Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 20, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued from I'Uhlh pone,
Having been approached several times the last year wanting to know why we
could not procure the services of an expert drapery man, one who had originality, tnste
and other possesion that would mnke him master of the. "situation,
It was with much hesitancy and doubt we could make up our mind to entertain
the Idea, knowing this kind of talent was one of the rare things to be gotten, and
when obtained a very expensive luxury.
Keeling satisfied the field of labor In our fair city Is large enough to give onc
mans efforts fairly enough to do we made the effort, and we arc happy to say we have
the coveted talent. In now remains to bo proven, will our efforts prove successful?
We will answer the question and Kay yes, yes, providing jou will give us fair patronage
and the business that belongs at HOME.
Mr. Ilaker, who Is In charge of the drapery department, U an aitlst, an honest
adviser and coiibervatlve In his prices.
While he Is tenacious in his Ideas and what he believes to be the proper thing,
he will always be willing to cater to the Ideas and wishes of his patrons.
He will be pleased to call on you at.unir home or have jo.i call at the storet
where he will be pleased to show you designs and give jour estimates,
If j ou have any hangings jott want revised, brought out In something new, he
will be pleased to serve you. We will add, Mr. Ilaker has spent the last ten years In
New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis, making the art of drapery a study.
jjc Is rich In original Ideas and nil the new methods of the work.
We will guarantee to duplicate the best work Omaka, Knnsas City or Chicago
can give and shnde their prices handsomely.
We arc In possession of the talent will you give usyour support?
Wc have added to our stock a wall paperdepartment. We furnish all kinds and
grades of goods. Our stock Is new late and patterns.
We can cover your Floors and Walls
Shade your Windows,
Hang your Curtains,
Make your Draperies,
Revise your old hangings and make
the old new.
Have something new in window shades doing away with
the hum-drum and monotonous opaques, REAL NEW AND
41 The Best Carpet Sweeper Made. '
Yours Respectfully,
234-38 south Eleventh street.
Kyo mid Kttr Surgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and nunst, 1203
O street, telephone 375, Lincoln, Nebr.
All experienced
fancy patent Hour,
of It.
cooks prefer
Lincoln grocers
sell lots
E. It, Gntlirlo has arranged to continue
in the carriage lino. Customers wanting
first class work will do well to wait for a
new line of the vory fluo t jobs on the mar
ket which will arrive in ample time for
spring trade at 1M0 O Btreot.
Now England Crystal meal, the latest und
finest production for mush or baking pur
purposes. Ask for it at grocers.
Nothing llko New England graham for
breads or graham gems. Dealers Bell it.
Ladies hair dressing, Miss Johnston,
O street.
Our work speuks for itself. It needs no
brag or bluster, simply your own opinion
will testify to its merits. Tlio Studio Le
Grande is on tho ground floor, centrally lo
cated and a beautiful place. Cull and see us
at 124 south Twelfth street.
Coal of overy size from the best mines
in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Co'ora
do and Wyoming for sale by Geo. A. Itay
Bier. Telephone IWO. Olllco 1134 O street.
Youtlilleue Kuropeun Fue Prepurtlou,
Ladies, if you want most elegant faco prep
aration, try this oiio. It is pure as spring
water; no lead, sediment or other Injurious
substances. It makes your skill soft, fresh,
and clear; removes tan, blotches, dlscolora
tlons, and impuits a pearly complexion.
If your faco is not what you desire It, try
"Youthllene". I guarantee it to glvo perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a preara
tlon that will make complexions fresh and
young looking and nowl have found it, re
tailed at two dollars or three for five. I have
secured tho agency for this trusty article.
J, II. Hahucy, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Written for the Coumkh.
I stood upon tho mountain,
In tho glow of suniinor day,
Where tho countless chords of nature
Hang In symphonies of praise,
Lovely veils were round about iho,
When, In oiio harmonious view,
Natures handiwork was blended,
Then my lone heart wanted you.
Hugged hills, Iiuko master pieces
Of creations higher art,
First to Krcot tho leaping sunbeams,
Whcu tho day gates swing apart.
Lifted high tholr tree clad summits,
With tho green against tho blue,
But boy ond It all, was something
Dearer still I wanted you.
Cloud Mosaics, over changing,
Under swung the urchltig sky
lllrds with olear-toncd voices caroled,
Wild wood lucouso, lloated by.
Nature's fuco upturned to greet mo,
Thrilled my lono heart, through and
Yet my eyes were wet with weeping,
All tho while I wanted ou,
Angels watching from tho star lands,
Caught the gllltcr of my tears,
As they foil unon tho mosses,
Oh I Those silent restful tours,
Through tho rifted mists thoy whispered,
To your heart's test love, bcltrue.
And thoy knew thoo heavenly angels
Thut my sad heart wanted you.
On tho Galilean mountain,
Towering high abovo tho Bea,
Christ unlocked tho bonds of vision, ,
And revealed divinity.
In my waking soul transfigured,
Lovo rovealed himself anew,
On the mountain by tho sea shoro,
And I knew I wanted you.
Let tho by goncs ho forgotten,
Let tho days to come bd ours,
llrtuglug peace that we shall welcomo
As tho lilies greet fio showers.
Let tho heart, that now confessing,
Heat In sympathy, bo true,
Joy be with us after coping.
Kor you know I wanted you.
Choicest cuts in all kinds of meats may
always be found at Chipmau & Bheeu's,
1541 O street. Phono 180.
Bend 50 conts to llond & Co., 57d Rookery,
Chicago, and you will receive, post paid, a
four hundred page advance Guide to the
Exposition, w'1" elegant Engravings of the
Grounds and Hulldlngs, I'rotrults of its lead
ing spli its, and a Map of tho City of Chicago,
all of tho rules governing the Exposition und
Exhibitors, and all Information which can be
given out in udvauco of Its opening. Also,
other Engravings und ptinted Information
will bo sent you as publlsned. It will bo a
very valuablo Hook und every person should
ttccuro a copy.
BOOO AKents Wanted Quickly
to supply tho Immense domu id for
fioo rg, IllcJitjr Illustrated, I'rlce l.5o,
A Illography of tho World's Greatest Divine
by the Hpurgeon of America, llewaro of
catch-penny books, this is the standard
Agents' succossastotilshlng, interest Intense,
Bend quick 30 a. for outfit and get tho terri
tory. Address, IIUIIIIAHD HKOS.
4o0 HrtcoHtreet, I'lillndolphU.
or. II roadway Locust Mt
St. Louis Mo
When you want good reliable groceries
with fulr und courteous dealing, Hotelfng's
Is the place to do your trading. Ills stock
is always fresh, his prices reasonable und
every deal is trausa cted strictly as repro
Odell is doing u fine business in his new
stand (Musonlo Temple comer) near tho
location of his foi iner successes. The place
Is as neat as a pin, the service par excullenco
and the faro Identically the same as in past
yeuis, notwithstanding the fact that his
price now Is but 20 cents. No tickets, no
trust, ami no bust, but a Hue meal for cash
and cash only.
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ily
is the only line running solid vestihuled,
electric lighted and steam heated trains, be
tween the Mfssouii river and Chicago, con
slstlpg of new palace sleeping cars, elegant
free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches
and tho finest dining curs In the world.
Tho berth reading lamp In its palace sleep
ers Is patented ami cannot be used by any
other railway company. It Is the groat im
provement of the agu. Try it and be con
vinced. Close connection in Union Depot at Oma
ha with all trains to and from tho west. For
further Information apply to your ticket
agent or F. A. Nahii, Geueral Agent,
W. H.Howxu., Tiavellng K't and Poss'r
Ag't.. 1501 Furnum Bt., Omulm, Neb. S-l-tf
The nmrtl'igoof Llndley Allen and Miss
Jennie E. llnyuosoociiriol at the First Con
gregational church in tho presence of Im
mediate i datives in I friend, Tuesday own
ing, Hov. lowl Gregory ollklatlu;. Tho
young couple are fpondlng the honeymoon In
lluchunun, Mich will return to Lincoln In a
couple of weeks and take up their residence
George A. started for Home, N. Y.,
Hear In mind tho lleuiletta's social Mon
day evening.
Mini LlllloJessup started for Now York
City Tuesday.
Hon. Thomas II, llenton returned from his
tllp to Texan, Tuesday.
Mrs. J. V. Hliuek and Mm. (3. H White
stuttcd f(,r 1'rlmna, III., Tuesday.
lleniiorwell Hart and the Misses ICntV and
Ellen Hart left Tuesday for Heading, Pa.
Major M. Mumon of llhto Springs It the
guest of H. H. Juno of the district clerk's
Tho Amellora whist club will hoi 1 Its next
meeting with Mrs. Landy Claik at 1537 F.
Mrs. M. J. Molveiile of Harvard Is the
guest or her daughter, Mrs. J.J. Cox, at 234
Booth Eighteenth street.
The East Lincoln V. L H C. will meet
with Mrs. Kingtmn, Twenty-sixth and B
stieots, Friday evening.
Tho Choutuuquiins will enloy an elaborate
baniptet at tho Llmlell hot"l .Monday, Great
preparations aro being made.
The Lincoln Park club w'll lm entertained
hv Mrs. Btockwetl at hor honn In Yutikeo
Hill next Saturday evening.
Mrs. Dr. Tucker is entertaining ns hor
guests, her sister Mrs. Uryan of Chicago and
Mrs. James Clark of Hastings, Neb.
It. Murphy was accidentally struck In tho
eye with an augur bit Wednesday, receiving
a painful, though not serious wound.
The East Lincoln Whist club will be enter
tained by Mrs. Travis at her home, Sixteenth
ami J streets, Wednesday evening next.
Miss rCato Golt of Nobrasha City, who has
boon visiting friends in town for several
ilus past, returned to her homo Thin winy.
Captain W. F. Tlblndts, the vetoran trav
eling passenger agent of tli'i Denver and Hlo
Grande railroad, was In the city this week.
C. C. Chase, of tho Oinnha Kreelnhv, the
society Journal of that city, was In town th's
week and paid tho CouuiKli olllco a pleasant
Georgo I). Mann of Plnttsmouth, ono of
tho proprietors of tho Ktentny AVici at that
placo Is visiting nt the homo of his cousin, C.
II. Mann.
Miss Mamlo Hegnler, who has been visit
lug her sister, Mrs. James Camp, for several
weeks past, returned to her homo in Kansas
City tills week.
An interesting letter from tho pen of Mrs.
M. E Imhoff, who is sojourning at Suther
land, FIa will appear in tho CouiUEit next
week. Keep your oyo open for it.
Tho family of T. II. Pratt, 1844 L street,
reclcved a beautiful Valentino last Sunday.
It was a bright girl baby anil all hands nre
well and happy at tho Prutt residence.
Atlee Hai t, tho progressive editor of tho
North Nebraska Eityle, of Dakota City, Nob.,
accompanied by his wlfo, was In tho city th Is
week and paid Ills respocts to tho CouilIKll.
Marlath I. Bnell of Hamilton county,
formerly of this place and for many years a
teacher In the Lincoln schools, is visiting for
a few days at tho homo of his father, Lav I
Bnell, at 824 Lstteot.
A large numlier of friends of Mrs. B. F.
Wilson treated her to a pleasant surprlso
Friday evening on tho occasion of herbhth
day anniversary. Tho visit was highly np
Dreclutcd and was as enjoyable as unex
pected. The regular meeting of Borosls, which
has been jiostponod for a week, will bo held
witli Miss Moore next Monday afternoon,
when a full attendance Is desired, us there
are matters of Import a nee to bo considered
at that time.
Tho sympathy of overy acquaintance of
Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Hydo goes out to them
In their sorrow lul bereavoment over t ho loss
of their Inf nt child, whose spirit winged its
flight since tbo las t edition of the Couuieh
left the press. Tho funeral was h'lil Wed
nesday afternoon fiom their loililenco. 172.1
K street.
The reformed Jewish cougiegatinn of this
city nre arranging for u g rnnd Purlin ball
to be given nt Masonic Temple, March 15th.
The Lansing theatre orchesti a has bexii on
gaged, and tho ulf'ilr promises to be tl?
largest and most elegant evei glwu hero by
the Jewish people. Many guests are exjiected
from abroad.
Max Kohn, who has enjoyed nuexiieileuco
of more than twenty years in the dry goods
businos.) hasussocla tod himself with A. liloch
and the new firm opened their doors to tho
public Thursday, With two such popular
and energetic gentlemen at the helm there
Is overy reason for congratulations at tho
linn's futuie prospect.
The many friends of Henry Newman, a
former well known resident of this city, now
of llayonne, N. J., Iiavo received tho intel
ligence that u sou andj heir cuuio .to gladden
his household Friday of last week. Mrs.
Newman, nee Miss Luna Dundy, is well re
membered by Lincoln people as a frequent
visitor heio. Her home was in Oinnha.
Howard, tho diamond druggist, with com
mendable enterprise, distribute I 500 budges
to tho multitude Monday bearing Governor
Hoyd's picture. Every visitor eagerly
sought for oue of those unmoutos, hut it was
not until late in the day that every owner
discovered that on each badge was an adver
tUemcut: "Upo Howutd's Cream of Hotot
for the complexion. ..Miss olllo lloyd ues
the delightful preparation mid has a stock of
tho fluid on hand."
Tho many friends of Miss Mlufilo Gnylord,
who Is pursuing her studies at Toronto, Can.,
will lie gratilled to learn of tho unbounded
success she achelvod last week In a produc
tion of "Tho Heggar Student." Tho Toronto
JfiiI of last Saturday speaking of her sujs;
"As I.aura, Miss Minnie Gaylord made a
decided hit. Tills young lady has great
ability as a singer, and lias her voice well un
der control. Her rendering of the lark song
was raptuiously encored." Miss Gaylord
was tho recipient of a basket of eximlsito
flowers and eight beautiful boquets from ad
mirers present.
Comment and Nnwsv Notes Trrsid) Will.
ton lij a i'iii-iuhi- Lincoln Hollo.
Written fur the Count Kit.
Yo I'M It m-scuds In a request for a Cjilaign
letter The Idea Is it good one The letter Is
very apt to bo s r, ns I sh ml I uiuo'.i r.ithor
utile of Lincoln than of a city that I cor
tllally detest. A remaikable city 'lis tine,
but lemntkably disagreeable to me, One
constant source of entertainment Is the
crowd of people f i om whloh I hem l no es
cape. lint Is to become of us In t:i, In a
thought that should oatiso the bank account
of the life In-iiraniM agent to sudilviily and
materially lucivase. Whom tho visiting
public Is to lie slot od away or how trans.
hi tod to mid from Jackson Puik (Indiana
by Iho wnj-aecoidliiit to this latest olllclal
survej) am questions not easy to answer. At
piesout if one lives on elthor the uotlli or
the west side oveitss. strap In tho stteet car
on which to dangle In an uncertain way as
the cable rw lugs m omul curves and dashes
down Into under-ground tunnels Is n luxury
that only Iho chosen few may enjoy. Every
morning and evening hundred of cloiks,
iipichituls, laborers and trades peoplecrowd
the cars, which mo Inndcqiritti to hold (Him
fotlably one fourth of Iho people, who innu
age in some way to cling to platforms,
brakes, eto No one thinks of wnlkliix ill
Chicago, although the pavements mo so tin
Iformly lino, as to make the pedestrian's life
a Joy, I am icgurdcd ns a western tetror, be
ouusi) I walked three and a half miles tu and
fioih my olllce uioinlug and owning. Should
a cable hi oak, as happened to be the case one
evening about one wejk ago, the dear moplo
stand around on thu stieets for hours wait
Ing to lie taken home, when thoy could no
eompllsh the distance on foot in about one
till t il of the time they cul in wnltln, .
Llucolnltes have been not so plentiful as
usually this week. I noticed Misi Edith litis
sell on the street here to-day, and I shook
hands with Mr. L. Westetmau yesterday.
Galen Tuitof lleatrlce, a member of the class
nflttuttho State Univetsity and u Phi
Delta Thetii Is heio, as well ns his sister Miss
l.ulu, Both aro well known In Lincoln.
Fio I Krue, while traveling in Iowa for John
Prlt7b.iH"s Hnrdwaro Co., makes Chicago
occasionally and hunts up his foimur Lin
coln friends. Mr. Gerwlg was hero about
ten daj s ago for a few hours. Huso persis
tently "ran itown" our llieaties that wo
who have not seen the "Lansing" hIiico its
completion, expoct to discover in It, a rival
of the Auditorium. I suppose that every
one knows that Mine. Adelaide Pattl Nioo
llul has oii'-o again made her farewell tour
In Chicago Saturday uftei noon. It was my
good foi tune to hear hor sing at tho Audi
toilum. Pattl never sang better, never was
so gracious, ami never I m font was she quite
null u decided brunette. She Is a handsome
woman and was dressed with a quiet rich
ness that announced hor pel feel tasto. She
sang for encores, during her three concerts,
"II lliiclo,"' "Ooinlng thro' the Hyo,"
"Home Sweet Home," in tho same old stereo
tyied way, but It was Pattl who was sing
ing, and it was her faiewell tour, mid over
8,000 MKple thundered their nppluuse. Wll
Innluiid Modjeska aro enjoying phcomuii-
ally good houses this week, the former at
Hooley's; tho latter at tho Chicago Opera
house. Their engagements nre for but ono
week however, und this has boon thu almost
invariable rule with tho lest attractions this
season. They evidently take the city for a
country village, and aro afraid to make long
engagements. Sol Smith stu is I three w eeks
and might have made It as many months,
for standing room was at a premium by 8:15
every evening.
A story not generally known has come
under my notice, and knowing it to bo a
true one, I think it will loar rotating.
While Hussoll was plajlng "A Peaceful
Valley," ono evening in a certain town In
Texas, n very noted gambler was so impress
ed by the earnest pathos u the incident thut
Sol Smith relates concerning tho Chatham
Square drive, that he rose to his feet and ex
citedly cried "If I thought that man was In
euruest, and meant wiiat lie says, I would
beg him on bonded knee,"
A Ikix party noticed nt tho Grand lately,
consisted of six young und very pretty
women, their chaH-rone and one young man.
The young women were overwhelming hint
with their attention and lie poor fellow, wus
trying to look pleased and was making a dis
mal falluio, When you see a young woman
with a young man for uu escort, you are
struck by tho discrepancy in their ages.
Nine times out of ten he Is old enough to lie
tier father, Jet one call plainly set lie is not.
Let mo say to tho society girls and young
women of Lincoln, never complain again of
Lincoln and Lincoln men. To thoroughly
appreciate them -come to Chicago.
Very truly, ClIICAOO.
White Goods,
It a r t? q
Hucauso wc sell the Latest Dcsijns and best Fabrics
cheaper than ever sold in Lincoln.
A Large Stock of W. C. C. and other
Popular Line Corsets at Very Low Fig
ures. THE BAZAR,
1023 O STEBET.
ASK YOUR GROCER for a package of
Thli cereal food
is carefully pre
pared from Se
lected Grain, and
properly cooked
makes a delicious
breakfast dish.
It It very nour
ishing, is une
qualled ns a bone
and muscle maker
and is therefore
recommended for
Take no other It is delicious.
All Fillings at Lowest Rates.
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.
hltehrerst Coal ami I.lme Company.
The Whitebreast Coal and I.lme company
is always at the (rout supplying the llnest
imlesof ull kinds of con I
Only Tun 1 10) Cm. ton 1'iick.
The celehrateil "Ilm Huston Kouto" apply
lug cards uie now sold at ten cents er pack,
(.VI cents Is the usual price for such cards),
Vhit, high-five and cuchio parties will soon
Ihj in older, and wo oul I suggest that you
lay in a stocK of these cards for future re
iptiremeiits. A. C. Kikmkii,
City Passenger Agent.
1 M 5$)
t M 11 1 jBLaUaJsfc
' A four year old lrl had heeu vary naiiKhty and hor
mother took her upstairs to punish her. iho llttlo girl
liiul Ikcm there lieforo and knew what was comlmc. Uu
the way up sho knelt down, put her llttlo hands toKethor,
and lilted them In supplication. "U Lord," sho said,
"I'm Kolug to catch It; If you overdo anything for little
girls pleiiM) Lord, now's tlie time "
Then .lie aroo and followed her mother, who, In order
to Incrcuxo her little daughter's faith In thu olMcucyo!
jinijer, let her oil that time.
. ..i x X' $?.. !-
Helect your l'aper lUuiflugs heforo tho spring rush
The Interior Decorative Co.
1338 O STREET.
A. C. Zleiner, Karl Kilgar,
President. Managor.
The famous Humbler wliccls still take the
loud und 11. 11. Guthrie still maintains the
agency as 1510 O street. In connection ulth
his cstublUhmciit Mr. Guthrie has 11 school
of teaching how to ride. With each sale of
a machine goes a guaranteo that he lll
touch you how to ride perfectly ami no
charge for Instruction,
Kor sea vengor work, day and' night, drop
J. C. Kiel I a K)tul and he will promptly
cull and see u hat you ant.
Hread Is tho staff of life and If you want
tho very !ot you should go to the 'ow
York llakery.
Archer, dentist,
uorku siN.clalty,
Flue gold nrd hrldgo
III ace block.
Window Shades.
Having just added this Department to our Furniture
Palace, we be to call early buyers Attention to this Stock as
one of the Finest Selection of Spring Patterns that has ever
been shown in Lincoln.
Ladies kid gloves cleaned or colored at Lin
coin Htetim Dye works, llOil O street.
I.Hii-tiiK Theatie l'mgrniu.
It rtspilres 110 sworn allldavlt to prove the
circulation of the Lansing theatre program.
Itsrendeis are all visible to the advertiser
any evening at the theatre, It reaches a
class of (MHiple that have money for amuse,
meut and a clans of people that are able to
purchase what they see advertised. Is It
not then a most excellent medium for judi
cious advertising! Itutesuud particulars at
this olllce, Hill N street. Telephone AVI.
Standard Qualities, Fine Work and Lowest Prices.
A. T. Gruetter & Co.
Opposite Lansing Theatre.