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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1891)
rVfr-f"' tVii4" f CAPITAL CITY COUIUEK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1891 v- r j - 1 1 l I r Ij, I I Lft tf. i E. v. ..' , a - ty n- c V rv, i r n l w It pa i r - i "v-v B.M-- 8 Nflai POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COM. TENTH AND P ST. LADIM' FURNISHING GOODS a specialty. A hill of Dr. Warner's mul and Hall's Corset HOSIERY, UNDKHWKAR AND KID OLOVKH III I u nto assortment. Wo ltne tho agency fur Th Butterlck's Patterns. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. TAKE NOTICEI The Courier will not lie rcsiKmslblo for ay debts mado ly nny ono In it imino, tin as a wrlttn onlor accompanies tho snino, RIBBONS! WE ARE IN IT! looo pieces All Silk, Satin Edge, Gros Grnln Ribbon nt unheard of prices. No. a cyd. No. 5 ntul 7 10c yd. No. 9 nnd laisjjcyd. No. 16 and 33 15c. All Colors and Width. M. Ackermann & Co. Famous Corner, 1145 O St. The Courier Can be round At Hotel Lincoln Now Stand. Windsor Hotel Nuw Htnnd. Capital Hotel Now Mnnd. Odetl's Dlnluu 1111 NuwaHland, MS O H. Tho Gotham Now Bland, IIH Month lltli Ht. Tho Apex, III North 11th Htrccl. Kd. Young, HBOOHtroot. ui , CtMon. Fleiolwr A Co., 1120 0 i Htrco I. Wetornold' Barber Bliop, Burr IUwk. Intcrnntlnnnl Now Kmporlum, 12WI O St. Uoii Ton Cigar Wore, I art Nortli lltli Htroot. Moored NowsBtmidUs Koiith lltli Htrcet. HTAn oxtrn supply of paper Is always loft at the (lottiam, In enso other Newsdealers supplies run short. A ff OR A In tearch of useful article for Holiday Present should Inspect the large line shown by W. R. DennU & Co., n37 O treet. Fur, Seal Cap and Glove, Fur Cape, Silk Umbrella, Silk Hrace, Night !Robc, Silk and Linen Handkerchief, Warm glove and Mitten. All the latest and handsomest things hi Neckwear, Sil ver mounted Walking Stick. Church Advertisement. Commencing April flint, Tiik Couiukh lll !. nntlma ,urt Alnlllir in SAclllhlaS. festivals, lecturw, meeting and Hermons for all churches iree or ciiargo. AuvornwiiHiuw (or entertainment whero an admission 1 ofcarged will be Inserted nt one-half tho reg ular rate. Lecnl and Personal. Whltebrerst Coal and Lime Company Wedding Invitation Wewol Printing Co Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephono& Kugeue Hallett, diamond merchant, 113 N Eleventh street, Geo. A. Ilaymer, coul and wood. 'Phono 800, HSi O street. Canon City Coal at the Whltebreait Coal and Lime Co. Ladle kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin coln Btram Dye work, 1100 O street. Cabinet bath for ladle given by Mis. B. D. Catlln professional masseur, 1230 P street. We sell too genuine Canon City too. Betts, Weaver cSCo,, 1015 0 street. Tel .pfeone 440. For scavrngor work, day and night, drop J, C. Field a postal and ho will promptly call and see what you want. li(Ui nan liava. their iiartv dresses cleaned by the French dry process at the Lincoln i aye worn urn u street. Application for renUl of Turner hall for oclsua and uancidg receiveu av r. i . uuich berg's cigar store, 1 88 8. 11th street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by fee French dry cleaning process, only 15 eta. t Lincoln Bteatn Dye works, 1105 O street. "Not how cheap, but how good" is the atotto ot the new Studio Le Grande. Call and see their work, 134 south Twelfth street. Orders for piano tuning left with Young and Elder, 908 south Eleventh street, will receive prompt attention by B. C. Quick. Never order a photograph or picture of any kind until you have seen the work done at the new Studio Lo Qrande, 134 south Twelfth stseet. Gentlemen should now get out their lat summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam dye works 1105 0 street and have it cleaned, dyed, repaired or pressed out. Latest studies and n full line of artists material at popular price at the now Lin coln frame and art company, with Elite studio, 990 south Eleventh street Original round oak stoves, the only air-, tight round oak stove on the market, conse quently the most economical in consumption effuel Bold only by Dunham and Buck 1190 O street. Ladlei will" consult their best interests by ordering their meat aud game at Chlpmau MdSfeeeu, 15410 street. All orders either fas person or over telephone 180 will be osaprptly delivered. The 'Antique Molar" U the )tet In den tistry. It Is designed to supersede crown work and U far superior to It. Unlike tho ordiftary crown, the cap of the tooth U at tached by means of a olid gold band. Dr. A. P. Burns, 1908 O street, is thooilginator, Call and see him. fr y tl Tno fnot that the Couiukh U Mied Thum day ovenlng this wik, InMiiid of Friday night ns heretofore, will oxplnln tho nW'itw of many social linns touching ChrUtma festivities which must necwsHnrlly hlo over until next week. Kn. MIm Stella Ongo left Tuesday for Chicago. Mr. W. W. Wllhelm has gone toOII City, Pa. Mr. Joseph Holly of Omaha Is In tho city. Mr. T. M. Kllug will scnd Christmas In Mlneaioll. Mr. K. O. llliickburn loft Tucwlay for Hcnttle, Wash. Mm. W. II. (Joodrleh left Tuesday for Ahtabiilo,Oliio. Mr. II. I. Olmstend loft Tuesday for 1'rnlrlo View, Kan. Mlw-c (lertrudu nnd Cnrola Hill sent Sunday In lleiitilco. Mr. W. 1'. 1'ci khm and family staitod Tuesday for Ileno, 1. T. Mr, and Mrs. J, A. Haitxook started Tuesday for (Juloiin Ills. Mrs. W. 11. Howard has returned from n visit with lelatlves in Ord. Dr. C. F, Croighton nnd Professor C. D. llooxo "out to St. I tills Wednesday. Misses Halllo Hooper nnd Fnnnlo Hnwley sKnt Clu Istmas evo atNohraskn City. Mr. nud Mrs. Paul H. Holm lmvo gone to Chicago j'h here they wilt Hcnd tho holidays. Miks Nelllo Pound left Wednesday to spend tho hollilnys with relatives In Chicago. Dr. nud Mrs. A. S. Hoover left Monday for n ten duys holiday vacation in In- t)luiinKlU. Hon. S. M. LuinbeiUou has gon to Mlneial Point. Wis., to spend thu holidays with relntlvu. Tim Sunday school of St. Mink's Lutheran church gnvo it Chilstiims entertainment Thundiiy evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McCandlcss have ie tnruwl froin their bridal tour aud aro at homo nt'.' 1 14 P street. Miss lialdwln'ri kindcignrteii school cele brated Christinas by public exerclies and a tieo Thurhday uioruiug. Mr. William II. Atwood of Hudson, N. . owner of tho Opelt hotel, is making his annual visit in this city. Mr. and Mis. Halter, Miss Halter, and Mr. Frank Hhepaid havo returned from it delightful visit nt Denver. Mrs, T. II. Digger and daughter Millie of Xenln O., uro In thu city, tho guests of Mrs. Blgger's sister, Mm. Bnrr Parker. Miss Mno Burr, who is attending LaSalle seminary at Auburndale, Mass., nrrlved In tho city for tho holidays Wednesday. Miss Theodore Laws returned to Lincoln Sunday from Chicago nud will remain atwut u week with her family In this city. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Davis left Tuesday for Illinois in answer to a telegtnm an nouncing tho death of Mrs Davis' mother. Messrs E Castlebert, Williams, und James Little, tho sceulo artists engaged nt tho Lansing theatro, havo returned to Now York. Mr. A. G. Wolfeubarger has retarded to Lincoln from a lecturing tour through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York nud Canada. Miss Mabel Thomas of Tabor, Iowa, Is tho guest ot her aunt, Mrs. L 8. Nichols on K street. She will remain here during the holidays. Mr. J. W, RergB.of the Plnttsmouth Herald was in Lincoln this week. He will enter tho employ of tho Call In tho near future. Mrs. H. B. Ransler, wife of Professor Ilauslerof Now Yoik, is visiting Mrs. A. L Manchester. Mis. lluusler Is on her way to California. A social dancing parry will bo given by Mr. Will Raymond and sister, Mik Eleanor, nt 1UO0 R street, Wednesday oveiilug at eight o'clock. Mrs. T. H. Bigger, sister of Mrs. Barr Par ker, and daughter Milllo of Xenla, Ohio, nre guest under tho hospitable family roof, liXtt C street. Mr. Theodore Kaar and daughter, Miss Minnie, left on the noon train yesterday for Bennett to attend the wedding of Misi Blanche Kaar. The New Year's party to be given by the Pleasant Hour club, at the Lincoln, prom ises to surpass all previous efforts of this popular organization. Mr. George W, Dole ot Dole Bros., Kin- sas City pork packers, was iu Lincoln Monday looking over the packing estab lishment In West Lincoln. Mrs. G.C. Menzeudorf of the music de partment of the University, left Wednesday evening to spend the holidays with her parents in Bloomlugton, III. The Cotillion club was entertained Christ mas night by Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Shel don. It was the second germau of the sea son aud a most enjoyable ovent. Miss Callio Rogers has returned to her homo In Tecumseh, Miss May Manchester accompanied her home and will spend the holiday with her friends iu that place. Rev. E. S. 8mith of Beatrice occupied the pulpit of the Vine street Congregational church in a very acceptable manner last Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Wannamaker oill elated at Beatrice, Col. Goo. B. Skinner of Lincoln was In town lost evening, returning home today. The colonel remarks that thinks have chang ed a great deal since he first know this art of the county, many years ago. Beatrice Democrat. Jeweler Hallett bat been enjoying a groat rush tho past week and hi hnldiiy trade thus far more than doubles his last years business. Hallett 1 Lincoln's popular jeweler aud the fact that tho people know It is the reason for hi great success. George W. Fisher, recently ot Kansas City the dexterous cutter add designer with Huff man & Co., on O street, has devised what U called a "box sack coat,'.' a design of which appeal In the cm rent Usui) of the American T.tllor and Cutter. Mr. Fisher's effort Is iloM Ihtil n mi nrtlitlo jN'rfnnnriuo" by tho Journal mentioned. llauilsomu raids hnvobeen Issued nnnnuno lug tlin nuptials of Miss Laura Alice, Mine hnrtauilMr. ltimwll John Hitilou, which happy ovent ulll,tnki) pluco at tho church of tho Holy Tilnlty, Thuiwlny evening of next' week, at right o'clock, Tho Ihtt annual ball of tho Lansing tho alio oichestia which nns held at Mnsonlo templo hut evening was n social succets. S. A. Warner was master of ceremonies. Tho pommllteo of arrangement were- dial les L. Ilowen, W. H. Ilwitty nnd Rols-rt S. iliowilc. Tho university elnss of '88 held an enjoy able reunion Hiitiinlny evening ill the lesl dciicunf Mr. J. ( Smith, corner of Seven teenth and II stteets. Tho evening was devoted to high live and puised very pleas antly to all present. Tho participants wurel Misses llabsoii of Howard, Cooliuino, Wod stou, and tho Mlsxes Smith; Messis llaitett, Lohlugler, Pound, Rogu', Seoileld, nnd Smith. Tho joung Indies of tho First Christian chinch lmV orgnuized a circle ot King's daughters and havo named It tho Alpha elide, Tho emblem Is a silver Maltese cross bearing tho letters "J. II. N." Tho olllcers are: Miss Maud Hnwley, President; Miss Veulcu lllgelow, lecordlng secivtary; Mhs Nelllo Weaver, treasurer; MlssCmrlo Antll, Nora Brady, Edith Jones, Kiln Boucher, anil lllnncho Fuller, devotional committee. Tho i egular meetings occur tho llrst Wednmluy oteach mouth. Mr. Fiauk P. Whlto, tho well known con ductor on tho B. & M. nud Miss Minnlu Emeiy weio united iu, mm ilugo H'tsliuwluy evening nt six o'clock at tho i evidence of tho bride's parents, W Howell htreet, the Rev. F. S. Htelu olllclatiug. Only a few intimate friends and relatives woiu present. A du llghtful wedding supper was served imme diately after tho ceremony. The happy couple weio deluged with congratulations und departed uu thu livening truiu for it brief ti lp. They will bo at homo at 1!J7 C street utter their return. Mr. Ethan J. Ferris of this city wus quietly mauled at Bilstow, Iowa, ThuiMlay, December 10, to Miss Edith Hewitt' daughter ot Mr. aud Mrs. John Hewitt, Elder P. L. Z. Duyu olllcluting. Tho happy couplo iinlvod in tho city Tuesday aud will iiiuke Lincoln their futuio home. Both hi lilu und groom mo deuf mutes, but both lime, ciijoid exceptional eilueatioiial ad Miut.igen. The bndo Wus educated at ttiu Council liltill's liistltulo fur thu deaf, while thuKiiiiiiii wus iduiattd ut tlie tnstltuto In JuckM)ulllu. 111. They will bo ut home to their fiivuds alter Christmas at 1015 Wash ington slix-ut. '1 ho many friends of Audio w O. Halter, a f oi mer resident of Lincoln, will rend with Interest this account of his mai ringe clipped fioin it Denver paier: "On Wt-dnesdny evening ut the residence of her parenlB, MUs Reglna Ilubvu and Mr. Audrow Cail Halter were happily united In man luge. Tho brido is una of Delivers prettiest young ladies WHiitttlrvd iua mugnillcuut gown of pure whitu silk, Intriilu, which was very becoming. Tho Uncle and brother ot the brido acted us best men. Neaily one huudiud guests wero present. A toiuxrury ultar oiicIommI with silk ribbons was erected Iu tho alcovo in, tho front parlor. As tho wedding march struck nud tho bridal party outeied the room, "Cu pid," tho little duughter of ex-seuutor Tabor, untied tho ribbon and opened the altar rail. The ceremony was orforined by Father O'Ryu i asslsUsl by Father Malono. After congratulations had been showered upon them, the happy pair were driven to tho deot und boarded the train for Canada, thu birth pluco of Mr. Hultur wheroj tho honey moon will busient, Tho presents were nu mei ous und costly, among them an elegant pair ot diamond ear rings, thu gift of tho bride's uncle, Mr. Mucourt, aud a largo dia mond cluster broach, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. ex-seuutor Tubor. Mr. Halter Is a brother of councilman Halter ot this city, and was formei ly connected with tho Clark & Leon ard Investment company. Ills numerous Lincoln ft lends extoud their best wishes. Mrs. Howard M. Casebeer gave a lurgo dancing pal ty Wednesday ut her pleasant homo on F street In honor ot her sisters, the Misses Ellison. Tho houu wus beautifully decorated and tho rooms on th? lower floor werocoveied with canvass. Tempting re freshments were served during thu evening and tho time passed very pleasantly to all present. Mis. Cusebeot's reputation as a do-, llghtful IiokU-ss aud entertainer is tdready too well known to need any special mention on this occasion. The list included: Messrs aud Mesdumts, Prentis, Teeters, Northam, Folsom, Smith, Tiltou, Davis, Benton, Mills, Cox, Warren, Talbot; Misses, Maud Miller, Jo Winger, Kaufman, Allio Rlghter, Hardy, White, Maudo Smith, Kttto Stoddard, Can Hold, Kirker. Fursl, Newman Richardson, Shears, Dayton, Magglo English, SmitlfHiil llo Hooier, Margaret Italrd, Becker, Talbot, Gertrude Hill, Can lo Hill, Loi liner, Fuiiuie Hnwley, Florence Hnwley, Jeii'do Under wood, Murtha Funke, Cnrmody, Kllle Steeu, Brace, Helwlg, Rowles, Gertrude Zlemer. Califleld, Misses EllUon, Mlsws Lelaud, Misses Aitken, Misses Cowdry, Misses Car son and Mrs. Hnrd. Messrs C. D. Mullen, H. 8. Freeman, Fred W. Houlz, W. F. Meyer, Charles Miller, Robert Rlchter, Phillip Wing. Will Clarke, Charles Watte, Harry Nott, Joseph Bigger, Will Johnson, G. W. Gerwlg, 8. F. St. John, Cary, W. Morton Smith, F. C. Zehrung, Painter, Walsh, Guy Hurlbut, Brackenbrldgo. King Winger, Sam E. Low, JohnT. Dorgan, Will Hardy, Bastlen, Sholes, Helwlg, Howie, Barnes, frank Everts, Frank Rolls, Chris Camp, Robert Joyce, Fred Howe, Harry Hall, Charlie Hall, Stringer, Pi ay, Fraser, Herbert Marslaud, Martin Cutken, Dayton Smith, Beit Folsom, Rezlu Welsh, Professor Hill and Lieutenant Pershing, All pratso to tho charitably disposed ludies ot Lincoln, God bless 'em. A most worthy deed was consummated Thursday attornoon through their efforts, at the dining hall of tho Oriental hotel, when ono hundred poor children were treated to n Christmas evo surprise In the suapo of u bountiful din ner. Tho dining room iu tho old Oriental has not witnessed such a sight since its Incep tion. Imaglno, It you can, ouo hundred children, boys aud girls, ot all size and descriptions, tatterod and nigged, large and small, crippled aud lame, with tho never falling mark ot Kverty apparent on every face, ami these assembled In ouo large room. Think of tho childish prattle, the in nocent exclamation of mingled wonder and surprise and tho general hub-bub such n fam ily call create under these conditions, and you will havo a faint idea of thu picture a 'ouiueh representative beheld. But tho dinner was not all no, tho ladles did not stop thore. .'andy, orauges and tho like were passed drouud around nud a pretty doll was presented to each little girl, while tho boys were remembered witlt books, cloth ing und toys. It was a touching and Impres sive scene, and one that will long live in tho memories of tho participants hosts nad guests, ''Whence camo the good, things)" you ask. Thereby bangs a tale. To Mrs, W. H. Huffman belongs tho credit of originating tho Idea of thu dinner. She has been assisted In thu unhlo work by the Misses Sanders aud Arlo England nud tho Mrsdamr John C. Allen, Dr. Fuller. George Clark, Israel Putnam, E. L. Trlckoy, W. B. Wolcott, Sutton, K. V. Vitrnoy, Fllnlzer, R. E. Perry, R. II. Towtiloy. John Under- wood, C, O, Dawes, Dr. Garten, Prof, dow dy, Dr, Rlghter, II. O. Abbott, Van Brunt and Welch. Thoy havo tailored energetical ly, yes heroically, to bring nbout tho happy ovent of yesterday. Thero was money to bo raised, quarters to bo secured, and a thous and and ouo oth-r little details to bo looked after and arranged. To their everlasting ci edit lie It said that everything went nlong icstenlay nsseteuoly ns tho summer sun bursts through it bank of cloiiuiU In n ti uu bled sky. Thero was not n suggestion of clashldg nt any olut. It was a happy thought carried to a lit ting conclusion, nnd In erfect accord with tho spirit of Him who nt this artlculnr tunc unjoins us that there should lie "ienco on earth and good will toward men.' Quietly, unostentatiously, without blaru of trumpets to attract attention tho good deed has lieon done. Its projectors must certainly have their roward In tho satisfaction which well doing always brings -a knowledge that many little hearts havo been gladdened, ami made happy through their efforts sJud that a bright ray ot sunshine, hns boon Intrusted in many lives weru all wus darkness before. In this connection, thu ladies desiro to ox tend thanks through tho CouhIkh, to Messrs Lnsch Brothers torn box of orauges; Mr. C. M. Loighton for books; Mr. George II, Clark for candy; Mr. It. E. Perry for plate and Miss Baldwin for uso of table, chads and piano, nil of which aro kindly appreciated. By tho way, I understand that the ladles who managed this affair so creditably con template thu formation ot a ermaueut so ciety, which will havo for its object tho dis pensation of chnrlty In thu true sunce of tho term, I trust tho report is we't founded. The good that such an organization could do iu Lincoln is beyond human computation, and theso gentle women havo clearly shown themselves of that class who believe that "ac tions speak louder than words." Miss Annie Barr contemplates n visit to Nuiv York after Now Years day. Dr. and Mrs C. F. Lndd aro cutei tabling tho former's mother und grandmother, Mi v. T. F. Lndd nud Mrs. K. II. Avelng, during Christmas weeknt their pleasant home, '-WJ Washington stieer. Mrs. Dr. L-uld, after u tedious illness of live weeks, lias, we aro pleased to note, fully recovered and Is now at homo to friends at her no, v home. '--NM Washington street. This will bo pleasant news to thu lad's many friends. About one hundred guests assembled at thu Kindergarten school Thursday morning to witness tho closing exercises nud the Christmas tree. Tho children reminded ono of llttlo furies, so gracefully did they act their pit Is. Tho presents nnd decorations on the tree were nil mado by them for their patents and their beaming countenances demonstrated that it was mere blessed to glvu than receive. Miss Baldwin will spend tho holiday vacation with her parents nt Des Mollies aud will re-open tho school on January '!". Two very pleas-tut parties wero given to her friends by Miss Mao Mooro at tho hand some resilience of her parents on Q street Saturday afternoon and evening, at both of which high llvo was enjoyed. Grace and beauty vied with each other Iu adding to tho charm nud pleasmo of tho occasion. Miss Moore proved herself n peerless hostess, over attentive to tho wauls of her guests aud exoiclslng at all times that rare tact which makes the perfect entertainer. We regret that tho lata hour at which this item was tecelved compels us to omit tho names of those present, Monday evening u merry party of young peo'plo met at tho home of Mr. C Weckbaclc. Kll Jstieut. High llvo and tho waltz was tho order of tho evening. Tho rovnl prizes woro won by Miss DuPuo and Mr. Orr while Mr. and Miss Covert carried awny tho boo by prizo. Thoso present were: Messrs ntul Medutue-, Scott, Stewart mul Comstoclc, Misses Carohi und Gertrudo Hill, DePew Donelly, Lelaud, Talbot, Watson, Covert, Milker, Rose, Btelner, McClay, Wright, Orr, Veith and Mis. CarMuter; Messrs Welch, Bigger, Johnson, Meisuer, Miller, Howlo, John Phillips, Wilson, Covert, Rose, McGojgan, Finney, Will Clark, Wuiil, On und Dun Wing. Ed Young, the most popular clgai 1st Lin coln has over had, will soon open a palatial cigar store ut 1207 O street. A great auct'otiMiio of unredeemed pledges is now going on ut tho, Frltzgeruld block, Hist door north of Mayer Bros, stoio. It Is tho stock of Adler, the pawnbroker, and con tains many valuable articles that may bo secured on your own bid. Don't fail to at tend tho sale. Well how about that diamond for your wifo or In st girl Christmas present J Have you Keen Hallett about it yet I Don't leave this until too late and Jki comelled to take what Is left. Now the stock is all new, spa.kllng and completo and its 11 good time to buy. Hallett's advice and opinion on dia monds is unexcelled Iu Lincoln and what he represents j oil can rely upon to bo gosl truth. He has sold too many pieces of jew elry hi tho last fifteen years to misiepieseut iniy thing now. His patronage U too valua ble and his business relations with the publlu too pleasant. Hallett's name the dis tinction of being tho leader in diamonds ar recognized throughout tho city und if you want anything in the line of diamonds, of any and every description, he can supply you at prices that cannot fall to please you. Call and tee Hallett this week sure. How lines This KtrlkoYiiu? Wo offer new subscribers (and old ours that pay up In full to date) thu following ex traordinary bargains. Fifteen handsome cloth 6oitnd volumes of Dickens lu n neat pasteboard box, und Tiik Couhiku until January 1st, tS'.i:! for $.1.00. Ten huiidsomo cloth bound volumes of Thnckery In a neat pasteboaid box and Tin: Couhieh until Juuuury 1st, 189.) for l.''5. Six handsome cloth lion nil volumes ot Georgu Elliott iu a neat pasteboard bov and Tub Couiukh until Jnnuary 1st, tBlKI for 1.25 Theso books aro all standard worksand their cost aside from Tiik Couiukh subscriptions, is less that twonty cents per volume. You can't buy the cheapest repi fnt hi paper cov eis for double that amount. Coino lu and sco these books. In case any subscriber de sires thu three sets special prices will bo mado on tho lot. I.inly Citnvassers Wanted. Ladles can muke big money soliciting sub scriptions for thu Couhiku. It Is a neat, clean, uouseiisutiouul paper faat commands the reect of everyone and should bo in evoey homo in tho city. It Is easy work and large jty. Call at this olllve for particulars, Ribbons! Ribbons! . The Greatest Bargain tu Whlmus we ever offered. Come to oar store' if You Are Interested. No. 5 Fancy Ribbon 3c worth 8c . No. 7 Fancy Ribbon 5c worth 10c. , ,-. No. j 2 Fancy Ribbon 10c worth 20c. ' .) .' No. 5 Best Gros Grain 7c worth 12c. No. 7 Best Gros Grain 10c worth 15c. No. 9 Best Gros Grain 12c worth 18c To make it more attractive we will add to this sale- 8 pieces 32 inch plain China Silk worth 65c at 48c a yard, y pieces 21 inch plain China at 23c worth 40c ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! J W MNG6R&CO. INSPECT OUR COLOSSAL STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. It is within the reach of all, rich or poor. Call and look us through. We can surely please you. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO., lEnIFOSITIOItsr STOEBS. ACORff HEATERS ACORI RANGES Dangler Gas Heating and Cooking r S T O V E S. W. B. WOLCOTT, Telephone 273. MENS' SLIPPERS. A nice Christmas present. I have them displayed mak ing inspection of them an easy task. Call, inspect, and select a pair. ED. G. a 1120 Q BBBBBBBBBBUlVjr '17 r V '' ' " frctsMBff Wst-SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi 230 .South Eleventh St.. i YHTES, STREET. 1' ? V' I" 'if J. ,.!s- ..'. ',",'. r'U ,'&. 1 ? '1 I.JC ' t ,'jj , JA 4.-.i,i,.i.. ., 1 , ,