Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 02, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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eVey -
Mrs. Graham'
Cucumber and
Eider Flower Cream
Iinnlacoimietlfl In tlio aonsp which tlmt
(rm U popularly umnl, hut permanently
brautlnca. It orealea ft ort, smooth, clear
velvety akin, iml IV llv nan uriiiltially
make llin complexion several shade whiter,
II la n constant int(cllon from the eirucl of
aun nml wind mill prevent siinhiirn awl
(rookie, mill blackheads will never vomn
whlloyuii imolt. Itcloanaeatlie Turn far let
ter than aonp ami water, nourishes and build
up llio iklu llsmci mul thin prevent tliu for
mation of wrinkle. 11 Rives tlio freshness,
clcnrnei ami aiiiuotlini-a ol fWIii tlmt J on
had when a Utile Rlrl. I'.vcry lady, ouitu of
oidoos.hltouolt,altKlvea more youth
ful appearance to any holy, mul tlmt oriiiii
nently. It contain m aohl, powder, or nlkiilt,
and I a harmless a dow uml n unurlshliiK
MdowUlo tho llowor. I'rlcn aW.OO. Auk
ynuritriiKKlot for It.
HAMI'I.K IIOTT1.K mulled frooto itnyluty
on rocolplof ID cent lit slump to pay Tor
pontngomul iinoklnu. jnly Aitonls wanted.
Mm. ticrvBlno ilmlimn, "llcnuty Doctor,"
1RI IHxt Btrvot, Had Kram-lico.
All the lemttiiB Lincoln ilrugll noil It,
'H. T, Clarke Drug Co., Lincoln.
per pack, mtiw stamp, for oiin or iimny
liemrmlH't' that the
bet route to Chicago from Lincoln
(through Omaha) In
via the " llock Inland."
The Dining Car are all
new dud elegant f the
nerrlce everybody known
4m the bent in
the United Sfatcn.
Have newer and better Weepers,
handnome Hay Coaches,
bent Reclining Chair Cam,
anil the train is new and the
hnndttomest that run from
Lincoln to Chicago (via Omaha)
If you want to be
convinced of thin fact,
atmiHire it with other
-catted first-class linen.
Ticket for sate by
City J'aHHenyer Agent,
In the Hotel "Lincoln."
PMtTftfoaea to John huurruK, O. V. A. C.. R. L
I P, K. K.. CMmco, nd rwflrr, twXant l1. His
SlokNl dnkot oanfi you rr imiulW TKN UKNTS
prt pack. wta Ump. tor oun or nuuy.
Ltdics' and Children's
Pair Cutting and Shampooing
I Sptcilltj,
l4Mll IIm Dr. Le IXio's Parlollcal
FlUatrom lrU, Krmice, I'hat poalttvely re
Have iupprMtont, monthly ilerangemcnti
id Irreiularltlet oauseit by cold, weakness,
keek, unemlm or itonerut nervous tletillity.
Tm large proportion of Ills to which ladles
na Bslaaea are liable la the direct reanlt of a
dlaorUered or Irreeular inenitruntlon. Hop
raaalona continued result In blooU poltonlng
rqalokcontumptloi. V pnakavo or3 for
Aent direct on receipt of urtco. Mold
Lincoln by II. W. Urown, drugKHt.
M aaiaMt wn ik kattaaM Mais wi ut
aaj u tuta w in u a.
InnlUI aaa RUII
i aaTIeMMIaaUrMU.
naatiat mm aaaTooa aw.
mutt, mo at run
llaa :
rkntMl IstMtM. HtaUl
rrr, Maataa Plaaital. or
aarnaaeiai. wBAcaiM,aaka
wwini ta rnratsr uaxra aaa
hiu TirauTT ai vraeaa
I, Mm frUe aa fatwt el muau.
claim by years ol practice by
axcluilva Biathorti a uniform
MMatM.TrWrNIM"ln treat-
all Mwm. WtakauiM and
UUaaaelltta. Tritlmonlall
from M Htatae and Terrltortea.
viii m itmjrt. aaaiea, pom
pal J. (ora limliMl llm;
aalaaaUaaa tm SeM taiAT
LIT KISTOUa aa tkaauaal
a taalliaalila AAAwtmm at aatta;
IHwtalMoto to JOSH Siuiatim. O.T. A.
-M VMnw. I. WW,TV( WH1I I-.
daak of eant ou arary handled.
ar law. twt ur wuv
imtitvtb or rwaaxauir,
ajMeiaaad ,
4 TriftwrHls. la the beat and larfaat
Wt. atfl Studanu In ulMdua, lt
8tlate prepared or bytnaaa In fiuai 3to
eatataaua, eoliaaa journal, sad
m ainiai auaraa ih aani
I fti mmmuHkiy, eeat treaty addrmlng
If '5flll
h MWw
11 1 1 l oar
I .1 l U "I
aWsf V.,"J
curm Jt'inir. -voutii at ua.
0iH'-Tlin'linit!S ' tnulrtnnil, U l'in-
Ynii kIuIi', In )niir youthful muita, I
tint I mil Irnli'nt with ymitli.
Youtlil-)i-llini Ullivlritlli.
Uupld ii Ilii'hT Ho liritvc mul toll tne nIL
Youth- No lump irim llitlitvil In tlio hnll
Ami, Miiliillint In the iliirktiri, tlier.
I liciiiil it kti'p i:iHn ll'v "li'lr.
I liml no tlmn fur M'conil thoilijlit,
Ho forthwith In my nrint I tnimht
Tliooiitllnril form which I hrllovrd
To ho llm ilmnarl who rwolvril
My oit)' tliouuht. I kluncil her lirow
Tho ivrollrctlon pnltm mo now)
For hy koiiiii turn of horrid vhnnoa
I klxKiil tlio chloitt of hnr nnnti
A miilil of fortyfor
Onplil- Ilnr.l fntnl
Ho on -why ito)nn henllulo?
If on tli-A ml pro I found tlnintocxplnln,
'I'hnt kl uiifl wanted Imck nunln.
Hut limit oil ron lirrr () joh.iIiiI.iI
Hho'x wrluklril-iiKly mul nho pnltiUt
Bho uokiMl to.) much
Cnphl Hut you iiiunt not
Krrp whnt you iwi wioiujly Ifot.
You iiiunl rutiirn It.
Voulh- Merryl
Cupid Itcturn It to her liy her nleco.
-fhivtit Mcotl Mlno In Llf.
.MiikhiK n Wy.
"Say, diupplu, old fel, how In tlio delict
ftro wo over to Kt ncruHt IIiIm Iw.wtly mud
dy Btrcctr"
"I'll novnli wy uiiythliiK iiKiilimt liullii
wcnrliiK trailing xklrtH aualn, my di'iiL
"No Clinr."
"Wellr" iiniltil tlioilvtcctlvofrotu hrnil
quartern who hail climbed tlnvu pairs ol
KtalrH un (IrNwnld Htrcot In rcMpouso ton
call from un Insuruncu ollko.
"Why I Kavo a triiuiplsh looking folio.
n quarter to trhiK npHOiuuconl,unil lioluni
Mtirruly Konuwlii'ii I nilsscd tuy Hpuctnclc,'
replied tliutitii'tit,
"Gold Itowedr"
"Yen. I HiippoHo liu could bcII tliotn fin
bout it dollar."
"I know whero thoy nre."
"You dof"
"Yes on your forehead."
"UlesH luel" K'ttiH'd tlio iitfcnt as ho pnl
bis hand up. "So they nrut So they .in
Well, well, but I must 1m Retting niisciit,
tulndell You needn't nrrest tho party."
"It nofins that ho sluiply Intended to tak
them, but had no show."
"1 MO."
VJtiHt rejiort 'no clew mid sco that tht
paier don't get Hold or It. That V all
Wonderful how mimrt you detective nro II
unraveling niyhturlouii canea! I must reall)
apeak u word In favor of tho depurtmenl
omoday. If tho man had actually takut
thorn I believe you'd havo arrested him
Bomo ttiuu or other. Good day." Detroit
Frco Press.
Not Kindly ApproprUte.
A good utory U told of a Chluaman who
U cmjiloyed w u cook In a California fain
liy. lie recently saw In it coufectloucr'i
window n Iiuko cake, on which -.viw u
motto made of frosted sugar. And know
liiK that his master mul mistress woro verj
rellKlous, beiiiK especially given to reading
tho Bible, he determined to givo them a
pleasant Htirprlso by making n cako with a
text from tho lliblo on it. Hu wasn't verj
familiar with tho Ulble, but he hupiiencil
to havo some tracts In his room which con
tallied numerous "texts," and he conclud
cd to ubo ono of these. So ho went to work,
mndo it most lieautiful cake, and with
truly oriental imtlcnco emblaioncd It with
s text. Hut tho feelings of tho family tnu)
be ImngliiMl when John proudly placed hit
mimterpleco on tho table, and thoy read ou
it theso words. "Ye generation of vlpora.
who hath warned you to Deo from tht
wrath to comer" New York Trlbuue,
Tha Cause of Cobweba.
Tho celebrate I Kuglish (xiet Drydcu had
wife who was ambitious to write poetr)
aa well aa her hiulmnd. So she shut lie
alf up In her apartments tu compose versea
Bad to say, the servants took advantage ol
ber absence to neglect their work, and Dry
den was mortified to bo obliged to rocelvi
hie friends In it room which plainly showed
their carelessness.
"Mrs. Dryden," cried he In a rngo afto
the gentlemen had gone, "I dcslro you wil.
write no more outry, madam."
"Why so, my dearf " nuked the good hu
mored lady,
"Uccause," cried ho, "I notice whenevo
we both write poetry at the same tlmo tht
apldera IniiutHllately U-glu to spin cob
webs." Hurpor'a Young People.
Just aa l-'atal.
Flggs The coroner's Jury found that
Hnyrich died from a blow administered by
Dlgga How In the world could that ban
Flggs Ho blow out the gas. Now York
Found Dead.
Harrlgan Did you read about the organ
grinder who took out the Stratum waltcu
and put lu Wugnerr
Uetlly-No, Did the police Interfere r
Harrlgan Certainly not; he was quite
icml when they found him. New YorJc
Ur. Dl.tckhllU (displaying his collection
f Indian curios) That Is it specimen of the
war paint of the Sioux. I brought It whe-i
1 came homo from my last trip.
Fair Visitor Ah, yes, I see: sort of
3loux veneer. Boston Post.
A Scapegoat.
"What Is the matter, dearcstr"
"Some (In awful's happened, mamma. "
"Well, what is It, swecthcartJ"
"My d doll baby got away from mi
and bwoked a plate out lu the iMtutwy.'1
Harper's Young People.
No Hope.
Ue was warned against the women
Bkv was warned miulimt the man.
Aad ef that won't wake a weddta,
W'y.t bay's nothlu else that can.
-Jamee Wbltoomb RlVaV.
Tho llciul of tlir llouan 8tiitvcs lllmtclt
lr lli ir to IDrtlilfl M Vtilitl,
"What hiivoyougottlietor" qll Mn
llow.Hcr, (is her Ili'JN lord inadi it display o
itNinall patkyu wjin ho cnr. Uimo tli
other evening.
"Mrs. lloA'wr," ho replied, "dkl you rrm
of that nine In Troy whero a hwiUtr cut
custotuiT slightly on tlio cheek mid hedkl
of blood polxonlugf"
"No. Hay, you'tt ru mul "4 nnothe.
shaving outlltl"
"Another When did I over liaoonor
"You got one two or threo years ngo li
Detroit, and howilld von coiuooiit with It
Mr, llowit't', jou do tlio most foolish thlugi
of iiuy ins 1 1 I ever heard of In nil my llfol'
"I do, ehr Is It foolish for mo to want (
avoid blood (silmmlng by shaving myself
to nay nothing of tho enormous saving a
money? Yet, I did get an outfit In Do
trolt, but I hud n 1mII on my nrtu atx
couldn't handle tho raror."
"Anil you mil yourself mid prnnc
uroiiiid tiiul wlumped until tho nelghlmn
thought we had a tiro. How much die
this outfit cost?"
"Only ten dollars."
"Ten jlollui'H ihrown right nwny."
"Is Itf l-et's sco about that. Ilnvlni
my own outllt I can sliavo dally. That'i
70 cenU n week, or fcJ.80 per month. Seem,
to me that $11 per year Is worth saving. It
the twenty years I havo been shaving I
could havo saved tho trlllo of (080. When
nro you now, Mrs. Ilowsorf"
"Just where I was before. You'll shavi
oiico and that'll end It."
"Will IU If that's your opinion I havoi
great surprise in storo for you. I'vo ben
taking lessons of n barlcr on how to hnnilli
tin.' razor, mid I can shavo clean In exactl)
four minutes. Kaslcst thing in tho worlo
when you know how, Just think of tht
CSO I havo thrown nwayl"
"Well, I siipiwso you'll try It In splto i
anything that I can say, hut I shall declltn
to Iki held responsible for any trouble."
"HeHponsllilo! Trouble) How could i
hold jiii reMpouslbler And what troubli
can tlieiv inr"
"Why, that tlmoin Detroit you nluiool
ton1 tho hoimo down hoeauso you cut youi
ear ''
"IVhiIiI I wiih probably joking. Don''
reineinlicr n thing about It."
After dinner Mr. llowser took u bowl m
hot water and. started up stairs, saying it
Mrs. Dowser as he went:
"lletier time me by tho clock. I may Is
six iii'xeveii iiiiiiutes this time, but Ill In
right on tick tomorrow night."
"Let's seel" ho mimed as ho opened tli
box and stood before tho gluts. "The lh'.
thing U to lather, of course. That's as eiu.
w niui ik on iiok. '';7 '"';'
com fin t, thWIs. Hanged If I don't believi i
.v . I . nt. I . , , , in . 1
I shall want to shave twice a day I" !
Mr. Dowser decided to put on plenty ix
lather, He put it on hisvhiu, cheeks, nmii
forehead, cars mid throat, and more or lent
fell on tho carpet. When he had latheric
until both arms ached, and no more Wuiilr
tick to him, ho picked up tho razor an.'
"I Just hold It with threo lingers, thli
way, mid lay it on my cheek this way, anc
iiiovo it gently down. A child three yean
old could do that. I'll lIiow Mrs. Dowsei
a trick or two before I'm through. Gocc
woman, but she thinks she knows It all
Razor Just slides"
M r. Dowser gave it Jump and at the saint
instant ho saw tho lather stained will
"Don't amount to anything Just tin
bead of it pimple!'' ho whispered to him
acir, "ltailer told me " keep my am
stiff, and 1 forgot. Can't expect to get tht
hang of It In ouo minute, you know. ,
little mora lather."
He lathered away until It began to drop
off, and then picked up tho razor again.
"Mr. Dowser, what's tho uiattorr" called
Mrs. Dowser us she kicked on the door.
"Nothing!" ho answered.
"Then what are you jumping around u
forf I thought you'd shako the chund-a
"The blamed thing must have slipped oi.
mol" ho growled as ho returned tothoglom
to survey the cut. "Probably didn't hole
it exactly right. Aht that's more liko tti
way tho harU'r told mo to hold It. Norr
then, take It easy till you get tho hang ot
It. May be ten minutes this time, but at
the next occasion I'll"
"Mr. Doser, open this doorl" calhc
Mrs. Dowser from tho hull.
"W what do you w-wautf" ho gusped.
"I want to know what, all this swearing
and kicking over thochairs means! Didn't
I tell you how you would come out!"
"You go away! I'm all right! It wu
the man next door you heard!"
Mrs. Dowser heard a yell and started foi
the stairs. She met Mr. Dowser half woj
up The lather was (lying about nndtti
blood streamed down on his shirt bosom
and his eyes were as big as onions.
"Well, dldu't I say sor" she demanded.
Her words brought Mr. Dowser to him
self, lie turned back, beckoned to her U
follow and its they entered tho bedroom ht
silently pointed. Tho razor lay on tho floor
the howl was broken in three pieces anc
thertt was lather everywhere.
"Wellr she Inquired, as she picked 1
three towels and placed two chairs on tbe'n
legs again.
"Womaul" he hoarsely whispered, "thli
Is too much."
"Why, what have I donor"
"Sure! Done! look at mo!"
"Yes, but you tried to shave yourself."
"But who dragged mo Into it?"
"Mr. Dowser, you certainly can't blatit
me. I told you lieforo you"
"That's enough! This Is tho limit! I
understand it all, and cau see just how you
planned It! It is not your fault that I did
not cut my throat and that you are not
now a widow! Mrs. Dowser, leave me t
myself I 1 have some papers to look ovo
before consulting a lawyer tomorrowl"
M. Quad In New York World
Where Kcouoiuy (leglaa.
'Hlft-- V
. vsmujf-T&i.
HuslwiHil -We mint economize!
Wife Wen, dear, what dp you want
o give upr New York Press.
'').! J 1
t . tww .jl-xtti . t j i if h
lluw the NUng Tin iiir, "Chalk Your list,"
This Is said to liavu como from n literal
Illustration of tho words. In tho days
prior to railroads "Admiral" IteciHdo
wan tho owner of various lines of Unge
roaches. Much of Ills llfo was passed In
Washington. At tlio annual adjourn
tuuut of congresfl ho would jmxs his
friends of tho hottso ninl Hcniito ho vns
well acquainted with nil tho prominent
IMilltlcluns of his era over niiy Rtiigti
lino ho controlled. Ho would say to it
member from Kentucky, for instance,
"I suppose you nro going back to Louis
ville mid I'll pass you through tuy stage."
Wliou ho wns nsked how, his reply would
be, "Qivo mo your hat." Taking it he
would mnko it cabalistic mark on tho hat
bund, impoHsiblo to counterfeit, and
return It, saying, "Tlmt will servo your
turn; nny of my ngents will recognize
that nnywhero, and won't recolvon cent
from tlio man whoso hat is so marked,'
IluciUido was right. His factors always
acknowledged that hieroglyph. Tho
thing bocamo so common that ninny at
tempts wero mndo to itnititto it, but the
culprits woro invariably detected mid
compelled either to leave tho stage or
pay their fare. In tlio south mid west
"chalk your hat" long signllled what the
east styles deadheading.
How to I'roiioiiiii-H Hoiiib Common Word-..
Off of, not iiwf. Ostrich os-trltch,
not os-trldga. Parent jxirc-ont, not jkii"-
ent. Patent iMif-ent, not jxi-tent. Quay
key, not as spelled. Uiidlsh ns siwlled,
not mMsh. Itesort rezort. Resound
rozottnd. Uespltc rci-pit, not as spelled.
Itotit (a party; and to rout, to defeat)
should bu a pronounced rowt. Route
(a road) root. Saunter sdu-ter, not I
suwntcr. Satiiiige wiir-sage, not sos- j
sage, nor wis-sage. Seamstress sem
stress. Shho sheer, not as spelled. I
Shone shon, not shun, nor as spelled. I
How In ltllivn Coiml Hint Thirst. I
Drop a half dollar in lemon juice or,
peppermint es.-etice and roll it in the
ttwtiitli A uiilliitin if titllf mltiiil
...w.... ,... ...v.. w. .u.. ...... ....t.
bout ill the mouth gives great relief to
. on
some people.
How tn Ht'iiiovo Slilno from lllnck Silks
ninl DIhudiiuU.
Lay tho garment on a tablo and with
a flannel wet in elder vinegar rub tho
shiny places well until they havo disap
peared. It does not matter how ,wet tho
garment gets. Hang it up in tho shade
to dry, and tho shiny gloss that made a
new garment look old will havo disap
peared, leaving it as fresh and crisp as
if just from the storo. Tho same place
will never require another treatment.
This is only suitable for black silks and
fine black diagonals.
How to Kn-nlmn ami lloaloro Velvet.
Velvet can bo washed if soiled and re
stored to its Hist freshness by putting a
hot iron bottom upward with a wet
towel folded in several thicknesses over
it and then passing the velvet with the
pile up over it slowly back and forth
until the steam has lifted tho pilo to its
proper position. After tho pile is all
raised lay the velvet on a smooth placo
where nothing will touch tho pilo to
flatten or crush it down and leave it to
dry and when dry it .will bo liko new.
How to llebnto Scripture Queatloiia.
First of all, agree with your opponent
as to tho rule determining tho meaning
of words. If you cannot settle that,
yon cau never sottle anything.
How to Mnko Kyclnalir Grow.
Every night just before retiring rub
tho edges of the eyelids with a prepara
tion made of one part of vnselino and
two parts of oil of cajeput. This can be
obtained of any druggist. Thirty or
forty drops and half as much vaseline is
enough for it year. Keep it tightly
corked. The same preparation will pro
mote the growth of the eyebrows, and
experiment might prove it good on bald
heads its well. It is ve'ry stimulating
and nourishing.
How to Aililrma Curd a at Invitation.
Before the free delivery system p-e-vailed
in American cities it was tho c
torn to take invitations to balls, partiej
and weddings around and deliver each
one at the door of tho iiersou invited.
This is still tho custom in some of the
I cities, but it does not prevail to any ex
J tent, as the postal free delivery answers
I tho ptiriose quite as well, and the old
' stylo involved a great deal of unneces
sary labor. Under the old custom, the
cards of invitation were placed in un en
velope upon which was written "Mr.
and Mrs. John Smith." No directions
woro added, aa every one in town knew
where every one else lived. This is still
tho custom with regard to tho envelope
holding tho cards. Dut now, when they
are sent through tho mails this envelope
is placed in another ono which is sealed.
and on which is written the full address,
with street number and name of the
city. It is usual to preserve invitations,
for awhile at least, and tho outside en
velope is discarded, as tho postofllce
marks and canceled stumps do not look
neat in it card basket in the reception
room, and besides this, if thero bo only
one envelope, and it bo sealed, when this
is broken theft) is nothing in which to
preserve tho cards of Invitation.
How Mnla May He Detected.
Many mothers might bo sparod great
anxiety by knowing tho special signs
that go to show what the dlseaso is that
has attacked her child, and while no ar
bitrary rules can be given, the following
descriptions may prove of great help:
Measles begins like a cold, with Intenso
smarting of the eyes and tears stream
from them constantly, and there is much
headache and pain in all the bones. The
eruption in measles is of a sort of pur
plish red, and lumpy and blotchy in
patches, the skin having a mottled appearance.
f.OO(Pf).O.n -.Hcd ,
Formerly of HUFFMAN & R1CHTER. 1039 0 STREET.
Sutton & Hollowbush
Makers of Bon Bons and Chocolates..
Also' Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water.
Oltlt-i-, Cor. JIOIIi ami O Ht.
I'liono 7111.
YhiiIh, kii.i ninl Y Htrenis. famous L'nnon City Coal. SaUft onrself as to
rimiin 707. Itlie GENUINE before ordering.
Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels
Full Line of Jil HNTELS Alias iD stock
mjm jam
Keep YOUR BUSINESS, and, Incidentally,
YOURSELF, Before the Public.
Don't Dupand on Thorn to Diseovor Yon !
Has the New Books soon as issued. A choice line of
Perfumes and Fancy Goods.
127 South Eleventh street.
We are especially well prepared U board n limited number of horses and having
the largefct and tinest equipped Mnblc In the city, can takebcit of care of all horses en
trusted to u. Our stable U light nnd roomy with unsurpassed ventilation. All
vehicles and harness receive dally cleaning ami always leave the stable In neat, clenit
stylish appearance.
Telephone 61Q.
Canon City Coal
Also llest Orudeiof
Hard Coal
Please do not be dceclvcd bS Imitations of our
W. J. PUATT, 1'roprlotor.
First Class Livery Rigs
At all Hours Day or Night.
Family Carriages,-
Gentlemen's Driving Rigs, Etc.
Stables 1639-1641 O St
'' -i ?