Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 13, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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yT)H poot poryn
ft iButj,,i,AH
Wc carry all the Finest Grades of shoes
In nil sizes nrul widths from n n to e e.
Quality First-Class.
Prlcos Reasonable.
Inspection Solicited.
Exposition Shoe Go.
Special Prices
Wo will not be undersold by anyone.
Good clonkfi for $1, regular $2 good.
IsMco clonks f ir II. V) regular M crude.
KlcKiint i'IoiiUh for I'.', regular $1.00 grade,
Other grades at Jmd about hnlf price.
Hoys' sultH l 00 worth . 00.
Hoys' suits SI.U) worth :i.(0.
Hoys' suit I2.U0 worth 11.00.
I'lns, lo ii paper.
Needles, lo n pnper.
A gate buttoiiH Ik! it cross.
Rubber tipped lend pencils 10c doz.
urlliiK Irout c,
40c wool lioso only !ipic.
Fast black corsets OH:, worth 75c.
Turkish towels lu eacli.
ISO sheets writing paper 12c.
OentsfiOj I.lslo thread hoso only 25c.
Special prices In underwear.
Hpcclal prices In laco curtains.
Bpeclnl prices In ribbons; finest stock In
Hpcclal prices In llnons of nil kinds.
Bpeclnl prices In nullts.
Hpcclal bargains In tinware and hardwaro.
Feather and tips at hnlf price
50,000 cants hooks and eyes, all slzos, lo a
Hllk twist, lo n spool.
Bilk thread 4c a spool.
No trouble to show woods. Wo nro hor6 for
that purpose We will not bo undersold by
Remember ttio place
The Leader,
1211 O STREET,
The Great Cheap Store.
Masonic Temple.
Mr. Mornnd of Omaha Dancing Acade
my has opened classes In all the
latest dances.
Children 4 p. m. Adults 7:30 p. m.
Every Monday.
Circulars and particulars maj be had at the
Courier ollice, 11 34 N street.
Kino Dust Onblnots f.1 per dozen. Hpecli
ton to stuiionts. Call and see our work.
Open from 10 11. in. to I p. in. Sundays.
Studio, 1214 O Street.
Tho most axmililto preparation for the skin.
Cures Chapped llamls, Chafed or hcnldcd
Removes Tan and Freckles.
lolllvo euro fo-Hult Itlieiim. Indies pro
nottnee It nerleetlon. Kxcelleut to use after
having. I'erfeetly harmless I'rlco 'twenty
qso cents, bold b all llrst-eluss druggists
( " 'Bs
Continued front eighth pace.
A brilliant and unjnynble leap year patty
nstlmt kUoii at Teniplo lutll Wednesday
evening when tipmmtsof nno hundred guent
weio loyally entel tallied, Tim joung lndlo
had planned anil execute! the detnlli with
such care and attention that not 11 slnxKt ulw
inent which mliclit In nny way contribute to
ItsMiccow wns lacking;. Holto.t llroivno'a
l-annlng, theatre orchestra furnished nnuto
for the merry dancers, the progi nm opening;
at precisely nine o'clock when tho Krand
match was led by Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Hutlor.
A delightful siipiHT, which elicited much
praise, was nerved at Odell's lu hliiumnl sit
erb style. The eoMtmnes weio tdrlklugly
liaudsoiue and al together the event proved
one of tho pUmsuiitcst social airalrs of the
season, The young ladles pilnclpally to
lilamuin this iustaiiee wow Misses llattlu
Eckiudt, Anna llogitii, Noia Fitzgerald
and M. K. (Ititlimauu, the to latter acting
ns Hilstressm of ceremonies anil diicctor-gon
ends hi general.
Those present, were Misses Anna llogan,
Mclaughlin, WVchbach, (Jouway, Sable,
Wcckhah, Utiilmette, liogaii, Halter, Hlat
tery, tlayloiil, Corcoran, lllloy, Uullimauu,
Nora Kltrgemld, I.., II mid H. Kekhiu-dt,
Dick, Judger, Kelly, Hughes, Kittle. Flynn.
Muipliy, MeCulleu, Maiy Ma lone, lioldeii,
T. and M. Hoouey, K. and N, Moinu, ilareou
and Vifiniiiln; Messrs and Mesdamus,
O'Neill, MeUlave.Coieorati, McDonald, Win.
HoKuti, A. Halter, W. II. Hughes, Kd.
Hughes, Htewiirt, MeUloin, J. Meyers, J, J,
Hutler, Heck, Uonoughoy, Urny, Maion and
Lodrtltn; Messrs O'Hhoa, Ulck, Judge, Ed.
Duller, Flynn, 1. M. Haydeu, Coleniuii,
Weckbaeh, Deorlilg, Murphy, Ed. Kltgeiald,
Lawlor, O. Weiss, MeUlcilau, O. D. Eck
Imrdt, Edgar, 1'. Moinu. MeNenl.Oni Wind.
Dr. O'tluimaii, Frank Hhcpnid, Maher,
White, M. Kelloy, James O'dhea. Uen. Vif-
iiuulu, W. C. Eitzeraldatid Uosllu:
Miss D. lloirmati left for Chicago Tuesday.
Mrs. II. Harione started for Denver Tuos
lay. Miss Alfreita Drown started for Chicago
William Hull started fur Helena, Mont.,
E. D. Ht, John started for Colby, Ken.,
llalph E. Johnson is confined to his home
by Illness.
It. D. Lewis returned from Chicago, Tues
day evening.
Hon. Fiank H. Whltu of J'lattsmoutli, was
in the city this week.
Mrs. J, C. DilTenbach started for Mans
field, Ohio, Tuesday.
Dauk.examiuer, 11. M. Wells of Crete, huh
in tho city this week.
C. V. Cole, editor of tho Deatricu Demo
crat wis iu the city over Sunday.
Henry L. Mayer, of the clothing firm of
Mayer Druthers', is in Now York on business.
O. W, Clayton, general agent of the Wa
bash system, was lu the city this week.
James Jordan and family of Aparahoo are
visiting friends and 1 datives iu the city.
Hon. Frank I. Ireland of Nebraska City
hook hands with friends iu town tola week.
Miss May Drittcnham, of Davenport, Neb,,
is attending the conservatory of music here.
W. L. .' '.kin of New Yoik, representing
Dupplutuu o Co., publishers, is ut the Cap
ital. James Heed of Nebraska Cith attended the
session ut the state board of phar oiaoy this
Miss May Haherlatt has been visiting
friends in the norther part of the state this
The Henrietta club will give a social party
at Temple hall on the eveiiiug uf Washing
ton's bii thday.
Miss Julia Lehnhotr. uf Louisville, Neb., is
a recent addition to the scholars at the con
servatory of music.
M. Ackermauu of "The Famous' has re
turned fioin New Yoik after purchasing
largely of spring goods.
The Lowell Chautauima circle held a pleas
ant meetiug last evening at the lesideuue of
Miss Gertrude Laws.
Elmer Ellsworth left for Cleveland, O.,
Wednesday, where he conveyed the remains
of his wite for iuteimeut.
F. F. Jaques of Kansas City, manufac
turer of the K. C. baking iowder, was iu the
city this week on business.
Professor H. H. Nicholson started for New
York Thursday, where ho will sail tor lire
meu, Germany, iu a few days.
T. J. Hiekey, the populur and urbane man
ager of tlie Capitol hotel, sieut a few days iu
Chicago this w eek on business.
W. J. Felt of Webster City, la., who ha8
been visiting friends iu Lincoln for several
days past, returned homo Tuevlay,
A. W. Dudd, accompanied by Ids sou
George, who have ibcu visiting friends iu
town, leturued to their home Tuesday,
Miss Mamie Heguier of Kansas City, after
a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Jas. Camp, will return home Monday.
E. A. and D. N Stephens left for St.
Thomas, Out,, last Saturday where they
nolo called by the death of their mother.
MIns Edith Cole, who has been visiting
friends iu Knox county tor a couple ot
months past, leturued lo her horn heie this
M. H. Hooker, of tho firm of Hooker &
Oil, started Tuesday una trip to the coast
and Intel mediate points, lasting several
Mr. and Mis. Wilsou eutei tallied a pleas
ant party at high live last evening, at their
home Seventeenth and N streets, which was
greatly enjoyed.
Colonel J. t. Saufoid, the woild leuowned
traveller and lectin or, niiodcliveied the llrst
addiess in the Cmveisity chapel here was in
the city this wik.
Hon. John A, Demster of Geneva stopped
oiriieio WodiiMrto 011 his way home truui
Dundee, 111., whvu' he was called last week
by the death ot Ut) father.
The Cotillion club will hold its thitd social
party of the season at the home of Miss
Maltha Fuuke, corner ThhteentU and 11
stieets, uexiThuisday evening,
The party given by the Doicas club at
Temple hull 'Ihursday evening was largely
attended and eminently successful, netting
tuo charity fund u huuusome little sum.
County Clerk A. O. Keliu and Alexander
Graham, chairman of the county board, Be
atrice, registered 1 1 10,000 of O. & S. . rail
road bonds, with Auditor Denton, this week.
Miss Clara Daldwiu of Des Moines, Iowa,
has written to Lincoln friends that her par-
etit are recovering and she expects to l III
Lincoln to open her Ivlndeigarleu ml
Miss K-ite Gallagher, of ('anion, HI., vim
has been thn guest of her cousin, Ml Ella
Hidden, at Ml J street, for several days
pit, left for Yoik Tuo-day and will vltlt
filendt thcie.
Miss Kathleen Calhoun Imi iivslgued her
position iu tho T Htuvt school to accept a
mine lucrative one hi Denver. She has many
fi lends lu the city who wish her sumn lu
her new home.
The East Lincoln Whist Club met with
Mrs. S. J. Tut tlo, at lier home Monday after
noon whet e they w 010 loyally cnti'i tallied.
Choice refreshment wme served anil 11
pleasant (hue eujoyod tiy all present.
That great literal y nlTer now being made
by the CotlllIKH Is meeting with big success.
And why shouldn't III Think of It, Dickens
complete woiks, fifteen volume lu hand
some cloth binding mid the CouniKlt one
year for t5.(X). Elliott complete anil same
binding with the UoimiKit fll.iV "I'haokery
complete l i'i It will pay ou to step lu at
tho ollloo (ll.'Jl N hlicct) and lnsH-ct these
K.-K. I). 11, (: yaltihiK .siiln.
Few liuslueHs hou-es In Lincoln can boast
of as gieat a volume of tunic 11s can the Kll
patrlek Koch dry goisls company. Their
laigestoieisciowded every aflerniHin with
eager purchasei sand many a large bundle
goes out to gladden the household, Tliei u Is
ipilton hole iu tho once laige and beautiful
stiR'k, but as the goods must all bo sold by
March fh st, Manager 1'ike announces It as
his positive determination to closo out every
thing If xslhlo before ipilltllig time, IjuU
U-h will do well tocall eaily as theie Is yet a
goiMl iiHsortment led lu each depai tmeiil and
pi ices are such as me sulllqlentto movuthem,
1'Iimi 1'lut Inn (.'111-iln.
Bend ten (111) cents hi stamps to John Sebas
tian, Gen'l Tkt. and l'ass. Ag't Chicago,
Hock Island Si I'aclllo lty., Chicago, HI., for
11 pack of the latest, smoothest, slickest play
ing cauls you ever saw. Just the thing for
High Five parties. For n fiOo. express money
order or ksIiiI note will send you live packs.
Choicest cut iu all kinds of meats may
always lie found at Chipmau te Sheen's,
1M1 O street. 1'hoiio 181).
Cliipman Hi Sheen mo gaining a well de
served leputatlon for high grade meats. It
Is an excellent place to trade and deliveiles
are always prompt.
Oilell is dolnir a line business In his inm-
hUiiiiI (Masonic Temple corner) near tho
location of his former successes. Tho place
Is as neat as a pin, tho service par excellence
and the fine Identically the same as lu past
ycaiH, notwithstanding tho fact that his
pi Ice now is but i0 cents. No tickets, 110
ti list, and no bust, but a flue meal for cash
and cash only.
Aicher, do.itlst. Flue gold mid bridge
worku8eclalty. Draco block.
Ladles kiit gloves cleaned or colored at LI n
coin Steam Dye works, lltxl Ostteet.
l'rnss MuetlllK ToiiIkIU.
Every publisher of a dally or weekly
nowspaiicr iu the -ity of Lincoln,
nud the sevoral editors ami reporters con
lioeted with the city press, are requested to
meet at the olllcj of the Caiitai. Citv
CouniKlt, li:i4 N street, Saturday evening,
February Ultli, at 8 o'clock. As there will
lie matters of special and ecuiilary import
ance to every publisher, it is earnestly do
shed that a full representation of the press
bo oil hand.
NkiiiiaskaHtatk JoUltNAI.,
HlgnedJ lly Frank Hathaway.
y L. Wessel, Jr.
Lincoln Daily Nkwm,
Hy II. T. Dobbins.
Lincoln Daily Call,
lly II. M. llushuell
Lincoln Wkkkly Hkiiai.d,
lly Calhoun A Woodruif.
Lincoln hun,
Hy II. 8. Ilowers.
Latest ilewvlryjritils,.
A gold bat with 11 sapphire body Is a sig
nificant scarf phi. Enameled ribbons gath
ered Into losettes are used as laco plus.
Mustache brushes with Russian enamel
backs aro for tho luxut hints. Terrapin
dishes iu sets with repousse edges and handles
and lestiiigou tiny legs are desliod about
this time of the year. There Is an cirot t to
introduce round amethyst and topaz plus.
They nro very pretty. They are set Inchosod
gold with an Inner baud of tiny pearls.
Great voituu has been given this season to
the little heat t-shapd lockeU. They aio
woi 11 on fine chains, and seemed to be called
for by some sentimental considerations.
Tho round enameled brooches r.lth fine In
terfacings and powdered with colored stones
come next to the flower Jewelry lu rivaling
tho bow knot. The use of ruby spinels mid
olivines limit the expense. And the largest
und best stock of diamonds ami line jew eh y
hi Lincoln Is at Eugene Hallett's, the jeweler.
Call and see him.
A Very l'opulur I'liod Product.
Whilo at tho county seal of Otoe the other
day, a CouniKlt repreiwtUitlve made a brief
visit to the oxteuaive Ifubraska City Cereal
mills, the home of the well known "Quail"
brand of rolled oats which is now so popular
In Lincoln and elsewhere. In conversation
with Mr. Theo. Doyschlog, the manager, it
was learned that the Quail brand goods wero
coming 1 apldly to tho front and that tho de
mand often exceeded the supply. In fact
whilo conversing with that gentleman a tele
gram from Chicago was received, ordering
a caiload of the eelebratal goods. '"Must bo
doing n rushing buslnessl" cpierlod tho news
(wiper man. "Oh, I don't know," was tho
1 eply of the mlllmaii ns ho smilingly opened
1111 order but to enter the shipment, "We
are not surprised at anything nowadays lu
connection with our Quail rolled oats. Its a
line thing and tho x.ople are not slow to ree
ogmo that fact, and conscqiieutly the do
nmiid is big wherever It has been Introduced.
Tho scrllm since returning has made use of a
sample iackage nud Is not surprised at tjtho
suceVsi w 1 tli w hlch this now and delicious
food product is meeting.
Tho Chicago, Milwaukee it St. Paul Hy.
Is the only line rumiluz solid vestltmled.
electric IfghUsi und steam heated trains, lie
tween the Missomi river ami Chicago, con
sisting of new palace sleeping cais, elegant
free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches
mid the tiuest dining cars iu the woild.
Tho berth reading lamp lu its palace sleep
ers is patented and cannot be used by any
other 1 Mway company. It Is the great im
provement of the age. Try it ami bo con
vinced. Closo connection in Union Depot at Oma
ha with all train to and from the west. For
further Information apply to your ticket
agent or F. A. Nahii, General Agent,
W. S.Howkll, Tiavellng F't and l'ass'r
Ag't.. IMI Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 'J 1-tf
Coutlmied from Flint Page.
The eeleluated Noss family have been en
gaged to appear for two nights at tho wr
Lansing, Fehiuaiy '.'ilnl and Ulth, under the
auspices of the Knight Tmupler of this city
They me 11 teiiiarkable company, each mm
gifted with 1 are musical talent which 01 ops
out lu every movement, If you wish to en
joy 11 tine treat you should hoar them.
Dot parties ate very fashionable of litte
and It Is ipnto tho proper thing now to enter
tain your friends In this way. Dan Is able
iu this way to enjoy almost the privacy of
their own home nud have the pleasure of the
company or their guest, as well ns enjoying
theeuteitalumeiit. The new Lansing oilers
many nttinctlouo to this class uf plcmauo
seekers. The fuinltuto with which Its boxes
aie fin nlslnsl is the finest lu the city, and
they command a better lew of the stage.
Manager ('hutch is prepaied to make special
Inducements to iu ties of six or mote who
desho boxes.
Iluiralo Dill leturnel to his native laud
Monday, remaining this week, when he sills
back again to uietry England wheioho opens
his show at Ivnl's Com t, IjoiiiIoii, In five
weeks. Iluiralo Dill, who lost Ids name In
tho smoke and 1 elreat or Indian battles, has
found It again iu Iondou, w here he, and those
blood-thhsty old wan lorn "Kitr'nnl" Thomas
I'oiterhouse Ochlltiee," "Kur'nal" Nate
SattlsU'iry and "Kur'nal" Ned Thome, wero
feasted by that other bold strategist, "Kur'
mil North hoof ulti ate fame. In tho gal
axy of great military genius around that
lostlvo hoard all were Kttiuals, except Col.
Cody's manager, Major John Durke, ami ho
was a high pilvate In the tear rank.
It is not at all unlikely that a though tful
man sitting at tho play will have this ques
tion forced Uhii his attention "where 1110
they to come from I" Tho list of really ac
complished actors grows smaller and smaller,
I.ast year lolilnsl us of llarrett and Florence,
Dooth ranks now amongst the great actors
who, "have Isjeii," Jeireisou Is liable any
dny to tell the world that his days of toll aro
over, mid that for the balance of his days
many and happy may they be ho has re
solved to lest. Where 1110 the successors of
these men to come f 10111 Iu this ago of tho
wl Jenlng and deepening of nil our educa
tional foico, IIhOlMih to us a very lameuta
blu thing that there is lioadtspiatepiovUlons
made for the best work of the diamatlo pro
fesslou. The coming age asks for thebott ami
most cultuicd woik in nil departments; and
the stage cannot atfor I to lag behind In this
Of'Hpldorand Fly" company. At Linslng
Una re Feb., 17th. Bee first page.
onward march. Great actors cannot be ex
lioctod to giaduato lu any great numbers
from behind tho sceueti alone. We need e d
ueated men and women for the demands of
the future, men and women who will not
only take up the old traditions of tho stage
ami see to it that theo traditions suhVr 110
loss; but who will meet the large demand of
the coming day and carry these old tradi
tions to loftier heights and to more conspic
uous triumphs. Where are they to come
fromf Wo ill e not blind to the efforts that
are being made iu ttils different cities to
meet this growing want of the stage, but it
s a fact that we cannot but regret, that of
all professions, tliu ilraiii'ttij profession Is the
least prepiicd to keep its ranks constantly
supplied with capable men and women,
Haiilon's "Sujierba" wlllcud its season hi
Chicago about May IS, after Its return from
the coast.
Sol Smith Ilusscll Is the only star 011 the
1 oad w ho din- not employ an advance agent,
and tils business is phenomenal every where.
It is said tho New York Central railroad
has concluded not to haul pi l ate theutiical
cms of any desciiptiou, when attached to
tegular passenger trains.
Miss Marie WiiiuwiUht will next season
join tho ranks ot thoid stais who desire to
piudueo the wurksof Ameiican diamatists,
She anil her manager Julieu Magnus, an
nounce tl.eir willingness 10 catefully lead
any new phi).
Hosu Coghlau mid Helen Harry are s ton to
have a bout lu the courts, all Jon account ot
their play, which both uufoi tuuately adapt
ed from the same Germ tu play. It seems as
though the German author isn't hi it ut uuy
stage of the gar. '
Hut unlay, January .'W, Allied Larpeuter
Wheeler, "Nyin Ci Inkle" was married to
Miss Jennie Villi Mowbray, by the Uev. Dr.
Thomas Dixon at the icsideiice of that
clergyman In New York. Miss Mowbray ii
a handsome young woman about -'I years of
age. Last season she played one of the lead
ing purU in "Tho Great MetrojKilis." Buo
was at one time a member of Mrs. James
1'oMei's company. Her home is in Minneapolis.
wwk- Ml
White Goods,
Because we sell the Latest Desijrps and best Fabrics
cheaper than ever sold in Lincoln.
A Large Stock of W. C. C. and other
Popular Line Corsets at Very Low Fig
ures. THE BAZAR,
1023 O STEEET.
ASK YOUR GROCER for a package of
This cereal food
is carefully pre
pared from Se
lected Grain, and
properly cooked
makes a delicious
breakfast dish.
Take no other
All Fillings at Lowest Rates.
Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Blk.
Window Shades.
Having just added this Department to our Furniture
Palace, we beg to call early buyers Attention to this Stock as
one of the Finest Selection of Spring Patterns that has ever
been shown in Lincoln.
Standard Qualities, Fine Work and Lowest Prices.
A. T. Gruetter & Co.
Opposite Lansing Theatre.
It it very nour
ishing, is tine-
quailed as a bone
nd muscle maker
and is therefore
recommended for
It is delicious.
Walter (looklnti In on a noUy card party lu tho hotel
Ih;iI room) (Jeulluuum, I'volieeu hoiiI to nnkyou to make
lean iioIku, The party lu the. next room nay ho can't
lloHtof the parly Toll lilm ho ought to ho mthnmod
of hlniNcir. Why 1 eoulil roiil when iwik flvo yearn old.
We are decorating the Ewing Clothing Emporium.
The Interior Decorative Co.
1338 O 8TREET.
A.C. Zleiner, Earl KdRiir,
1'renldent. M imager.