liHtfMiMRutr.-"y "" V-J'- v jev CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1892. r , Never Buy a Garpet UNTIL YOU HAVK SEEN TUB MAGNIFICENT STOCK -AT TUB- Exposition Carpet House ALL TUB NEWEST EITECTS IN COLORINGS AND DESIGN'S. In Draperies we hov nil the ncwet thing In house drnpe, nnd hnvc nn attractive line ol Lace Curtains AND- PORTIERRE Always co the Exposition Carpet Store before ordering. MANIOURINQ AND HAIR DRESSING. Mm. J. C. Hell delre to acquaint the ladles 01 Lincoln nml vicinity with the (net that her Handtome New Establishment It now open, nml ttnnUtctl by n conipetcnt corps of nrtlsts I ready to serve nil callers vrltli the hct of work nml the finest mate rtU. Wc carry n complete nml very line line of Toilet Aitlcles and Pure Cottnetici Ladle me cordially Invited to visit our parlors. Prompt nml polite nltcntlou ns tired nil. Mrs. J. O. BELL, 114 N St. New Alcxnndcr Hlock, If you Deposit your Savings IN THIt Lincoln Savings Bank B Safe Deposit Co. s.K.cor. Mlh and P His. THBY WILL BAM INTEREST FOR YOU At thu Unto or S-Wve per Ct. per Annum-5 Save 15 ft) a wcok nml It amount with Urest lit (tvo years to $1,000.00. Bank open nt UsSO n. in. to 3:30 p. in. nml Saturday evening, S to 8 p. in. Safes to Rent In Burglar and Fire Proof Vaults. f TH0 &$irat Rational Capital $300,000 Surplui. 55,000 Offers the Beit Facilities for transacting Legitimate Banking. J.D. MAOFAHLANl). I'res'denl O. 8. LU'PKN OTT, .a.'t. Cashier. DIIMEGTOKHl John Krltigerald, William M. Clark. J.D. Macfarland, T. M. Mnnrioltc, Charles A, Milium, A. s. Raymond, John I.. Cnrson. Lincoln, : Nebraska. m WT" '-n TUNY AliVtf (.OIXUOIIT 3&arJiiPTrfiffiiiVivm'8t mmmnimymi.w SbCJ. ,J' ,1 Mimiir ltperof Modern 7Viim PubllnUocl Stur.l'.ty. AdlnsnllcoiUiiiiiinotl"iildlr.MMii tlm iiiIIcm WlCMMlCL, FUINTINO OO, I'UIII.ISIIKII. Courier IIiiIIiIIiik, II : N W reel. TKI.KI'IIOSH'iV'l U Wkhmki., Jh Kdltor nml Hole I'mprletJir Kitterednttho I'mlullleu of t.liu-olc, ii second class imitlor. Nun., POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 63,000. LITERARY NOTES. Fremiti, .Ifimfediiii Jriiimi ha enlarged It Held of operation mil mm- iipp'itr n Sjmrt, Mush (iwf Dntmu In mi Inpiovitl form. It lioini of the neatest Jonnuls, typo giaphleally, lhat comes to our nllloe mid It content lire nlwnys of n IiIkIi onlur. Wo cougrattilato our dramatic cnnteiiip'nary on It Improved nppo.irniioe mid predict for It mi Increase of thiieecsi It has heretofore enjoyed, Tim 'Aiitnml Trudu Tin to Review" of the Keokuk, (In.) Gut t City for M'J linn been re eel veil nt till ollleu, It I nt onco u lixiiutl ful mid useful publication, (Mod with choice matter nml beautifully llltistrnttsl, It page fairly teem with wl(lo-nwnkoiidvertleiiteiil, the result of the hustling abilities of our friend Joeph Ulme, who deserves sutntuii tlal congratulation on hi achievement. It I the neatest thing of the kind thnt has reached ui up to date. Thu Kehruary nmiibor of Peter m's .Uny tufiielsonoot the linndsomstt mid best of tlm month's iiingaihie. It open with n nhowy fashion plate mid Hue full page en gravings, ono of which "The Holnted Valoii tine" Illustrate a very tiMUtlful i)im liy .Minmt Irving. "Up and Down Kist Ang Ha" hy Holyn K. llrooke la nu Interesting necount of English Norfolk and Huffolk with it series of excellent illustration. ''An In voluntary Elopement" hy Carry H. MorKnn Is n drntuttlc sUiry of western life effectively illustratml. Auothor enpllnlly lllttsir.itud paper l "Tno Children' Kuiioy l)ni Party" which nlvc clear direction for uriklu the costumeantn small cost. "Ill MNtakj" hy Kate Wallacu Clement I a charming story. "The Confession o' Philosophy" will add to Alice Maude Hwell's rapidly growing reput ation. "Folk Iiro of Colored People" hy Mrs. 11 A. Mathews Is h very charming paH-r. The reuialuder of the contents are In keeping with the article we have mentioned, and the whole get up of the mimhr would do credit ton porloelcal double the price. Term two dollar a year. UM Chestnut street, Philadelphia. All x,),ivnil fancy patent Hour, of It. 111(1 i.m ' ' Lincoln groueri 1 1 i;i sell lots Capital, $250,090 E. H, Guthrie has arranged to continue in the carriage Hue, Customers wanting first class work will do well to wait for a new lino of the very finest Jbi o.i tin iuar kot which will arrive In ample time for spring trade at loll) O street. Now England Crystil meal, the latest nml finest production tor inti.h or baking pur purKsoo, Ask for It at groom. Nothing like New England graham for breads or graham gems. Dealers sell It. Tho Whitebreast Coal nml Lime company (a always at the front supplying the tluost radeaof all kind of coal Miss Anna Dick, Modiste. Corner Elev onth and IP streets over Lincoln Saving Rank & Safety Di-poslt Co., entrance on P street. Our work speak for Itself. It needs no brag or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to its merlU. The Studio Le Qraude Is on the ground floor, centrally lo cated and n beautiful place. Call and see us at 134 south Twelfth street. Coal of every size from the best mines in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale, by Goo. A. Hay tner. Telephone :W0. Office 1134 O street. Kjre mimI Kwr Surgeon. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurist, 130:1 O street, telephone 1175, Lincoln, Nebr. Officers and Dirrtfors: John IV Wright, Pre. T. E. Handera, V.-P J. H. McClay, Cashier. FEJohusoa, ltPLau. Thos Cochran, E HBIier, TWLowerr. W I.Dayton. General Banking Business Transacted. Collectionc a Specialty. W CAPITAL $800,000.00. American Exchange National Bank. L M. Raymond, ILnwIs Gregory, President. vice President D. O. Wliiff, At.Cashle Youthllene KuropeHii Vase Proportion, Ladies, it you want most elegant face prep aration, try this one. It is pure as spring water; no lend, sediment or other injurious substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh, and clear; removes tan, blotches, discolora tion, and impart n pearly complexion, If your face is not what you desire it, try "Youthllone". I guarantee it to give perfect satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara don that will make complexions fresh and young looking and uowl have found it, re tailed at two dollars or three for Ave. I have secured the agency for this trusty article. J. II. IUuucv, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb. Srl-ATH OKIRTS AND HELL TRAINS HAVE HAD THEIR DAY. WHrmmi Tlcllii(,' I'iovIiiIiiiimI by Olltn llnrpet lit I'liii.e Wlin Oppiun Their, hlyles Tmii Cnxliimus That Art- Wry lloriiiuliiii. Sni'lnl ('iirriiiiilencr. Ni:w YoitK. IVh, II. -All tlinno who linvi' ht'iMi riiiiipluliitiiK iiIhiih Iheahcath nklitM mul lidl ItntiH oiii tulio comfort in Ihe kuiiwli'ilxo jrv. Unit tlmlrii'iKiil oSvl llllllllt "Vl'l I- till dhiiii. nun unia" ,2 a fill ilmpUl ii'. Will ltffri 'f i'V i 7 ft'fi I ifir "A M. The new Lincoln frame, and art company make a specialty of frames for line crayon work, with Elite Studio south Eleventh street. 8. H. BurnUam. Cashier. C. L. RICHARDS, ATTOEITBT. Only Ten 1,10) Ceiitsu Tuck. The celebrated "Rurlhigton Houte" upply Ing cards lire now sold at ten cents per pack, (W cents is tho usual price for such cards). Whist, high-live and euchre parties will soon be in order, and wi would suggest that you lay in a stocu of these ca'rds for future re quirement. A. C. Kikmeu, City Passenger Agent The famous Ilambler wheels still tako the lead and E. R. Guthrie still maintains the agency as 1540 O street. In connection with bis establishment Mr. Guthrie has a school of teaching how to ride. With each salo of a machine goes a guarantee that he will teach you how to ride perfectly and no charge for instruction, , flSSBmi A IJ 1 f I iC ii i mv im i , n IJ iJLA WE ARE GIVING AWAY CLOTHING In comparison to what others ask for it. For scavengor work, day and night, drop J. C. Field a postal and he will promptly call and see what you want. RICHARDS iBLOOK. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Bread is the staff of life and' it you want the very best you should go to the New York Bakery. Ladies hair dressing, Miss Johnston, O street. 1114 n .tfJ; ill viih favor wllh l(t the prliicivH, mul imJ,) lloiitit'oi nml iiiiii. (iJm' J lcrn will ln no I'ltini'rt I'nucla mid Insets uru iilso rooii on tho iii'Wi'.d nklrli (J nt' hiiiiiNniiic Hprinx kowii jut liiilnhi'il for u linly liitx thu front of thu Hlctrt lulil in four up turned p I u 1 1 H, which thrown it wrinkled ilnipory across tho front. Thu foot in Miirili i'il tun luuhcH nccp, huh inuroiu bi.ahiikd BKIUT an nucordlon costumk. filnitintr of hiiko Broon fnlllu. Tlio gown itdulf is of dark groon broadcloth. Tho waist and hIcuvuh IiiivosIiihIios with pufls of tho biiko groon Biirnh. Tliu oiled is very iiloaslng. Thu back of tho Hklrt Is gathered and rails freo from thu holt. I anw toilay a Biiporb gown on a lovuly blond lady who was buying a tliousatul dollar piano. Oh. doarl why enn't we nil havo enough inonoy to enublo tin to do llkowiso? Uut nnyhow, alio was protty to look at. Thu dross was of plum colorud volvot. with n plain ahapod skirt, nil tho front hultig oinhroidiired with nilk in thu H.iiiii' wliiulo. Thu back breadths lay in Ioimo. hoavy folds Thu b.isitiu had (loop sldiM. onibroiilurod nml finlslied with a netted friugo in the name color. Tho hat was a largu. hlauk vol vet, with quantities of plume Shu woro a capo of plain, black aunul's hair lined with whitu stpiirrols anil bordered with sable, ami had a wide Htamliug collar of sablu. Could a costume lie much handsomer? And yot the wuarur appeared perfectly unconscious of it, mid returned to hurcarriagu much n if taking thu omnibus, fine gowns have their places and their uses. And tho rago for painting tho lily and adorning tho rose extends to embroider ing thu short shoulder capes of sealskin and astrakhan with cashmere colors in India shawl patterns Intermingled with gold threads. To my mind this cheapens thu richness of tho fur. Today 1 ruvolod in summor goods How protty thoy nro! Thu mift xcphyr ginghams in tender bluo witli faint gray and pink crossbars are so dainty. The plaids nro about two Inches square and are moro suggestions than real plaids and thoy nro so lino that thoy nro almost transparent. Tho colors are scarcely col ors, but n delicate blending of all the mast entrancing tints in nature. Thoro is no raw, crudo coloring, and a person must bo artistic if sho would be in fashion. 1 hero nro sovoral now ultVcts in graduated stripos in zephyrs, such as purple on cream, pink nml cream, blue and browns. 1 noticed, too, Bomo curious patterns of plnids upon plaids, that is line check upon largo plaids, which is very pretty One piece qui to took my oyo. Tho ground was of a large 2-inch plaid in two shades of gray, both Ught, nnd ovorluying that another smaller plaid in black, white nnd another shade of gray. There are many now satines. very firm and satiny in indistinct grays nnd gruons with white figures, and others with swivel effect, of brocaded patterns, A rich garnot lias double crosses in cream, and dark blue is in tiie same pattern. The patterns are neither sprawling nor very small but medium, and so uru very ladyliko. Lawns always look so cool and pure and fresh that I love to took at them Oowns for summer wear are now being bought by the wisu virgins, and witii the present simple styles can be uindo at home, and it must be n pleasure to sow them Thoy will be mndo in vari ous ways, but one favorite will bo to Ii n v o two flounces, one reaching to the knees and the othor sewn in with the wnlst band and just meeting tho up per edgo of tho lower ono. To wear with these nro tno now oiu brocadod rib bons. There are somo of them of BlRDSEYB and velvet rjch heavy satin with lighter colored Unworn picked out with gold brocaded all over them. One lovely pattern was dark blue with purple and green thistles nil over; others wei e brocaded in self colors. Some ol these rich ribbons will bo stitched Hat on the bottoms and waists of handsome silk or woolen dresses. There were a few pattern spring ben nets on private salo today, and 1 notice most of them wero made of loco with bor ders of flowers around the extreme edge and others laid along the middle of the crown like a crest. Uut us every wotuun noods a little different trimming to suit her style, naturally every bonnet varies a little from its nearest neighbor; but the general form is rather flat, aet close to the head at the sides and with strings or without as is preferred. Olive Barmul We are in a Position to do it. Wc have Purchased the Seminons Stock at 50CENTS0NtheDOLLAR And are giving the public the benefit of our great bargain. Here is the chance of a lifetime to buy good and seasonable clothing at ALMOST HALF ITS VALUE. KGMEMIitill THIS SALE IS FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. Buyers will do well to call early while the assortment is unbroken. BETTMAN & CO. SUCCESSORS TO SEMMONS CLOTHING CO. Our First Century. It cannot ho that men who nro tho seed Of Wiudiliiutoii should mlHjr fiimo's truo ap- tilnuite: Franklin did ilnn us; Marslmll unvo u laws; Anil slnwllie hrnailiu:rlli;ruv ii ixoilo'g creed, One liiiul mid free, then nt our dautserous need, Time's elinllenKO coining, Lincoln k'avo It patisu. Upheld tlm double pillars of tho cause; Anil, lyliK. left them whole tho crownltiff deed. Such was tho fathering rnco that mndo all fast, Who founded us, and spread from sea to sen A thousand lenuues tho 70110 of liberty, And built for man this rcfiiKO from his post, UnkltiKed, unchurched, tmsolillcrud; shamed wvro wc. Falling tho stature that such sires forecast! Anon. A I'rophrcy Now Happily Ftillllled. I am loath to close. We nro not ene mies, but friends. Wu must not bo ene mies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. Tho mystic cords of mercy stretching from tho battlefield nnd patriot grave to every loving heart nnd henrthstono nil over this broad land will yet swell tho chorus of tho Union when again touched, ns surely thoy will bo, by tho better tngels of onr nature. From Lincoln'u luiugural. NEBRASKA CONSERVATORY of MUSIC and Academic School for Girls, Lincoln, ..... Nebraska. All Ilrnuchesof Music, Art, Elocution, Literature, and Languages, TmiKht by a Kneultv of Hlxteon Instructors. Each Teacher mi ARTIST AND SPECIALIST. Tho imly Oonservntory west of Huston own lug It own htilldlmr and furnlshliiK. A re fined homo for lady students. Tuition from SHOO to l:l HO per term ol 10 weeks. Write for CulnloRiio nml general Information, O. 11. HOWELL, Director. WOMAN is the pivot upon which Trade Turns. I HAVE- AN OVERSTOCK Of a No. I Anthracite C O A T J on hand now, which I will sell lower than the lowest, as I can not afford to carry it over the summer. Call Telephone 554, or see me before buying. M. L. TRESTER. This will only last until my hard nut coal is sold out. A number of years ago I suggested to one of my clients that he place nu advertisement for good usl exclu sively by men in a paper supKed to be rend exclusively by women. The advertisement appeared ; it continued in that paper several consecutive yearn. The actual mull cash sales, coming directly fiom that advertise nifiit, were two or three times ns great, reckoning proportionate cost, than came from the same advertise iiieut in nny of the hundred papers my client was advertising in. Since tliHii I have made theo exerimeiits many times, until I Ix-Ileve I linve it right to claim that the experiment bus passed Into fact. Xathl C. Fowler, .1 Jr., Adrerltsinu Rvjurrl. The C'ouulKlt I the favorite journal among the Indie of Lincoln and adjacent country. Plant your announcement in its column mid reau bwt iciults. IN IT ALONE. Now We Cut Profits in Two Having purchased the interest of Mr. Sanderson in the late firm of Parker & Sanderson, which ended with the old year, I have decided to offer SPECIAL BARGAINS in all lines of goods for the next Thirty days. Ladies will do well to look up our bargains in Fine Street Wear and Party Goods. Remember the old reliable at the old stand. BARI PARKER, 1000 O STREET. G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAT. he iw Has secured during 1892: It. Klder Itniu'nrd, N'.rmiiu Lockyer, t'oimu Doyle I Wlltll W, I). Howells, George Mertdlth, Aiulruu l.amr. Ht. lieomo Mmirt. Mark ItuUynrd Klpllug, J. imimller Harris, It. Louis htoveiiauu, W tlllnlii llhick, W. t'lurk Hiw.ell. Mury K. Wllklns Frances Hodgson lluruclt, Anil muiiy other distinguished writers. l)c gtitufrau &x Is the grnitest Sunday Newspaper la the world. Price 5c a copy. By mail $3 a year, Address The Sun, New York, CANON, ROCK SPRINGS, PERFECTION, IOWA. COLORADO. NEWCASJTLI. DUQUOIN, JACKSON, I1ICKORY BLOCK, BEST GRADE OF HARD COAL. Telephone 390. Office 1 134 O Strttt. A'EH'S STATlOiVXJJtV suubt'Kiniuws, Artists' Materials tP Novels HAT- THE GOTHAM, 1136 O ST. Give us aJTrlnl Order. TUttE PAIXTS- -'ANVAS STHETCHESR r sjkusmssMsmu 1 ji 1 1 11 rn