isgffipSiy,Eijpi;fiftBa ". CAPITAL CI'i'Y CnUUIKK, SA rURDAY JANUARY 16, 1892 :fiu ... ! I IS ft: if JL iji-V , '-, 1 rV " .-. s ?. ' . !.-v . ' V n N 't V' ft .. '... r a. SP' fel mmwYS f -All Is f VC4S fflsd Mrs. Graham's Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream Ii not u eiwnella In the xoitio which tlm (rm In popularly mietl, but pornmnenil. feeauMfli. It create n soil, smooth, cIi.iii valvoty aln, mul hy tliillv, tine, urmiuitll; make tlio complexion novornl similes whiter It U a oomtnnl protection from tno ernicl u wn Mini vrlml mul provcnU miulmrii mu fruoklna, ml uliicklivmU will never omiii wltll you lira II. It oleaiwca tlm fnco far be I tor than nnn nml wnior, nnurlidif mul liullil p the kln llmiio unit thin prevent tlm fur mattonnf wrinkle. It gives Iho rroHlini'M elearnon nml smoothness ol skin Unit vui kMlwhaiinlitllnRlri. ICvnry lady, you n no old ought to win II, it It Hive iiinra youtli nil appearance to any Imfy, nnd that l"iiii nently. It contain no it o 1 I , vilcr. or nlkiill uillnihnrmloMniti)wniiil it niiurlAlilnii M (low In to tlio iluwor. Price. I.OO. Aftl jruur ilriiKKUt for II. MAMTI.K IIOTTI.K umlli'il mi to tiny I id on receipt of 10 cunts In Mnmp to puy fin pOKtiiRa mul iiitukliur. LiulyAwmt wanted. Mrs. UorviiWo (Iniliniii, "lloiiuty Doctor," IW Post Hlivol, nu Kraui'lco. All tlio leading Iitiirolu tlntUt" mill It. H. T. Clarke Drug Co., Lincoln. WIIOI.KHM.K AUK.NTS. iiaaiyi loam to Jo UCHR imirato Joh MKiiArruK, IT. T. A. 0.. R. I. k oFranl jrou vrr hanrtUHirTttN UltNTS - tlefcrrt atwk or csnb you f vrr , UKMI pack, poataga tamM, for una or many. JtemntilH't- that thv btmt route to Chlrayo from Lincoln (tht'oiifh Omaha) in via the "Itock Irtatttl." The DhttHH L'ai'H are all new and elegant the Mirrice ewryhorty known 1n the heft in the United Statin. Have newer and better Steepen, hHndnome Jiay Coachcn, bett llecltniny Chair earn, and the train i new and the httntteotneat that run from Lincoln to Chicago (via Omah)k If you want to bo convinced of thin fact, compare it uttth other oo-coUed firnt-daim linen. Ticket for tale by CHAS, It UTH Kit FORD, City ratmenyer Ayent, In the Hotel "Lincoln." tMo Jowi byunuR, O. V. A. 0-, RJ. MkofcSrai you r hkadUd. TEJlCjbiW HM'W Hunp. for on or may. Ladies' and Children's 'Blir Gittiog and Shampooing a Specialty s SAM.WESTERFIELD'S BURR : BLOCK. UiIm Um Dr. La Duo' Parlotlleiil HammParte.Prr.UM. '1'lint poiltlvoly ro, i wppwlon. monthly derangement Irreculmrltle cueU by cold, wvakncus, , mbii or general nervoui ueuuiiy. ihm aroBartlon of til to which ladle I mtaw arc liable I the direct remit or a tinriiria or trrexuiar menitruation. riup matoM continued result In blood iralionlnc ad quick contumptlon. $i piicko or3 for fa. flnt direct on rocolpl or prliso. Sold IB unooin by it. w. iirowii, druuxut. BE A MAN ANUS WAS A PERFECT MAN. fWIIT M f MB 1-aUTMlltS HUM v UIM O U4IHH Ibr MU mtn uui , fJ Mf H HIU 9m pclUMUfc. nrr mb m wtuamm Hi f IMM IB U tHMU. YOUNIMENORuLI, SltHu frB IBKTOVI BI iutt; u rmf at. . tknteU Iihun. Huttl rrv. Mtt4 &! (. w raUOBAL WIAXWIM, CMk na to riaricr hialth aai tfcf Mill TtfAMTt 1 TB0 ii, a rric rr t um. w ciim or yean oi praciire 07 r eieiuti Bietnoda a uuiform MtaorOLT r avoeaM" In lrav- rail sum, WMiMaBii UtUuctktM. Tesllmonlala from im state and Territorial. ,Miea.po- I1P.1 .llfir. ww 0MB TBtAT. ?.lf.tyjrtif?4.irl?,'lt- Aruata UlTaflbfCAL OO. BUFFALO, nTR IIVK EDCmK. at-1 atr7E. lL CtUcaso. and ne.. txMtaaTt) Mid ataaaaal lililal Wnlw fn In am inaiiin d "P a. mmvm v. Miua juu vvvry iCMUVtA - - .. jr. j 9 wmw wmmm vut ur utmnj LINCOLN" a taamuTB or ruaMHHir. nilSSi! BMte71GBPrlMeMfae BaaBalBMAittttf WaBataaaeTiMamajuSSi rw lor umihwi hi nam s 10 1 famMjr. Knoaal HiHructloa, zifszz&r 1.HJIMHW1 A BOOMC tteaeto. Web. "ifiii ln'sweswwn' 1 imi'i i Ia . ar llm STTja I 1 I oui II 11 " LH " T I cdmc JOHANN MOST. At I'rmrnt II r U H lllnrkmillth In III Hludou'ir IkIiiiiiI l'nlliiitliiry. li'll (iirrf"inili,inn. Nkw Yiiiik, Inn II. Ili'ir lolmnii Moat, tint Nt'v York itiiiirclilt mill wl Uorof Tln l'i-iliit'it.lHiit prpsoiitHorvliiK out IiIh Ioiiii of iiiiiriHotiinunt in the poiiltimtiitry on IJliickwDllV lidnnd. lie la uiiiiiloycd In tlio liliicl8ii)ltli nhop, liin duty liolng. with thu aid of ii Clilnonu hulpor, to imiiioIi lioles in iron plntoa Ho liiix ntlll ulKHit hIx niontlm of IiIm Huutciici1 to hoi'vo. HIn tiiiHnranco Iim Ktoitlly (.'liiiiicd, forhlH Imlr Iiiim lHcotiiu atiiioit hiiiiw while. I'tiilor tlio iiiIoh ol tlio ininoii lit uliuiilil hIiiivu dean, but nn it Ik cxtri'iiioly painful to him to nliavu IiIh upper lip Um nilcxaru not uuforcuJ in full, ami lie ioIiiIiih his inuntacli(i. TIiIh Im Kniy In color, and will protmtily bo wlillo, ax Im IiIh Imlr, before long. Ovur IiIh IiIiki uytm thix whito Imlr kIvom lilui a wonderfully Kontlo and bonlKii look. 1 elmll iiuvor foruot tlio llrnt timo I mtw Ilorr .lolmim Aiont. 1 Inmrdud the Htoaiiivr at ipiarantiuo and found him in tlio MtooriiKC I nw a man of uiodluui height, with blown hair and beard, lilue vyo, a kindly IimiIc on IiIh typical Cler limit face. I Introduced inynolf to him, and wo had a Ioiik talk, pauliiff up and down tlio dock by ournolv(w. 1 roinoni bor tho little children woro vory fond of him, mid ono little tot would limlHt on boiiiK carried In his aruiH. 1 found ilorr Most hpoko excellent HngllRh ami, if I may ho oxpruHH uiyrndf. IiIh talk was educated, Hut what queer talk it was! I had never neon an anarchist lie to re nor had I over read any of their platforms. It therefore coomed wonderful to hear a man nay, with the Kroatont earuostuess, that all men elected by tho HulTrageH of their fellows to otlleo were, by the uu ceptanco of the ponltlous, crimiualsi that tho piiwideut. seuatorH, uovoruorn, mayors, ajl members of thu uatiuiial, tatu or municipal Koverniiionts should lie. shot; that IT or two men ono had a fow dollars more than tho other, the (HKirer had a right to tako them from the richer, ami If resisted to kill; that all government should bo abolished, that the proierty of all corporal loin should be conlNcaled: that society as wo know it, that is, tho social organiza tion under which wo live, should be ti rooted, iiuulhilateil, destroyed; that all Iiiwh should be detled; that all men who execute (hose laws, froi.i the judges In tho police, should bo killed. If you will Imagine thesu astounding proposition, astounding to one with the American reverence for tho law, to oomo from a man shaking in tho gen tlest of voices, with an educated choice of words, i, ml who. as he spoke, played with a little child, you may perhaps un derstand my amazement. Yet tho man's tununer, and still more his record, proved to mo ho liolioved these things to bo right. l'r Ilorr Most, when I met him in IHtt'J, had spent tho greater part of his manhood years in prison for his faith. I was unable to get from ilorr Most any outline of the organization of soci ety which should succeed tho present, woro nil thesu things to Imj accomplished, nor have I ever seen such an outline from him. .Since his arrival in this coun try ho hns succeeded in getting himself imprisoned several times by his extraor dinary talk. Still, while I do not for a moment liolicvo in his ideas to me they aro worse than impossible I shall al ways associate in my mind the name of Jolianu Most with the little blue eyed Gorman baby he petted as ho talked. Al.KUKD U.VIX.II, GEORGE KENNAN. An Inter lew with Hut Mhii Who In- etliiL'il KiukIm'i I'rUoiiK. SmcIiiI CorreiK)iiiluiii e. Nkw Yokk. Jan. 14. Tho unfavor able reports regarding tho health of Mr. Uoorgu Koiitmu, the distinguished writer and traveler, upp.'.ir to have boen gtvat- ly exaggerated. Upon his arrival in this city from California tho other day ho appeared to be in most excellent health. but this was due in a measure to the month's voyage from San Francisco by tho way or Panama. His faco and hands were well browned, and thorow.'uwtvluor in his stop and a cheor in his voice that gave 110 hint of a victim of sleeplessness ami nervous prostration. It is well known among Mr. Keunan's friends that ho has novor wholly recov ered from the hardship and oxposure to which ho was subjected in Siberia, lie' is a rugged, wiry man, capablo of great and prolonged onduranco, but tho norv' otts h tral n cansed by thosighta of cruelty and woo that came under his oyos at evory stop, the lack of proper food, and tho fierceness of a Siberian winter were too much for his strength. Sleep lessness came upon him with its ex biuistiug tax. Instead of taking the long iwriod of rest that ho needed. Iw began to write bis Century articles and to lecture iti every part or tno country Tho preparation of his book on "Tin Russian Exile System" also contributed to tho breakdown that was bo much ex aggerated, "But 1 am (iiiito well now after my sea voyago," ho said, speaking of his health, In conversation Mr. Kcnnun Is very rapid, but very Interesting. His dis course is simple, direct and somewhat unfinished. No ono would think (o hear him talk that ho was the muster of tho charming stylo to bo found in all that ho writes. His put subject is of conn; Russia. On this he can speak by tho hour, and to tho listener tho last word Is as absorbing as tho tirst. It Is curious, however, that his language dlxclosivt none of tho fooling that the recital 2 his stories of Russian rascality and luir barlHiii invariably arouses. I do not re member a single adjective or explotivo of indignation or denunciation during a conversation of nearly an hour on thesu subjects. My blood, however, was boll, lug with rage. I MipHu that his luu boou boiled m much that it has loM tho power of ebullition, It has the calm that hit noticed with amazement in tho wretched victims of Russian dc-iotism. They always spoku of- their suffering:! without emotion, Uu. has come in tlitt aaiue way to do tho same thing. 4 Smith. AN EVERY DM' IHAQEDY. Or How a Itiirklhii C'lmlr Uint Har lliitim Hold, .Mrs. IIIIIiihihi 1 111 ult 11 rv sioro-lf yon nadu't iieh n liirge'lisk I think I could iihvc iinuleH M'leellim an hour ago. Hut then Mr lllllii" l t particular. What .ilil you say viii the price of this onof MAlrsnmn iwlio Iiiim Imtii eugngisl all the morning In trying Insult m rocking ulmlr to Mrs Hllliisl-Twcnty five dollam ma'am Mrs. Illllus (making up her mind at IhMi -Well, I think III- Why how iln you do, Mrs. McHwut' I am trying to buy seme Ihlngas a xiirprN' for Mr. Illllus, and I have hIniiii ilt-elilnl to lake this chair. Il will picitm' I1I111 a well iiMaiiythlng I cull inliik ol ami Mr. AlcHwal (who has iibI lutppeiKsl to come 1 11 What l I he price of It? .Mr MIII11 Only twenty live dollar. It M-riii like a high price, hut when you .iMik at the Irliiiinlugs, uud the way lt' IIIMtl .Mrs. McHwut Twenty live dollars' My .unit, Why, tlmt would .Mrs. Illllus (to salesman) la thai Iln ery IisimI you'll take for llf Salexiuan-ll Is, ma'am, ami that's a ills count of 10 per cent. Mrs. Illllus (Irresolutely) I hardly kniivr what do you Ililuk of It. Mrs. McSwatr Mrs. McSwat My huslianil likiwa wide, old fiistilonisl chair, with a cane seat ami loim rockers one that leans away hack, yon know ' Mm Illllus Doesn't he complain thai he Is always getting Hut oil the hack of his coat from the tidy? That's the way with Why, good morning, Mrs. 'Whacksterl Mrs Whacktei (happening Inl-Umsl morning, Min MIIIiih' How 1I0 you iln Mrn MrSnnl' Mnkliiua purcluixef Mrs 1111111- Vcm I nm alHiiit to lniv a roekliiu chilli Mrs Whaekstor Mr Illllus T Yes. olier .Mix Wlmeksier im it r For vour IiiihIuiikU How do you like Mil What do they mK Airs Illllus Twenty live Hollars. lilou'l Ililuk ll's worth II Do you? Mrs Whackslei I ilou'l know Mi Whaekslcr likes a Milliei covered chali with a low seal one of these stutlcuarv rockers, von know with e,iMtirs 011 the lint torn Mrs Illllus Ho sjiIi'siiiiiiii Ihtvi you IIIIV ol Dial Klnilv Siiesin.iu ileiiuhm uearlly against n Im ream W' ma 11111 I shnwisl you one ol thtne mini Miu lllr-l lame III .Mrs McSwal Why ilou'l you get one ol these lolillug chnirsr (To sjilcsmnii 1 What'- the price of thlsoiicr Salesiiuiii -Thlny llveilollars Mrs McSwal Tliat'sloo 111111I1 iiiouevini (Hit 111 a chair If I were in your place .Mrs. Illllus, I should IIixmI morning .Mrs. ShaillMilt' Dlil von see us tlnoiigli the front wiuilow? .Mrs. Hhaillsilt- Ves, riiat's why I dropped in IIiivIiik soiiieihiug? .Mrs. .MuSwil .Mrs Illllus Is liuylim a rocking chair tor her hiisluiml Shcthliik this one here .Mrs SlmillMilt-l don't like that one at all. Wlml Is the price or it? Mrs, Illllus They ask twenty llveilollars lor It. Mrs. Slmilliolt-II I were inlying one loi my hiisKind I should ma H of uutlipteoak with a curved imck, an emlirolderisl eiish Ion, uptiiisi.rcil arms, mid Mrs. Illllus (toKitlcsnmu) -Have you any of that kind Sali-Miiau ilieuoiulug very tired) Yes ma'am. Sell ou one like that for tv ro Mrs. Itlllus- l itou't know I expected to spend alsuit lltlis'ii dollars for one Haven't vou souiethhig different from any ol these? Salesnmu- Yes. ma'am we have a line ol chairs lilt he other end of the room that wegot at a liankriipt Nile, lean sell vou thels-st In the ml lor llfttvn dollars II wax marked twenty llveilollars. Mrs. Illllus Then I'll take a look ut Hul Imi t It ilaumueil? SaleiuiHti N'ol a lilt, .lust as good as Mrs. McSwal There's something wronu with It, 01 else they wouldn't Mrs.ShadlMilt I like that lull, straight hacked chali ovei here What's It worth Salesuuiii 1I11 a hollow voice) Sell thai one lor Ihlrlreii dollars, It cum. Ilfteeudol ars. Mrs. WhackMer (decld(slly)-Tlien If. out of style. .Mrs. Illllus, if I were you I'd lake tlmt leather covered rocker he showed you awhile ago. Mrs. Illllus. What did you say was tin price ol Unit leather covered rocker? Salesman (shifting his weight on die other loot) SI.Mccii dollars. Mrs. Minus-Well, I think I'll- Hut siipposfltshiiulilii'lsult Mr. Illllus. Would you take It hack? Salesman- We'd allow you to exchange It for another one of course. Mm. W huckster-Yes, and when you came to look for another one you would find the stock all picked over and nothing here that would suit. Mr. Illllus (after some moments spent In reflection)-1 don't sis.' anything that suits me better than the one I picked out a little while Hgn Can't you take less than twenty live dollars for it? Salesman Ulesperalely) Yes. ma'am I'll let you have It for Vii.M. Mrs. Illllus put the result of a whispered conference with the other ladles) I don't think I'll make any purchase this morn log. Kxlt Mrs. Illllus, followed by Mrs. Mu Swat, Mrs. Whacksteraud MrH.SIiadholl. -Chicago Tribune. Wanted. A Maine woman sent to the house of her nearest neighbor ami requested the loan of a new pair of scissors. The neighbor was using them and sent Imck wnnl according Ir. The would lie Imrrower was not te lie rebuffed so easily, mid presently her Utile ulrl apiM-artsI the second lime to says "Mother wauls to know If you will lend her n quarter to buy a pair of aclHXir" with" lwiston .louriml. llKnlet I'srt ol II. Friend of Playwright -Tell me, now what do , miu consider yum greatest woik? IMaywrlidii (Jetting my plays ucccptvd after they are written lloslou Trail script llutti tho Same. -i She Whal i writer's cramp anyway! Me A a neiienu thing I mdl liiiuiilshxiile Irniinuiat lhevll lie pain." ,i llUIIUfl- I, III Msr.t'jf .' i-iim How In .tliikn 11 lire I.ouk tVi Ahvnjm. Ho sure it Ills well; that doesn't moan that it should be too tight for comfort. Bee that it hangs exactly right. When taking It off hang it up Instead of throwing it in a heap to get crumpled. Never omit sleovo protectors If you need them at all, Make war against all spots and press plaltlngs that heed it. Mend any rent on tho right side witli raveling of goods and press carefully. Replace braid as soon ns worn and brush whenever tho dress needs it. Have as liandnoino buttons as you can afford; they give stylo to a plain suit and aro necessary on an elegant ono. How tit Trent m Froien Part. Rub with snow and tho bare hand al ternately, gradually increasing tho fric tion until tho sensation returns. The person frozen should by no means bu taken into a warm room until tho sensa tion is restored. It is nearly always best to begin in a toleralily cold room and lut tho air grow warmer very gradually. In short, tho frozen part should bo thawed by a gradual extension of tlio patient's own circulation and never by outside heat, as In tho latter thoro is danger of mortillcation. How In Ticiit it Newspuper Itepurter. Don't tell a nowstiapor reixirter, when' ho calls on you on business, thing which you do not wisli him to print. He does not call for information for tho fun of it. Ho is there on business. When you meet a reporter socially don't say to hlin every timu you open your mouth. "Thif is not for publication." The chances are that reporters know the proprieties of lifu quite as well as men in other callings. If you really have information to give either give it cheer fully and frankly or refuse with linn ness. but don't try to ho clever and at i tempt any "funny business." If you give the information frankly you will in i nliiety-iiine discs out of a hundred be I accurately teported and respectfully treated. If you refusu on any other than trivial grounds your reticence will lie respected. If you try to outwit the ro potter by an effort to mislead him or In direct niisicpreseiitatioii you aro stiro to j maku a mess of it and wish that you had been better advised. Disabnso your mind of any foolish impression that newspaper leporter.s aro maliguant per sons trying to stir up strife in tlio world they aro as a rule tho opposite of this and have as high an idea as other men of that mosMi','0 of glad tidings, "Peace on earth and good will among all good men." llnw lit Clierk Vomiting. An obstinate case of vomiting (that is, when the vomiting continues simply by convulsive retching after tho orlglmil cause has ceased) may often bo cured by drinking lively of water as hot as can be done. Seni-k'kucss in some people is greatly relieved by tlio same method. llnw til Slutve Kittlly. The moment you get out of bed is the best time. Your beard will nover be so pliable after you aru around awhile. First wash your beard well with soup and cold water. Rain water is better, of course. Thou apply lather plentifully and cold as a rule. But if your razor is cold, close it and placo it in your pocket or under your arm till it gets warm. Like other edged tools, tho razor is only a very lino saw, and therefore it is better to move itu little euiTways as you shave rather than with a straight, broad sweep. If you always shave in one ill rection around your faco tho beard will soon get a permanent "cant" in that di rection, the effect of which is well, a matter of taste. How to l.iiiineii (Hum Htoppart. Sometimes a ground glass stopper guts fixed bo tight in tho neck of tho bottle that it cannot bo loosened without dan ger of breaking. In that caso dip a rag in hot water and wrap it around tho neck. Try tno stopper soon, bo as to selzo tho instant when thu heat has expanded the bottle neck and has not yet affected the stopper. A drop or two of caraphiue around tho stopper so that it will soak in between it and tho neck will often servo. The surfaces of polished glass, stopper and neck often adhere with wonderful tenacity. How to Serve Muviirniil for h CIiiiiiki'. Doil it until tender, putting it into it vegetable dish. Then prepare lino bread crumbs by tossing them in hot butter in a spider until they aro crisp. Spread these over tho macaroni. This is bor rowed from tho German way of serving uoodles. How to Clean Shell. Make a strong lyo from ashes ind al low It to bettlo thoroughly, then boil the sheila iu it six or seven hours. Soak them in fresh water and rinso. How to Make a llaruineter. Tako a long narrow bottle and put in it S drams of camphor and eleven drams of spirits of wine. As soon as thecamphor is dissolved add a mixture composed of water nine drams, salt peter thirty-eight grains and muriate of ammonia (sal ammoniac) thirty-eight grains. Dissolvu thesu thoroughly in water before adding them to tho othei mixture. Shako tho wholu well together, Cork tho bottle and wix iu tho cork tightly. Then maku a luluuto aperture iu tho cork with a hot needle. Hang up thu bottle and the many changes in tlu. appearance of tlio fluid will soon teach you by experience thu impendiiigchnngU'' flow tit Sfcti. wi. l,AL. !....iii.fci Hunt. In washing, place thu glass in cold 01 tepid wuter llrst and add tho hot water without pouring any on tholass. Wheu it cold lamp chimney is placed on a lamp turn up thu light slowly, giving tho glum timu to heat equally. NEiAJ IffttAN&CSWIWlY- M E5SA I fpcaxdxo " ""yj m 111 1x1.1 1 iijjjam-'JUXbj,w Q (V Hrr-rVT' 1 I Pf ajl II 5-all-sJVrT3 7 aI&82" '-rii Formerly of HUFFMAN & R1CHTER, 1039 0 STREET. NE1A LOCRTON, Sutton & Hollowbush, Caterers pf Confectioners We make all kinds of Fancy Creams and lees. Parties and Receptions Supplied on Short Notice. Wc Have all Kinds of Fancy China for Rent. I 1 Telephone 6S 1 . J. ' - LINCOLN, Olllre, l.'oi'. lOlll ami I'lKlll.. 71(1. ( Mtn. I YiiiiIm, llll.i nml Y riiium 707. Streets, Fret Work, Screens and Panels CAHINET WORK OK Fall Line of ARE SHOWN IN OUR NEW WaHEROOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, COUNTERS AND WALL GASES. 1224-28 M Street 3PTOE?ftii7im7r P.T.MMM HM SPENT ffitlKIUi lUMUOOAYEAR IN ALWfcRTfclNG: TODAV IT TIKES 5EyEN houres TO TELL MI5 rORTUNR . Keep YOUR BUSINESS, and, Incidentally, YOURSELF, Before the Public. Don't Dptnd on Thorn to Discovor Yon ! H. W. BROWN UrUggisthbookseller Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line o Perfumes and Fancy Goods. 127 tSoiatti Eleventh street. LlflCOLFS NEWEST BOARDING DEPARTMENT. We are especially well prepared to hoard n limited number of liorn-s and having the bugct and linen equipped stable In the city, can take beet of enre of nil horses ei trusted to tu. Our stnhle 1 light nnd loomy with cntllatlon. All vehicle nnd hnmem iccclvc dally cletnlng and nlwnjs leave the btnble In neat, clenu stvllsli appearance. CALL AiVD SEE US,-ai'Ii US A TliAL. Telephone 518. Stables 1639-1641 O St COODS. rB-UgsP7 No. 206 So. nth St NEBRASKA. P BARTON EXCLUSIVE Agent for GENUINE Canon City Coal Also Host Grade, of Hard Coal I'leanc t'o not be deceived In Initiations of our famous Canon City Coal. Salif voun.clf as to the (5IJNUINE before ordcilng. ALL KINDS TO ORDER. Always in Stock, THE MORAL IS: j AND EDJEST STABLES W. J. I'ltATT, Proprietor. First ClassLiveryRigs At nil Ilourb Day or Night. Family Carriages, Gentlemen's Driving Rigs, Etc. MMSHUiftmWMi-.. . M ito . k syaMayrt mswmwmmi