Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 02, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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iMiimirlul MHtterptm'iii Art Mhlili
I'orlrii) lint Kerne of lh NhIIiII).
M Union ul Children In llm Nrrlptin .
Th NhephmU Hint Oltirr Mr run.
HihkiKI.VN, Dec. W. Ilev. Dr. Tnlnuigc
preached tlil morning it sermon appro
nrlntcttithfCltil-uttin wiimhi, Taking up
topsiibjcit nf llii' Nativity, In- drewf rtim ll
Immiii which, though perfectly legitimate,
are commonly overlooked, UN text was
l.ukc II, III, "Ami they ciiinc with luiti,
miit fouii'l Mary and Joseph, mill Hit Hah?
lying In a manger."
Tlii? mack wuiiKiw snuiicnioi n ncccm
bornluht were thrown open, ami some of .
the l'l singer of a world where they all i
lug stood there, ami putting iiiick me
drapery of uloud, clmnti'd a Hacu anthem,
until all the ectioc or inn ami vanity n
plitmlcd ami encored the Hallelujah chorus.
Come, let ugo Into that Christmas scene a
though wchad never Mure worshiped nt
the manger. Here In a Madonna worth
look Inn ut, I wotider lint that the most
frwiui'iit mime In nil lands ami In all
Christian centuries Ik Mary, Ami theru
are Mnry In mlncc ami Mary In cabin,
and though Herman and French inul llnllitii
and HpmiMi and KiikIIhIi pronounce Itdlf
rcntly, tlioy are all uameHakeM nf the one
whom we Mnd on a lied of straw, with her
fialo fare itgalnt the soft cheek of Christ
n tho ulKht of the Nativity, All the Krcat
iMlutcnt have tried on canvitH to tircNcut
Mnry and Imr child ami Ilia InchieutMof
thnt matt fniunut nlht of the world'M hi
tory, Itanhitel, In three illtTereiit uuuitur
8hctH, celebrated them, Tintoretto ami
Ihlrlnndajo HiiritHel tlicinwlvi' In the
itdorallon of the Maul, C'orreuKln needtnl
todoiiothliiK more than hi Madonna to
become Immortal, Tho Madonna of the
l.lly, hy Irftnmrtlo da Vlucl, will kindle
the admiration of all iikcn. Hut all the
gitllcrlcxof DrcHileu are forKotten when I
think of the muall nxmiof tlmtuallcry con
twlnliitf Sltilue Madonna, Yet nil of tlium
were coplc of St. Matthew' Madoniia ami
Luke's Mmlonna, the lu)lretl Madonna of
the Old Hook, which we had put Into our
hitml when we were Infant, and that we
boH to have under our head when wo die.
llohold, III the llrxt ilncv, that on the
flrat night of C'hrlMt' life (lod honored the
brute creation. Von cannot get Into that
Bethlehem haru without Kolnu ast the
camel, the mule, the don, the oxen. The
bnttn of that Mithle heard the Unit cry of
the Infant Lord. Home of the old nnluteM
reprwent tho oxen ami camel kneel Inu
that, ulKht before the newborn halie. Ami
well mluht they ktieell Hnve you ever
thouuht that Christ came iimnnx other
thlnu to itllevlate the HUiTcrlnu of the
brute crcutlouf Wan It not iippruprlato
thnt he should, durlnn the llrxt few day
mid nl(hu of hht life on earth, lie ur
rounded hy the dumb Iton-st, whoe moan
fid plaint nml IwIIowIuk have fur iiur
beeu n pniyor to (lod for the arretliiK of
their torture and the rluhtlnn of their
wronuf It did not merely "hapHn ho'
thnt the unlntelllKent creature of Oott
hould hnve Ih.ii thnt ittubt In vloe iicIkIi
Not n kennel In nil tho cent uric, not it
, Mrd'n ueot, Hot n wornout hure on tow
pnth. uot h herd freexliiK in the Kirly
built cow peii, not n lrelnht car In Hummer
time briiiKlUK the heeven to market with'
ut wnter tlirouuh a thousand mllea of
tfouy, uot n MinteonV room wltiieluK the
MrUKUle or fox or rntiiilt or piKcoti or
doK In the horror of vlvlm-ctlon hut hnx
n lutertwt In the fack that Chrit wiw bom
In h sutble, Nurrouuded by brute. Ha ro
laembent that nluht, nml the prayer he
heard In their pitiful moan he will anwer
lu the punUhment of thoe who maltreat
the dumb brute. They Hiirely hnve ua
.much rlKht In thl world mm we have. In
the llrxt chapter of Ucucl you may iv
thnt they were placed on the earth before
Bian wait, the llHhand fowl created the fifth
dny, and the qunilrul the moruliiK of
the sixth dny, nnd man uot until tho after
Boon of thnt dny, The whale, the eaule,
the lion, and nil the leaner creature of their
kiwi were predeceitMont of the huinan fa
jfly. They hnve the world by right of
bomhchhIou. They hnve nlo imld rent for
the place thuy ocoupled. What an army
of dofutMe all over the laud are the faith
ful wntchdouH. And who can tell what
the world owe to the horse and camel
juad ox for tranportatlonf Ami robin mid
Urk hnve, by the cantata with which they
hnve filled orchard nnd forest, more than
paid for the few grain they have picked
up for their sustenance, When you nbue
any creature of Oisl you trlke it Creator
nd you lnult the Chrit who, thoiiKh he
might have been welcomed Into life by
Kluce and taken his first Infantile slum
r nmld Tyrlan plush and cnnoplt!
eouche ami rlpnllng waters from royal
Aqueducts dripping Into bnlu of Ivory
nml iMNtrl, cho Ut lie born on the level
with n cow's horn, or n camel's hoof, or n
dog' noMlrll. that be might U the allevia
tion of animal suffering as well n the re
deemt-r of man
titaudiuu, then, as I Imr.gine now I do In
thnt Helhlehem night, with an Infant
Cbrit on thv oue side and the iccclilc
crcnturtfof !il on the other, I cry look
out how you Kir Ike the rowel into that
horse's side. Take off that ciirUtl bit
from that bleeding mouth, Itemove that
Middle from that raw back. Shoot uot for
fuu that bir- that is too small for food.
Forget not to nut water Into the cage of
thnt canary. Throw out some crumbs to
those birds caught too far north in the
winter's inclemency. Arrest that man
who Is making that oue horse draw a loud
heavy enough for three. Hush In upon
thut scei-e where Iwys are torturing a cat
or trunsflxlug butterfly and grasshopper.
Drive uot off that old robin, for her nest is
mother's cradle, and under her wing
there may Is three or 'four musicians of
the sky iu training. In your fitmlllea and
in your wliool teach the coming gener
Mtlou more mercy than the present gener
ation has ever shown, and In this marvel
eos Hible picture of the Nativity, while
yeu point out to them the angel, show
them also the camel, nnd while they hear
the celestial chant let them also hear the
eow'a moau. No more did Christ ihow In
terest in the botanical world when he said
"Consider . the lilies," than be showed
ayBiputhy for the ornithological when he
aid "Behold the fowls of the air," nnd the
' Uadrupedal world when he allowed him
elf to be called in one place a lion nml iu
ether place a lamb. Meanwhile may
the Christ of the liethlebem cnttle pen
have mercy on the suffering stockyards
1 that are prewrlng diseased Hnd fevered
meat for our American households.
Heboid, also, lii this Hible scene, bow on
tknl Christina night (lod honored child
fled. Christ might hnve made his first
tWi to oar world lu n cloud, as he will de
Mmd oh hU Btrxt visit In n cloud, la what
ehariot'of lltantued vapor he might hnve
riled dowu thesky. escorted by moiiaud
rnvuly, with llglitiiluji loi ilmwii word.
KIIJiil. Inul it earring nf lliv lo take him
up tv ly unt.lcuiicniihim'of lliviii fetch
hiiiiihiwii? Or iivcr the hi chcil bridge nf
ii hiIiiIkiw thv Uinl might have ilc ended,
Orl'hil-l might hnve hud hi mortality
liullt up nil earth mil nf the iIiihI nf 11 gar
lien, n wmh Aihinii In full nninhniiil tit the
Mail, without the lutrodiicliiry fcehlene
nf liifnney, No, mil Childhood wit In Ih
linnnriil by that event, lie inn it have a
child' Hunt limits, anil a child dimpled
hand, and a child's learning eje, ami a
ihlhl's Maxell hair, ami babyhood wa to
lie honored fur nil time In cuiiie, ami a
cradle was to mean inure than u grave.
Mighty (Jixll May the reflection of that
line child' face lie wen In all Infantile face.
A WKI.I, RI'IIINll (IF I'l.CASI'lli:
Kmmgh have all IIiinc fatheiHiiml mutli
ersnn hiind If' they have a child In the
I houc. A throne, a crown, n icptcr, a
I kingdom under charue. lie careful huw
vou strike him ncrnw the head. JarrliuMhe
Tirnlii. What you xaytohlin will lie ecu
tennlal and millennial, and a hundred year
ami a thousand year will not toti tho echo
and re-echo. Do not ay, "It I only a
child, Itul her say, "It I only an humor
. 1 .. ,. . 1 .. .., 1.
I (ill. 11 1 oiiij a masterpiece 01 tienuraii,
iiisnniy a iiciug unit snail ouiiive suu
nnd moon and star nml iigeiUadrlllenulal.
(lod has lullnlte resources, and he can give
present of great value, but when he want
to give the richest possible gift to a liouse
I10I1I he look around all the world and all
the universe and then give a child. The
greatest present that Ood ever g'vo our
world he gave about eighteen hundred nml
ninety-one years ago, and he gave It on u
Christum night, and It was of such value
that heaven adjourned for a recess ami
came down ami broke through tho cloudt
to look at It, Yea, In all ages Cod has
honored childhood. Hu make almost every
picture a failure unless there be it child
either playing on I he floor, or looking
through the window, or seated on the lap.
Ua.lug Into the face of the mother.
It was a child lu Naamnn's kitchen that
told the great Hyrlau warrior where he
might go and get cured of the leprosy,
which ut hi seventh plunge In thu .Ionian
was left at the bottom of the river. It wn
to the cradle of leaves, In which it child
was laid, rocked 'by the Nile, that Cod
called the attention of history. It wa it
sick child that evoked Christ's curative
sympathies. It was a child that Chrlit set
lit the midst of the squabbling disciples to
teach the lesson of humility. We are In
formed that wolf and leopard and lion shall
Is-yetso domesticated that a little child
shall lead them A child decided Witter
I(ki, showing the army of Hlucher how they
could take it short cut through the field,
when, If the old road had Is-en followed,
the Prussian general would hnvo come up
too late to save, the destinies of Kurope. It
was it child that decided Gettysburg, he
having overheard two Confederate gene
ral In a conversation, lu which they de
cided to march for Gettysburg Instead of
Ilnrrlsburg, and this reported to Governor
Curtln, the Federal forces started to meet
their opponents at Gettysburg. And today
the child I to decide all tho great battles,
make all the laws, settle all the destinies
and usher in the world's salvation or de
struction. Men, women, nations, all earth
and all heaven, Iwhold the child! Is there
any velvet so r.oft as a child's cheek f I
there any sky so blue n it child's eyef I (
there any music so sweet as the child's
volcer Is there any plume so wavy us a
child's halrr
Notice also that lu this Hible night scene
God honored science. Who are the three
wise men kneeling before the Divine In-
fantr Not Ixjor. not Ignoramuses, but
Caspar, Heltbasar and Melchlor, men who
knew all that was to bo known. They were
the Isaac Newtousand Herschcls nnd Far
mlaysof their time. Their alchemy was
the forerunner of our sublime chomistry,
their itNtrology the mother of our magnifi
cent astronomy. They had studied stars,
studied metals, studied physiology, studied
everything. And when I see these scien
tists tawing Is-fore the lieautlful babe 1
set1 thu prophecy of the time when nil tho
telescope and microscopes and all the Iey
tleu Jars and all the electric batteries nnd
all the observatories and all the universi
ties shall bow to Jesus. It Is much that
way already. Where Is the college that
does not have morning prayers, thus (raw
ing at the imtiigerf Who have b-sen the
greatest physicians?
Umlttlng the unities or the living lest
we should lie Invidious, have we uot had
among them Christian men like our own
loscph C. Hutchinson and Hush and Vnl
entitle Mott and Ahcrcromhlc and Aber
nethyf Who have been our greatest scien
tists? Joseph Henry, who lived nnd diod
In the faith of the Gospels, nnd Agnsslc,
who, standing with his students among the
hills, took off his hat and said, "Young
gentlemen, liefore we study these rocks let
us pray for wisdom to the God who made
the rocks," Today the greatest doctor and
lawyers of Brooklyn and New York and of
thN land and of all lands revere the Chris
tlnn religion, and are uot ashamed to say
ols-fore Juries and legislatures and sen
ate. All geology will yet bow In-fore the
Hock of Ages. All botany will yet worship
the Hose of Sharon, All astronomy will
yet recogul.e the Star of Hethleheiu. And
physiology ami anatomy will Join hamU
and say, "We must, by the help of God,
get the human race up to the perfect nerve
and perfect muscle and perfect brain and
perfect form (if thnt perfect child, hcfoiv
whom, nigh twenty hundred years ago.
the wise men leut their tired knees In
Heboid also In that first Christmas night
that God honored the fields. Come lu,
shepherd boys, to Hethlohcin and see the
child. "No," they say, "wo uro not dressed
good enough to come In." " es you are
come in." sure e.iougn, i ue storms ami tie
night dew and the hrumhlea have made
rough work with their r.pimre I. but none
nave a netter ngni 10 come in. nicy were
t lie tlrt to hear the music of that Christ
nuts night. The first announcement of it
Saviour's birth was made to those men in
the field. They were wiseacre that night
In Hethleheiu and .Jerusalem snoring in I
deep sleep, and there were salaried oftlccnt
of government, who, bearing of it after
ward, may have thought that they ought
to have had the first news of such a great
event, some one dismounting from a swift
camel at their door and knocking till, at
some sentinel' quexllon, "Who come
there?" the great one of the palace might
have been told of the celestial arrival. No;
the shepherds heard the llrst two bar of
the music, the first in the major key and I
the lost in the subdued minor, "Glory to
God In the highest, and on earth peace,
Rood will to men.'' Ah. yen: the fields were
The oh( shepherd with plaid and crook
have for the most part vanished, but we
have gnulng our United State puMure,
field and nralrie. nlmttt forty-five mllllou
sheep and all their keeper ought to fol
low the shepherd of my text and all those
who toll in Held, all vine ilreeps all
orchardiMlH, all hubaniliuen. Not onlr
that ChrtstmaH night, but all up nnd down
the world' history Cod had beeu honoring
the field Nearly all tbe uuaslali of re
(unit uud lllmatiire and eloquence and law
and benevolence have i nine fiuui the Holds.
Washington from the MehU Jefferson
from the Held, The presidential martyrs,
Oitrlleld and Mucoid from the Held.
Henry Chi) from the Held. Daniel Wei
ster from the Meld. Mai I In hiither from
the Meld, llefuie this world I right the
overflowing population of our crowded
eltle will have to take to the field.
Instead of ten merchant in rivalry as to
who shall sell that one apple we want at
least eight of them logo out mid raise up- I
pie Instead of leu merchants desiring to
sell that one huhel of wheat we wnfilati
least eight of them to go out and raise '
wheal. The world waul now more hard
hand, more hroucd cheeks, more muscii
hiraim. 'Ililhellehl' (lod honored t hem
when he woke up the shepherd by the
midnight iiuthem, ami he will, while the
world lasts continue to honor the fields.
When the shepherd's crook was that fa-
moils night stood against the wall of the
Helhlehem khan, It wa it prophecy of the
time when thrasher's Hall ami farmer's
plow and woodman's ax ami ox's yoke ami
sheafbluder' rake shall surrender to the
God who mm! the country, as man made
the town.
Heboid, also, that on that Christmas
tight God honored motherhood. Two mi
gel on their wing might have brought
an Infant Saviour to Helhlehem without
Mary's being there at nil. When thu vil
lagers, on the morning of IHcemlcr 'M,
awoke, by divine arrangement and lu some
unexnlalned way, the child Jesus might
IiuvcIh'cii found lu soimicumfortablocradle
of the village. Hut no, mil MotherhiMsl for
all time wa to Imj consecrated, ami oue of
the tenderest relations was to bu thu ma
ternal relation, and oue of the sweetest
wonts, "Mother." In all ages Gisl has
honored good niothcrlioixl. John Wesley
bad a good mother, St. Heruanl had it gixsl
mother, Hauiuel Hudgett a good mother,
Dishlrldge a good mother, Walter Scott a
good mother, Henjamlti West a good
In a great audience, most of whom were
Christians, I asked that all those who had
Ih-cii blessed of Christian mothers arise,
nml almost the entire assembly stood up.
Don't you we how Important It Is that all
motherhood be consecrated? Why did
Titian, the Italian artist, when he sketched
the Madonna, make It an Italian fncuf
Why did HuIh'iis, the German artist, In
bis Madonna, make It a German face?
Why did Joshua Reynolds, the Knglish
artist, lu his Madonna, make it an Knglisl'
facer Why did Murlllo, the Spanish artist,
In his Miidnuua, make It a Spanish face? 1
never heard hut I think they took their
own mothers as the type of Mary, the
mother of Christ? When you hear some
oue, In sermon or oration, speak In thu ali
stract of a giMsl, faithful, honest mother,
your eyes fill up with tears while you say
lo yourself, "That was my mother,"
The llrst word a child utters Is apt to Iw
"Mother," uud the old man In hi dying
dream calls "Mother! mother!" It matters
uot whether she wa brought up In the stir
rounding of a city, uud In affluent home,
and was dressed appropriately with refer
ence to the demands of modern life, or
whether she wore the old time cap and
iM-tiit tfimiil Miu.rliif-tf.s. inul unroll nf ln-r
own make, and knit your socks with her
I ii i i... ,i... 1.....1 n. ..!....
unil uv-w ln- pruu-u i tin- imimii iiii;imu;it,
with great black logs itbht.e on a winter
night. It matter uot how many wrinkles
crossed and recrossed her face, or how
much her shoulder stooKd with the bur
dens of n long life. If you iwilntod a Ma-
. donna, burs would lie the face. What it
' gentle hand she had when we were sick,
nnd what a voice to sooth pain, and was
theru any one who could so fill up a room
with peace and purity uud light? Ami
what a sad day that was when we came
home and she could greet us not, for her
lip were forever still.
Come Imck, mother, this Christina day
and take your old place, and as ten or
twenty or fifty year ago come and open
the old llllile itsyou used to: end and kneel
In the same place where you used to pray,
nml look tiMin us as of old, when you
wished us a merry Chrltma or a happy
New Year. Hut, not That would uot be
fair to call you back. You hail troubles
enough itnd aches enough and bereave
ments enough while you were here. Tarry
by the throne, mother, till we Join you
there, your prayers all answered, and iu
the eternal homestead of our God we shall
again keep Christmas Jubilee together.
Hut speak front your throne, all you glori
fied mothers, ami say lo all these, your
on and (laughters, words of love, words
of warning, words of cheer. They need j
your voice, for they have traveled far and
with many a heartbreak since you left
them, and you do well to call from the
heights of heaven to the valleys of earth:
Hall, enthroned ancestry! We are coming.
Keep a place right heebie you at the ban- ,
Slow footed years! .More swlfllf run
lulu thu gold f Hint iinsettlm; stuii
Hnimwlck we urn for thee.
Calm land liuynnd thuseu.
New Ktiiiiliiyiiirnt for Women.
KxKrt from the agricultural depart
ment recently establlshi-d lu Boston a sta
tion for the lnpeet Ion of meat to lie hl
peil abroad. Till complete the number
of such station provided for by the meat
Inspection bill passed at the last cion of
emigre. The other Mutton ure at South
Omaha, KaiiaCity, Milwaukee and Chi
cago The establishment of these stations
open up aunt her branch of employment for
young women
ll ha been found that they are bettor
lltted for the woik of Inflection than men.
Till wiw developed at Chicago, where tho
llrxt Mutton wa established. At llrst six
teen young men uud sixteen young women
, i were employed. The women outstripped
tho mcn jrom th(, MatU Kow m.arly ft of ,
tho cnl.,,oyi.t.. at the various Millions are
I women. They excel men In that
, i,.,... - r .,, ,..irnftIi ..,.,. to i..llrll n.,,1
, ' -. .-.::. .
art' more quick ami (left in mimiimg t lie
mictoscopes. They also seem to lie (pucker
In theeyu.than men when looking through
those Instruments. ,
The work I clean and they take much j
Interest iu lu If there I trichina In nn mil
nml It will Ik- evidenced by the condition
of the tenderloin and the diaphragm. Sec
tions of those portion of the animal tire
given to the Inspector. They, after usuig
their mtcroM-opcs, pronounce whether or
not the atilimil wit healthy. Chicago
Woman News.
At Original lilea.
Rather a novel Idea wa that carried Into
effect at a recent wedding. This wus to
utilise the laundry In the front basement
as an addition to the Mttleof rooms thrown
ojien The billiard room wa below stair,
and to leach It the laundry door must bo
paMMst. Ho the door hnd to ImchiMslorthe
room tt.ii f.iiiud. The latter was done.
a iigwit stretched on the floor, the
wb. vv itHctl with (lower and greens,
tin t .s Hiked and wholly concealed with
pu ' 1 phi" n and trailing inos, the range
m. ..! l lu with glowing palm, rub
ber lr e s',, l In i-oriier and the pitted
,.. .i-,xw.-,.ryer.iuMeauiy.wuncvery
i si. 0.1 i-i sm liomeiy ue ouiiieriiieu.
Her 1 ' 1 1 Vl.w In New York Tlniea.
How In Smooth lllhhiiii.
Place u moderately hot flatlron on tho
Ironing board, the ribbon tinder tho
iron, . 'id pull it carefully through.
Motrin .tlU Aunt rtrtllr'n Hwrel I'lrklr..
Select largo firm poaulic, peel nml
weigh thein. To each poiitiil of fruit
allow half a pound of sugrir nml Imlfii
pint of vinegar! with tho sugar ami vlu
cgnr mala n simp. Put Into ench pencil
four whole cloves, nml when tho ttlrup
Is clear put tho peaches In, a fuwitln
tlmo uud cook them. Put them into
jars nml pour over tho liquor hot. In it
fuw days scald the sirup uud pour over
lion to I'riiiioiincn Arksinun.
Arkansas is thoouly statu In thu Union
nml probably the only ouo in tho world
which has defined by law tho proper
way to prououueo its imnio. Thu law f
thu statu is that It shall bo culled Arkau
saw. Theru wuh conflict until this legis
lative, enactment; now it is sottled better
than thu pronunciation of any disputed
word lu any of thu dictionaries. It is
related of ouu of tho vico presidents of
tho United States, Millard Fillmoro per
haps, thut ho great was his courtesy that
in recognizing tho senators from Arkan
sas, ram wmi always "tho senntor from
Arkansas" and thu other, "tho senator
from Arkunsuw," tho sonior scniitor
being in thu habit of pronouncing tho
tiittuo of his statu as it is Bjiollcd, whilu thu
junior called it us it is now only lawful
to do.
How to fllvn Medicine to a Sick Cat.
Mix it with lard and rub it on her
Bides, nnd her love of cleanliness forces
her to lick it off and swallow it. Flowers
of sulphur administered ho keeps hur from
having distemper. A quarter of u ten
spoonful onco a week or so whilu young,
and once a month if older. If indiges
tion nnd vomiting, put sweut olivoor al
mond oil on her paws. If a cnt has it fit
throw cold water on her head, and later
givo her oil nml sulphur.
How lu Defi-ut nml Kriidlcste a Tend
ency to luminlty.
Never think long about yourself or
your wrongs and sorrows. Muko it a
point to help somo other person every
How to Ontflt for Mountain Climbing.
A mountain trip may bu mmlo n sea
son of unmixed delight or almost un
bearable misery, according to tho man
lier in which ono is dressed. In thu first
placo no corset should bo worn. A
beauty waist, snug yet comfortable, bus
liemls its weight from tho shoulders.
Thu stocking suspenders button to this,
as do also tho woolen knickerbockers or
divided skirt. The shoes should bo widu
of solo and low heeled. Gaiter of cloth
protect the ankles ami meot tho divided
skirt. Tho dress should bo short, of
storm serge, gray, brown or blue. A
Norfolk waist, with a stout leather bolt
from which hangs n littlo bag containing
smelling salts, a bottle of porf umo and
some vnsoliue and camphor ice. Two
largo pockets can contain small comb,
brush, toothbrush and handglass as well
as hairpins, penknife, pencil, pad; somo
string, sovorul clean handkerchiefs and
a couplu of pairs of stockings. Tho hat
should bo soft, but should shade tho
eyes. A Held glass and gossamer water
proof may bo slung iu a snug bundle
over tho shoulder. Castor gloves, ono
extra pair in a pocket. Theso with a
drinking cup and a littlo spirits in n
small bottle if desired will with an
alpenstock carry n fair maiden through
several days of climbing in perfect com
fort and independence of civilization.
Neoillu, thread and small bcissors can
also bo easily curried.
How to Sew Furs.
In case any lady wants to inako over a
fur garment, she can do so by following
these directions: Whenever sho wants
to cut her fur sho must mark it on tho
skin side with chalk nml cut it with a
sharp knife, not letting it cut quite
through at first, and then pull tho piece
I apart, finishing the cut very delicately,
. so us not to 8t)oil the fur. On no :ic-
' count must scissors bo used, as they will
cut tho fur on the ouUide in spite of the
utmost precaution. When it is all cut
tho edges to be sewn aro brought to
gether and moistened, and sown over
hand with waxed cotton thread. Silk
cuts tho skin. When the seam is sewed
it should be laid fur side down on it
board and tho seam again moistened,
and pressed flat by rubbing it with it
J shell, or somo other smooth surfiu-ed
article. Done this way, no seam is visi
ble on thu outside, uud the garment
looks as well us if douo by piofessionul
sewers. All kinds of fur uro sewn in
tho sumo way.
How to Cure Nervoiuneti.
Handle ami euro for livo animals its
much its possible, especially horses and
cattle. DJd you over boo a nervous jock
ey? How to Cure n Curliuncle and Prevent
It Itrcnklm;.
As soon as a person begins to have
severe lancinating pains, together with
redness uud swelling upon tho back or
sides of tho neck, among tho cords, lie
should at onco begin to take inwardly
ton drops of tnuriated tincture of iron
three times a day, and have tho painful
place moistened every two hours with
carbolic acid us strong us it can be borne.
A small spot should be touched at first
to sco how strong it can be used, and
water added to it until it does uot burn.
Thu ofteuer this is applied the better. A
couple of days of this treatment will
allay tho pain and prevent the gathering breaking out, or, iu medical pnr
lance, abort the carbuncle. It is a recent
discovery. After tho disappearance of
tho swelling the patient should take it
generous diet and try to build up the
system by bovinine or somo other nour
ishing and eurichinu thiuir. as carbuncles.
lllr- ,. , ;,- ,, ,. .
.-..-, "-" ....-.- "
povorished condition nf the blood.
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