Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 19, 1891, Page 8, Image 6

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Ciollty don't you think she i.ookkd at me?"
Tim Mary Ann lriiklns' rji.
Hero's one of t ho latest told In conneo-'
tlon with Joseph .lelTersou when hu wan h
barnstormer under the mauiiKemcnt of
Sol Smltlit Thu "show" stranded In n Mia
Isslppl town. Luckily It was In the sum
nier time, and tlio river wan full of II at
ItontH plyltiK t0 nwl fro with produca and
llvo stock.
It wan tlio caw of KolK tho wliolo iiou
or none, so Sol Smith, who w.w mi eloquent .
old actor, llif.illy prevailed on thn .kipper.
-i. ........... ;i.. 1 1... iu.. .hi. 1.....1 .
Vuo wiw koIiik down tho river with iv loud
of nogs, to Klvo tho nctors free transports
tlon. It limy bo Imagined that tho trip
wm not onjoyably uncut In audi unsavory
company, hut actors woro not a particu
lar lu those days n they uro now. One
vcnliiK tho Itatbont passed n palatini
teamer, hur dock lllled with elegantly
drewert southern Indies nml gentlemen.
Tho captain hailed tho aklpper of tho flat
boatt "What boat la thntr"
"Tho Mary Ann Jenkins, of Hummer
"And what kind of n cargo havo you got i
on board!" I
ni. ., ...,,.1. nt .,n.,i i,n. ..i '
actors," St. Louis Republic.
The Astute Employe.
Mrs. He told roe yesterday that he was
Kolng to make himself a neoewlty to hk
Mr. He has. If they don't find him be
fore he crosses the line they'll go under.
Nothing Happen on a Street Car.
"Yon must see a great deal of human
nature In your posltlou," said the young
tan with tke notebook as he boarded a
Broadway car.
'.'Well, I dunno," doubtfully replied the
"All aorta of people rldo with you, of
"Perhaps they do."
"Men and women of nlmoat every nation
ality ride up and down hero."
"Please, move along up!" called the
conductor aa he put his head Into the
"I suppose even rich men often try to
beat you out of the faror" continued the
young mau.
"Mebbe so, but I never knew of a case,"
was the reply.
"Don't you observe a very selfish dispo
sition on the part of a large per cent?"
"Doesn't a mean man act meaner on a car
thin anywhere elsef"
"Perhaps, but I uever noticed it."
"Haven't you noticed that women have
ao regard for each other?"
"No, sir"
"I presume you get a raking over now
and then because you don't atop quick
enough or because you carry aome one
paathla street?"
,"No, air; I never do."
"Aren't there any peculiar people who
ride on your car?"
"Never aaw any, air."
"Well, I am surprised I" said the yonng
man with the notebook. "Where do the
reporters get all these odd and funny little
incidents which are supposed to happen on
the street cars?"
"Out of their heads, sir," replied the
conductor, aa he helped a fat woman up the
"And nothing ever happens on a street
"Nothing, sir not on my car. I runs
from the liattery to Fifty-ninth street and
back, and I collects fares and looks after
the passengers. That's all, air. Faro,
please." New York Evening World.
Why the Dance Interested Illni.
It wm at an Old Orchard hotel last sum
mer. A friend of mine whom I ahall call
Smith had enjoyed himself Immensely and
was just starting for the clerk'a desk to
get a fresh toothpick when he waa accost
ed by a man of modest bearing who in
quired: "Excuse me, sir, but what waa the name
of that last dance you went through that
achottUb, I mean?"
"Oh," replied Smith, "that? That waa
a gavot.'!
"A gavot? Something new?"
"Oh, not very new."
"Would you just aa lief step into the
waiting room and show me bow you do It?"
Smith, who Is a good natured man, com
plied, and quickly unraveled the snarls of
the gavot, while tho other "caught on" as
rapidly aa possible.
When the lesson was flulsbed the stran
ger tbauked Smith, saying;
"I am, very much obliged to you, sir.
I'm a teacher of dancing in Portland, and
I want to keep up with the tlmea.
ffl Htr
lages of a Mclionlglrl's Novel, anil
fioodtty, (llllll.
8I10 nob Into a Woodward nvenuo cur
KoIhk north nt tho opera Iioiiho crowd iik,
and had no sooner xot seated tliuti hIui toro
tho piipur ofT n parcel and began to devour
tlio content of n novel. At tho aamo tiuiu
u"n "JJ f "' '"
mn$. Bt 'I1'1 ,t 'Mt0 ImT,T.,,MV.
First Pauis Some alight exhl
her pocket
'ago Some alight exhibition of In
torest nnd vigorous effort to get thu gum
rolled Into n quid.
Hocond Page Plot begin to develop ntid
Interest Increase. Movements of tho Jaw
still regular.
Thlnl Pakv Introduces tho villain and
tho heroine, ilcrolno trnnsceiidentnlly
beautiful, villain nn Al chap. Jaws now
settling down to regular business.
Fourth Pane Tlio villain glvea nway to
the reader hU cold blooded plot to carry
tho heroine olT to n dungeon In case she
won't Ito hls'ii. Goci nway for n few days
to l" mM "K'" in order. Jaws now
wonting as aienuuy as mo penuuiuin or an
old Connecticut clock, schoolgirl nlso
I eroaaea nor icvi.
Fifth Page Ilcrolno makes up her tnlnd
1 not to marry tho villain If tho court kuowa
herself. bho conceals n butcher knife In
the alcove of her dress, and trlea to calm
her nerves by thrumming tho wild guitar.
Jaws now keeping tiiuo with tho revolu
tions of tho car wheels, three revolutions
to one chaw.
Sixth Page Knter thn heroine's father.
Loves hla daughter and all that, but haa
traded mules ao often that ho is now dead
broke and the house rent Is due. Doesn't
want to sacrlllco hor happiness, but If she
could make up her mind to wed the villalu
it would be augur In his pocket Chnwl
Chawl Chnwl
Seventh Pagu Heroine bursta Into tears
real large tears and throws herself at
her father's feet. He calmly uses her for
a footstool, nnd wnuta to know how lu
Texas they are going to pay a grocer and
butcher nnd run two coat stoves on cheek,
At thnt very moment the sheriff may I hi
knocking nt the door. Listens Intently.
Very exciting here, nnd the Mhoolglrl'a
Jaws skip 11 cog two of them.
eighth Page Heroine dashes the tears
from her eyes nnd springs up to exclaim:
"Father, I cannot do ttl I do not love
Heroando even a littlo bit, while I have
solemnly promised to marry Alf Smlthl
It you love me If you wish to cater m my
future hupplneait go out and strike a job
and do a little honest perspiring. I love
you, father, but Hernando Isn't lu ill"
Schoolgirl crosses and uncrosaea her feet
In excitement nnd breathea hard. Jaws a
little oft motion.
Ninth Page Old man retires to the
woodahed to sit and think, and the heroiqe
writes a letter to Alf to come and get her
at once If he wants hor. Bends the lute by
the servant girl, who loses It on the street
and then runs away for fear of rcaulta.
While waiting for Alt the heroine aline a
revolver into her pocket and brings In, tho
family ax. Schoolgirl almost a wal Iowa her
gum In her excitement.
Tenth Page Villain returns. Dungeou
all prepared. Regular old homemade dun
geon with all old fashioned Ingredient.
Heroine got to marry him or awny she
goes. Ulven fifteen seconds to make up
her mind. She kicks, nnd he makes It sevr
enteeu. Time expires nnd he demands her
answer. "No, villain neverl" she shout.
He aelaes hor with a "Hal" and she seises
tho butcher knife. Ho then throws her
over his shoulder to bear her hence, when
she takes a firm hold of the knife, raises
her arm, and with one blow I
Too much for the schoolgirl. She has
swallowed her gum and cr.n hardly get her
breath. Decide to wait until she gets
home, puU the book up and leaus back to
figure on how many feet of that cold, cruel
steel penetrated tho bold, bad Hernando's
vlllaluou heart. Detroit Free Press.
Escape of a Tiger.
The other day a large, 8-year old Bengal
tiger escapetiirom the Wehlauer menag
erie nt Dusseldorf. The proprietor of the
menagerie at once Informed the police of
the matter, who Immediately sent nil the
men at their disposal, aa well as a number
of firemen, to search for the animal. The
expedition, which was undertaken by
torchlight, wiw at Ana without success,
and the men returned toward mldulgbt,
presuming that the animal had fled away,
Between 3 nnd 3 In tho morning, however,
news reached the police that the tiger hail
paid n visit to a gardener on the Muhl
helm road, and had killed his dog and de
voured a pig and waa lying in the garden.
Once more the police and tho firemen went
off,' armed with rifles, 'pistols, pikes, etc.
Some of the meu went 'Into the garden
and aome cut off the quarry In, the rear,
while two of them crept stealthily about
the yard with raised guns. At the first
shot In the garden the animal took a fly
ing lenp over the wall Into the yard. One
of the men here fired and struck the beast
in the head, making him roar loudly. It
then turned around and sprang over tho
railing, several bullets being sent after
it. On the other side of the railing the
animal, now nearly mad with pain, unfor
tunately fell on a policeman, nnd stuck
his teeth and claws Into his thigh. At
this moment another mau ten paces off
11 red and struck the tiger in the back.
Tills shot seemed to paralyze the beast,
and it soon fell dead to the ground. Her
llu Cor. London News.
Purchasing ftllone.
In selecting frames for your pictures, see
the latest styles and moat durable makca at
the new Lincoln frame and art comiany,
23(1 south Eleventh street.
IiOok Herpolshemer & Co. over for new
evening novelties, millinery and gloves;
the newest trimmings, Chlfrona etc.
New etchings, many
received. Coirte early.
Muslo store.
flue plates, just
Cruncers Art and
Hotallng the O street grocer has full lino
of Batavla, New York, fruit and vegatables,
also their mincemeat.
Dr. U. L. Snyder, Dental jiarlors, rooms
201-203, Urate building. Cor. O and 15th st.
The celebrated Egg Shampoo removes
dandruff and promote the growth of the
hair. For aale by Miss Johnston. 1114 O
A new novelty "The Comical Cuss" for
masquerade purpose only 10 cents, to be
found at the Ureat 10 cent store, 118 south
12tn street.
Anewidea, The Glen Camera, only 00
cents at the great 10 cent store, 118 south
12th street.
Hotallng the O street grocer says he is
human and makes mistakes but will cheep,
fully rectify them. That Is more than some
will do.
Largo assoitment and lowest juices on
dolls and toys at the Great lOo Store, 118
outh Twelfth street.
A Christmas or New Year'a Dinner
at home la something to be remembered.
Go home and partake of the coming one,
It may be your last chance. Exceedingly
low rates via the Union Pacific
For full Information see E. B. Slosaou,
Agent Union 1'aclhV System, Lincoln, Neb.
Only the rlnest cuts and choicest menu
served to customers of Chlpinau & Sheen,
1MI O street. Phone 180.
Wo sell the genuine Canon City ,oo.
Betts, Weaver & Co., 104.1 O street. Tele
phone 440.
The Peniusulni- baso but nei is tho latest
Improved heater lu the market. Before buy
lug, call and see a full line at Dunham &
Buck, 1120 O street.
All meals at Otlell's new dining hall re
duced to twenty cents. No credit and no
tickets to anyone. The meals aro samo as
formerly and the price lower than ever.
This makes the board at Udell's icbeap and
tho best In tho state for the money.
The Wbitebreast Coal and Lime company
la always nt the front supplying the Hnost
grades of all kinds of coal
A full line of Picture
Art and Muslo store.
Easels at Crancer'a
Elegant line of holiday 'goods, noveltlev,
toys nnd art goods at Herpolshelmer & Co.
at lowest prices.
Etchings, engravings, water colors, pas
tela, etc., artistically framed, make, hand
some Christmas presents.
212 Bouth'Kloventh street
100 finest engraved railing cards and plate
for W ui. i uk Couiukii olllce.
nu illlikffhh
A Mystery Still.
I nm Irnrned In laws of hydrostatic,
In thn theories of heat and of llulit)
With a lirrtln thnt Is quite innthmnntlo
I work out thu problem of siuht.
I run dilate, on urung nnd on rlttht,
I cnu lecture on Jack and on Jlll
No problom Is tun recondite,
lint your heart Is a mystery still.
I ran solvit nu Invnrtwl uniwlrnllr,
Myncitinlntam-owlth(lruek Is not allgbti
For tho dlnlecls, Doric or Attlo,
I with i-ipial facility write.
I cnu measure a meteor's llllit.
I have, studied !otli Plato and Mill;
I am deep, I am thnrouicb, I'm hrluht.
Hut your heart Is a mystery still.
I excel In a lino acrobatic,
And can walk u u Ire shaky or tl(Ut
I lay n ntrcus wry emphatic
Oil tho fact that my health's at Its height
lint my learning seems useless nnd trlto,
Anil waited Is nil of my rklll,
For notV, In perfection's despite,
Your heart Is a mystery still.
I havo wooed thee, by day and by nlcht.
Yet jou will not consout what? "You
Ah, you roguel Como, a kiss yea, you
But your heart Is a mystery still.
Princeton Tiger.
A Hurcessful l'lay.
If you want a receipt for thnt pular mystery,
Known to tho world as a Play to Succeed,
Take precepts nt unco from lessons of history
And throw In sensation lu word nnd in deed.
Take wives who aro acandnlous, wild anil un
virtuous; HlUKiters, whose knowledge lies all In the
Tanks that aro turbulent, boiling, Impetuous;
Hwect looking children whom none, can re
Thownlllng from Wnll street, heartfelt and
Models half miked nnd posing for show;
Horses In running and cows that are trouble
some; .KiiKincH nnd buns snws that only half go;
The dancing of Spaniards, wild eyed and sinis
ter; Tho sowing of maxims; a largo hearted minis
ter; The Star Spangled llnuner; society's chatter;
Dirtiness dressed In a gnrb that would flatten
Whispers of mortgages; sectional lights;
Hensuoiis music ami calcium lights
Take of these, elements nil thnt Is fusible,
Melt 'em nil down In a pippin or crucible,
Bet 'cm to simmer and keep on tho scum,
Ami a Piny to Succeed Is tho residuum.
Philadelphia Muslo and Drama.
Married a Conk.
If ho hadn't licen fond of good living, they say,
lie might have In slugleneM tarried;
But ho wanted n well prepared dinner each
And a cook he mnrto lovo to and married.
But ho made a mlstako when tho maiden he
If for n good cook ho was looking;
Bho declares that sbo didn't get married to
Hut to havo aomo ono else, do her cooking.
London Answers.
Why thn Conductor Lores Iter.
Sho's neither rich nor pretty,
And In speech sbo Isn't witty,
She isn't cultured In tho things that beautify a
Hut I havo learned to lovo her
Till there's naught a prizo above her,
And she haa promised by and by to bo my
charming wife.
I see her going gayly
To and from her duties dally,
And while I know she's not so fair as other
women are;
Bho doesn't climb oft backward,
With a tumble, rudo and awkward,
I'll marry her because she knows Just how to
leavo a car.
Chicago Herald.
Henry Harpham, harness, saddlery nnd
turf goods, 143 north Eleventh street, opjioslte
pital Hotel
One hundred finest engraved calling cards
nnd plate only 12.60 nt Wensel Printing Co.,
1130 N street.
Give us a call before buying elaewher
and you will find our prices the lowest,
The Ureat 10a Store 118 south Twelfth
Remarque proof etchings 00c, former
price (4.00. Come early. Craucers Art
and Music store.
Now Is the time to get stoves for the win
ter. Dunham & Buck have a big line of nil
the finest makes. They also repair old
stoves, set them up and furnish parts needed
at reasonable coat. Call, 1120 O street or tel
ephone 800l
Remarquo proof etchings 00c, former
price 94.00. Come early. Cranccrs Art
and Muslo store.
He tells a Reporter About
Being Cured by Dr. Dennis,
the Cajtarrh Specialist.
Nothing succeeds like success. This adage
Is more than exemplified by the experience
of Dr. Dennis lu this city, Hla success In
curing many bad cases of catarrh who had
d&palred of relief has II I led hU ofllw with
patients from morning to night. The fol
lowing Is only one of tlio ninny statements
which could be made public If space did not
Ten years ago I was attacked by that
dread disease, Catarrh. It began after I
had had a ixid cold as a stopping up ot the
nostrils so I could not breathe except through
my mouth. It grew worse from year to
year. I would hawk and plt almost con
deaf; my appetite was poor; bowels costive;
leu weak and unnnie u engage in any puyt-i-cat
exertion; my ears begun tlually discharg
ing a bad smelling substance and my nostrti-i
pained me to breathe through them ;'I becuuif
alarmed. I had tried every hiug and aid
out a great deal to physiclauo. I llually
went to the mountains near Denver. About
September 1, 1801, I pl.iced my caso In Dr.
Dennis' hands for treatment, and today,
November 1, 1 consider myself entirely well.
The cure has been a surprise, but u most
happy ouo. I will tako great pleasure lu
answering any iuquiilea ubout Dr. Dennis
and his treatment." Any person can, by
calling on Dr. Dennis, learn this gentleman s
name nnd addres, which he doe not wish
to havo printed In the pajiera. He Is an em
ploye at one of the state institutions in this
city and well known
C. Warren Dennis, M.D.
Kyo, Ear, Noso nnd Throat Burgeon nnd Spec
altUluO nturrh, graduate of threo medical
colleges; 10 years' experience. Hundreds of
cases successfully treated. Charges reason
able. Consultation freo. Correspondence so
licited. Putlouts ut a distance treated by
corrcsK)uden,e, Itcfuronccs, many of tho
best people hi Lincoln, who havo been cured,
Olllce, over First National llanlt, 10th and O,
IU ., 9 to 12, 2 to .'i, and 7:: to S;30; Holidays
5 i. m
Slippery -Matter.
You are apt to get "slipped up on," and get something
"shoddy" in the shape of old stock that will limber up
and get llimsey after having been worn a week. But if
you will
Step into Nisbet's,
you will make no such mistake, because his stock of
Christmas slippers is
and contains all the latest styles known to the trade in all
kinds of
Leather, Plush, Velvet, Ooze, etc.
including all the latest decorations.
And don't forget that if your idea of a Christmas
present runs a little more toward the Substantial, that he
has the grandest stock of
for 'Men, Ladies, Misses and Infants, ever brought to
B. B. NE8B1T,
JQlPNcxt week Nesbit will give to each lady calling
at his store, whether they make purchases or not, a beauti
ful souvenir.
Is the Place to buy
No such line to select from can elsewhere be found. An in
spection will reveal this fact. You should not fail to see his
large and varied line of
Among the varied line maybe found the following articles:
Gold Headed Canes, Souvenir Spoons, Opera Glasses and
Holders, Gold Eye Glasses, Carving Setts,
Pearl Knives, Orange
Sets, Soup Ladles, Nut Sets, Salt and Peppers, Butter and
Fruit Knives, Fish Sets, Silver Baskets,
Trays and Napkin Rings,
Cake Knives, Dairy Spoons, and Dozens of other beautiful and
thoroughly artistic presents sueh as are most appreciated by
the recipient. Don't tail to call at
113 NORTH llth.
' l' I 1.
. M. I
IVi "
.i. i;