hsmamuMwmimmm ' --r i"JT i i tin n 4y a . CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FKIMUARV ao, i8y2 I I , DJLTALMAiWSCMMI) A SERMON 9U0QESTED OY CUHRENT THEOLOGICAL DISCUSSION. Mn Matin Him littirlalu U Ilin llollrl nl llir No Culled Ail uiii'ril Clergy, lr TnImiiik'' 1'altli In sciiirn hiiiI KmII7 dolei-timi! lit All, Hiiimiki.VN. I'i'U H.-At the Talaiiiiacle lervlce t hlr iimrnltiu. iiftci the utuul read lux of I In Herlitiin-H I In titiiKivKiit Ion latiK- JiiiiihIi ii-lin where'er llii,nii I Kit It lil- -.mil hi- iniriiii run Tin' M-rniiiii whh-h liilluwiil ii npiwir Wtly iiki,I''iI I'Vilif "luriii ol ihtiiloKleul KHilmicrny now muli'M In l In I'liuix'lii'.i In tluw tliiii't, wlii'ii It liiinlti' iiiitcrinlii what niiiiiynf tlieelcrity ri'iillyilo Mlevu, till eriuuu niiikca It very iiliiln what the pAxiiiriif i In llriMiklyiiTiilN'riiiu'U'lN'llt'Vi'N. ill text wiih taken front 1 .11 kt vl IT, "Anil he cmiiic down with ilu'in anil ntood In the plain.'' f.'hrNl on tin' iiiniintHliiN li u frequent ittnly Vi Imvi' men him on tin1 .Mount of OIUi'H, .Mmint of lleiitlluilei. Mi hi nt .Mo rlHh, Mount ','nlvury .Mount of Axi-eindon, iml It l uliirlnii" to Mtmly him on tlume fn-nt natural elevation Hut how In It hat never la-lure have wo not I ci I lilui on the plain' Amid the rtxikH. tiluli up on the mountain I'lirM hudpa-wd thciilKht, but bow Hi I'urly dawn, In- In coiiiIiik down with moiih' cpevial frleiula, Hti'iipliiK (nun IhclvliiK to hIicI vIiil( here and there it loos ined utonc imIIIiiu ilowu llii Htt't'ti allien thend of 1 1 1 111 until hi' Ki'tii In level place, lo tluit hi' citu Ik' approached without ellmliltiK froii: nil aide. Hi' l on the level. My text -suy. 'Hi I'liuit' iIdwii with them mil mood In tin tiliilu ' CIIIIIKT UN TIIK LEVEL, Now tluit Ik wluit thi' world wnuta today store than nnythlnm-I'M' n (,'hrM ou the level, wwy to gel '( ' HHirnillnu, no de KriiilluK. approachable from till mIiIi-m UurM on the plain The iiieitlon niuoni ill loiixefniliil people today l, Whiit Ih the matter with the iiiliiMera .Mnny of theiu ire emtnKed Hi picking, hole In the lllhle tad apolnulxlng for thlanml aMilDgir,lU for tluit. In mi awe wheu tin whole ten lency In to pay too little reverence to the Bible, they ure lighting ugaliiKt llllillohitry, sr too much reverence for the lllhlo. They are building u fence on the wrong aide of the road not on the lde where theprccl plot Ih and of) which iiiullltuili-K lire full log, but on the ilpM'i Hlileof the road, ho that -a-ople will not full up hill of which there Ih no thinner Then- lx no more thinner of llllillohitry or too much reverence for the Scripture, than there I tluit atrology will take the place of iiNtrnunmy, or alchemy the place of cheiulhtry or the canal limit the place of the litulb-d I'xpivru rail trnlu Vhat a theological farce It l .Mlnlxters lighting agultiHf too iniich reverence foi the Scrip tureM. mlulxtei'M making aimlngy for the Bcrlpttirt'K. inlnlxlerx preleiiilliin to Ik ftieniN of the I II hie, vet tlolux the Hook more illumine t hmi all the hlataut lutlileln ou nil the earth The trotlhle !oilt theololilliH are up In the nioiliitiiln III a llitht almve the cloiula Rbout thlim- which they ilo not under lUtnd (,'ouie ilowu ou t he plain anil Maml bexlde (Mirlxt. who never preached a tech nUuilltyoi a illihuthWin What do you, 0 wIh headeil eccleiaxic know alxnit the decni-H ol (Sixlf Who carv a tin alKiut four Hulilapuirlanlxiii or your nupralapHii rtfttilHtitr What a npectacle we have In oitrdeuoml oatlonx trxlay. cotumlttevM trvluK to patch up nu old vreeil made two or tiiree hundred yearxaKonoihi.it It will Hi on the Nine teen l h century Whydouotoui inllllnery WUhllxliiueiitx take out of the Karretn the ooal Mcuttle hatM which your Kreat-Kmnd ntotherN wore and try to 111 them on the heMil of the nuxlerii niaiilenf Von cannot fix up h three huudnil year old creed ho an to fit our time. Princeton will ww on it little piece, and I'lilon xemluary will ew 00 a little ilece. and Allenluitiy Henilnmy nud Danville einlimry will ew on other pleoea, and hy the lime the creed lx done tt will lie aa varleKitted ax .Inxepli'x coat of many color. Think of having to chano KB old creed to make It clear that all In fiuita dyliiK ko to heaven) I nm ho Kiad tlmt the commlttei'H are lug to let tlie Imhlex In, Thank you. So mnny of them are already In I hat all the hllla of heaven look like a Sunday hcIiooI nunlverxary Now what tathe uxeof fix Ingupa enitl which left any douht on that Hiiliject No man ever douhteil that ll InfmitM dylnn k to heaven. uulcHxhe lie a Herod or a Charlea (Snlteaii I wax op poxed looverhaiillim theold cnnil at all, but now that It ha- Ix-en lifted up and ttn Imiierfecttouxxet up in the xluht of the world I xiiy (Iverlxiard with It and make h new civixl There are today In our de Iioiuluatlnu live hundred men who could make a lietter oue. I could make a hetter one myxell A we are now In prncetw of chauutiii the creeil, unit no one known what we are pec ted to helleve, or will two or three yenni hence be exiected to believe, 1 could not wait, ami ao I have made a creed of my own which I Intend to ohxerye the re.; of my life. I wrote It down to my memorati dum book iGUiexlx nionthxiiKo, and it rendu aa tollov: 'My creeil; TheKlorioux lxrd. To truM him, love him and obey him U nil that l required. To Hint creeil I Invite nil mankind. T. Dv Witt TalmaKe," THK HKOI'LK ASK TOO MANY gtlKSTIONB. The rcaxon Chrlxtlnulty hax not made more rapid advance la becauxe the people are naked to 'believe too many UiIiikh. There are, I believe, today millloux of good Chrlxtliinx who have never joined the church and aiv not counted auiouu the 1Ord'x frleudx lacaUHi they cannot believe all the thliiKH that they are reipilred to believe. One half the thlnuM n man Uex pected to lielieve In onler to enter the church nnd reach heaven have no more to do with hlx salvation than the quextiott How many volcanix-n are in the moour or. How far apart from each other are the ring of Saturur or, How many teeth there were iu the jawlxiue with which Khiiihoii aiiiote the J'hlllxtlmw I helleve tea thoiixjind ifiliiKbitt none of them have anything M dq h my alvntion, except tuexe tv;c-r!VViier aud (.'hrixt came to nave ow, '' v'l IK JfA MmdclaiiH lelluM -iW)Vfft '' vecouxlxu abIp nf live toiler' JfV..,C,S'o Hemltoilfx. and all tbe Handelx .-tiW'ifaydux aud Moxartn asd WtiKiierH and Schumauiix of all ne intuit do their work within the rnne of tboxe live tone and two xemitouex So I have to tell you that nil the theology that will lie of practlcitl ttxe Iu our world la made out of the two facta of human xlnful Betwand dlvlue atonement. Within that octave awtutf 'The Souk of Moxea and the iAwb'the t:irixtn;ax vhant above Heth Uaem aud the Hallelujah of all the cholra ataudintipu m-nx of ' Ik there not xoiue mule ol uetllnK out cl the way them- uouexxi-ntlill Ihexe xiiper guttle therxr diverveticlen from the main tauter In there 'not xoiue way of bhiiKilii; Ue church down nut ol the monnutlaaf tiiiitniM'ray ami Loiiieiillouallxm nml tit put It ou the plain where Chrlxt Htaiidxt The iireMnt altitude of iIiIiikx x HkelliM In a faiulni' xtruuk dlxtrlct a table lia Ixrii provided and It lx loaded with fixit I'liouuh for all The odor of the meal till the ilr Kir tlilnu In ready The platierx hit full, The challeex are full. The Inxkeln of fruit are full, Why not let Hie people In r The dixir Ihom'H. Vei. hut there lx n cluster of wlxe men bliH'kliiM up thediMir, iIIhuiixxIiik the couleiitxof the caxter utaiiilliiK mldlalile. They are xhnU IliK their llxta at earh other, One xuyx there lx too much vlueKiir In that caxter, and one xajx there lx tcx) iiiueli xneet oil, and another ftayx there lx not the proper proportion of red iepper. I xiiy "(let out of the wu anil let the htl liur V people I'liine In,' .Sow our hliwtil l.itrtl iiii" piiivliled a ureal xiipper, and the oven ami the fiilllliK. have been killed, and frilllM from all the vineyards and orchard of heaven crown the table. The world hnx been Invited Income, and they look In, and they an' hiiuury mid people would pour Iu by the million- to t hlx worldwide table, bat the ilixir l I ih mj kill up by emit rover-lex mi 1 men with whole lllirurlex on their baclix uiv dlxiiutliiK ax to what proportion ol xweet oil and cayenne pepper hIioiiIiI liialtc up the creed I cry, "(let out of the way and let the hunwiy world come In." TIIK rilt'liril IN IIANIIKII. The (Jhrlxthiu church will liavetochanifo llx tack or It will run ou the roukx of demolition The wnrhl'x population an nually liicrea-ex Ift.oon.onii No oue pre teuilx that half that number of people ate converted to (!od There are more than twice an many Hudilhlxtx ax I'rote-tiuita. more than twice an many lluddhlxtx na Itoiumi Cathollcx. Prnte-tmitx, l.'n.ixK), mill Catholic- 111,000,(101). Iliiildlilxtx, (K), n),m Then- are ITft.000,000 Molmiii nieihiux anil 'JvM.uuo.uoO Hrahmlim Mean while, utaiiy of the churchex are only re-lluloUHclubhou-ex where a few people no on Sunday innriilun. nveranlnn one peixon ton m'W or one perxou to a half dozen H'vx, mid IcmvIiik the inlnl-ter nt nlnht to xweat thrniinh a xermou with here and there a lone traveler, tuilcxx, by a Sunday evening xacreil concert, he can Kct out an audience of ieX'ctalile hIku. The va-t majority of the church mem iier-hlpiimiiuil the world tnitx forth no di rect elfort for Hie xalviillnn of men. Did I ay there would have to Ih a channur I corn-ct that ami nay, There will be a change.. If there be flfUHin million per moiih added every year to the world'x poiiu hit Inn, then there will be thirty million added to the church and forty million and llfty million and -Ixty million. How will It In- doner It will Ik' done when the church will meet Chrlxt ou the plain Come down out of the mountain of excluxive tiexx. Come down nut of the mountain of pride. Come down nut of the mountain of formalism Come down out of the inoitii tain of frcc.lnn liidlllVrcncc. Old Or Stephen II Tyiin. ureal on earth and In heaven once xald to me "I am In favor of a chaune. I do not know what lx the beat way of ilnlnn thing- In the churchex, hut I know the way we are lining now Ih not the la-xt way, or the world would In nearer tl hiiIviUIoii than It xccnixtolc.'' So I feel, xo we all feel, that there need- to la a chiiune. The point at which we all come xhort lx prexeiitlnn Chrlxt on the the plain. Chrlxt on the level with all the world'x wof,x and want- and neceltlex. The full chauue will have to come from the rl-um mini-try We now Iu the Held are too xet In our wnyx We are lumla.-rcd tin with teclinlcalltlex We havetootuiiuy coucorilaiiceH and dictionaries and encyclo iHxIlitx au --., in- of theolony on our iiead to Ket down ou the plain. Our vo cabitlary lx ton fro-ttil We urv tw much under the domliialiou of cu-toiux renmint for many cent urlea. Coiueou. youtiK men of the mini-try Take thlx pulpit, take all the pitlpita. aud in the xtreet.iiinl the mar kel place, and the family circle preach Chri-t on the plain. Ah mmiu a the church xayx byllxatti tude not neveaxHrilr by Itx wonlx "My one iiiK-Inn Ih to help for thlx life and help for the life to come all the people," and It provcx It earne-tuexx In the matter, people nu fixit and on horxeback aud Iu wanoux and In uirrlanex will come-to the churches In xuch iiiiiiiIhtx that they will have to Ik met at the door by uxherx. anyhiK' "Yoa we iv hen la-t Sunday you cannot come iu lixlay (ientleiiieli and ladle, you must take your turn." And It will be aa In the .lohnxtown Irexhel and dixaxter, when a coveriintciit xtntlon wnaoiHMied for thexupply of bread and It took the olllcerx nf the law to keep the -ulTercrx In line. iK-cnttxe of the ureat ru-li for fiMxt When thlx famine xtruck world ivall.ex that the church In it govern mem -tin Ion net ill- by the noverninent of the lliilverxe to provide the bread of del iml life for all the people, the ruxh will be unprecedented and iiulmanliialile. TDK WlHIUl'ri TIHIIMII.K HAS NOT IIKI'.N WKIUIIKII. Axtrououierx have Ix-eu buxy niea-iirlna worldx. and they have told ux how gn-at lx tlie circumference nf thlx world and how Ureal I- Itx diameter. Yea. they have kept on '"'til they have welgheH our planet aud fun,. . IU weight to be x'.x xetflllmn toiin. Hut by liOHclelice h:i the weight of thlx world'x trouble" la-en welKhed. Now, 'ltrM xtnndltiK ou the level of our human ity xtandx in Hympathy with every troubln. There are xo many aching heads His ached under the thorax There nre ao many weary feet. Hlx were worn with the long journey up aud down the land that received him not There aro vo many pr xecuted xoiiIn Kvery hour of his life wax under human outrage. The world had no la'tter place to receive him than a cattle pen. and Itx farewell was n xlap on hU cheek and a xtiear In his side. So liiteiiKcly human was he that there hax not lac n In all our race a grief or In- llrmliy or exhauxtlon or pang that did not touch him once ami that doc not touch him now The lepetx the paralytic-', the Imlx-clle, the maniac, the cotirtexan, the reK'Utaut brigand -which oue did lie turn otf which oue did he not pity, which one did he not help' The universal trcubleof the world lx ln-rcaveinent. One may ea cax all the other trouble, but that no hoi 1 1 uxenpea Out of that bitter cup every oue iiiiiM take a drink. For luxtance. In order that nil might know how he xympa thixea wltli tltoxe who have lost a daugh ler. Chrlxt comex to the houxc of Jairux. There Ih xuch a big crowd around the door he and hlx dlxcipltw have to puxh their way In. rrum nir iiiiuuk ui x-uiu- i ujuciuiir that thlx girl niiixt have la-en very popu lar, xhe wax one of thone children whom everyUxly liken. After Chrlxt got In tin houxe there wax xuch n loud weeping that the ordlimry touex of voice could not la heard I do not wonder The dead daugh ter wan twelve year of age. Itixulxjut the happiext time In mot live Very lit tie children xulTer many Inju-tlcex In-cauxe they are children, ami ehlhlhnod Ih not a ilexlrable part of human existence they Ket whacked or net on Hut at twelve year ol age the child hit come to self a ertmn ami I apt to make her rights known And then twelve year of age I loo early for the care ami auxietie of life Ho lhl ulrl wn I iiiluk the merriment of the Iduxi'IioIiI She luriilxhid for them the mimicry and the haiinlexx inl-chlef, and riiilxed the gillTaw that often ratif, lltrough Hint hnppy home, Hut now xhe lx dead, mid thegtlef at her departure ha violent ax her pre-euce had Ih-cii vivacious and liixplrlllug "h. tlie beivavement wait xo xlnirp, m) overwhelmlugl How could they give her upf I xiixpctt that they iilmued theiuxelvex for thlx or for that. Oh, If they had had xome other doctor, ot taken -ome other medlelue, or hud been more careful of her health, or If they hud not given her Hint reproof xome time when xhe had not really dexcrved It, Oh, If thej had Ix-eu more p.itleiil with her lillnrltlex mid in-lead of liu-lilug her play had pur tleipiiied In it Von know there are (. many tlilugx that parent ulwayx hlauit thelll-elvex for at -lich tlmex Only tuelve jeurx of agel So fair, M. proiiil-lug, xo full of life a few day ago, and now xo -till' Oh, what It Ih to have n daughter ileml' The room la full of folkx, but yonder lx Hie nxim where the Jdiiiih xleeper lx The crowd cannot go In llien.i Only xl.x perxonx enter live bexhlex Chrlxt -three frleiiiN, ami of coiirxothc fatlici nnd miither They have Hie Hrxt right tt go In The henvli'xi part of the grief n thelm. All eye In that room are ou the face of till" girl, There lay the iH'iiutlful hand, white and lluely xliupeii, but It sm not lifted In greet lug to any of the group. Chrlxt xtepped forward ami took hold ot that baud anil hiiIiI, with atone and accen tuatloii chaiged with teuderuexx and com iihuiiI, "Daiuxel, I xay unto thee, arixel" And without a moment' delay xheiim-c, her eye wide oN'ii, her cheek turning from white lily to red roxe, ami the parents cry, "She llvexl She Uveal" and Iu the next room they lake up the oitml, "She llvoil She Uveal" and the throng In front of the doorway repeat It, "She Uveal She llvexl" Will not all tho-e who have loxtailaugh ter feel that xuch a (Mirl-tax that can xym pathl.er "I HAV UNTO TIIIIK, AIII8K." On another occnxlou he allowed how he felt nlaiiit tlielo-Mof a aon. Here are the ob-eipilea. A long procexxlon, a widowed mother following her only hoii. I know not how long the hiixbmnl ami father had bicn gone, hut upon thlx -on, who had now come lo be a young man, the leadership nt Hint household hud fallen. I think he hail got to la the breadwinner. He wax proud of Ida mother, and xhe should never lack anything a long ax he lived, And thine lx no grainier stcctack' ou earth than n young man standing lntween want aud u widowed mother Hut that young man hud fallen llfelexx under accident or iIIhiih ter, and he wo lamig carried out. Only it very few hour in that land are allowed to pn-x between deceaxe and burial. It Ih the same day or the next. And there they move on. Chrlxt meet the procexxlon, III eye plckx out the chlet mourner lie tint his hand ou the bier n much iih to nay to the pulllicurerx: "Stop! There will la no burial today, That broken heart mil-t be healed. That mother must have her home rebuilt." And then looking Into the face of the young man (for In those hinds the face Ih ulwiiy exposed In xuch a procession), Chrlxt K'iiks one en fence, before which Dent'i fell pro-trate under the bier, "Young i.,.in, I say unto thee, arise." lie sat up, while the over Joyed mother wrapped lilm In her arms, and .Well nlgh smothered him with her en rexxcx, and the air wax rent with congeal u Intlonx. Can any one who has ever lost a on doubt that Christ sympathizes with such woof And how many there arc who need that ((articular comfort. It wax not hoi low sentiment when, after Kdiuuud I In ike. the greatest oral or nf hlx time, hud lost hN son, and the bereaved father, crox-slng the na-t tire field, met the horse that had be longed to that deceased xou, that the ora tor threw hi arms around Hie horse' neck and klx-cd the dumb brute. It wax not hollow sentiment when David, the p-alm 1st, cried out at the new of hi son's death, although he had lai'ti a desperately bad hoy "Oh, Ahulom, my soul my oul Would Cut I hud died for thee Oh, Ab xalotn, my xou! my soul" Hut fur Hitch and all other bereavement there lx divine condolence. Christ on the plain. I care not from what aide you approach him you can touch hlni ami get hlx help lx It mental deprex-slon you HiilTerr Itcmemher him who said, "My Coil, my (Soil, why lutxt thou forsaken mcr Ih It a snuggle for breadr Itemem lar htm who fed the Ave thousand with two minnows and live bixuultx, neither of the biscuits larger than your Ht. Ih tt chronic alliiienl? Itcmemher the woman who for eighteen year w.i bent almost ilnulil", and lifted Iter face until she could look into the blue sky Are you a sailor ami H'Uil your life battlii.g with the tern pcxtar Itemember him who Hung the tern icl of (lene-are'h Hat ou the crystal pave incut of thciiih;i. ai'ii, That Christ N iu wyiupat'jy with nil who have trouble with thelreyec, aud thill Is he coining an al uo-t tiu.vci-xnl trouble thiiiiuh much leading iu .all car and the ovcipii-Hsiire of tudy In the schools where chllilleit uiv exp'-cted to Ik' philosopher at till, Uiy nml girl-ill foil i teen with xpeu tacleii I say with all xuch trouble Christ iiimp;.Hiy Wltnessbllnil Hartlineiin. Wliii-s-the iwvi liliml men in the house Wltt'.c- tin two blind men near Jericho Witne the man born blind. Did he nut turn their perpetual midnight Into mid noon, till they ran up and down clapping their hands and saying, "I see I I seel" That Christ ix Iu sympathy with those who stammer or have silenced cars, notlco how promptly be cume to that man with Impediment of e.peech and gave him com mand of the tongue ao that he could speak with ease, and putting his lingers Into the ears retimed the tympanum la there a lack of circulation In your arm, think of him who cured the defective circu lation nnd the inactive muscles of a patient who had lost the uso of hand and arm by saying, "Stretch forth thy huudl" nnd the vein- and nerves nnd muscle resumed their olllees, and though iu doing so the Joint nmy huve cracked from long disuse, and there may have la-en a strange sensa tion from elbow to linger tip, he stretched It fort hi And notfilug Is the matter with you, but you may appeal to a syinpnthle Christ. And If you feel yourself to be a Brent sinner, hear what he said to that ro peutitig Magdalen, while with a scalding sarcasm he dashed her hypocritical pur uers. "0011 UK MKUCIKUL TO MK, A BINNKI8." Ann ace uow lie mum nu hhhihim lltttruy out or the puiillcntrs cry, wMiYi, l. ........ir,.l n .....a ..I. ,.....-": Ill-IIV.M- !l t ''V-Vllng- tlOu IK IIIVII.IIUI " ,i,V n o, .,,., ,..,w- -r - , . . short that the most overwhelmed olTMiuUir V WW V ' lc'in "f5" .nywlwre. can utter It. and yet long enough to win ? " ''""8 ('' Journal. celestial dominions. It was well put by n man who had been converted, and who remcinlH'red that Iu hi dissolute days lit found It hard to get occupation, la-cnuse he could not present a certlllcnte of good character. In commending Christ to tlie people he said. "HU- Hod. I have found out that Jesu will take a man without a cbaracierS's Chrit on a level with suffering humanity My text ny. "II came down with them nnd xtiasl Iu tli. iilnlu." No climbing up through nttri bun- you cannot uiidertuiul No ascend lug f the height of beautiful rhetoric ol prayer No straining after eluvatlonx you cannot roach No hunting for a (bxl that joii emilioi hum mil going rigin siriiigiu i lohiiii mid looking Into Ids face ami Ink lug hi iimiil nml ii-king tor mi paniou, mi comfort, hlx grace, hlx heaven Christ on the level. When during the siege of Sehiistopol mi olllcer hud com manded n private soldier to stand ou the wall exposed to the enemy and tecelve ll"1 ummuiiltlouiix It wax handed up, Hill the o nicer, stood Iu a place slieltenil i the enemy's gmix, (iencrul Cordon lenpv xin the wall to help, and commaudixl the olllcer to follow him, mid then elo-cd with the wonlx, "Never onler h inan to do nny thing thai you are afraid todo yourself," (J lory be to Hod, the captain of our salva tlon has hlimelf gone ihroiigh all the ex posure In which he commands ux to Ik roiuugcoii.x He has Ix-en through It all, and now olTer hi Hympathy In similar struggle. One of the l;lns of Kngland oue night In disguise walking the streets of Uiiidou and not giving account of hlm-olf, waxarrcstci' and put In a miserable prison When re leased and g -ttltig I Nick to the palace, he ordered thirty ton of coal and a large sup ply of food for the night prisoners of l.on don. Out of hlx o.vu experiences that night he did thlx And our Lord the king afore time eiidungeoueil mid sick and hungry and persecuted mid slain, out of hlx own experiences lx ready to help all ami panloffl all and comfoit all and rescue all. JOIN HIM IN TIIK PLAIN, Oh, Join lilm In the plain As long itx you stay up In the mountain of your pride you will get mi help, That lx the reason xo many never II nil the salvation of tlie Cospel They xlt high up In the Mnut Hlauc of their optulonatlvenexx, and they have their opinion about God, aud their opinion alaiut the soul, mid theli opinion alKiut eternity Have you any Idea that your opinion will have any effect upon the two tremendous fuel, that you are a sin ner, ami that Christ Ix ready at your ear next prayer to save your In the Until day of accounts how much will your opinion be worth Your opinion will not be of much Importance before the blast of the anihangel'x trumpet. When the life of thW planet shall la- thra-hed out with the Hull of thunderbolt uolxsly will ask about your opinion Come down out of the mountain of oplulouativem- and meet Christ on the plain, when- you must meet lilm or never meet lilm at all, except as you meet him on the Judgment throne. A Christ easy to get at! No armed sen tluel to challenge you No ruthless ofllcei to scrutinize the papers you present. Int mediate rcHpon-c. Immediate forgiveness. Immediate solace. Through what struggle people must go to get a paniou from worldly authority I Hy what petition, by what hindrance, by what nervous strain ol anxiety, by what adroitness A count ot Italy was condemned to be put to death at Milan The countess, hearing of the sen fence, hastened to Vienna lo seek hlx par don. The death warrant was aln-oily on It way The countess, arriving In Vienna In the night, hastened to the palace galea. The attendant forbade her entrance at nil, and especially at night, but she overcame them with her entreat lex, nnd the empress was awakened, and the countess pleaded la-fore her for the life of her husband, nml then the emperor was awakened to hem the same plea. Commutation nf sentence wax grunted, hut how could xh, overtake the olllcer who had stinted with the death warrant, ami would xhe be too late to save the life nf hei husband Hy four relays of horse and stopping not a moment for food she reached the city or .Milan a her hiishmid waon the way to the scaffold. Just In time to save him, nnd not a minute to spare, she came up. You see there were two dlfliciil tie In the way The one was to get the punlon signed and the other to bring It to the right place In time, Ulory la- to Cod, we need go through no such exigency No long road to travel. No pitiless la-uting nt a palace gate, 'anion here. I'anlon now Punlon for the asking Paniou forever A Saviour easy to get at. A Christ ou the plain! III Hel l it Plunk. The "boss" lodger ut the Kast Sixty seventh street police station Is a stalwart German, who employs his leisure hours in the daytime us n dishwasher in a down town restaurant mid his nights ou the soft est plunk iu the station house. He hu acquired his position as "lioss" of the lodg lug room by force of arms, nnd none of hi fellow lodgers dure. to dlsputo his author Ity A Ix usual among the trumps who seek lodgings In the station houses, they gathci about the building In the earlier hours ol the evening nnd await the signal for ad mission given by the doorman on duty, when there Is a rush for the most desirable place ou the sloping boa nix which form the rude couches provided for them. Hut this "bo" of the lodging room disdain to subject himself to any such rule He marches Into the station house at lor 10 o'clock at night, or at any hour tlmt may best milt him, give-a military salute tot he sergeant at the desk and retlrea to the plank which Ih always reserved for hi oc cupation He lx allowed thlx extra Yi-ivl lege becaii-e he preserve onler among the other hxlger. and I at the licckuuil call.', the doorman ou duty, running errand- foi him, assisting him in cleaning the house nnd making himself generally useful. When his duties at the station house arc euded the Herman betakes himself to the eating room, where he earns hlx meals and a little pocket money by dishwashing ami doing chores. For mnny mouths he has continued this mode of life, and seems more happy mid contented with his lot than thousand of others whoso lines have fiilleu In pleasnuter places. New York Times. A 1Mb ou nt Kt-oiiiiiny, One of the most expensive nnd we tuny say curiously constructed pigpens in I'onu Hylvaula, or perhaps In the United States, has been completed at Kcouoiny Thocoit of the pen or nursery up to date Is 1,000. It Is constructed not only ou sanitary prlu clples, but with special reganl to the com fort of each and every porker which llndsu place within Its walls. It is heated by two large stoves, and the entire pen is covered with a glass roof with proper ventilator. The eating loom Is separated from the ret of the pen and everything Is kept scrupu .lously clean by two attendants, who-e sole iiv.'vls to take care or the nigs ami look -- - --,-, , ..'.p. , r. "vv in-living iiiiu Tuiiiiiiiiiiiis ui me The pen contains 300 us line Tea In Taltlet. Tablet ten Is manufactured Iu Hankow. In factories ticlougliig to Ituxxluu Arms It Is made of the lluext ten dust procurable. Ytje selection of the dust Is the work of skilled experts, the cost of the dust vary lug from ten pence n outid upwunl. This dust Is manufactiinMl Into tablet by steam machinery. New York Journal A giant exhibited la Rouen, In IKK), Pro feasor Williams aays, measured uearlf eighteen feet In heigh.. . 55 3-Three Great CHARLES COURIER READ 4iT0ll'!!BH HSnH btf-iR BV 15 FINE At the Price of Paper Covers 1 1 THIS handsomo set of books is printed on fine paper from cleat electrotype plates aud finely Illustrated. The binding is executed in the most nandsome and substantial manner. The best binders' doth Is used and the embossing Is in ink and gold, from original design. Charles Dickens is eminently tho novelist of the people. 1 1 is works teem with shafts of sparkling wit, touches of pathos, thrusts of satire; his characters aro original and real as well as quaint and grotcsquo; ho unmasks vice in all its forms. 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His brilliant wit scintillates llko the gleams of light from tho facets of the diamond. His shafts pierce like the point of a rapier. The foibles and fashions, the fads and follies of the upper crust are held up to scathing ridicule, whilo the habits and habitations of the masses are laid bare for Instruc tion, amusements and general edification. No man or woman should be without Thackeray's Works. No household has the right to withhold Thackcay from its youths and maidens. Everyono should avail themselves of the following SPECIAL OFFER- This set and The PREMIUMS Premiums-3 A NEW Illustrated Set OF DICKENS' WORKS. IN CLOTH VOLUMES, liOMnEY Ac aort, Christmas Stories, Nicholas Nickleby, Little Dorrit, Barnady Kudt.e. Uncommercial Traveler, Mystery ov Ldwin Drood, Child's History ok England THACKERAY'S COMPLETE v .-. .-. WORKS TEN VOLUMES. Large Long Primer Type, the only large type. FINE .' CLOTH . BINDING. Vanity Fair and Lovel the Widower. The Virginians. Pendennis. The Newcomes. 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