Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 09, 1892, Image 3

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    TfTT, rr-
The f oromost of our periodicals."
Mmpl copy will
Illustrated protpec
tut will b ttnt Id
Tn Foni'w Is the, most Instructive),
the most timely, the, largest nnfl
the handsomest of the reTlews
The Next Number Especially Goodi
Town Topics
I'lihllslieil flrnt clay of ltwiiitirt Mrarrlt,
llllit, mid m-iitenilsrr.
livery rrimtnhle news nnil book stand lias It,
Price, single number. ."Ml CliNTI. ft'-MMI
I'l'.lt YKAH, postage Flti:ti.
This brilliant Quarterly reprtMliiccs tho Uvst
stories, skelehes, hurlesiiues, ikkmiis, witti
cisms, elc , from tlm back iiiiiiiImth of that
iiiucli talked-nbmit N'ew York (society Journal,
Town Tone s. w hlch In iiubllshedirM-M. Sub
ktIjiIIoii price, 54 t'r 5 ear
Tho two laihhcatloiis "Tom.- Tories" nnd
"Talks from Town Tones" together, at tho
low club-price of $5 no er year.
Ask your newsdealer for them or address,
SI Weet S3d Street, N Y Citj.
Sclentlflo American
Agency for
tmmm o
I mwi nii!
Kor Information nnd free Handbook wrlto to
JiUNN a co.. ani iinoAitwAV. new Yoiut.
Oldest Inireau for securlnir patents In America.
Krorjr intent taken out by us Is brought befmo
the public by a notice given free ot clianjo In tlm
JWctitific jwn&tm
taraest circulation of any eclentlfle paper In tho
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Imcllliicnt
man should b nil limit It. Weekly. R.'I.OO a
yean fl.Y) nix months. Addrns MUNN A CO,
rrjULlsuut 1,351 Uruadwaj.Mew Vork.
Santa Fe Route !
Atcbison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and Tourist
Retween Kansas City and SAN DIEGO,
CISCO. Short Line Rates to
Double Dally Train Service Between
Kansas Cltv and PUEBLO, COLOR ADO
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains lietween Kansas City and
GaUcston. The Short Line Between
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft.
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple,
San Antonio, Houston, and
all Principal Points
in Texas.
TheOnlv Line Running Through the
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pnn-IIandlc. For Maps nnd
TlmoTnblcs and Informa
tion Regarding Rates
and Routes Call on
or Address
E. L. PALMER, Passenger Agent,
411 N.Y. Life Building,
We Yrt at h Y
I'rxlltt. U
olh.r word, wt
villi Ittch you
Hltl.did. tUrt
you In tu.lnt ,
IIn.MI.iri. W.
cm and will, It
you, I.M.,t,arri
to WIO a 0y
I Ilia atari, ami
mora aa you iru
on Ilotli atiaa,
allap.a In any
arl of Aiitrilra,
you can com
nirnre al Iimmiv.
trlTtitg a' sour
lima, ir Hir
lllolnrlill only,
to tha vrnrk.
W lis. ..a nt(v !
Inaw aul It liaa
baan irovail
over ftitl oirr
aralu, lliftlffiaal
,my la aura fur
amy ivarkor,
I ay In l.arn,
Naaparlal abllU
ly raipilrad
llaaaoiiabl In
dn.iry onlynac fur aura,
larra aueeaaa
Wa atari you,
rrtltliluf ay
arylhliic Thlala
onaof Ilia rcaal
alilitta forward
la naaful, InrantlTt prorraaa, thai rmlcbra all viorkara. It la
known. Nova Ta Ilia lima. Iia'ay meant la... I ull taiilriilaia
' ina rraarr.l oiponuniiy lanorinf i-oia navaavrr
tree. Heller wille lit nine. A I In... 41 1'.OIIf I
NTl.Sso.,t; fultoi 4na,loi-lHuU,Mulua,
23 lSvUVaflaVr0PML
it Pujs to Know Whitl Yoti Want Ttn
('list' III I'olnt.
I niliiili i' tin' klekor. I ndinlro him even
when he theoretically klcki inc. I havo
long held tluit the limn who undertake lo
walk through till" world with meek and
humble spirit will Ket regularly llattoncd
out itml broken In two at Irani onco it
tnnntli, On the contrary. wlnn-v it suwu
clmiiilc kicker who didn't Jle on tlio fitt
of the litml and liuvu a front xejit every
where? Tliltty of ns, men and women, wcro
dumped out on n platform at a railroad
Jnuttlon In Illinois to unit twenty-live
minutes for the other train. It tviw culil
Hiid rainy. There was tin Uru In the drVot
tove. There was only one smoky old lamp
tosce by. Tho twenty-live minutes slipped
away, Inil tliete wan no train. Aiiiaitr
of an hour later I rapped at tho ticket
window. The depot agent, who was also
telegraph operator, was In his Mall Inside,
mid .lifter a Ioiik delay he opened tho sitsl.
"Is the train later" I asked.
"If It Isn't on time then It's late, Isn't
it?" he replied In a Hiirly manner.
"How late Is the. train?"
"I diinuo."
"Well, llnd otitl"
Ho Klammed tho wish down on me, hut 1
knocked until he raised It again and de
manded In mi ugly voice what In Davy
Jones I wanted
"I want to know about that train. It's
your business to ascertain and post us. It
makes u dlllcicneu whet her wu havo to wait
here one hour or three."
"1 don't take orders from passengers!"
lie curtly replied as ho lowered tlio wish
Three minutes later the nix of us who
had revolvois stood In a line and II red n
volley Into his house just above his head.
Up went the sash, and he called:
"Wh-wluit Is It?"
"It's about that trainl"
"It's an hour and a half Intel"
"Oh I it Is? What bout thu fire In tlu
slttiiiK room?"
"I dunno."
I "All leady, geiitleiiienl Takcalm; fl"
j "Good heavens! but what do) on menu?"
' ho shouted.
"We want J ou to build a lire. Klther
come out or we continue nhootlnjl"
. Ho came out and started u lire. Ho also
'cleaned and lighted two lamps. He also
got us a pitcher and showed us a barrel of
i new elder, and his interest in our welfare
was something touching. He kept us
j posted on the train every II f teen minute:'!
' until It arrived, and it was plainly evident
to all that he had resolved to turn over a
new leaf.
One night at a hotel In an Indiana tuw u
the mosquitoes ciiinc Into the window in
such clouds that I had to get up and dress.
Next morning I said to the laudloids
"I will pay )ou for two meals, but not
for lodging It was jour duty to have
piovlded against any nuisance that might
make me uncomfortable, hut you did not
J do it."
"Hut you'll have to pay," ho replied. "I
HhalLhold your luggage."
I "Tin
iuii I'll get out a writ of replevin."
I lie attached and I replevlncd. Then wo
nan a lawsuit, it cost mu louruays tune
and forty dollars, hut I heat him ou tho
point I had raised. He called mo a kicker
and a mean man, and warned mo never to
come to his hotel again, but ho also went
and got mosipiito bars for every bedroom
window, and all future guests got thu
benefit of my kick. M Quad In Now
Vork World.
The first Snow.
The ton-year-old sou of a Harlem man
was booked to recite it poem at u Sunday
school festival. The young man had con
tracted a severe cold in his bend. As near
as we can remember It, this was what no
THE rillHT 8D0W.
What are thuso beautiful tides so brluht.
That full ml rail ns If rose leaves IIkIiU
Or (lat no ltd frollcg ad whirl away,
Mkn bllllods or tidy birds nt play?
Far Id tho south, wo dwelt, by dear,
Whiter lsiloeras whiter horo,
Doo trees are bare ami Ico wlds blow,
Dor falls that boaudlful wud-dor, sdowl
How log will It full? All dlKhtl Oh, seal
It hides the fedsew, it covers tho tree.
Cad earth be d)lg, ad this Is thu pall
Uubba, It rrlghtuds bo o'er us nil?
Twill fall ad fall. tlirouidi the. ilWiUoHtll'.
O'er Held nil finest, o'er viilu nd hill.
Till nil, by child, In the bordlnir llKht.
Seeb wrapped up forever Id shroud of w'ltel
"In't Ood who docs IdV" tho nwud volco said:
"Will sprig return, or"
At this point thu child took pity ou tho
shrieking audience and sneezed. Now
York Mercury.
Next to It.
Petur, who goes to the public school, la
not by any means a bad boy, but ho is heed
less aliout his lessons, and seldom obtains
any pri.e8or rewinds.
One day, returning home, he wore n
pleased sott of expression which tilled his
mother with hope.
"You haven't got a pri.o today?" sh"
"No," said Peter gleefully, "but I enmo
within one of It!"
"What! l)o you mean you were next to
the head?"
"Oh, no, but the boy who sits in tho sent
with me, he got the piize, you seel"
Youth's Companion.
From force of llnlilt.
Inthe.SIek Chamber Sympathetic Vis
itor Your husband seems much better.
Anxious Wife Yes, his chief tumble
.nsoinnla, lias been cured by a little duvlco
of mine.
S. V.-What was it. dear?
A. W. I hadiitouuterpaitof our church
iMsw made and biought it into tho next
room. And poor, dear.Iohn sleeps in it iu
peacefully and soundly as a child. IM tu
bing Bulletin.
New lints for Old.
"Have yon sjvii my hat. WHlter? A ncr
ono with"
"Twi late, mr. The best ones 'avo Ikwji
gone this 'art hour." -London .ludy.
Ilrollierlj C'rlttalsni.
It Is unwUe. as a general thing, to nalc
other peonle what they think of our work.
The lesiilt may Ik unpleasant both for
them and for us.
Two ministers were discussing tho nroc- j
ess or sermon wilting,
"Now, with me," said ono of them, "tho
mil) lvally haul things to manage are tho
Introduction and tho conclusion. You ro
member tlm sermon I preached nt tho In
stallation of Brother So-aud-so not long
ago? Well, 1 Hat let ed myself that tho ex
milium and the pel oral Ion of that sermon
were pretty well done. Dojoit remember
what joil thought of them?"
"Yes," said the other minister; "I re
member thinking they were veiygiHsl, but
too fariipait."- Youth's Companion,
The fultlirul Sisters.
She-l-l think I like you, Mr. Trotter,
but I cannot mairy and leave my twin slit-U'l-
alone. Walt until she Is engaged.
Ho Yes but or that's Just what she
said when 1 proposed to her. Life.
f.lieky I'lirgeirilliie.
The doctrine of a "soul of goodness In
things evil" has many and varied manifes
tations. Even a treacherous memory lui
been known to servo Its unhappy posscssm
an excellent. turn. Here Is an anecdote oi
a friend who ninny jenrs ago trawled
tbiough Colorado anil the adjoining conn
try as salesman for a hardware house. In
many of thu newer mining towns tho hoteh
were rough seeming places, anil werei
haunted by swaggering visitors who ca-'
roused till midnight.
At one time when Billings bud eolleeteii
a considerable sum of money ho put up nl
a hotel, the piopiletoi-of which was a thor
ouglily dangerous looking customer, Il
would he full, Billings thought, to trust
such a man with valuables, and ho deter
mined to keep his tmzj under his pillow
Many men who looked like desperado. 1
weie about the place, anil the guest was
really In fear of his life. Yet there was
nothing to do but to make the best ol
things, and accordingly lie let I red to hi
room, after Insti lifting tlio hotel keeper to
call him at I o'clock.
When he was called In tho morning and
found that he had not been uiurdeied, .
smiled at his fears of the night befoiv.
hastily dressed and was soon ouhlsw.ij
to the station. As lie was liuriyiu' aluug
through the seiiildarkness two men slid
dctily jumped upon him and tluew hint til
the ground.
lie fought witli all his might, till u six
shooter was placed at his head. Then lit
yielded. The robbers went through Ids
pockets quickly, sei.ed his watch, his re
volver and bis satchel and mndo olT
It was useless to follow them, ami h
kept on to the railway station. Ho In
formed tho station master of what had oc
curred, and nt tho next town, twenty miles
away, sought out tho sheriff nnd put bin)
ou the track of tho thieves.
Thu watch and pii)ers wcro of compara
tively llttlu value. What ho enred most
about was the loss of tho money. What a
pleasure It would bo to see that hotel
keeper, who he felt sure was at tho bottom
of tho affair, safely behind the bars!
Hut just as thu officers of the law wen
about setting forth in pursttltof the thieves
Hillings received u telegram from tho sta
tion agent. It read thus:
"I havo recovered your grip nnd many
papers found near wliero tho robbery win
committed. I havo also your pockctbook
containing nearly f.VO, which was handed
me by tho landlord of tho hotel. You loft
It tinder your pillow. Will send all by next
train." Chicago Herald.
Shot from Miiuy Lockers.
The tramp is u man who has tried nearly
all the walks of life. Youkers Statesman.
Peonlo who havo seen two lovers snv '
goodby never have any trouble afterward
in believing In eternity. Texas Siftlngs.
Jagson says he knows n man who Is so
thin that hu can't distinguish an attack of
lumbago from a stomach acho. El ml id
Men may como and men may go, but for
coming and going thu servant girl has a
record that never will he broken except by
It is dilllcult for thu aveiago mini to heal
It said that man was made In Hod's owa
linage without feeling that hu Is tho nun
referred to. Boston Transeilpt.
A Vermont woman has devised it lam n
that can be lighted by mutely picking the
wick. In a pickwicklau seusu It should'
buu matchless iiiTnlr. Philadelphia Led-'
Ker. i
hiiiiicwliut Particular.
A story which Is told of thu Into Clmrks i
Jamnich, the naturalist ami dealer In wild
animals who died In England last summer,
Is so well vouched for that It may bo ac
cepted as worthy or uellef,
Mr. .lamrach was married more than
once, and the story Is to the effect that
when a friend condoled with him ou thu
loss of liis second wifu the naturalist an
sweied, with a heavy sigh:
"Yes, yes. As jou say, shu was a good
wifu. But," ho added, as If ho felt com
pelled tosjH'ak thu whole truth, "sho never
took kindly to tho animals. Why, even la
w inter sliu wouldn't let tho snakes sleep
under thu bed." Youth's Companion.
titer a Hack IVncc.
NelghUir Woman Your dog was chimin
our chickens this motniii, an I Jest want
you to limit, i-htand that's got to stop right
Mrs. Mild I did not see tho dog out of
our yard.
NelghhorWomiin He wasn't. The chick
ens was In your yard. Gissl News.
Tito Opening Wedge,
Strawber Theiu Is a thread on your coat
Slngerly-rimt's all right. Let It stuf
theie. 1 am going lo call ou a girl. Cloth
brand Fun Micr.
Ijuly (engaging servant) You seem to
jKissess everv ueteMiryiiiiiilllmtlou. Havj
jou a sweet heart?
Seivant No, muni, but I can soon get
one. Coniso.
Mitklnu a lure Thlnt of It.
Imnjei (to boy )Take this dress suit up
to Wangle and give him this note. Ilo
will give on a live dollar bill, which you
fetch hack to me, (Bov giss and let urns.)
Well, did you get that live dollar bill?
Boy No, sir. He said to tell you ha
couldn't spare It W'ry well Unlay, sir.
Banjer Then why In thunderdldn'tyou
fetch back the suit?
Boy I couldn't wry well, sir. Ho put It
on before hr read tho note. Clothier and
Otertiiirlt Did IL
First Trnmp And what Is tho matter
with BUI Sykes?
Second Tramp Poor fellowl, A victim
"Overwork I How's thnt?"
"Well, Bill always was ambitious, you
know, and hu tried to do two days' loallug
In ono day." Boston Transcript.
A Men l.lttlo l.eKal Point.
When hu had com foi tuhly settled himself
In a chair by thu lawyer's desk he said:
"Attorney for tho road, ain't you?"
"Yes, sir. What can I do for jou?"
"Well," said tho caller, "when I was com
ing dow ii town this morning there was an
"You don't look as If you had been In
"1 wasn't."
"Any of your fi lends hurt?"
"Well, what's tho matter, then?"
"Now, wait a minute till I get through,"
said the callei "I had paid my faio to
comedown town clear to thu end of tho
Hue hut the company didn't bring mu
down It didn't bring mu half way."
"What of It?"
"Don't hu Impatient. I told thu con
ductor I wanted some kind of n conveyance
to gt I the rest of thu way and hu refused
to pa for one."
"Well, I should think ho would."
"He also ie fused to return my nickel."
"Of course he did."
"But when I was wrecked between hero
and St. Paul the company whose train was
wi .'tktsl se lit me thiough by another road
without expense."
"Certainly. know.
Agreed to take oii to your dttluatioii
when you paid for your ticket."
"But when I paid my faro to thu conduc
tor wasn't there an implied"
"No, sir. Not at all. It's entirely differ
ent." "Oh, your roml doesn't have to do what
It ngrces to?"
"Look bore. Perhaps you"
"Now, wait. Don't get excited. What
must a man do to get anything from your
"Um, well, If your leg had been broken
or ii you had Ih-cii killed in tho acci
"What then, sir? What then?" asked
thu caller with interest.
"Why, then," said tho lawyer rcllectlvo
ly, "wu would probably havo proved con
tributory negligence and sued you or your
relatives for blocking the road." Chicago
Taking II Im Down.
Ill an Isolated hospital ward were two
patients one a very nervous and timid fel
low, thu other a very sick man. Thu very
sick man died and thu timid fellow lay,
trembling with fear, in it bed near by him.
To relieve the timid patient of his unat
tractive companion, a hospital orderly was
told to remove the coipsu to tho dead
house. The orderly proceeded to oliey with
alacrity, and ou entering thu room found
the two men, one (thu corpse) lying ou Ids
Hide, knees drawn up, apparently asleep;
tho other (the timid chap) stretched out
sillily, w 1th the sheet pulled over his face.
Natuially supposing thu one with the sheet
spread over him to Imj tho cot pse, ho pro
ceedtsl to remove him.
The patient, (pinking all over with fear,
gioaned, "Oh, don't don't take me; I'm
not dead," hereupon the orderly, In
disgust, Minted out: "What's the matter
with vou? Do jou think you know mora
than the doctors do?" Argonaut,
I.Ike 1'iillier, l.lko Hon.
Young Father (lu the future) Great
Scott! Can't von do something to quiet
that baby? Its eternal squalling just
drives mu wild.
Young Mother (calmly to servant)
Maile, bring in my husband's mother'.
phonograph anil put In thu ci Under marked
"At ten months." I want him to hear bote
his voice hounded when hu was young.
Young Ladles' Fashion Buar.
V I I111I KiiiIIiik.
Poui d'Argento I
called upon
Mr. Gaswell this aftermxiu and made a
forinnl pioposal for his daughter's hand.
Intel est ed Friend Ah, indeed! And
whnt was the outcome?
Count Poro d'Argento (sadly) I waa.
Boston i'iki,
fcr-i5xiiiv t ,ta. ir.ivi
Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty
r V.I I.
' I I I 1111 I .V
l'' ,
aAvaal-vis -Ataai4 aa .?a-asTa tv V'mA'-a"
on us we will glvu ou some notable i eusons fin renicuilieiliig the visit. Our luinil
some parlor suits have created something very much ifscmhllng a sensation They
me the most ou plintlc and unuticstloniible (iirultiue ttlumpli of the year Nothing
fun surpass than for beauty til design, for excellence u( make ami (or moderation of
cost. Those wbobuy them don't speculate; they Invest. What we mean IsthUi They
will have Justus much to show for their money veins liom now as they have on the
day the goods are dcllveied, Luxuiles are not necessities and necessities are not Itixu
lies, hut these I'm lor Suits aiu both combined-
A. T. Gmetter & Co.
124 to 134
German National Bank,
.A'co.x, xnit.
IMO. Muutiioiiiery, President.
Ileimilll II, Heliilberg, VI to Piesl.
Iirseph ll.ieliiiier, ('ashler,
O..I. Wilcox, Assl Cashier,
Capital . . . $100,000.00
Surplus . . . 30,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Issues loiters oreieilll,ilrawtlrariHoii all parts
or the worll..l'ortlKii collections a specially
Telephone 225.
"Yon My the ticket
We do the rest."
General Passenger Agent,
III V il
f rx r .'
.jwar-n- rt
.Ow.' i .f-
I ,
North 13th.
Canon City,
Rock Springs.,
City Passenger Agent,
1001 0 Street.
n HE 'UHBl
" iHI HlHlaHvil
I'll awawawawawawawaaWiawaTMjBMa