,'. ; w ".f" V' 1rr-'if- -nr' rwf TWfny v l"9Ki CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY JANUARY 16, 1892. ' I "The foremost of our periodicals." COMMAKDIHO BVERY 0SGA1 CENTRE OF THOUOHT AHD ACTION IX THE WOULD, Aismpltcoprwltl. Illustrated protpic Ins will b lint lot Result. IK EDWIN ARNOLD. Tn Forum In tho most Instnictlr. the moot tlmesr. llw Unrest and) thn handsomest of thn retlew. The Noxt Number Especially Good. TALES FROM Town Topics READ BV ALL MEN AND WOMEN. I'mIiIIkIumI first day nf December, March, Juiib inl Hciteinler. DELICATE, DAINTY. WITTY, INTENSE. Kvery reputable news and book stand 1ms It. l'rlcr, kIiikIo number, RO Cl'.NTS. '4.IMI ri:it YKAIt, instUKfl Kiu:i:. This brllllniit Quarterly reproduces tlio licst Morten, sketches, burlesques, pis-ms, wlttb chin', etc., from tho bnck numU-rs of Hint iimcli tnlked-nbotit New York Society Journal, Town Tories, which Is published meAty. Hub scrlptlon price, SI.OJ per car. Tho two piitillcatloiis "Tows Tones" nnd "Tai.cs mom Town Topics" together, at the low club-prlcu of $5 (X) xr year. Ask your newsdealer for tlit'in or address, TOWN TOPICS, SI West 83d Street. N Y C'ltj. Soientlflo American Agency for OAVIATS, DKSII1M PATS NT A COPVRIQHT8, etc. For Information and free Handbook wrlto to munn a co.. m HiioAiiwAV, new Yohit. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Krerr patent taken out by us Is browjbt bof ora the public br a notlco (rtren frco of cbaryo lu tlio Ijuyoit rlrrnlatlon of any scientific paper In tho world, Pplenitldlr Illustrated. No Intelligent man should bu without II, Weeklr. H.'I.UO a veart ll.'O six iiinntlis. Address MUNN CO., rcuusuicH.i,3CI Uroodwar.Mew Vork. Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Hetween Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, nnd SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. ' Double Dally Train Service Hetwcen Kansas Ciu and PUEHLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE 'CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas Citv ami Galveston. The Short Line Hetweon Kansas City nnd Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Aitbtln, Tempi:, San Antonio, Hounton, and all Principal Points In 'lexas. TheOnlv Line Running Through the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Mapn and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address E. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent, 4!t N.f. Life Building, 02v JL.-ELJL, OiTIEB. U-rrt.tfc-Ya Fractlaa. U othtr wonli.wt will tfich yoa I KIF, and Karl you In builnrif, atMlildiyoiiran raiiMlvrttlirrln tlitUuliar. V can a n it will. If Xoiii.Iracjfach yoiiulrkljrltnw tarnm riituiWa to MIO ftriar at Ilia tiart, anil Hurt at v ii fQ On. I loth ttB( allaffi, In an jarlif Aiutilta, yut tan (tin nirura at Ii m, riving nil ur tlm. or i).ir IlluinrnU uiilv, to I ha irnrli. Wtmwi-.ir.rli iuw ami II la btau jirovvtl artt an I uvrr afTAltMllillKICNt uy It tun fr cirry w urkar. l'aiy In ini, MiiTilflt abili ty rfnlt(l. Ilrantiialila In dusiry pitlynw. rsiary fr aun larga inreatt. U'a Hurt you, fiirnUiilna: rv tryllilnir mu la onafif Ilia jrcat til In fornaril la tutrul.tnYtntWarToffrrsi, tint milch alltwktra. Ills IrotiaMy lh Brrairst vMrtiuttiy lilwrlna; tl hartrrr iiotvu. Now) lliatliiiv. Iir'ay iiifmis loss, I'iiII rartl iitir In, lirttrr "tltt nt mil'. A 'M , )i:ICUIl MTlS'SO.N li (' llox 4HH, I'oiiliiinl, Maine. IHsS 152032 yBSSBBSBBBBBBBBsiTBBBBBBBBBBBBBSk VbbbbbbbbbTSsvIbKV m bsbV IbbwIiIMIBP I CsssfawaSfJ HE KNEW ABOUT IF An Alirrtlolt. IMiKtrHlliiK Ibu Sntpr ol IliisiUtonii'it Knowledge. Ail iiiu-itlotf ! Kilil nf Mr (tliuWtntic which IHuMrati" -arlkliiKly tin- virHtlllty mid lircinltli of kiiowlcilKi' of tliitl rciiiurk nhle mini Twt porHounl frli'iiiU of Mr (IIiiiU(hh once laid it plan to iimhim' thum hcIvch. ntiil pluy n Juki upon hint Tin.1)' wcretodlscuHHln his prv.sontcHonii' Hiihjt'ct of which he tulKlit he prcstiiucd to Ik' iKiionitit, nnd then, Imvltiu; pretcudcil to ilhuiftri't1 (Ireltlcdly, to appeal to Mr (lIuiNtnue to Meltlu tho point The fun war to (.onu when he win forced totonfesn th.it there wiim one subject which lie hud not Htmlled. Thinplnu they carried out, hut It un. not ho 1'iuy to liml the tnplu on which Mr Gladstone iiiut coiifeKshlniHelf "nluininl. At la-it theic wan discovered hi an old neWHpaper an article on Chinese uIicj. The description of the K"ine had been copied from u well known iniiKalne '11 1 1 v HeeuiMl proinlsliiK The cousplmton studied the article iti Hiduoiixly until they hud In-come thoniimb ly familiar with It Then they walled fi i their opiHirttinlly It came when the were Invited to n dinner where Mr Chn! stone wiw to he present, Seated on eae i tilde of their Intended victim by nrranp incut with the host, they beKaii to put their scheme In cratloii. Mr (lladstone had maintained his rt-pi tatlon throughout the evening for belli.1 thoroughly HC(iialuted with not only tin leading questions of the day, hut even subject which had U'cii thnsfnr Introduce I by those around liim , Hit neighbors on either side began to discuss games of nKHI and chance generally Every Tew minutes one or the othei would appeal to Mr, Gladstone to clear up some particularly complicated point in disputed question. Iletwecli then, the) Hkillfully led the conversation up toChltu-M chess, and soon found their opportunity to argue Homewhut warmly in regard in a certain matter connected with the game They had studied the article ho cloel) that they reeated much of it almost ver batim Mr niadstoue seemed intercstisl but said nothing The two Jokcra, linvaiil ly eongratuhitlng themselves for their sue cess, continued the conversation with moie animation than ever. The host, who had been taken Into the iwcri't, wimiin amused xpectutor of whnl he thought was his honored guest's em harrnxsincul. Ylicu they had Mulshed their mock battle, Mr Gladstone, who had not utteicd a word, took a sip of colTee, replaced lin eup in the saucer, and remarked pleas antly "Gentlemen, I observe that you have Ih-cii reading an article on Chinese chess in The - Review, which 1 wrote!" Youth's Companion. Too llnsy. The Skeptical Au nt Wliat docs be do, Dolly, for a living? Dolly (greatly mirprlsed) Why, auntie, lie does not have time to earn u living while we are engaged, Life. Why lie Was Married. Fifty year ago "Uncle Harry" wits u well known resident of a village in the Old Colony, writes a correspondent. Slow of speech and action, he was reputed to be "easygoing." He had lived to the age or seventy without a wife, and it wits opeiil) said that he was "too la.y to go courting.'' which of course marked him as a very l.i.-. man Indeed. One day the village wits startled by the news of Uncle Harry's marriage. Shortly afterward the -.quire, its the otjo lawyer of the place wits called, happened to be driv ing pitst Uncle Harry's farm, and seeing the old man in the yard stopped for u little gossip The bridegroom, visibly "Hinnrt ened up." wits resplendent with happiness. 'You seem so well contented, how did It happen you never married In-foref" asked thf squire. "I diiuiio," drawled Uncle Harry. 'I've bad marriage feelings come over me lots o times, lint they never lasted long 'noiigh for me ter get anywheres." "Hut this time they lasted-" "Willi, no, not egg.actly. you see, Eunice eoiuo along and staid I" Youth's Coin paiiion l.tko Ills Mother. "I was iHirn In Indliuiy," says a HtraiiKor limk unci slim, As us fellers In the rc-Minimm was kind n Kuyln him. And Undo Juke was hIIiIIii lilmHiiotlierpun'kln pie And an extra cup n' entree, with n twinkle In Ills iiyo "I was lorn In Indlany -moro'ti forty years BRO, And I hain't been back In twenty and I'm workln buck 'tin I slow; Uut I've -t In every restiiiiriuit "twlxt hero mid Sunta Ke. And I want to state this rol'eo tu.,tes like u'lt- lltl home to me! "Pour us out aniitlu-r. daddy." says the feller, wuruiln up, A-HH"iikin i-rost a suiieerlul. as unt-lc tuck bis cup "When I seed your hlu'li out Huidor," bu vut on In I'lU'lu .lake "'(.'oiiie in and net wiiihm olfi-e like your inothcr u-sl io iiiiike' "I tlimndit ot myrolil innlliei and the l'ot cniini) tarin. Ami un- a llllle kid iiu'lu a.miiiln on lit-r iiriu Assl.e the il ii'lilllu broke the em;s mid IhiiiiimI em lu" Ami Hie teilei kind n luiliid with a Ireiiilile in nisi inn And I lirle hike lie li-telied tin- fcller' inlfee nai k nun kIihmI As miIi-iuii lei it uiuinii- as an uiuli-l Inker uuilld I'ln-n lie sort o luria-d'aiid llploeil to'nl llif kllelien iIimii ulid ueil lliTf iiiih nixolil Ileum with nliu.a.ruhlilu (It lli-l pees And Kin iiislie-. Ini Ihe Iraimcr. uml she hoi ii-rxuut "Ii'k IiiiiiI I'liaiik iiihI mc -t. mii'I him loinlul Don't )ou know ) tnti uuilhi-i, liuir" liil Mil- lelli-i as he Krahhisl del, saks, "Von hit I Imln't Iniu-iii" Kill, ulpln ot his cie. iis tin, "Your eoiree'- uiluhty hoi ' .lumen VVhltrouib liiivt. Marred Om. ,lr',V llaiulllnn Gibson, !ie artist, tells this ii4 one of his experiences In N'eir Kiik laud. He was slopping at the home of a man imuu-il Galusha, where he had hslgisl 'luring the prti'isllug summer. He had oh wrvwl on his previous visit that tlie Galushas were uiaMiu great preparations for the annual fair at North Adams, and lie was surprised to note that, ill the time of his later visit, un such preparations were being made So he uskisl Mr. Galusha what It meant, The old gentleman replied that then- hud been iincmp.aud tliattlmes weii' tu ml to hold a successful fair Mr. Gib- ..i then turned to Mr. Galusha'-. graudsou. (.'hatiucey. a Hue, strapping ho) and facetiously reiuurkcd, "Why, theie's Chauiicey, he'd make a good exhibit lit any fair," "No, I wouldn't," replied Chauiicey "cause I hain't got no pull Hrcc," San Kruuclsco Argonaut. Not l-'ulr Shake. Traveler Say, my friend, meat lu this sandwich. Waitress-No? Traveler Don't you think you'd better give that pack another shullle and let un draw agiilnf I'.lfo. He Ml Kilt lluti) Knoivll. "Say, lioyl" ealhsl out au excited man d middle age, rushing from one of the lad of!ke buildings on Dearborn street )e-lei-day afternoon, "what will you take Tor your whole stock of those Infernal things?' The boy had been standing on the side walk lu front of the building all day ntsp lug a calliope whistle back and forth across his mouth, stopping only when somebody wanted to buy one and In-ginning again with renewed energy when the sale was completed. He counted up the whistles he had on hand, made a rapid mental calculation and replied "I'll take a dollar 'uaf fur du Int." "If I buy nil you've got will you goawu) from here and not come back any inuii-' asked the excited man "Surel 1 go out o' de business," "lluiid 'em over Hold out I waul the one you're blowing, too! Here's your money. '' "All right, boss! Here's du goods." He turned over his entire stock, pocketed bis tl.M) and disappeared, The middle aged man went Inside tin building willi his load of calliope wliMft-i, nnd ii few minutes later he was at hWdck near one of the front windows in the third story The wooden whistles, broken to fragments, were In Ids witstebasket, uml a look of peace, to vh.;h he had long been a stranger, wits on his face. i Fifteen minutes bad pitssed away -11 teen quiet, peaceful, happy minutes Then a weird, horrible, agotilliig yti strangely familiar sound broke on his ent ile raised the window and looked nut The sidewalk directly below wa black with a struggling mass of hoys. Each boy was loaded down with calliope whistle and each was blowing one of the lustru menus of torture with all his might The uproar wits frightful and getting worse every moment. Then the peaceful, happy look faded out of that middle- aged man's face. He shut down the window, closed his desk, put on his hat and overcoat, went out nf the building by the back stairs and faded nway presently lu the gloom of Randolph street, lie had made the mistake of his lire, Chicago Til bu nu. Iiisllcr, There was once a robber in Cairo who fell from the second story of a house he was trying to enter and broke his leg (said Charles Dudley Warner recently at the Aliline club on story teller's night) He went to the cadi and complained The man's window wa badly made and he wanted Ju-tlce The cadi said that was reasonable, and he summoned the owner of the house The owner confessed that the house was poorly built, but cliilined that the carpenter was to blame and not he. This struck the cadi a miiiiiI logic, and he scut for the carpenter 'The charge Is, ala. ton true." ahl the carpenter, "hut the masonry wa at fault and I couldn't Ilia good window ' So the cadi, impressed with the reasonableness of the argument sent for the mason The mason pleaded guilty, but explained that a pretty girl in a blue gown had passed the building while ho was at work, and that his attention had been diverted from his duty. The radi thereupon demanded that the girl Ih brought before him "It is true," she said, "that I um pretty but It's no rault or mine. If my gown at tracted the mason, the dyer should be put) Ished and not I." "ljulte true," said the cadl, "send for the dyer' The dyer wits brought to the bar and pleaded guilty That settled It. The cadi told the rubber to take the guilty wretch to his house and hang him from theihsirsill, and the popu lace rejoiced that Justice had been done Hut pretty soon the crowd returned to the cadi's house, complaining that the dyer wits too long to be properly hanged from his doorslll "Oh. well," sjild the cudl, who by that lime wa sullering with ennui, "go (Inda short dyer and bang him. Justice shall prevail " -San Francisco Argonaut SiiKKeslion. "I've got an Idea fur a play." said Spiv vlusl "Well. I'll nil joii what to do with it If you waul jo, n pi, n to succeed." replied Spavvlus "What?' "Leave tin- idea out " - Washington Slur :iillii'lliill Were tLelul In Mini, First Slimmer So un uie a collector. I'm glad to lu-ai II I ulway take a keen lulen-l in colleilor Second Stranger You are a collect or vnlirel pel haps? F1ri Summer-Yes I collect dollar bills Souii-i'vllle .Imirual lli-Ki.-t-.. Ilelnii, Due a man die suddenly who I killed by 10111' "No. In- dies by degiies " -.New York Herald A (!n-iil l.'i-oiionili- Tintli, It take money to einn-nnl.e,-Frnui Its mark bv n Chicago Hou-ewlfe A I'llhlle I'lem-rlptlun, The wdebralisl ptiysiclan, lr .laojli;, was walking along llroadway one iUv when he met au old gentleman who w,s very rich, but who was at the same time tinted tor hi extreme stinginess The old man, who mi somewhat of a hypochnu drlac, huagliied that he could gel Mime nusllcal udvlce from .laenby without pay lug for It. Doctor, I am feeling vei pooily." "Where do you sutler mostv "In my stomach, doctor.' "Ah, that bad, IMcitsc shut your eye.. That's rigid Now put out your tongue, mi that I can examine It closely." The Invalid did a lie wn told After he had walled pi tieiilly for uIniui ten inlnutix he opeiieil his eyes and round himself surrounded n a crowd whu suppnsnl that he was cra.v l)r .lacuby had lu the meantime illsap M-atisl -Comic A KaUl r.rrnr. He These masked bulls are very dan Kcrous, you know. She Dangerous? lie-Yes. Our servant girl wan altr.ont killed the other night at the .Milkmen's masquerade ball and had to be carried home. She You don't say so! How did It hap pen? He She Impersonated a pump, -Life, The Man with a Ktrnln. Them were four or live of us together in the smoking car, all free to Join In the gen eral conversation After n hit a young mini who wa traveling for u Huston house brought out a coin anil by laying It on his wrist and snapping hi linger hu caused It to Jump six Inches high. All of us except a heavy old farmer with a clay pipe had seen the thing done many times, but It was new to him, nnd he exclaimed lu astonish incut "Willi, by thunder! hilt thai ar' doe beat anything In the line of tricks I ever did seel' The Hoston man then worked his ears backward and forward, and by moving the skin on his forehead he lUted his hat. "Hy gum1 but I've lived to be fifty years old and never saw that done beforel" gasped the fanner, considerably excited. This cuioti raged the Hoston man, and be borrowed ten cents of the fnrtncrunil uuule a few passes and changed It Into a quarter The man was almost diimfoundcd, and as the exhibit Inn ceased and the group broke up he beckoned me over to him and asked "Is thai young man related to you?" "No." "Is hea friend of yours?" "lie's un acqiialutouce." "Wall, you don't wunt to see him fall sick and die?" "No." "Then let me tell you Ktiinthin," he con tinned, us he dropped his voice to a whls a-r 'lie's l(si mighty smart, Ills brain Is giowiu too Tnst I had a boy named Sam about his age, and he looked a good deal like him. Sam was a-gettiu along as smooth ns 'htsses till a feller came along one day and learned him the string game and that thing they call thiiublerlggiii." "And then he began to fall, did he?" I asked. "True a (i'osM-lt Too much of a strain on his bend, you ee, Hralii jest softened up like puihlfii, and in less'n six mouths we had to bury him, llelter see till feller and haven talk with him. Them's power fill cute tricks o' his, but I'm a-telliii you the strain I too much altogether loo much If -oiuelHsly don't warn him it won't Ih- three moutlis afore lie won't know 'null to chop up pumpkins to feed cows ' Del roll Free Press, shut from Many l.iirkers. It is not a very serious matter to quarrel with an actrcs. sjhe never refuses to 'make up," -Hoston Post, Accuidlug io a current literary note Frank Stockton is so painstaking an au thortbat he fiequeutly wait hours for a word. lleiuiiM have hi words sent him by u dl-tiid mcHseiiger boy Chicago Time You can't measure a girl' love by Its sigh - Klinlra Ga.elte. Tin- rain bill upon the just, hut not upon the mi jit -t whu has stolen the um brclln of the lormer. Galveston News, No, my sou, it is not always polite to tell a man what you think nf him. It Is safer to tell it to somebody else, ami it is just a elfectlve in mnt instances. Hoston Trail script. The "bored ol education"-the pupil. Daiivllle Hreee Sometimes joii seen man who does not seem capable of accomplishing anything else, but who can ralseu magnificent la-anl -Sonu-rville Journal. Help from the Clouds. Hell Hoy (excitedly tu hotel clerk)-l.lghtuiimha- -1 1 uck through lulo i;kj. sr Clerk I 11M hurt? Hell-Hoy .No. sir He' all right Clerk Ho IsHik keeper) Charge i'JJ two liar t,,r i.jrtra heal Life Telephone 176 lm.sM. x thcro's mi 'W 7 . S sMsssssMsslMsiiaSisssssssssssiBM3KM (ibaK JSv5:ylW?S!sssv BBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsP9iBBBBPBBBVKVVBBBBBBBBBBBSBS&1 rVE "tBBMsflKflKsAflESSKaMVvff'VBw JSiVMSA)MuKi9Kf9KDSSbr Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty IN IT ALONE. Now We Cut Profits in Two. Having purchased the interest of Mr. Sanderson in the late lii'u of Parker it Sanderson, which ended with the old year, I have decided to offer SPECIAL BARGAINS in all lines of goods for the next Thirty days. Ladies will do well to look up our harjjains in Fine Street Wear and Party Goods. Remeinher the old reliable at the old stand. BARKJ PARKER, '; iooo O S'IRICET. A SENSIBLE QIRL. When lie dropped on Ids knee to tell the old, old store, the young lady reminded him how much moic ejiinfortnhh; It would bo (or liim If'hc took a sent, especially a there was such a comfortable chair so close nt hand. That isn't vthnt young Indies arc' supposed to Miy according to the modern novel, but It Is wlmt every level bended girl says of our line easy chairs nnd the more she knows about them the surer she is that they nre rcmnrknhly well made, wonderfully comfortable and phenomenally cheap. In all these Important particulars they arc matched by our Divans, Tetc-n-Tes, Lounges mid Rocking Chairs, which nre offered nt ridiculously low prices. Come and sec them I A. T. Gruetter & Co. 124 to 134 North Opposite German National Bank, f.A'CO.X, XF.Il. O.K. Montgomery. President. Herman II. Hcluilierc, Vice I'rest. Joseph llocluuor, Cashier. (). J. Wilcox, Asst. Cashier. Capital . . . $100,000.00 Surplus . . . 30,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letters of credit, draw dm fls on nil purls of the vtnrlil.ftForclitn collections a specialty I Telephone 225. 13th. Lansing Theatre. f"". JB -aWssHHl 'iff f BsssssssssssB IHvf ' -'sssssssssssssssssB ADHfes. iiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrasHBBBWBBBBVM laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK Canon City, Rock Springs, Vulcan, Mendota, Scranton, Anthracite. OFFIJE 1001 0 Street. &