Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 27, 1892, Image 3

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No matter wlint other ilo or ny, we tll I
give yon tlie
Newest and
Best Grades of
.At LOWER PRICES tlmn others.
You enn nave money by buying your
Hoots nml Shoes o(
1043 O Street.
The Noxt Number Especially Good.
Town Topics
ruhllshcil llrot tlV tf Iteremher, Miirrli,
lunt, mill heptcinher.
livery reputable news nml Ixxik stand lias It.
I'rlce, sIiirIi. ininilirr. 50 CKNTS. W9.00
pick YKAit, ;ntiiK riti:i:.
This lirilllnnt Qunrterly reproduces tlio best
stories, sketches, burlesques, poems, wlttl
clams etc., from tlio back numlsTs of that
much talked-about New York Hock-ty Jourtml,
Town Tories, ulilch Is published urrkly. UiiIk
Kcrliitlon price, f-l.oo per year,
Tlio two publications "Town Topics" nml
"Talks fiiomTown Topics" together, at tlio
low club-prlco of $3 00 or year.
Ask your newsdealer for them or address,
81 West 23d Street. N. Y. City-
Santa Fe Route !
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and Tourist
Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO,
CISCO. Short Line Rates to
Double Dally Train Service Between
Kansas City and PUEBLO, COLOR ADO
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains Between Kansas City and
Galveston. The Shor: Line Between
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft.
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple,
San Antonio, Houston, and
all Principal Points
in lexas.
ThcOnW Line Running Through the
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pan-Handle. For Maps and
Time Tables and Informa
tion Regarding Rates
and Routes Call on
or Address
E. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent,
l316Farnam Street,
Practise, la
cthr word, w
til teach jm
IllEK, and atari
you la bualntaa,
tlitiMUn. Vf
can miJ will, If
you Uatt.traeh
to mm 'mm tti
tnNlO ftdar
at thi ilarf.and
mora a yuii go
on. Iloih atira,
all '. In
artif America,
you ran com
menr at lniut,
riving all your
Unit, or ('r
mumrnta only,
to ilia work
What wtoflrrla
new atitl It haa
been proved
ovrr ami over
pay la aura fur
rrrry warder.
I'niy l lrn
Noprll abili
ty ra ill rati,
Hraionalila In
du try olync.
tuary for em a,
Utjo iiiccm,
We atart you,
fiirnUlitna; v
trytlilur Thlele
one of ht arrtat
MiMm forward
la uitful,tnrrntlvprogr", tliat enrich all uoikrra. It la
tirotably the rrrateit opportunity laboring people Iiaveerer
known. Now I llm tint. Iirny menna Ion. 1 nil raritniUra
tr. Ilttr writ nt uiire. AtMrraa, 3 KO !CJI2
HTlSO.l: Co.,lIox 4HHll'iiiiIniiU).lIiiliie
(Buccosgor to Dr. Charles Kimrlse.)
Cures Cancers, Tumors
Wens ami Fistula, without Mio uso of Knlie,
Chloroform or Kllior,
01Ucel3r O Street
A Fnshlou l.elter Tlmt 1. filing with In
teresting (loi.lp n. lo tlio Hl)lp nml
t'nhrlrs Tlmt Will Shortly llu Popular,
llauilmiiiiply lltiistrnteit.
IShtII Correspondence
Nkw Voiik. Fob. 2.1. It Is doubtful
If thoro was ever n tlmo wlion thoro was
such u great variety of silks on tlio mar
ket, but I think tlio palm for boauty
must bo awarded to tlio superb jioau do
nolo, which 1st ho r Idlest plain silk tuiulo.
Noxt to that como tlio failles and after
them the grosgraiu and bougaliiio,
though bengallno has uuvur boon very
popular as a dross silk that was intended
for long wear, as It was confounded
with n sort of French poplin which soon
cracked and pulled and grow shiny.
LJut real hetigalino silk is good value for
wear and for appearance, being siMjoinlly
valuable for mourning, as it is not lus
trous liko tlio other silks.
Among the now weaves in domestic
silks which uro now, and justly, consid
ered bettor for wear than any foreign
silk, I see the tricotino, which has a sur
face which looks like tlio iusido of knit
ted goods, and it is very haudsomo and
flexible, and will retail at about $1.25
per yard: It Is
twenty-four inch
es wide; some is
oven wider. Somo
of tlio tricotino
has a satin finish,
nml Is a very rich
fabric, requiring
littlo trimming.
It comes in black
nml all the fash
ionablo colors.
Arm uro ami
doublo faced ar
inuro aro shown
in several grades.
Tho right side of
this is armuro (or
armor) pattern
and tho other sido
satin finish, each vklvct and chanqr
sido bo distinct AUL,! TEA aowN
from tho other that it Is called by somo
reversible, and will bo mnilo up so as to
show tho two sides by means of a jabot
drapery adown tho sides, on tho sleeves
anil corsage. Tho solvago, which is
white, is loft on and covered with a very
narrow jet garnituro or a narrow gilt
braid, or feathered fringe if preferred,
or it can bo cut away under a heavy but
tonhole scallop. Tho clover tlrebsmiikor
can always doviso something. Out the
white- edgo showing through tho meshes
of jet trimming is considered tho hand
somest. Somo of tho double faced armuro
has a Dedford cord on tho other side.
Tho light weight swivels in dotached
or allover patterns will bo very popular
mado with accordion plaiting, which
promises now to havo a voguo greater
than it ever did before. It is seen with
every new stylo of silk or grenadine
Ono pattern of changcablo silk was a
rcinarkablo combination of color, and
yet it mado ono of tlio most beautiful
pieces of silk 1 over saw. It was bright
myrtlo green with cannino lako (which
is deep roso leaf pink), and as tho light
would striko tho folds tho two colors
would show in beautiful effect. A love
ly lilac had a countcrshatlo of royal
purplo. I saw n tcagown mailo of thi3
latter, tho front mid sleoves being of tho
changcablo silk and tho rest of deep
hcliotropo volvet. Cream Spanish laco
was laid on tho sides. 1 givo a gliinpso
of this gown hero.
A luindsomo visiting dress was mado
of fawn colored cream pcau do solo over
green mid blnck striped silk and bor
dered with sablo, with tho heads show
ing at each lapped place. This dress 1
also present as showing tho novel nr
rangemont of tho corsage.
Tho stronghold, howovor, of nil tho
best now summer goods is not touched
until wo speak of tho beautiful now
black silk grenadines. Thoro aro grad
uated satin stripes in twelve designs,
somo wide mid somo narrow singlo
stripes, mid somo sheer and plain, somo
thin mid iiuo, and others so closo woven
lOruy bonnallno unci (,'reuu velvet, mid fawn
mxl (,'ri'un pciiu ilu sole.
an to bo nearly opaque, and all of the
best and firmest quality. Somo aro mado
iu soiuelikii patterns of hard twisted
silk, and somo havo satin dots mid coffee
beans, but tho best and richest of all to
my fancy is tho stout Iron frnino grena
diuo. All those grenadines, except tho
longitudinal stripes, will bo accordion
plaited. Thebo aro all silk. There aro
wool or wool and silk grenadines also:
but tho silk grouadiuo is tho only one
really worth making up.
Tho oveuiug and children's shades of
silk aro marvels of beauty, and will ro
tail at from eighty-fivo cents to ft. 25 per
yard, and tho changeable taffetas will
run about tho same. Whou wo remom
ber how long a silk lrr. lasts clean, and
how tho silks of today can bo nearly all
washed, it is a wonder that wo wear
anything else. I would not If 1 could
help it. 1 think tho reign of silk is near
at hand. Omvk (I.vni'UH.
kffllkm 111
Ill l.inril In Vnln, hut lln Clot Thur
?iut tin Niiiiip.
Klduartlo Cordova was a Spaniard, vin
dictive, cruel, Jealous and a tobacconist,
llu sold chtars by the box nml loved
Brldgi'titm Mcdlutl, a beauteous maiden
from the far, fair, Sorrentlan shore, where
the blue Mediterranean paints the Italian
llul Hrldgetlua loved another, hauilHomu
Hlclii'lleu ilu Itlvoll, tho Apollo Bulvlderu
of County Cork,
And Itlclielleu was a corker.
How eniild she help but love hlinf
How could she help but uiuiry hint when
he asked lierf
So she did.
And Kliluaiitn was furious.
By thunilerl but he was hot.
So hot, iu fact, that his customers lit
thelrclgars mi IiIh emotions forthree weeks
after llildmlliia answered to the iiamu of
Mrs. lie Itlvoll.
The llrst t liouulit of a Spaniard who gets
It In tlie neck Is revenge, and Kliluunhi
kept a largo supply of llrst thought right
where he could put Ills hand on itata min
ute's not lee.
Vet withal he dissembled.
My, my, what a dissembler that Span
lard was, and llrlilgetiua nuver ticiuhlcd,
She smiled her Name pretty smiles on Kb
iluanlo, and invited liltn to emtio up any
time and call on her and her family, and a
lot inori! of (hat sortof tlilliu. Well. Ill-
duiirdn almost bankrupted himself, Ninok- I
Ing his own cigars alcost, In order to quiet
his nerves.
One beautiful morn, Mr. Do Itlvoll en
tered Cordova's Smokers' Emporium, and
wit ha delight fill lit tie twitter of Innocence,
she Informed him Unit shewiisaliiiut three
fourths daft trying to think of Hiituethliig
for her dear Richelieu's birthday present,
but for the life of her she couldn't tell
what to net hliu,
Klilunnlo's eyes glittered with n strango
new hope.
Ills cruel lips curved all about it.
Hut he spoke not.
Sliu stood there In deep thought forseV'
end moments.
"What a ninny I am," she broke forth at
last. "Why, Mr. Cordova" he ground his
teeth at the "Mr." "you have the very
thing. I'll buy him a bov of clears. Won't
that I to Just too lovely for anythiugf"
Kldtianlii's breath came thick and fast.
His breast heaved and the glitter In his
eye grew glitterer.
"Alhambra be praised," he muttered, too
low for her to hear, as he Hung out a do.en
boxes for her Inspection.
Shu chose one with the prettiest pictures
on it; with a happy, girlish laugh gurgling
over her sweet, ivd lips, she nodded nilleu
and went away to meet her husband.
Elduarilo embraced himself to his thron
ing ho-oin iu an ecstaey of delight.
"Avengedl" he hissed cruelly and put
the boxes Imck on the shelf. Detroit Frua
Afler the I'lrst ItmiKhter's Weilillni;.
Mrs. Mary A. I.lvermore tells this story:
The (launliter of a certain gentleman, who
was quite well oil", was to bu married. She
had purchased her trousseau, which was a
gorgeous one, from the apartments of the
worlll's mast fashionable modiste. Tlie
bill reached way up into the hundreds, and
was but a short step from a thousand.
The ceremony and reception in their turn
followed with all the brilliancy character
istic of a nuptial of the society world.
The fond parent looked anxiously on as ho
thought of the Immense number of bills
that would soon pour in for his sympathy,
and silently cainu to the conclusion that it
should be the last.
After the event had passed and the
happy Mr. and Mrs. wero speeding away
in a Pullman enjoying all of thu pleasan
tries of a honeymoon, ho called his other
daughter to him and surprised her some
what by inquiring If shu hod any serious
thoughts on matrimony,
"Why, papa," shu exclaimed, "you know
I haven't left school yetl"
"I know that," replied tho father as he
thought of his diminished bank account,
"but will you ever have?"
"Why, of course," was tho blushing
maiden's reply: "you know all girls ex
pect." "Then," he answered, "when thu dual
point comes just let me know in time and
I will glvo you $ 1,000 and you and whoever
It Is may run off. Anything to get away
from those trousseaus and receptions."
Washington Post.
Thomas Carlyle, though a great talker
on occasion, did not talk with people who,
iu his opinion, were not worth his talk.
A young American once called on the sage
of Chelsea with a letter of introduction
from a friend.
Mr. Carlylo talked with him long enough
tOKftthc Impression that thu young man
had no ideas to exchanuu for his own, mid
then relhpsed Into sullen silence, gazing
tho while stiudlly into thu lire.
The -;!ii'itor, who was much awed by tho
presence o." the great man, sat In similar
silence fi.r several minutes. Then It oo
cm red tohliu that his host was waiting
for him to say something.
"Ah Mr. Carlyle" he began falter
ingly, "what a Hue old neighborhood ah
-Chelsea Is"-
"Don't interrupt mu!" thundered Car
lyle, looking up angrily.
"Ah, but Mr. Carlyle!" said the young
man, In astonishment: "but you weren't
saying anything!"
"Saying anything? No, you blockhead;
you interrupted my slleneul" Youth's
JiiiIku lllilillit's Wit.
Judge Hlddle, the wit of Court House
row, had before the bar of Justice the other
day a woman who wept most bitterly over
her misfortunes. Her sobbing shook thu
courtroom and her tears of no mean size
coursed in a great stream down her cheeks
and to thu floor. Whllu she wept thus pro
fusely a prominent lawyer chanced in,
who, seeing the prisoner and hearing her
cries, asked of the bench, "What's the mat
ter with herf" "I'm sure I don't know,"
was thu Judge's reply. "Apparently shu'a
waiting to be bailed out." Philadelphia
Quito Another Tiling.
r?i'i,v7 ISlfi -Cr
"Hole on, dar," said a colored man, hail
ing an acquaintance. "Does yer cross tier
street ebery time yer sees mu ter keep from
pay In dat hlllr"
"No, I doesn't."
"What den f"
"Ter keep from twin axed fur It." Texan
TluiUKht llo llnd n Hull, hut It D I it n't
The old cake and candy woman who fre
quent Park place and Veey st reet found
a customer tlie other day In an old man
with a basket on his arm who was going to
market. He bought a siiinre of candy for
a cent ami went off Millet It. He hadn't
goiHi far before lie tiiru.s' about and ro
traced his steps, holding 'us Jaw with one
hand and waving the siiiaiv In the other.
"What's the mutter with joii" asked
the woiuiiu as ln stood before her,
"The matter Is I've broken a tooth and
want damages!" ho howled.
"Ilnw'il you break your toot hi"'
"lilting on this Infernal hunk o' candyl
Vou ought to he prosecuted for selling
mieh mi till I Look a-therel"
He sal down his basket and pulled his
mouth open to exhibit the broken tooth,
She got up for a better look, mid after a
careful scritlny sat down, wltlithereiiiarki
"It's my opinion that tooth was cracked
"No, It wasn'tl" he hotly exclaimed.
"That tooth was as sound as hickory And
It was this stuff which broke III"
"I didn't ask you to buy, Vou camp
long and handed out a cent and took a
"Makes no difference, ma'am; I hold you
responsible! put my damages at ten
"I'll never pay!"
"Then I'll sue you fortlOO."
At this Juncture a policeman camo up
and asked the eausu of dispute, and the
man with the basket made Ills statement
and exhibited the broken tooth.
"How can you hold her responslblof"
asked the otllcer.
"Why, she Is Nulling stuff dangerous to
lilte on."
"How did I know whether be or his wife
or children was going to do tile biting?"
she protested, "I've sold those squares for
over llfteen years and this Is the llrst tlmo
I've heard of anything wrong. I didn't
know hut what hu had false teeth. I didn't
know which sldu hu was going to bltuoii.
I refuse to pay."
"Then I'll make youl" shouted tho old
man. "Officer, haven't I got a casof"
"No, sir."
"Can't I collectf"
"Not a red."
"I told you sol" added tho woman.
"I seu how it Is conspiracy to knock m3
out, but you can't do ill Here's thu candy
here the tooth up there a lawyer. I'll
sue and sue and sue till I haven't a cent
left, and then I'll sell my hoots and suo
llu went away on a run, and perhaps by
thistimu Aunt .lanu has a &0,000 lawsuit
to dream over. New York Evening World.
Simply iKiiiiruiicu,
"That fellow Hall ought to bo banished
from polite society. Hu's a perfect booby."
"How so, Mr. Tutcheyf"
"You remember that bonmot I made at
"Well, ho was III mannered enough lo
ask If It was original with mo. That shows
how unsophisticated hu is."
"Yes, nobody hut an Ignoramus could
have thought you wero Sidney Smith."
Where Hhu Wrote It.
Mrs. Hillus(at her husband's ofllco down
town) John, I don't want you to forget to
order that setof dining room chairs I spoke
to you about. Thu Cili.zards are coming
next Thursday.
Mr. Hillus-I'll get tho chairs, Maria, If
you'll let me alone. Can't you put a mem
orandum of somu kind where I'll bu sure
to see it, and then quit bothering mu alraut
Mrs. Bllliis That's what I am doing,
John. I'm writing it In the dust on the
top of your desk. Chicago Tribune.
Iliimleil Down.
Guardian How does my niece get on
with her music is shu making any prog
ress? Muslcus I regret to say that she Is not.
Her time and fingering are very defective,
and all I can do to correct them makes no
Impression on her Shu will rim thu scalui
to suit heiself.
Guardian She inherited that from he?
father. He was twenty years in thu coal
business. Boston Courier.
Tnn of it Kind.
A lady who was shopping stepped up to
a merchant and inquired:
"What diM's that sign In your window
mean? 'Gosls sold at a sweeping reduc
tion.'" "It means, madam, that customers are
expected to raise the dust," was thu suave
renlv. Detiolt Free Press.
Tolonhnnfl t7fi BW yHBBHIniBBBWKVimBM - -irm--""P55
us ngmia ffiyipV LyY0
Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty
Dealer la all kinds of i
Olllce io 1 5 O Street,
Yards 6th and M Sis.
Phone .o,
German National Bank,
U,VCO.. A'itl.
U.I':, MontKouu'ry, rrcttilcut.
Herman II. Hehitdcru, Vice Crest.
Joseph ll.ii'liiner, Cimlilcr,
O..I. Wilcox, An!. Cashier.
Capital . . . $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 30,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues "Me Mifeieilldilrawilriirisou allparts
I ill! ul l-'orehtu collections a speclny
Telephone 225.
' was towards the close of a bright summer's day that the prodigal son arilvcd
at the paternal mansion. He hod come by the quickest route, "The Burling
ton." The sun was declining In the west-tbe only thing Hint does decline
west of Chicago except base ball and Us slanting rays threw a golden tint
upon the gray hairs ol the aged father who Mil on the front porch rending the
Inst "Burlington Route" advertisement.
The gate opened, and the old man peering over hi spectacles dUcrlcd n
a ragged tramp coming up the walk. He was about to set the dog on him, in
accordance with thu usual custom of that hospitable region, when the tramp
con.e up, removed a dilapidated hat rim which encircled his brow, and cried,
"father, don't you know me?" "Know you?" returned the old man, after
scrutinizing him a moment over his spectacles, "I would know you If I saw
your hide hanging In a tan yard, It's my own lost h-hoyl" Then the fond
parent fell upon his son's neck and wept wept because It was so dirty, It hadn't
been washed since Christmas, but he took him In all the same, gave him a
hath and a new suit of clothes and then walked him down lo the B. & M.
depot to sec to what perfection the "Burlington" had brought their passenger
train service. 'Twos marvelous, and the prodigal urn straightway registered a
boIoiu vow that bis children and his children's children for all time to come
should recognbe the "Burlington" as the one great rallwoy whose equipment
was always UP TO DATE.
We don't know how Mils legend of tho prodigal son came down through
the ages so accurate and f ice from side Issues, but It's here, Intact and unin
cumbered, ready to adorn a back cover or point a moral. The moral of this
story Is: If you would prosper In this world, travel only by the "Burlington
General Passenger Agent,
Leavenworth, St. Josepb.Kansas
City, St. Louis and all Points South,
Kast and West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons
Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal
points in Kansas.
The onlv road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers an 1 "rce
Reclining Chair Cars on ill traltn.
City Ticket Agt Gsn'l $nt.
Canon City,
Rock Springs,
City Passenger Agent,
'1001 0 Street.
r'm'Pv .EBHBHtiio " ii
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m'u bbbbVI bWbbbbm W
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