Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 19, 1891, Page 9, Image 7

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19, 1891
: r. It. IL. Chliiuro. mill rrrclrp. mMtnsfl tuiM. thn
rilckpittlt-rkof rank jnurrrrhitndlisl. TKN CK.NT8
l-r pck, ixiotAKO Mnnips, for 0110 or mimy,
Itemcmbcr that the
best route to Chicago from Lincoln
(through Omaha) in
via the "Hock Island,'
The Dining Car are all
new and elegant the
Her vice evcrgbotlg knows
is the best in
the United State.
Have newer and better Sleeper,
handsome Dag Coaches,
best lleclining Chair Cars,
and the train is new and the
handsomest that run from
Llncttln to Chicago (via Omaha),
If gou want to be
convinced of this fact,
compare it with other
so-called first-class lines.
Tickets for sale ft
City 1'assengcr Agent,
In the Hotel "Lincoln."
I Hcntl at onco to John mouBTH. . T. A. C, II. I.
ft P. It. II., Chicago, and iw'li, iiontaire nalil. thn
Hi liken t deck of CBnUjrouerorliamfNsl. ThN CK.NTS
Ikt tiack, ixmUko utanipn, for ono or many,
No matter what others do or sa , we still
give you the
fewest and C U H P Q
;st Grades of O LI VJ C J
At LOWER PRICES than others.
You can save money by buying your
Hoots ami Shoes of
1043 O Street.
Special Prices
Wo will not bo underbid by anyone.
Good clonktt for 11. ri'Kiilnr f 2 Rood.
Nleo cloaks f ir $1.50 rcKUlur 3 irrndc.
ElcRimt clonks fort'., regular $1.00 grade,
Other grades at Jiihi. about half price.
Boys suits $100 worth $2.00.
Hoy.'aulUII.H) worth $.1.(0.
Hoys' milt $2.00 worth $4.00.
Pins, lo n paper. '
Needles, lo a paper.
Agato buttons .la n groBK.
Ilubbor tipped lead pencils 10c doz.
urlliiK Irons c,
40c wool hoNo only 25c.
Fast black corsets o0et worth 78e.
Turkish towels 4c each.
130 sheets writing paper 12c.
UcntsllOo Mslo thread lioso only 2."ic.
.Special prices In underwear.
Hicclal prices In laco curtains.
Special prices In ribbons; finest stock In
Hpcclal prices In linens of nil kinds.
Hpcclal prices In quilts. '
Hpcclal bargains In tinware and hardware.
Feathers and tips at half price.
10,000 curds hooks and oyes, all sizes, lc a
Hllk twist, Ion spool.
Hllk thread 4c a spool.
No trouble to show icoods. Wo aro hero for
that purpose. Wo will not be undersold by
ltomember tho placo.
The Leader,
1211 O STREET,
The Great Cheap Store.
It Pays Joiin. i
Fine llust Cabinets W er dozen. Hpecl
rates to student. Call and see our work.
Open from 10 a. 111. to I p. m. Sunday.
Studio, 1214 O Str e
Arruunl of n tlnliitr Hun Hub OIiiIi with
m l.lrun Lord.
The Edelweiss Howling club was organ
ised sninu seven or eight gears ago by thn
late (leorgo Hchoenhofeii, who, until his
death hi England, wits Its president nud
dictator. Ills successor 1 E. W. Wagner,
a blight and Jolly . .mm Fun
man. Besides Dic
tator W air n or
them nro eleven
other memberx,
but It Is scarcely
worth while to re
cord their names
here, for they have
no more voice In
the affairs of the'
club than have the
subjects of the'
shall of Persia In affairs of stato or Mayor
Washburno In tho proceedings of the coin
moil council.
This apparent abasement Is not because
tho Edulwelssers are lightweights far from
It, for among thu memtiers aro two or
three loanl of trado men of tho aggressive
sort, the chief clerk of ono of thu highest
courts In Cook county, a capitalist or two,
a leading light in tho wholesale dry gondii
. business, a big lime
Rid MAN AN0 nnd tallow broker
nun several others
wholn prlvatonml
business life are
not accustomed to
dictatorship. Yet
In the Edelweiss
club Dictator
Wagner reigns su
preme. From tho mo
ment the members
meet In the bowl
log nlley of tho
Gcrmnnla club tho members of tho Edol
welss lielng nlso members of tho great Ger
man organization they sink their native
Independence and, figuratively, lend thu
knee to their temporarily liego lord and
whilom tunster, tho Grand Uaslutw Wag
ner. Tho chief ollluesof tho club aro distrib
uted as follows:
President dictator.
First vlco president,
Heeoml vice president.
Third vice president,
Financial secretary,
Hecordltift secretary.
Keeper of the bowls,
Keeper of the seal and soap,
Captain of the bowlers,
Custodlau of the records,
Ouurdlan of the chalks,
Wntehuian of the sponges,
E.W. Wanner.
Once thero was a constitution of the
Edelweiss club, but it was long "K" nlsil
falicil by Dictator Wagner. However, n
few of tho rules of procedure and bylaws
Intermingled still remain. Hero are ii few
No motions are debatable.
No motion that Is seconded is properly
before tho house. The motion cau only bo
seconded after it
has been carried.
If it Is too heavy
to carry by hand
or viva voce the
services of the jan
itor and a derrick
may bo Invoked.
The game shall
begin when tho
first ball Is rolled
down the alloy
nud end when the
last ball is rolled.
Members must remain seated during the
regular proceedings of tho club, standing
committees being tho only exceptions to
this rule.
Tho funds of tho club must be deposited
by the treasurer in three lending banks to
be named by the president dictator. The
financial secretary shall report to tho au
ditor any financial Irregularities, defalca
tions or embezzlements on the part of the
treasurer. No money of the treasury of
thectubshnll lie loaned to strangers except
upon n two-thirds vote of the club.
Any member In good standing over thir
ty years of
years of age,
and who shall
have attended nil
meetings of tho
club for six con
secutive months,
shall receive a pen
sion from t he
club of ten pllsen
ers per month.
In making
strikes but one
ball is allowed; In
spares two balls.
In disposing of valuables three balls.
Motions may be taken from the table,
but not removed from the room without
special permit from the chair.
An amendment to strike out can only be
considered (luring tho summer months,
when the members are playing baseball.
Motions to set up the cigars are not with
drawable. Last Tuesday evening, the regular meet
ing night of the Kdelwelsserx, I was per
mitted to be present. Of the liowllug it
self I can best speak with the silhouette
I have drawi) and which the printer has
strewn throughout this article.
At the "business meeting" of tho club a
memter arose and mildly suggested tho
Impeachment of the entire Iranrdof oflicers.
There had been,
the objecting
member ex
plained, a half
dollar in the treas
ury unaccounted
for. "I fear," he
shouted, "that our
worthy treasurer
Is speculating oil
the board of
trade." The resig
nation of all the
officers was asked
for by thu eleven mcmlers of the club
who do not hold olllte. The twelfth, who
holds them all, declined to alslleate. "I
am dictator," he said quietly, but (Irmly,
"and only a civil war can remove mo."
The club immediately nominated a brand
new slute, and with only one dissenting
vote It was immediately elected. Tho dis
senting vote was that of the ex dictator.
The new olllcers were as follows:
President dli'talnr,
First lce president,
fteeond vlco pichldcnt,
Third lcu picsidcnt,
Financial secretary,
Keeper of thu Isiwls,
Keeper of I hn seal and soap.
Captain of tint howlers.
Custodian uf I lie 1 cords,
Cluiti iliim nf tin chalks.
K. W. Wnitner.
Watchman 01 iIiumhiiikcs.J
"I thank yon, gentlemen, for this vindl
cation," calmly spoku thu newly elected
dictator as ho resumed Ids place on thu
throne chair. "And, by the way, gentle
men, you urn assessed eighty llvu centa
euch tor expenses Incurred Juriug the
election iut held." Charles Lederer In
Chicago Herald.
f So
SSv "aL. """'
A New Nimilinr,
Thu loy was going along the street look
ing for thu number of it house, when ho
snug Olltl
".Say, mom, how much Is n hundred
and Fl"'
"I don't know," shusald. "I never heard
of such a miAilier."
"Well, there It Is, right thero over that
big door anyway," and looking In thn di
rection Indicated tho mother saw thu well
know ii Oild Fellows' I. O. O. F. and an ex
planation became necessary. Detroit Free
l.nrgn Ntenki,
Hungry Oui'st How Is thlsf I ordered
a steak and a poached egg. I seo tho egg,
but not the steak.
Table Attendant Dat's all right, sail.
Do steak am under do egg. Texas Sift
lugs. A Chiiiiti of Hum-.
There worn seven of us all men dumped
out on thu platform of the station at 10
o'clock at night to wait an hour and a
half. However, as sonio sort of olTsel,
there was a fairly comfortable waiting
room and a good lire. Wo had all found
seats, when an oldish man, who afterward
admitted that ho was a butter and egg
buyer in Indianapolis, took out a note
Ismk and pencil and said:
"(ifutlciucti, wo have thus been thrown
together. It Is only natural that wu should
talk. I favor that, and will do my full
share, but what I object to Is lying. I want
to give you all fair notice that If thero Is a
story told hero I'm going todemand dates,
names, places and all other particulars.
I'm going to pin the man who tells it right
down to facts, and It I llud he's lying I'll
exixise him. Now, then, some ono lead
Not a word was said In reply, hut every
body assumed thu most comfortablo posi
tion possible and prepared himself to kill
time. Everything was very quiet for half
an hour, and ( was almost asleep, when
tho old man arose, yawned, and kicking
thu stovu to maku as much noise as ho
could, liu exclaimed:
"Here, now, let evorylmdy waku upl
Gentlemen, I want to beg your pardon.
For forty years I have been a great stinkier
for truth and hated a liar, but events havu
occurred thlsuvouingtocausu me lo change
my mind. Out up here, somelmdy, and
start a story, and thu bigger tho lie It Is the
quicker I will handout this liask for him
to wet his whistle!"
Wu all roused up, and beginning with
thu man nearest thu stovu wu sll told a
story with a dozen whopping b'g lies in it,
and when thu Inst man had finished thu
butter and egg buyer clapped his hands,
stamped bis feet, and said:
"How could I have ever mndo such a
mistakur Gentlemen, from this timo on
I'm the champion old liar of Indianapolis,
and don't you forget ill" Detroit Frea
Will llccovar.
Over the doomed suburbs of tho great
city swept the cyclone, scattering death
and destruction lu its path. Broken tim
bers, loose shingle, fragments of tree tops,
and all the horrible wreckage that hurtles
madly through tho air when tho storm
demon flings Ids giant arms aloft streaked
the inky sky.
In tho ruins of n stately mansion, lo
cated on what hud once been the fairest
residiucu street of the suburb, Iny n man
..... t.. .1... !.. m o llfn I......I.Ih.. l...fc ....
i:.:ii.r '".Vr T. ",""n" VIZ
His hands wero grasping firmly the sides mosi ns uimcuii, as unit unuiiieu oy ms
of It, as If ho had mechanically tried to duties as commander in chief of tlm
save himself by bringing the mattress to- British army.
itethcr over lils body when tho dreadful Moreover, the Duku of Teck lias, )t-r-shock
camo. i hiqm in consequence of tho studied h.m-
In this position he was found. Friends teur and even Insolence of tho British
leaned over him. aristocracy toward him, twn in tlm
livJr ' ''' "8 habit of seeking his associates among
They lifted him gently. He opened his those hangers on of society who aru
linsnndsoinethliiullkeaurouiiutiiiofrom looked Upon asklllico and with Ullilis
Then ho moved uneasily, and in a strong
voicu ho said:
"I'll Is't a thousand dollars to a cent
we've run into another thundering old milk
tralnl" Chicago Tribune.
Ilr Account of It. '
Mrs. H. was much Interested in n mis
nlon Sunday school in onu of our large
cities, and spent an hour or two every (
Sunday afternoon with a class of littlo
girls poor street waifs that had Imimi 1
gathered In.
Upon one occasion, when tho last lesson
bad been about thu ten virgins, llvu of
whom were wlsu and llvu foolish, the
teacher itsked, as was her custom, who in
thu class could tell anything about tho les
son of the previous Sunday, Onu littlo
girl, who had never In-cn lu a Sunday
school in her life until tho week before,
was on her feet lu an instant and said:
"Please, mum, I ken. It was a weddiu
and thero was ten on 'em."
And there thu child stood, n touching
littlo picture, with her pinched figure nud
poverty stricken dress, telling lu her street
I dialect tho whole story, no point of which
Uhu lost. Pathetic as it was, it was Irre
sistibly funny when she closed by saying,
"And them as hasn't got no oil in their
lamps sujs to them as has to 'givu 'em
louie,' nud them as has got oil lu -their
lamps says to them as hasn't, 'Ho off wld
ye., and go t.i thu giocery mid git yer own
kerosene.' "--New York Tribune,
Way Up.
Hicks Mr. Mombom, I understand, la
me of thu literati of our city.
Wicks Yes, he Is employed on The
.Morning Squealer,
Hicks Does ho write those able ei'uo
rials that delight mu so much, I wondcrr
Wicks Oh, no; ho doesn't, fritter away
Ills talents on editorial writing. Ills liter
uy work is directed lu an entirely differ
lit channel, lie gets up the eauu con
tests, sends up the balloons, touches off
;ho fireworks and concocts statistics to
skiiii the p.ipers circulation. Mr. Horn
hum, in short, is way up in the literary
Jut- Boston Transcript.
Tlm Klsnere of Wales' Klitnat mm Waa
linen lilted bjf tlm Moil of M I'enr,
IHpcclal Correspondence. I
New Yoiik, Deu. 17. Priurt'HH Mnry of
Took, whoso engagement to thu oldest
1.011 of thu PrlniMi of Wales hits just been
ollli'iully niiiioiitieol(ninl who Is destined
at hoiiii) fiitiitii M'rlod, that cannot
H)sslbly Ih) I'nr distant, to bt'coiuo tun-en
of lirent liritnln ami oiunrt' of India,
is it young damsel fair of fentnru nud
amiable of character whoso oxlsteiico un
til now has not been iillogctliur of roses.
For sho Imi been subjected to the
slight of being deliberately jilted, not
by u nrlnco of tho blood, but by 11 young
man who, although ho bears thu com
tc?y tftto of Viscount Wuyiiiuiith, Is
nothing but it moru commoner in tlm
oyes of tho law. Ho Is tho eldest son
ami heir of tho Martinis of Until, ami it
was in tleferctico to tho Inttur'n wishes,
and oven commands, that ho deliberately
broke oil lils engagement to bo married
to Princess Mary of Teck.
Thu objection raised by tho marquis
to tho inutcli were of iK'cullar character
and likely to rankle for many a year
In tho hearts of tho royal family of Qreat
Britain in general, and In that of tho
Duchess elect of Chirunco In particular:
nor Is it probable that when thu lattei
mscciuIm thu throne of England as Queen
Mary, that tho ancient family whose
chief Lord Hath is will Iki very cordial
ly welcomed at court. It apMnrs that
thu martinis, who is famed throughout
tho kingdom not only for his wealth
hut also for IiIh iutuiisu pride and arm
gance, regarded PrlncesH Mary's birth us
not Htilllciftitly good to admit of her be
coining thu mistress of Lotigleat. For
although her mother, tho Duchess ol
Teck, a sister of tho Dnko of Cambridge.
is of English blood royal, yet her father,
thu Duku of Teck, is, liku Priuco Hunt)
of Hattenberg, merely tho Ihsiio of 11
morganatic or left hand marriage be
tweeti a Wtirtutnhurg princeling ami an
Austrian countess.
Thu slight to PrlncesH Mary waH ren
dered all thu moru flagrant by hur faith
less lover's marriage a year later to Vio
let Mordauut, thu girl whosu inopportune
birth in 1W1II led to thu great Mordauut
dlvorcu casu in 1870, a ilivorco case in
which tho Prlnco of Wales, together
with his friends, Sir Frederick Johnstone
and Lord Cole, were cited by thu plain
tilT, Sir Charles Mordauut, as co-respond
cuts. What thu inducements may have
Immjii by which tho marquis was led to
givu his consent to thu match I am un
able to say, but they must havu been of
an extraordinary nature.
Whilu tho family of Princess Mary is
liked in England, it cannot bo said tli
it enjoys any particular respect or esteei
on the part of cither thu classes or the
musses. Thu brothers of thu futuie
queen havu already acquired an tinunvi
ablu reputation both in thu regiments to
which thuy belong and in society gen
erally for their stupidity and for their
extravagance. Indeed, both of tho elder
boys havu already got into the hands of
thu money luudors, and qui to a number
of "kites" Wring their princely signa
tures aru flying about London, This is
all thu moru inexcusable in vlow of thu
exceedingly straitened circumstances
of their parents, who 011 one memorable
occasion wero reduced to such 11 predica
ment iH to render it necessary that a
public salo of their effects, including
many heirlooms, should bo held.
Moreover, Princess Mary's father, thu
Duku of Teck, has been thu hero of quitu
a number of escapades which have given
great offense to tho royal family, and en
jKjcinlly to Queen Victoria. No less than
twicu has his brother-in-law, thu Duko
of Cambridge, been obliged to follow
him to thu Continent, to which ho had
eloped with either tho onu or tho other
of his dnuglitur's governesses, and thu
old Duko of Cambridge has often Ix-cu
heard to remark in times now happily
gone by that tho work of "keupin
I Brother-m-lnw Frank straight" was al
guised contempt by those within thu
sacred circle, and I myself havu lM.-eu
thu witness of thu grossest rudeness to
ward thu father of thu future queen of
England on thu part of an English js-i-Mild
his friends. It was on thu occhhk
of the wedding of the peer's daughter
and thu duke, who was acquainted with
both the brido and thu hitter's parents
called at thu house for thu purpose
otleriug his good wishes and cougratu.
tions in person.
On thu groom of thu chambers an
nouncing his name, tho peer ordeu-d
aloud thu servant to inform tho duke
that neither himself nor his wifo, nor jet
tho young bride, weru "at home." These
directions, given amid a hum of appio-
uaiiuu uu uiu pari oi uiu guesis, were re
j ceived with an ill concealed titter by hit
I t-crvants down stairs, and it was with n
I face betraying signs of humiliation thai
j thu duko reentered his carriage.
Moreover, when ho volunteered hit
I services at thu time of thu Anglo- Egyp
; tian war in 188'J, instead of leiug in
trusted with an active and respousibh
command such as his war record as a
brilliant Austrian cavalry ofllcer should
havu entitled him to obtain, hu wu
merely placed in charge of thu imsti.l
tervico of tin expeditionary t'(rce, an
apKint:nent which under the circuui
stances could not hu regarded as any
thing elsu than a deliberate im-ult. Tin
duke, howover, Itoro this slight as In
has done many others, patiently and
with a certain amount of dignity, am.
performed his uncongenial duties well
It is a long lane, however, that has in
turning, and his time of tribulation mux
bo eousideicd as at an end. For tin
saiuii persons who were t-o very ready tt.
slight that rank outsider of the loyal
family, the foreign and morganatic born
Duke of Teck, will bo among thu verj
first to liny court and homage to tin
father of thu futuiu queen of England
A.N Ex-Dii'i,oUT"iT
Wu arc showing thJ finest display of HOLIDAY
GLOVIlS, including all the latest shades. K
.25 percent off on the Entire Line. -
Our $1 00 guaranteed Biarritz, now $ 75
Our 1 00 guaranteed Brooks' now 75
Our 1 00 live hook, Foster, Paul, every pair guaranteed,
now 75
Our 1 50 Foster, Paul, guaranteed Alberta now 1,13
Our 1 90 seven hook F. & P. Albetta now 1 42
On all the latest shades and evening gloves we give the
same reduction.
1023 O STEBET-
If"This sale begins Saturday morning, December 19, and
lasts until Christmas Eve.
Vic Prttlifint
CAPITAL, $200,000,00. ,.
Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations and Individuals Solicited. '
Wakened Up.
We will make some changes in our business the coming
year and will offer the following line of goods at sacrificing
figures :
No. i Royal Smyrna Rugs, feet by 9 feet $15 00
4 " 7 " 4 95
" 2 " 5 " 2 00
" as low as 65
Might shade these prices some if your consience will
stanc1 it.
Moyucll Rugs 3 feet by 6 feet 4.50 to 5.25
, r " , " 5 " 3.25 to 3:75
Welton and Dag-Dag 4.00 to 450
Table and Stand Covers just half price. ,
Chemille Curtains Away Down.
No. 6. Lasc curtains at Tour
A few pieces very desirable in Real Lace (Brussell) at
just half price
A very pretty lace.' 7.50
A beautiful curtain in lnte pattorns 13.50, 16, 18 and 20
dollars. These goods are marked down just one half.
No. 7. Straight ten per cent discount on all oil cloth for balance
of year.
No. 8. Don't forget the fact we have the BEST CARPET
Capital City Carpet Co.,
234 238 SOUTH llth.
0. Q. WING
Ail't ClMf.
A. J, SAWYER V ,'.a
.1 iO
Own Prices. ,