Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 27, 1892, Image 1

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"A- PoPLAR PAPER oP A9PERN times "
Vol 7 No 12
Lincoln, Nicmnaka, Satukday, Pijiikuauy 27, leD2.
F'wicic Fivii Oont
been very Inrgo, but there are good seats to
bo had yet, ,
mS&&s&5itim&y:k .pee JWHt
mmjmwmmf -v-ymm
ill II I I I II ! in B -w
I mnilo n recent referenco In those columns
to tho siiKrstltlons to which railroad men,
from manager to trnck hand, nru cono, but
I must confess tlio nemo of erfected Ignor
nnco In tho shnpo of ft railway Miorlnten
dent linn remained for tho DesMolnes Mull
ami Times to discover. An employe con
nected with ono of tho best known mid pay
ing systems 111 Iowa has written n letter to
that journal. lie has served ns brakesman
niul coiuliictor, lms given ((owl anil faithful
service mul boars letters of tho highest re
commendations from tho oIlhliiN. Ijist Hep
tetnlier ho wns dug out of u terrible freight
wreck, caused by a broken truck, with In
juries that unfitted him for labor for threo
months. In December, although still renlly
unable for duty, ho reported for his "train
being it mnn of family and feeling that ho
must lie doing for them. Instead of replac
ing him tho superintendent, gave him the
llattering letters of recommendation and In
formed him that tho company could not
again accept his services ns it was supersti
tious about men who got hurt In wrecks a
second or third tlmo and makes It a rule to
dismiss them before they get killed! It hap
Iened In this man's case to bo tho second or
third time ho had got hurt, but through no
neglect or fault of his own, as his service
bad been without a Haw. He lion now been
nearly six months without work or a salary
nnd is on tho verge of despondency. There
Is no question nbout tho utter soullessness of
corporations when it case llko this is laid
bnro. showing n contemptible cringing to
silly superstitions.
Aud this Is the nineteenth century about
tho enlightenment, refinement mid culture of
which we hear so inuchj
"If you don't prnctlco what you preach
who will believe in your consistency!" This
was a question I put to n man tho other
evening who was loud In his talk about
building up Lincoln, but wns Inclined to
send to Chicago In a sly wny when ho wanted
mi article which could be hail in our own
city for about tho same price. Everyone
who holds up Lincoln, her stores, her fao
toi les, is benelltlng himself directly or In
directly. Everyone who falls to do so In
disloyal to our city mid citizens. A rigid
rule to patroulzo our own people and a strict
living up to it will do more good than
moneyed men wiio como here and invest In
property, allowing it to remain idle year
after year in order to reap tho harvest of its
advancement, (live your manufacturers
llvlngprlces and home patronage; if you
wish them to eke out a miserable existence
send the money you should pay them to en
rich some eastern firm, which cares nothing
for you except the money it draws from you,
and thus assist in your efforts to destroy
your own city manufactures, insurance com
panies and other institutions.
A few years ngo a green country boy ap
pealed to the superintendent of a western
railway for work, aud, somewhat against the
superintendent's wish, on account of the
danger to lffo and limb attendant upon such
occupation, was given it place as breiikinati
of it freight train. On one of his first trips
it happened that his train met another
freight train at it station wliero the side
track was not long enough to accommodate,
either of them. Tho conductors were debat
ing which train should back up to a point
where they could nsst when the now hand
ventured to suggest that neither should go
back; that they could pass each other by
meuns of the short sidetrack if the thing
were managed right. The idea excited a
good deal of laughter on tho part of the old
trainmen, but the boy stood his ground.
"Well, how would you go aliout Itl" asked
ono of the conductors, conllileut that the lad
would coon find himself up n stump. The
boy took up a stick and traced in the sand a
diagram to illustrate his plan.
"Good grueloiul" snld the conductor, "I
believe that will do itl"
And it did do it. To-day every train-man
in America probably knows how to "saw
by two long trains on n short side track,
but it is not so generally known that the
thing was never done until an inexperienced
country boy, who Is now the manuger of it
great railway Hue, worked Jout the problem
for himself.
Hotel holocausts continue, to spasmodical
ly horrify tho people of tho United States
and yet nothing Is done by congress nor any
municipality to eirectuully exterminate these
awful jtossibilitles. There is not a largo
city in tho land but contains one or more
old-fashioned inns or hulks thatnre veritable
human fire-traps, without escapes by exter
lor ladders or rope drois. New York mid
Chlctigo huvo dozens of old hotels like tho
gutted Royal mid its chnriml pit. The only
wonder is that more of them do not bnru up
mid cremate scores of occupunts. Blnce
municipalities everywhere are criminally
indifferent us to tho existance of thse coin
bust able and escapoless hulks, congress ought
to come to the rescue of the general publia
with stipulations that will bring cities mid
hotel keeers to their senses by eualtie8 em
bracing confiscation and imprisonment. At
least a half a dczen more hotels on Droud
way,JNew York, are destined to (pass into
history as human crematories llko tho Ill
fated Royal. Is there any city of from 1,000.
000 down to 60,000 Mpulation that can
boast of being without a hotel holocaust
Virtue Is its own reward by a good round
majority. Tho oyster of tho church social
has beeu fished after aud nto on the spot,
whenever found and vilified by the press be
cause of their fewness, in such a manner as
to causo this shrinking little bivalve to lie
como smaller and Bimller each season. Hut
now comes a story from Now York which
should put every woman who helps support
it church by her gastronomlcal powers on
tho look out, for who knows but it may next
hnpcu in Lincoln! A lady at nn oyster
supjier at ono of tho churches in Now York,
whllo eating nil oyster from the half shell,
stiuck n bard substance which sho Blip
posod to bo n piece of nn oyster shell,
but on examination It was found to bo it
pearl of large slzo, worth, ns u Jeweler who
was present stated, about $2,500, on account
of its jierfeot formation, size nnd color.
There are many iteople who would bo will
ing to have such peurlij cast before them nnd
if such results could often bo brought nbout,
church oyster suppers would .grow In favor
east ami west.
The mlleago book of the immedinto future
is not unlikely to bo Illustrated with tho pho
tograph of the purchaser. The misuse and
cheating by scalpers hits gone to such mi ex
tent that the railways claim there is no other
alternative for them to choose. Already the
Chicago & Eastern Illinois has issued an or
dcrforbiddlngauymiileai;o books to bo sold on
that system until mounted with it photograph
of tho purchaser taken on tho sjtot with it
kodak or sullied from tho party's photo
grapher. Tho photograph ticket or mileage
book, if generally adopted, will prove a dis
astrous Uow to the seal wr s everywhere if
indeed it does not largely exterminate tlium.
Tliero will of course be a grand kick from
purchasers if they are culled upon to p ly for
their photos an well us tho liooks, but In this
era of cheup kodaks and simply pressing the
button every rallvvuy passenger agent can
allord to do his own photographing. All of
the roads east of Chicago but one luivo
agreed, it is suld. to give the photographic
mileage book u year's trial
"Do Wo Live too Fust!" Is u ijuiwtioii that
has been asked a tho maud tiin es mid, with
a fow exceptions, always answered in tho
affirmative. Learned mid eminent physi
cians have written time and again their views
and with ono accord agree that Americans
live nt too swift a p tee. Tho hut physician
to join the ranks of those who have hounded
the tocsin of warning Is Dr. Cyrus Edison.
In tho AbrfA luirWruu Uertmo for March
he talks in this strain: "In thirty years
time, less than half the lllbUcal allowance of
man's life, the United States haw multiplied
its wealth six tlmitt, aud has nearly trebled
that per cuplt't. What energy, what work,
what Increasing etrort has been needed to
bring about this marvelous result! What
can we do to retard this development of the
brain and nerves at the expense of tho body ?
Obviously It is impossible, to change our sur
roundings, to chaugo our food, to lessen tho
drive of our modern life, to relievo the strain
on the mind, to mako the competition less
fierce. It Is apparent then, that as we can
not lessen the strain, wo must iucreiso the
ability to undergo it. Wo must, as a people,
learn to understand (his: that while we drive
tho brain wo must build the body. Tho
methods of doing this nru so simple that they
aro apt to be overlooked; they muy be
summed up in two words exercise and fresh
air. As wo teach our children to wash their
hands and faces in the morning and continue
our teachings until ablutions become a habit
so fixed as to produce jioaltive discomfort if
they are omitted, so we must teach them to
exercise until this too, becomes a habit, it
second nature, a something that when omit
ted causes real physical distress, mid we must
chooso a form of exercise which is adapted
to persons of middle ngo as well as to child
ren. . . . build up the body, build up
tho body! In our modern life tills should be
dinned Into the ears until it is obeyed, for,
verily, unless we build up the body, the
strain on tho bruin will ruin the American
eoplo. Tho very elements In ourselves that
have made us great, the push, the drive, tho
Industry, tho mental keenness, tho ability
mid the wllliiiguess to labor these contain
in them tho seeds of national death. No race
may endure that has not the stamina and
power of tho healthy animal. The American
race bus run too much to brain." Dr. Edi
son says somo very plain mid erstwhile prac
tical truths. Wo need to give more atten
tion to our mode of living it we would uttaln
tho highest realisation of nature's plans,
always remembering "It Is not tho work but
tho puce which kills."
MissAium Dick, Modiste. Corner Elev
onth mid U streets over Lincoln Havings
Hank & Safety Deposit Co., entrance on I
V. . j&zmw&nL w
Tho now Lincoln Kraino nnd Art Co. has
just received n most elegant lino of beautiful
nowsprlng mouldings and art goods. No
ono should think of placing nn order for this
class of goods until they hnvo insocted the
now designs that we aro showing.
.Sirs, .1. I. IinliolV Writes 11 llrm-ry niul
Interesting Letter.
Tho following letter from his mother, Mrs.
M. E. Iinhoir who is spending tho winter In
Florida, has been received by C. II. (mholT,
ami it Is through his courtesy we aro enabled
to lay It before our render to lay:
HUTiir.ut.ANl), Fin., Feb. 10, 1S0J.
My Dkaii Bon; According to promise, I
seat inyselt to write you my first Impression
of our southern imisscssIoiim, Of coursj I can
not give opinions us I could utter it louder so
journ, but after theso few days can form a
pretty correct estiuvite of many thluicx. Tho
Han Marino aud Quit View more than meet
my expectations; the former Is a splendidly
nrranged house of one hunored and fifty
rooms and can accomodate very nicely throe
hundred guests. Tho ceilings uro hjgh,
rooms all light uud well ventilated In size
exceed that of tho majority of season re
sorts. Tnoy nro furnished tastefully and
every room hits it nice closet. Aboit one
half the rooms have grates which aro very
pretty, not tho hideous little uiralrs wo often
find in hotels.
Tho wood work of tho entire house Is of
southern hard plue mid llnNlnsl In Its natur
al grain is very neat. Tho dining room Is
large, light aud airy, with it largo lire place
on ono side, from which a pine knot lire
sends cheerful gleams on cool mornings they
tell us, iilthoiiKh since our nrrlvul there has
been no occasion. Tho olllcu in tho center of
tho house is very attractive, with it cozy re
ception room at the rignt as you enter, uud
a wilting room at the loft. Tho halts are
wldo and spacious; from ouu end oM)iis tho
soluiluiu, which is filled with lounges and
easy rockers for tho coinfortof senil-lnvalids,
who desire thesuu baths.
Wldo verandahs sitviouud tho entire main
building, with stairs coming from the upper
to tho lower verandahs hi several places, so
that In case of lire, ttioro would bj easy exits
ovury little ways. Tlio grounds mo eipt
cious aud ivlll in time be tho handsomest on
tho west coast. At present tho trees mid
shrubbery lire smallv but In this cilmate they
grow and mature very rapidly. Tho faro in
the dining room compares very favorably
with northern houses of tho first class. Our
meats wo get from the Norrh packed in ico.
We huvo had turkey every dinner but ono
since we came aud oysteis and llsh are ox
lulleut. Vegetables uro the same us wo
huvo lu Lincoln, only of coursu wo Imvo now
onions, radishes, cabbage, etc., here. Lust
evening wo had ftrnwtorrics that wore as
largo and delicious in llnvor as wo get in
Nebraska In June. Tho oranges are tho fin
est lu llnvor l ever tasted, so frosh ami Juicy.
Grace suld today the orange sherbet wus tho
fliifkt slio over had, duo largely to' tho llne
ness of tlio fruit, I think. Wo huvo u crow
almost entirely from tho North, tho inujoil
ty from Now York. Tho southern servunts
are so umeliuble uud iuefltuieiit we mo them
only us wo me obliged to, to fill vucuncios
Tim locution hero is unsurpassed in tho
state, high, dry, with a full view of tho bay
from the front of tho house, uud piiu groves
In the rear, from tho breezes of which wo get
that resinous, healthful alt so desirable to
tho many who como south for health. As I
sit by my oieu window writing, I cannot
realize that It muy bo freezing cold with
you. Yesterday a purty of us went over to
Hhell Island, about live mllos away. It was
my first trip nut on the water uud I onjoyod
it very much. Richard came homo very
happy and triumphant with his pull of shells
mid burned face, notwithstanding his broad
brimmed straw hat. He is perfectly happy
here. Ho had his Hue uud hook trolling
along all tho way yesterday, but was not us
fortunate as some of tho older ones lu catch
ing llsh.
We hud it delightful drlvo Monday over to
Mr. Hodgers place, about a mile aud a half
nwiiy, where we gathered oranges, lemons,
citrous, etc., without' own hand, sampled
the guuvn a southern fruit from which
much jelly Is made, saw date treos In bloom,
etc., but I can't tell all, so will Just close this
,&v- wlvm'yc. ISSfefcsterESy . L
already long letter mid write ngniu soon'
giving you Inter impressions ns I have op
portunity to see and know more of this beau
tiful southern clime. My only regret Is that
you nro not nil hero In; fact I wish all our
friends could spend nt least tho mouth of
March here, away from the changes, colds,
and coughs incident to that month lu Ne
braska. Aftor that month I would bo ready
nnd willing to return to Lincoln, tho "Magic
City'tef tho West. Remember mo kindly to
nil frwnds. M. E. iMiiorr.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Hllverwaro Hallo tt
Hnllttt Diamonds, Jewelry, Hilvorwnro.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Hllverwaro Hallett.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Hllverwaro Hallett.
Diamonds. Jewelry, Hllverwaro Hallett.
Hallett Jewelry, Diamonds, Hllverwaro.
Hallett Jewelry, Diamonds, Hllverware.
Hallett Jewelry, Diamonds, Silverware,
Halfitt Bllvorware, Jewelry, Diamonds.
Hullt-tt Silverware, Jewelry, Diamonds.
Hilvferwnro, Diamonds, Jewelry Hallett.
Hllverware, Diamonds, Jewelry Hallett.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware Hallett.
Diamonds, Jewelry, Bllvorwnre Hallett.
Hallett Diamonds, Jewelry, silver ware.
i.liicoliiltns Iti-Dort lu Omaliw.
Of tho sovorulliotels In Oinuhu that cater
to first class -Mitronago, none deserve tho
good will of mi appreciative public like tho
popular Murray hotel. It is well known to
many (Llncolnltes and is the favorite stop
ping place for the-iOO of tho capital city.
The location of the Murray Is central, Ixilng
on Fourteenth ami Harvey streets lu tho bus
iness center, near the theutres and nil places
of Interest. The cuisine ami service is ac
knowledged by tho most exacting traveling
public, to bo unsurpassed anywhere In the
west mid the rooms, all large, either single
or cufculto, lire light, well ventilated uud
magnificently furnished. It Is Omaha's
model hotel aud Llncolultes are always
made welcome. Mine host Blllowuy Is milk
ing It most popular success of the Murray uud
Omaha visitors from this city find it a most
pleasant i eort to stop at. When lu Oinuhu
next time, glvo tho .Murray it trial.
iJiilekTImu to Oiiiitliu.
It's remai knhle, tho time that the Hurling-
ton llfio can aud does iiiuke. Tho other day
after leaving Lincoln fifteen minutes lute,
the great long Hue of eleven conches, nulled
into Omaha promptly on time. When it Is
understood that the tlmo given for the trip is
75 minutes mid for the train to muke the dis
tance of .V miles in sixty minutes, those ac
customed to traveling will readily realize the
high nito of speed that is required. The lino
between the capital city and the state me
troolls does not run through a country that
might bo termed "table laud." After leav
ing Ashluud the train liegtus to cll'iib a
heavy grade mid for more than half the dis
tance It Is mi "uphill job" in the fullest sense
of tho term. The Burlington Is the old
standby uud has always given Lincoln quick
est time and uucqualod service to ull pioml.
lent centers. To Omaha It is the shortest
line by over five miles und makes tho trip lu
ubout half the time of Its most pieteutlous
livnl. Constuiit heuvy travel between the
two grent cities shows public profeieneo uud
appreciation nnd us our friend Kleiner would
say, "thollurllngton does tho business.
Tho now Lincoln Crxfno mid art company
tllake II HIMtllllV llf 'frilllliw fnl- llmi irnlnn
work, with Elite Studio Wo south Eleventh
The New Nhno House.
Cyrus Biindersoii late of I'arkar & Bander
son and one of the most opular shoe men In
Lincoln, Is now hard nt It nrrauelni: for the
o-ioning of the new shoo house, IWi O street,
and of which ho will bo at tho head. The
new firm will bo known ns Sanderson, Scliui
nmu & Davis mid having ample capital to
back It, will undoubtedly flourish froti Its
Inception. Mr. Suhurinnu Is an exnorienc-
od shoe man, well known hero uud Mr. Dav
is mi old citizen who has many friends. The
popularity of tho in-miliers of the firm will
bo sufficient to draw a lariro nntronaiio.
Tho opening day has not as yet been decided
The lenders of tho Couhikii. will find the
finest line of linked goods lu tho city at the
ew ork- liauery' VM south Twelfth street.
The nttempt to make capital for the 1'nrls
(I) gaiety girls, who wero ut the Fiinke Fri
day mid Saturday evenings, tiy circulating it
rc-xirt that tho ollco would Interfere with
the ierformauco wus not as clever un adver
tising dodgo ns it might have been. Of
course It Increased the attendance tho first
night but the house suffered fearfully for It
on the second, as might have burnt expocted,
The iKsrformance itself does not deserve crit
icism, outBldo the few legitimate parti which
were Introduced; these wero noticeably good,
st nulling out in bold relief ngnliistthe brazen
olTorts to excite man's curiouslty for tho
other portion.
Monday evening Boyd's new theatro wns
literally packed, the audience being tho
largest and most fashionable that has en
joyed the drama lu the now theatre. It wan
the largest audience of the season, even
ccll'islng the notable 0enlug of the beauti
ful thesplmi temple. Sarah, the divine. In
terpreted tho entire play, that of Hardou's
"Iu Tusca" lu French ax did also tho entire
HiipiKirt, which throughout was uniformly
excellent mid tho principal characters very
lino Indeed. To witness Bornhurdt'sdruuiutlu
work Is a genuine trtvtt, for although one
does not und'irstand tho French, her deliver
ntlous ure so sharp mid clear that the thread
of thostoiy emi Imi fully rc-illus! neverthe
less. In fact to sum It up more clearly the
play could not hnvo Ihmiii better understood
hail It been enacted a !niitomino. However,
tho writer had seen Funny Davenport's pre
sentation of tho same piece and therefore
the work of tho artists were fully compre
hended. Ah mi emotional actress Bernhardt
undoubtedly has no living equal. Her work
Is so clever that tho auditor, even not under
standing her tongue, forgets that she Is
merely acting. In tho love scenes she is
tenderness lu It very simplicity; In coiitem
platioushe is keen und culm, while lu -mi.
siou nnd hate, she is full of lire uud deter
mination. It was it grand production by it
gram! player, nnd candidly I must admit
that contrary to my expectations I was mg
nlllclontly entertained. There was quite u
purty of Llncolultes present, among the in
lielug Misses Oerlrudo Laws, IolIn Hhears,
Rose Carson, C. J. Oiillinette, Corn Hardy,
Kittle Weston, Mr. Clinton Brlggs, Kate
Stoddard: Mrs. Dowllng, Mrs. O. L, Lumh;
Messrs. Oscar Funke, Frank Hathaway, Lou
Wessel, Sain Ijiws, H. T. Westermun, E. N.
Nash aud Dr. Unpen.
Tho Noss Jollities appeared ut tho Lansing
Tuesday uud Wednesday evenings, under
the auspices of tho local Knights Templar in
"A Quick Match", mid gave u clean cut, re
fined muslctil entertainment. They uro eer
tnluly it gifted family uud their tmusicul ml
ImigH, as It might bo called, is among the
lest instrumental exosltiuns before the pub
lic today. Their excellent dexrtiueut uud
undoubted ability left it very fuvoruble lm
piesslon here.
Hunlon's "Fantasmu" drew a crowded
homo ut the Lnnsiug lad evening. Its many
quaint and original mechanical devices,
tricks, illusions uud gorgeous scenic etfei-ts
pleased mid delighted ull. It will bo re-out-cd
this evening und thli afternoon a matinee
erformuuce will be given.
A farewell benefit to Robert McReynolds,
the retiring lessee nnd malinger, will lie
given ut the Funke this evening, when the
Curleton Opera coiii-ntny will slug donee's
sterling 0erii, "Niinon," for .Mr. McRey
nolds' lenellt. Tho Cnrlton coin-miiy Is one
of the largest mid U-st before the public and
as "Nanou" Is u captivating operatic pro
duction, there Is every reason to Iwhovo tlio
attendance will bo large aud fashionable
nnd that Mr. McReynolds will lie greeted, by
a crowded house. Tlio advance sale has
The (lulvoisallst Indies have secunsl Fred
erick W, Siencer for n concert nt Conser
vatory Hall, February '.IHIi. l'rnf Spencor
conies highly reeoinmeudcd. This filter
liilmuent is unique, mid of such vatlely as to
interest mid charm nil. Admission lift cents.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Sidney Drow, "The Amorl
can Kendal," will ho at the new Lansing
Tuesday mid Wednesday evenings of noxt
week lu their latest coiuisly success "That
Oil 1 From Mexico." "That Oil I From Mex
ico" Is u piece with u history. Its plot bo
longs fo tho Fieuch vaudeville. Charles
Mathews made mi adoption of It culled
"Who Killed Cock Robin!" Archibald Gor
don, ii New-Vurkor, worlds! over tint pljco
uud culled It "That (llrl from Mexico." Mr.
Drew hol-xsl lu the adoption. Tho piece Is n
wild farce. Jack Randolph is compelled to
marry Dlahelht Hmytho, who Inherits it Hory
disposition from her SpunMi mother, Din
hellu hits saved the life of "Dicky" Bird mid
loves him. lu order that ho muy marry
Dlubolln Juck tells hr that Bird has beon
murdered. Circumstances convince her that
Jack is the murderer nnd sho consents to
mnrry lilm to wreak vongeance. The situa
tions uro iimusiug from their pure ubsiirdlty
nnd extravagance. The advance wile Is now
McKnndless gigantic; minstrel combina
tion comprising thirty flvnxoplo will npeur
nt the Ionising theatre Friday evening of
next week. There nru no loss than seven
drum majors apHarlng lu the parade, which
you nro Invited to witness. Tho aggregation
Is snld to lie possessed of hoiiii' superior talent
nnd to glvo n clean cut performance. Tho
box olllce opens Wednesday morning.
Tliero is mi everlasting sweetness nnd
charm couttiiually hovering about Mm,
Htone's pathetic story of "Undo Toin'8
Cabin," For mora than thirty years this
play has been on the stage mid it has beeu
w;n by n larger number of prsou thnn
any other production, yet that does not niter
tho fact that Its business Is today as largo,
as over and the sale of the book goon
steadily on. For thoMt who enjoy tho untie
of tho funny "Tomy," tho nngelia nrtturo of
little Eva mid the clover picture of southern i
life u it was before tlio war, Manager
Church has provided tlio opportunity for'- -"
them to satisfy their longing, for Undo
Tom's Cabin will bo presented at the new
Lmisfng Saturday evening of next week,
with n matinee, by it competent company,
In which nro such people ns Maude Button,
Linda Tucker and Jack Myers. Tlio sale of
scut opus Thursday morning.
Jnmes U'Noll, the brilliant und talented
nctor Is to ap-iem nt the Lansing Mnrch 8th
mid Uth when he will present his sterling suc
cess, Alexander Dumas' "Monte Crlsto" and
his new magnificent spectacular production
"A Dead Heart." O'Neil Is such n favorite
and his ability Is so well linowii to Lincoln
play goers that nothing more need be suld.
A learned Boston professor hns discovered
how to make artificial lightning, He has
prislucisl flushes twelve feet long mid can.
Iiitve them zlg-xng nt his sweet will, nnd now
it piny wright has gone nil the wuy to Boston
to find if the prof or can muke them it little
bit shorter for theatrical use. The profes
soi'h nrtlllclal lightning Is accompanied also
by nrtlllclal thunder, llko tho report of a
gntling gun, uud that seems to 1m the worst
defect, as it would raise tho roof of any thea
tre. If the prof es-or succeeds In reducing
lntli a play will lie written around them to
bo culled "Thunder uud Lightning."
Milwaukee is to have it new $100,000 the
atre, to lie erected on the site of tho present
Standard Theatro.
Tho New York society women are fever
ishly wondering whether l'nderewskl does
up his hair at night lu curl pii'icr, or uses
David Henderson's now extravaganza, to
be produced next summer in Chicago will bo
called "All Rnbuli; or Morglana mid the
Forty Thloves."
Gossip has it that n theatro will be erected
where tho Hotel Royal stood. It may bo
another "paper theatre," but the site is an
excellent one for a theatre.
The clover young inuti about town says
that Wilson, HopKr, Bell, et nl ure tho
Christy, Byunt and Seymour of tho present
age, without the burnt cork, and the poor Dan
uud Nels turn in their graves mid groan.
Gossip snys that T. Henry Fronuh bus gone
to Euroe Uvaiise Lillian Russell has broken
his heart by refusing to bo his wife. It
would take a 400 hore-ower smashing ma
chine to break T. 11. F's heart, if it could bo
found, but his ocket is very sensitive, and a
threatened suit to bo brought by Isabello
Eversou for 111,000 has probably more to do
with bis escu', if he has made his escape,
which Is not probable, us he Is worth u mil
lion of money.
At the World's fair exposition, which is
shown to-day. Is an imposing structure. It
is classic lu style, anil bears it strong rvsem
bianco to the National Museum mid other
Government buildings ut Washington. It
covers mi ureu of .T.VI by 4v!0 feet, is con
structed of Iron, brick uud gluss, und costs
1100,000, Tho allotment of space for the
sou-rul department exhibits is: War Depart
ment, "1,000 square foot; Treasury, 10,500
square feet. Agriculture, 'J3,o00 Miuaro feet:
Interior, '..4 .000 square feet; Ret Olllce, 0,000
square leot; Fishery, 1!U,000 square feet, mid
Smithsonian Institute, balance of space.