Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 26, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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    "T'H 1 i f
i- f- -aj rt Tlf wtrw-T-j -
l ""'T" J'1' T""ls -VV,fff "" '"ir
V"T". " vx"wwffr,yy'' w,t1""
iT1 nrrr -privwT'j tww jfwtjt; ,, r . q j.p jnyt iWfe37"f' T M''1
Ha! Hal Here we Are!
Not Santa Glaus
Hut llio I.lvu I.emleis
Clason & Fletchei
With ii MiiKiillk'ctit mill Immense
Htock of
Miscellaneous Books,
which include nil the ))0uilnr works
of tlie dny.J
Plush Goods,
iiAlbunm, Toilet Cimes, Mnnletire Sott,
ntul Fancy Cusos in endless vnricty.
Wooden Toys
of nil kinds, IncludliiK Meehnnlcnl, Omit'
nieutn! mid Useful Articles.
or everyone, In nil Sizes, Kinds, Colors
and quulltles. In fnct the assortment of
Holiday Goods,
I to varied mid complete tlint it unfiles
description. You know wlmt this menus.
Call mid see us. J
1120 O St.
Special Prices
Wo will not bo undersold by anyone.
Good clonks for $1. rcKiilnr 12 Koods.
Nice clonks f ir I.VJ regular f.l Krude,
Elciiiiut clonks for '.', rcitulur f 4.00 grmto
Other unities iitJUNl nliout half price.
Hoys suits 1 00 worth $2.00.
Hoy.' suits ll.) worth 13.(0.
Hoys' milts 12.00 worth HX).
1'lns, lc a paper.
Needles, lo u paper.
AriiIo buttons ;io ii Kross.
Itubbcr tipped lend pencils 10c do.
urttiiK Irons c,
40c wool hose only -V;.
Fast black corsets G0o. worth 75?.
Turkish towels 4c each.
ISO sheets writing paper 12c.
entsfiO- l.lslethrend hoso only 2.x:.
Hpeclal.pilees In underwear.
Hpcclnl prices In lace curtains.
Special prices In ribbons; tlncst stock In
Hpeclai prices In linens of till kinds.
Special prices In quilts.
Special bargains In tinware and hardware.
Feathers and tips at hull price.
60,000 curds hooks und eyes, all slzos, lc a
Silk twist, lc n spool.
Hllk thread 4c u spool.
No trouble lo show xoods Wo are hero for
thnt purpose. Wo will not bo undersold by
Remember tlio place.
The Leader,
1211 O STREET,
The Great Cheap Store.
No matter u lint others do or say, we still
give you the
Newest and Q TT f Vs O
Best Grades of O 11 U CO
At LOWER PRICES than others.
You can save money by buying jour
Hoots and Shoes of
1043 O Street.
Continued from First I'iiko.
Tragedy In this country swum to he tom
poinrlly blkhtisl. llooth is not pluyln,
Units Jnniei Is doing comedy, Hubert Down.
Iiik Is III and Linvrouco llnrrett Is dtvtd. T.
W. Kceiin and 11. I). MnUviii, the latter
lately with llooth and llnrrett, are tlio only
pioiiunoniuciprs now i)iH'itiinn In trni;idy
roles. Downlnir. It ln.ilil. ulll mil lut ul.l..
toiipHvir III tragedy ngiiln, ami .rmues is
engaged with Frederick Wnrdo for next
The renlUtle drama menus tlio destruction
of nil good nctora ami nctresies. Without
i immure there can lie no drnmn. Make the
Mngo completely realistic, and no nctora iiro
t(ulred, liecniiHonuy uinu.mid woman enn
then go on mid represent thenmlvo. Des
tiny the Illusion and you destroy the pro
fession. The tersoiis who luvenUil tljo now
stylo luivo hnd to invent now s-oplo to piny
It. Their only recruits from the profession
hnvo been those who hnvo fulled In the legltl
nuile. These facts nro very slRiilllcnnt.
They show thnt tlio profession Is unconscious
ly conscious thnt ro-ilNni Is tho denth of act
ing. If the tlientio Is to represent men and
women Just as they nro, there Ii no uso for
the theatre, because men und women us they
nro Van he seen everywhere without charge
for adiulsslou, so says Dunlop's Nons
James A. Hemo, who wrote "Hearts of
Oak", which over) body knows wns it bin
success, hns luteiy trleil his hnud at a now
id iy "M iigarot Klenilng" ami it ;wai given
a trlnl ierforinniico at I'nhner'H thentro,
New York, tho other dny. Tho ivnllsm of
tho now production has (juito disgusted tho
not over fastidious drainiitic critics of Goth
nm, and Mr. Heme Is Just now receiving
considerable newspaper notoriety. Wlmt
tho critics find most fault with is tho net In
n Inch Mrs. Heme, the wife of tho author,
iiui-kch 11 baby. Ono writer concludes u splr
Ittd arraignment of the piny In tho follow
ing words "1 am Inclined to laugh ut the
theory or realism on the stnuo. Tank drum
as, hitching hwiws, and buzzing saws nro
realistic enough, but suckling Infants mid
undressing women mivu no room on tho stage
of todny."
In reference to lone Dunham's Ic'Vt (MX) I ,.
herltuuco In Klmliu. tha m-ouml (him- fm.iu
seem to bo thnt "Dunham, father of Iouo
lJiinimni'H husband, diod suddenly a few
weeks 020. lielnir divorced from his wlf,.
his son inherits his nronertv. which niiiiiiini.s
to some $250,000 on 11 most liberal calcula
tion. This sou, and husband of "lone" is
serving a sentence in Klmlra Reformatory
f.T forgery and vuirrnncv." Alas mnr
Sol Smith Russell tells this store His
uncle, Sol Smith, munuged a St. Louis thou
tie for year. One ovenlngtwoorhls friend
noih with n"jng," asked for a pass, which
whs given. They left at tho clo-si of tho
second act, getting checks from tho door
keeper. Two yours afterward thoy showed
up uguln with the sumo old "jag", presented
their chocks, which of course wero refused.
Sol Smith wnsnpealed to, mid passed them
in. It happened thnt the play was the same
us that which hnd been running on their
former visit, moy look It In for u few min
utes, when ono of them got out of his seut
and said: "Come on, Dill; d d if that piece
is over yet."
Arrangements have been completed for
tho iuurrlogo of Ida Lewis, tlio 'Tough Girl'
of "Reilly und tho 400," to Jumcs Wright ot
Sun Francisco. It will take plnco May 1st.
EininA Pollock (Mugglo Murphy) will bo
bridesuiuld, und Manager .Mart Hauloy best.
man. After being spliced the couple will fly
to Snn Francisco.
Mario Prescolt Is soon to show Now York
her interpretation of Cleopatru, und that ro
minds mo that most American actors who
hnvo crossed tho briny, have looked up tho
mummy in the Uritlsh museum marked
Cleopatra," und thereupon wasted senti
ment and stugo tears. You may shake your
linger nt 11 good many Cleopntrus but the fn
iiious, Simon pure Mnrc Anthony Cleoputra
Is not In any museum, so fur, Hrltlsh or dime.
It isn't likely she wus embalmed at all. In
Byron's time someone sprung tho dlscoveiy
of Egypt's greutest queen on tho public, but
it didn't work.
Nothing has given or can give our city n
inoro cultured mid metropolitan churncter
than an established annual art exhibition
Tho Hoyden Art Club bus been working
towards this oud now more than four yours.
Tho lli-st venture wus made with fear and
trembling. It was indeed 11 bold steii in the
dark but was justlllod by the results, for
some sovmii thousand names upeur on tho
visitors' register of tlio exhibition of of 1SS8
Piloty's " IVIso mid Foolish Virgins." Wo
now hnvo 11 collection of art woik in our
midst of which ono slngto painting viz:
Tho Last Hours of" by .Mtiukncsy
Is valuod at more by tun thousand dollurs
thnn was tlio grout composition of Plloty.
It is tho generous loan of Oen. It. A.
Algor of Detroit, We have also by Harri
son, UrMgemnu, Duunnt, Peurco. und
Mukowsky, pictures which would miiku nuy
exhibition distinguished, besides u largo
loan of plctuies and curios, and tho Western
Art Association pictures' frou Omahn, 0011
tnlulng many excellent things. Among tho
curios may bo seen Mrs Smith's Peruvian
Mica Statuettes, of which only one duplicate
set exists; .Mrs. Iiucklughum,B beautiful
collection, etc.
Theo treasures hnvo found n most huppy
environment. Did tho obsoluto lltness of
things determine destination und use, Grunt
Memorial Hall would lorthwltii bo train
lormetl from un m niory into 11 picture gallery,
so perfectly does It fulfil its now impiomptu
When shall war bo no more and plnco be
mndo fur tho riullnut urts of pence! Wo
sigh for thnt dny ns wo stund in tlio benutl
fill bull und reflect that tho delightful Im-
preMion ujkjii senses mill soul Is only tem
iwrnry. If often lepeatod the Impression
will still bo lusting in tho memory. Tho-)
n ho desire to protlt by this rnie privilege
niidoppoitunily will do well, on their flrst
visit, to apply tor membership to tho Hay
den Art club. .Membership curds, duly cor
lilled, will, niter tho flrst vblt, admit tieely
to the exihililtiou as long us it lusts.
htauk dossil1.
Maud Orunger Is doing a very hirgo busi
ness in tlio Southwest.
Tlio Private Seeietnry's business wns verj
light nt Beatrice, where thoy played Friday
Mnusger Edward A, Church of tho Luii
slug theatre, Is down with uu attnet of La
I Hurry Lacy, the str of "Jack Royal of
the W3d," was taken III while pluylng In Phil
CirV vJOiriUliR, iATUKDAV, llia'KMIIKIt j(i,
c 1 1 l.ft list vuik, Uu Kntuikny, his idle
nt both jx'rfoi nmnces wns nssuuusl by John
II, lluniiy,
Marie Wulnwrlgiit mid coinpnny leave
New Yolk next week for n tour extending to
Colonel Robert McH-ynolds has returned
from nu oxlendeil visit In Mexico mid In tho
Southern states,
Emily Rlgl is to star next season in " riio
Hunker's Daughter" under the minngemout
of F. F. Proctor.
"lim Power of tho Press" Is Udng present
isl In Nutv York ugnlu with nil its liuudMiiue
umlienllstlc scenery.
Sirs. JolTerson Dnvls, wife ot tho confeder
:to chieftain, was a piitniu ut Snlvlul's re
cent engiiemeut at the (liniid 0K'rn house,
RoU'it Downing hns cnnceleil his dates for
three weeks mid retired to his homo nt Ben
ulug, D. C. Ho is suffering from uciilo
Tho run of the "Ondl" nt tho ITtiton Squnio
Tueatro will end tonight In Now York. U
bus been very successful mid nlll bo a big
money winner 011 tho road,
Joseph Jelferixiii Is playing at the Olyuipln
theatre, St. I -oil Is, this week. Ho Will ap
pear ut MoVlckeix tliJitre,,;Clilcngo, the
wisvk cumineucing January I.
Miss t. larn Morris is to rest nt Jlier Ikiumi In
Riveidule-on-tho-lludsoii during Chrlstmus
week. On DccemU'r 8 In Jelsoy City sho
resuiuos tier lour wni'ii wul u,it end iiuti
Mis. Florence, widow of William J. Flor-
uco has urrivisl fiom Knglnndand is ut the
homo of her sister, Mrs. Buiney Williams In
New York. Mrs. Florence-in to retlro from
the stage.
A Western cilllu writes of a well-known
soubrettto, "Slw Is as graceful us a cm
shows her tooth like a iet terrier and her
Ringing resembles a gus-pipo laid 011 tho
wrung stioet."
"Fnntusuia," tlio Huuloii llrothera' fairy
spectacular puntouiluiD, on which time ap
parently makos 110 linpressioii, Is tlio Christ
ni'is week ntlrnctlon at .tho Windsor Thea
tre, Now York.
Luugtry is not ill at all. Her disbanded
company hnvo pi oseutesl her with a silver
shield bouiing tlio following Inscription!
"Ago ciiuuot wither nor custom stale her
inllultu variety."
Sol Smith Russull Is to pro4ont Edward E.
Kidder's new conitftly, "Peaceful Valley' in
Philadelphia and Boston after tho holidays,
Mr. Russell is said to bj playing to up.vards
of (MOJO every idht.
Fanny l)nvoiiort Is llmlliig it dlllluult to
ictuiii lier hold on popular approval. Her
ri-cvnt pi-useiitution of "Cleop.itrn" in Cnlca
gorecolveil but asm ill injod of praise and
plenty of adverse criticism,
Tho Hunlm's are h iving n prospji-oui ji
sou with tho Hpecticle of "Superh.i," wulch
Is this season driiwlng.crowdod homas uvory
wliere. Tho piece is tolu prosjiitd in Utli
foruin after tlio holidays.
Mlsi Aimlu Wurd Tiiruny bus recently
puiclmseilu hnudsoiiio suniniur resldouco ut
Buzzard's Bay, Mass., near thoj house of
Joseph Jefferson. TI19 only femalo Irish
star is evidently making money.
A number f absurd audj sensational re
Iiorts regaidlng tlio health ofJW.J J. Scanlun
have Irmjii In cli filiation recently. Tho ruth
ot tho mutter Is that ttcunluu Is today us well
as hoover was in his life and all reports to
the contrary uro fulse.
Mitiiuger Jacob Lltt Is in Now York woik
lug like a bouver for "You Yoiimii," who Is
tomakuhls niotropolluiu debut ut Muna;er
Dunlevy's Now Park theatre, December
JJSth, following Nelllo McHonry's now pluy,
"A Night at tho Circus."
Mr. und Mrs. Sidney Drow Imvo lieen ens
unlly referred tons "1'ho Amerlcju Jvoiidals'
by drumutlc critics In tlio east. They nro
said to possess grace, polish, experience, vi
vacity, vigor, versatility and ubovo all,
Voutli, and their success is freely predicted.
Edwin Knowles, Al. Hayniau und Daniel
Frohmnu coinpridng tho firm of Edwin
Kuowles & company, lessees of tho Colum
bla Theatre, wlilco Llebmuuu Ilrotliers are
building for them ndjolnliig the po..toilIco,
Biooklyn, say they will oen the then tro on
or about. .March l,18'.c,',
Count Do Im Mlrundu, husband of Crlstlno
Nilson.lms been uppaliitedSpinUh Ambassa
dor to the court of SwedenJnndJNorwny, mid
thus the groat singer wilt burnt ambassador's
wife in tho city In whlchjsho entered a poor
girl with bare feet. Mine. Nllsson is to bo
received with special honors.
Stuart Robsou's dullness in Washington
with "Sho Stoops to Conquer," was phenom
enal. It Is not likely that jany one of thu
old comedies hns ever been played to Such
large receipts. Tho musicians wore turned
out of their plnco at nearly eveiy perform
unco to miiko room for cump-stool patrons.
Joseph Jelfersou und Stuart Robson nro
pluj lug against eai li other tills week in Pitu
buig , the lormer in "Tho Rivuls" and tho
latter in "Sho Stoops to Compter ." Next
season Mr. Robson will huo tlio so called
legitimate comedy Held to himself as Mr.
Jell'erson is touppear lu "Rip Van WinlS"
That sterling, romantic, uctor, Mr. Robeit
Muntoll, revived "Moubnrs,"iii Philadelphia
on Mouduy, ut the Walnut Sticet tluutre,
und cume In for.u rousing ovation liom a
crowded house. Mr. Montell's season, so lur,
bus been crowned by success. His business
in every city In which ho bus been seen, bus
been enormous, und the public huvo been
loudly demonstrative of their approbation.
Muutell will soon bo seen at tho Now Lan
All meals ut OdelPs new dining hall re
duced to twenty cents. No credit ami no
tickets to anyone. Tho nieuls nro same as
formerly und tho price lower than nv.,r
This makes the board at Udell's cheap and
1110 nest in 1110 siuio ror the money.
Thu WI1itebrousto.1l mill Mum company
is always at tho front supplying the finest
grades of nil kinds of coal
A full lino of Picture Easels ut dancer's
Art mid Music store.
Elegnnt lino of holiday 'goods, novelties,
toys ami art goods ut Herpolshelmer & Co.
nt lowest prices.
Score Cards fur Card Turtles.
We have Just placed on sale a beautiful
now score card w hlch is delighting nil that
hnvo seen it. It Is now, neat and nobby 11 ml
Just tho thing for card parties. We also
have a neat cord and tashol such as Is used on
ball programs which are much nentor than
ribbons, easier and moro quickly put on and
lastly nro much cheaier and look better.
Always call at the CouitlKU ofllco before giv
ing card pnrties and we can supply you with
s:oro sheets and trimmings that are both or
iginal and cheap.
tin WhiiIi.I lo Hre Wlmt Hurt of A I'Iroa
It W-lln I'miinl Out,
1 saw it sign ot "Boxing und OymnnMum
Upstairs," and 1 went up simply to Ron
wlmt sort of 11 place It wns. Thero worn
only a few people up there, and one of tlinin
wns 11 young mnu with n bluck eyu and
dejected couuleiiiiuco. Ah he seemed to ho
unhappy I fell It my duty lo speak to him
nnil see what 1 could do to innkii his pntii
more pleasant.
"I'll (ell you whntV lie mutter wld me,"
ho explained lifter libit. "1 wus n, txixlng
hum two or three (lays ago wld do Slug
Slug Kid, us ho calls hlssolf, und ho struck
mo foul mid blacked mil eye, I'm it lnyln
fur him hero ills niornln, and If ha comes
1'N put him lo ideep lu do middle of do
first round, I'll show you how ho hit me,"
Ho got up ntul pulled off his coat and
vest mid pulled on 11 pair of gloves, nnd
about this tlmu I remuikcilt
"I'm perfectly willing lo take your word
for It, Vou needn't go lo nuy trouble to
"Oh, It's no trouble nt (till Comu Into
do ring nnd I'll show you how ho did It,"
"Hut, )iui see, 1"
"Comu into do rlugl What's do uso ot
ask I n about me uyn If you don't wiint to
know how do Kid blacked UP'
Ho hud gone to considerable troublo on
my account, und I felt It was only fall to
step Into the ring.
"Now, den, put up yer dukest" bo snld,
its ho squared nt inc.
"Hut, tny dear sir, I never"
"Puttipyerdiikesl Do you want 1110 to
knock dcr Jaw olT at do very first clip?"
It looked lo mo as It he wns nn only
child mid not used to being crossed, nnd ho
I put up my dukes to keep him good un
til red.
"Now prnncu around," he snld un ho bo
gnu to dunce and skip and feint nt me.
"What's the use?" I protested. "I cau
stand sUll while you explain matters."
"Prance, I Hityl" ho yelled.
It seemed policy to humor him in his n!
surd theories, mid mi I began prancing.
"Dai's du idea!" ho culled ns ho dodged
about. "Now, den, hold your right n little
lower. Dut's III Up it little wld ycr loft.
Dill's do way I"
"But I assure you, my dear follow, that I
didn't comu here to"
"I!nd for mo wld yer leftl"
"Wlmt for"
"Ia'ikI fur me, I suyl Do you want to
stand there liko it chump nnd let in do nil
do workr"
I didn't want to hurt tha young man,
hut as ho was willing to tnku the risks I
led for him. I expected to knock him head
over heels, blithe was still circling around
me after I got through lending. This as
tonishing fuel led mu to remark:
"I think I will go now. I've got to lie
down ut the bridge in Just llflccii minutes.
I can plainly seo now how the kid"
"Swing yer right fur 1110 Juwl" he yelled,
as his ilnucing and prancing grew more
"But I don't want to break your Jnw."
"Swing wld ycr rightl"
lie had requested mo to kill him and 1
ewiiiig. I was wondering what the cor
oner's verdict would lie, when tlio roof fell
lu mid everything turned dark. It wits
eight minutes afterward, as n small boy
with it very honest face Informed mo, when
I itwoku nnd found tho root nil right. The
boy nnd I wero the only ones in tho plnco,
nnd he said my Jnw wouldn't bother 1110
over two weeks. Ho wns it good boy. Ho
rubbed It with liniment, brought 1110 a
glass of brandy mid afterward helped me
(lowmistuirH and culled n currlngo nnd told
the driver what hospital to bring up nt.
M. Qund lu New York Evening World.
The First Day Discouraged All.
"It's mighty strntmo," snld tho manager
ot n book publishing house, its he pulled off
hlaliootsuud reached for his slippers, "thnt
the first day discourages ho many canvass
ers." "Why Is it strange?" asked his wife.
"Wliyf" ho repented. "Why. If wo can
induce them to go ahead it dny or two
longer they generally get thu hung of
things, do well und stick to tlio Job. Hut
thu first day they talk ot Htilcldu and swear
they'll never ring another doorbell. They
say thnt they're insulted, have doors
slnnimed In their faces, and don't socin to
be able to accomplish anything. I don't
understand it." He pulled tho foot rest it
little nearer him and settled buck in his
favorite armchair.
"But tho second or third dny thoy seem
to do hotter," sho suggested.
"Oh, yes. They claim to get better treat
ment everywhere."
"Wlmt dny do they begin, John?" she
"Monday, of course," ho roplicd.
"Oh, I think I understand," sho snld,
with 11 sudden Interest. "Take it woman'a
advice, John, and start them out Tuesday
or Wednesday. Tlioy'll do better from the
"But" ho beguu.
"But Monday Is washing day, John."
Ho looked ut her with admiration ns lie
recalled some of his Monday breakfasts,
and he decided that she had a great denl of
business Hense, Chicago Tribune.
He stoisl Upon tho theatre steps,
And longed lo Im in Rome,
Or any other place, beotiie
He'd left his tickets home.
Headquarters for ladles hats, tho great 2.')
cent store, 1121 O street.
There is mi Irish Nogro lu this city. Ho
of course has 11 vo:ly head and it Manuel
Our competitors ndvcitluu Indloi "cheap
lints as well its good". Wo sell good huts
cheap. Ill eat li'i cent stoto 1121 () street.
Insurance Examiner: Art you engaged
in nuy hazardous hu-iiicsf
Applicant: Uiu, well es. Tho fuct Is,
I urn 11 poet.
l-adles Hue velvet huts milliners prices
t3.00. Wo miiko to 01 del the sulim for t'M!
ut tho great 'Si cent stoio
Evnngilist: nuiig inaii, did you know
you wero on the to HelK
Young Man: No, not tl.l I met you. Just
Misses cas, usual price $1.(1" Thogicut
'J'i cont store sells tiiem for Ui rents.
Awkward burlier i)o.s this iiuor hurt
you, sli I
Patlut i'u-t" '!" Ii gets
under the sku. (J ! N- t
Ono trial v, 11. Co viii n, il to uie
leaders In Indie- 11 o l. p I lint as
tonish all. (iruil -.', ceil' sloio, I I'JI 1 licet.
She Her fnt.iir i an indenu r 11
Chicago, bu't h (
Ho Yes. jsh ! mu iin the
dauhtero' a I'sntiv, I.lK
i-adlcs felt Ii U ..HI,-' u 'h icat 25
cent store.
The Kilpatrick-Koch
Dry Goods Co.
We wish the thousands of patrons to whom we are debtor
for our past ;reat success in this city,
A Happy
full of peace and plenty, and
continue for
1518-1520 O Street. Telephone 448.
X OF-77- -
We are showing the finest display of HOLIDAY
GLOVES, including all the latest shades.
s25 percent off on the Entire line.
Our $1 00 guaranteed Biarritz now $ yr
Our 1 00 guaranteed Brooks' now ', c
Our 1 00 five hook, Foster, Paul, every pair guaranteed',
now r
Our 1 50 Foster, Paul, guaranteed Alberta now i 13
Our 1 90 seven hook F.& P. Alberta now 1 42
On all the latest shades and evening gloves we give the
same reduction.
1023 O STEBET.
BSfThis sale begins Saturday morning, December 19, and
lasts until Christmas Eve.
Wakened Up.
We will make some changes in our business the coming
year and will offer the following line of goods at sacrificing
No. 1 Royal Smyrna Rugs, 6 feet by 9 feet $15 00
4 " 7 " 4 95
2 " 5 " 2 00
" as low as 65
Might shade these prices some if your conscience will
stand it.
No. 2. Moqucttc Rugs 3 feet by 6 feet 4.50 to 5.25
M w u" i r!' 5 " 3.25to3.75
No. 3. Welton and Dag-Dag 4.00 to 4.50
No. 4. Table and Stand Covers just half price.
No. 5. Chenille Curtains Away Down.
No. 6. Lace curtains at Tour Own Prices.
A few pairs very desirable in Real Lace (Brussells) at
just half price
A very pretty lace 7, r0
A beautiful curtain in late patterns 13.50, 16, iS and 20
dollars. These goods arc marked down just one half.
No. 7. Straight ten per cent discount on all oil cloth for balance
jo year.
No. S. Don't forget the fact we have the BEST CARPET
Capital City Carpet Co.,
234 238 SOUTH 11th.
Artists' Materials tP Noyrls
(live ua u
New Year
trust that pleasant relations may
Trlul Onter.