Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 13, 1892, Image 6

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    " If ifl hfiiiininirvw-fii iinmruu ,im i.iii.ndm.w innmiimiijift.nmmniti t,',iin,ni mmi'Uiii.iU.o,, mi'
-:i.Ti -iShMtr-. :-rat:i..
AC4.4S !-
Mrs. Graham's
Cucumber and
Elder Flower Cream
It not urcxntPtln In llio annso which Hint
Unn I Hiinliirlv iiwil, Imt criiiiiiitiitly
bwuitlno. It cri-Mli'K it Kill, miionlli, olinr
velvety akin, mul dy tlnllv un urmlimlly
make tlin ri)iiilixlon ncvi-rnl ftliiuii' whiter
II Un eoimlniil iinilccllun froni tliut'ircctw nf
an mul wlmt mul irnvrnt mmlmrn mul
freckles, unit lilnrklii'iula will nnvtir riiinn
wlillii vmi iimiII. Iti'liuuine II111 fiico fur Ivot-
ter llimiNiiuitmiil wiitraimurltii'nml IhiIIiU
up llio "Win llm mul linn provi'iiu inu for
innllnn of vrliuli. It iclve thn Cn-alinuM,
olcnriwM mul miiiioUim-m ol kln Unit tun
hut vrheu AlllllnKlrl, I'.Viiry duly, jtnliitf nf
old oiiKlit lo iikii llt ii It kIvm 11 niiiro youth
ful niiNiirmii'i In miylmly. mul Unit riiiu
nniitly. It I'ontiiliK mi iuiM, ptiWiU-r. or iillnill,
mul l in Imruilr' 111 ilmv mul a iiiiiirlnlilnit
MilnwMo llin llnwiir. I'rlrn t.llll, Auk
yxitirilniKifUl for II.
MAMI'I.KllorTl.i: Minllnl fri'ii to any Ivly
on rivolpt nf 10 renin III Mump tiijpny for
InmIiiko mul imcklnu. I. mly Awuta wmilcii,
Mm. (iprvMlMi ilriilintn, "lli'utity Doctor,"
108 l'o I Htlvol, Hnn I'mnrl vc,
VMI tlio lumlliiu Lincoln ilrumUl mill It,
H. T. Clarke Drug Co., Lincoln.
viioIiI:hai,i: auij.ntm.
I hrmlHt nnro to Jiiiim mtmiTUX, tl.T. A.C.. ILL
I', II. It., (.'Iilcaicn. mul rrorlvis imiIo iuiM, tha
allrkrM ilivk n( ranb yuu rvrr iiftniflnl. TEN UKtiTt
wt lmck, tnwlmin taiiix. for hub r many.
llememlter that the
Jn'n( route to Chicago Yotn Lincoln
(through Omaha) In '
via thn "llock Inland,"
The Dining Cam aro alt
new and elegant; the
nerrlce everybody known
Ih the best in
the United Htatci,
Have newer and better Steepera,
handsome Day Coachen,
bent Hvcllnlng Chair Cam,
and the train In new and the
handnoment that run from
Lincoln to Chicago (via Omaha),
If yon want to be
convinced of thin fact, ,
compare it with other
do-catted fimt-dann lines,
Ticketn for nale by
City 1'annenger Agent,
In the Hotel "Lincoln."
m r n ., unit
utafttMl dufik nf
pr pMk pocUf lUmpi, fur one or many.
Ladies' and Children's
Hair Catting and .Shampooing
1 1 1
a Specialty,
Ladles Vh Ir. Lo Duo's I'nrlnillcHl
Pills from I'arls, Krmice. That positively roj
Hove luppresaloua, monthly derangements
and Irreicularltlcs canned by cold, weakness,
fhock.ancmln, or gonorul norvuun tlublllty.
TtolMnofroportlonof l to which loilloi
and mlu nre liable U thu direct remit ofn
dltordertHl or Irreiiulnr lucnutniutlon. Hup.
preuloni conttnutHl remilt lit blood pulnonliiK
nd quick ootuumptloii. J piicknxo oril for
6. ISeiit direct on receipt of price. Hold
In Lincoln by II. V. llrown, ilrnggiit.
r w mu tin pti u mil,
"W, " !
ill MauM.
nftrlig tttm MlkVOVI Dl.
II.ITI, lm r r.lllif Mtt
. rncu iiiihh, M
riklOMAL WBAXHIM. t -a ka
I. ar
11. wuuih, taa aa
pitt TlTAUTr l (TEOia
I. tt rrU aa rawar al Matlaaa.
claim by yeara ol oractlca b
rjyLrJS!v J?fLh',' uniform
atOMro&T T WCOMi" in traa
in an ouaaaai. waaaaaaiNana
AMU tUat alalia. Tratlinonlala
f rom M Htalaa and TerrUorlea.
iiana wttt
w,!" "frm, araiaa, poav
paid, lor a.flmltr.1 tuna;
MviiviaiiiiHiini allllVt Wj
lIaVaaatltaa aulAUt tlaVm.
aa aaaaaarrarCiT,f" aaaaaa)
TWft9 U TBtlftUlM
Ta Oaala Bar aaaa. una or uaajr
AKD'iaaTfTirra mr'iitiiiiAitfsiii
aa ba Wawt . auo BluJeuU In attendanc. U
!'"Hi'.llU.,'W, ,r PV"" 1 from Sau
KSJ5;.i,5n!,ork'??2l1 twHr. VrnouaTlmtructloo.
BaaWaTuI llluatrauxl caUkwut, colkya iournala, and
Vaotaaiiuol penman-hip, ami ; freely ildrJailnB
pdm to Jobji bumu, 0. T
ramavnuavarhaniflMl. l
ill I l w" wmi
l l I
ui ii .mn
Ufl I I
, .
The Niilliinnl Cuplliil l'rr.rnta Nurh n
Dally 1'iitiiir.aiiiN nl Niiliiltllltlea Hint
AclUllli'K 11 Ciiiiniit Ihi Mnpllrnti'il In
Any IMhrt Aiiirrh'iui City.
HhtUI l'orri-Hiiiipnro.
Wahiiincitun, Foil, II. If it until who
had n iiimkIo litiiterti lecturo to prupuro
conlil think of no iMtttur tuplu, ho might
coiiip to tin1 o.illnl city mill iihotogrnph
n row of tln IiiIi'ivmIIiik Hcotioi nml Incl
iIiiiiIm whii'li hip Intro ho plentiful its to
cM'iiiivutftiorvMtititi itnilcoiiiinunt. Huruly
no other city pioMinln ilitynftor tiny micli
n pmiormnit uf iiotnlillltiun itudof tlio rup-
vZz'' )i fclL-Jiil
rvMontutivo porHonnl mul hocIiiI nctlvltico
of tlio Ainorlonn iiooplo. In uxplmmtlon
of thin iitutoiuont I cminot do bottor than
to toll you of it ftiw of tlio tilings which 1
raw mid hoard ilurliitf uslnglo day's nun
Die nlioiit tho capital. On my way tlown
town in thn morning I saw in front of
tbo palatial ronidonco of tlio nchost limn
In tho aoimto Mr. Stanford, of Califor
nltv a llttlo old chap with a coonskln hat
on htn head mid it mnllo on Ida woazonod
fiu'O dnncing it jig mid whistling "The
MockitiK Uirtl." Tlio old follow wiih tho
proprietor of a hand organ, which, under
tho iiutnipulatlon of an Italian, wiih at
that very moment grinding out "Johnny
Got Your (tun," Kvury morning for
wookft I hiivoMcou this samo porformauco
going on tn front or Senator Stanford'
honxo. and on Inqiilry I loarnod that tlio
aentttor is u xtoady etistoiner of this tun
nioal bngado, and that every morning ex
cept Sunday ho throws out ilfty conts to
tbo llttlo old tninntrol. Sonator Stttn
ford's tavorito air is tho ono which I hnvo
jnst mentioned mid it In never omitted
from tho moniing programino.
Not far from Sonator Stanford's, be
fore tlio hotiso of a tnombor of tho
oabinot, I saw a carrlago standing, tho
drtvor on the box fant aaloop. 1 know
the John front Imiulrios which 1 havo
tuad occanton to make of him concerning
tb whoronbonU of his omployor, and so
I stopped and woke him tip, fearing that
tf caught itnloop at bin post bo might got
lato trouble. He had drivon up at 0
ta the morning to take "Mr. Secretary"
to his office in the "ofllco carriage " An
office carriage, the nnlnitiated should
know, Is a vohiclo ownod and uialntaiuod
bj the govomruont for tho uno of cabiuet
ministers. Undo Sam buys tho outfit,
keeps it tn hln own stable and biros tho
driver and othor holp. Tho driver of an
official carnago is about tho hardest
worked man I know of in Washington.
His cab Is usod for all sorts of purposes,
not only by tho cablnot ministor, but by
the mom born of his family. Tho first
thing tn tho morning is to tako tbo sec
retary to ntn dully toil. Then soino of
tbo ladios of tho family want to go shop
ping At I o'clock tho socrotury must
rw driven to his luncheon, and tbo after
noon is put in racing about tho city
making social culls. After dinnor thore
is a theater party or evoning reception,
and tbo ladles of tho family must bo
waited for. Ofton a ball koops thorn out
till "i tn tho morning, but it does not
matter how late tho hour, tho official
carnago must lo at hand tho niomont it
in wanted. No wonder my acquaintance,
tbe driver was fast iwleep on his box.
'It is pretty hard work," said ho, as I
woke him up: "hard on tbo horses and
nardor on mo. During tho wintor wo
keep two paint of horsos for this car
nage and wear them both pretty well out
oflforo summer. I do all tho driving."
At noon I called ut tho war dopart
moot to noe Secretary Blkins. 1 found
nitu ui the corner of u largo and mag
nificent apartment, a callor on ono side
of him ami a stouogrnphor on tho other.
Mr, Blklnn boat all tho workers ovor
seen ih tho war department. Evor since
bo came into otlico bo has had tbo ouay-,
going amr loinuroly subordinates of his
office, who have liecome accustomed by
yeara of exorionce to a careful avoid
ance of haxtu. bustle or oxcitomout in
the tninwtction of tho public businesu.
slttiug on teiitor hooka over Ills inothodH
of work Secretary rjlkiim will see
about thirty cafTors in an hour and
make every ono believe ho has had a ton
minutes conversation.
Pn my way to tho Cupitol 1 saw on tho
street onei of the well known figure of
Washington It wifa to all uppbiiruui'o:
thetlguruof a man who bad just come in
fromihe country diut riots and had a clean
have and was out seeing tho sights. Out
in fact it was Chutruian Blount or the
foreign affairs committeo of tbe house
who wan brought conspicuously before
tho public oyo by the Chilian Incidont.
.Mr lllniiiit whc good mo use nnd good
Judgment, m well as his patriotio spirit,
men of all p.trtloi are prainlng, uovor
hai any liusliii".s lriinactloiis with tail
ors, and it is nitld could never bo prevailed
uM)ii to wear a drest suit. When ho
goes out Into nocioty, wlileh Is rarely In
deed, lie dons mi old fashioned swallow
tail, proli.ihly left him by hln ancestors,
which, though hardly up to tho latest
stylo, answers very well ror a gar
ment, In Congress Mr. Blount wears
always a ready mado suit of clothes
which could not have cost more than
twelvo dollars, and on tho ntreot ho may
bo picked out of a thousand by tho way
in which ho wears hln soft felt hat well
tlown over hln oyes mid tlpjwd jauntily
to ono side,
Blount in one or tho very fow men
who havo had it long career in congress
nnd finished up with more money than
they had at tho start. Tho nblo Uoor
gian liolieven In living within one's in
come no matter what his station In life
and It in said ho has saved iUJ,000 a year
during tlio eighteen years ho has been a
member of the house Careful invest
ment of these savings has mado him a
tolerably well to do man, and tf tho mjo
pie of his district conclude they don't
want him any moro after twonty yearn
of service, which in very unlikely, ho will
have something to fall back upon besides
tho doubtful prcHttgo of being an ox
congressman with a constitutional Ina
bility to make a success of anything else
lu tho world, as Is the case with most of
the men who retire from a public caroor
of any groat length
Seeing Chairman Blount ambling along
reminded a friend of mine, with whom I
walked up the aveiiuo, of a story alxmt
the somewhat fainons dinner given by
Seuor Montt, the Chilian minister, about
six weeks ago 'I was at that dinner.'
said my friend, "and it was lu some re
spects the limist dinner I ovor attended
in Washington, Wo were positively em
barrassed by tho profusion and richness
of tho dishes, Everything which an urlt
tocratlc caterer could think of to swell
tho cost of a dinner had boon provided.
And an to wine we could no moro than
take a sip of each or the kinds served. It
was Indeed a sumptuous dinner, but
thin is not what I wanted to tell you
about. After the coffee, when tho gen
tlemen had retired to tho smoking room
tho conversation partook of tlio nature
or a discussion or tho Chilian situation
which wan at that tiino rather threaten
ing. Wo then saw tho strango incident
or a United States senator making a llt
tlo speech In ravor of tho Chilian sldo of
tho caso, his remarks being applauded
by other senators as well as by ovory
ono olso present. All this was as a mat
tor of courtesy to tho host and hostess.
and was not Intended to bo taken sort-
oasly. Senor Montt understood it nil,
but Mmo. Montt. who knows but little
English and who is of nn oxcitnblo tem
perament, bocamo vory much ugitatod
She shouted a huzza to hor nativo coun
try, doclarod that if war between the
United States and Chili ovor startod she
would contribute to tho cause of hor
countrymen not only every cont sho had
in tho world, but hor sorvicos as an army
nurse, and by way ot peroration brought
out a littlo Chilian (tag and wavod it en
thusiastically ovor tho bonds of hor
guests, who applaudod hor with clap
pings of hands."
It was a dull day In tho houso and
sonato, and I saw very littlo in oltliei
end of tho Capitol worth montioniug,
unless it might bo additional ovidcuce
that tho lomou is bocoming tho favorite
adjunct of congressional oratory. In the
houso i saw no fowor than (Ivo members
use u lomon instead of a glass of water
whilo making a speech, and during the
course of a half hour's talk on tho rules
Mr. McMilliu usod up two or three
lotuons. In tho sonato Mr. Coko, of
Toxos. bad tho honor of introducing the
lemon stylo of oratory, and now a large
number or senators moisten thoir lips
with tho acid juice of this fruit whilo
making sot spc-echos.
In the supremo court tho scones wore
as impressive as usual ami a largo num
ber of visitors wore present. To the
strangor tho supremo court is awo in
spiring. Ho is nfraid to whisper to his
neighbor, and n smilo ho would ox pec t
to bo punished for with instant death
Everything Is very solemn In tho su
premo court. Even when Justico Gray,
who had been out lato at a dinner the
previous night, fell asleop and actually
Biiorod while a lawyer rrom Chicago was
arguing tho citso or tho anarchists, no
person in all that courtroom dared to
permit tho faintest shadow of laughter
'to come upon bis face.
When the court hud adjourned that
nftornoon and the justices bad taken oil
their great silk robes and put on thoir
overcoats and bats. Chief Justice Fullor
mado a novel proposition to Justico
Blatchford. "It is said, Blutchtord.'
remarked tho chief justice, "that no
man has ever walked from the Capitol
to' the White House on tlio south side or
Pennsylvania avouuo Suppose you and
I' make that jonrnoy this afternoon'''
Blatchford agreed, mid a few minutes
later people on tlio avenue were Mir
prised to see the two justices walkuu;
for.u mile and a hair on that side nf the
thoroughfare which edcstriaus invari
ably desert for tho moro attractive
shopping side.
Tli eso are a half dozen or more char
acteristic glimpses of life in Washing
ton. Everyday brings thorn forth by
tho thousand Walter Wei.i.mam.
rinri'iiii- riiirli-Krlly U'omlrra II
U Itfiill) ii sim'IiiI AiiIiiiiiI.
NktIiiI t'nrriaindonce.
W wox.v, Oil., I'eb, . Is man essen
tially a social animal' Tho scientist
say so. But in the mountains cf thlt
state there aro almost enough men win.
I for years havo lived a life of utter soli
tuilo to disprove the generalization.
, Those mountain hermits can bo found
I scattered through the Sierras nnd tin
Coast range from ono end of tho state
to tho other. They aro particularly
I numerous through this region, centering
about the osomlto valley and oxtend
lug far back Into tho high Sierras.
Some or them were onco guides in
tho valley, othors havo been minors mid
soino again seem to havo taken up tht
lire or solitude simply bocauso they like
To this clavs belongs old P, It. Gibson
-"Old Gib," as ho is gonorally cnllcd
who lives on a mountain ranch not fat
from hero. Ho In so vonty-fl voyeurs old,
but Is ik)shoh8o1 of as much physical
strength and ondtiranco as tho average
man or hair his ago. Ho came here
thirty yearn ago from Tonnesseo, where
ho left a wife and a largo family of chil
dren. One of his sous came to sco him
recently and tried to Induce him to visit
his fonuor homo, but "Old Gib" stead
fastly refused to loavo bin littlo ranch
and solitary cabin. Ho has novor seen
a railroad, ami tho stage drivers from
tho noarost station try tholr utmost to
persuade him to go to town and at least
look at a train of cars. But his inva
riable answer is, "Do you think I'm go
lug down there to bo blowed up by one
of them there blamed engines? Not
Nearly all tho men who Uvo this life
of solitude very long got a bit iueo in
tho head, and "Old Gib" is no exception
to tho rule Ho liana rigmarole descrip
tion of himself which declares that ho le
"tho best man in the United States or ad
joining territories, either directly or in
directly, tliiancially, commercially, ec
cleslusticalhuir unchurchiflod." Tho old
man In a hard worker, and whon ho is not
busy on ids raiuli lie In working enorget
ically making "shakes;" that Is, clap
boards split and suwod by hand from bi
pine trees,
Old man Lambert, who has a cabin in
tho high Sierras soino twonty or thlrtj
miles back or tlio Y osomlto, Is nnothortir
the mountain hermits. Ho has neither
ranch nor mining claim, but liven by
what ho shootn and by nn occasional few
dollars earned from camping parties. He
has lived alone in that samo spot fci
years and years, and will in nil likeli
hood stay thoro until ho dies. , Thoro are
months at a tiino that ho docs not sco an
other human being. A party of campers
last summer found him making a huge
stono wall that seemed to havo no pur
pose whatever. In surpriso tboy asked
him what ho was piling up thoso stones
"Why," ho said, "a man's got to do
something, up hero ulono, or ho'll go
wroug, suro."
Flokkncb Pinch-Kelly.
Mr. Wllllo Wilde.
New York, Fob. 11. 1 saw Willie
Wildo, the husband of Mrs. Frank
Lcslio. tho othor day, and ho chatted
pleasantly with rao for un hour or moro.
Ho is a big. strong, haudsomo man of
middlo ago.
Soaring this In mind, ono could appro
ciato tho forco of tho sarcasm against
himself whon ho said:
"Yes, it seems 1 am doomed to tho un
flattoring fato of novor boing myself.
First I was Lady Wildo's son, then Oscar
Wlldo's brother and now last, but not
least, 1 am Mrs. Frank Leslio's hus
band." Whilo he talkod 1 was watching him
and thinking what a mistako tho papers
had mado in representing him as too
young for his wifo. i was thinking that
if I wore Mrs. Wildo 1 would not let
him bo callod "Wllllo." but plain old
"William," for thoro is much in a nnmo.
Mr. Shnkospearo notwithstanding.
In discussing Amorican writers, .Mr.
Wildo said: "As a writor of short stories
wo English liko Frank Stockton. I con
sider 'Tho Lady or tho Tigor' tho best
short story ovor written. I mysolf am
reputed a writor and tollor of good
stories, but 1 loft off all my own to tell
'Tbo Lady or tho Tigor' as long as there
was a listouor in London who had nut
heard it. 1 fell into tho habit of asking
tho ladies at tho ondof tho story. 'Well,
which? and was much amused and edi
fied by their answers. Of thoso 1 kopt 11
kind of annotated record, or plobiscito.
which I finally sont to Mr. Stockton, and
which was the beginning of a most
charming correspondence between us. 1
nm exceedingly anxious to meet Mr
Wo wore interrupted by u roportor
who wanted tho biography of Bobeo.
Mrs. Loslio's lovoly littlo Yorkshire ter
rier. "Poor Boboo," her mistress said,
stroking tho littlo silken haired creature
as sho dozed in hor basket tn tho suu
sbino. "Poor llttlo Boboo, oven yon
must suffor tho ponalty of being your
mistress' dog, They havo already ac
cused you of wearing silk ulsters and
shoes and stockings, saying that your
lazy and oxtravagaut habits aro tho re
sult of tho example sot you by nn idle
mid oxtravagaut mistress. Thoy surely
do not know, Bobeo, that you and I aro
two plain, hard working creatures, earn
ing our bread and paying off dobts wo
did not contract: that you givo up your
velvet footstool mid l my velvot lounge
at homo, every ono of thoso cold early
mornings to come down to this dreary
office, a cotton pillow and mi tuicush
lotted chair for the day. I boliovo every
thing lias been written about hor," Mrs.
Wildo went on, turning to tho rojiorter
"I feel so hurt and so sorry for nil foinitli
creatures who are subject to tlio world's
criticism that 1 would say a good word
for oven this littlo dog."
But tho reporter thought what sho had
just said about Be bee's w'ardrobo win
something now and interesting, making
notes to that effect So runs the world
away. Bkli.k Hunt.
Sutton & Hollowbush,
Caterers pf Confectioners
We nu'.kc aH kinds of Fancy Cretins and Ices.
Parties and Receptions Supplied on Short Notice.
We Have all Kinds of Fancy China for Rent.
Telephone 68 1 . No. 206 So. 1 ith St
Oilier, Cor. llllli mul ( St.
I'liniiii 710.
Yitrilx, 1111. i mul Y Ntrei-tN.
I'l 707.
Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels
Fall Line of JV HNTELS in stock
Keep YOUR BUSINESS, and, Incidentally,
YOURSELF, Before the PuDHG.
Don't Depend on Thorn to Discover Yon !
Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of
Perfumes and Fancy Goods.
127 South Eleventh street.
M M aaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaBfe "
We are especially well prepared to board n limited number of horses nnd havlmr
the largest and finest equipped stnble in the city, can take best of care of nil horses en
trusted to ti. Our stnble l light nnd roomy ultli unsurpassed ventilation. All
vehicles nnd harness receive dally cleaning and nlwnts lenve the stnble In neat, clears
stylish appearance.
Telephone 518. Stable 1630-1641 O St
Canon City Coal
Also Kent tirade of
Hard Coal
I'lense do not be deeclvcd In imitations of our
famous Cnnon Cltv Coal. SalMv yourself ns to
the GENUINE be'fore ordering.'
W. J. I'llATTVU'roiirlotor.
First ClassLiveryRigs
At nil Hours Day or Night.
Family Carriages,
Gentlemen's Driving Rigs, Etc.
"WSS ajanH.iaK