Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 16, 1892, Image 4

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    .(f,'i ""fWv ' ' i wTy-jUM-isy sfriiia' Sr
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Nw Buy a Carpet
Exposition Carpet House
In Draperies
wc show nil the newest things hi hotme
drapet, ami have an attractive line of
Lace Curtains
AN ft-
Always ace the Exposition Carpet Store
before ordering,
Masonic Temple.
Mr. Morand of Omaha Dancing Acadc-
will open a cln In nil the
latent dancc on
Monday, January 18 th.
Children 4 p. m.
Adults 730 p. m.
Circulars and particulars may be had at the
Courlerofllcc, 1134 N street
If joq Deposit your Savings
Lincoln Savings Bank
; S Safe Deposit Co.
H.K.oor. llthandl'Htii.
At the Itato of
fi-Five per Ct. per Annum-S
Bve MOO a vruok. and It anunmtn with
tarou In live yearn to t,50U.0O,
Bank opent at 8:30 a, m. to 3:30 p. m. niiil
atunlfty evening, 5 to 8 p. m.
Sa(t to Rent in Burglar and Fire
Proof Vaulti.
cunu .$100,000.00.
American Exchange
National t Bank.
I. M.'lUyntoniM
' President.
IbiwU t1reory,t
' Vlee President
IX a. Wins,
Ai. Castile
WmW Mm$
OJi'crr ami - '
John B. Wright, Pros. '1. ... -...Uis, -.
J. II. Midlay, sillier.
A 8 Raymond, II P Luu, Tliosoohran E
KHIter, hs West. KLStioldon.
General Banking Business Trantactcd.
Accounts Solicited.
MA httl1klrii St ssr doien.
4MMtmtMet. CaM b4 so our work
Off frees Hi.n.tsl.m. Sundays.
WtoU, iSMOStrtet
!. I
A liutitr mei of Stmltrn Whim.
Publlwliod Saturday.
Address nil ooiniiiimiothin dlreotto the ofllw
WicsBicu Printing Co,
Courier llulldluK, ll!IJ N.HIreet.'iionhSM
,. U'kmhri., J11.1 KdlUir and Hoto Proprietor.
Knlorednltho I'liilntllca of Lincoln, Null.,
n second class matter.
A TltlAL.
ccrw ah Jironr.-touTii at bab,
OupM The charitc, I understand, Ik tuts
You stole, In jour )otlthful aaale, I
But 1 nm Innlont with ynntli.
Yonth-I-yrK-tlmt In th Irutti.
Cupid Anil then? Ho bravo nmt toll me all.
Youth-No lamp was Unhled In tlio hall-
Anil, utanillng In the darkness, mere,
I heard a step upon tlio stair.
I had no tlma for second thotiRht,
Ho foi tli with In my arms I catiKht
Tho outlined form which I believed
To bn the ilntmol who received
My every thotiuht, I kissed licr brow
TI10 recollection paint nm tinwj
Kor liy somo turn of horrid ohanosj
I kissed tlio eldest of hor mints
A maid of forty-four
Oaptd- Hard fatet
Goon why do you hesitate?
Youth And ero I found tlmo to explain,
That kls was wanted back itunln.
Hut lutwi ) unseen her? O )o saints!
She's rluklrd-iialy and alio patuUl
Hlioiikcd too much
Onpld Hut you mutt not
Keep what you no wrouuly ifot.
Vim most return It.
Youth- Moray!
Oapld Return It to her by her nloco.
-Havel Bcott Mluoa in Ufa.
Couldn't Htand Shrimps.
Ideas ns to what la "good for food" come
Imply from usu nnd Imlilt. I remember,
about thirty years 11 no, when "tlio harvest
of tho ncri" did not often como far Inland,
my father, who was staying at Weymouth,
Rent some shrimps to tho parish clerk nt
homo In Warwickshire. Hut nftcrwnrd,
on beltiK nuked how thoy were enjoyed, tho
old man bashfully owned that "thoy looked
to llko crickets that none, of tho family
could bring themselves toeut tliotn, ao thoy
wero burled In tho Kiirdun," Notca and
How l)it ThU Htrlku You?
Wo otter now Mibcrllor (mil old oiien
that ay up In full to dite) tho following ex
traordinary barcaln.
Ki(t4Hn hauiUouio doth mmui volumes of
Dlckeimlnnno-ttptstutmnl box, and Tiir
CountRH until Janunrv lit, IHtKI for 5.00.
Tm Imnihiomu vlotlj bound vohiiiiea of
Tlmokory In a neat, pnttelxurd box and Tiik
Couiurh until January Ut, 18IK1 for 4.i".
Hlx liatulsoma cloth fioiiml volumes of
George Klllott lu n neat pasteboard hot and
Tiir Oouhikh until January li.t, lblKl for
These Uxikiaro all Rtaudant works and their
cost aside from Tiik Couiurh subscriptions,
is less that twenty ojutx pjr volume. Y011
can't buy the choapoit reprint lu papjr eov
on for double that amount, Conn lu and
see these book, Inoisonny Riibsarlbsr de
sire tho three iU special prices will bo made
on the lot.
Henry llarplmnt, harness and stddlory,
H'J north Uth strejt, opposite Capital hotel.
Kye mill JKr Nurueon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist aid nurist, PJOCl
O utreet, telephone 117.1, Lincoln, Nebr.
Yoittlillvne -KuropeHii Fu lriurtlou,
Ladles, if you want most elegant face prep
aration, try this one. It is puro as spring
water; no load, sediment orothor lnurlous
tulistancet. It uakea your skin soft, fresh,
nnd clear; removes tan, blotches, dlscolora
tloug, and lniaits a pearly complexion.
If your face is not what you desire It, try
"Youthlleno". I guarantee It to give porfect
mtUfactlon. I have nought for a proai a
tlon that will make complexions fresh and
young looking and unwl havo found It, re
tailed at two dollars or three for five. I havo
secured (he agency for this trusty article.
J. H. IUulky. DiiiRslst, Lincoln, Neb.
Only Ten (.10) Cents n I'aek.
Tho celebrated "llinlliutou Houtu" apply
lute cards are now sol I nt ten cents per pick,
(V) cents Is tho usual price, for such cards).
Whist, high-five nnd euehre ptrtlos will toon
lw lu order, nnd w) wool I suggest 1 bit you
Iny In a stoeK of iIiomj cards for future re
quirements. A C, ZtKSIKH,
City I'nssemrer Agent
Call on Henry H iridium, Hi north Uth
street, opM4lte Capital hotel for harness,
whips, surcingle, curry combs nnd brushes,
harness oil, nxh grcuw and axle oil harness
The "Walking Alligator" to be found only
ut the. great lOjcont store, 118 south l'Jth St,
latest novelties in ChrUtui'is presents at
the Great 10a ;8tore. 118 south Twelfth
Tho now Lincoln frame and ai t comvxny
make a specialty of frames for lino crayon
work, with Kllte Studio !M bouth Kleventh
Henry Haiphain, haiues, Middlorv and
turf goods, H'Jnoith Eleventh street, oposlte
plul Hotel
Whon buying liorso bWnlotu, plush lap
robes and fur roue-i, jut, eiqiire at l
north Uth street, opposite Capltnl hotel.
Now Is the time to get stoves for the win
ter, Dunham & Buck have a big line of all
the finest makes. They also repair old
stoves, set them up and furnish parts needed
at rouou'ila out, al U'JI O strset or t.
The famous Uamlilor wa'-ls silll take, the
lead and K. K. Outlul htd -.unUlm the
agency as 15W O strivt. In cnmixnttou with
bU estsblUlimeiit Mr Outhrle baa a rch'tfd
of teaching how to 1 ido. With eao) sale of
a machine goes a gusrauteo that lu will
Uch you how to rldi poi feeily an I 10
1 barge for Instruction,
We Mil the genulna
BeHe, Weaver ft o., 1015
phone 40.
Ou m O Ity Uk,
t) str t, TS e-
Interpolated Notes by Oar Owm Ugai
Oil I.
The nun vu hcUImk ItIiIihI llietowcrsof
thochiirchof (Irci'iilMirtiiiKli on t lio-Driblet.
(It must be Henri) nnd dlstluntly under
atood Unit tin Mllni' Is not Intended toro
for to liny puilli with the wonl "Kreen"
lutnxluuil In the title, nil luciimlxmta of
such llvlnu" beliiK the mol liniioriiblc and
dlsllnutllshid id nii'ii )
Two perxuns were bldtlliiK curb other
mlleu The lli-d wiisu until In tlic prime
of life wenrltm 11 -nil of twiisla
(I'leiisc niitetlwil the iiiimi of 1 1 1 (allot
Is nut ulvt'ii nnd it I- not 10 be iiHNUiued rni
iisllile miimt'lll I hut till refer tunny In
dividual III pilllliill'ii 1
The Klrl. foi he w mil)' n Klrl, won- 11
costume of iiliini-t piiiliniili nl Hlinplltlty
(AKitlll tut ilrenMliiaket IhhIukIciI nut fill
dlsciiHxIou. It Ihm piiifly fancy porlntll
They wen laith lu leum. Kor the hum
had come for I heir uiitln.
(It Ih ueiessnry to Mule tlml by "pun.
Iuk" no refeieiite l iiiude to nny existing
llrm of lmlrilrew.erH.)
Kor 11 moment they were silent, wiitchlim
I'hadiUM nn he ileHceiuU'4 In Ills glory id
purple and gold,
(This refera to the mythical god of ilu)
and Is not to lie confounded with nmeiiilni
of a well known llrm of iimtiufucturcrH ,i
Then they spoki1 to each other.
"o.linus," she murmured softly, "mi I
Is this our last meeting? "
(The name of Zozlmtis wan selected fi 1
the hero because It la an uncommon one
nnd consequently unlikely to be coufounO
ed with any more frequently used dcHlgna
linn. If by tin unlucky chutice there l u
(i,linus he Is iiHMiircil that the coincide ute
Is purely iiccldeutul.)
"I ittn ufrulil It must be ho, my Zulu
wolfii," wna the heartbroken resK)iise,
(Again the name has been chosen 011 the
same linos its lu the select Ion of Zczlinii,
and the expliumtlon above given maybe
taken as liuving reference to both,)
"And so j oil are going across the sea In
a hontr" she (pierled, trying to smile lu
spite of her blinding tears,
(No boat lu particular In Intended, uiul
we have the author's authority forwtyiiig
that ho has the greatest respect for every
ofllclal connectiil with the shipping Inter
"Yen," he returned sadly, "It in my fa
ther's wish, and I trust that In anew world
I ahull find greater prosperity than I have
been able to achieve In dear old Buglunit.'
(No reference Is made in tho above tunny
weekly publications, although, itcrhaps
The World and Bugland may have Ik en
taken as titles for Saturday Journals, lie
fore passing this passage we received I he
assurance of the iiilthor that lie felt t he
deepest esteem for the editors of the pel I
odlcnlrt thtiH Inadvertently mentioned.)
"Well, my Moved, yon will soon see me
and, dead or alive. I shall be by your side
In the spirit."
(This passage Is not Intended to single
out any particular llrm of distillers.)
"We shall meet itgitlu," he cried, pre
Ing her frail form to his breast. "Indeed
we shall meet again."
(It must not Ih? assumed that there Inn-Ik-cii
11 misprint In the above passage, and
that reference la made to any partleiil.ti
llrm of butchers.)
And ho thoy parted!
(To be continued In our next, after urn
sultutlon with our solicitor.) Punch
Roll h Pumpkin.
Itev. Mr. I lay nes, one of the pioneer lulu
Intern of Rutland, Vt., was" famous for lil
nlt,hy HuyiugH. Atone tlmo, according u
lloyal Tyler, he overheard his daughtei
and some young friends criticising certain
neighbors more severely than was ii).'
to him, whereupon he proceeded to read
them n lecture on the sinfulness of scandal
"But, father," remonstrated his daughter
"wo must say something."
"If you can do nothing better," retotted
Mr. Haynes dryly, "get a pumpkin and
roll It about. That will Is- nt least hum
cent diversion.''
Not long afterward a conference of miti
isters met at his house. During the even
lug an earnest discussion of certain s)iut
of doctrine arose, and from the lofty pitch
of some of the voices it seemed as If a part
of tho disputants, at least, were In danger
of losing their temper.
At that juncture Mr. Haynes' daughter
ipiletly entered the room, liearinga huge
yellow pumpkin. She put it down In front
of her father ami said;
"There, father, roll It about, roll it
Mr. Haynes wiut culled upon for an ex
plauatlon and good humor was restored.
At another time a re ival was In prog
ress lu the parish, and some of the young
zealots were ridiculed. They went to Mr.
Haynes and complained of certain scandtt
Inns reports which had lieeti circulated.
"I knew all this In-fore." said Mr
"Why did you not tell usf" cried one of
the young persons In an injured tone.
"Why J My dear friends." said the old
minister, his eyes twinkling, "because it Is
best to let satnu tarry his own mall and
pay his own postage."- Youth'a Compaii
llmirn Ills Wuriuth.
Bessie (blushiugly rearranging her hair)
-You are surprisingly anient, Harry con
slderlng the suddenness of this cold snap.
Harry (Incidentally mussing her hair
again) It's the suddenness of the cold
snap, Bessie, chat accounts fontny ardency
I have just fallen heir to an ice factory.
Name the day. dearest! Chicago Tribune.
An Immediate Result.
Tom Kord It pays to advertise.
Mr. Hondo It does. 1 saw the advertise
ment ol a new magazine lu the paper this
morning, and I'm going to send them about
twenty of my poems as soon as I get home.
-smith & Uray's Monthly
Off and On.
"When does that policeman go otT duty f"
"When a fight goes on "New York
All ItlKhl Tlirn.
"Now my little man. descrHs your aymn
"I haven't dot any symptlms I dot-n
tal",";HarH'r's Biutar
! Jtitf
How to Catrli 11 Ituiianh,' lliirso,
Most pornotm wlum trying to ntop a
runaway lioi iihtuIj' udd to tho panic
wlilcli Iiiih raitsoil tlio beast to take to IiIh
liculs. Don't fttnuri in tlio mUtdlo of tlio
road mid throw tipyoiirliaiidMiind shout.
No one t'Ver saw a real runaway atopped
by stidi titclics. Don't stand on thusldo
of tlm load and Jell to tho horsu to atop.
That will ineioly eatiso lilm to bo woisc
friglileiied tliun bufori'. As you aeo tho
liorso coming, start to run as fast an you
can in tlio samu direction tlio liorso is
taking; when lio catches up with you
and liuforo ho passes horses don't go
with tlio rapidity of a bullet from a gnu
even when running away jump for his
brldlo rein nnd hold to it, running along
all tlio wlillo as fast us possible. Tho
check thus given by tlio pull 011 tho bit
will nlinoat nl ways Mop a runaway. If
you tiro on horseback you can do thin
with easo and with very little dangor,
for in this instance your liorso is run.
nlng and you havo nil your strength to
givo to tho runaway. Tho mounted po
licemen in Central park, New York, nnd
011 tho toads, about, catch runaway
horses with much neatness and doxtority,
nnd thoy lmvo plenty of practice
How lo I'reaervn millions mid Silks.
Thoy should always ho laid away for
keeping in brown paper, as tho chemicals
used in whlto paper often coiubluo with
those in tho material and produco dis
coloration. A whlto satin 'dress, how
ever, is flomowhat liettcr preserved in
blui paper, with brown paper outside.
How to I'rnpnro Common U'IiIIuwhsIi.
Take clean unslaked llmo and pour
on warm water just fast enough to keep
tho Hunt slaking without burning, but
not enough to jlrowu it. It is desirably
to havo it alako dry and then bo mixed
with water to a thin wash, hut not
pasty. If put 011 too thick it will not
tako 11 firm hold nnd after a few coats
are, applied it will fluke oft. If tho wall
is very rough mix salt mid ashes with tho
first coating; if smooth, salt only, A
very littlo bluing in tho last coating will
iimko it look a clear white.
How to Dress fur Trmfillng.
Any dark dress comfortably mado will
do for traveling. Its tcxturo should suit
tho season, and tho less it shows dust tho
better looking its owner will arrive at
her journey's end. Good taste will pro-
vent any 0110 from traveling in whito or
light(colored dresses. Garnet also is not
a good color to choose. Tho gown should
bo inndo as plain as possible and is bettor
without jet or velvet trimming. Ruchiug
or collars finish tho neck, but a silk ker
chief or lnctt scarf that can bo wrapped
closely around lu the cars will keep
cinders from lodging in tho neck. A
traveling hat that is small and light ami
rot easily hurt will be found most com
fortable. A dark petticoat is another
necessity, also high shoes, or if low ones
aro worn, cloth gaiters. The hands must
bo kept gloved constantly to retain any
degreo of cleanness, and of courso the
car window will bo kept closed during u
journey of any length.
How to Clean a tioltl Chuln.
Put the chain in a small bottlo with
water, a little soap nnd tooth powder.
Cork and shake the bottlo violently for
a minute or two. Tho soap nnd powder
will extrnct every particlo of grease and
dirt from tho minutest interstices of the
chain, while friction against tho glass
will polish it. Rinse in clear cold water
and the polish will surprise you.
How to Use Tonus of Compliment ami
In official letters "Sir" should bo used
and tho writer should sign himself "Very
respectfully, your obedient servant." In
business letters "Dear sir" should be
used, nnd this form of address should bo
followed by "Respectfully yours." Where
some personal or social relationship en
ters into a business acquaintance "My
dear sir" is a proper form of address,
and this should bo followed by "Yours
truly" or "Yours faithfully." Whoro
tho communication is entirely social tho
address should be "Dear Mr. Smith" or
its equivalent, and this form of address
should bo followed by "Sincerely yours"
or "Yours very truly." Where tho so
cial relations are somowhnt intimate the
form of address: may very properly bo
"My dear Mr. Smith." In social letters
"Dear Bir" should never bo used, and if
a writer objects to the more intimate
forms of address, then the letter should
bo written in tho old fashioned form of
tho third person whore "Mr. Drown pie
slnta his compliments to Mr. Smith,
etc." "Gent" or "Gents" should never
be used under any circumstance. Never
even to 0110 to whom you feel an enmity
should a letter boaddiessed "Mr. Smith"
without any further term of compliment
or respect.
How to Make O I liter Hear.
White sugar, five pounds; lomon juice,
quarter of a pint; honey, quarter of a
pound; ginger (bruised), five ounces; wa
ter, four gallons and a half. Boil the
ginger in three quarts of the water for
ly If an hour, then add the sugar, lemon
juice and honey with the remainder of
tho water and strain through a cloth;
udd 11 quaitcr of the whito of an egg and
a small teaspoonful of the essence of
lemon; let the whole stand four days
uud bottle; It will keep for many months.
This receipt is given by Dr. Pereira in
his celebrated work 011 diet, and ho
recommend! it us a most healthful bev
erugo. How to Pour Hot Liquids.
The hottest liquids etui bo poured
without fem into glass or china recep
tacles if a m.jtal utensil, such as a silver
or steel foik, knife or hpucii, bj put in
first. This aimplo preventive Is most
useful to the liniuewifci when canning
fruit, or to the hospitublo hostess whu
vhhea to prepare ut t.iblo her cupj of
cocoa bypouriug boiling water 011 tun
I powder in her dainty thina cup'L
H Wanted to (live Him flood
Off for flrorgla.
Down on the pier of the Savannah steam
bout line everylssly was looking at and
talking about a man who was howlcggud
Ut such a degree as to upcnr to lie stand
big on each side of a vinegar barrel. He
was not only bowlcgged, but his toes
turned In, and us he walked up and down
even the stevedores quit work to look 111
him. By and by the mini cnina and cIIiiiIhii
up on the cotton bale Isjsido me, and as In
was u talkutlve chap we soon lM-gati a con
vernation. He was going down the cons)
as a passenger, but lived in the Interior n'
the state.
Two strange men, If of the right sort
sixjii become friendly when thrown in
get her. It was so with us. It wasn't me
five minutes after he found I had Ih-i 11 u.
the (leorla coast when he coufldeuthili
"Hqw'Hthutcltmatoilowu there for wen.
"Splendid You'll In) benefited rlulu
"flood for catarrh r"
"It Is said to be."
"I'm troubled soma with rheumatism
"The change will probably be good lin
"Then you'd recommend 1110 to go, woulo
"Why, I think It will help your case.'
The man looked all around to lie sure
that 110 one was near enough to overheai
and then droped his voice almost to 11
whisper anil said-
"I want to tell you something In stihi
cnnfhlciiic and ask yiftr advice."
"Kor the last six or eight months," l.e
whispered, looking around again, "!'. e
had a sneaking Idea that 1 was getting a
trifle bow-legged. What do you think
If It's so would the climate help me any'
"My dear sir, the climate of Georgia wit
do most anything, hut don't you worr)
assure you that there Is not the sllghtc-l
cause for It "
"Have jou seen me on the ground?'
"And wasn't wasn't"
"Not a hit of It. If we could trade lens
I'd give you -"on lo lioot."
"You don't suyl Heaven bless you I Say
It's been worth a 'JOO acre farm to nieit
youl Hanged If I hadn't worried mysell
almost sick over It. Shako, old fellow
If I hud It In my power I'd make you tin
next president."
I lied to him, of course. I did It dcliU r
ately. I did it to mnko him feci good, ami
In order that ho might enjoy his trip. An) of New York who will hurt a Isnr
legged man's feelings as ho is about to sal
away on a trip for his health is a mean
man and can never prosper. Now Yuri.
Evening World.
Inductive Reasoning.
Shocked lady Do you know what Ih1
cornea of little boys who swenrf
Little Boy Yes'm. W'en they gits big
'nough they kin earn two an a half a du
drlvin a team. Good Nejvs.
For Sale.
Among many curious souvenirs of the
French revolution, M. Welschlnger quotes
in "Les Almauachs do la Revolution" a
notice of the sale of the "properties" of the
Theatre ties Troubadours. M. Ieger. the
proprietor, was evidently a man who could
lose money cheerfully and make a joke for
his own consolation. His announcement
read thus
The Citizen l-eger, director, actor and
dramatist of the Theatre des Troubiulours
having perceived for 11 long tlmo that his
receipts did not equal expenses, notifies
the public that he will sell immediately
and at 11 bargain1
Item A sea, consisting of twelve waves,
the twelfth of which is larger than the1
others, nnifa little damaged
Item A dozen and a half clouds edged
with black and in good repair.
Item A rainbow, somewhat faded.
Item A beautiful snowstorm of flake
nt Atu'itri.nn tiiinni-
It..,, n'tifi... lu.ttli.a nt It.rlitnl.i.r
..v.. ...... ... ,,r,..v....ft.
Item A setting sun, worth little, and a
new moon, rather old.
Item A plume which has been wom
only by (Edlpus and the Duke of Essex
Item Othello's handkerchief and a pa
sha's mustache
Item Cleopatra's asp
Item A complete repast, consisting of
four cardboard entrees, a cardboard pie
uud fowl of the same material, several oak
tattles and a witx dessert.
Item Kive yards of tin chain, the clank
lug of which is beautiful and causes tor
rents of tears to flow
No O001I Reason.
Pretty Cousin Your friend, I)r Lancet
passed me down town today without eeu
a bow
He Oh, well, jou know he's awfully
aliseiitmiuded He's so completely devotwl
to his surgical piacliie
Pretty Cousin-Hut that's no reason why
he should cut me -New York Herald
Slulit llu.M-ru.
Phellin I'hucrv wor e. goin phwln Ol
saw ye, golu into Case) 'hi
Dennis Into -Casey's man, to Insure'
Phellm-Wull, Oi wisTi Oi'd saue ye.
Oi'd uv had ye rush th' can fer nr..
Dennis- f.'ull, e did see me, didn't yezf
Phellm Kalth, not till ye, wor out o'
solghll Drake's Mugalne.
Plumiluir Has that charming widow
auy property t
Ketch 11 in Yes, considerable.
PlumdulT Ileal estate or personal f
Ketchum Personal. She has six cbll
Decidedly Uriel.
Totllng-Here's a story called "The Poll
tjlan's Conscience!"
Dtmllng-Bhort story, Isn't Itf-Kpock,
pir? poot porr
Wc carry all the Finest Grndcsof shoe
In nil blrcs nnd widths from n n to c c
Quality First-Class.
Prices Reasonable
Inspection Solicited.
Exposition Shoe Go.
Special Prices
Wo will not bo undersold by anyone
Good clonks for tl. reuuliir $2 coods.
Nice cloaks fir ?I.W regular
Kti'oimt cloaks fort'.', rcmilnr f 1.0(1 irrncte.
Other Krades tit Just about hnlf price.
Hoys' suits $1 no worth 12 00.
IloyV suits 11.60 worth 13 to.
Hoys' suits 12.00 worth ll.OO.
Pins, le a paper.
Needles, lu 11 paper.
AkhIo buttons !lo a cross.
Rubber tipped lead pencils 10a doz.
urllmt Irons c,
4Co wool hose only 28c.
Kast black corsets (JOc. worth 75c.
Turkish towels -lo .-...
ISO sheets writ I nc paper 12c.
nontsIM). I.tsle thread hose only 25c.
Hpeelal prices In underwear.
Hpeclul prices In laco curtains.
Hpeelal prices In ribbons; finest stock
(Special prices In linens of all kinds.
Hpeelal prices In itullts.
Hpeelal bargains In tinware and hardware.
Feathers and tipsnt half price.
U.OUO cards hooks and eyes, all sizes, lc a
Hllk twist, la a spool.
Hllk thread -lo a spool.
No trouble to show iroods Wo aro hero for
that purpose. Wu will not bo undersold by
Remember tho place,
The Leader,
1211 O STREET,
The Great Cheap Store.
PiuNTERff Ink.
niHT3' IMS It Jit vast It jwporti Is it,
" Jnrul Ux ilvtrtliirt." It It lsmil ea ttt
Int nl fifteenth dt;i of tteh sostk, ut Ii tht
npriiisutlti Icatnil iU tuli joarul. to U
intt-ot Amerlexn UttrtUen. It tills ttt U
tn!lt ml Ineiperiiseil iiTtrtlitr it juis, oca
jnsitjita trtlelu hew, win, ud vbw to adrir
Um 1 Bsv to writ idrertlimut ; fcov to display
su; vast ntvipiptri or otair atdU to vu; kov
sea to txfud-la fact, dlteoann oa OTtry potit
tail admlti of prostatic dlicuitlca. If yw adTtt
Mm at all, MIHIIM' ICTC can trip 70a. rtrattt
yro ozptsd tut Tea Sollari a yiat la adrirtlaUf J
U 10, rsiNTISS' IVX may ibov jn aov to ob
tala doatli tbs terries yoa art aov cittlsf for na
sal! tho mosey. A yetr'i latterlptloa eotti tat
Oat Collar: a laapli copy cotta feat n?o Ctata.
adreniiisg Ii aa art ptacthed ty Busy tat cadi.
stood ty fe. The eoadactoti of PSI11IEI3' UX
adtntaad It tboroatUr. Canly thtlr adrlos.
kaitd oa aa oxptrltaco of moti thaa tvoaty-flr
yeirt, srlll help you. Addreti :
Newipspxr Advcrtiiing BureM
to Sprue St., New Yorlu,-
N'o matter what other, do or fuy,
give ou the
a "
Newest and
Best Grades of
At LOWER PRICKS than othcis.
You cm K.iNe money by buying
Itools and Shoes of
1043 O Street.
,1? -
mm sjnw.iPfeK-yT, 0 1 wjp"Ms
rmrwtmtmtMsmmtJtowtw-! t