Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 06, 1892, Image 8

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- -i . . - t '
LINCOLN 65,000. HV
flrHiMC? " "
Cmr I Oth and P ttrMtt,
Special Sale cvcrv dav next week on our
newstockof WASH G'OODS.
Fine Ginghams nml Ilrnndonburg Suit
lugs n specialty.
The CnUKisn will nut I resiionslhlo for
any debu mado by any one In 11 name, tin
eas K written order accomiNinlc tho same,
Wc want to close out our
If price Is any object to your buying
otic, call mul tec u,
Cor. O nml lath Sis. Opera House Corner
The Courier Cnii be Found At
llotcl Iilnrolii Now Htnud.
Windsor Hotel Now Htnml.
Cnnltnl Hold Now Htnntl.
nlffi lilnlng Hull. Mmonlo Tcmplo
'Tied imChmr Wore. MHO 01 Hlnjot
Tho UolhainlNnw Htiitid, IIM O Ht.
ThoApoMll North lltli Atreel.
Kd. Young. WW OMnrt. ,
Clnsoli. F etc ir Co., 1120 O Htroot.
Wont "rldil1. l.rtH.r ilioi.. lurr IIU.0K.
International Now miporluui, lint' '
iil!iVToiiClKirHI(irtf, i:w North lllh Htreot.
NWwHtmui:il Mouth lltli Htrcrt.
w-An extra supply f papers I always loft
I tho Oothnm. In cw ohor Nowsdenlcrs
supplies run short.
TlioCouniKii Invites II remlor to con
tribute to this ilopnrniiont, sending u rlthor
hy iiiaII, moiiseUKot or telephone, (No. Z)
prronnl Itoin. reports of pnrtlr, socials,
ton, wedding, uliuroli nntortitl tiiui'iit, mini
rules, rlu., which Imvo or nro iilKiut to occur.
NnVor liilml tho linuiiKt glo u thn
lolnt'iiiiil wo will do Iho rest. It I essential
thoiiuh, (hilt wn hnvo till Information at Jthu
cnrlloul prnt'tlrnhlo moment. Whenever an
lot llutlon to llieiw events I extended, it CnU
iilKit representative will Im delegated to nt
toinl porsonnlly. Kn.l
W. R. Dennis,
O Street
church Advertisements.
' nnmmMlflM ADfll ttWt. TllK COUBWK
wtUlatert notice pertaining to soolnbles,
festivals, lecture, meetlugs nml aormona for
all churches free of charge. Advertisement
for enterUlnraenU whew n admission is
charged will be Inserted t one-half tho reg
ular rU
Legal Not lee.
In District court J.
Lancaster Co., Neb. f
DcWrlch Hwlticr defondont will take
notlco that on tho olevonth day of April,
WWJfohn W.Qlllosple philnttir heroin filed hi
oetltlou m thedlstrlct court of Unoastercoun
ty Nebraska,Mlnst aald defondont, the objeot
and prayer of whloh aro to recover posses
ton of the north half of the north-west
Quarter of section twelve, In town eleven
north rangonve, cn.t of the sixth p. in. In
Lancaster county, Nebraska, ami for l0
rent and profit received by old defondent
while ho hiu held unlawful poelon there
of and for cou of anil. .,..
You are required to answer nld petition on
or before Mouday the 15th day of February,
1SD3. John W.aaLMPiB
br Davis a Hiiimkh, Att'y.
Horosl hold nil luUrotlng nml Instructive
session nt tho homo of MIm Kato Btoddnnl,
(I'M Houth Hovontoviith street, Monday.
whoro Mr. lloeUi cnrofully discussed
on thoHtimlny iwt mnvoimmt, demonstrat
ing tho fnrt fiat ho hiul given tho subject
close attention. It was n masterly elflrt In
the lino of n worthy cnuo.
Fdlr I.uim. prttmiimhly oiiuhkI In ploti-
ant cotivomntlon with tho nun within, willol
gracefully about In nu aliuont cIouiIUm ky
Wciliioilay ovoulng nmloojailointlly blinked
htr o tin alio giicod down on n R04UO of on
traucliiK brilliancy nml enjoyment nt Mnmi
lo tvuiplo, tho occntlou bulng ono of thuno
where your liet girl nn ich up with n hnck,
wiilt whllo you umko your toilet nml tlien
cnri lt vou nwny without no much in by
your Ion vo u leap yenr pnrty. Thoro win
pUviHiiro mul hnppiiioKiilnrn; pretty lullcn
cIoIIkh! In hiiiiiltoimi uoUuino't mid bowltch-
liig hiiiIIc did tliuui4elve pmu 1 In thulr gul
Imit nml untlrliiK iitteittlou to tho wnut of
their nmlo proU'Ko. MIm Vllloii);liby' p tr
ior oichmtru reiulvreil plwulnj; xti'itln of
clmrmliitf inunlu which uiltixloil Mwtvjtly with
tlioH.'rfumu of iiiiiny llowur. About hnlf
mtuloveii tho pnrty repnlnil to llrowu'ii
enfe, whvro ii Hploiiilld Hiippor wu Korvod.
At nlno o'clock thoKrnnil tuuiuh wn luil in ii
Ki-ncoful iimnuer by l'hll Hoiniuorliid mid
MIm Nelllo Hyde. Nearly ono hunilreil
Kiioit woi-o priviout. Tho young lntlle ro
1K)iihII)1o for nil thl plmMirii mul Jolllllcn
Hon nro i MUtrcwi of ccroiuonliM, .iIIhs Nelllo
Hyilo; reooptloucoiiiiulttvu, MIhhch Ada Hull,
lllldn Hoolinii) mid Luttlu K, Houfoy; lloor
cominlttt'o, Mhuiti K.orouco llnlo mul Mnttlu
(lilllltli; Horgemit-nt-nriiii, Ml hi Ij, Hohhu
I'liililiK-k. ThuHoiiroHout were: MImci I'iihov,
Hydo, Hilda lloehiiio, Julia lloohiuo, WaUuii,
Ixiug, Ilopfoy, 1'iutdouk, llnrunby, Halo.
Ilufoitl, l'otoriunu, Anna (Irllllth. Muttlo
(Irllllth, Htownrt, Murk, Uluver, Hall, Will
Imiii, lA'atlion", Kowtur, Hoyt, Htliv, Hliurp,
McFurland, Hood, Iottrldgo, lloldeu, ilrom
well, UiigheH, KIiiifm, Mutlrow, Lmuler,
King, I'otcm, Clark, Htownrt ami Mr. Hny
dor; .Mown, llellley, Uoiumerlml, Kllllan,
llnrtlett, Alcxnmlor, Urllllths, l'mlilouk,
Seltr., Clark, Wo.t, Oascoln, Kimball,
llnriiox, Coddhigtou of Uutiihn, Hartford,
Chrlntophoi , Hjn'iicor, Wluslow, lllson, llroii
wniu, Jeokell, lliulmore, Halo, Htackhum,
lAittrldgo, Koittiiimn, linrkloy, Weckbnch,
Hogcn.'Dr. Murium, Connnl of HastlugH,
Coiuldlno, Ford, L. vllHoii,Tretvr, tlilgur,
llrown, llutta mid Hlmlou; Mor ami Me
dnliH'H, Hturgl, Haldoinau, LoUtor, l'nrks
and Whltcaldo.
lion Yiv CLUU.
Tho eighth party of tlm Hob Fit Club wn
held last Tuesday evening at tho rwldonce of
Mr. and Mrs. . E. Drown, 1801 J. street.
The prize were secured by MIm Alice Cow
dry and Mrs. Cal Thompson and Messrs. A.
Hurlbut and E. P. Holmes. There were
present Messrs and Mesdaiues J. O. Allen, O,
M. Uartlott, A. O. Illllenger. Geo. Cook, B.
R. Cowitrey, E. P. Ewlng, 11. K. Foster, A.
Hurlbut, E. P. Holmes, A. E. Kennard, C.
M. Keefer, F. O. Ladd, K. E. Moore, 8. E.
Moore, O. M. Thompson, M. II. Tilton, Mr.
T. P. Kennard, Mlssea Effle Bteen, Clara
Cowdry, Alice Cowdry and May Moore.
Mrs. Hard gave a pleasant card party Fri
day evening In honor of Mrs. DeForest Fair
child of New York City. Choice refreshments
wore served. Among those present were:
Dr. Cueboor and wife, Mr. MllU oud wifo,
Mr. Denton and wife, Mr. Clark ami wife,
Mr. Coodell and wife, Frank Mauritlr.lus and
wife, Uertruda Aiken, draco Aiken and
Martin Aiken.
prorfi'ntii wa icnili'iwl nftor which refresh'
incut "ore mtvimI mul n plenvtnt ovoulng
A plenviut nml umnfiil leap yenr put ty
wn given nt tho consorvntory of inulc Frl
ilny evening by the young Indie of thn K, O.
to tlm member of tho V, nml II, ('ud,
inimlonnil dniiclng, with cholciircfiwhinent
were thn featured of the ovoulng. Thoio
prrxout weiei Hiiivrliitendeut nml Mr. II.
H1 Joue, I'lliiclpnl nud Mr. Ii. Ii. It. Am
tin, MIwh inhln Motcnlf, Illnnelie June,
IMItli FUke, Florence Mnrley, Clara llrynnt,
Mary llobloy, Clmn Hmllh, Nelllo, Nell
Niumiiiiii, Ktkel HiM)Mr, Dora llniley, Kna
lllcket", Joy WVIwter, Annn Hldl, Llwlo
Hmlth, MnrloJoue, Ornco Cook, Inora
Agey, (irni-o riinmmoti, Vllinlo Uench,
Kuiernld June, Ada HenUiu mid friend;
MeiwrsKh. Mockctt, Homer Honey well, Ar-
ileu Chnpmnn, OeOrgo Kloulwh, WimxI,
Jone, I'nrko dnrouetU', Julian Field, (leoro
Hteluor, Itnlph riiiiumer, KoNler Itench, hil
llengnu, Prrd Hyan, Krnet Folnom, Will
llnymou'l, Jim Huyiler, Aichlo llond, Hnlph
Winger, Frank Hnumler, Arthur llnmur,
llnrry Hurley, Frnnk mid Chentorilold My
ers, Iaiw, Hlcket mid trlend, Profiors
Mnrslaud and Iturrett.
Hon. T. M. Mnnpiutt eutertnlned hi bukl
lion partner nud nwoci'itc of tho olllcu at
hi homo Friday oieiilng, where a very
ploaxunt time wn had. TIioho present were
the Memr. mid Memlntne. Frank M. Hall,
A. (1, Ureonleo, J. W, Dowveiw. Klrby mid
J. A. Kllroy.
aohi:i:aiii.y huupiuhki).
Tho llfth AclaM of Uio Capitol school very
cleverly Htirprisod their toachur. Mini Nelllo
M, hyle, nt her home, Win K. street, l'il
Friday evening, dmue, nneoilole, oto ,
served to whllo uwuy thu time, after whluh
rofrcnlimoiitM were served. About twenty
live guest worn prccut.
Thu principal attraction In Kant Lincoln
nodal circle Inst week, was n progremlvo
high live party glvuu by Mr, mul Mr. J. C.
HalNbury, nt their Hpiiclou nud beautiful
home, out nor twenty-seventh ami N street,
which was prett'ly decorated with cut (low
er, (minis and fern. Tho guentH, on enter
ing, woro greeted by tho weet sti ulli of
"Homo Bweet Homo" from a HIm music
Inix. At eleven o'clock elegant rufreshiiieut
were served, after which the gmntH wero'ro
huiuod until l.alf-piiHt twelve when tho royal
fuvois, consisting of two souvenir 6h)uiis,
eloawiriled Mrs. (J, M. Thompson ami
Doug Uhllllug mid tho booby trophies to
.Mrs. Van Duseii and Mr. Mohreiistecker.
All ngrted in saying it wn tho most enjoya
ble ovoulng of tho Neiisou, which speak vol
ume for thu entertaining abilities of tho
charming hostess. Ihosu present were:
Messrs and Mewlumes, Frank Hull, IK. Heh
blonder, U. M. Thompson, Cal Tliompson,
A. M. llubd, lid lllgnell, 11. D. Hteurns, 11111
inoyor, deo. Cook, Clms. Hiulgu, T. II. Hon
ton, Doug Uhlltitig, VuuUuseu, Chits. Waldo,
A. Hurlbut, H. M. Mellck. Tutu, Prof . Lllll
bridge, Dr. Tucker, llai ley, Dr. Everett, C.
W. lloxlo, L. A. McCuiullem; Misses Flor
ence Hulo, Mliiuio Mellck; Messrs D. Moll
rousteckor uud Thoiiius Pearson.
Mw. Tllfauy unvo a very enjoyablo curd
party at hur homo lust Friday ovemng, in
honor of Mrs. W. H. Irwin of Halt Uio
City. Tho house was neatly decorated for
tho occasion. Refreshments of a choice
character wero served during tho ovoulng.
Little Barn, dnughter of Air. nud Mrs. Wil
liam H. Dennis, to whom these lines are
dedicated "Dlessed aro they that mourn for
they shall be comforted."
Wo had In our homo a dear llttlo bubo
A trousuro more precious than gold;
Hut the Hnvlour called lit and took to hlmiclf
Our dear preolou Umb to hi fold.
Qod gave us our darling mul took her uwuy
a dearly loved, earthly prize;
Our dour llttlo girl with the durK brown hair
And beautiful hnr.ol eyes.
Just wh) Ho took our darling uwuy
Is mora than wo can toll,
Uut wo strlvo to submit to tho chuitoulng rod
For wo know that Ho docth well.
And whon wo ure done with life on earth
And our sorrows uud troubles uro o'er,
May wo meet an unbroken bund lu heaven
To purl from our darling uo more.
"There Is no doatlil Tho stars go down
To rise upon soma fairer shore,
And bright in Heaven's Jeweled crown,
They shine foruvcrmore.
Lcl and Personal.
Whltenrerst Coal and Lime Company
Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O Bt. Telephone 225
Canon City Coal at the Whltebrcast
Coal and Lima Co.
Only the finest cuU and choicest meats
served to customers of Chlpman & Sheen,
1M1 U street. Phone 180.
Ladles cau have their party dressea cleaned
by the French dry process at the Lincoln
steam dye works 1105 O street.
Applications for reptal of Turner ball for
socials and dauclug received at P. J. Wohlen
bergs cigar store, 138 B. 11th street.
Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by
the French dry cleaning process, only 15 eta.
at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 1105 O street,
"Not hoW'cheap, but how good" Is the
motto of the, new Studio Le Grande. Call
and see their work, 184 south Twelfth street.
Orders for planoHunlng left with Young
and Elder, 208 south Eleventh street, will
receive prompt attention by 8. C. Quick.
Never order a photograph or picture pf
any kind until you have seen the work done
at the new Studio Le Grande, 134 south
Twelfth street.
The celebrated Egg Shampoo removes
dandruff and promotes the growth of the
hair. Fcr sale by Miss Johnston, 1114 O
Hotaling the O street grocer says ho Is
human and makes mistakes but will chews
fully rectify them . That Is more than some
The Peninsular base burner U the latest
Improved beater lu the market. Defore buy
ing, call and see a full line at Dunham &
Buck, 1130 O street.
Gentlemen should now get out their but
summer's suit, take It to the Lincoln Steam
dye works 1 105 O street and have , it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out.
Latest studies and a full line of artists
'material at popular price at the new Lin
coln frame and art company, wNb Elite
studio, 986 south Eleventh street.
Original round oak stoves, the only air
tight round oak stove on the market, conse
quently the west economical in consumption
el fuei Bold only by Dunham and Buck
11M O street.
Tailing 111 i nit tbelr best Interests by
roaring their meat and game at Chlpman
aadBUea, 1541 O street. All orders either
to pet-sea or over telephone 160 will be
avfirptiy delivered.
At tho residence of Mr. nud Mr. S. Sdllg
sohu, 17S0 M street, Inst Biiuday, occurred
the marriage of their daughter.Mlss
Louis A. Ksonsky. Tho ceremony wui ier
forined at four o'clock, tho young couple
standing under a canopy of tloweis lt the
bay window of tho parlor, which was taste
fully decorated with potted plant and How
er. A delightful wedding supper was serv
ed after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Kseus
ky boarded an ovoulng train for a tour
which will Includo New York, Boston, Wash-
iugtonnud other paints. They will bo at
homo to their f rleutU at 1TU0 M street after
March 1.
The reception tendered to Mr. nud Mrs. H.
J. Hall by the Pleasant Hour club at tho
Lincoln hotel but Friday evening was an
event of bztrnoitliuary brilliancy and pleas
ure. MUb Willoughby's orchestra furnished
music for the merry dancers, who continued
the festivities until a late hour. The cos
tume wero strikingly handsome and elicited
many words of praise. Tho refreshments,
which wero served about halt-past ten o'clock
wero lu keeping with the other appointments
of tho nlfalr, which was ono of tho most de
lightful tho club bus yet oxiorloncd.
Among those present wero tho Messrs uud
Mebdnmes H. J. Hull. H. D. Mulr, C. F.
Udd, Haydeu, 11. C. Young, II. D. Hatha
way, McArthur, Cunningham, W. J, Mar
shall; MesdumesX. C. Brock, 8. C. Brock,
Charles Hammond, L. C. Burr, Redlck and
Pike of Omaha, Bapp of Council Bluffs, John
Carson, Hillings; MUse Marshall, Latta,
Hoover, Damrow, Drown, Carson, lloe Car
ton, Zlemer, Kelly, Shears, Miller, Hollow
Lush, Hooper, Law. Miller, Loouils, Cow
dery, Hammoud, Dundy of Omaha, Grace
H,irr, Dalrd, Wilson, Jones, Stoen, Clark,
Anna and Martha Funke, Weaver, Maud
Burr; Messr. Smith, Wilson, Zehrung,
Wing, Mullen, Walte, Aitkin, Bholes, Miller,
Foreewau, Fitzgerald, HouU, Joyce, Clmrles
Burr, Bt. cJohn, lUcbter, Johnson, Oscar
Funke, Earnest Funke, Markel, Stepueusou;
Clarke, Howe, Hathaway, Marshall, Wheel
er, Magoon, Huns, McArthur, Frank Durr,
Dorgau, Pershlug and Charles Hall.
The young people of the Unlversalist
church tendered a reception to tho He v. E.
H. Cbapln, the paitor, who has been travel
ling through tho east for the past three
mouths, solicltinf; in the Interest of the new
church, His efforts were eminently success
ful and the church Is the gainer by a sub
stantial sum. The reception which was held
at tbe church was In the nature of a surprise
to tbe reverend gentleman, Au appreciated
Thoro Is no death I The leaves may full,
And llowors may fade and puss away,
They only wait through wintry hours
Thu coming of tho May.
There is no deuthl An uugel form
Walks o'er tho earth with silent tread;
Ho hours our bust loved things nwny
Ami then wo cull them dead."
Tho Amelloru whist club held a very pleas
ant meeting with Mr. ami Mrs. J. F. Lnn
sing at their beautiful home, 1TJ0 K street,
Tuesday evening. It was an nccaslon of ex
traordinary pleasure and Interest. At tho
close of the entertainment nt tho opora house,
llobert S. Drowue's Lansing theatre orches
tra tender! an agreeable surprise in the
shape of a rich musical trout. A Huely ar
ranged program, as enjoyablo as It was un
expected was rendered, much to the delight
of the guests. Choice refreshments wero
served ami when tho pnrty dispersed at a
late hour there was nnughc but expression
of gratification and praise for the kindly
treatment bestowed, Those present wero
tho Messrs nnd Mesdnmes, 11. Oliver, E. A.
Rogers, Dr. Tucker, Bulsbury.Hnl Northum,
L. C.Clark, A. C. Zlemer, Howlck, C. X..
Hull, Eit Dlguall, Howard; Miss Clara Link
and Munuiier Ed. A. Church.
Tho F street euchre club was cleverly en
ertulnedby Mis. llliiner butunluy evening.
Refreshments wero served nftor too gnmes.
Those present were: Messrs and Mesdames
Denton, Tiplmg, Mills, A. J. Sawyor, Hutch-
(us, Dr. Cusebeer, Bohus, Austin, Manning,
Mrs. Hard, Messrs Mai tln, Alt ken, Hellwlg;
F. A. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I)Vo entertained
the Owushntong Club at their haiulsomt
residence, 1!W U. street on Wednesday wan
ing. Those present wero: Messrs. and Mo4
dames. A. M. Stownrt. Tho. Muuger, F. M.
Bllsh, Jos. Miller, J. W. Smith, A. A. Scott;
MUs Bllsh, mid Mr. Frank Piersou.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Hlgg entorUlmxl the
EntreXous club most hospitably nt their
pleasant little home, 18.17 E. street, Filduy
ovenlng. Their guests were Messrs and
Mesdaiues A. D. Durr, Ed DUnell, John Gil
llhan, T. H. Benton, Will McAithur. Fred
Thomas, Ml A. Warren, Fred Kelloy. Hurl
lrt, Itoyol Bteurns. J. P. Maulo, H. E.
Moore, Myron Wheeler. E. II. SUor, C. W.
Hoxle, ). M. Tonipso,, Cbarllo Trnphagen,
II . Budge, Walter Davis. Usher and A. E.
Kennard; MUsoa CantloHl.Htearu, uanueui ;
Messrs T. P. Kcnnanl, Charlie Miner, ar-
.... .t.i.i.. I...!. Vtawatt uiui i ;. rc Ainnr
Mr lUi'hnnl Murphy ntrrtniniil n mnll
pnrty of friend nt her home, 1331 A. street,
Filclny ovetilug on tho ocoislou of her birth
dny, A bountiful super was aerved after
which ench ono wn given a conundrum to
answer, AltnKothcr a very iilcusant ovenlng
n enjoyed, Tho Invited guest wero Mes
dailies W. N. AIiIkiH, Joule Lnuctou, W, II.
NewU'rry, Faiiulo Clllinoiv; Mls Gurtrudo
mid Aunetto Abliott, Lucy mul Florence
(losuey and Nelllo mul draco Feltou,
Mr. H. C. Heller Htnrtod fcr PorUmouth,
Ohio, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr. E, W, Ovorholsor stnrU'd for
Sterling, 111., Tuesday.
Di. E. M. McGon of Tecutnsoli U ki lending
a few day with F. Hitchcock.
Mr. and Mr. John Dorr have returned
from Now York nnd aro at tho Limlell.
Mr. A. d. Dorr nud wife left Thursday for
Southern California toend several months.
William Hardy returned Monday from n
three weeks' trip through Michigan and
II. F. Morwlu of Denver City, editor of tbe
Denver Vnlloy 2'W6tme, wn in tho city
Mr. Wllllnm Itedlck nml Mis Lulu Dundy,
of Omnlin, wero tho guest of Mr, and Mr.
L C. Durr this week.
Mitts Nelllo Drown of Hastings, formerly
of tho Democrat, Is a recent addition to tho
Couhikh tyMi force.
Mis Nelllo Whlto started for Omaha Inst
Saturday, where she I visiting her friend,
Miss Cnrrlo Wnsiner.
it l now a foregono conclusion tlmt ero
long it popular young bunk teller will not bu
altogether a Free man.
William Murks of Menominee, Mich., who
has been visiting relatives uud friends lu tho
city, returned homo Monday.
Ml-s Vliiulu Coulter, of Hastings, dnughter
of Hon. J, W. Coulter, is thu guest of Miss
Helen Hoover at tho Limlell hotel.
A. C. Boltz of Tama, III., for tho pnst week
hni Imsjii tho guest of his brother, C. M. mul
W, A. Beltz at Twenty-sixth mid L streets.
Dr. F. A. Graham returned from New
York Monday, where ho bus been taking a
post-giiuluutocotirso in thepoly-clliilo college.
Mih. C. J. dueiuel, after a most delightful
six weeks' visit In Drooklyu has rcturtil,
nud Is now at homo to her friouili at 1 113 L
Miss Hattlo Nowmoycr was called to her
homo near Mobcrly, Mo., Monday by a tele
gram announcing tho serious illuesH of her
Wllllnm Connnl of Hastings, a lending
young business man of that place, attended
thu leap year pnrty at Temple hall Wednes
day evening.
Itov. O. A. Williams, accompanied by E.
E. Dennett, st trted for DesMolne Tuesday
to attend a conference of the Baptist foreign
missionary society.
J. L. Coddlngton, of Omaha, was in tho
city and attendi d tho leap year party given I
nt lemplo hall iVeduesduy evening, return
ing homo Thursdny.
Frank Currutb, n well known capitalist, of
PlutUmouth, wo in the city Wednesday en
route homo from McCook, whither ho had
been to look after thu electric com pany at
McCook, of which he is president.
Colonel John II. Howell who has boeu
visiting his sister, Mr. John Underwood,
starto i for Dayton, Ohio, Wednesday after
noon, where his mother is in a precarious
Mrs. C. H. Imhoff and J. J. Imhoff of Lin
coln and Mrs. Emma DolTenbacher and Mrs.
Ollvo of Weeping Water started for Suther
land, Fla., Tuesday, where they will gend
tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. '". W. Baldwin and son, Mat
son H. Baldwin loft Wednesday for Califor
nia, where thoy will .spend the winter, with
tho exception of Mr. F. W. Baldwin, who
will return In a month or so.
L. Bettman, of Bettman & Bros., Cincin
nati, who cnuio to Lincoln to dispose of the
Bemmous clothing store here, was so well
impressed with the city that he has purchased
thn stock himself and will continue the bus!
uss hero.
L. M, Colin or tbe Leader, accompanied by
his wife, left Thursday for New York on a
visit combining business and pleasure.
While at the Metropolis. Mr. Colin will buy
heavily for tto spring trade which promises
to be largo nt his ojiular jtoro.
At the recent election of ofllcers of tho
Henry & Coatsworth lumber coniany, Mr.
F. W. Brown wus chosen president. Tho
company has ofllces in nearly nil the largo
western cities ami the election of Mr. Brown
gives Lincoln a practical intorest in the bus
iness. He evidences hi faith in the Capital
City by the erection of an elegant now resi
dence at 1040 D street In to which, witli his
family, ho bus just moved.
Additional society. on llfth page
your attention to our large assortment of
Wc keep all the popular makes, vi.:
Thompson's Glove Fitting."
Warner's Coraline." ' T
Ball's Kabo."
" Royal Worcester."
"P. D."
Madame Warrens.
In fact all the best makes. We will be
pleased to have you call and examine our line
of Corsets.
1 1 09 O Street.
I IMm irTH
Stop and see our
Handsome Ginghams,
Wool Dress Stuffs in
Pine Modish Colorings
The handsomest line of
How's Tills?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for
any cuko of Catarrh that can not bu cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We thu undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for tho last 15 years, and bellove him
H'rfectly honorable In all bimlno-s transac
tions nnd iluanclnUy nblo to carry out any
obligations made by their firm. West and
Trunz, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,,
Wuldlng, Klniiun & Murviu, Wholesale
Drugglfcts, Toledo, O.
Hall's CntnrrhCuro is taken Internally. act
ing directly upon the blood nud functions
surfaces of the system. I'rlcu, ?fc. er bot
tle. Bold by nil druggists. Tentlmnnlnls
Everybody admire the vnrlety and assort
nwnt of spurkliug diamonds and lino silver
ware and jewelry displayed by Kuguuo Hal
lett,tho oll known jeweler. Hlsiiumostnnds
ns a syuom for all that is of tho best In the
Jewelry trudo. If you nro contemplating the
purchaMO of anything in this line, it will pay
.;; i to see Mullen.
"it; flrst clum Tonsorlul work, see Wester
that is, things that are Confined to
us and cannot be matched, includ
ing Valois Bails, Bruns wicker
Cords, etc.
ejpositioilt stokes.
"Zee whir whnt In thunder Is things comlu' to? If
there nlnt tho man In the moon comln' down. Sny.thero,
Mooney, old boy, what do you want?"
MnnlntheMoon-"Oh,nothlnMn particular, only I'm
making 11 trip to tho earth to see tho magnificent storo,
nnd tho beautiful paper hnnglnga tho Inlorlor Decorative
Co. uro advertising fco extensively."
ii will Mirnrln vou ns much 11s It did "Old Mooney't to
seo our cstnblhhment ami the mtlstlo goods It coiitulni
The Interior Decorative Co.
1338 O STREET.
A. C. Klemor,
Karl Kdgur,
Vi only place to get the '
tH' bank" nt tho groat 10
south 12th street.
Time lock regis
cent storo, 118
Wo sell tho
Betts, Weaver
ephone 440,
genuine Canon City
& Co., 1045 O street.
Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs. D.
D. Catlln professional masseur, 1-J0 P street.
For scaveugor work, day nud night, drop
J, C. Field a postal und ho will promptly
call and see what you wunt.
tin Aitkin, Frank Everett and
Dread is the sculf of life and If you want
the very best you should go to tho Now
York Uakory.
O C'
T was towards the close of n bright summer's day tnai 111c prouigni o.i urnvcu
at the paternal mansion. He had come by the quickest route, "The Burling
ton." The sun was declining In the west the only thing Hint does decline
west of Chicago except base ball and Its slanting rays threw a golden tint
upon the gray hairs ol the aged father who sat on the front porch reading the
last "Hurllngton Route" advertisement.
The gate opened, and the old mnn peering over ids spectncles dlscried a.
n ragged tramp coining up the wnlk. He was about to t,et the dog on him, In
accordance with the usual custom oi that hospitable region, when the tramp,
can.e up, removed a dilapidated lint rim which encircled his brow, nnd cried,
'father, don't you know meJ" "Know you?" returned the old man, after
scrutinizing him a moment over his spectacles, 'I would know you If I saw
your hide hanging In a tun yard, It's my own lost b-hoyl" Then the fond,
parent fell upon his son's neck und wept wept because It was so dirty, It hadn't
been washed since Christmas, but he took him in all the sitme, gave him a
bath nnd a new suit of clothes and then walked him down to the II. & M.
depot to see to what perfection the ''Hurllngton" had brought their passenger
train service. ' Twas marvelous, and the prodigal son- straightway registered a
solom vow .that his children and his children's children for all time to come
should recognize the "Hurllngton" ns the one grcatrallway whose equipment
wa always UP TO DATE.
We don't know how this legend of the prodigal son came down through,
'the ages so accurate and free from side Issues, but it's- here, Intact nnd unin
cumbered, ready to adorn a back cover or point a moral. The moral of this
story Is: If you would prosper In tliU world, travel only by the ''Hurllngton"
City Passenger Agent;.
General Passenger Agent,
QsttMejtfiyrHw vt vnt vrfTr"fia r"ts,ixmtlfy v .-.i -