Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 09, 1892, Image 4

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Nvr Buy a Carpet
Exposition Carpet House
In Draperies
we show H the newest things In house
drape, and have an aUrnctlve lino (f
Lace Curtains
Alway tea the Exposition Carpet Store
before ordering.
1 It job Deposit jonr Savings
Lincoln Savings Bank
& Safe Deposit Co.
H.K.oor. Uth mid l'Hls,
At.tlio Hate of
S-Five per Ct, per Annuin-5
8ve MOO week nnd It amounts, vrllh
ratereat In rive yearn to i I.MO.0O.
Bank open at 9)90 n. in. to 8:30 p. in. nnil
Saturday evening, a to 8 p. m.
Safes te Rent la Burglar and Fire
Proof Vaults.
CINNl $100,000.00.
American Exchange
National t Bank.
I. M. Raymond.
S. H. Buruham,
I.nwU Gregory, I
Vlco President
n.G.WIiiB. ,,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Capital, ' $20,000
, OJktrs and Dirtrlors:
Ifeten B. Wright. Pre. T. R. Handera, V..
- J. II. McOlny, ahler.
J B "Raymond, HPIuu. Thoaorliraii K
...HMIier. haaWcut, V L Mlieldon.
jtto'eral Banking DuInca Tramactcd.
'M$ Account Solicited.
Steam Laundry
2014-16 O Street,
Mkt 13! N. nth St. ' Tele. 579.
VIM BaMCaWneta H
ier doses. Hpecu
see our work.
hbmmmi. can am
pea froot M a, m. to 4 p. m. Sundays.
i4 O Street,
'- mum,
,1 Miminr Itiier of Mtultrn 7'iiihm.
PubllMliod Saturday.
Address all communications direct to tlm office
Wicnricl Phintino Co.,
Courier IIiiIIiIIiik, tl'U N;HlnPt.
I,. Wiessitt., J 11., Editor nml Hole Proprietor.
Hntcrrdutllio I'ostoltlco of Lincoln Nob.,
n second oIiim iniiltrr.
Ho stood upon the theatre atop,
And longed to hi In Homo,
Or nny other place, hoc in
IluM It'ft hi ticket homo.
Hoadtuarter for ladles hats, tho urcat !!5
cent store, WM O triot.
There U an Irish Nejro In till city. ' Ho
of oounw ha a wooly livid nml a llnnnol
Our competitors ndvortlso ladle "cheap
hats an well a good". Wo Hell good hata
chonp. Groat !il cent store U'Jl O street.
Inaiiraiico Kxamlnon Art, you engaged
In nny hazardous liudtia!
Applicant) Uiu, well yw. Tho fact In,
I nm n poet.
Ladles lino velvet hats inllllnora prices
S.OO. Wo iniko to order tho sanu for t'i'Hi
nt tho s oi'lit iitoru. v
KvuiiKvllUi Young ninn, did you know
you wiro on th road to Holll
Young Man: No, not till I mat you. Jut
Misses cn, usual price ft. 00. The great
'J5 cent storosell thorn for 40 cents.
Awkward Harder Dom thla (riuor hurt
you, Mr?
1'atlcnt L'uuomor uniy wneti it gew
under the akin, Good News.
Ono trial will convince you that wo are
leader in ladles Una hat nt prices tint as
tonish all. G real '!' rent store, I 13 t O street.
Bhe Her father Is an umlertakur In
Chicago, liin't hoi
He Yea. Hho told mo alio wo the
daughter of a planter. Mfe,
Ladles folt hat !15 cents at tho great 85
cent Mtoro.
Ml C. J. Gullmotte, modiste, Lutta Hlock
over Miller & Paine. Take elevator.
China tiring every Tlmrmlay nt Consorvii
tory of Mmlu. Kdlth Hunell.
Our work HHttkJfor Itnolf. It needa no
brag or blunter, almply your own opinion
wlllteatlfy to iu morlta. TheHtudla l
Grande la on tho around floor, centrally lo
caUd and a twautlful place. Call and ace ui
at 194 aoutli Twelfth atrect.
The lUdlent Homo It no new fake but haa
an established reputation for economy and
beauty, Dunham & Duck. tol ngonta, 1 I'M O
Coal of every slon from thj liest inluea
In Ohio, Kentucky, Illlnoti, Mlwourl, Colora
do and WydmliiK for anlo by Geo. A.Hay
uier. Telephone !W0. Olllce U!l O street.
When buylujr horxo blanketa, pluh lap
robe and fur rnbtx, uit eiupiln at 141
north 11th street, opponlto Capital hotel.
Henry Harphaiu, harneM and saddlery,
141 north 11th street, opposite Capital hotel.
Kye mid Kr Nurueou.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aunst, tUO.')
O street, Mephouo !t7.1, Lincoln, Ncbr.
Youthttene Kuropenn t'aae Prepartlon,
LadM, If you want most elegant face prep
aratlon, try this one. It U pure as spring
water; no lead, sediment or other Injurious
substances. It trakea your skin soft, frtwh,
and clear; removes tan, blotches, discolora
tion, and impart a pearly complexion.
If your face is not what you desire It, try
"Youthllcno". I guarantee it to give perfect
satisfaction. I have sought for a pi-ejwira-don
that will make comploxinns fresh and
young looking and nowI liuvo found It, re
tailed at two dollars or three for five. I have
secured the agency for this trusty urticle.
J, H. Harlky, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Only Ten tlO) Cents n l'ack.
The celebrated "Hurjiugtnn Houte" apply
ing cards are now aold nt ten ceuta wr pack,
(M) cents is the usual price for sucli cards).
Whist, hlglMlve mid euchre iMirtiea will soon
tie In onlcr, and wi would suggent that you
lay in n stocK of these cards for future re
quirements. A. C. KtKMER,
City 1'as.MMiger Agent.
Call on Henry Harpham, 143 north 11th
street, opKMlto Capital hotel for harness,
whips, surcingloi, curry combs and brushox,
harneta oil, axb grease and axle oil harness
soap, .
The "Wnlklug Alligator1' to be found only
nt the great lO.cent store, lib south 13th St.
Intcet novelties in Chrlxtma preenta at
the Great lOo Store, 118 miUIi Twelfth
sti'eet. . S
Tho now Lincoln ftaanand art coniviny
make a specialty of 'Jritmes for flno crayon
worit, with jsiitettfudlo S fcouth Kleventh
street. f
Henry Harpham, harnew, saddlerr and
turf goods, 143 north Eloventh street, opjKwIte
pltal Hotel, .
Give us a ca.II lwfop.1 IiiivIikt 1siwSip
and you will And our price the lowest.
The Great lOo Htore 118 south Twelfth
Now is the time to get stove for the win
ter. Dunham & Buck have a big line of all
the fluent makes. They also repair old
stoves, set them up and furnUh porta needed
at reasonable cost, all, I I'M O street or tel
ephone 300.
Iu selecting f r!
fervour pictures, see
tbe latest styles
the new Llncol
fnost durable make at
me and art company,
JM south Ele
We sell tbe geuulns Canon C Ity too.
Betta, Weaver Sc 0., VH O streit. Tale,
paoae 440.
A llnppr Nnr Vrar fur Hint.
Jan. 1 la Keiiernlly the liarvcat day of the
jnir for n popular cleruynian. He mt-
forma Ida flrxt wrdilitiK ceremony na enrly
iia 0 n. in., nml Im kept Inlay rcadliiK tho
acrvlco In puhlla nml Kuttlnu fnt fees In
private until Ioiik toward inldiiluht. Thou,
if lilt luck lRixtriiK)od,oueortwocloiiliiu
cotiplca drop In and pay hi in hnmlHomnly
for liln Mirvlcc in luuiicliliiu them on the
douhtful lint iiaunlly delightful Mtit of
lln May VoiiirHliilnl llliiilf.
The elderly bachelor who rUea on New
Year'a morn nml IIikIm that IiIm riindoui
ahot nt iiihlnluht klllnl two iiuneceiomry
nml deep liiiiited rata I cntlllcil, under the
the eoimtltiillon of the United Htntea, to
otter hlmaelf the coiiKratiilatlniia of tho
A Htlr In Theitlrleal VlrrUi.
"Wna there much no about the play laat
"No; but there waa about tho audience
at the end of the llrtt act.". -Harpcr'a Ha
tar. Ileforn tlm fire.
Tho w lut ry nlr seoinii full of anow,
Tho leaden cliilliU nro IiiiiiuIiik low,
Tho froen Kroiltid
Rccrlcrntc iKMiriith jour trcail,
The Wo IhimuIi creak nbovo your head-
A iUhumI Miutid.
Kovvinbor now Is almost hero
Kc.finlier, chill and (lurk and drcart
AndHoon tho mow
Will heap Itnelf up, drift on drift,
And Into every cranny nlft,
Whlla llerco wind blow.
Well, never mind; tho Blowing coal
Within the unite w 111 cheer your ion),
And mmhI a thrill
Of Joy nil throtiKh you till dlornay
Kuue ut thoiiuht of how you'll pay
The coal iiiuu'b bill.
The Viuikro I.lon Hunter.
Ilitrper'H Weekly.
Not a lluppy Hume.
, Little Johnny fc'Uzlctop waa punished
because ho hud punched tho baby in the
"Well, that benta nil. If 1 urn not al
lowed any privileges In this house I don't
care for family life," replied tho nggrloved
youth. "I'll go west and have aoiuo fun
killing liid!nns."-TexHa Sittings.
Ilreaklns; It Gently.
Littlo Hoy Mamma, the cut has eatcu
that seed 1 gave to the canary this morning-
Mnuinm Cuts don't cut birdseed. You
must be mistaken. i
Little Hoy-No, ma'am. It was In tho
bird. Good News.
A Cool llereptlou.
Cobble Hilly Bender thought he would
be funny, so ho went to the undertaken'
hop togged out In a shroud.
Stone How waa ho treated
Cobble Oh, they laid him out. Clothier
and Furnisher.
In Doubt.
Ix)ver Sir, I nm passionately in love
with your daughter Have I your poriub.
elon to ask for tier hand In marriage
Practical Papa That depends. What Is
your asking price I Boston Transcript.
A frightful PoMlblllty. ,
Houtekeeier Why don't you go to work
asd earn money
Dirty Tramp They'd be apt to pay rat
iu lawk bill, mum, aa I'm afeared of bac-
tarui, tiood News.
BP! "if KiL a
l--Js M
?k life.
I 'imp ,1
asV (VK ' a f. S
a jV: r f 'M
fMAcinkvy rii lirDiQ I
In the Mnller of llrrmen Thejr lln N
Nurd Ha Mnny h rorinnrly, hut They
K him III lie Onoil Hint Strong Nome
Oilier Mnllnn.
(Special CorrcMxniclcnco.l
Nrw Youk. Jnn. 7. Littlo Klrla iiiimI
fo very little cinlNdllnlinioiit that it l
Imrilly ncvoMiiry to any inucli for then
now ImtH nml clotlion, yot It is hiicIi ii
pli'iiMiro tlmt ono must booxuiiscd foi
iMlillg diillglitt'd iu cluittitiK iilxnit tliuni
Tho llrat thlnji
you sco of a little
tfirl is hor lint
which ought, nml
gcnoriilly d o o a
form a fnimo for tho
sweet fnco beneath it,
and whilo tho Imta of
this RonNou nro not
bo largo na thoy liuvo
boon two or thrco hats.
sensoiis pnst, thoy nro n duinty na hu
tniui Imnda can mnko thorn. Thoro tire
few ostrich tipa used ns trimming, nml
tho garnituro consista usually of vulvct
or crnpo sometimes both with iuill
fenthcrs stuck in among tho bowa, the
whole effect being ruthor lint than other
wIbo. With tho thrco models horo pre'
Routed any mother enn trim hor little
daughter's hat in n fow moments.
Whito, cream, pale bluo nml olive
green folt s nro nil scon, nml iv fow dark
reds and browns. But tho lighter shade.
and colors uro preferred, nml nothing is
ho dressy tut n pure whito folt or lc:ivci
folt lint. Tho manner of trimming thctn
can bo understood ut n glance. Tho soft
materials, liko surah or crnpo, should
have an Interlining of crinolino to make
tho bows stand out stiflly. and oven
velvet requires tho sumo trontmont if it
is to look exactly ns it should. Pigeon
wings nml tufts, heron fenthcrs nml
curled cock plumes nro nil used. The
huts can be faced or not as desired, 01
Imuud or left quite plain. Some have
tho edge buttonholed with gold cord
which 1b very pretty, but ruthor too
dressy for uny but tho "liest" hut.
Littlo girls under twelvo wear the hair
loose, but after that ago it is coniincd in
a loose plait ut the buck.
In tho mutter of dresses, littlo girls do
not now liuvo us many us used to bo con
sidered necessary, but those thoy have
aro very nicely niudo and of good nml
usually dark mntorinl, bo thut one will
now do tho sendee of iivo formerly
Tho choviots nml heather mixtures arc
tho most satisfying goods for children's
rough and tumble lifo, and these- goods
clean easily and can oven bo washed
without spoiling. Tho dark colored
camols' hair plaids aro also valuable for
children. Tho protty littlo home gown
in this illustration is of diagonal sorgo,
which is also good valuo for children's
wear, and it cun bo washed and ironed
an indellnito number of times. This
has a narrow binding of astrakhan di
agonally down tho front, headed by a
noat and protty braiding. Tho over
bIoovcs givo it a very dressy effect,
whilo it is really vory simple nml easy
to mnko. It buttons in tho back.
Tho cloak in tho illustration is made
of wood brown bonvor cloth, with the
yoke of Lincoln green velvet. The
bands down tho front are chamois skin
braided in black; tho cuffs aro of the
same. Tho Bhupo of this cloak is exact
ly n Mother Hubbard, with thooxcoption
of tho looso cups to tho sleeves. These
aro cut plain and Bquaro on three sides,
with n rounding top which is gathered
iu only nt tho top. and can lo lined or
simply hemmed according to the thick
noss of tho material. Beaver cloth to
quires no lining except the sleeves, which
should always Ikj lined witli sutiu orsilk,
as thoy uro very difficult to got on and
off otherwise.
Little bits of girls went- long eliiitl;- 1
cashmere, velvet or veimi u. ceneniliv
1 in light colon or white thm gli gmy
drnb, green nml light h.-owu arc ulsn
seen very often.
No mother now coiiidm lift tfiidci
little ono bitfhViuitl p. 1; led u,vt
tho cold without 1 1 I
are mndo iu the hu ;
nnd fasten ut the w iiu
H'n ir 1.
mi'iu L'
i. li. , 1
fc'iipiil .
, ! I
s I (.
. ,-r
11 '."
1 i,i iht. hi
, KINK"! IIIBU, UIU lllll I ,
have tho pretty yului
1 made so popular ti
Thoy nro most ruinf. 1
tive little legs nt.-
wuuoui Hunger tniui .1
re Ior t,.,, , , j
everyday wear are pre. n
ni.imiruie cinii, I re, K ' j li
warm uud leave t' . ' le.; f)it'
li is
w "i
t.'H.iu tl.w.r.'.u.
mm ...y. ,-...,... - . yiCtS"J!SSMM-.
) HsH!
OnuiethlnK lied (Innn Wrong end finch
I'riivrd the Cum.
"Here's another of thee Morles," onld
Fnngle, looking up from the morning
"Whntatoriesf" inked Ciiiiko.
"Tho atorlea that nlmiya apiear tinnier
otndy Just after a fearful railway nccldc nt
or tho sinking of a ulilp, about peoplo who
Intended to goon that train or ship, but
whose minds we're so strongly Impressed
by 11 senso of Impending danger that they
staid at home. The cnu In the paper
here is of a man who Intended to taken
certain train, anil went to the station to do
so, but It was impressed upon his mind that
ho ouulit not to go, and ho did not. The
next thing ho heard wns that tho train
had gouu through a bridge, and scores of
people wcro killed and injured. Now 1
don't Ixdlcve that Mory, nor any like it. If
one man has 11 presentiment of danger,
why shouldn't more, or even all, of tho
would be passengers have tho same pre
sentiment, and let tho train rush 011 to de
struction with no passengers nlxmnU"
"Well," replied Uiiinso, "I belluvo it, for
1 know from my own experience some
thing about presentiments. Let mo relato
n littlo Incident."
"Go nhend."
''Not long ngo Mrs. Cumso decided she
would go and sco her father and take the
baby with her, nml incidentally stop half
way and spend n night with a school
friend. In tho preparation for tho Jourpoy
n variety of hindrances occurrcdnnd things
went wrong. I began to liuvo tulsglviuga,
mid to wish Mint the trip was safely over.
Well, tho day arrived, and when I went to
the olllco tlmt morning I took tho bnggngn,
intending to go to tho station ut train time
mid see them off. The train wits scheduled
to leave at HJfO, so at ten minutes nttcr 0
I was at tho station. My wifo awl baby
were not there. Before leaving homo I
had given particular instructions what
time they should leave tho house,
nml had allowed them nmplo time
to reach the Mat Ion. So I was sur
prised not to dnil them there. The
minutes passed, and they did not come.
Filially tho bell rung, and tho train pulled
out exactly on time, mid without my wife
mid baby. I wna very anxious, and won
dered what could have happened. Whilo
I was wondering what I had better do thoy
camo in sight, walking leisurely as though
they had plenty of time, tho nunc carrying
tho bnby. There were many lamentations
when they found tlmt tho train had gone,
but I said that I supposed it was all for the
best, and that I had had a presentiment
that something was wrong. It seemed
that tho clock hud unaccountably lost time,
nd that had caused my wife to bo lato in
leaving the house."
"Well, did tho train thoy missed run oft
tho truck and kill a lot of people?" asked
Fangle, us Cuniso stopped,
"No; but something dreadful really did
"When we got back to tho houso there
were seven relatives from tho country sit
ting on the porch waiting for us. They
staid a month." Harper's llaar.
Too Little.
Children very soon learn tho wayH 01
their elders, and catching their methods oi
thought use them, in childish fashion, to
evolve conclusions or their own. Some
times these results show a bnby wisdom,
and again they nro only worth n smile.
Freddy is tho sou of a millionaire, and
has from his earliest childhood lived in nn
ntmosphero of pomp and pretense. He
hears a great deal nlwtit money nnd what
it will buy, mul ho is under tho Impression
Mint "Kor folks" really have very little
business in tho world ut all.
Ono day his long suffering governess
gave him a littlo sum in percentage, tho
result of which would show how much
cnpltnl a man must liuvo to gain n certain
Income. Freddy worked away with deter
mination, hut evidently to no purpose.
Tho answer would not come, nnd his face
contracted nn earnest scowl.
"Well, Freddy," said his teacher nt tho
end of fifteen minutes', "how aro you get
ting our"
"Not nt nil," was tho reply. "I can't
mnko it come out right. I don't know
how I enn do it any differently, nnd I
keep getting tho same nnswer every Mine."
"Whnt nnswer do you get?"
"Fifty thousand dollars."
"Why, Mint's rlghtl What mndo you
think It wasn't?"
Freddy looked at the figures In samo dis
gust. "Anybody would know it couldn't ho
right," wild he haughtily. "Nobody
would think of having such 11 small capi
tal as ,V),O00!" Youth's Companion.
North Carolina Distances.
"About how fur Is it to Gourdvillor
nsked the stranger of a North Carolinian,
who sat on the veranda holding up the
front side of his house.
"Two hoots mi a look, I reck'n," was the
laconic reply.
"Well, how far Js that?" queried tli
stranger Impatiently.
"Twlcet as fur as yo' kin holler nn as fur
as yo' kin seo beyond thet."
"Hut I'm consumptive nnd can't 'holler'
at all," urged tho traveler. "How am I to
tell anything from such a direction ns
"Better look twlcet nn not holler nt nil,"
was the nnswer. "Gourdvillc ain't wilt
hollerln about nohow." Boston Post.
How Hho Felt.
They had moved to n far western towa
and tho whole family wusdreadfully homo
sick. The older members of the family
were continually talking about how blue
they felt, until tho very ntmosphero was
tinged, nnd even tho children caught if.
One day Fannie, nged six, camo in from
school quitu depressed.
"Why, my child." anxiously inquired
tho mother, "whnt's the matter"
"Oh, I don't know, mamma," she an
swered wearily, "I guens I must be pur
ple." Detroit Free Press.
Boy Say, young man, give mo a quarter
and I'll boost yer up and carry y era bit,
uu then yer joung lady won't hnve ter
stoop every time aha wnnU ter bear what
yer snyliil Life.
ft!T'$'trimTf 'U'r:-"' J!
piW poot porn
r 1
Wc carry all the Finest Grade of shoe
In all filrcs nnd widths from a n to c c.
Quality First-Class.
Prices Reasonable.
Inspection Solicited.
Exposition Shoe Co.,
Special Prices
Wo will not be undersold by nuyone.
Good clonks for II, regular 12 Roods.
Nlco cloaks f r II. V) reKiilnr .'! crude.
KloRimt clonks for IS, reuulnr $1.00 grndn.
Other grades nt Just about hnlr price.
lloj-B'sultH fl (10 worth 12.00.
Hoy.' suits II.M) worth l.l.l 0.
Hoys' suits 12.00 worth H.00.
I'liiK. leapupor.
Needles, lo u paper.
Agulo buttons ;io a gross.
Ituhbcr tipped lead pencils 10c dot,
iirllmr lauii e,
40o wool hose only '.Tio.
l-'nst black cornets fiOc. worth 75c.
Turkish towels 4e each.
120 sheets writing paper t2o.
outs 00.! I.isle Ihrend hone only 2.1c.
.Special prices In underwear.
Hpcclal prices In luco curtains.
Special prices In ribbons; Uncut stock ,la
Hpcclal prices In Uncus of all kinds.
Hpcclal prices hi iullts.
Hpcclal bargain in tlnwaro and hardware.
Feathers and tips at hair price.
Ci0,0U0 curds hooks and eyes, all sizes, lo a
Hllk twist, lc 11 spool.
Hllk thread 4c 11 spool.
No trouble lo show goods. Wo nro hero for
Hint purpose. We will not bo undersold by
lrcmember tl e place.
The Leader,
1211 O STREET,
The Great heap tore .
norms ihk u ;it ut it pupnti to H
" Jnrul for tlrtrtliiri." It it turn! oa tti
trrt m& fiftttsts dijt Cf tith aesta, ut U tit
npMiuutlTi lontMl th trill j canal, sa U
ryU-ct Amirleit altertitt. It tills Ot U
nitt ssl Itttpirteteid tlrirtlier la plilt, ea
yntiuiri irtlein how, vbit, mi vfcir to unr
Uu 1 t:vt9rtti is itTirtlitant; hev to dUplay
mi; Snt sivipipiri or otbir audit to nit; to
asta to tiptnt-ia fact, dlicwrtei oa itiry joist
tilt tdalti of proStttlo diieaitles. If yon Unf
till at til. rtmilBS' It'I eta help yoa. f itbipt
yoa ixptst tat Tea SolUrt a ;er la tdrirtiili j
U 10, FSmTZSS' IHI may thov yoa bov to tV
tab loatlo tat terrico yoa art bov grultj'or oat
half tht BMBty. A yur'i tntierlptloa eoitt ta
Cat Cellar ; a taaplo copy cottt tat rirt Ciau.
Adrintitsg li aa art praetliil ty muy tat aad
tool ty ft. Til ecadaetori of rsillTEIO tXt
aatintul It taoroutUy. Canly thilr adrlot,
Uiti oa aa txpirlcaet of mort tau Praty-flr
ytart, 1U help yea. Allrm :
Newipsptr AdvcrtUlng Banes 1
to Sprue St., New Yotiujj
No matter whnt others do or say, we still
give you the
Newest and CUnUC
Best Grades of O 11 VJ DO
At LOWER PRICES than others.
You can save money by buying our
Hoots and Shoes of
1043 O Street.