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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1891)
WWWWW(rt( -1 ? 1& I CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1891 ."" s IN HER CniNKEY, PtNKEY GOWN. Tho city unl nmy Itmk rtulit xrl , Totliofellirsiitiltitnwii, When liV ilrol In ollkn ami sslliis, An w Uli rlMmns up mi dn "I f Hut for inn I llko Hut ruMlr, 1 rinilllit umMi'ii, durk nliil brown, When she's ilrrMiM, not In herhiees, Hut Jicr rrlnkey, ilnkoy iron n. While she inn) mil Imi mi ntirty , To yir nlillciitrtl eje. An Ihi up In liltfh tuned iniiMo, Itemtiu novel w Uli 11 sltfhi Fer i fiOliT In Uiit country, ; Whrro tlur hill nn iiiutuiliiliis frovni, BlioV thu mil I it tiiko nut rlilln, ' Inhorrrliike)-. nlnkcyirmwi. T An wlil!irlillnlnit Imitity J It inn) he it hit a slum, Mu won't itiiirrl il )rr ilrlvln I Nor i im wake it Knmtit i Hut will mniiitiilo I it )n closer, ' As ) it arm w III steal amuu ' An ulve i surprMn pri'mtii To Imr rrlnkiy, plnkry uiwn. ; Tor, ) or cee, w'llii she's no tlliiiim's, ; An her runt's nut tulliir umrte, An Iiit Intuit nut white mi pt'iirly, ( Nor lirr rlhlNins llirr rhilil shade, Hlie' tin' Kill wot does tlm lu-lphi ; When there's work tiT itn ahum, .An )it way "III cheer an soften, lit Iiit erhikcy, pltikt'V kihvii, . -Ilrtmklyn Knitlp. Tim llimty, 1tiniiltiK t unncliiHloiiit ofti'ti results In nilwtrrif'ini'iit tn nil coiiroriutl. Perhaps liobodv knows this better tliniin certain clerk I'u Court street law ulllco. Ilo was IttliiK nt hit ilrtk, wrltltiK busily, tliu other afternoon, wIiimi tin' iliioropi'iii'il iiml ma old iH'uro put In hl head. "Say, citp'n, don't, yoli want yoli win dows washed l)cy looks kinder llkodcy needs It," "No, nottoilityi tlii'y worn washed only Unt week," "Ilettuh loininu touch Vin up 11 lee tie, an'n." "No, no," replied tlm clerk, koIiik on "with his work; "come around In a couple of weeks." With nnotliiT lutliiiiitlou tluit tlm win dow were susceptible of roiiHlilornlilo Im provement, the ancient cleaner wltlutruw. Hu window washers were evidently out tn full forcu tluit ilny; for live minutes Iiml sot elapsed wlii'ii t lit iloor opened aaln nil iiuntlitT sable lii'iul popped In, "Qooil aftahnoon, boss." "Good llfttTIIOOII." "Want yoli windows cleaned?" "No, not toilny," "Do It clit'iip, boss; hcttah liMiiuio clean em." "No; J11.1t oiiK'iKi'il H 1111111," Three minutes later tlio iloor oiciioil gain, nml a dark fnco surmounted by a rather runty hut peeped In. "Wellr" asked tho clerk, looking; hastily up, "I suppose you want to wash windows, too, don't youf" It was illlllciilt to toll whoso surprise ih thu Krt'iilor, tho iiuwcomcr'n or the clerk's, when thu senior member of tho Arm Inmti'iieil forwnrtl from his room, mitl KriwpliiK thu NtrauKoriiffL'cttoiintuly by tho hunt oxclulmetl, "Why, my ilear nltl fa ther, this if. tho moiit ilollKhtful HtirprUo tiny llfo!" Youth's Companion. Aiiutlirr Vorilim, 1 'rr: itii LEAP VEAn AND IT3 ODSEnVANCES, Leap yt-iir we nil know to be thm one which lias Ml rnther thnn Mi ilnyi In the yrnr, till wiih nrrniiKi'il no Unit tluipurfect njMi'iii of llinu uilnht work Itnelf out, nml the2i)tliiliiy nf February l nlil to m the one uiMin which .the mn frown ln'cmme wnurbotly hint to ilo mi extra ilny'n work. If nrconlliiK I" ll0lllft oliitlt "ilu ouu ilo iniive," It li probably olil Sol hliniulf who htm an, extra Imnl tlmo of It. Thin year Is the one In four ilnrliiK which lovely wom an ha the prlvllt'KU of asking her tnect' heart lo be her very own. When this custom llrst nunc Into use nobody knows, but If the It'Kenils are to bo trusted It was leap year when I've made her appeaianti' hi the Oiirdcii of Kilen and suKK',t-,"l utiitt I iiiouy to Adam, but about this no mini is certain Aiiioiik the Uinniui maids leap year -ushereil In with ureal festivity, and uny parties asst'iubleil at tlm various houses where a special kind nf spiced cake u us cut, In which was n rliiu, and tlm yomm Hoiuati fortunatu eiioiiuh to net tlm rlni: was tlm mm who would taku her choice from the Kioupnf hiiiidsonm ltomaii men ami ask him to bu hem. In Scotland a less illKulllt'd procedure obtained thu maidens who weru anxious for husbands wero re quired to jump a broomstick, and tlmoun who leaped tlmhluhest had tlm credit tit beliiK the most deslrablu bride. Ah we havo 11 fancy nowailajM for tracliiK every thluK back to uulUiulty, may It. not bu pou hIIiIo that tlm skirt dancintx Ih only an out come of tlm broomstick IcapliiKf In nil cast-, tlm maiden who proposed In leap year does not h nlTer, for tlm mail brave ciioiikIi to say 110 to Imr him to kIvh her tho itweel. est of kisses mid a Milk kowii. It would heem as If prefncliiK n Mm with n refusal would not add to Its HWeetness, and them are stories of IiIkIi tuinpured women who nearly bit tlm lips oil of youtiK men who dared to deny them their wish. If, however, tlm mwiiIii li aKreeable, then tlm duties of tlm brlilo elect Ih'k'iui at once. Shu must kIvii him "a falre old rliiK" and a linen shirt iniido by her own lliiuers to hIiow that not only Ih hIiu napablu of IovIiik him truly and well, but that hIiu also knows how to care for his comfort. Thu nmlden of today would have no trouble to net thu rliiu, but. how many of tliuin could put tho many neat stitches required to mnku a Una slilrtf And yet, after nil, tliero aro inoro wya of asklnp; 11 man to marry you than putting tho stralKht iiiestlon to him. Women can look love In their uyen, can speak It with their lips and yet lie silent, and can tell It In n touch of the hand without over uhIiik ix pen. Shu Ih indeed an Ignorant woman who cannot make a bashful wooer under Maud that she Ih ready mid willing to listen to the story of his lovo mid to tell him how much she loves him In return. This Ih a lesson that onu seldom needs to teach. Folly tuny Ilu in women's eyes, but after all a deal nf wisdom Ih also found there. Tho patron saint of tho 20th day of Feb ruary Ih St. Oswald, an old Saxon one, who wiih a great bellover In thu desirabil ity of marriage, who tied true lover's knots Into tho holy bonds of matrimony and was joyful thereof, So it you want to miKKe-tt to a shy admirer what hu ought to do, ask him to read about St. Oswald and to discover how good mid holy aro his Ideas and practices. If this doesn't sug gest matrimony to htm ho Is predestined to be a bachelor forever. And a sorry lot he'll have. I8AHKL A. Mau.on. Lincoln Furniture Co. 1617 O STREET. Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Draperies, Shades, Bedding, etc., sold on easy Weekly or Monthly INSTHLLM9NTS, The best place in the city to buy your CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. V ,! ' OPEN EVENINGS. For economy, looks, am, durability, our Red Cross Base Burners cannot be bent, they stand at the head Call and fc them. We alfo handle the Uctl Crons Oaks ami lied Uoom Heaters, I'arlor, Cook, etc. All jjoods Mild on easy Weekly and Monthly payments to everybody. ml I MJLLL L 1 LUj tc rsrKrTn.iiii S . fl li1 'HWiii'jULi1 rl fmu- LM UU'i j jmTHnj !ayiTiHnk TIgOTjJ mm TtUl OPEN EVENINGS. Bed Room Suites, 1 1 L... .. ... ... . . - i iiitui amies, names' Writing Desks, Hook t-ases, I (all Trees, Extension Tables, Side Hoards, Dining Chairs, Pictures, Hnnglng jrmVjX. "I I.mnp, Stand Lamp., Center Tables, Kascls Hcil Lounges, Couches, Wall Pockets, and a lot of other goods too numerous to mention. We are Agents for the Famous RED CROSS STOVES and RANGES. hand andrtintiySr "" Stm'S ' " Wcck" "S WC ,WVB slock - Just Received, a Car Load of Elegant Fancy Upholstered and Reed Rockers from ccllno gnr"Udny TnUk' SpCClnI inttements t0 Pnrtics il,st stnrtinS housekeeping. We can furnish your house LINCOLN FURNITURE CO., 1517 o street. nua!f . WK PIIK8S TIIK IIUITOS OFK- YOU DO TIIK I1E8T. -Life. A Nfttv Yur' Itr.ulvn. She Wiiiililn't I.lten. lMailnm," nuld a man c;i a Trumbull venue car to the mother of a ciyin baby, , "did you ever kWo the little, ore a drop of ln' "No, air, I never did. And more than that I never wllll And I don't thaulc anybody (or advising me to mVo my baby gin," napped the mother. " Vou're in too much of it hurry, madam," persisted the man. "I was only Kolng to "Uggeat that a little hot kIii" "And I am nurprlsed, sir," Interrupted 'the woman, "that a man of respectable ap pearance like yourself should want au In nocent child to beln drlukliiK Kin" "Will you allow mo to finish what I wanted to say, madam. Why, I itlve my own daughter kIii" "Well, you can't lvo it to mine. Con ductor, let me otitl This man insists upon itdvIslnK me totflvo my child kIii" "Yes KluKer tea for the colic," shrieked 'the man getting in th lost word as the womau pluuged out of thff car. Detroit Free" Press. Mot So Vary I.IUU. Mrs. Caugwater (while the conRreKatlon U passInK out) Never mind It, Joaiab. Yoa make such a tremendous fuss about Uittle thliiKsl Mr, Chugwater (still clawing about tin der ths seat for Mrs. CbUKwater's over akoeand Kettlng madder every second) Do you call anything you wear on your feet little things, madam f-Chlcago Trib une One Penelope. Do you see that handsome Mlowr by the piano r I rejected him once. Ferdlta That's nothing. I rejected him tvlao. Life. Bingo I have made a Arm resolve. After the first of tho year I am going to get up every morning at 0 o'clock. Mr. Ifltigo What are you going to do then? IIIiiro I am going to pull down those confounded blinds so the light won't dis turb me. Points About January. Dlanus, or Janus Ulfrons, was the old parry for whom the Komans named this month. He ws originally the janitor of the gods, and opened the doors of the morn ing for Hosyllnger, or Dawu, after whom camo the Sun tu his chariot; hut later he was put at the head of the war office while Mars was tho acting god of war. The old party was represented with two faces look ing In opposite directions, to indicate the uncertainties of war, whence he was named Janus Ultrons, which may bu freely trans lated Holy Two-front. This just suits January, which opens the year, looks both ways in time and Is as uncertain In weath er as war Is tu results. Tho most confi dent Wiggins seldom claims foreknowledge of January's weather, while the goose bone aud the corn busk are equally at fault. A I.otlcitl Outi'iiiu.. Holiday Chimes Will sound sweeter to you and your dollars will do double service if you buy CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS, DOLLS' SHOES, DANCING PUMPS Or any article in our complete line of FINE SHOES To Mie Social World. The Courier Office, -IS THE RECOGNIZED HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL SORTS OF- Fine Society Printing SUCH AS WEDDING INVITATIONS, BALL PROGRAMS, ANNOUNCEMENTS. MENUS, CALLING CARDS, AND EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. WE ARE ALSO PRE PARED TJ FL'RN'ISII, AT SHORT NOTICE, ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF SUPERIOR i COMMERCIAL PRINTING, WHICH INCLUDES EVERYTHING IN THE EXTENSIVE FIELD OF THE PRINTING INDUSTRY, FROM A CARD TO A NEWSPAPER. WE DO ALL WORK ON OUR PREMISES' AND THEREFOR SUFFER NO DELAYS EITHER FOR PATRONS OR OURSELVE IJY WAITING ON OTHERS TO DO THE WORK FOR US. YOUR FAVORS INVITED. WESSEL PRINTING CO., MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. The First National Bank, mMMm, mljm' 'ziml Suitable for presentation. Don't waste money by buying trifles and trinkets. Any thing bought of us will find lasting appreciation. PARKER & SAIDERSOI. 1009 O ST. LINCOLN, NEB. Paid op Capital $800,000. Snrplus 50,000. Offers the very best facilities for the Prompt Transaction of Legitimate Banking Business. Accounts of banks and mercantile firms through out the stato solicited. Careful attention Klvon to collections on nil points. J. D, Macpaklanii, President. C. S. LlI'i'INCOTT, Ass't. Cashier. Dashaway (after the New Year's recep tion, to hat boy) This Isn't my hat. Hat Hoy I kuow It, sir. Another fellow grablied your anil went off with It. And this Is his. Dashaway Hirt It doesn't fit me. Hat Boy Well, your bat didn't fit the other fellow. ,. i UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, $1,500,000.00 IN FORCE IN NEBR, J.M. Bclrnistorj, Steite Act. BURR BLOCK, LINCOLN, NEB.