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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1891)
-mvr' CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY DECEMBER "" "jn' 20, I89. , 7 i i Nickel Savings Stamps Good (or Deposit in the Nebraska Sav- ings.Bank will be found for Sale at the Following Places: HerpoNliclmor A Co., Imposition Depart mlHtore. ClnsonA Fletcher. Wall l'nperiind Station cry, 1 130 O. A. Ii. Slimier. Drugs. IIooks, Paints, Oil mill Notions, Fifteenth ami O, HnHIwln Pros., llnrdvvnro, 1217 O. Molvcnuy A Hon, Bruits, Htatlonery, nml Notions, 'J712 0. Stolncr & Hclicut, Dispensing DriiKitlsts corner Twelfth mull'. lljorkmuti Mndvvull, Druggists, '-'.M North Tenth. J. M. llroud, Groceries, etc., hss North Twenty-seventh. I.lndoll Hotel, CornorThlrteentli nml M. W. Ongo Miller, Confectionary and Notion University IMncc. K. .1. Uulle, Oencrnl Merchandise, tto., West Lincoln Charles E.MeMurrny, Groceries nml Mont, llclinont. Chicago and Erie R. R (t.nto Chicago A Atlantic It'y.) In Connection with the Erie Railway i-'OHM.S TIIKIONI.V LINK IIKTVVKKN Chicago and New York UiidercOnoJMiinngeiiient. SOLID TRAINS. The Through Trnlns ot tills Unobetvveen Chi cago and New YorK nro run solid, thus avoiding luinoynnco nml conruslon or changing curs or mlsilng connections. Vestibule Limited Service Vosllbuled Limited Trains, consisting of ling- gage, Hmoking und Uny Couched, with Pullman UlnliiR und Sleeping OnrH Khentcd liy Htciini, lighted by gas), over thlH Unci Every Day In the Year. Pullman Service to Boston. A Pullman lliiifet Sleeping Cur to und from Hostou iWlly via thin route. Tins isthoONIA' UXK ttunnlng Pullman Cars between Chicago and Huston. BUCKEYE RO U T K To Columbus, Ohio, and Ashland, Ky. rullmnn Sleeping Cur between Chicago mid ubovo l'olnttt dally. Trains Airlvo und Leave Dcurliorn Station, CHICAGO. urther lufornihtlou, call on tho nearest Haliroad Ticket Agent, or address W 0 KlnearaoD, K U Tucker, D I Roberta, (Jen. ss. Agt. Gen. Mgr. A O.r. AKt. s'ovv York. Clevclaml Chicago Santa Fe Route ! Atcbison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between . Kansas City nnd PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Points In '1 eas, TheOnly Line Running Thiongh the OKLAHOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line U the Texas Pnn-Handlo. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Addiess E. L. PALMER. Passenger Agent, 411 N. r. Life Building, ' 02JX-XJL, NEB. THE POWER OF NIAGARA. Frogresn uf tli n Work of lliuiirslug the World's Oii'iiti-st Wutirrull. I Special Correspondence.! Niaoaua Fai.1.9, Dec. 21. Tho public has hoard much of tho progress of the I work tit Niagara Fulls on tho canal and I tunnel which nro in progress of building j by tin1 Niagara Fulls Power coinp.iny. The ennui ubovo tho falls anil tint tunnel which takes off tho water niter It hut! pel formed its servico will bo llnisheil next full. About thco there wero no particularly now engineering problem' to solve. But it was u serious problem how to utillzo tho power 1!H),000 I mix. power developed by theso works. It has been reckoned tlmt otto horso powei , can keep two men busy, that is, in u machine shop employing 1,000 men power of fiOO horses will bo needed. Therefore it will bo seen that to ut tempt to use this great power itnmedl utely ut Niagara would involve tin building of one of llio very largest cities in the whole or tho United .States. Dut great cities do not spring up at emu uiiind, und tho projectors of this enter I prise, while beating in mind tho vnltit I ami making provision for tho use of u ' great deal of this power on tho spot I In... n r..,,.w1 .it'jii tliii. ili.ii.! ii. mil. I i II..U llnilti U.i.1. Illlll IIIU.U ,11.1,11, bo much nioro to sparu than hud been used. It was found in endeavoring to sol vu tho problem of liow best to utilizo tlifr surplus that while Amoricnn engineer', had sliown great skill and ingenuity in tho uso of water power whero it win generated, tliey wero far behind tin Europum engineers in their ability tn transmit such power to a long distance Buffalo is tho largest town within easj reach of Niagara, being some eighteen miles away. 'Ibis was whero tho powet i company wished first to get, but by any of tho methods used in America tho los? I of power was so great that it would not ' pay. ' In this eineigency Dr. Coleman Sellers tho distinguished engineer and scientist j of Philadelphia, was asked to visit En ropo and seo what ho could learn there I that would enable the company to do what it wished, do found that tho Swiss were transmitting water power, very cheaply and ellleiently, and that in Paris and Birmingham compressed ait ' was being used with great satisfaction. I But even after seeing nil that ho could 1 ho did not feel equal to making plan with whicii ho was entitely satisfied.' He, therefoie, at tho expense of tho com pany, organized an international com mission, with Sir William Thompson as chairman. On this commission, besides i Sir William, wero Dr. Sellers, represent ing Ainoiicn: Colonel Turrenttini, mayor I of Geneva, representingSwitzerhind: M. ' Murichiis, of the French institute, and Professor Unwiu, of London. This commission received plans from all the greatest electrical engineers in the world and awarded prizes aggro gating $'i,000. Theso plans showed that to take the power to Buffalo was entne ly feasible, and that while tho power could be sold at a great profit on the spot at ton dollars per annum por horse power, it could also bo sold in Buffalo at a price very much under tho cost of steam generated there in tho usual way. Tho company will thereforo strike at onco for a contract to light thocitvof Buffalo. No plan to utilizo tho wholo of the power generated has been adopted, Lmt apart from that used on the spot ar rangements will bo made, so soon as the works nro finished next October, to trans mit within a radius of twenty miles of tho central station at Niagara, two blocks of power of ri,000 horso powor each, ono block to bo transmitted by electricity and ono by compressed air. Then the remaining 100,000 horse power or so will 1k transmitted as there is a demand for it and in tho manner which proves to bo to bo tho cheapest and best. Jso. Gii.meu Sim:ku. Tho (loodulo Sisters. .Special Correspondence. New Yohic, Dec. 21. "Mrs. Eastman still writes for us, as does her sister," said two of tho editors of Tho Independ ent yesterday, and somebody said, "Who is Mrs. Eastman?" Sho is ono of two sisters who a genera tion ago, almost, wero celebrated wero oven counted famous as the infant phe nomena of tho Berkshire hills. Tlioy Dora and Elaino Goodalo wroto pootry which was good enough to command tho respectful attention of critics when they wero still littlo children, it is said before they woro in their teens. Today they aro far apart, though their names will always bo closely linked to gether. Elaino, tho younger sister, is married to a Sioux Indian and is engaged in educational missionary work at tho famous Pino Ridgo agency, whilo Dora Read Goodalo, still a spinster, remaiu.s at homo with her mother, Mrs. D. II. U. Goodnlo, who was also in her day a lit erary woman. Tho marriage of Elaino has already been tho subject of many columns of newspaper comment. Her present life among the Indians has been tho subject of several letters from her. Something sterner than tho "weaving of iliymes" will probably occupy tho poetess for tho rest of her life. Her literary work, how over, has been for a considerable timo inoro in prose than in verso, and lias generally taken the form of letters on tho subject to which she has devoted her life. The Independent is still tho paper to which bhti writes most fiequontly. it being tho ono through which she and her sister first commanded public atten tion, but she writes for other papers as well. So docs Dora. Her life lias all or nearly all been pds-ed at the old home stead called. Sky Farm, in Northampton, but her name lias been fairly established its that of a favorite writer. Sho is ad vertised as ono of tho regular contribu tors to Good Housekeeping, and like her sister writes moio prose than pootry. Of lutoyeats neither ono of tho sisters lias attempted anything more ambitious than coutiibutious to periodical litera ture, and it is said that tho volumes they published so long ago woro far from be ing po-'unimlly piotitablo. D. A. U. I'llst Thut. mi llcrnrd In wilting up I hl'i execution," nhservtc thiMlty editor, ')iu have uiadiinn imparl dotmble omission " "1-1 thought I got tcred the new rcisirtct. all thofacts," fill "No," lejolncd the city iilllor, l.jhdly Int. flnuly, "jou did not. You failed to saj i 'thctloomid man slept soundly tho nlglnj prevloiiiliililxeM'CUtlon.'" Uhleago Trill ' une. A I'll I n m with n Monti. Do not yawn too iuzc fans. -Life. freely behind thou A Put Up .lob. I The harlwr had cut the lialr of tho mitt ttilhechalr without saying a word ant ' looked as if he were about to call out "Next." when the man said- "I'll tako a shave." "The barlier shaved him In silence, aim when he had Mulshed the operation tin customer sMiko iigalir "Sea foam," For the next llwortcn minutes the bar ber was occupied In applying ami reiuair! lug thuscu foam, and he pi (-served the saint stony silence. "Now I'll lmo my whiskers trimmed." This operation was pel formed, and Ktll ' the operator spoke not "You ma) eitil my mustache." This was (lone, but not a word passed tin lips of the artist. "Do you pull tcethr" liupilicd the etis toiner. The. bin ber shook his head, Then theciistoiuer got out of his chain As he paid the bill seentj cents to tin man behind the cigar case, he vciiuilUcd it a casual way that that barber talked low than any bill ber he hail ever seen. "Talk?" said the man behind tho elgai case, "lie talk f He's a unite. Ilolosthii speech when he was a loy He liasn'i spoken a word for sixteen years." "All I've get In say about it," gnmiin. tho man i us he put his pocket book had where It belonged, "is that it'll bo sixt('( l years before 1 make another bet with tin eleikof that hotel around thcdirucr. I don't care so much for the lle dollars lie'i beat me out of, but 1 say it's a dariuc hliame to make a man wastu seventy centi besides when yoii'vu got a dead cinch ct him " And hu put on his hat and overcoat imc walked with heavy, dragging step out oi the. shop. Chicago Tribune. Mint from .Muny I.oekcrs. No matter how cleanly thu seafaring nun may be while on the ocean, ho him a stroiid ! antipathy to being washed ashore. Bostci j Trauseiipt i "Let us now discuss tho subject," as tl king of thu (.aiiuihiiM said when ono or hit retainers was nerved up. Wiuthiiigtui ' Star The motto or business men Is "push." Ii is also that of business men's doors. Bait I more American. The Yuma Indians aro building a tho liter of their own. It Is expected that tli performances will be mostly Yuiuarous, m to speak. Philadelphia Ledger. A jouug mini who is given tho mittei by his girl generally considers It a. sleigh! of hand pet formaucu. Lowell Courier. "As Shakespeare says," remarked D Klque, "alLthe world's a stngo, and nearlj every man on it thinks ho could do bcttci than any of the stars if ho hadthocliaiico.' Washington Star. It is tho reinarkablo fact that tho blggei a woman's bonnet at the theater thu inon nearly her head conies to solving the prob lem or perpeiuai motion. uosion irau Bcriii,. A menu is a man who points out tuo su vcr lining in your clouds to avoid lending jou an umbrella. Atchison (Bohc. No I'litcu Llho Home. He was writing an essay on thu beauty 01 home lire, and with his pen held suspended lu the air, sollloqulcd thusly: "There Is no place like homo" "Papa," called a Isiy voice at tho door "will you mend my sled?" "Go away, sir. Don't j'ou know bettci than to distill b me when I am writing Now that idea Is gone and I must begin all over again There Is no place" It was a woman's voice I Ids time: "Reginald, the gas Is leaking like over;' thing, and jou must see thu company am' have it stopped." "There Is no place like home," began tlit wretched mail again, Just us Hannah, tut girl, thrust her head ill to ask: "Did jou older the klndlln'sr" Then hu seieil his pen ami wroto fluent ly tor full live minutes before he gave ut his wild dream of fame. "There is no pluct like home lor discomfort, annoyances cold, hunger ami every kind of dlstiirbauct on the face of the earth, at the most inop portuiie and trjlng moment "Detroit Flee Press III It Idol Wii). Dr. Tombstone I low ate you feeling to day, Mrs, TnnulctoiiKiie' Mrs TnnulctoiiKiie-Oli, (Us tor, I havt the most sciuiiniiuu p.iins In my head, and I tear I shall certainly have informa tion of the biiiin -Boston Cornier 'Iwn i-ais Alter Vim iIkkc. She What a pleasiiu- It is. Hear', to read over our old love letteisl lie Yes. positive!) amusing. She (sotto voceJ-And to think that I ante loved this brute! Boston Trauscrlpu Ills Ori'lipiitlou. "How aie you I'enwlck? Still out ot employment?" "No. I'm getting ten dollais a week fci reciting 'Old Mother lluhbaid' into phono rapli fort. ilklug dolls." -Ilaier's BiuiU'. .MUcalctilutlnu. He nihil fur his Inltnr's bill, And then lie wished hu'd Hid; Ills tallnr did tint send u hill, MeciWiiu himself IllMencl. -Clothkr and KurnUhM', 'fvf Urn"- irJFu )K?l jK "Well, good afternoon rail on my mother'" going 'What! You don't menu to say ynti'v. got a mot her llvlugl" "Oh, yen, mid sln ilon't look a hit older than von do I iihniiiv yoiil" Couldn't. Trust Illlll. Miss (lushAnd, Ethel dear, what Is the baby's uniue? Mrs. Newinothcr I've named him ICtliiO beii Algernon MNs (lush - But I alwajM thought tho father named the hoysl Mis. New mot her If jou could hcitrwhiit his rather calls him when lio Is wnlkhu the lloor with him hi the enily dawn, joi wouldn't wonder I took matters hi my own hands. Life. A Chuiiro for Hint. (Juester Do jou think that, hud Shake., pcaro lived In our day, ho would havu at' tallied thu Willie degieo of faino that WO now accord liimr .lestor Upon one condition, yes. (Jtit'stcr And what Is thatf .lester If he'd let Hietry alono and Ixs coiuu an expel t football player. Uosto.'j Courier. iliiit tho Smne. "There was a man in front or my house yesteiday with an Infernal machine," snld Barker. "How teirlblel" said Miss Mellow. "What did It look llkef" "Liku any other hand organ." Harper's Insti iiellous fur .lolin. "Now, John," said Mrs. Do Pot-quo to the new gardener, "1 hope you will remem ber nil that I have told you. Ami what ever jou do, don't fin get to water thu elec trio light plant." Washington Star. A llniilitfiil .'iiinplliui)iit. He How old 1110 jou, Miss Dollyf She (sweetly) liow old would jou thlnkr He (caiefully) I don't know, but I'm uiieyou'ie joimger than uny 0110 would thliik.-Llfe. I.ovn'f I.niiuiiiiije. Inek Iovu'h language Is the luiigungu of the ejes, Tom (gloomily) It may he, but I con fess I have found It tohu clilellyalanguago of "Nos."-New York Herald. A Ituie Hiiriiimilit. First Student You said you hail a raro autograph In jour iossesslon, yet I seo nothing hero but a receipted tailor's bill. Secoiiil Ditto And, pray, Isn't that a mio doeiiinciiU Ulk. A lloiim Alwitys on llimd. There Is 110 need of dull times on board lip. The crow eau always gut up a boom -Lowell Courier. HARDY & PITCHER - HAVE la I gH55a?.Siia5S5a5agi255gH5a55agH5giSg?-'T?ttc sj "i FURNITURE 5HSHSHSH5aS5SaSHSiaSHSHHH5HS3SHSH5HSaSHSasa5BSHSaa5S5HSrlS5HSSHSHSHSa5H5E 211 South 11th St. Telephone 176 Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty I'm uoinu u SroVEiiSVV l.itO Jvl. i . . . aW MHTaTi .. MfJMam jPiSsAWFiFJu vvJ--jna!.i7-K: ARE YOU AT HOME, AT HOME? We aie iccclvlng some of Die handsomest kind of compliments on our thirty-five dollar bed 100111 suite If money sn lug Is an object, It Is a suite that will suit you to perfection. You have lead it good deal about fill nittiic and perhaps jou have not quite believed all thai you have seen in pi hit hut this suite tells Its own story and you will he lost In wonder when jou see It. liow It can be sold at such a figure will be n ilddte to von. Come along and echo what we s,iy about It and don't forget to take ad vantage of the opportunity which v our visit will affoid us to show you oui line stock of holh'ay goods A. T. Gruetter & Co. 124 to Opposite New 134 Lansing German National Bank, .A'CO.X, A'ifl. CM".. Montgomery, President lleriiiuu II. SclinberK. Vice I'rest. Joseph ll.iehuior, Cashier. O. .1. Wilcox, Asst. Cashier. Capital Surplus $100,000.00 ,0,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues let ters of ered II, draw drafts on allpnrts of the woilil.KKoieluu collections a specialty THE LARGEST STOCK OF - IN THE CITY. Sfe- LINCOLN, NEB. North 13th. Theatre Block. OFFICE 1001 0 Street. (, iHS IIRV I dSHSBSB5" JL Gl A