IA1MTA1, CITY COURIER, SATURDANY, FEBRUARY , ibya tl fW poot form GOODS. Wc carry nil the Finest Grades of shoe In nil sizes mul widths from nntoc c. Quality First-Class. Prices Reasonable. Inspection Solicited. Exposition Shoe Go. J. H.MITCHKIX, Mgr. Special Prices AT THE LEADER NEW STORE, 1211 O STREET Wo will not bo undersold jy anyone. Good clonks Tor l. regular t'i Roods. Nice elouks f r ti.') regular 1 grade. KIcRant cloaks for J-. reuulnr II.U0 Krado, Other unities at Juki about half price. Hoys' sultsfl i)0 north fJ.u. lloy.' KUlts !. worth .U0. Hoys' huIIh '.M worth l.(. riiiH, le u paper. Needles, le a paper. Agate buttons :tu a nross. Hnbber tipped lend pencils 10c doz. urlliiKiniiM e, 40o wool hose only 25c. Fust blaelc corsets MK-. worth 75e. Turkish towels tc each. 120 sheets wrltltiK paper lie. (ieutxfiO1 Lisle thread hosoonly 'Joe. Hpcclal prices In underwear. Hpcclal price In laco eurtnlns. Special prices In ribbons; MiichI Htoclc In Lincoln. Hpoclai prices In linens of all kinds. Hpcclal prices In ipillts. Hpcclal bargains In tinware mul hardware. Feathers and tips at half price. AO.0UO cards hooks and eyes, all sizes, lc ti card. Hllk twist, le a spool. Silk thread 4c a spool. No troublu to show goods Wo are hero for that purpose. We will nut ho undersold by anyone. Komomber tlio place. The Leader, NEW STORE, 1211 O STREET, The Great Cheap Store. MORAND'S DANCING SCHOOL. ' Masonic Temple. Mr. Morn ml of Omaha Dancing Acade my has opened classes In nil the latest dances. Children 4 p. m. Adults 7:30 p, m. Every Monday. Circulars nnd particulars mar be hail at the Courier office, 1 134 N street. PHOTOGRAPHER Fine Dust Cabinets W per dozen. Hpocli atcs to studouts. Call and see our work. Open from 10 a. 111. to 1 p. in. Huudays. Studio, 1214 O Street. VK HOWAltll'H CREAM OF ROSES. TI10 moKtoxiiulslle preparation for the skin. Cures Chapped Hands, 1 hafoil or Scalded Hkln. Removes Tan and Freckles. Positive euro fo-Halt ltheuin. I.adl' pro nounco Itperleetlon. Excellent to use after Hlmvlng. Perfectly harmless, Price 'I wonty nvo conn. Sold by all tlrst-eliin druggists. tQ&C&ft. Mi ADDITION A I, SOCIKTY Continued from eighth page. SMI.NDI.I.Ii-OAIlTr.H At tlm residence of tlm bride's mother, Mrs. ll.(. Carter, 11'J.Ml. stteet 11 1 :'M p in., Tuesday evi'iibu. occurred tlm iiturlni;e of Y. A. Hln halt II and Miss Jennie 'falter. Friends of I'Oth Mrlies oUoud tlnlr IimI wishes tor thit li ippl.Ml of J niruo firoiili Ihe vleKsltudes of life. A IMIAUTICAt. CIIAHITAIII.K IIIIOAMZATION. Iot us follow Mr. Gregory's uiU'lco "lake our tlihuliles mid Infill," said two or three ladies Inst 'l'liankslviiu morning after hear ing the practical siugestlon of Mr (Irogory and Chancellor dullelil at the Holy Tilnlty ehureli. The next afternoon a group of ten ladles were busy over bundles of clothing, to Ik' remade, mended mid dlsti Hinted to the needy. Hooti tint circles a id the work en Urged, weekly iiiivthigs were held, tlio sick enred for and the hungry fed. Them Mas plenty to do, Now, after two inoiiihs the "Dorcas Club'' has twenty live members and feels It Is fairly established. Next Thursday evening at Temple Hull it 111 ikes Its tlrst calU for public help when the Indies give 11 dance with dainty rt,frolinunt.. It Is the llrst of tlio series, ami th 1 p.tullc are cordial ly Invited to encourage tlioo earnest work ers by crowding; Toinph) It ill mid in iking It it grand success. A lllltTllllAV PAIITV. Krnncls May llurlbul entertained her young friends Thursday fioin four ti half past six o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. I'M ward Huilbut 1701 1) street on the occasion of her tenth birthday iilinl veisary. V very pleasant tlmu wits had by all pre ent. Delicious icfroditucnt were served (lining the afteruooti and ni'iuy were the congratulations uud good wishes extend ed to the little miss on attaining her lit nt decode. AT IlKl'HKHKNTATIVU II AM. ltepieseutntlve hall win the seone of 11 brilliant gathering Wednesday evening when the ladles of the First Presbyterian church held their New Ktigluud supor and gave lepreseutatloiis of colonial hcoium mid characters, which were very ably delineated. A continuous stage extended around tluco sides of the hall and this was neatly divided Into a half dozen different sections, In which the repteseiitatious appeared. The llrst sec tion showed the landing of the pilgrims, with historically correct costumes and suiround Ings, 11 very pretty scctuclo. A tableau of 1'oi'oliontas and John Smith, with tents ami groups of Indians, was shown in another. Pocohontus was liuH)i'soiiatcd by Mrs. 1'aul ilohn and John Hmlth by Frank Kveiots, both of whom perfornifd their putts admir ably. A class of menne and "omen singers, aided by Mrs. J. 0. WiuNworth mid other local vocalists, In quaint, old time costumes, elicited much admiration. They woio under thodlicctiou of Milton lieott. The repre sentation of Patrick Henry before the Virgin la assembly was one of the cleverest scenes of the evening. Professor Hagley presided over the assembly, while Professor Austin represented Henry ami delivered his famous reisou spoi.'h in sjpjiM) style. Martha Washington's grand party was presented in pautomlne later In the evening. Mrs. I. M. llogciuau Impcrxohntcd the Hist president's wife while C. H. Klehter made 11 stately mid dignified, and altogether acceptable ''father or his country." Ugletlioio 'u treaty with the Indians was another exceedingly lino lilt or woik. The 8eechesor W. Morton Sn.Ith, who riuresented Governor Oglethorpe, and Sam I)w, who appeal ed as the Indian chief, were listened to ith marked attention. The costumed warriors and dusky maidens gave n very life like appearance to the scene. The Puritans on their way to incetin,' was undo an attractive spectacle by the largo uumber of young and old people who participated, the elegant costumes adding to the beauty of the picture hi a marked degree. The nlT ilr as a surprising success and the Indies who sieut 80 much time and labor In Its ;pi evira tion have every reason to feel more than satisllcd with the teceptlou accorded their ell'oits as there must have Itccu full llfteen huiidi ed persons parent th llrst night. The entei tuluiueut jKirtiou of the program was repeated ihurwlay evening by request. C. E. Church started for Victoria, H. C, Tuesday. Mrs. K. U. Jones started tor New Kings ton, Pa., Wednesday. Miss Fay lirittliighaiu of Davenport, Nob., is the guest of Mrs. A. D. Guile. J. T. Hale, editor of the Washington, Kan sas l).it, was in the city this ueek. Miss Mamie Hemlr of Kansas City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Camp ut itttM T street. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Richards, of Omaha are visitors at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. W. I. Fryer. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. McCaudless will be ut home to their tl lends at lllll U street lifter Februurj tltli. Hal Nor thorn, who has been seriously ill, is improving. This will be good news to his many friends. The Amellora whist club will meet with Mr. and Mrs, Dr. Tu:ker tt their home, 111" 11 stteet, Tuesday evening, February lOlli. Mr. P. J. Uouwlt of the Ua'ir writes to his brother Iroiu Now Yoik that he has made. heavy pin chases in the latest Novelties of Dress Goods tor T5 cents on the dollar. They will arrive inside of a week. The many friends of Mrs. John Zehniu will regiot to learn that she has been cou MlicU to her bed b) Illness for several days pust, though ut this writing :i::iu Friday uttviuoon. shu is somewhut Improving. A pleueunt box party wits given by Mr. Chus. L. Ilurr at the Landing .Monday even ing which Includesl Miss Dundy, Miss lted dick of Omaha, Miss Anno Fuukeaud Messrs S. T. Kt. John, Lieut. J. J. Pershing, Judge Dundy and the host. MuxO'Hell, the celebrated French humor ist and satirist, will appear ut the Fuiiko opeia house next Tuesday evening under the auspices of the l'alladiau society of the suite university when he will discuss "America as seen through French fcJpeo taeles." Mr. mid Mrs. Frank L. Hhul Ion are enjoy Ing'w inter lite at thi great metropolis. They me stopping 011 Twenty-second street near Hiuudway, whlcti Is In ttie vicinity of all the lite and amusement in Now York and it is ntcdlcss to add that there is 110 one that can better appreciate such sUrioiiudiugs than Mrtiiiid ill's. .Sheldon. W, Morton .Smith, a well l.nown and en terprlslng young 1111111, has accepted the uosl tlouof editor of the hvelilng News uud will enter upon the discharge of his duties next Tuesday, Mr. Hmlth jiossetsos undoubted journalistic hblllty, and wields u trenchant uud facile eii, which will do much to brighten the columns of our evening neigh bor. Wo wisp him all iosble success. Mrs. Agues 8, Multland died at her home 1818 Prosjiect street, Thursday evening, aged thirty-nine years. The syinputhy of a large circle of friends will go out Ut Mr. Malllnnd and the sorrowing mciuhers of his family In their hour of Is'ienvemeiit. An uptight, conscientious ohiMlaii woinan, gifted with a gentle, kindly dloltion, a faithful wife and tender mother, she was U'lovnl by all who knew or came In contact with her Thy tit lieral will bo hld Iroin her late residence I his afternoon, The Chicago, MllwaiikeDit Ht. Paul lly., Is the only Hue 1 mining solid vestlbilled, olecttli! Ilghtisl nlid steam heated trains, lie tweeit the Mlsstmil river and Chicago, con sisting of new pal.ico shs'plng cats, elegant free reclining chair cats, luxurious coaches mid the lluesl dining cars hi the win Id. The berth reading lamp In Its palace sleep ers Is patented nun caiil.ot bo used by any other lallway oinpiiiy It Is the gtn.it Im provenieiitnf theiue. Try It and bo con vinced. Close eout.ect Ion In Union l)Kt at Oma ha with all trains to mid from the wist. For fuillier hilnrmutloii apply to jour ticket agent or F. A. Nahii, General Agent, W, H. HmvKLL, Tiavellng F'l and PassV Ag't.. I.VII Farnani Ht., Oinilia, Neb. J I tf LITERARY MENTION Uvnii I Hhepard aronhout to bring out 11 return kiiblo book tinier the tlllo "Dreams of the Dead," The story Is a most realistic one, yet Poo never wrote a more weird and grue some tale. The most astonishing ux ihtIoiiccs are lehitod hi the most matter-of-fact way. The hook deals with th 1 occult, and treats of other than material tilings. The author holds that those whom a materialistic Judgment calls d -ad, are only h liming 1 1 live, and in the forms of thesd diva us. ho has veiled the teueldiig of a great truth. Thii b ok Is en tirely original, ami iiialiitilns a very high tone from beginning to end, No one can read It, especially If they read between the lines, without becoming a better man or woman, The author, who Is well known mul active in hiditsti Inl reform, writes under a tioiu de plume, and a gleat deal of interest has been 1 iron sis 1 among those who have read the advance sheets, as to his identity. Hus ton, Mum., 10 Mills Ht. Oullttn readers will gl idly welcome back to I'm pages tlio now rennuiiod worl I traveler and famous oxplmer Thomas H. Htovcns, who with hlseycloglrdled the world for Out ing at a time when such it deist was bold in deed, and who has Just achieved the greatest leat or his lire by a successful vxhmIUIoii from the German oconi to tlio lllaek Hon In a Steam launch, despite the dangerous rap ids of the Iron Gates. The words of the Odyssey as given by Pope will hereafter Ih read in slightly changed version. ruumltUDiis waves eliilnild'd the billowing tlood: All trouibllug, deafen'd and aghast ho stood! No more the vessel ploughed the dread nil wave; Fear raced thu mighty, yet hut nerved the hiuvo. The F. II. Ijoavcnwnrth Publishing com pany, Insurance Publishers, Detroit, Michi gan, have Issued tlio Seventh annual edition of the pocket chart of co-oierntive life, acci dent mid fraternal associations of the coun try, shoeing their condition and amount or business done for live yeirs. Till chart has mot with a hirgu sale, over f(),(XK) copies hav ing been dlsK)-ed of. It contains a vast amount of Information; and will he sent by mail for SW cents. Address the publishers. Tlio most timely article in the February Century Is the 0110 written by Mr C. C. Duel, assistant editor of the magazine, which to cords the results of a orsoiial investigation by him, In behalf of the readers of I'hu Cen tury, into the history, methods, and designs of a just now notorious institution. The title of the pater is "The Degradation of it Htato; or, the Charitable Career of the Loulsinun Ixittery." Mr lltiel goes back to tlio time when the lottery Interests of the country wore centered In Now York City , and shows that the Louisiana Lottery was established for the benefit of New York gambleis nud lottery dealers. The nrticle doscrllies the ieoplo who have lieen the chief beneficiaries of this extensive gambling institution, mid exxsos the methods of bribery mul political corruption by which the franchise was ob tained, is maintained, and, its Is now fen red, Is to be extended. Captain Francis V. Gieene, late of the regular army, who now holds 11 commission as major In the militia, contri butes an Important Illustrated paper on "The New National Guard ;" mul in "Open Letters" Gen. A. V. Kautz otters a plan of making the regular army serve as a school for oillcers of volunteers with a view of a national defense; Lieutenant It. K. Hvaus puts in a plea for "A National Militia." In a profusely illustrated article on "Pioneer Days in Han Francisco," Dr. John William sou Palmer, the well known writer, describes from personal knowledge, the adventurous life mid divers) typj thut lent romantic color to theoilglu and giowth of the metropolis of the west. There are jioenis by Frank Dempster Hherman, Clinton Hcollard, Rich ard K. llut ton, liosslo Chandler, Katharine Leo Hates, Charles J. O'Mulloy and others. In "Topics of the Times," are editorials en titled "Will uu American Htitte bj Guilty of Huieldoi1 "A 'Cheaii-Money' Hand Hook," and "The Metropolitan Museum." It requires no sworn allldavli to prove the circulation of the Lansing theatre program. Its readers are all visible to the advertiser any evening ut the theatre. It 1 (aches n class of ieoplo that have money for amuse ment mid a class of people that are able to purchase what they see advertised, Is It not then a n.ost excellent medium for judi cious advertising; llntcs and particulars ut this otllce, lDIl N street. Telephone 'J.V1. iiileton, Texes unit Itelurii (Iriiuil llitlf Fare Uxi'iiisloii. On February iltli only, the I), it M. H. It. will sell tickets to Galveston and return at JliO.lufor the round trip, good for return within thirty pJ) days. Hpcclal Pullmans will leave Lincoln at II, lo p. in., on the date mentioned and run through without change. Gov. Thayer and other state oillcers to gether with many piomiueut cltueus will ac company this train, and a right royal time awaits all participants. Tins remarkably low rate Is open to all, and the opportunity should bo Improved, Application should be'tnado to Mr. T. W Lee, at Lincoln hotel, or to tlio undersigned 1 tor tickets, Information etc I 'J-l-Il A. C X.iKMtiU, City Pass. Ag't. l.ndy Canvasser Wanted. Ladles can make big money soliciting sub scriptions for the CouiUKli. It is a neat, clean, nonsei'satlonal paer tout commands the icspcct of everyone and should be in eveey homejln the city. It Is easy work and huge pay. Call at this olllce forpaitlculars. Wedding Invitations. We are headquarters for these goods and furnish them from the cheapest printed curd to the finest engraved work. Having had seven yeara experience we keep posted on the most stylish designs absolutely cor rect forms, etc. All we ask Intending pur chasers Is to call and Inspect samples of the work we are dally turning out. 1134 N street. AI)DITIOXAU)AiMATIC. Continued front Flint Page I'M wiiii I llaiilgau Is teported as very liitich dlsippoluled at the poor success or "The Last or tlin Iloguus." I'lm new piece has not duiw 11 wiry well ami ho conteuiplates tiinvlval id one of the Mulligan mules of plays. The latest opeiacoal Is a Inuj giirmunt of tun ladles' cloth, which Mas Just a faint tinge f rose about t. Them mo tlneo capes, graduated In length, each outlined with mink fur. The collar Is a high Modlel, edged with the mink. The garment Is lined tluininliDiit with 11 changeable silk of a giccu Ish pink hue. A postal caul which Is being widely elicit luted now has this hit of information which woeoinineiid to the attention of some of our exchanges! "Denr Hln Ihe ojinhig season Mr, James O'.Nelll will present 'Moulil Ci Is to' not 'Monte cin Nto,' Uepectlull.v, Will lam F. Connor, manager, Geo. C. Tyler, lepiosentutlvo. And now Mr. MuNulty, mi Irish musical ciitlc, sajs that the principal features hi Mr, Gilberts "The Mountebank, Is taken from 11 lllnetto sent to the Into Aithur Collier last summer. Didn't Mr. Hpeucer, or Philadel phia, Insinuate some such thing a few years back about another of Mr. Gilbert's operal Hut iheii "Tue Mountebank" Isn't much of a success. The double stage at lloyt's Madison Hipiuru Theatie, which has not been made Use of lit iuuiiyeuis, will be tt.eil III Mr. lloyt's new play, "A Teuisraucii Town,' which will bo put In rehearsal soon, The change will be made with the cm t tin up and thu lights out. The lower stage will repre.ont 11 Now IIkiiij shire nil nl scene, with 11 gentle snow full, then n second after tlio same n'ene coveusi with deep snow is displayed, the snow Hakes rail ing last and lurluits. ModJcsku Is one of the most scholntly wo men or thu stage. Hesldes being 11 tireless student of nhnkespeare, shu Is 11 constant leader of bis contemporaries, and she has made and is still making a largo collection of KlUnbolhuu works. Hesldes all this she s 1 eaks halt a do.eu languages, Including Home or the dllllcult tongues of ICustein KuroK); but It is a pity she cannot speak Kngiish. Our tongue as spoken by Modjcska, Illicit or JunuiiciicK is very lur fioui pietty. I'll! 11 More Tor Kent. The handsome new stoie room now occu phsl by the Capital Citv Couiukii, 'SixH'i, with steam heat, water and all modern con veniences, will be lor lent Febiuary Mist For terms etc , apply at the premises, ll.'ll N street, oppos'te llei polslielnier oC Co's, oxhi sltlon building. Wedding invitations, cither pllntisi or en graved In the Ihiest style or the art atTlIK Couiukii olllce. Correct forms mid best quality of stock guaranteed. Humpies chisr fully shown. Mow lines This Strike Vim'.' Wo oiler new subscribers (and old ones that pay up In full to date) thu following ex traordltmry bargains. Fifteen handsome vlolli ooiniif volumes of Dickens in 11 neat pasteboard box, ami Tiik CnuitiKU until January 1st, lb'.tll for J.I.(K), Ten handsome eliith Imund volumes of Thackery In it neat pasti'boanl box and Tin: Couiukii until January 1st, 18'.KI for tl:S. Hlx handsome cloth lututiil volumes of George Klllott In a neat pasteboard box and Thk Couiukii until January 1st, 18!i:i for .'.! These books are all standard worksnnd their cost asiilo from Tin: Couiiikh subscriptions, is less that twenty cents pur volume. You can't buy the cheapest reprint in paper cov ers for double that amount. Come In and see these liooks. In case any subscriber de sires the tluiii sets special prices will be made 011 the lot. It is true that thu contest for the govei Heir ship has not yet been decided but it Is a fact that Dwlnell ami Haywood eoltccs and Hatn via canned goods beats them all, both sold by Hotullng the O street grocer. You can get the entire wlio.it Hour, Now Kugluhd Graham, Cernllne Flakes, Kornlet, Maple Hup syrup, cooking molasses mid In fact anything usually kept i:i it llrst class grocery, lit Hotallug's, the O street grocer. Ladles kid gloves cleaned or colored at LI 11 coin Hteaiu Dye wyrks, llotl O street. One hundred finest engraved calling cards lid plate only i'i.M at Wessel Printing Co., 1 Kill N Rtrcet. Miss C. J. Gullmetto, modiste, L'tttii Hlock over Miller it Paine. Take elevator. 1'lne I'bi) lute Curils. Hend ten (10) cents In stamps to John Hebas tlm, Oen'l Tkt. and Pass. Ag't Chicago, Hock Island & Pucillc Hy., Chicago, III., for a wick of the latest, smoothest, slicke't play ing cards you over saw. Just the thing fur High Five pai ties. Font fiOo. express money older or sMaI note will send you live packs. 1-U.VU Chricest cuts in nil kinds of meats may always be found at Chip nan Sz Hlieen's , irtl O street. Phone IM). Chipmaii iV: Hheeu me gaining a well de served reputation for high grade meats. It is an excellent place to trade, and deliveries are always prompt. Odell Is doing a line business in his new stand (Masonic Temple corner) near the location of his former suoeos-os. Tlio place Is us neat as a pin, the service pir excellence mid the fare identically the same as in past yems, notwithstanding the fact that his price now Is hut 'JO cents No tickets, no trust, mid no bust, hut a Hue meal for cash ami cash only. Tlio rendei s of the CoU'ltlKll, will find the finest Hue of baked goods in the city at the Now York Hakery' p. II south Twelfth street. Notice of Publication. Lloyd Maloue. Cotton M alone, Flora Hello Mnlone, Kitty . Maloue. Albert M alone. Sarah A.slioeuhellaud Frederick O Kills will take notice that on the 'JHth day of January, lsiii, the Nebraska Stock Yards Company, or I. In coin, Nehiaska, plalntlU'hereln, tiled its sdl t Ion In the District Court of Lancaster County Nebraska, against said defendants, the object uud prayer or which are to foreclose 11 certain mortgiiire executed by Sitmuul Mct'lny to tills plain till, upon the following described real estate: l.ols Three Cbuiul four (1.) In Hlock Nino Hi), mul l-ots Fifteen in.) ami Klghteen (IS.) In Hlock Twenty-two .".'Mil West Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes, dated on tbc'lst ilay of .Inly, Ki. for the uui oflliW7.W-acli.iind duo and payable In two and three years from thu date thereof; upon said u ites ami iiiortgage there Is now due uud pay able the sum of Five Hundred and Twenty dollars and Twenty-live rents il.UO.lU), for which sum, llh Interest from tlilsdale, plain till' prays for a decree, and that defendants may lie required to pay thcsaine.or that ald premises mnv be sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You are required to answer said tvetltlonon or before the "Hi da ot March, lsw. Li.scoi.sStock Y Aims Co., of Lincoln, Nebraska, by its attorneys Dawes, Co If roth A Cunningham Dated the m day of Juuuary, IsW. i-30-tf WE ARE HEADQUARTERS GINGHAMS, EMBROIDERIES, White Goods, CHIFFONS LACES, Because vc sell the Latest Designs and best Fabrics chqapcr than ever sold in Lincoln. A Large Stock of W. C C. and other Popular Line Corsets at Very Low Fig ures. THE BAZAR, 1023 O ST3EBDE3ET Wo keep In slsht of all thu people, kwIiikIiik hltfh o'or hill and stocpla, Tellliiit to each world mid star, what our splendid bargains are. H. II. Nlsbet tits the reel from a stock thai Is complete, T'cilliiK other worlds the news, whore to purchase ladles' shoos. tV For tlio opera, the ball room or stteet wear, we show attraotlve and oxoluilv sty 1015 O St S. B. 3STI3BET. 1015 OSt EULL SET OF TEETI $5. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. NO CHLOROFORM! NO ETHER! NO GAS! All Fillings at Lowest Rates. Dr. H. K. KERMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Rooms 94, 95 and 96, Burr Bile. Would You iNCPKVSF-ViUR talNPSfc? z . 7 . " FAST MAIL ROUTE I 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- Atchlson, Leavenworth, -St. Joseph.Kansao City, St. Louis and all 1'olnu South, East and Vot. The direct line to Ft. Scott, I'arsons Wichita, Hutchinson and all ptlucipal lolnth In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Spring of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers ani Vice Reclining Chair Cats on all train. J. E. R. MILLAR, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket A gt. IW1 j:n. now piKPRii YOU IMNlrilWflP 1 VV MM I I Jill IIMlpeW ill ffM "Wh. Ti T '" ' . H I nil if, -is 'J 1 PI I 5rOUVt51M . DOiTjillill Nll ' 4DViRTI5EGlUDiaOUSLY.i (BCTORC) , K-APTCR)) ...; f l, 3Htti 9 kSjBBBBBBBBBBBSSslB llsHllssssssfirsslKV1