, and we are happy to say we hav
tli ii 11 v imiin il 1 pinvtn, will our efforts prove succctufuV
Wc wlllanswer the question and say yes, yes, providing you will give us fair patronage?
and the business that belongs at HOME.
Mr. Maker, who Is in charge of the drapery department, it an artist, an honest
adviser and conservative In his prices.
While he It tenacious In his Ideas and what he believe to be the proper thing,
he will always be willing to cater to the Ideas and wishes of his patrons.
lie will be pleased to call on you at your home or have vo.i call at the store
where he will be pleased to show you designs and give you estimates.
If you have any hangings you want revised, broughtout in something new, he
will be pleased to serve you. Wc will add, Mr. Ilaker has spent the last ten years In
New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis, making the art of drapery a study.
He is rich In original Ideas and all the new methods of the work.
We will guarantee to duplicate the best work Omaha, Kansas City or Chicago
can give and shade their prices handsomely.
We arc In possession of the talent will you give usyour support?
We have added to our stock a wall paper department. We furnish all kinds and
grades of goods. Our stock is new and patterns late.
We can cover your Floors and Walls
Shade your Windows,
Hang your Curtains,
Make your Draperies,
Revise your old hangings and make
the old new.
Have something new in window shades doing away with
the hum-drum and monotonous opaques, REAL NEW AND
" The Best Carpet Sweeper Made. '
Yours Respectfully,
234-38 south Eleventh street.
Eye mt Ear Burgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurist, 1903
O street, telephone U75, Lincoln, Nebr.
All exxrieneedj
fancy patent Hour.
of it.
cooks prefer "Shogo
Lincoln grocers sell lots
For scavengor work, day and night, drop
J. O. Field a postal and he will promptly
call and see what you want.
Bread Is tlio staff of life and If you want
the very liest you Bhoulcl go to the New
York Hakery.
Archer, dentist. Flue sold and bridge
work 0 8ieclalty , Urnco block.
When you want good reliable groefrlea
with fair anil courteous dealing, Hotellng'g
is the plact to do your trading. His stoek
is always fretih, liU jirices reasonable and
every deal Is tramactod strictly as repre
sen tod.
Tlio Chicago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul Ity.
it the only lino running solid vestlhuled,
electric lighted uud htwini heated trains, be
tween the Missouri river and Chicago, con
suming of new palace sleeping cars, elegant
free reclining chair cats, luxurious coaches
and the liuest dining cars in the world.
The berth reading lamp in its palace sleep
ers Is patented and cani.ot Imj used by any
other railway company. It is the great Im
provement of the age. Try it ami be con
vinced. Close connection In Union Depot at Oma
ha with nil trains to and from thu west. For
further Information apply to your ticket
agent or F. A. Nahii, General Agent, -
W. B. IIowKLL, Traveling F't and Poss'r
Ag't.. 1001 Furiiatu 8t Omaha, Neb. !M-tf
Canon City Coal at the Whitebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Vuutlillene -European Fne l'repurtlou,
Ladles, if you want most elegant facepre
oration, try this one. It is puro as spring
water; no lead, sediment or other Injurious
substances. It mokes your skin soft, fresh,
and clear; removes tan, blotches, dlscolora
tlons, and Imparts n pearly comploxlon.
If your face is not what you desire It, try
"Youthllene". I guarantee it to give perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara
tion that will make complexions fresli and
young looking and nowl have found It, re
tailed at two dollars or three for Ave. I have
secured the agency for this trusty article,
J. H. Hahlkv. Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
E. K, Guthrie bus arranged to continue
In th carriage line. Customers wanting
first class work will do well to wait for a
now lino of the very finest jobs on the mar
ket which will arrive in ample time for
spring trade at 1510 O street.
Now Kngland Crystal meal, the latest and
llnest production for mush or baking pur
pui)oses. Ask for it at grocers.
Nothing like New England graham for
breads or gruhani gems. Dealers sell It.
Ladies, hair dressing, Miss Johnston, 11M
O street.
Coal of every slza from the best mines
In Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora
do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. Hay.
mor. Telephone. :Khj. oillco I KM O street.
Oilell U doing a Hue business in his new
stand (Masonlo Temple corner; near tlio
location of his former successes The place
Is us neat as a pin, the service par excellence
and the fore identically the same u in past
Veaill. llotwltlmlniiilliicr l... ., .1.... 1. 1..
price nowl but 20 eeuts. No tickets, no
trust, ami no but, but, a flue meal for cash
and cash only,
Continued from First Pago.
"Oloilana" hat made a very emphatic lilt
at Itpi'rumunVriioatru In New Vurk.
A now drama, written by ,1, Patinoro,
cntlitod "Clio Hlar Hpangliil llannor" has
been copy-righted iu London,
Tho ((anion's are presenting "HuporW in
Hun FraucUco with tho mual result crowd
ed homes at every perform meo.
Win. Harry hat a new play vailed "Green
Goods" for next scisou, but his inuvot part
ner, Hugh Fay will not bo witli him.
"Olo Olesoii," a Htvodlsh-Amcrtcau com
edy was given Its llrst Now York produc
tion February 'M at tho Windsor Theatre.
Ed. A. Perry, formerly of tho llodoii
Herald has become managing editor of the
Dmmiitic AV'irs, In plaeo of John Krnit Mo
('ami. Ffolllot Paget has not signed with N. C.
Goodwin Jr. for tho lest of till season, all
tho piragraphs to tho contrary notwlth
Helen Dauvra.v, whom Hldnoy llotenfold
blow out of the American Dramatic Circuit
with a very bad play called "Tho Whirl
wind," N p'ayiug "A Heciip of Paper" in
Lo.-idou tills M-ok.
Henry Miller, who has been Mario Wain
right's leading man since tho beginning of
tho season left that actress' company Feb, 'JO.
Ho will at once Join onj' of the Charles' Froli
mau's companies.
Tho lata Sir MorivllMncKeiizlu lind a great
fondness for "show folk" and nearly alljthe
ringers and actors of note on tho other side
have, at one time or niiothor been his pa
tients. He nuver took a fee from ii pro
fessional. Lolo Fuller Is again at liberty. Hho was
receiving (HO a week for dancing at tho
Casino, when someUxly sild sho hid tuado n
hit. Her head swelled to such an extent
that sho demanded 1M) a week uud Aronson
told her sho could stay at homo.
In spite of tho dramatic critics, Heurlk Ib
sen's plays are being done in all quarters of
tho globe, and no modern playwright can
boast of having his plays tiauslated into
Hwedlsh, Danish, Hussion, German, French,
Spanish, Hungarian, Italian ami English.
They may sneer at them, but cannot kill
Flout pieces mid belts In jut and Jewel in
huge vaiiety ut tlio lluzir.
ASeeoiiil l.nmlvlllo Fourth I'lure Already
(lalneil by the Viiiiiik Uliiut.
The whirligig of fortune has stopped at
Crcede, nothing yesterday, it Is a town to
do) aild will boa city tomorrow. Many a
man will data his rise iu thli world from tho
hour ho stepped Into Willow Gulch. The
camp has practically existed only since last
Muy. Tho D. & It. G.Hy. did not get iu
until October, anil rejjrlar puHcuger trains
did not run mUtl nfcjiibjr. lift no other
ininhiu c(tinj)i
ttrcd no much ore
tlurinti the st
if it vii rhi ejeh'
tiince. Luadvi
II far behind. Tho
como from exactly
live mines, a
of them has shipped only
a nominal quantity. Karly investments
promise prompt and (ulck returns. Pam
phlets containing a full and complete des
cription of this wonderful mining camp, to
gether with other vulutlblo Information,
routes, rates and tickets mav bo obtained at
ii & M doot or city ofllce cor. lth and O
A. C. ZtKMKIl,
City pass, and tlckot ugt.
New cloaks, Wraps, elegant Hue of dress
trlliitti(inri III VMrvtlifncr iimiv nml In nil
colors at HerpoNhelmer & Co.
Tho Whltebreast Coal and Lime company
Is always at the front supplying the finest
rades of all kiuJs of coil
Jet and Jawel trimmings are the latest.
Please call uud Inspect our Hue. The
Hazur lOlSJO.Btroet.
The famous Humbler wheels still tuko the
lead and E. II. Guthrie still maintains the
agency as 1510 O street. Iu connection with
hl establishment Mr. Guthrie has a school
of teaching how to ride. With eao i solo of
a machine goes a guarantee that ho will
teach you how to rldo perfectly and no
i barge, for Instruction,
Dig lot of dress ginghams ft l-'J cents a
yard. Now prints ut il cents a purd and up
ward at Herpolslieimer & Co. ,
LanMHK Theatre Program.
It requires no sworn atliiltvit to provo the
circulation of the Lansing theatre program.
Its readers .are ull visible to the advertiser
any evening at the theatre. It reaches a
class of people that have money for amuse
mellt and a class of people that are able to
put chase what they see advertised. Is it
not then a most excellent medium for judi
cious advertising f Hates and particulars at
this olllce, ll.'ll N street. Telephone 'Sil
Jet waist bands, jet ornaments and jet
pussenterle In endless variety they are the
latest. Call and Inspect our linn. The
Hazr, HXJ:" O street.
The New Hung an.l Morrl Company.
At a meeting of tho Hmlge Si Morris Co.i
Saturday evening tho folio aIii olllcers were
elected: C. H. Hudge, prdddsiit; C.J. Guen
zel, vice-president; A. D. Heuwuy, iwretary ;
J. F. Morris, treasurer. The new corporu
tlou dates In lmlui.M from February 1 . t F
and htorts)out un.ler iwot favorable auspices.
All tho members of the llrm are well known,
each having bain e in ieU I with tin ol 1 es
tablished house of Hudge & Morris almost
since its inception. The business carrlo I on
iscnudactol iu two coiiej'ing sto.'es, res
IH'ctlvely, furniture an I lurdwai'M at 1 1 18 -',','
N streot.
See Herpilsliesiuer Si Co's., new dress
gocwls novelties exclusive novelties at lowest
"Exeusu thu liberty I take," as the con
vict remarked when hu escaped from stato
prison, Texas Siftlngs.
"Walter, this steak la smaller thai! the
one I had yesterday, How's tlmtf" "Oh,
It comes troni a Hiiuillcr ox." Vllegendo
At an examination of student, one young
gentleman being naked to descrlle Henrr
Vlll.repllod, "Ho was a professional wid
ower." Evening Gazette.
"What does Hluffer let his whiskers
.grow, ao long for?" "So that be can wag
his chin in conversation and polish his
ahoea without extra effort," Washington
JU Itself fl
nititiiiit 1 1 (ml
Continued from cIhIiIIi pngo.
Mr. and Mrs. E, Illgucll entertained u large
number or friends vry pleasantly at their
liandsnmo homo Thursday evening. The
lions" was beautifully decora to I with rim,
smlhix, palms, ferns, hyacmt'is and Ivister
limes, nign live was the program, which
was greatly enjoyed. After the gauk's
temptlpg lefiesliments were served, Tho
loyal tiophles rocliimud by Mrs. C W.
Iloxlo and t'al Thompson. Those partleU
pitting wore Messrs and Mesdames H, Al,
Mellek, I.. V. Pace, 0. II. Hudge, J. C. Hals
W'rry, 0. M. Thointison, J. E. Hlggs, A.
Hurlbtit, t'al Thoiupsoii, Dr. W. L, llajtoti,
John II, Wilght. L. A. MeCondless, E. E.
Ilrown, Dr. F. W. Tucser. T. 11. Ilenlon, J.
IC. HalUr. T. W. Toltt, Geo. Cook, C. W.
Iloxlo, V, T Hongs, It, I), Stearns, J. J, (III
Ulan, Geo. . llonnell, D. Shilling; Mis.
Hryan or Chicago; Msssos Cora Talbit, Mln.
uloMchck; Mestis .1. F. Ilutchliis, John
Graham and W. E. Painter.
All exceedingly pleasant olvisIoii was ell
joyisl last (Friday) evening when Mr. and -Mr
John J. (llllllau eiitcit'ilued a comp'iuy of
friends ut their home, llnr.) E street. Onlco
refieshnieiits weru served. Those Invlttsl
w era
E. It. HUiV It. D. Stems, T, II. Hjnt in
J. P. Miitiln, V. II. Hudge, A. Hurlbiil, F.
Uchor.J.EHIfgs, U. E. Mojre, Maj. Me
Arthur, M. M. Do Lealse, C. W. Iloxlo.
Walter Davis, Dr. Everott, M. E Wheeler,
W. Tate, E. Rogers, C. T. Hrown, Dr. W.
G. Ilnuu, E. Hlgiiell, A. D. Hurr, R. O,
Pbillipps, A. II. Nelnor, C. F, Llttl., A, I).
Kitchen, M.14 Caulleld, Puulgaii, Miss Siitlo
lleckw, Messis Everett, F, Ivitclieu.
Rev, E. J. Davis starlet for Chicago
Wedues lay.
MlssOUIe Finn Is thu guest of Mrs. C. E.
Van Dusen.
Judge W . V. Stewart started for Chicago
Wednesday evening.
L. A. Payne of Grand Island, grand re
corder of tho A. O. U. W. was In tlio city
this week.
M.t'. C. E. Van Dusen will entertain her
friend with a hlg.i live pirty next Tuoiday
Mr. uud Mrs. Earnest Hunger celebrate
today tho llfteonlh anniversary of their mar
i logo. They have the congratulations of a
host of friend.
Call at Griswoulds need ntoro for your
nerds and bulb. 1 III south litis street.
Tim Turning of tlm Worm,
We are showing the most complete line of fushionnblc
Dress Goods, Silks ami Grenadines.
Bedford Cords In All Shades.
Orepons in All Evening Shades.
French Sublines in all Shades.
I'aris Robes and Novel tits in beautiful combinations.
These stylus and colorings are of the latest 1 iris ere itions
f ' i
consisting of Sedan Cloths, Vigogne Cords, Fa-icy Bedford
Cords, Jacquard Arinnres, Cropons Royal, etc.
and we are showing a Meautifnl line in Changeable Gros'
Grain Silk, Changeable India Silk. V ';
Silk Grenedines
and All Wool Challies in the latest designs.
1023 O ST3ESEET.
ASK YOUR GROCER for a package of
This cereal food
is carefully I pre
pared from Se
ected '.Grain, and
properly cooked
makes a delicious
breakfast dish.
Take no other
I rt 1 1 1 1 HuAJBiHIEwHri33Js&lf1
All Fillings at Lowest Rates.
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.
1 Sr 'M W
A.C. .lemur,
Window Shades,
Having just added this Department to our Furniture
Palace, we beg to call early buyers Attention to this Stock as
one of the Finest Selection of Spring Patterns that has ever
been shown in Lincoln.
Standard Qualities, Fine Work and Lowest Prices.
T. Gruetter & Co.
Opposite Lansing Theatre.
It ii very nour-shlng-,
is une
qualled as a bone
and muscle maker
and Is therefore
recommended for
It is delicious.
I Ins (lone very effective work till week. Such a
Ktupcndoim nnKorttnunt of wall pnper haa never be
fore been shown In Lincoln, and every blessed roll
of It lias the price crushed, and crushed tine too.
The opportunity U a rare one,
1 ...-- x K -? !-
Interior Decorative Co.
1338 O STREET.
Karl KdKar,