Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1892)
iffl-mm ttffi ; v , rfl it h" tii' 2s I vt- M H w f R" Hi ft Y v "', Sf U v :tf . t: fr r : K l-T '1 I iv r 11 . 'vV n a U i j'i iaV, VI, '" Ml c mm EBBBtiH&vySfiiiMI rOfULATIOM OF LIHCOLV 85,000, H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COK.TRNTII AND I ST. LADIf ' FURNISHING GOODS n specialty.- A full of Dr. Warner's nnd and Ball's Cornel HOS.KKY, UNDERWEAR ANt) Kill OI.OVKS III largo assortments, Wo lutte Ilia itgenoy Air Th Butterlok's Pattern. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. TAKE NOTICE! Tt Courier will not lie resixiusibte for ay debts made by any 0110 In It name, un ess written nrder accompanies the samo, ' We want to close out our P. D. CORSETS If price Ik nny object to your buying r one, call nml sec u, Cor. O and lath Sts, Opera I louic Corner ' The Oeurier Gun be round At Motel Lincoln News Mend. Windsor Hotel Now Miami. CIUl Hotel Newsstand. iPa Dining llall, Miwonlo Templo lllb eVohamHNiw8Und DM p HI. The Apex, 111 North llth Htroet. BA. Young, 1090 O Htrect. Sidn. ri" oher A Co., ll O Html. VeTttraeld' Barber Hhop, llurr UloeR. htmatlnnal News (emporium, 1 O Bt. tenTmVciKftr more, 1!W North llth Htrcot. ScSrV'iNo "Btand.'lM Bouth llth Htrcot. T An cxtri iupply of pmr la nl wnyt left ithe Ootlmni, In cano other Nowndenloni vppllet run ihort. HEADQUARTERS t MEN'S FURNISHINGS. M W.R. Dennis, M37. O Street "37 .. Ohmrek ArtvertlMnuenti. rnmnnnrlnr AriHI flrat The Couhikh Ullurt BoUcee DertfttalnK to noclablw, (aktrab, lecture, roeetliifpi and eermoni for .11 aknnOtM free of cfaarw. AilvertlMtneuta far eertertalnwenti where an admllon le awted will be imwrted at one-halt the reg ular rate. Iel Person!. 'WhHebreret Coal and Lime Oompany, Weddlag InTitatlon Weeeel PrlnUng Co Lkkeoht 16a Co., 1WO O St. Telephone 9 Ueo. At RayaW, coal and wood. "Phone ajo, imOetreet. GWmb City Coal at the Whltebreart Ctaiaad'LtaM Co. CahUet Utka (or ladle given by Mre. B. D. OatUn proleeeieetal roaeaeur, 16 P street. ' W Baavenaor work, day and night, drop J. O. Field pottal and he will promptly )H and tea whai yon want. (My the' ftaeet cut and ehotceet meat arredtecMetoener of Chlputan ft: Sheen, lMlOetreet. Phone 180, Lftdie eaa have Uteu party dreaeea cleaned nylFrenehdrysprooese at the .Lincoln leeun dye work 1105 O atreet. AnpUoaUona for renter of Turner hall for metakaad dancing reealredatP. J. Wohlen herg s cigar store, 198 8. llth street. Flannel ahlrta cleaned without shrinking by theFrenett dry cleaning proceat, only 15 eta. M Lincoln Bteam Dye world, 1106 O street "Not how cheap, but how good" U the bmMo et the new (Studio Le Grande. Call nad see their work, liM south Twelfth street Orders (or piano inning left with Young ad JUder, 908 south Eleventh street, will receive prompt attention by & O. Quick. Never order a photograph or picture of nny kind until you have seen the work done nt;tme new Studio Co Grande, 191 south Twelfth street. The celebrated Egx Bbampoo removes dandruff and promotes the growth of the hair. Ftr sale by Mle .Johnston, 1114 O Hothling-tne O street grocer says he U hnmaa and makes mistakes but will cheers f nMy rectify them . That la more than some wiMde. The Peninsular base burner is the latest towered heater in the market Before buy ing, call and aee n full line at Dunham & Bnek.UiWO street Gentlemen should now 'get out their hut annMner's stilt, take It to the Lincoln (Keam dya weeks 1106 O street nnd have it cleaned, dyad, repaired or pressed out Lateer studies and n full line of artists snstsrlals at popular prices at the new Liu eeln fraeae' and art company, with Elite etndte, Ml aotrth Eleventh street. Original round oak stoves, the only airs MajM rannd oak stove on the market, cones- ejneaMy aha meet eoonomioal in consumption af fnaL Hold only by Dunham and Buck m o WsUaonsult their best interest by heir meat and game at Chlpman lMt O street- All orders either ar aver telephone 180 wlHbe jlit f " wfmfmmmmmmsf lHBHd1' ""'" (TI10C0UHIKH Intlte IU render lo coif tribute to llifstlopartiuunl.soiiriliigus either by mall, ntOssoniioi or loloplioni', (No, l!M) ieromtl Menu, report of parties, soclalr, ion, weddings, church entertainments, mini calos, etc., whlcli lmo or ron limit to occur. Never mind tlio InnKiinRO) Klve m Ilia pnlhts nuil wn wilt do llio rot. It In cssontlal though, Hint wo havo Dili Inforiiinlloii nt Jibe earliest priiotlnahlo' inoiitoiit, Whenever mi Invitation tn,theso event Is, extended, it Cou Ml em representative will lw doleunted lo at tend personally, Kl.) HER NEW YEAR'S tOLIUOQUV. It'e getting very laU. Dear ate, I that clock rlftktf Yet, half Beat three. He aeld he'd come at three, but then He' aot like all the other men. ItllL I ehobld think he mlfht be here Ob tlsM today. It'e rery queer. Perheee he will not come at all, ABd ret he ha bo other call But I'll ret erea with him yeti He'll find me In a pretty pet. How dare the fellow make me wait! He haa no right to be eo latel Perbataho'lll. Poor fellow-Welll Uo'e conio I know, for there' the bell, Yee, Bitritb, sny that I'll bo down. I hopo bo'll liko till Pari gown. Ah, Jack, dear, is It really youT No. Hit there, ploaeo. I wUb you to. Now, please, don't tell mo that I'm slow, You came so very m, ouknow. Toil Lansino, It. 8. M. Ivcn is In Hotitou, Maui. 8. Vohm of Uutlirio Ih in tlio city. Hov, J. II. llliiK left Moniluy for Poor In, Illinois. Mis MnRgioKiiRlish has returned from n trip south. Dr. Reeves ent Clirlstuia day lu Ne braska City. J. Humphrey nlarUnl Tuesday for Now York City. Wllilaiii II. Atwood loft Tuesday for Albany, N. Y. Mrs L. K. Ilasuedo storted Tuwday for Qoodland, Kan. A, G. Grcenleo returned from his visit to Denver, Tuesday. Mr. Fred Howe loturnod from Florida Tuesday afternoon. Miss Cora Talbot la spending tho holidays at her home In Iowa. Mrs. N. C. Brock and daughter are visit ing tn Davenport, la. Ernest Yates has returned from n five weeks trip through Iowa. ( William Little nnd M. Jolmsou started Monday for Marietta, Ohio. Misses Julia Longhridge and Nottlo Taylor are visiting at Grand Island. Mr. William Nye of , DoWltt, la., in visit ing his friend, Mr. Ham E. Low. Mr. Martin Altken returned Tuesday front a trip through tho south. Miss Belle 8ouley, of Nebraska City lathe guest of Mtw Haw ley at 1744 M street. MimM Hellle Hooper and Fannie Hawley spent Christmas day in Nebraska City. Miss Bessie Hall of Omaha I the guest of Mis Lealy Shears at the Hotel Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benton have teturn ed from an extended trip through the south. Mr. Edaar Harmon and sister of Peru, are the guest 01 Hiss nine liar non, wj 11 street. J. I. Pronger of Omaha Is spending the holiday with relative and friends In the city. Mrs. 8. A, Whlttaker, accompanied by her son, started Monday for Forest City, Iowa. The Thimble club will be entertained this afternoon and evening by Mias Fannie Hawley. Mr. M. J. Greovig, the travelling agent of the Union Paclfto system, was In the city this week. Mis Jessie Putnam of Aurora, Neb., is spending the holiday vacation with friends m Lincoln, Mias Theo Laws returned to Chicago Sat urday after a visit of one week at her home in this city. Mrs. K. L. Moore, accompanied by her son, Florry, started for Hot Bprlngs, Ark. Monday afternoon. Miss May Patterson of the central tele phone office spent Christmai with her parents in South Bond, Ind. Miss Njellle Brown of McCook, Neb. , and Mies Lottie Logan, of Marysvlllo, Kan., are guests of Miss Maudo Berkey. Mr. Guy B. Hurlbut will entertain his f 1 lend at Sixteenth and G streets next Friday evening at eight o'clock. Mrs, Mary J. Ransier of San Francisco, who has been the guest of her son William returned to her home Tuesday . Miss Amber Baroaby, who has recently been connected with "The Famous'', is the new asslstaut at the Courier office. The Hoh fit Crad Club was deliglitfulv entertained Tuesday evening at the beauti ful home of Mr. mid Mrs. A. Hurlbut. Miss Alice Uitte of Oroaba and Mlw Flor ence Clement of Council Bluff were Christ mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. T, J, Hltte. J, Z. Biiscoe's many frieuds will be pained to learn that be is lying seriously ill at bis home. Be venteeuth and Prospect streets. Colonel George B, Pickett, son of the late Colonel Pickett, of Ashland, waa in the city Sunday, after an absence of twelve ' years. A. B. Smith, the geulal assistant general passenger agent of the Burlington, at Oiua ha, was a visitor at the Couricr office Tuesday, Miss Gertrude Lats will entertain the .a fYeflPiHrnaVaef Wsf CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, Tunlay Kvenlng club next Tuesday even ing Instead of New Year's night as was first understood, II K. Johnson, who has boon visiting friends In Mnuehestor, Kngland, arrived lioro Monday, lie will probably mnko Lin coln his future home, Mr. Anron llurkstnrf, who tins I11011 sM'iiilinK novel nl months nt Coloimlo HprliiK Is In tlio city for it fow days, Imvlnn arrived lnt Sunday, Colonel C. C. Puce nnd wife, who have been ntliot HprliiK'. Alk., for upwaids of two mouths past, hnvo leturnod home with health much Mr, and Mis. N. L. Means and son, Miss Kittle Means and Mis. Kiltie, Butler of Civ do. Kan,, aiu welcome gueU at the home of Mr, and Mr. J. S. Harwich, 'Jim V sliect Mr. and Mrs. Dr. C. C. Hhlnnick of Hot Springs, H. D., are stepping at tho Lincoln. They will probably take up their residence In Lincoln, since both are delighted with the place. Mr. Will Meyers, tho German National's iwpular teller returned Monday from Qulucy where he passed his annual holiday tlsit at the old homo, mid scenes of early boyhood days. The rionsnnt Hour club held a business meeting Monday afternoon nt the store of C. 11. Hlohter, when Messrs. Charles Miller and Phillip Wing were elected to member ship; Tho llov. Dr. Martin, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Blanche, sHut tho Sabbath in this city tho guests of Mrs. Cadwallader nt Twenty-second mid N streets. Senator Paddock, tlio originator of tho idea to scud it tiniu load of Nebraska corn to llussln, was in the city 11 few hours Monduy, wlioio ho was win inly greeted by many friends. A. M. Davis, senior member of tho firm of A.M. Davis & Son wan presented with a beautiful gold bonded cuuo, appropriately In scribed, by employed ot tho Unit Christmas morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. F, McKesson of Emer ald weru at homo to their many frieuds Christmas day f tout ono to six r.M when the tenth anniversary of their marriage was celebrated. Mrs. J. C. Johnson and Mrs. it. K. Clark, the latter a former resident of Lincoln, of lies Moines, aro welcome visitors at tlw homo of Mr. W. II. Clark, the geulul regis ter of tho laud otllco. Mr. John F. Majors, acting socinl ugent for tho department of tho interior, with headquarter at Dulutb, Minn., has been visiting friends lit town for a few days this week. Mr. M., is a native of Nebraska. Mlt Fnnnlo Hawley attended a party given by Mr. Hairy Wilson at Nebraska City, retui nltig Friday morning, accompan ied by her friend, Miss Sousley, who will spend tho holiday vacation us her guet.t. Miss Helen L. Tew, superintendent of drawing in the public schools ut Lincoln, lies been entertaining her sister, Miss Tew of Beatt Ice, whu Is, superintendent of the draw- Iuk and ubt steal culture departments of the schools at that place. A merry crowd of young people enjoyed a sleighing party last Saturday evening. The participants belug, Misses Hailio Hooper, Ollvo Latta, Gertiudo and Curola Hill, Meaner Fred W. Houts, Sam E, Low, Jos eph B. Bigger and Uezln Welch. The llenu me, anew local weekly has been reoeivikl at this office. It Is an eight pjge publication each of which contain four col umns of socloty, dramatic and fraternity news, the publishers being Mr. Joseph Op p enhcimer and Mr. J. E. Douglas, The pleasant news reached Lincoln yes terday announcing the marriage of Mr. Harry Hall, ono of our popular young men, to Miss ltrow of St, Louis. Tho happy ......!.. will rHili Lincoln about January 5th and bo at home to ... ..fc I........ t.i ,li..l. .Mn.w'a nf. hnlii. teenth nnd G streets. A very pleasant German was t hat given by Miss Miuualt Hawko at her home in Ne braska City last evening. A number of Liu coin people, including Miss Latta aud Messrs Dr. Reeves, O. It R! enter, C. E. McGrewen, F. 8. Burr, and F. C Zebrung attended uud will return today. Mr and Mrs. W. R. Cambridge entertain ed the Throe Table card club Wednesday evening at Htgh-Hvo and a most enjoyable occasion was rendered each guost, Mrs. Cambridge proved u most amiable hostess. Blue Points on the half shell formed the par ticular feature of delicious oyster supper. Two gentlemen of New York were in the city tbU week looking up a location for a branch house for one of the most popular New York confectionery establishments. They have been employed at headquaiters for a number of years and are capable of con ducting a most elegant lesoit They loft lost night for New York alter securing an option on a promln ent location, expecting to return shortly to open the new store. Mr. James J. McConn of Omaha, well known to many Lincoln young people, has a number of very flue paintings in the exhibit oftheUayden Art club, two oil paintings, "Cherries" aud "Fox Terriers" deserving special mention. Ho also has a nuinbor of water colors' and crayon sketches, all be traying considerable ability. Mr. McConn is rapidly making a name for himself by his artistic achievements, and his friends in this city will be pleased to hear of his success. An exceedingly ploasant social event vns the party given by the Henrietta club Thursday evening. It will be long remem bered in the minds of all present as one of tho most successful and enjoyable efforts yet put forth by (his organisation, which is say ing not a littlo, considering tho high reputa tion they already eujey. The sceno Thurs day evening was one of unusual brilliancy and beauty, and the pleasure derived from dancing the old year out mid the new one In was keenly eujoyed by thoto present. LlNCOUMTKS IN CHICAGO. Chicago, Deo. SO, 1801. Deah Courier: 1 believe ou aro nlwnj s glad to be given personals of interest to too Lincoln public! Kindly mention that Fred W. Kru.o left Lincoln December 'M for Ut. Louis, front whence he went to Chicago where he is being enteitalned by his old Lincoln friend, Miss Ida Uonnell; also that Mis Pearl Wycolt has been spendiug the holidays In Chicago, the guest of MIsj Pearl BounelL Mr. Edgar Wessel late of TlIK Couiukh force Is sojourning in Chicago. A Lady Ukadku. Miss Grace Burr enteitaiuel a company of friends very pleasantly Saturday ovculug at the haudsome Burr residence, 1515 8 street The evening was devoted to curds and dancing aud prices were wou by Law Marsboll, George Gadd, Ella Raymond aud May Moore. The participants wet e: Misses May Moore, Ueorgle Camp, Frankim, Marshall, Lloyd, Bobtey, Flo Winger, Sim mons, Grace Oakley, Burr, Elliott, Maude Oakley, Jo Winger, Raymond, Lottridge, Curtice, Saulxey, Jenkins, and Messrs Fairly, Gadd, Cowdroy, Ollle Lansing, Curtice, Murray, Hammond, Murrhestor, Mcllrlde, llnlilwln, Yates, Clark, Hulburt, Harry Laming, Chapman. Lottridge, Winger, White, Marshall, Davis, Elliott, Raymond, A quiet and unostentatious wedding took place at the Church or tho Holy Trinity at eight o'clock Thursday evening, where, standing befoin the tastily decorated nltar, Rev, John Hewitt pronounced tho wonts which made Russell J. llryden and Miss Alice Minehnrt man nnd ttlfo, Thu ushers wot a Messrs C. M, Camp, Frederick Kim ball, and Charles and William Jeckoll, the two latter preceding tlio bridal party to the altar, Immediately after tho ceremony n reception to personal friends only was bold at tlio homo of the bride, 1415 N street where nn Inviting supper was served, Tho house was prettily decorated with smllax, overgrocn, nnd potted plants, nearly nil of which were furnished by Miss Miuehart's friends lu Tounessve. Tho brldu aud groom wore very handsomely nttlrd and elicited much ndmlratlon 011 tholr way to the bridal altar. Thoy will omit tho customary wedding tour nnd make their home at 1415 N street for tho present. About sixty guests were present Professor Lawrenco Fosster of the State Univoislty has been pursurlng a lino of university extension work tho mst fow months that has been oxtremoly prod tabic Ho has conducted a largo clou iti tho criti cal study of Goethe's "Faust", which has met every Tuesday afternoon. Last week the study of tho first part of "Faust1 was com pleted, nnd tho class was Invited by A. R. Raymond to meet nt her lesldouco Saturday evening, ostensibly for the purpose of talking over tho work already dono nnd to arrange plans for tho future. But this was only one reason for tho gathering as Professor Foxstoi soon discovered, when upon tho nrrival of the company he was presented with a beautiful Parslan marble buitof Goethe on boh'ilf of the class. Tho presentation was very gtneo fully miido by Miss Maud Miller, who made n hnndsomo acknowledgement of the benefit received by the class through the ptofossors IMilnstakliig and tireless elTorts In the olucl datlon of the great German author's mnster piece. Professor Fooler was deeply affooted by this evidence of appreciation, and made 11 happy resK)nso in which he pronounced a brilliant eulogy on Goethe. Refreshments weru afterwards served uud tho evening pleasantly passed lu tho dlxcusslon of sub jects pertaining to tho study of tho Faust poem. The Cotillion club held Its second germau Christmas evening ut tho elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. frank L, Sheldon. Tho figures were various and olaboiato aud tho favors wero very beautiful, consisting of many Parisian novelties, comprising bon bon baskots fur the ladles and bon-bon card balls for tho gentlemen, seal leather en wipes, tests of; perfumery, decorated tam bourines, nrtistlcal books, ornamented hair pins, coral bracelets, Dresden china ea cocks, silver and gold cupids and cut roses. Among the many flguies wero the Intro duction ciiclo, hollow square, tho course way, coutest of tho caudles, umbrellas, and fans, tho grnces, running tho gauntlet, flower girls, euchanted circle, wind mill, braiding silver scares, and tlio tug of war. Tho german wns lod by Lieutenant and Mrs- Townley. Mr. Frank 8. Rurr was cboson to lead tlio next germau which will be held at tho handsome new residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BuckstalT some time in the latter part of January. Light refreshments were served during the evening and it was a thoroughly enjoyable evcuL Tho partici pants were: Mr. and Mis. Will Sterling, guests of Mr. anil Mrs. J. A. BuckstalT, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Little, Mr. aud Mrs. Beeson, Dr, and Mrs. Ladd; Misses Gertrude Laws, Bell Sousley of Nebru8ka City, Fnnnlo Hawly, Martha Funke, Maud Burr, Ilalllo Hooper, Messrs Frank Zehruug, Will Clarke, Fiauk Burr, Will Hardy, Dr, Reeves, and F. W. Littlo who was the guest of his brother, Professor Little, of this city. Theio was but little New Years calliug yesterday. My Kid. Written for tho Couiiieh. Adoftoftbo hut, Aolaspoftho hand, A pleasant how d'Ju do; Two friends havo mol upon the street, Two very goad friends and true. Well, how's tho folks und how's yoursolf, Why don't you como aroundT And see my kid the greatest lad With eyes so largo and round Thoy look ltko saucers, And as bright and twinkling its tho stars Tho foaturct of his face are Just The Image of his par's; A disposition Ilka a dovo Ho sweet, so kind, so good. You novor saw his equal, You bet though If L could I'd wring his tarnnl blasted neck And kick hint out of sight For raising such n It I of a nolso In tho middle of tho night Ikk Btone. Now the holiday season has como and gon and everyone Is poorer or richer lu the way of tokens for its occunauce, lot' us all turn aside to think seriously on the regular modes of everyday life. Winter In J reality has not set in yet It never does of late in Nebiaska, as residents know, until t'lo new year com mences. Don't think that after Christmas conies spring time. You well need warmer clothing now rnnn you havo heretofore and j our locker will oft times need replenishing before tho balmy breeze of spring comes witli its vegetation, fruits and flowers. Louie Meyer & Co., Lincoln's pioneer gro cers and drygoods merchants were never more prosperous than today and never en joyed a larger holiday business as during the teceut season. For this and for past fa vols 'are they appreciative aud return thanks to one und nil. That thoy will con' tinuo to cater to your wants in 'lie most at tractive niaunor goes without saying, Thoy wish you a happy New Year full of peace and plenty and hope to continue past pleas ant relations. Itew-UoesTlils NtrlbeYon? We offer new subscribers (and old ours that pay up in full to daU) tho following ex traordinary bargains. Fifteen handsome cloth bound volumes of Dickens in a neat iasteboard box, and The Courier until January 1st, IBM for $5.00. Ten haudsome cloth bound volumes of Thackery In a neat pasteboard box and The Courier until January 1st, 1803 for 14.35, Six handsome cloth bound volumes of George Elliott In it neat pasteboard box and The CouniEit until Junuary 1st, 1813 for KJ'. Tlipsebooksaruall slatidatd works and their cost aside from The Courier subscriptions, is less that twenty cents per volume. You can't buv the cheapest repi Int in puper cov ers for double that amount. Come lu aud see these books. In case nny subscriber de sires tho three sets special prices will bo made on the lot We sell the genuine Canon City Betto, Weaver & Co., 1045 O street, epbone 440, too. Tel- 1892 REMNANT SAL A Season's Monday vc place on remnants, consisting of Dress Goods, Linens, Domestics, etc. V Our object is ' to close them out quickly to make room for new spring goods. You will find suitable lengths among the dress goods for ladies and children's dresses at about one-half the former price. Call Early. (j "ALWAY.S THE CHEAPEST !" " J W WINGeR&Gd. 1 109 O Street. INSPECT OUR COLOSSAL STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. It is within the reach of poor. Call and look us through. surely please you. HERPOLSHEIMER & COT, ESSOSXTIOT STOEBS. IN IT Now We Cut Having purchased the interest of Mr. Sanderson in the late hrm of Parker & Sanderson, which ended with the old year, I have decided to offer spe:ciaiv bargains in all lines of goods for the next Thirty days. Ladies will do well to look up our bargains Street Wear and Party Goods. Remember the old at the old stand. T3 ARI PARKER, 1009 O t. Across 7?w jw Bust NVjW flaw.. Arm Thigh Calf VT,.I, iU w hips ''.':.".".!. ..'.... . ii "...'.'.. .'.'." ""' " :.".': J aBBBlkLi tflsr "..BBB MBa mmmimmmmm the onolcnt. .i-.......r ,UilvU nmu Yes, our wull panor stock Is mostlv composed of oxcluslve patterns that cannot be ob tained elsewhero in tho city. We slinll ba pleased to show them to yon. A,a!!,!Oent The Interior Decorative Co. ,:rl zKer 1338 O 8TREET. i - NEIVS- SUBSCRIPTIONS, Artists' Materials -at- ym THE GOTHAM, 1136 O ST. Give us u TUBE PAINTS- tM&m n Accumulation sale our entire stock of ALONE. Profits in Two- iA. in Fine, reliable STREET. all, rich or f I i"' 1 1 We can Vcv AZ' i A Comparative Meusurviiients of 31m. Lungtry unit Venus de Modioli. A London nil 1st furnishes tho following inoaNUremiut ol tlieie two benutirul women, tho one In llesh and blood, thcother In murbloi Man. Lamithy. Tiik Venus. HelL'lit 5 It. 7ln r,rt.Ti tho ttiDiildeis.,,,15 " if) m :w " 3d " 12" . ! '-'I " .24 II! " ia 19 " mi .. Lcugtliof leg 2S ' ... , 3-j ' Waist, 2 " :...i5 Lengih of arm 20 " 2H " Ankle H' ou " Foot 8 " .. 8U " Ihese figures will enable any woman tn nscortulu for herself how fnrsliodillers In pioportlnn to tho two fam ous beauties. On tho wholo the modern unman appears STATIONERY Novels Trinl Order. -CANVAS STRETCUER& K 'jfy M It 1 TWsWtnrT Li " fc '.- ---Htfr