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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1892)
n!f,"""'5-'' i 'A- PoPdlAR PAPER of AX9PERN TIMES " Pkicic iivic Cunts '''r'r " ' tr, ,,. , ., , , ,j i ii- mni, i mincaawBts; Vot. 7 No 4 Lincoln, Nkhnahica, Satumuav, Januawy 'J, ItlDiJ. ' Two lovers sat tnuet her, , ' f Twm tbo evo of New Year' day, j And bo muttered liU confession i - ' a In timid lot or's way. I i """" And ho wanted licr to hear &SxJ K iAvV" ' t KA J 'l ISBju . rl 1 I fVNR an What great thlngsbo had bt'en plannlag AlA y 1 c LiHl Fl I fl. I I M I Pi 1 HcfiX tJ A Tobodonothoco.n1n.near. .v IfM V BiJH fit . "Ho'd resolved that bo would win her. ' v.V SMll 1 1 ). 1 tflwiKlffiW? r iVmrrf1? I C K, But tbo maiden iihoolc her bend, -xn ffiffigfl JTiTrWt If -f,- , " WlM" "" It" Ffff'""' Then boa8nswcred blmaud said,' ttrWF' EJtfTWT 3 naferSiES'n L'lirOB. fo ' TIIK COLUMHIA EXPOSITION THE! ADMINISTRATION HUII.DI.VG. . ' Aa her eye In frolic twinkled And ibo laughed aloud, ha, hal "You had better make another That will take In ray papa." Wuxiston Oaki "Lincoln's chuich-golng ioiulatlon is In. creasing," lemarkod a rhrewd observer but evening. "Standing on tbo corner Holiday night I was convinced by tho huge concourse of people on tnelr way to chinch that Lino coin can be not down as a Clod-Co irlng com inuinty. From comparison and obsei vatlon, I believe tlmt u larger percentage of people attend Sunday trviees now tlmn at any period in tbo history of Lincoln'" Au event of unusual interest In art circles is the recent presentation by Gjorgo W. Chllds, the philanthropic publisher of the Philadelphia Ledger, of bis iiiHgnillceiit col lection of prints, manuscript, autographs etc., to the library of the Droxel Institute, at Philadelphia. Tbo collection Is one of the finest in existence and represents tbo work of a lifetime on Mr. Chllds part. It embraces some exceedingly rare specimens, including the only complete manuscript of Thackeray In existence, and tbo or ly complete novel of Dickens in manure, lyt form outside the South Keiiklngton musouin. I liavo beard that for this latter woik alone, Mr. Chllds has refused $0,000 and this is probuhl) Jtoolow by several thousauds. Dickens' in his"Mutual Friend" and Thackeray's, his lectin o on George III. Doth are said to bo in a wonder ful state of preservation. Another featuio of the collection is n handsomely bound vol ume In which Is contained portraits and auto Vuph lettei s of every president of tbo Uul ,el tttates, from Washington down. 'V bat ability do you pottetfcf" Inquired the newtpaper publisher of the youthful can didate far editorial honors. "I have a scissors and a self-feeding pocket paste cup" was the reply. "Young mun, I see you havothe necessary, qualifications. Consider yourself engaged. ' The mbjei t of a state base ball league for the teuton of V-! Is being discussed with be coming regularity about now. Au Omabu writer In the Sporting AVirt Is tbo flitt to sound the tocsin. He'd Impressive nay, ho is enthusiastic. Listen to this outburst of bis poetic buso ball soul: "What joy would thrill the hearts of the crunks out at Grand Island, Hastings, Fremont, Lincoln, Uout rico or any of the other cities likely to bo In cluded in such a circuit, if thoy could down Omaha in a race for tbo State championship, and lu tho event of a close raco between any of these cities, how tho all-sustaining shock les would our into their various collets." And so, after all, the joy wo would experi ence in downing Omabu would bo a meio bagatelle compared to Omaha's joy in rak ing in our "all-sustiiluliig shekel. ' Funny baselwill. Funny eopie. Funny world. The more ono tees at It tbo more he Is forced to agree with the sub-tlte of Iloyt's "Texas Steer" that "Monoy makes tho inaro go," V Apropos of this, it may bo gently remark ed that when tho proper time comes Lincoln will have her littlo suy in the base bull arena. Wo are not hero exactly to dance when the other fellows wbUtle, and If we must pour In our nil-sustaining sheckels, as tho Omaha correspondent suggests, wo want to know wheio wo'ie going to get valuu received. V Mr. Chuiles L. Tiirany. of tbo well known New Voi k jewelry establishment, lias been man led and living happily with his wife for tho lust IKty yours. At tho recent eelobiu- tlonof tho golden until verMiry, th employes of tho III in presented a solid gold ineilal on which were elnboiutoly engraved ilmIuIIIou portraits of Mr and Mrs. Tiiruny. This is ull right. A husband and wife who can live together jKUicefully for fifty yeais in those days of dh ait, alimony and separation de serve something mot a than a gold medal. The attention of kiar guzois in Lincoln weie attl acted by a billllunt meteor the other evening. Tbo aerolite descended slow ly from u point seemingly In close proximity to tbo constellation of the little "dipper," d scribing in Its gentle descent a very graceful arch. It wus surrounded by a bright light of greenish hue, utid just befoiodlsappeui lug burst into sections, like a fulling tocket. Au ustionomicul friend who stood ut my elbow watching tbo uuusuul spectacle insisted that tho missile struck earth at a point not to ex ceed sixty miles south-west of Lincoln; but what the ui tillery of heaven could have steu worth shooting at in Oiuuliu is inoiu than 1 can determine. Tho new postal cards, which were placed oil sale ut the Lincoln post olllce Monday, umof uiiuiiibeiish color, nearly one-thlid larger than the old rlia. Tho lettering and general design ure quite dis-stinlliur to Uncle rtuili's old message beurers, uud utrord u wel come change f t out tho barren monotony of which tho old curds were ho suggesth o. The uppor right hand corner is adorned by un ex cellent viguetta ot General Grunt. Tho Iluydeu Art Exhibition cumo to u conclusion ut Armory bull lust evening after ono of tho finest uud most interesting exhibits it has yet made. Tho friends of ai t In Lincoln are indebted to tbo members of the club for their eHorls, in tho fuco of most discouraging circumstances, to place beroro them ull tliut Is good uud true and beautiful In Hue art. It may occur to tho individual members that their tusk Is a thankless one, but this is not truly so. In the J ears to come their eirorts, and tho practical result, will bo felt and appreciated lu Lincoln, where It will bo liclily uppioved. Tho value of tbo exhibit was much enhanc ed by the loans of the Western Art associa tion ami special loans by Geuorul Kussel A. Alger of Michigan, Mr. Goorgo W. Llnlngor of Omaha uud tho Art Institute of Chicago, Ger. Alger'H oil painting, "Tiio Lust IIouis of Mozart" by Munkucsy formed tho princi pal featuie of tho exhibition. It is a superb masterpiece, and Lincoln was indeed foi tu liuto in securing a chance to see this great painting. In tho local department there were many tine olTeilngs In oil uud water colors, our own uitlsts making a very credit ublorlioViug, Ladles hair diesslmr. Miss Johnston, lilt O street. Tho only uluco to iret tho Tlmn lmk roirU. tcr butlk" lit tbo LMI'Iit 1(1 riMlt kttr.. MM south l'-'th street. The January number of Outing opom with a delfclitrully Interesting story "Tho Dear's Mead Ilrnoch," by Kruest Ingersoll. Tbo scene Is laid in Colorado during tho nrly Seventies, and nu episode of a prosec tor's life Is well tieateil. Nuiiihiou'I line II lustiutlons by William A. McCullougli adorn the tale. In addition, there mil a number of ubhoiblin: snecial feutuies. luwlrlu tiw. ..u...i editorials, records, eiiis, etc. In thoA'orftlmcciVdii llevfew tor Juuti ury, Ludy Henry Somerset contrasU the slums of Iiondon mid New York, mwl u dumo Adum's recent nrticla on "Do French WovelsUepresentFiencliLlfef" is answered by Andrew Lung. Under the head of "Nine ty Miles in Eiahtv nine Mlr.iiti.a ' tin, nuiw. ulsupeilntendentof tho New York Central runway coiurinuies a picture or the life and work of locomotive englneeiii Tho other features are of an uiiusinillv hlt-l. uiumUr.i of excellence. Tboiollablo fashion joiirnuls published by A. McDowell & Co.. 4 West r.... N Y., ure too well known to lequlro uuy spec ial mention ut our hands. "ImMoiIii tie Hurl" gives tho laU-stlFiench styles. "AI huinldea Motle" gives a selection of styles wmen are serviceuDIo to the fumily. The fqilller is 113 uud tile latter 1.1 renin h copy of ull ueWNlcuU is or direct. "Why SjuIuIUiii ApiNMiU tj Artists" will be answeied by Walter Crane, the well known Kllldishuiutl. Ill tbu Allnnttn fn,itl.l tor Juuuury. A collection of letters written uyuomimuuit aim, wiuio conducting tho Westminster "fcrfi-io", uud nu imjiortant Doner on "Uoston." from Mr. K,iuirri'a un published inauu'icripts, will appear in the same number. Scrlbncr'a lor Junuury is nu unusually brilliant pioductiou, even for that high cluu liublicutlon. It beirlns Its kIxIIi v....,- .in, I eleventh volume with that number, which is replete with ull the good tilings or tiiu sea son. Wililum F. Aptborp discusses "Paris Theatres uud Cancel ts"ut length, mid tlirmvi. COIlsiilerable llirlit on tln riil...'.tn.l. subject. "Crimo and tho Iuw" by ltecoidei ouiitii oi inow yoik, Heals with his expert elites among ciimes and ci imliutls, uud will repuy u cuieful pei usul. There aru a mun ber of other ui tiuliM or sK-ciul mei it, uud the Illustrations, us usual, aio of a high oedtr. Tbo Jaiiuurv Forum Is aa bright nml i tertulnliig us ever. It has lieeu enlurged, both In tbo si.o of the pugo uud tho ntimber of pages; uud tho magazine is sewed with thread uud no longer stitched with who. The leading articles in the cuiiiilit issue uio: "Tile liulsiuuu littory a History," ly Judge Fmiik McOloin, of tho Ijulsluna court of apjieals, a scathing nrialgiiment of tiio lotteiy lontacle. "Tho Now Theological Teaching," by tho Kov. Dr. Ilrlggs; Heiesy Tiiuls and the llricgs Case by Itev. Dr. Philip Scolf and "Pension legislation Again", by uen. ii. . Hiocuni. Tho rorum is how ouoot tho largest uud handsomest, as well us the most popular of the ieiews. In tho Mugatiiie of Amerlutn titulary, niiiun opens us toiiiy-sociiiu volume Willi tho Now Year, uppcars the llrst jxirt of "A Ciitii'itl uud Common Sense View of the En terprise of ChrUtopher Columbus," by Hon. 'Ait bur Hurvey, prcsldmt of tlm Canadian Institute. Itev. Dr. Glover discusses tbo question "Wus America Dlscovrrud by tbo Chinesef" and Hubert Howe ll.iu-roft tells us Homething alKiut "Collis I'. Hiiutiiigtoii." A number of other articles, with thu usual unay of short contilbutlons, coinploto a splejidid issue of tills excellent magalne. One always turns to tho tVnfio with the,'exH)ctutIoii of enjoying a nuo Intel lectuul feast, and ho is raiely, If ever, ills npiKilnted. The Junuury numlier Is an improvement on the December number, just us tiio Decemlior Issue was nu Improvemant over that of Novcmlier. Tho frontispiece Is u charming tiortralt of Gounod, the cele brated French conqKisor uud musician, which Is accompanied by a puier of his eai ly life. "Tho Jews of New Yol k" nro dlscussiHl by tbo Itev. Dr. Wheutou, while Mr. J. II. Dodgo of tho Agilculturnl Demirtineiit, explains ' The Discontent of thojFurnier." There me many other articles of 'striking Interest, including the usual budget or iswtry, uud illustrations of au excitsllngly line character. Dissolution or I'riiiulneiit ITrms. With tho close of the old your the well known llrm or Parker & Sundersou bus been discontinued, Mr. Sanderson retlilng while Mr, I'nikci' continues the business, UKsuming all ilebts and collecting uccountK, Mr. Sanderson inforins a Couiukk ieK)rler Hiatus soon as a central locution can bo seemed uud a new Hue selected, ho will ohjii a shoo stole again. Mr. Fiod II. Houtz ror three years a member or tho film of Drown and Houtz, wholesalo clur luercliants, has sold his iutei est to his pal tmer, Mr. F A. Drown, who will continue tbo business ut the old stand miller the title of F. A. llrowu and Co. The Columli tun Kxmpioii. Tlu progress of tho Worlds Columbia KxHUlon, which opens noxt year at Chi cago, is a mntter of unlveisal interest tboroughoiit tho land. The administration building, nu excellent illustration of which will bo found in to-day's CouiiiKH, Is by jiopulir venlict proiiouuctsl tho gem and crown of the Exposition palaces. Tho most conspicuous objict which will uttruct tho guo Is the gilded dome of this lolty build lug. This Imposing edlllco will cost uUnit fi-V),(Wu anil covers uuduiea of i!00 Mpiar feet. The general design is in the stylo of the Flench iciinbsuiicc, Tho first great ttory is lu tho Doric order, or heroic pro iwrtlous, and the tocoud with its lofty and spacious colnuude, Is of the Ionic. Tho Interior features of this great building evou exceed lu beauty and splendor those of tho exterior. Iletween every two of the giuiid entrances, and touutvtlngj tho Inter vening pavilliou with tho great rotunda, Is a hall or loggia HO feet squiiio, giving access to the olliees uud piovidtsl with bioud, ciiular stairways and swift-running elevutois. The under side of the dome is enriched with dttp panellings, richly moulded, nml the panels hi o tilled with sculpture in low relief, uud Immense paintings rcpiesentiiig tho aits and sciences. In sl.e this lotuudu rivals, If it does not mi ass, the most cele biuted domisof it slinllur chaiacter in the world. The soiles will bo continue I mxt week and tbeieafter until all tho prlncipil buildings hao In en hhowu, ladles kid gloves cleaned or colored at Liu coin Steam Dye hoiKs, UOiI 0 sheet. It was sorely disappointing to many then tie irix'rs wlio lnid in rn,,(r,y t.. vi,.... .,... IMirforiiiiiuce, that A. M. Palmer's "Captain '""' L-ompaiiy were iiuauio lo reach Lin coln. OWilllf t(l II Urll- (if Imltu .!!...... I.. tlmo to fill their Christmas engagement. The ticket sold on the advaiico, amounting to inaio than t4(K). Inivri nil iu.... . ,i.u. . and tho entire exM.nso of the theatre has wen iiiaiiiuiiy noriio iiy I'aimor'H inanoger. Wo do not mind tollimr von mi n. ..,.!.., however, that the company will ho seen at j..u.i,u jiuusiiix umjii iw rotuin from Han Francisco, when vnu will Lnami ,..,.,... ity of seeing "Captulu Srtlft." JelOllle lv. Jerniim l Un, fiiitl.n.. nt itr.n.. Thoughu of an Idle Fellow" and "Throo Men lu u llout, to Suy Nothb ? of the Dog," books that hove recently eujoyod a wide iiop ularity; also "Tho MnsUir of Wixslbarrow." one or young E. II. Southern's latest and """" iHuiuiuncuu successes. Wlien, there foiu, it was unnaunced that the comedy of "Dr. Hill," tho Christinas attraction at tho Funke, would lie preceded by (l ono act cur tuiu raiser by this author, there was some reason for the exjiectutloii that the mlnii turo play would be Interesting ut bust. Hut It wasn't. If anything drourlei than "Sun. set" bus boon presented lu Lincoln this sea son it has escaped the wutcliful attention of Tiik CouniKU. It is n desultory string of cheap and meaningless bontlmeiit. To at tempt to criticise it teriously would bo a waste of tlmo "Dr. Hill" camo to Lincoln with tho pres tlgo of a long run in Now York. Tho piny itself is ull right for thoso who have u liking for French fun and French silggestlveness, leseiubl'iignotn little in plotllol.iiul Heed's last j ear's success, "feud Me Your Wire"; but tho company deserved uud (received small attention rrom Lincoln play goers, who can tell leal merit when thuy see It. Hrlelly stated, the play Is a ortrayal of the dilllcultles arising from uu old gentleni'in'h forcing his son in-law, who is wealthy, to practice bis prof.-sslou ineilleine. Tim young doctor, neeiitly married, makes a piofesslonul tnllou a gay married woman whose husband Is much away fioin homo, uud In the confusion incident to several un oxiecUd arrivals u single mun and aj married woman get locked up in ono rooiu.tho doctor and his inother-liilaw are hidden uwuy, un known to each other, lu another, and adja cent upuitliients open up to receive other variously disjointed couples. Thill's tho kind of a story It Is. There is somo really Innocent run; but there is an element or tho sensational running tliioughout the whole comedy, mid somehow western audiences do not seem to rare for Ibis sort of thing, much us it Is applauded and appreciated iu Gotham, William Wilson, who did the part of "Dr. Hill '. whs excellent when computed to the other meinbeis of the compiuy, au I not wholly bad when judged by bis own merits. Tho kangaroo danco Introduced in tbo play Is a noetty iu Its lino and Miss Stokes' agll. ity and gruce were iwiimly applauded when ever she apMinl. The attendance wnw Ilglit at both HrforiiinncoMt Sir. William II, Hherwood of tho Clilcngu oonservnlory of miislo npiionrisl In a piano rucltnl nl tlm Fiinko Monday evening before a small niiilluiire, Ills dcllcalo and nrtlstlo execullon was hUhly enjoyed by those pros, cut. UN efforts deserved wider reoonitlon than was accoriln I, If tho uiidioncii which iissunblod at the LaiiNhiff aiouday evening exiwcted. as many of them appardntly did, to sea Charles h. Davis In I ho till.) rolo of Alvln Joslln," they wiiredoomwl (odlsapjiolnliuout. Just what m rated tlilsiinptesslou It Udllllctilt to deter mlmi, unless pKriiaps It aroso rrom the fact that the combination was advertised as Mr. Duvls'eotnpany. Mr. Cliailes' .Vlllurd, who essayed the I oh-, has performisl this cliurmi. ti r ror many jnars and his work Is regarded as being cipial to that oi' Mr. Davis', thougli It cannot ho wild to have given tlm same sat isfaction heio. It takes fouroclH tu enuuior uio the lulventuies or Joslln, a Vermont farmer, who comes to New York at tlm in vltatlon of his nephow, lo sen thu sights mid ho hm tlioui, Holms tho samo oxistrlenco every fanner Is Kipiilaily supposed to liavo on his Mrst vltltlo Gothaui-biinco moil, ex tortionate baggagu transftvrs,pretty woinm, wine and all that, and finally ends up by be ing ill tested, charged with murdering a young woman ho has tindoi taken to be friend. Tlm nutiii ul shrewdness and Ingen uity of tlm Vet inontor enables him to extri cate himself ami to bnlllo hi enemies at every point until tlm cut tain fillsand every body Is intuited uud happy, not excepting , Tlieopholls Oglosby Doris, who wus iilwnyn loo late, 'the charaeters t'lroiighout were comiiiundably Inteipreted, tlm woik of K. ther Il.Stiattoii ns Alvln's butter half be- i lug away ubovo par, but tho play has lost i that snap and vim ami lutermt which made it iwpuliii' whei' Mrst ptodtiuisl liere. Vliiw cd In the Ilglit of calm consideration, tho ImpiohslonNti'udllytdccpoUftthuttlmKltuutloiiK and incidents am eutliely oveidiawit and unnatuial. No fanner of our atipialiitanco lias ever undergone such adventures, grave or guy, on his llrsl visit to thu city, n befell Alvltt Joslln, The more one thinks of It, the inoiu ho Is forced to the Irresistible conclu sion that plays or this elai, of which there .no multitudes, have leully hud their day. Thu attendance as good, Uolaiid Hood's vanity, a qjullty ulways- present, wus not llittorod by the attendance ut the Funke Wednesday evoblug, and bis address, when called before the curtain ut tbo cIishi of the third act, was littlo mure until a null over tliu fact that them woro, couple of hundred or so uiiocciniled seals In the house. However, the audience was not small and air. Heed's lemnrks did not come with the best gruce, "Tho Club Friend", by Sydney Hosetifeld, u somewhat pretentious. "society" play is intrinsically otto of tho best things tho uctor has introduced, be tween tlm character of "Captain Abuer Tar box" In "Lund Mo Your Wlfo" uud "Stuy vrsnnt Filbert" ill the present comedy there is a wide do vergetico, yet each Is made w ttnt by the u iiuuerlsius and iiecullurltles of tho utttst, "Stiiyvosuut Fllbeit'Ms aneoceii trio monoy maker of forty who has remain ed a bachelor through an .early and unre mitted nttachnioiit ror a pair or "hazol oyesi and golden hair." After an absence ot twenty years bo appears Just lu tlmo to avert u lliinuclal calamity which threatens the husband of his first uud only love. This done bo straightway falls iu lovo with and wins tho daughter of tho dulclnea of bis youth, In whom Is reproduced tho hazel eyo and tho golden hair. Tlm character Is alto gether dliroitnt from "Tho Souator" to which it has boon likened, but it must be confessed that "Muximllllan" Is only sugges tive of 'ilertlo, tbo Luinb" lu "Tho Heurlot tu", Albert Hobarts did the part well, how ever. George F. Nush, who takes tho part of "Perclvul Jurvls, ai. D., Is regarded as the ablest of Hood's support, but tlm work done by Charles A. Sinlly, who appears as "AbramOaks" mei its quite as strong ap piovul. ailss Isudoro Hush, who has beem soeii hero buforo gave u slilkltig iwrlruyal of "Evelyn," while Miss Elna Wallace wan cap tivating us "Sylvia". The entire company wus well up to u high standard. Young W. 8. Cleveland's minstrels ap pourod ut the Now Lanslnir Weduesilav evening nml guvo a ei forinanco in enjoy able as It wus original. That minstrelsy has taken u gieat upnurd bound within the past decade no ono will nttempt to deny, but with all that you can count on ono bund till tho compunles who leully deserve to be culled minstrels. They are Ljw Dock. Mailer's, Goorgo Wilson's, Piiinrostf uud West's, Cleveland's, uud tho Gorman's. I rltlcs dllfer uc to which of these Is in the lend, but it Is safe to say that Cleveland' aio a long way rrom the roar. Tho singing In tho first KUt Wednesday evening was very Unoly rendered, the "Noah" or John II. Illackford, Harry J. Howard' "Picture Tiiat Is Turned Toward tho Wall," Hanks Winters' "I can't Delievo bor Fiilthlesj," ami the topical dlttys by Arthur HUliy and John Queen dewtvlng espjoial mutiou. The "Deceptive Lyons" was true to his title iiudcleveily lioolwiiikod sjveu-olglits or thu aildieucti by his ui ikeup. He it today uuo of I tho Ust, if not the best, femalt) lmpersoii. ator iietoio tlm public. Howard, Hussell, Uluckfonl, uud I'alboit In their musical exposition have inuuuged to inuko hlghli Interosting what is usually a very dull pun. in tbo uvorugo minstrel entertainment. Arthur Hlgby in his quaint comiculltlos uiul queer sayings h just as funny as ever nml his voice Is even Improved by time. A mar vel lu his lino is "Ouda" tho gymnast, who has teon termed "Tho embodiment of aioor's. young go I." His delicate and dilllcult balancing and heel uud too pedostriuulsm lu mid n Ir, head downwards, Is enough to excite tho wonder and udiiilrutlon of the, most disinterested observer. If tho aud ience was not as largo as it mL-lit liavo Ims.ii, it made up in appreciation what it lacked in numbers. Continued on Fifth l'm-v. w H is '? W SI I I W !'