Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 06, 1892, Image 6

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C-4-4 .-
Mrs. Graham's
Cucumber and
Eider Flower Cream
Is not n eonrtlo In tlio sense which thnt
term i iHiimlnrly upil. but porninnently
bentillue. It erentes n son, smooth,
ralvviv skin, nml by tliillvti. gradually
makes the complexion wverni siuuie wmier.
It l it constant protection from tliur-lluet n
tun nml wlml mul prevents sunburn nml
freckles, mul liliii'klimiiln will never come
wlillnyiiuiiil(. Ilcleanseithii face fur lel
tcrlliniixonp mid water, nourishes mid build
up llm skin ilue ml Hi" prevents inn for
ttintlou of wrinkle. It gives the freshness,
clearness mul smoothness ol skin Hint Jon
hwl when it little Klrl. livery Imly, young or
0I1I iiiirIii lo use It. ns It Klvi't 11 iijoro youth
nil mipeiinmoo to miy Imly. nml Unit penim.
nently. It eonlnlns no hoIiI, powder, or iilkiill,
mul In iih harmless i iliiw nml n nourishing
asdowlstn til" Hotter. I'rlee atl.OO. Auk
your druggist for It.
NAMl'l.K iiorri.K mailed fri'otnnnyHily
on receiptor lit cent In sinmps to fiiy far
imstngo mul packing, l.ndy Agents wanted.
Mm. (lervnuo (Iriilimn, "llemity Doctor,"
lOtl Post Htreel, Hn I'nuielsoo.
All tin) lending Lincoln ilruglst mill It.
H. T. Clarke Drug Co., Lincoln.
r HrnTntoncn to Jon Ktnis-mx, o. T. A. O.. U. I.
A 1 11. 11., Chicago, nml niT tin lfC,.l!!l Ji2
fllrkeslilis'kof eiinljiiucvi-rhnniflcl. TEW UKNT8
per Mck, postage stamps, for mm or niiniy.
ltt'Hit'iHhvi' that tho
tost route to Chicago from Lincoln
(throiiyh Omaha) is
via tin) "Iloek Inland."
The Dining Cat's tiro all
nciv and elegant; the
trrvlco everybody knows
is tlio bent In
tho United Statin.
Have newer and better SlceperSf
handsome Day Coaches,
best Ileclining Chair Cars,
ami the train is new and the
handsomest that runs from
Lincoln to Chicago (via Omaha)
If you want to be
convinced of this fact,
comitare it with other
so-called first-class lines.
Tickets for sale by
City lUissenger Agent,'
In the Hotel "Lincoln."
once to
1 Joint Smuhtuh, a. V. A. a. ILL
UxouovrrLuduS. TkKcrfxH
fcfcidkofeajouewrBaadld. TkKcrfxH
m pack. pou stamp, fur one or many.
Ladies' and Children's
Hair Gutting and Shampooing
a Specialty,
Ladle Ve Dr. La Dito'a Periodical .
Pills from l'nrli, Franco. "Hint ponltlvoly rcj
llevo nupprculoiu, montlily iloruiiEomonti
and Irrcicillnrltlci ciuweil by colli, woaknom,
hook, anomln, or kcihthI norvoiu iloblllty.
The large proportion of 1IU to which lacllei
and iiiIhoii are liable In tlio direct remiltofn
ditordered or trrcxulnr nioiulrimtlon. Hup.
prewlon continued result In blood poWotiliis
adaulokeoainmptlon. $J puckaio or.l for
6. Hont direct on receipt of price. Hold
In Lincoln by II, W. Hrown, driiKgiU.
a niton wtr Ut iMhtii Iw m1mi an tktt
ftj Ml U Ml tct pi M at uu
Ttrr ui ta m itsou
a TiaOKOVI la all mmll.
vmiua urn n rum
ifrlc tram WIMOOi D.
kw4. rkTtltU limra, Hiatal
rrr, ciiimc uTfBtai. r
jiP5f Iff
1 1 n 1 1 u
J J 1 1 V 1 w
, 1 I I our
11 11 .
nAml to riaflOT BtALtH
aeaLB TirauTT i nasa
I, ttt rrlf aa hw tf Kattoa.
claim by jrr of practlc by
xrlimlvA mpthndtt k uniform
atOMOfOLT or UCCltl" In treat
Inc all SlitaiM, WtakaiMM ana
AatUtUaiatMia. TettlmonlaU
from so Htatea and Trrrttorlaa.
aUIB Hrtlf BaVaur U'ilMHnir'ialed,pott.
Ill HEW MKpald.forallmitMtlm: 0l
f U lialuatUaitorHOItl THAT.
Tcaiaak rVULT KUTOBIB at Tkmaatt
,t ka T BMr tottlatoalalt. A4rii at aaaa
Ba4 roatal Mou to Joaa 8baitu, O.T. A.
A P. a. H. Ckloura. aad nnln. puttoa S1&
t Oeek of aaraa jrou triry bandied.
or vim vr wmnj.
am taanrrn or rcnuaaair,
ahortband. andTraaaiUlaa. at taa bMt and Urn
ColUK In ine wait, att Btudaata In attendance lart i
Walter Wi Union VWIIi-i of Hi I'relhii
at Ihn Ciiillnl-ll V l.nrky for V
TIihI Vn llml it llrttor Nnvy Tlinn Y
Had Tvn Vitr Aijn.
IHprclnl Ciirrcpoinlrnco.
Wahiiin(iion. t'oli. 4. Thoro Ih vnry
llttlu koI In tho capital which ilix-n
not iwrtiiin Ut tho Chllliin uilnotlo. Kvury
0110 IncoiiKriituhitliiK uvury ono otno on
tho happy initt'oiiio or that adalr. whluh
nt 0110 time throatuiiod to lnvolvo the
United HtutcH In IU llrat foreign wnr for
half n century Somo of tho public tnon
In Wasliltigtou holiovo Chili had from
tlio lint Intouilixl to do what wna right,
Htid that we lilnstorcil kimkI deal and
worked iitirxelvoa into it Htato of oxclto
tnout Houiewhiit tiniH'cinurlly Uut thin
li not the Kuritl vlow Among tho
great majority of public tnon familiar
with tho nirair tho hollof i utrong that
Chill "cnine down." not only bccittnm wo
threatened to hIhhiI. but lMcaiiHo wo had
tho great gutiK mul big alilim to do tlio
nhooting with
Ton yoitra ago, It will bo rotnomborod,
thoro wiw mime danger of wnr botwoon
tho United Ktateit mid Chill over our al
leged Interforenco in tlio troublo bo
tweou Chill mid Peru, Thou tho Chilians
beliovod. mul liollovod rightly, that thoy
had San PruuclHco mid other Amorican
neulmurd oltio at thoir morcy. Their
navy wan thou much miporlor to oura,
mid In nil probability If wnr had been
declared the cities of tho Pucillo const,
nml possibly somo of thoso on tho At
lantic honbonrd, would have found them
selves noun.1 lino morning throntonod by
Chilian gmiH mid forced to pay over
hundreds of millions of dollars or sudor
bombardment. Ficcuuno wo did not light
then, mid because wo huvo talked so
much nhout naco mid tho fellowship of
man mid all that sort of thing, tho Chil
ians were iiuuhlo to boliovo wo would
light now This lieliof on their part hat
largely retaideil the negotiations for
ieaco, mid at various stages of tho con
trovorsy increased the danger of war.
Secretary Tracy, whoso matchless on
ergy put our navy in lighting trim in mi
incredibly short time, lias uioro than
once told mo ho believed, mid tlio presi
dent believed, there was but ouo way to
bring tho Chilians to an honorable and
Maceablo settlement, and that wjih bold
ly to demand of them reparation and
back up tho demand with unmistakable
preparations to enforce our ilonmnd with
shot and shell Two mouths ago this bo
catno tho delinito policy of tho mlminis
tration, mid it was pursued with vigor
and pertinacity, mid with what succosh
tho world already knows.
in tho judgment of tnon familiar with
nil tho circumstanced mid with Chilian
churncter, the simultaneous nppoarauco
in Routhom waters of thrco squadron
of American ttruinors with tho presenta
tion at Santiago of tho demands of this
government, and tho certainty that tho
president would in a fow days lay tho
facts before congress, nro tho agencies
to which must bo attributed tho change
of hoort in Chill which led to a poacoful
adjustment of tho difllcnlty. '
Lucky for tho United States that she
had a Hoot of lighting ships. Had this
troublo arisen ton years ago, when tho
new navy oxistod only on paper, wo
should have hud war on our hands.
Diplomacy is nothing without physical
force behind. It, Throo yoars ago, when
ho came to Washington to bocoino secre
tary of stato under President Harrison,
Mr, Blaine told mo that tho first duty of
Americana was to creato a groat navy
'Without tho ability to light," ho said,
"wo shall not bo ablo to provont war,
Diplomacy without mon-of-war armed
with modem high power guns is a mock
ery. Wo must not longer depend on our
isolation, uon our own good intentions,
for continuous maintenance of poaco.
Our diplomacy may bo alert and skill
ful, but without physical forco on tho
high seas wo hliall U under the necessi
ty of tanking bad bargains, of suffering
Tho prophetic nature of Mr. Ulnino'u
words is shown by tho ovouts of tho past
sixty days.
Tins reminds mo of a conversation l
Imd a fow days ago with Mr. Ilitt, of
Illinois, now a momber and tho former
chairman of tho foreign affairs commit
tee of the houso Wo woro congratulat
ing tho country on tho fact that at last
tho United Suites had a navy, a fighting
navy, to support its diplomacy.
"When I was In Paris somo years
ago," snld Mr. flltt, "as socrotnry of
legation, M. Waddlngton, tho French
minister of foreign affairs, wont to Ber
lin to attend tho gtcnt Berlin confer
ence. Hint conrerence or tho powers or
Europe had boon called bocnuso Russia
hnd with her mighty armies overrun
Turkoy and taken possession of nbout
nil tho Ottoman ompiro on this side the
Bosphorus, oxcopt tho city of Constanti
nople, nnd ut that momont hud its ar
mies cuuiped in the suburbs of thnt city
whilo tho Russinn authorities wero dis
cussing among thomsolvcs whothor thoy
should not tako Constantinople nlso.
From tho published roports of tho pro
ceedings of tho conference wo had gath
ered that only two men had much to
say in ite deliberations. Thoso two were
Disraeli, who had back of him tho in
vinciblo nnvy of Great Britain, nnd Bis
marck, who represented tho magnificent
army of tho Gorman empiro. Af tor tho
conference was concluded and M. Wad
dlngton had returned to Paris, I called
on him. lie was a bright and talkative
man, aud during our conversation the
Berlin conference was mentioned.
" 4 suppose,' remarked l, by way, of a
feeler, 'there wore no odds botwoon you
land Bismarck in tho conference yon
tood on an equality?'
I "M. Waddington's reply was worthy
aVWcord in the history of nations.
u . 1 .1 1 .. .. ii ,1.1.1.. ....
Ull. ...... .. h.l.. In fm.., !.. I '1 IIIHt IW kUUM U DUU III WO UtUlU OI
atoaiaa. axperkinoM racuiljr. rrnonai inairuciion
Prince Bismarck bad,' ho said, with a
kalf smile, 'but the conference was told
uluwudok boose, uaeoia. Neb, , fact, about the German army. It
iifuiiT. mmiiui luniuviwa.
Baautlral Illustrated eatajbauc, rollesa Journals, and
01 pcnmansnip, seat rrse 117 aaarrtuiui
was told that discipline in that army
was maintained at such high pitch it
was always ready for tho command of
wan that on u iwnco footing it was
ready to light at the drop of a Hag, and
that whereas tho French army could lx
mobilized and prepared for tho Hold in
six weeks or two mouths, Uu) Oonnan
nrtny was virtually sleeping on Its anus
and a declaration of wnr nt noon would
Ihj followed by the loading or lOO.(MK)
troops into Hioeirs beforo dark. Natu
rally, under those circumstnuccs,' added
M. Waddlngton, with n rather grow
somo smile, 'thnt man Bismarck had
somo advantages over mo in tho confer
ence.'" So In tho recent negotiations between
Presidents Harrison nnd Moutt, the for
mer hnd some advantages in tlio num
ber and strength or his guns nnd ships,
nnd to thoso advantages and tho manner
In which thoy wero mndo to count wo
must remlor our thanks for ponco with
Another prophecy uttered by Mr
Blaine in the conversation which I had
with him three yours ugo is worth re
calling at this time. "Beforo live years
have passed," suid ho in Februury, IWW,
'the people of tho United States will
perceive the uocessity of building the
Nicaragua canal, Thoy will see that
completion of this great enterprise is 11
measure of national protection which
must not be longer neglected. With
that canal completed and under such
auspices that in time of war tho United
States may take ikissossIou of it and
close it to the vessels of tho ouotiiy our
position will bo Impregnable,
"By means of this quick and easy way
of transferring our lleetH from one ocean
to the other wo shall gain a tremendous
advantage over every other ualioti
Moreover, we can inukuLako Nicaragua,
which lies between tlio two oceans and
which could be defended against all the
powers In tho world, a great naval sup
ply and outlining station. That lako is
largo and deep enough to lloat tho navies
of the earth, and there wo can erect dry
docks and machine shops and storo va'jt
quantities of coal and munitions. Willi
tills canal completed aud under our con
trol we shall, even with a moderate
navy, bo absolute masters of tho waters
of the West Indies and of tho two South
American coasts."
These words wero prophetic, becaua.'
thoro is now in Washington a general
belief that bo In re this congress adjourns
somo action will bo taken looking to
completion of tho Nicaragua canal under
government auspices. .Men of both ik
litical parties favor such action. There
is an honest difference of opinion us to
how fur tlio government should go in
maintaining copartnership with a pri
vate corporation fertile purpose of build
ing tho canal, but in all probability a
way will be found to meet these objec
tlons ami to insure protection for the
capital which tho government may in
vest or plodgo.
Tho recent wnr scuro has boon of in
estimable value to tho pooplo of tlr?
Unitod States. 1 don't know how you
look at it out in tho stntos nnd in the
cities, but hoto in Washington wo can
sco that the Chilian episode moans the
rnpid building of u great nnvy in thit
country Wo enn look ahead ten years
and soo with our mind s eye an Ameri
can navy gtvnt enough to givo our dip
lomats some advantages over others
oven in n Berlin conference, n nnvy with
battlo ships us well as cruisers, with
Hoots of torjwdo boats, with ovory appliance-
of otlonslvo and dofonslvo war
faro which human ingenuity can cou
trivo, and ovory ship and ovory guu
both dosignod and built in this country.
Que of tho most remarkablo phases of
public opinion over known in this coun
try is tho rapid rise of naval enthusiasm
Ten yours ugo our navy was a joko
Only tho people living along tho sea
board cared whether itovor became any
thing bettor or not. Now tho whoL
country is roused to a pitch in which
everything ulwut tho aavy is read with
avidity, every picture of tho now ship
and guns is carefully conned by young
nnd old. ovory step forward is hailed
with satisfaction aud dolight. We at
least huvo Chill to thnnk for giving u
Impetus us n naval m.ver aud somliug
us rapidly toward that iioint nt which
wo shall have a nnvy mighty enough to
assure us eternal ponco.
Hero in Washington wo hnvo nnothor
thincr to thnnk our Chilian friends for.
Thoy hnvo givon us nn opportunity to
show oursolvos our own unity, our own
patriotism. In the Hood of lottors and
tolcgnuns which hnvo poured in upon
tho nnvy department proffering the serv
ices of volunteors, Secretary Tracy sn3
tunny of the most nrdout communica
tions hnvo como from tho southern
states. In congress I ami ovory other
obsorvor have boon delighted to see
sonthorn loadors oven more outspoken
(or upholding tho national honor and
dignity than tho men from tho north.
An explanation of this was givon mo
by ono nrtned General Ontcs, tho Hghtor
from Alnbnma. "War with Chili in de
fonso of our national dignity," said ho.
"would bo In ono senso a blessing, it
would glvo tho men of tho south a
'chanco to rush to tho front nnd show
their loyalty and patriotism. It would
forovor put nn end to tho distrust of the
south, which still oxists In somo parts of
tho country. It would blot out tho
imaginary sectional lino which runs
east and west through tho middle of
this country."
Last Thursday, tho day Chili's peace
ful reply to tho demands of tho United
States was made public, 1 called at the
White House to see Secretary llulford
1 found him and tho presidont together
tho latter reading an editorial from ;i
Chicago Democratic newspaper in which
tho administration's efforts to preserve
tho dignity of the country wero praised
and Amoricunism was plucod bofore
purtyism. The presidont spoke with
gouuino feeling of the support which
Democratic newspapers had given the
government, nnd of the "tuugnllicent
bearing and friendly compel" or many
prominent Democratic senators and rep
resentatives in congress.
80 you seo our wur scuro lias not been
in vain after nil.
Wai.tku Wcixman.
A Hurl In llm llnlrt,
Bnltite-llctive, the fiiinou critic, had ro
X'ived a challenge to light. On the day
fixed for the duel It nil mil In torreuta.
Tho combatants were placed In xwltlon.
Bulhtr-lk'iivn held a pistol III one hand mid
nn open umbrella In the other. When his
opponent protested the Illustrious writer
replied, "I don't mlitil being killed, lints
for getting wet not If I know Itl" Petit
ParlRleii Illustre.
lliKi'liitll In Africa.
&srs'SjirsjimMiiir:mzi x.-a .w
Formerly of HUFFMAN & RICHTER. 1039 0 STREET.
The Hoa Say, get on to my curves.
Thu Traveler (as he empties his revolvei)
iom1I Uut how do you like my InshooUf
Hbot (rom Mimy l.orker.
The iiiiiii who lives only for himself li
engaged In very small business. Hain't
(Ireenhiuil has no cats. How thankful
the (Irccnlauilcrs should be. Imagine cats
In a country where the nights are six
mouths long. Ixmilou Tlt-lllts.
In the bright lexicon of speculation tlierv
is nothing so uncertain as a sure thing.
Texas Slftiugs.
One of the Hampton pupils, a young ne
gro, wrote to request the editor of u local
paper to publish an account of an address
lie had made, and began his letter as fol
lows: ''Knowing your mediocrity to be of
the most dtxtlugtilslieil calllier, I respect
fully solicit." etc. Harper's Haar.
"Kxperluieutal Iciuontrntlon of a free
communication of the endolymphatic ami i
perilymphatic chambers of the labyrinth
of the human ear with extra labyrinth!;
intracranial cavities" Is recorded as the
Immortal claim to fame of a late (Jcruuui
profcsor. New York Kvenlng Post.
There N nothing In the world more ag
gravating to u man with a secret than to
meet people who have no curiosity. At
chlson Globe,
Why Is necessity like some lawyers? lo
calise It knows no law. Drake's Magazine.
If Prince (ieorge of Greece has th
chicken pox of course he Is to lie pitted.
Chicago .Mall.
A politician bent only upon feathering
his own next is likely to get downed.
Chicago Times.
If some men could only be convinced that
it pays to Ik- good they couldn't be kept
out of the church witli it gun. Hum's
MukliiK It Hot for Them.
Berlin itosoetxcsun exemplary mnglstrats
who Is well known for his persistency hi
endeavoring to imrsuaile the parties appear
ing before him to agree to nn amicable set
tlement of the K)lnt in dispute. In order
to attain this object in dllllcult cases he
ushers the opponents into it little room,
where the olllce lxy is told to keep up a
roaring lire. Our magistrate then desires
his guests to be seated on it couple of chairs
in close proximity to the fireplace. This
little dodge is generally successful. The
most olsluratc have it melting time of it,
mid in a quurtcrof mi hotiruroglnd enough
to escape being roasted alive by shaking
hands with each other before taking their
One fine day, however, the maglstrutj
observed that half an hour's cndtirunco of
excessive heat hail not the slightest effect
on n certain plaintiff, who rather seemed
to enjoy It. His worship could staud It no
"Dou't you think It Is dreadfully hoU"
he suddenly asked.
"No, your worship," was the reply; "I
am it stoker nt Ilorslg's" (it largo Iron
works ut Berlin). l.a Famillo.
Sutton & Hollowbijsh,
Caterers Confectioners
We make all kinds of Fancy Crcainr. and Ices.
Parties and Receptions Supplied on Short Notice.
We Have all Kinds of Fancy China for Rent.
Telephone 6S1 . No. 206 So. nth St
for. lOlli mid
riionii 7in.
(I Sin.
Kit. mid V
I'liimu 707.
Canon City Coal
Also IleKt Oriule of
Hard Coal
Please do not be deceived b Imitations of our
famous Canon Citv Coal. SatMv ourself ns to
the GENUINE before ordcihig.
Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels
Foil Line of
Always in Stock,
II In lileu.
A famous Brooklyn clergyman was onw
Hililressing it Sunday school on the lesson
of the day, which happened to be ".Jacob's
Iaildcr." Uu got along swimmingly until
a little urchin In one of tho back scuta
squeaked out, "Why did the uugels hnvo
to have a ladder when they had wings?"
After the inevitable laugh had subsided
the clergyman said, "Well, that is n fair
question; who can answer Itf" Thoro win
n pause, aud then up went n pudgy fist.
"Well, my little man." nsked tho clergy
man, "why was Itf"
"I guess mehlie they was u-moltin," wan
the astonishing reply, and the address win
concluded right there. New York Trlb
uuo. One Way.
Mrs. Bingo My dear, I hnvo grown so
thin lately that I shnll hnvo to get some
new gowns.
BliiKo Great heavens! You know how
poor I am. Isn't there nny wny you can
get fat again f
Mrs. Bingo You might send me to
Florida. Cloak Review.
has spent s men At
$400000 A YEAB
Keep YOUR BUSINESS, and, Incidentally,
YOURSELF, Before tlie Public.
Don't Depend on Them lo Discover You !
The Street Car Niiliunco.
Of nil life's nuisances which Ho
About our puth through life,
I know of none, though far, though nigh,
With more aniioyunco rlfo
Thnn he of namby-pamby wits,
Of lilloUtUoMnr,
Who in his Journey always alts
CroHsleggril In tho cur.
What though hU boots with mud nro thick.'
They're crossed with other bilks',
And leave their slluio for none will kick
UK tlio ladles' silks.
Tho hero lintvo of Austerlltz,
r'reidi from tho eaiuion's Jar,
Ilns not the nun oof him whoaita
Cro-U'ggt-il In the cnr.
If ttreelN be (lusty, mid Ids boots
With iliil urn nutted thick,
tie gets no Millie from street gntoota
lie kuotv a cheaper trick;
lie crooies one leg oer Its
Near neighbor mid l ho Jar,
And ladles clean them iih ho sits
CrosMleggtsI In the car.
Look up the line, and roar In glee.
At Units nnd shoes displayed;
rrom sixteen down to seven you sea
A varied llneurriiyed
A gimt let that ouo runs who lilts
To the park or down Spring (Jnrden
In the throng wucro each one sits
Crosslegged la tho car.
-Philadelphia I
Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of
Perfumes and Fancy Goods.
127 South Eleventh street.
W. J. IMlATCVPropiletor.
First Class LiveryRigs
At all Hours Day or Night.
Family Carriages,
Gentlemen's Driving Rigs, Etc.
We are especially well prepared to board n limited number of hort-es nnd having
the largest nnd finest equipped stnble In the city, can tnkebest of care of nil horses en
trusted to us. Our stable is light nnd roomy with unsnipnssed ventilation, All
vehicles nnd hnrncss receive dully cleaning and always leave the stable In neat, clean.,
stylish nppenrnnce.
Telephone 518, Stables 1639-I641i O St