Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 26, 1891, Image 4

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    "Sm ? Vffi'iJLilSi.X?;,, jinff, fbf, .., in'imnii ii iiwwxiKi
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Never Buy a Garpet
AT Tin:-
Exposition Carpet House
In Draperies
-me show all hc newest thing I" home
drapes, nttl have nn attractive line ol
Lace Curtains
Always see tlio Expodlton Carpet Store
before ordering.
CAPITAL 200,000.00.
American 1 Exchange
National t Bank.
I. M. ltaymnmt,
8. It, Burnhnm,
Lewis (IrcKory, . . .
Vice President
II. O. Wing.
Lincoln, : Nkiikaska.
Ojfictrs ami Dim tors:
loan II. Wright, Pro. T. K. Handera, V.-l'-
J. II. MoCUy. ashler.
A 8 lUymond, II 1 Ijiii, Tlmsorhrnu K
KHIser, ha Went, KLHhchloii.
General flanking Business Transacted.
Accounts Solicited.
If you Deposit jour Savings
Lincoln ui i; 3ank
Safe Deposit Co.
H.K.cor. tlthamtl'HIs.
At the ltuto of
fi-Five per Ct. per Annum-5
Have 1300 a week and It nmouiitH with
ftUrest In five year to fi.noti.ou.
Bank open nt 9:3it n. in. to il-.:to p. in. and
Saturday evenings, a to S p. in.
Safta to Rent in Burglar and Fire
Proof Vaults.
Steam Laundry
2014-16 O Street,
Oflce 13! N. nth St.
Tele. 579.
Hue Rust Cabinets tA per doien. Hpeoi
HMM to atudenu. Call and aee our work.
Opea from a. m. to 4 p. in. Sundays.
Strtto, 11140 Street.
,1 Ityiuhir liptr of Mmlrru Times
l-ubllrtloJ Saturday
Iddres all communication iIImk to the onion
Wicshicl Pkintino Co,
Courier Hnlltllng, IIW N HI reel.
I- Vkmhki.,Jh., Editor nml Hole I'mpilctor.
Entered nt tliu Poitollleo of
nn second class matter.
Llnrnlli .Nell.,
Mis O. J. Oiillmotto, iiKilNtA, l.attn Hloik
o er Miller fi l'alne. Take elevator.
China flrliiK every Tlnim lay nt Consei
tory of MikIo. E lltli llussoll.
Our work speak for Itself. It needs no
In n or blunter, simply your own opinion
will testify to It merit. The Htildlo Le
(Ininilo In on tliu ground floor, centrally lo
cntiil nud n lieuutlful place. Cull nnd see us
nt 11M Mouth Twelfth street.
The llndlent Home U no nuw fitko but Iihs
no established reputation for economy and
lienuty, Dunham tc lluck. ol agents, lli.NI O
Coal of every sire from the, liest mines
In Ohio, Kentucky, IIIIiioIh, MIwouiI, Co'orn
do nml Wyoming for wile by Ami. A. liny
mer. Telephone IIW). Olllce Mill O street.
Don't full to see tint line dlspl iy of Carvers
table cutlery, ten nnd coKeo wtn rhmvn by
lludge & Morris.
When buying horse blankets, plush lnp
robes nud rur robin, just enquire nti 143
north llth street, opposite Unpltnl hotel.
Clonks nud novelties, fur tiimmeil nud
ilnln for lndlen nud children, very low nt
llcrM)lshelmer & Co.
Henry Hnrphnm, ImrnesH nud Hiiddlery,
143 north llth street, opposite Capital hotel.
Weil (ling Iiivllntliins.
Wo nm hendipinrterH for these rowIs mul
furnish tlioni from thorhenpest iiriuttsl card
to the finest; engraved work. Ilnvlug hml
seven yenM exterlenco we k'H'p ostil
on tho most stylish designs nlnolutoly cor
iwt forms, etc. All we usk lutendlng pur
chnser Is to call nud Insect snmpleM or tho
work Monro tUlly turning out. tllll N street.
K)r mul Kr Hiiriieun.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist nud nunst, VXXi
O street, telephone .'ITA, Lincoln, Nebr.
VoitllillFiin KiiropeHii fie I'repurtlon,
Iiadles, If you want most elegant face pi ep
nmtlou, try this one. It l pure n spilug
water; no lend, sediment or other luuiioiis
sulwtnnces. It makes your skin soft, fresh,
nml clear; removes tun, blotches, dlsuoloin
lions, nml lmniU n Haily complexion,
Ifyourfacols not what you desire It, try
"Youthlleno". I giiarnuteo it to give perfect
sntlifactlou. I have sought for n preimm
lion that will mnke complexions fresh uuil
young looking nml now I liare found it, i-e-talleil
nt two dollni-s or tluve for five. I havo
aeeunnl tho ngency for this trusty urtlcle.
J. II. Hahlkv, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb.
Tito Union 1'nellle System
Una placed in dally service n solid train be
tween Lincoln nnd Hloux City making close
connections at Columbus with main lino
trains for nil point st, with Albion, Cedar
llnplds, Ord nud Oinnd Islan I nml branches,
except Huudays, Lincoln nnd Sioux City
tUlly connects closely In union deimt, Hloux
City, with tho evening trains of connecting
lines for the not th nml east. For full iwirtlo
ulars apply at 1014 U street or nt depot.
Only Ten 10) Cei.tstt l'nrk.
Tliocolebrattxl "llurlliiEtou Ilouto" apply
lug cards are now sold at ten oonU er pack,
(M) cents ii tho usual price for such cards).
Whist, high-five and euchre parties will soon
tw in order, and w would suggest that you
liy in a stocK of these cartls 'for future re
quirement. A. C. Zikhkh,
City rassoiiKer Agent.
Clleap IliilliUy Hules.
Tho 11 & M will sell tickets lietween
stations not over two hundred miles ait
mi Decemlier -Mtli, !i5th, and Sltst and Jan
uary Ht, good until January 4th 1803, nt
ono fare ai.d a third for round trip. Ticket
and further Information at U & M depot
or city olllce, corner O and Tenth streets.
A. C. Kikmkh,
City !'. Agt.
18111 HolltUy KMes-lHtl'j.
As usual the Union 1'nclKO offers to the
traveling publio cheap rate during'the
Holidays of Itl-tU.
For detalleil liifoiniatlon call on or ad
dress, K. H. Blosson. Agent Union l'acitlc
Call on Henry Harphain, 143 north llth
street, opposite Capital hotel for harness,
whips, turciugloi, curry combs and brushes,
harness oil, axl? grease and axle oil harness
The "Walking Alligator" to lie found only
at the great lOJcont store, 1 18 south 13th St,
Ijttwt novelties In Christmas presents at
the Great 10c Store, 118 south Twelfth
Cleriomeu, Attention.
It is the doslrn of the Burlington to place
half fare permit for IH'.U in the hands of
all ministers anl missionaries by the flirt
of January next. TliMe permits will bo
good on all Uurllngtnu Hues, and prompt
application is m-ct'8ary.
A. C. Zeiukh,
City Pass. Agent.
me uazar, tuH u street, is exniiuting a
numtter of handsome objects which they
will onTer gratis to their numerous patron
before the holidays.
Ilemarque proof etchings DO.-, former
price $4.00. Come early, Craucers Art
and Music store,
Ktclilng, engravings, water colon, pas
IjU, etc., artistically; f mined, make hand
some Christinas present.
Crancku'b Art and Music Stork,
313 South Eleventh street.
(Hive Hat per Writes r I lie l.ulenl lit
MoiiriihiK t.iMtitmes A Clonk Tliut l
ropulitr, lint Nnl to tin. I.IIiIiik i.l
the Writer.
(Hiwulnl Correspiiiiiltni c,
Nkw YtiliK. Dec. S4. Whutt Solomon
(louliiri'il that thorn wim tiotlilng new
utiilor tho Htm. I don't boliovo do hml uny
Iirctnnultlou of tin 1ml oh 011 Imlcn of now
i!intcrliiln tlmt uro plnceil mi viou- ut the
big ImiKiiU'rn'. for thtiro are m muiiy
now tlilngH Unit ono jxior heiitl can't hoc
tliom all In a month without aching
li'iidy lo lnirwt. OiiugocH from ono place
to anothnr finding Homutliing liltlicrto
midrcamoil nf in each.
I naw Saturday 11 lino of rich black
pllk with a 1I011I1I0 brocade, that Is to way
thoro wcro ilowom in dolicato natutnl
tints, brocaded upon another ami rathor
larger brocaded
IMittcrn, alio in
color, which gave
it tho appearance
of Umig Blinded.
There nro dreaH
imttcrimof Lyons
liiolro, with mi
nor b nppliuuo
embroidery tlono
in velvet, soino
times in black
and BomctimoH in
colom, but when
in colon) thoy aro
noft and liavo a
fndotl apiiear
mice. Dead leaf
in a favorite, and
tho bronzed nnd
mottled effect Is
brought out with
wonderful fidel
ity by tho uho of
different nluiilcs.
This nppllquo is
A (II.KAM OP COMFOHT. IIS of toll dotlO ill
cloth as In velvet, nnd Indeed 1 think
that ilono in cloth is moro effective,
really, than the velvet.
There aro hot silks nnd shot velvets
nud shot brocades. They uro in change
nblo tints, which 1 have always ad
mired, and I noticed also soino shot ef
fects in wool and silk goods, and nonie
nil wools whore tho twisted threads
somehow showed difforont lights as tho
nun would strike upon it.
Tho now spring woolens differ from
the old ones only in that they are a trifle
lighter in weight.
Tho cloth for tailor gowns is literally
"cream laid," it is so line, so linn and
smooth. This comes in all colors, but
the favorites nro biscuit and drab shades,
though af cotirso there nro others, par
ticularly tho faded leaf shades.
There is a heavy Melton cloth, intend
ed for spring cloaks and long wraps,
which has a close, heavy body of satin
surfaced cloth with raised velvet designs
upon it.
In mourning outfits thero is a littlo but
very decorous attempt ut ornamentation,
a trying to break the monotony of tho se
vere lines heretofore seen. For lirst
mourning the deep veil and straight lines
aro do rigour, but when the long veil can
bo laid aside n littlo gleam of comfort
can bo judiciously signaled by fancy
curves to tho crape bordering. No crapo
but tho English is ever used as up
pllimo trimming. The elegant long capo
worn in the illustration is lined with
dead silk, and at tho top of tho collar has
a curled line of ostrich flues. Tho lion
net has also n jet ornament in front
above tho folds of the craim. This dre.w
is not, howover, suitable for 11 widow
until at least six mouths after her bo
reavemeut, but could lie worn by n
sister or daughter after three mouths.
Among the "high novelties" of the sea
son is tho cloak represented here, and it
is called tho Rove, or dream cloak. It
seems to mo to partako more of tho char
acter of a uightmaro, but as it has takon
ouch n hold upon tho fancy of tho "car
riage customers," 1 suppose it is a duty
to show it. It was made in the original
or thick ladies'
cloth in a faded
brick dust color.
The sleeves can
not bo described,
but can bo under
stood by a glanco
nt tho picture. A
deep witttonu
plait is laid in tho
back, reaching to
the neck. The
shoulder pioco is
of whito velvet
with gold and
having a fringe
of gilt bonds. It
is cut in u scallop
to tho neck in tho
back, from where
droops a gold pus
Bomonterio trim
ming similar to
nt tho joining below
thoso on tho front
tho waist. Black fox fur bands in state
fashion go around tho shoulder and fall
to tho feet. Tho garment is lined with
gold colored quilted satin. Another of
brown velutlna trimmed with cinnamon
bear fur nnd gold ombroidery mado in
tho samo gonoral stylo is equally strik
ing. Tho now bonnots nro mostly in tho
Quaker style, with broad ribbon strings
which tie undor tho chin jn a wide
picked out bow. Some of them havo
the frout dented down in Mary Stuart
ityio. xno pone ts prettier tor youug
faces and tho dented rather moro be
coming for older ones. Any of the
Quaker styles is pretty and generally
becoming. Omvk Hakpek.
Three yoars ago a resident of Grass
Valley turned loose in thut section three
English sparrows. They havo mul
tiplied rapidly, and nro said to lo death
oil tree bugH, and, have driven off other
birds that formerly ate the fruit. Tho
ip.u rowx also eat some fruit, but prefer
the bugH. San Francises Call.
" Ijffl HI
1 l m
She wrote upon her New Year's cake,
"A Olad New Year to You."
Iter husband said with Inward groan,
"I'd better lot that cake alono
Her wlih mltfht not corao true."
Henry Hniphnm, barneys, saddlery nnd
turf goods, 143uoith Kleventh street, opposite
iltnl Hotel
One bundled finest ciiKraod calling cards
and pinto only (3,50 at Weasel Printing Co.,
Illlil N street.
Olvo us n call Itefore buying elimvhor
11ml you will Unit our pi Ices the lowest,
"Iho Ureal lOo Store 118 wuth Twelfth
Heiuniipio proof etchings 1N)l, former
pi Ice $4.00. Come enrly. Crnneers Art
nud Music stole.
Now is the tune to get stoves for the win
ter. Dunham & lluck have n big line of all
tho finest makes. They also repair old
stoves, set them up nnd furnUli parts needed
nt leasonable cost. L nil, 113)1 O street or lei
cphoiioUHi. Hemtiique pi oof etchings IKK1, former
pi Ice $4.(K). Come enily. Crnneers Ait
nml Music stout.
In M'lectli'g flames for Jour pictures, me
the lntest styles nud most durable makes at
the new L'ucolii frame mid art coinp'iny,
33(1 south Kleventh street.
Iook Hoi K)Miemcr Si Co. over for new
evening novelties, millinery nud gloves;
the iieuext tiimmliigH, Chiffons etc.
New etchings, many ' flnojj plates, jus
received, Come enrly. Craucers Ait uud
Music store.
Hotnllug the O street grocer has full lino
or Untuvlii, New York, fiult nnd vegntnlile,
nlo their nilueenient.
Dr. . L. Snjiler, Dental purloin, rooms
:nl-3;i, Hi nco building. Cor. O and 15th st.
The celebiuted Kgg Shampoo removes
liiuilruff and promoter the growth of the
hair. For snlo by Miss Johnston, 1111 O
A new noveliy "The Comical Cum" for
masqueinde purpose only 10 cents, to bo
louud nttheUleat 111 cent store, US h'hiIIi
I3tn utieet.
A new idea, The Glen Camera, only IK)
lentMit the gieat 10 cent store, 118 south
I'Jtli strict.
Hotaliug the O stieet grocer mih be is
1 uiiian nml makes mistaken but will cheer
fully lecttfy them. That is moro than some
will dr.
Ijirgo inMiliiiUit aid lovust ulciH on
dolls nud toys at the Great J On Stole, 118
outh Twelfth stieet.
A Christinas or New Year's Illuuer
nt home is something to be remembered,
(lo home uud partuko of tho coming one,
it may be your last chance. Exceedingly
iow intes via the Union Pacific.
For full iufoi illation see H. It. KIom-oii,
Agent Union Pacific System, Lincoln, Neb.
Only the finest cuts nud choicest meats
sei ved to customers of Chlpiimn & Sheen,
1541 O street. Phono 180.
We sell the genuine unon i'.y
Metis, Weaver & o 1015 U street,
phono 440.
The Peninsular base burner Is the latest
Improved heater In the mai ket. Defore buy
ing, call nnd see 11 full Hue nt Dunham &
lluck, 1 130 O street.
He tells a Reporter About
Being Cured by Dr. Dennis,
the Catarrh Specialist.
Nothing succeeds like success. This adage
Is more than oxemplllled by the exeiimco
of Dr. Dentils in this city. His success In
curing many bud cases of catarrh who had
despaired or relief has filled his ollloo with
iMitients fiom morning to night. The fol
lowing Is only one of tho many statements
which could be mado iiubllo if snace did not
Ten years ago I huh nltacked by that
ilreail disease, Catarrh. It liegau utter I
had had a bad cold us u btopping up of the
nostrils so 1 could notbreatheexcept through
my mouth. It grew worso from year to
year. I would hawk and plt almost con-
loifj my uppctilo Mas poor; howuMcostivu;
fe't weak nnd unable to engage In any pliyhl
cnl oxeitiou; my ears liegar. finally dicharg
iug u bad smelling substauco and my nostrils
pained me to tirenthe through them; I became
alarmed. I had tried everything mul paid
out n great deal to plijhlciiiiH. I dually
went to the mountains near Denver. About
September 1, 181)1, I placinl my cnso hi Dr.
Dennis' hands for tieutinent, and today,
November 1, I consider myself eiithely well.
The une has been a smprihe, but n moht
happy one. I will take gient pleasure in
answering any iinpiiiies ubout Dr. Dennis
and Ids treatment." Any perxou cuu, by
calling on Dr. Dennis, learn this gentleman's
name nml address, which he doo not wish
to have printed in tho pupers. He Is an em
ploye at one of, the stata ( istPutlons in this
city and well known
C. Warren Dennis, M.D.
Eye, Knr, Nose nud Throat Hurucon and Spec
atlUuJ ntnrrh, gruduuto of three, medical
colleges; 10 years' experience. Hundreds of
cases successfully I rented. Charges reason
able. Consultation freo. Correspondence so
licited. Patients ut a distance treuted by
jorresjomlcii.4. Kefurcuces, many or tho
best people in Lincoln, Mho have been cured.
Office, over First National Hank, loth a d O.
Hours, 0 to 12, 3 to fi, and 7:30 to S:30; Huudays
at B . in
For The
Nothing would be more appropriate or acceptable to
your boy than a good suit or a nice overcoat. We have a
splendid assortment for you to select from, and our prices are
unusually low in USEFUL HOLIDA.Y GIFTS. We are,
making quite a display in
Fine Neckwear, Silk MulHcrs,
Silk Suspenders, Silk Umbrellas,
Elegant Night Robes and Full Dress Suits
to which we call your 'attention.
Announcement Extraordinary!
Friday and Saturday, Dec. 25-26.
Christmas and Saturday Matinee.
Manager Church takes great pleasure in announcing to his
patrons that at an enormous expense, he has induced
Mr. A. M. Palmer
to give four performances of
at The Lansing Theatre before leaving for California. The
company is on its way to California direct, where it will make
a long run of this piece, and Lincoln is the only city visited en
route, it is mr. rainier s nnest company, composed of the
very best High Class players, including
and other notable artists. The scenery and properties, which
arc all new for the California production,and the same as used
in New York, comprising two car loads, will be used here.
Usual Prices: 25c,
No extra charge will be made for this superb production,
which is under the personal direction of
Mr. Clietuqcey Pulsifer.
Sale of seats now going on at the box office.
If t d
- ZxP jaMCsnf------ d
'iiiimjj,inii'iiiiYiiiiii v fpAivv) .' i. L r
TrtTil III. -y-iiw ii' - rivv.-wMuiiiii in I - -.
gjsl TWwtf W AV WmtZ.'s2'y
1 e '"' JTLTr IJairJ JM IL - ' .
e koep In slslit or all tho people, swlnglinc hluli o'er hill uud steeple,
rclll . tneucli wjrld and stur, what our spleiiJld lmritlnure.
H. II. Nlshet (Its tho reel from a slock that is complete.
Telling other win Ids the news, whore to purchase Holies' shoes.
CsT" For the operu. the ball room or street wear, w o show attrucllve and oxcluslv sty
insost. s. b. asrisBEx. 1015 o st,
50c, 75c and $1.00.
vkJwwfMlr" . s
r-5 ;
limWatfn 1 1
iwsi.miil t 1 ,ii it
tA - vf - - . - 1