Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 09, 1892, Image 1

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    X mngrmvfm'"'vv'i " &mii r i
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Vol. 7 No t
Lincoln, Nichiuska, Satuuiuy, Janhauy O, lSOli
I Tho jear 1801 In lust. Mnny thousand
now book were tailed from tho press. Re
call all you can think of, mid how many nru
thero that will bo known ton yearn lioneef
It is doubtful if you unu recall ono such.
Isn't It almost enough to oxuis j those who
seldom read book J I It Is ronlly a comfort
ing reflection to me. I try to read tho works
which bent suit my tasto and ptiqxno-i, but
every onco In a wlillo soino ono is asking mo
about a book for which I cure nothing.
When the ltiuliui looks at mo us though ex
jioctltig an a)ology. I sometimes hnvo a
twlngo of conscience, or Is it merely vanity I
remaps tho confession of iguoruncd on my
part is a lamoutablo admission. It was
Emerson, wasn't It, who adopted tho rulo of
uover rending a book until it was a year old!
A great many books reach tho stage of ob
livion In tho first year of their careers, and
Emerson's plan saved him from reading a
vast amount of trash Ho, in looking back
over 1801, thero are so few of tho now books
that appear to bo very linpoi taut that 1
am consoled for tho .little roudlng I do.
As I said before, It is a comforting rellictlou
und I imagine I havo n great deal of very
good company In tho mutter.
Speaking of tho memorable books of the
year, ono of tho magazines had a symposium
of opinions us to tho best book of lblM, The
contributors wero Gall Hamilton, Hlr Ed
win Arnold, Dr. Hammond, Amelia llarr,
Agnes Heppller, "Jullou Gordon'' and llev.
Dr. Ilriggs. Their tasted runged from Zola's
"Money" to Herbert Spencer's "Justice,"
bnt no two of them agreed on tho saino book
as being tho best. Hero aro seven peoplo of
presumably good literary judgment, and yot
their opinions on tho best book of tho year
aro almost as far apart as black and white.
Is It to bo wondered at, then, that plain poo
plo without any pretensions to authority in
intellectual matters of this sort should dllTor
in their taste for books Thero Is a claw of
literary snobs in almost overy town who nf
foct a pitying condescension for pontons who
havo not read books which thoy esteem Hue.
If you. dear reader, havo been snubbed by
any of this clam, take. comfort from Gall,
Sir Edwin aud tho othors of tho symposium.
Hlr Edwin Arnold, tho author of "Tho
Light of Asia", and J'Tho. Light of tho
World" is reading and lecturing In America
though he gave Lincoln tho go-by aud ho
has hod more or less to tell us about Japan .
He covered tho same things In a series of let
ters under tho title, of "Jupaudica," and no
. cording to his statements tho Japs aro a
marvelous people, something littlo less than
Angels. A well informed Jap souio time ngo
was talking about Sir Edwin's remarkable
itements, und it apiiears that ho is about
as unreliable us tho average traveler. .Mux
O'Rell, tho brilliant Krenclmun, spent sever
al weeks in America und then wrote a book
ubout us. It was good naturedly nitty, but
we recognize many ridiculous statements in
it. Bo the Englishman wrote of Japan with
a poet's fancy, but this matter of fact Jup
knocks a great deal of the beauty out of his
picture. For instance, Arnold hays there
are no words of abuse In tho Japanese lan
guage. There may not be such words in tho
dictionary, says the Jap, buttheiearo plenty
of thom In common use. Hlr Edwin says
that from tho moment of their birth the Jap
anese chtldi en seldom cry, are uover scolded
and are hardly ever naughty. The Jap
thinks the children aro milder and better be
haved than those of America but thero nio
plenty of them who commit mischief and
their paronts take them out into what corre
sponds to our wood shed and give them a
thrashing. In describing the jluricksbl men,
those follows who drag travelers about in
two wheeled carts, Hlr Edwin nays they w 1 1
tramp twenty-flvo miles, tlieu take u biscuit
and a sip of tea and bo leudy for unotlur
ouruey. The Jap says the jlnrlckshl men
eat from three to six tunes a day, according
to their opportunities, and they devour vaet
quantities of food. These aro merely illus
trations of how unrelluble a traveler may be,
even when so distinguished a man as a lead
ing poet of England.
A Fremont business house has set an exam
ple that Is w oi thy of Imitation. This
firm had been in the habit of (eliding Christ
mas gifts to its customers, hut this yeur It
diverted that holiday fund to tho lellef of
the starving eoplo of Russia. Tho (Inn has
notified Go emor Thayer that it will con
tribute a car of corn for the famine suffer
ers, and it is not likely that any or Its cus
tomers will regret the action. More than
likely they will heartily oadorse it. This is
a practlcul charity that counts, und It makes
little difference f i om what source it comes.
Tho government has taken cogtiiatnco of tho
movement to send aid to llussla, und has sot
aside a naval vessel totiunspoit grain aud
Hour across the Atlantic. TJiU Is tho least it
could do in payment for tho moral support
the Cur gave us during tho Rebellion,
Rather odd, Isn't it, that they should havo
snow blockades of four days' duration on
railroads In New Mexico and Arizona, a seo
tion wo almost regard as in the torrid zone,
whllo up hero in Nebraska we havo had but
a flurry or two of snow! Havo you noticed
that for years past winter lu this section has
not begun until Christmas or New Years)
For two or three seasons, if you will recall
the incident, you may remomber that mem
bers of the Lincoln lawn tennis club prided
themselves on having played without long
interruptions rluht up to Cluistmas, Talk
ing with an old timer the other day, I was
told that Nebraska had not always had such
mild winters. Ho went back to tell ubout
tho winter of '71 and ull that cart of thing,
und then ho advanced the cuiious theory
that tho cllnmto of this country was being
changed by tho network of railroads and tho
xtonslvfl uso of electricity, Fpstcr, the
weather piollt, jou know, Im1Iovcs that
storms am tho result of electrical dlst in li
nnets. This old timer thinks that tho vvldo
spread distribution of electricity equalizes
its forces aud thus has a tendency to pie
vent oxti emu at mophcrlo distill bailee.
And nun a railroad man who Ims been as
ociated with the big uiiitmgers tells mo that
tho Chicago railroads have bojn llguilng on
tho world's fair passenger business and havu
i cached tho conclusion that it will nctually
cause them a loss. At Hist thuught this may
seem Improbable, but look at tho ntgumcut.
The round trip ratu to Chlcngo during tho
fair will probable lie one half of tho regular
ffirej perhaps oven less. Tho hundreds of
thousands of eoplo who would tin vol to aud
from Chicago in tho course of ordinary
events without a fnlr will tiko advantage of
tho excursion rotes, and their return tickets,
if not used by themselves, will go tliiough
tho scalpers to other travelers. Thero will
bo n loss of millions of dollars. Then It Is
figured that the railroads will havo to buy
new cars, Increase their train sorvlco and on
hugo their terminal facilities. All these
things cost money, aud plans already miulo
for changes at ono Chicago depot will entail
an oxpendltuio of $"iOO,(KX). Tlio ipiestlou Is,
"will tho prollt of tho lnctoucd husln'j hs
make good tho losses and the extra expciisoi"
Tho ruihonds, or some of them, think not
except indirectly. Thoy liellove it will re
sult In a largely Increased east and west,
tiavel after, tl'o fair at regular rates, which
will enable them to lecoup themselves. At
least that is tho way this uiilroad man re
pot ts the situation.
A beautiful New Year's menu Just at hand
from tho Hotel Watson at Nebraska City
conveys tho Intelligence that Ira I. Hlgby, a
popular hotel man of tho Capital City In
dujs gone by, Is now mine host of that most
excellent hostelry, Mr. Hlgby Is thoroughly
capable of conducting a hotel lu first class
stjlo aud I am pleused to hear of his success.
W hat a wonderful peoplo those little Japs
urol When tho people In western Nebraska
were sulfering for want of food aud clothing
it tcok weeks to get $200,000 appropriated
for their relief. What would Japan hao
done in such a ease? We can only judge by
her actions. A recent earthquake In that
country was followed by Hoods, resulting lu
gioat distress to many inhabitants. The
government immediately grunted f:3,000,000
for their relief, and when tho national con
gress got to filibustering over an additional
appropriation the emperor prorogued It, and
sent It home. Then ho set aside another
M,000,000 to relieve his peoplo and repair
damages. There was no nonsense about
A new president was Inaugurated down In
Chili a week ago last Haturduy, and the llery
South Americans are (hiding fault because
minister Patrick Egan did not attend tho af
fair. I don't know tho reason of his absence,
but I don't blame him. Ho Ims been villitled
and insulted by tho Chilians, spies havo been
set on his houo and his servants havu been
arrested. What wonder that ho should not go
out of his way to show deference to men who
would Hrmlt such outrages! It has been
shown that Mr. Egan has lieen grossly mis
represented by tho corrosKndeut of tho Lou
don Time., who has personal interests to
serve, but, as tho Couiukk long Ago main
tained, tho fact is that Mr. Egan has acted
strictly within his Instructions from Wash
ington, aud his court o Ims been such as
Americans can heartily commend.
Speaking of Chili suggests tho possibility
of Maraud Invites attention to the nowspu
Iter and magazine articles describing tho ter-
" i" " Ttt-
rlblo uffectlvenos-s of modern weapons of
combat. Tho destruction of llfo and prop
erty by these weapons is an awful thing to
contemplate, but there is this compensation
in It. Thoy will havo a tendency to make
nations pauso aud count tho cost beforo go
ing to war, and onco in tlio light, their elfeo
tlveness will bring', tlio contest to a quicker
conclusion. Perhaps, after all, these terrible
guns will save more lives than thoy tuke.
Wo Invito attention to our cloak depart
ment, promising to show tho largest and
most attractive stock of stylish garments
over displayed lu Lincoln. Our stock is
mado up from tho Hues of several of the
largtst mamifuctuiios in tho country aud
wo think wo can si.tisfy ,any taste.
Very iosoctfully,
Mll.LKll & l'Al.NL'.
. - - -"' ' 'I liiMlli.y
. - " "" "-'"
. - - ---1 - ( 1
Tim Columbian Kxiiltliu.
Our Illustrations today ai oof tho Wouiin's
Htllldlnir and a Mills ovu vlinv of thn Imlldlmr
and grounds as they will upp.'iir when com
plete! find ready for tho opening lu I81KI,
I lie woman h building ts ono or tho most tin
tHisliiz anil Important of thuuroun. Ainoiur
a gt'cut nuinlvr submitted lu couietltloti,
tliu sketch by Miss Hophla (), Hayden was
iiwuided tho llrst nrlrii of a thnustnil dollars.
.- -,- -- ,
and also tho execution of tho design. The
tcrruru is designed lu aitlstiu llawur beds
and the principal facade has an extreme
length ot luuicet, the depth or tho DUIldlhg
being half this distance, Thuiotunda Is sur
round's! by a t no-story open nrcaileas dell
catu and chaste lu design as the exterior, tho
whole having a thoroughly Italian court
juitl effect admitting abuhdaucu of light to
all rooms. On tho Hist lloor are located, on
tint left blind, u model liimiiltiil! on tho I Itrht.
a model kindergarten, each occupying Wlx
00 feet. Tho wholo lloor of the south pivll-
, -
tafc M 'Ml lmMNcW "Zm-m- ZfrSS.i
lonlsdovoted to the retrospectlvo exhibit,
tho one on tho to reform work and
charity organisation. Tho curtain opposite
tho main front contulns tho Library. Huroau
of Information, records, etc. In tho second
story aro ladles' parlors, commltteo-rooms
and dressing rooms, all leading to tho open
balcony in front. Tho whole second lloor of
tho noithpavllllon Incloses the great assem
bly room nud club room. Tho first ot tliO'te
Is provided with an elevated stage
for tho accommodation ot speakers. Tho
south pavlltlon contains the model kitchen,
refreshment rooms, reception rooms, etc.
The building Is encased with "stair," the
same material used on tho rest of the build
ings, und as ft stands with Its mollow, decor
ated walls bathed lu tho bright sunshine, tho
women of the laud aro justly proud of tho
In these days of brag and bluster,mlsrepro
sentatlou aud deceit, its a pleasure to turn
from thelrjmportunltlrs and temptations to (
tho solid facts set forth by Loulo Meyer & J
Co., tlio well known aud popular dealers In
groceries and drygoods, aud ono ot the oldest
established firms in Lincoln. Through all
tbo vicissitudes of Lincoln's history, through
good times and bad, through adversity aud I
prosHjiity, thU enterprising concern has
steadily progressed lioth in tho volume ot I
business tiausicted aud tho good will of the I
public retained. This has not been accoui-1
phshed without considerable outlay of mind
and muscle, however. It required sterling
principles, as iunuovublo us the rock of uges,
on which to build such success it could not
well lie done on a bed of quick sand. The
same Ideas and methods ono price for the
best goods are still practiced us religiously
as for many years past.nnd that other fund-
r. i,ii m i .ijmhii i p ' --"7 i-
omental principle satisfaction guaranteed'
or money refunded Is a favorite motto thoro.
Ladles hair dressing, Miss Johnston, 1114
O street.
Geo. A, Raymer, coal and wood, 'l'liono
3W. HMO street.
Ladies kid gloves cleaned or colored at Lin
coin Steam Dyo works, 1100 Ostroot,
Ono hundred finest engraved calling cards
and plato only 'J.SO at Wessel Printing Co.,
113(1 Nstiect.
Tho only place to got tho "Time lock regis
ter bunk" at tho great 10 cent storo, 118
south l'-'th street.
Tho.tug of war contest which was to havo
taken plant nl tho New Lansing Monday
evening did not occur as udvcitliust, owing
to tho fact that tin eo or four of tlio teams
did not put In an appeal once. No moro
contests will 1st won for the present at least,
us thn pi oject has li.'tm practically aban
doned. Tho faculty with which Lincoln theatre
gneisnru eudowisl, of lemuiuhoriug names
aud faces of favoi itin, was cleat ly shown at
the now biudng Wcduosdiy ovonln; by tlio
umiK3mKKmimfmmiM n
iinii l1nTi" i I i ' frr uSrTTy "' i ' " ! TJHrCiWM
m i i ik. T -mam- - -rfi ' mi iw mmm i i iMiMii .
'- -- - ..-.-
coidlul recognition awarded Oracle Emmett.
who made a decidedly clover Impression with
Farron's Soap Hubble company hero not so
very long ago. "Tho I'ulso of Now York" is
decidedly realistic, and about as different
from Miss Emmctt's former lino as can well
be imagined, though she .has ample oppor
tunity for very capable work aud plenty of
it throughout tho four acts which comprise
tho piece. Tho action of tho play hinges
on tho partnership of l'hlllp Holt and Ed
ward Deuulson, bankers, lloth aio rlvuls
for a young lady's hand but Donnlsou Is suc
cessful, tho mairlago takes place aud a child
comes to bless the union. Holt, still lufatu
atod, concocts a scheme to 'win tho girl.
Italian footads aro engaged to kidnap and
confine his partner in u den under the pier
aud, during his incarceration, Holt presses
his attentions on tho object ot his uiroetlons
producing a written confession of Dounison's
In which theft of the hank funds is acknowl
edged aud suicide montlouid. Hammy Snap
ier, an olllco boy ot Holt's, guts on to tho
schemo, communicates it to Tolly (Miss Em
mett) aud together they determine to un
ravel tho mystery. It is while thus engaged
that they meet w Ith those adventures which
nuikeioasible so many exciting ell muxes dur
ing the'iilay. Miss Emmett has surrounded
herself with u very creditable company aud
their clever work, coupled with her own,
sufllced to keep tho Interest aud utteiitlou of
the large uudleuco at fever heat fiom start
to finish. The sceuiu specialties elicited
much upplauso. Tho "jump for life", just
before the curtain goes, down could well bo
dispensed with. It Is not u pleasing sight
and Is tho only feature that is ojieu to ad
verse criticism.
Paulino Hall, in the title of' Offenbach's
...ja-p-v .. -- ,fm jrjiii.i.Wot
comlo opoia, "Madame Fuurt," upieured
at the Fuuko Wednesday evening, supK)rted
by a large und couqietcut commuy. It was
tho finest operatic iwrformanco nince tho
rendition of "Ermine" aud "Nmljy" by tho
Aronsoii 0era company two years ago,
and yet tho house was only two thirds full.
"Madumo Favurt" Is somewhat cphoi moral
in its cunstrui'tion but Is built uou ut
tractive linos and admits ot much tusto lu
the stag prohoiitatlon. It was v ery accept
ably londorod und gave veiy general satis
faction. Miss Hull is pretty aud her singing
has u sweetness that Is peculiarly her own
One can ft adlly understand the secret of her
hold upon mctroiiolitun audiences. Mr.
John Hi and, "Hector" 1ms ono of tho let i
voices in tho compiiiy uud tho iiodlcrs duttt
with Hraud uud Miss Hall hi tho third act
was exquisitely sung. George Houlfuce Jr.,
who has many Mends to Lincoln, ftiniMied
a hit go slime of tho life of thn oS'ia as
"Chutles FiiMirf'i Ills work was much
applauded. Miss Cora Rood as "Huzauno"
was a tilllo comtnouplaco, Mr, William
lllulsdell was an excellont '"Markec", Tho
company iiumlicicd forty-llvo and was
generally elllcient; the costumes were
pietty. It Is hisnIIiIo that a mora familiar
nieiu would havo called out a larger
An audience numU'ilng pot lms two It tin
died, certainly not more, giecled Harlow
llrother'H minstrels at tho I'imko Thurs
day nciilng. An Jim Harlow lomorkcd In
tho Hi st part after Incidentally lufoiiuliig
tho lutei locator that ho was born In Lincoln,
hlch is nothing moio or less limn n mlu
httel "gag" "homo talent don't sooni to
diaw veiy well." Theio weto soino loally
good feutu l es lu tho entertainment, notably
. s'W55SS Aj?C - e
Archie Rover In his "Hnppy Kid" siieclalty
aud '""erry, tho frog mnn,"nud soino of tho
iiiir iviirn niiiiilsltitlv rendered. Thn Itar-
lows seem to bo playing in hard luck,as It is
generally understood tiiuir mismess ins ihwii
very unsatlsfuctory for some llmo back.
Perfiaps tho secret ot this might bo found
In thu fact that they aro "not In It" with tho
larger aggregations. Their house hero wus
certainly a frost.
Herrmuui givj oim of his woihrful exhi
bitions at tho Lansing Thursduy evening, re
BiaMagthe vntertinmmttho following'
night. It has been somo years since tho
noted magician his boon seen in this city,
aud ho has many new wonders. Perhaps his
greatest feat is tho Htrobelka, which for a
year or two has bullied everybody. It Is ut
terly Incomprehensible. Madame Herrmann
rendered valuable assistance, notably '.in tho
representation of Hlack Art, which by tho
way, was unusually effective. In tho vari
ous sleight of hand performances, and Illu
sions, the professor showed the sumo skill as
of yore, und lutroducd many now things.
Thero was a largo attendance, and although
many peoplo wore culled upon tho stage, no
ono sticcoodcd in loiiotratlng thu veil of mys
tery which suriouudcd tho magician. Herr
mann, after Kollor, Is undoubtedly the
gi cutest exponent of tho mystic at present
before the public.
This well known variety company appears
at thu Now LuuMug Wednesday evening.
Manager Church does not, in making tlilr
announcement, claim for tho attraction that
It is a refined druumtlo entertainment, but
that It Is a lint class variety anil burlesque
couiwiny that rather caters to tho inasso
- " '- -"- 'fi i ' '
than to tho classes. Tlio company It suld to
Iw up to tho fciir-taiidanl which inuuagor
SumT. Juek tins alwajs preserve! and to
contain somo new nud attiactlvo faces. It
has nlwnsbooii tho strongest attraction of
Its kind, uud w 111 doubtless draw the spectas
tom of burlesque with iUuccustomed success.
Sovcial vears airo aiiiiisniiiiMit Invi.m of
uiu iirama wuuesstsi a clover sketch culled
"lillthu'sllurglui" tendered by the Dickson
Sketch club, a stiong but small company
out of Uo-doii. Tlio plivo took so well that
It was deelllist cood material for nr..
ductions and Its author, Gus Thomas, re-
cuiisirucieii n aim irom it was twrn tho
grout play of "Tho Hurglar", which nppcuis
at tho Uinsing Biturday evening, It has
mado a most decided succom every whero
dining llin putt tlueo seasons, tho Initial hit
having been aehluved at tho well known
Madison Hquato theatto In New York
wheia its merits won Instant recognition..
Tho author has succeeded with this material
lu weaving a most elfectlvii aud Interesting
play louel.lug)lghtly upon alt tho emotions
that go to portray actual being, and blend
ing a conn dy element showing tho trials ot
younil love Introduced tliiough tho medium
cf tho younger inemlHirH of tho family and
also by tho servants of opposite sexes, Thn
sale of seats oh.'Us Thin sday morning.
Daniel l'rohman's great piodilctiou of
Maik Twain's fucumtlug story, "Tho I'rlnco
ai'd tho l'auior," ns drnmatirisl by Abhy
Hugo Rlchnidsou, will bo pioHonlod at tho
lousing Theatte, this ufteriUKUi and evening.
Thuiuciouimnuucoiucut will In) snlllclont to
llll tho handsome play limmu with a cultured
audience. No ono who has lead Twain's do
lightful romauco will fall to sou It Interpreted.
It Is lu four acts aud six scenes, with all tho
costumes, etc., that go to make It appropri
ate to the sixteenth century, lu which th
story Is laid. Additional Interest hinges on
tho fact that llttteKlslo Ia'sIIo, tho greatest
of all child aotresss, will assume tho charac
ters of both l'rlnce anil Pauper. Tho dram
atic editor of tho Now York llriittrf, usually
so conservative, In sienklng ot It Is moved to
remark: "Tho sweetest, rarest and prettiest
of all tho plays since "Llttlo Lord Fauntle
roy. Mark Twain was right whon he said
tho iierformanco ot this play was the realiza
tion of a fifteen years' dream." Reserved
seats at tho box oftlco.
i- In ontor- fcr accommodate the many" who
could not attend tho evening performance, a
mutlneo production of "Thu Prince and the
l'auier"has been arranged for this after
noon at thu new Lansing In addition to the
regular presentation tonight. This will
ulford iiu opiiartiiulty to many who other
wise could not witness tho play. "The
Piinco mid tho I'nuier" as given this after
noon and evening will bo Interpreted by
Daniel Frohmun's company of star artists
and theiucuii Iiu no doubt that thoy will bo
gicetod by iiu uudleuco great In numbers.
Many of our theutro goers are still laugh
ing over tho humor that was produced early
In tho present season by "Thu Turkish Hath
Company". After leuvlug hero tho piece
was taken west and bus since Wn playing a
succession of successful engagements
throughout tho coast region. The .company
Is now enroute east aud will play a
ono night liookiug at tho New Lansing Mon
day evening, January 18th Marie Heath,,
tho petite soubrette, and the former cast as
oi iglnully seen here will Ihj presented.
'- 't P7-itm
Tho recent mental collapse of IV. J. .Scan
lun has left an undeniable breach in tho I lino
of legitimate IrMi comedians, aud tho.
thought upiwrmost In tho minds of leadliiB
theatrical jn'oplo Is "who Is going to tako
Scan an's placer' Itlsplalnly apjmrent that
"Mavouiiieen,"ln which the demented ac
tor starred, Is too valuable a ploco of proper
ty to lav Idle with all the tim.i It ) luk.1
ahead. A number of nauuw have lieeu men-
iioiusi, anittug tliem, Carroll Johnson, tho
star of "The Gossoon," Jack Mason. Bam
Ryan and Joseph Sparks. Mason seenw to.
lead In the choice, Ho Is u clever singer, a
god actor, Ims a delightful stage presence
and would bo moro likely to Hi? the placo
than anyone else; but whether manager's,
would accept him us a substitute for Scaiilou
or not is unother question which requires on
answer. '
At litlonal Draiuatlo on Sth jiage.l .