Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 27, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    """''" "1 iflTiraf tifniL
discourse: delivered in oska
loosa, ia., sunday, fed, 21.
HvMvrhljr Connrnliilnlliiii lilt, Theme,
Tim Nmtni's nf lln Olrtllitl itiul Hit
Trrrlrlil ly In Henwn Ovrr Hut
HepiMtllliK nf Onn Hlllfnl Snul,
Oskaioosa, Full. '-it. (lev. Dr. Tnluinge
preached lion- lixltty to nil enormous mull
eneo. llpx)'iti lo lm absent from home
alwut ten ditfM, during which period lie
ipcnks In n ninny cltliw. Tim subject f
lil Hcrmon win "Mi'iiM'iily (.'onurntulM ,
lions." 1 1 In i liU'lit liiti'iitlnii win to mulii'
vtorliW thai m-oni n Kivit way nlV from
each oilier apicnr very near, 1 1 In text
was taken from luk xv, 7, "Likewise
Joy nliatl bo In henu'ii over onu sinner that
rrMiitttli, more than over nliinty ami nine
JukI persons who need no icpcutiiucn."
A l(t hheepl Nothing can ho more thor
oughly lost, 1 look through thu window
of n shepherd') house at nlht. Tint can
dies are lighted. Tin' shepherd Inn Just
filncvd tiln HtntT iigidmt the mantel. Ho
ion taken olf hi coat, xhakiMi out of It the
dust and hung It tip. I wu liy thu ciiudle
llKlit that there aro neluhhor who haw
coino In. The shepherd, faulted out with
tho long It amp, Mix dow n on a bench, anil
thowlfuitud children and thu uclghliorM
say to him, "Come, now," tell un how you
round tho poor thing." "Well," hu wiyn,
"thin morning I went nut to thu yard to
look at thu Hock. No sooner had I looked
over thu fence than I miw something
wrong, The fact wan they did not count
rltiht. Nlncty-llvu, nlnety-Mx, ninety-seven,
nlncty-elnht, ninety-nine oulyuluuty-nluc.
McDonald, you know ho had u hundred.
And 1 wondered which onu wan gouu, itud I
begun iigulu, and I counted ulucty-llve,
ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-Might, nine-ty-nlno.
Well, 1 whistled up thu dogs, and
1 started on tho Holds mid ucrosn tho
bridge, and I tracked thu moom, and 1
leaped the gullies, hut no bleating of thu
poor thing did I hear. I said to myself,
'Tho lainh must havu fallen Into a ditch,
or n pack of wolves from thu mountain
Biut havo torn It to pieces and sucked
IU llfo out.' Hut I could not give It
up. You see It wan a pet lamb. It
wu that one with tho black spot
on tho rlKht shoulder that used to
como and lick my hand as I crowed the
field, and somehow I could not kIvu It up.
Bo I went on and on and on until after
awhile I heard thu dogs hark, and I mild,
'Wliat'M thatf Then 1 hastened to thu top
of tho hill, and 1 looked down and there 1
ew tho poor lamb. It had fallen Into tho
ditch, and an I eaine where It was and bent
over tho ditch and stooped down to lift tho
poor thlnu out, I wish you could havu seen
the loving and Imploring and tender way
it looked at me, I lifted It out, and it was
all covered with thu slush and thu mud. It
waannitwfulthtngtodo, but I lifted It out,
and It was m lamu and ho weak It could not
walk alone, ho I threw It over my shoul
der! and I started homeward, and thu con
dition of that lamb you may Judgu of from
the coat which I havo Just hung up. Hut
I tramped on and on until it In safe in the
5ard, poor thlngl Thank Clod, thank flodl"
'hen the shephurd's wlfo spread tho table
Mid brought out tho beat fare that the
oabln could afford, and they wit up very
Ute that night, and they talked, and they
laughed, and they sung, and they ate, and
they drank, and they danced, and told ovor
and over and over again tho story of the
loataheep that whs found,
With such tenderness and rusticity of Il
lustration does Christ represent tho soul's
Solng oil and the soul's comitiK back, when
e says, "Likewise there la Joy In heaven
among the angels of Hod over one sinner
that repenteth, more than over ninety and
nine Just persons that need no repentance,"
To repent is to feel that you are bud, and
to bo sorry uhout It, and to turn over a
new leaf, and to pray for forgiveness and
help. Just as soon as a man does that,
they hear right away of it In heaven.
There arc no gossips in glory going
around to chatter and laugh when a man
falls, but there are many souls in glory
who are glad to run about and tell It when
a mnn is saved, The news goes very
quick from gate to gate, and from north
wall to south wall, and from east wall to
west wall, and In three minutes every clti
len of heaven has heard of it, for "there is
Joy In heaven among the angels of God
over one sinner that repenteth."
1 can very easily understand how there
should be Joy In heaven over a Pentecost !
with three thousand souls saved In one '
day no mystery about that; I can under
stand how there should be Joy in heaven
over tho Parish of Sehotts, when four hun
dred souls were saved under one sermon of
Mr. Livingston: I can understand how
there should be Joy in heaven over the
great awakening in the time of llarland
Page, when iu one your four hundred and
seventy-three thousand souls were brought
to God in the United Status; I can under
stand very easily how there should bo joy
In heaven over live hundred thousand souls
converted in 18.17, In' this country; but
mark you, my text announces there is Joy
in heaven among the angels of God over
one, Just one, sinner that repenteth.
Some cathedrals havo one tower; some
cathedrals have two, three, four towers.
Did you ever hear them all ring at once?
I am told that the bell in the cathedral of
St, Paul ilngH only on rare occasions, for
Instance, at the death or the birth of a
king. Have you seen a cathedral with
four towers, and have you heard them all
strike into one great chime of gladness?
Hero is a man who is moral. Ho Is an ex
ample to a gr at many professors of reli
gion in some things; he never did a mean
thing In his lift'," ho pays all his debts, and
U a good cltl.en and a good neighlior, but
ho says ho Is not a Christian.
Some day thu Holy Spirit comes Into lib
heart nud he sous that he cannot depend
upon his morality for salvation. Ho says:
"O lml God, I have been depending upou
my good works; 1 find I am a sinner, and I
want thy salvation. Iord, for Jesus' sake,
have mercy on met" And God pardons
blm, ami Immediately onu of the towers of
heaven strikes a silvery chime, for there
an four towers to the heavenly temple.
Here U a man who is Iwd; he knows he is
bad, and everybody elsu knows ho is bad, but
he i not an outcast far from being an out
cast. Ho moves Iu respectable circles. But
out day, by the power of the Holy Ghost,
he rouses up to sec his sinfulness and he
ays: "O Lord, have mercyl I am a wau
derer, aud without thee I perish, Have
mercyl" God hears him, aud Immediately
'two of the tower nf heaven strike a silvery
But here is an outcast. He was picked
up last night out of the gutter and carried
to the police station. He has been In the
peaiteutlary three times. He is covered
aad soaked with loathsomeness and abom
ination. Arousing from bis debauch, he
cries out: "O God, have mercy ou me.
Thou who didst pardon the penitent thief,
hear hm ery for mercy." And the lord
lietiai and pardons, and bo sooner Is the
poor wetted pardoned lliau threo of the
groat lowers of heaven strlko up a silvery
ehline. Hut hero Is a wnlfof thu street,
H ho passes under the gaslight, and jour
soul s'nidders with a groat horror. N't
pity for her. No commiseration for her.
As she passes down t host loot alio hears
a sotur In a midnight mission, nud as alio
ILnns In that soi.g she hears)
All tint)' eomo, whoever will,
This Man receives ssir sliuiurs allll.
Bhu puts Into that harbor; she kneels
by tho rough bench near thu door; ahu
aays: "U Lortll Thou who didst havu
mercy on Mary Magdalen, taku my
blistered feet olT the red hot pave
ment of hell." Mul says, "My daughter,
thy sins are forglvoiv then, go in peace,"
Now, all thu four towers of heaven Mi Ike
a silvery eliline.and they who pass through
the c'lestlal stieels sayi "What's t lint f
Why, the worst sinner must have been
sacd. Hoar all thu four towers ring mid
ring and rlngl" "And there Is Joy In
heaven among the angels of Clod over one
sinner that repenteth. "
iicavkn'h iiaitinihh may hi; aii(imi:nii:i
My subject Impresses you, I think, with
the thought that It Is possible for us to
augment the happiness of heaven. Peo
ple think that souls before thu throne ate
as happy as tlry can bu, I deny It. Ltsik
at that mother before thu throne of God
When ahu died she left her sou In thin
world a vagabond. That sou repented ot
his Iniquities mid ciuiu to God, Thu re
port of that salvation has reached heaven.
l)o you lull me that mother beforu tho
throne of Gisl has not her Joy richly uug
mentedf There Is many a man In this
house today who could go out with a torch
and kludlu a now houllru of victory ou tin.
hills of heaven. If you would this day re
pent and comu to Uod, thu news of your
salvation would reach heaven, aud then,
harkl lo thu shout of thu ransomed. Votu
little child went away from you Into the
good laud. While she was here you
brought her all kinds of beautiful proa
Sometimes you came home at nightfall
with your pockets full of gifts for her, and
no sooner did you put your night key Into
the latch than she began at you, saying,
"Father, what have you brought me?"
She Is now before tho throtiu of God. Can
you bring her a gift today? You may.
Coming to Christ and repenting of sin, thu
tidings will go up to throtiu of God and
your child will hear of It. Oh, what a gift
for her aoul t (slay I Shu will aklp with uuw
gladness on the ovcrlaatlug hilts when alio
hears of It.
I was at Sharpsburg during thu war, aud
one day I saw a sergeant dash oast ou a
lathered horse, thu blood dripping from
thu spurs. 1 said, "That sergeant must bu
going on a very important message, la
must be carrying a very Important dis
patch, or he wouldn't ride like that."
Here arotwonugelsof God Hitting through
thu house, Hitting toward the throne ou
quick dispatch. What Is thu news? Carry
ing up thu story of souls repentant and for
given, carrying the news to tho throne of
God, carrying the news to your kindred
who are foruvor saved. Oh, "there Is joy
In heaven among the angels of God over
one sinner that repenteth." And suppose
this whole audience should turn to the
1ird? Heaven would Imi filled with dox
ologles, O heaven, bent with all thy
hammers that the rock may break. O
heaven, strike with all thy gleaming
swords that our souls may be free.
"I was reading of a king who, after gain
ing a great victory, said to his army, "No,
no shouting; let everything be in quiet; no
shouting." Hut If this hour your soul
should come to God, nothing could stop
the shouting of tho armies of God lefore
the throne, for "theru Is Joy In heaven
among the angels of God over one slnuoi
that repenteth."
In some families they keep a vacant
chair aud a vacant plate for tho departed,
but If In some of your households you kept
a vacant chair aud a vacant platu for those
who have gone away from you Into thu
nuxt world, the vacant chairs and thu va
cant plates would outnumber those which
are occupied. I once said to you there are
no vacant chairs In heaven, but I recall
,that. Hlght liesldeyuur loved one iu that
good laud theru Is a vacant chair, not made
vacant by death, for death never enters
then', It is a vacant chair for you. Will you
take It ?
My subject also ImnruHseH mo with thu
idea that heaven and earth are in close
sympathy. People talk of heaven as
though It were a great way off. They say
it Is hundreds of thousands of mile before
sou reach tho Hrst star, and then you go
hundreds of thousands of miles beforu you
get to the second star, aud then It la mil
lions of miles before you reach heaveu.
They say heaven is the center of the uni
verse and wo are ou the rim of the universe.
That Is not the Idea of my tv.t. I think
the heart of heaven beats very clijse to our
world, We measure distances by thu time
taken to traverse those distances.
It usts I to bu a longdistance to San Fran
cisco. Many weeks aud mouths were
passed before you could reach that city.
Now It Is six or seveu days. It used to be
six weeks liefore you could voyage from
here to Llverxol, Now you can go that
distance In six or seven days. And so I
measure the dUtance la-twcen earth and
heaveu, aud I Hnd It is only a Hash, It
Is one Instant here and another Instant
there. It is very near today. Do you not
feel tho breath of heaven on your face?
Christ says In onu place it is not twenty
four hours' distance, when ho says to the
penitent thief, "This day, this day, shah
thou bo with iiiu In paradise." It is not a
day, it is not an hour, it is not a minute. It
is not a hecoud.
Oh, how near heaven Is to earth. Hy
Oceania cable you tcnd a message. As it is
expensUu to send a message, you compress
a great deal of meaning in a fuw words.
Sometimes In two wonls you can put vast
meaning. Aud it seems to me that the
angels of God who carry uuws from earth
to heaven need to taku up this hour in re
gard to your soul, only two wonls in order
to kindle with gladness all tho redeemed
beforu the throne, only two words, "Father
saved," "mother saved," "son saved,"
"daughter saved." Aud "there is joy In
heaven among the unguis of God over one
siuiier that repeututh."
My subject also impresses mo with tut
fact that the salvation of the soul Is of
vast importance. If you should make
00,000 this year, do you suppose that news
would bo carried to heaven? It would not
bo of enough Importance or signlllcanco to
be carried heavenward. If at the nuxt
auadreuiilal election you are made prusl
cut of tho United States, do you suppose
that news would be carried to heaven?
Do you suppose that the news of a revolu
tion In Franco or Spain would be carried to
heaven? These thing are not of enough
importance, but there Is one Item that is
sure to be carried. It Is the salvation of
your soul. It is your repentance before
The flying hoofs of God's couriers clash
through tho gates aud the news goes from
gate to mansion, and from mansion to tern
pie, aud from temple to throne, aud "there
Is joy iu heaveu" among tho augels of God
ovor one sluuur loighcu. It must lw ol
vast Importance to be of any moment In
heaven, ) our salvation, In that laud where
gladnesses uru thu ovor) day occurrence, in
that laud wheru thu common atones of the
Held atu Jiuqicr and emerald nud chrys
oprasiis and carbuiu'luaud sardonyx. And
yet thu news of your salvation makes Joy
beforu thu throne, of God,
You remember) oars ago, a stage driver
In thu Whllu mountains Iwcaiiio very reck
less. Hu had a Targu iiiiiiiIht of passengers
on thu stage, mid thu atngu was drawn by
alx horses, wild and ungovernable, mid hu
drovu near thu precipice, and hu drove oIL
the atagu with Its precious freight rolling
down tho embankment, mid many were
slain, but fuwworu saed, I suppose when
they wrote homo they wrote with con
gratulatlon at their rescue. Thu angels of
GinI look down and they sou men driving
on thu edge of nival pieclplces of ruin mid
danger, drawn by wild, leaping, foaming
and ungovoruablu pet lis In this life, and If
flllV ullflll KMf-llltl, ll.iflll-l. I llltl- Illlllul7l. lift Ifltl
""' ,' i ... "' I
not sttpKsu tho angels of Gisl rojolco, cry-1
lugs "Good, gtssll Saved from sin, saved i
from death, saved from hell, saved for-'
The supremo court of thu United States
does not adjoin u lor mi) thing trilling, It
must I m thu death of a cabinet minister,
or thu death of a president, or soinu mat
tor of very groat moment. When 1 llnd
alt heaven adjourning Its other Joys foi
this onu Joy I make up my mind It Isol
very great Importance If heaven can afford
to adjourn all oilier festivities to celebrate
this onu tilumph.
Do you wonder that so many of those
Christian eoplo have tolled night aud day
In this work of aoul saving, if It is of such
vast luiH)rtaucu? Do you wonder that
Ncttleton and Fiuley mid HUhop Asbttry
and John Wesley and Goorgu Whltelleld
and Paul aud angels and Christ and God
stripped -themselves for thu work? Around
that one soul click tho mist, thu Hru. the I
darknes, thu Joy, thu anthem, thu walling '
thu hallelujah and the woe of God's uul
verse. If the soul Is saved, then lip comis
to trumpet mid lingers to harp and ham
mer to bell aud "theru is Joy among thu
angels of God ovor that onu soul forgiven,''
For such a soul I plead.
Having found In uiyowuuxperleiicu that
this religion Is a comfort aud a Joy, I stand
here to commend it to joii. Iu thu days of
my infancy I was carried by Christina par
ents to the house of God, and consecrated
In baptism to the Father, aud thu Son, and
the Holy Ghost; but that did not save me.
Iu after time I was taught to kneel at the
Christian family altar with father mid
mother nud brothers and sisters, thu most
of them now In glory: but that did not save
In after lime I rend Doddridge's "Itlse
and Progress" and Haxter's "Call to the ,
Unconverted," and all thu religious books J
around my father's household, but that i
did not Havu me. Hut onu day thu voice of
Christ camu into my heart saying, "He
pent, repent; believe, belluve," and I ac
cepted the offer of mercy, aud though uo
doubt there was more Joy In heaon over
the conversion of other souls because of
their farreaching lullucncu, I verily bullcve
when I gave my heart to uod there.
Were .
Miiuv HplrltH In hmvuii the gladder for the
!l, .i'l"i!!:","::u'il
eth." Turn this day to the Ixird who
bought you. Ict this whole audience sur
render themselves to Jesus Christ. If for
ten, twenty, llfty jours you have not
prayed, In'gln now to praj.
"Oh," you huj "I can't priiy." Can you
not sajV'God be merciful to mu, aslnncrr"
"No," you say, "I can't say that," feTheii
can j'ou not look to the thronu of mercy?
"No," j'ou say, "I can't look up." Can you
not thou give some signal liku that which
was given by the lad In tho hospital? He
was sick and sulferlng and dying, and
wanted speedily to go away from all suffer
ing aud pain, aud hu said to his comrades
; mm pan , i mi nu miiii io ins
the hospital, "It Is strangu to mu that ;
ium doesn't see mu when hugoe.s through I
e nights aud takes others to himself,
In thu
here night
Ho goes through here and hu dosen't see
mo. I must 1k asleep aud hu doesn't know
I want to go.
"Now, I tell you how I'll arrange Iu I'll
uo to sleep with my hand up, and then
when Jesus comes through thu hospital by
night he will see my hand lifted, and hu
So it was none, format nignt.icsus wont
through the hospital and took thu suffer
ing lad, and the next morning the nurse
passing through the wards of the hospital
saw a dead hand lifted braced ou one side
against the pillow, and the left hand hold
ing tho elbow of tho right arm. Jesus had
seen the signal and answered It. Oh, sick
soul, wounded soul, dying soul, canst thou
not give some signal? Wilt thou not lift
one hand or onu prayer? God grant that
this day theru may be joy Iu heaven among
tho augels of God over your soul forgiven!
Muslo Iu Hen n.
Thu thrum of hamstrings;
nsalms: music from the golden wires; the
echoes of angel trumpets; the praises of a
thousand choirs; harpers harping with
their harps; the shout of one hundred and
forty aud four thousands ou thu summit of
the holy mountain with thu Lamb; tint song
of victory sung by the redeemed church,
the tuneful voices of the ten th'.'ii-uiid
times ten thousand aud thousand uf thou
sands; the hallelujah choruses llko tho
noise of many waters, aud thu sound of
mighty thundurs, iu which thanksgiving
roars like a llery llame aud gratitude swells
like an luHnltu tempest. These hallelujah
choruses are nothing short of a sacred
No clement has tho placo in heaven that
tho element of music has. Iu it aro sobs
and antlpltonal responses and full choruses
and maguillceiit jubilates. Thu angels
sing; thu nations slug; the whitu robed
multitudes slug; thu four living creatures
slug; tho four and twentj', ciders slug; out
burst of pratsu follows outburst of praise,
rolling east and rolling west, rolling north
and rolling south, until tho very throne of
God trembles and quivers with praise,
Itev. David Gregg.
CliHiiCil the Nutiject.
He (gently) Aro j-ou not afraid some
ono may marry you for your money?
She (sweetly) Oh, dear, no. Such au
idea never entered my head.
He (tenderly) All, iu your sweet Inno
cence you do not know how coldly, cruelly
mercenary somu men are.
She (quietly) Perhaps not.
He (with suppressed emotion) I I
would not for the world havo such a ter
rible fate happen to you. Thu man who
wins you should lovu you for yourself
She He'll have to. It's my cousin
Jennie who has money, not I. You've got
us mixed I haven't a cent.
He Kr very pleasant weather we're
huvlng. New York Weekly.
Whispers Carried Five Hundred Mll.
Whispers can Ih transmitted .VXi mile-i
by tlw new telephone which, It is said, a
telepl'.oue company has just perfected.
Now York Journal,
JRn uf ATTPI17P"
II cut to Htoeh a I.uncli Itiokrt fori l.on
lUllriiuil Trip.
No jK-rson, mini or woman, should ovor
start on a railroad trip without a well
stocked lunch baakot. A trip only In
tended to last six hours has boon known
to last rIx days, and an ovorland train Is
ofton blockaded two and threo weeks.
In tho first placo, a squaro wicker basket
has better stowing capacity than any
other". On tho bottom put a layer of
small tins of sardines, potted chicken,
pates, or any of tho preserved meats that
aro beat liked; aUoacan opener. Above
them havo onu of theso llttlo alcohol
mum navo
r.,()(i Ht0v
v. ,,
' ,ml "" J".
atoves that cost twenty-llvo cents,
cup, onu or moro cans of con
densed milk, a pound of sugar in onu
closed tin canister and tea or coftco in
another. A small tin colloo or tea
pot and a pint of alcohol aro also to
lio packed in. Half a dozen lemons
uliould comu next, and at least
ono a day should bo eaten with the
food as a corrective. A smnll bottle
of olives or pickles aro also nice;
ho is cold tongue, or better still n nice
chicken cooked at home. Tho rest of
tho space should bu filled in with
menl and small crackers, bread aud ap
ples or other fruit, aud if there is any
roc ui moro lemons and perhaps soino
plain cake. No pie, it mashes and
doesn't look tnsty. Tho meats and
bread, if any, should bo wrapped in
waxed p.iper, and a conplo of dozen of
Japanese pajfer napkins put in, with n
knife, fork and spoon, and a iretty mug
for coffee and n platu can bo tucked in
somewhoro. You can inako coileo or
tea with ono of those llttlo spirit lamps.
To pack us much ns is mentioned here
you require a basket about eighteen
inches long, a foot wide aud a foot deep.
It will hold sufficient for a weok's ra
tions. How to Converse.
Speak distinctly, aud neither too
rapidly nor too slowly. Never sneak
with your mouth full. Tell your jokes
first, and laugh afterward. Do not use
suiH-TfluouH words. Appear sincere,
avoiding conceit aud affectation. Never
force a laugh, and only talk when you
)mVu Boiuotliing interesting to toll,
How to Kstlimite SliliiKles for n Itouf.
There is au easy method of calculating
thu number of shingles necessary to
cover a roof: Got tho length of tho ridgo
polo in inches and multiply it by tho
lntwvtK til llwilinu fvntn tltn Jj1i unln -v
tho i-diro of tlm navns. lint off tlin rhrlit
lmnd ,,, un(, tho r09Hlt wiU tho
number of shingles required for both
"dos of tuo roof.
How to Gut Itll of Superfluous Hulr.
First got a pair of wido pincers and
bow kid on tho ends tightly, so ns not to
cut the hairs. Then take soft pitch nine.
or failing that, get an ounco of resin and
I ounco of tnrpentino and let them stand
in n bottle with a wido mouth over
1 night Tho tnrpentino dissolves tho
resin and it becomes sticky. Hub a lit
, tie of this on tho edges of tho kid cov
I ered pincers and then tako hold of tho
,mlr8 00 or two ftt ft timo nnU
. i,t j ... v , moVL,1I1GMf
WIUI. ". B1. ,' ?VCt,, "0VL,,le"t.
any jerk which will break tho
hairs ono or two at a titno and pull them
, avoiding
hair. In
this way the hair will bo pulled out of
its place root aud all, bringing usually
j tho little fat follicle and breaking up
tho nerve cell that kept tho hair alive.
After tho hair is out, touch tho placo
will, il llttlft nlimr tilrnoiiHtin ntul tl,nti
wlnn fi.wilni,lflf wl,li 1,1 .,,,. r.
. ... nlW(lfa n . w .. M ..,
iieatiug this process a few times will
euro the worst cased of suierfluous hairs.
Tho tnrpentino should ho used sparingly,
us it stings, but tho cold cream will calm
that aud tho skin will uot bo Injured in
tho slightest degree.
How to Detect Clilckenpox.
Chlckenpox begins with moro or less
fever and burning of tho skin. Thi
eruption looks very much like that seen
in smallpox, only thu pustules aro round
instead of square. They aro usually in
clusterLoi. threo or four close togother.
allveryTuhickenpoxIft xjrely dangerous, but it
is a very HiitioyitigNUaeiiso from the in
tense itching. Tho wftido body will bo
quite red, tho eruption inrk, changing to
yellowish and wnioiy nd later to dark
brown Bcabs.
How to Cure ftstiimerliiif.
Take a full breath jnd talk very slow
ly. Tho chief difiioulty is with words
begiuniug with Consonants, and any vio
leut effort to force tho words out only
increases thu trouble In order, then,
to get over thu consonants form them
first. For example, taku tho word blan
ket, which to a stammeier is a verbal
pitfall. Begin by making the sound of
"bl," then pause. Make it again and
follow it with tho rest of tho word,
"bl anket." You will bo surprised to
find how easy it is. Read aloud to your
self, stopping to take bieath the moment
you begin to stammer, aud working out
all words over which you huvo any dim
cultv iu tho manner indicated. When
with people, as stammering is almost
purely n nervous failing, havu some
thing in your hands to play with, ns this
will help greatly. The cuio is slow, but
absolutely snro. When you aro by your
self, talk, working out each word over
which yon have any difficult)'. In talk
ing to others, remember that stammer
ing shows you uro speaking too quickly,
or you have not breath, or both.
How to Make a llarrel Trap.
This is the simplest and most ingenious
trap mado, aud is particularly available
for the catching of skunks. Put a stone
on the ground and lay a barrel across it
so that the open end will just overbal
ance the other end and therefore rest
upon the ground. Put a piece of meat
in the high end. The skunk walks up
to it, his weight tips thu barrel down
aud ho Is captured. Tho only objection to
this trap is that it It interfered with by
heavy winds.
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