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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1S91 .' v Never Buy a Garpet UNTIL YOU IIAVK SUBS TIMS MAONIKICKNT STOCK AT TUB- Exposition Carpet House A LL IIB NBWBST KI-TKCTS IN COLORINGS AND DBsUiNv In Draperies we show all the newest tiling I" luue drnpe, nnd hnve nn attractive line o( Lace Curtains ANIl- PORTIERRE Always see the Exposition Carpet Store btforc ordering If you Deposit your Savings IN TIIK Lincoln Savings Bank Safe Deposit Co. B.K.cor, llth ami 1 Hi. THEY WILL EARN INTEREST FOR YOU Atjthe Hntc of 5-Five pur Ct. per Annum-S Save WOO a woik unit It amounts with atereal In five yours to floii.oo. t-lank'opciM at ui!W n. in. to ihSO , in, mid Saturday evenliiK'i 8 to H p. in. Safes to Rent in Burglar and Fire Proof Vaulta. CAPITAL $200,000.00. American 1 Exchange National 1 Bank. I. M. Kuymoud, Lewis Oreiiory, President. Vleo President 8. H. Oiirnhnin, Cashier. P. O. Wlna. AHtl.0n.Hhlu Lincoln, : Nkukaska. Capital, $250,000 Officer tiHil Directors: John II. WrlRht, Pros. T, K. Hnnders, V.-I' J. II. McOlny, ashler. A Haymond. II 1 I nn. The oohrmi K HHUer, lis West, HIiHhuldon. General Hanking Business Transacted. Accounts Solicited. C. L. RICHARDS, RIOIIAHDH llt.OCK LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. SUPERIOR WORK -CIO TO- SMALL'S Steam Laundry 2014-16 O Street, Office 138 N. nth St. Tele. 579. Scrtntile Aawrtean Aemy for viinii 1 OOPTRIONTa, tO. I.'PST1?? 2n K ,r nandtmok write to JIWN a c5.. an broauwat. Niw youk. Mat bureau i for leeurliiir patent In America. S vary patent taken out by tia la brought before ) publlo by a notica given free or cbarvo lu tbe Scientific mcticau Lamst circulation of anr sdentlne paper In tba world. BvUndldlr llluatratwl. No"nielllnt DPH.'a. M ""bout It. Weekly. .) a aart tUO six inontna. Address VUNTri CO, Kir I UO six inontba. AddraM UUHh auansii.1, m Kroadway, New fork. 'rwmr bi awH P v!..l-'ian" -af-V ' Tl aJT wri ,1 liittitr iiirt Miuhrn Time. PuhilMliocI Saturday. Address nil ontiiniiinianlliiii dlreclto tlm nftlen WlCHHlCL PUINTINQ Co., UIU.IHIIKIIH. Courier llttlldlnK, ll!U N Htrert. TKI.KI'IIII.HH'Z'VI It. WkhhkIi, J 11., Editor nml Hole Pioprletor. Kntcrcd utlho I'ostoitlt'n of Lincoln, Noli,, a second obis matter. POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 63,000. MIhiC. J. (lullmolte, modiste, Liitta Week ,'er Miller & I'nliie. Take elevator, IIVl'l Clilim llrlng every Tlnti-mlrty at Consrva tory of Muk Klllli HiihmiII, Our work titk for Itself. It needs no brag or bluster, Nlmply your own opinion will testify to Km merit. TIio Htutllo Lu (Irnmle li 011 tlm ground Moor, centrally lo entul nud n lieiiutlful plure. Call mid see us nt l'-M Himtli Twelfth street. The lUullt'iit Honiu Is no new fnko but litis mi established reputation for economy mill iM'iiuty, Dunham t Duck, sol agent, H'Jil () street. Coal of every slrn from tlio liot mini In Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Colorn do mid Wyoming for wile hy (leo. A.Ray mer. Telephone :K. Ollleo 1I!M O Rtrect. I. . It A. .. .1 .... .. f.. WOll mill 10 Hei till) linn uiHpi iy 111 aiveri tnMnriitlcry, ton nnd coiTeti jk)Ih rhown by llnilfr.t Xr Tilfiprla When buying horno blmikotH, plush lap rohttt nud fur rolms, just ompilre nt 14J north 11th Htreot, oppolto Capital hotel. ," Clonk nnd novoltlon, fur trimmed nnd plain for Indie nnd children, very low nt HerKlholnier& Co. Henry Hnrplmni, harnea nnd laddlury, H'J north llth street, oppmlto Capital hotel. Wnilillnir Invitation. Wo nrn hemlimnrtera for tbeno good nnd furuUh them from thochinet printed card tn llni HtuMtt iuifrrnvn.1 wnrtr. Ifnvltiir linil uj.viHi vnnra nimirliiiirHi wu ktwui tmtitnil on the innt ntyllxh delgn itbolutely cor- n'i ronn, etc. ah wo hk inieniiing pur cliARer I to cull nnd liiHiect aninpleit of the work wo are iiaiiy turning out. n.n n street. Ky nml Kar Hitrufoti. Dr. W. L. Dayton, ooullst nnd nurmt, 120:) O street, telephone 1175, Lincoln, Nebr. Yoiitltllena KnrniiCHii Kaao lriinrtloii, IaiIIcn, If you want nuwt elegant face prep aration, try this one. It I pure n spring water; no lend, sediment or other iniirlou subKtanceH. It n'nkca your skin soft, fresh, nnd clear; remove tan, blotches, dicolorn tlons, nnd lniniti n pearly complexion. If your face I not what you dcxlro It, try "Youthllono". I guarantee it to givo perfect satisfaction. I have sought for n prewra lion that will mnke complexinn freh and young looking nud nowl hnve found It, re tailetl nt two dollnr or three for Ave, I hnve Hecured the ngency for this trusty article. J. H, Druggist, Lincoln, Neb. The ir ii I ii ii riiiilllo Nystem, Hn plAcetl In dnlly service n solid train be tween Lincoln and Sioux City making clone connections at Columbus with mnln line train for nil olnt went, with Albion, Cedar Rapid, Ord nud (Irnud Island nnd branches, except Sundays. Lincoln nnd Hloux City daily connect closely in union depot, Sioux City, with the evening trains of connecting line for the not th and east. Por full jiartle ulara apply nt 1044 O street or nt depot. Only Ten (.10) Cent a l'aclt. The celebrated "Burlington Route" apply lug cards nro now sold nt ton cents per pack, (SO cents is the usual price for such cards). Whiat, high-five and euchre parties will soon bo in order, and wj would suggest that you lty In n stocx of those cards for future re quirement. A. C, Zikmkk, City rasaeiiKer Agent. Clleap llnllilay Kate. The II & M will sell ticket between station not over two hundred udle apmt onDecemlier'JUli, iMh, and Sllst and Jan- nary 1st, gixxl until January 4th 18!rJ, nt one fare and n third for round trip. Tickets and further Information nt II it M depot or city olllee, corner O and Tenth struts. A. C.Kikmku, City Pass. Ag IHOI-Ilollilxy ltMte-IHU!l. A usual the Union l'nclg? olTem to tl e traveling publlo cheap rate duriug'the Holiday of 131-ty. For detailed Information call on or ml dresn, K. I). SIohwiii, Agent Union l'ncll!c Syvtoin. Call on Henry Hiirpham, 113 north llth strwt, opposite Capital hotel for hnrneM, whips, surcingles, curry comlw and brushen, hamewi oil, uxl greaw mid axle oil names Houp. The "Walking Alligator" to be found only nt the great ID cent More, 118 south 111th St. The llawr, lttM 0 stnet, I olTering tlio elmlcest noveltlea for the coming Christmas Latest noveltlen in Christinas present nt the Great lOo Store, 118 south Twelfth street. Try Talma sonu. u nui'olv veiretj.iiln mm. iound. Thegieatest wonder of the boventh age. Hotttlliig the O street grocer has It. Cleric) men, Attention. It is the desire of the Iliirllnuton to place halt fare permit for 18tJ in the hands or all ministers nnl tuiNtlonnrle by the first of Jnnunry next. Thsso Hrtuiti will be goal on bll llurllngtnii lines, nnd prompt appllcnt ion is iitctHMiry. A. C. Zkimkh, City I'ttks. Agent. The Bazur, lta O strtet, U exhibiting n number of handsome object which they will offer gratis to their numerous parous before the holidays. Remaiqun proof etchings 00c, former price I4.H0. Come early. Craneers Art and Music store. Lawyy tOuuCi utiti. (iiM.7.',n. . hm jmaf ' I Vlli,.littf..ttfiu.fT-l ivrtllHi. c,i Hh,u ftw f4At( T. t.. uv-u.i itcttrK i Jtcnic io lila-Jicu. t mt imuw. i, Kuia.f . A., if.. aJ' .. .J j ' Ifrw i-'- f &vutL a,-.t( Ct y 9 ciCisL i(a- A'ih. ' .'...,:.... 7- r .... -. . K -l . 1 . T Ai jti, j.i777.y.( . f..ti'r. .- !v. vA.-iAvU.w" -"""l rostaerlpta. It la claimed by n good ninny people that tlio "gist" of n woman'a letter Is mora apt to lio In the stficrlpt (without which h)io 1h opiilnrly suppOHed to consider no teller complete) than anywhere else. Tlio author of "In a Club Corner" tell several stnrlc which Keen to Indicate that there have been occasion on which inember of the utroiiger Hex have made iimj of the post script to convey the most Important pari of the nieshiiKe. He says: Aspynaineil l'almer, Nent by Sir Heiirv Clinton, the IlrltlHlicounnaiider, had been detected furtively collecting information of the force and condition of the (Hist at 1'eekH.klll, and had undergone it military trial. A vessel of wnr came up tlio Hudson li nil haste, nnd lauded a Hag of truce at Vei plniick'a point, by which n tuesHiiKe was transmitted to Putnam from Clinton, claiming the said l'almer aa it lieutenant In the British xervico. Putnam replied. "Headquarter, "th AuKiist, 177". Kd ward Palmer, an olllcer In the enemy's service, wan taken a a npy lurklag within our Hues. He luiHlieen trieil an a spy, and shall to executed a n spy, and the ting Is ordered to depart Immediately. "Ihiiaki. Putnam. "P. S. Ho has accordingly leeii exe cuted." Another instance 1 given In the reply sent to the bishop of Norwich in nckuowl edKiuent of nn Invitation: "Mr. O 'a private affair turn out ho sadly that he cannot have the pleasure of waiting upon hi lordship ut Ida agreeable homo on Monday next. "N. D.-HI wife Ih dead." An one example of the feminine post script the author mention n young lady who, having gone out to India, wrote home to her friends, after it long silence, con cluding her letter thus: "P. S. You will see by my signature that I am inarrlcdl" Youth's Companion. Facts A limit New Year's. New England stood out long against Christmas and New Year'a alike, and her writers curious in such lore hnve told us how cautiously her most daring spirits first ventured on tlio innovation. The Chinese New Year opens with soma unpleasant features. Every tradesman has to pay all he owe. or surrender his proper ty, nud Hometimes his liberty. After thnt they have three days of riotous fun, feast ing nnd KiiuibliiiK. Tho fact thnt New Year's falls upon the name day or very near It among all Aryan peoples Is a atrong proof of their common origin. Tho most northern nations of ancient Kuropccclcbratcd tho day In com mon with the most southern. The turn of the sun from hi most southern point In the heavens a pilars to have been the cause of this general adoption of the same holi day season, and from the earliest times Saxon and Roman, Teuton and Kelt, Greek nud barbarian alike have recog nized it as nn occasion for rejoicing. J. H. U. New Year's l'reaenta. The giving of presents on New Year'a dny Is now a custom not widely observed, exchange of Kift generally taking place ut Christmas. Uut during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the 1st of January always culled forextravagautoutlay, particularly among the courtiers. It was on New Year's tlnv that "Royal Hess" first received and wore silk stockings. New Year's liny In France. In Franco New Year's day Is marked by lavish purchases of confectionery by the gentlemen, who almost deluge their femalo acquaintances with sweetmeat. The Paris dealers alone nro said to do a business of 200,000 on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. I'leuannt I'mapert. How Rind I am thnt leap year's come, Oil, future brlu'ht nml sunn) I For every slnulo girl I know Has stnrks nud stacks of money. A Well Earned Holiday. Travers-l think I shnll takoNew Year'a day off and go up In the country hunting. Dnshaway Why, I' didn't know thero was any hunting this time of year, Travcrs There Isn't. Hut my creditom need the rest. e.GMit tg3QBUBvM THE COST OV DRIVING. OLIVrl HARPER SAYS IT IS LESS THAN IT USED TO BE. riKiire Nliowlnit Thnt Thirty Oiillnl's Will liny it lliiiidsiiiiie, Street Outfit HnnirlliliiK AliMit the I) less ill Young (HrU. IHnvclnl Cnrrrspntiilonto.l Nkw Yokk, Dec. 17. 1 am llrinly con vluccd that it is possihlt) for women to dress well today on less tnoiiey than over beforo. Let hid givo soino figures io gariling tho dross of it certain well gowned woman us hIio garbs herself for tlio street. HIio lias a stout plain pair of boots, ut say f-.'.oO; Muck stockings, thir ty cents; iiiiderllnen, altogether, f.'.ol), Including llnnnels and corsets, for tlau nels nro very cheap, ami n fair pair ol corsets costs wventy cents. Her dress will bo of cninors hair or Cheviot, of good quality, costing, all made, ten dnllam, her il in go ii it I cheviot or cloth coat, with fut collar, lined with qui I toil satin, eight dollars, and hoiiiu oven less, II you happen in on "bargain day." Her bonnet will not cost her ovci two dollars If she makes it hersell. for tho bonnet1 and lints have nover been ro eco nomically design ed as now. A parasol, veil utnl gloves will bo nil together about fS.ftO, allowing very good qua ity. SoforRJO.Mil a woman may he ! well.comfortably I nud fashionably ' YOU.NQ OIRta 1IOMK TOILKT. dressed, and, what is bettor, alio need i not lay out this amount all at once, but by buyiug each article as it becomes necessary, tho burden is lightened. Such a jacket, dress and parasol should last ono season at least for boat, two if the wearer Is reasonably careful of them. A good chovtot or camol's hair in black or some dark color is suitable for almost any occasion. Most fashion writers revol in tho con templation of magnificent nnd costly gowns, ignoring tho mnss of everyday dresses that are worn and tho fngt that tho very persons who wear tho superb costumes they describe don't wear them always. Thero aro thousands of women gowned in plain nud comparatively in exensivo woolens to ono who wears the purple and Hue linen, so I feel that it would bo offending tho tasto of the ma jority of my gentle readers if I tried to mislead them into thinking that in the fashionable world it is always "silk gowns for breakfast and satin ones for tea." Another great reform has been wrought in this ago of common sense in dress, and that is that young girls have never lieeu so well dressed as now. By that I mean so simply and suitably for their age. In tills connection are three young girls. Tho one nlono wears a plain princess cut gown of diagonal choviot, with sleeves guimpo and foot baud of faille to match. This band at the bottom gives a faint suspicion that tho dress has by this means been length ened. If it has not, it could be if the young wearer grows tull. It is very neat, plain and yet quite dressy enough. Any woolen goods would bo pretty made so. Old silk, surah of any kind can be utilized, and a few nail heads here and thero take oif the old look. This is for u girl from thirteen to sixteen. Tho other two aro for girls of from sixteen to eighteen. Tho smaller one has a plain skirt of flowered India sill; or challio or any other rather light wool en material, made with a narrow flounce all around tho skirt. A ruffle of the same, herring boned in some other shade than tho goods, makes a dainty finish around the neck and double putted slee ves. DAIXTX OOWNS KOIt OtllLS. Tlio other dress is of pale blue cash mere, with double baud, Swiss bodico nnd sleoves of dark green veliitinn. Tlio guimpe and puds aro of cashmere braid ed with silver braid studded with small black jet beads. Tho cashmere costs about sixty cents a yard and requires about 4J yards, and 1 yards of vein tiua, which is one yard wide. If velvet is used It would need 2J yards, as it is only twenty-four inches wide. After all, it all depends upon the tasto of tlio lady whether she is well or ill dressed on a small income, Tho power of making her own clothes, excepting cloaks, and a complete understanding of herbelf nro necessary, also thrift and economy in taking care of her clothes and judgment in buying; but the btxt general guide is, get tlio best you can. tako care of it and get everything to match as nearly as K)sslble. Ol.lVK IlAltl'Klt. If I w afc'tssai'iail mSmm I In ' l I k'A KkJib is, ' V 1t) I SAAlfik LtSyZ.fs mssms&jM .vmmmpj.'mia yaA.-",'v.o&-'svi -iivSA .yXiMaWviinraH I , ..dra For The Holidays. Nothing would bo more appropriate or acceptable to your boy than a good suit or a nice overcoat. We have a splendid assortment for you to select from, and our prices are unusually low in USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS. We are making quite a display in ' Fine Neckwear, Silk Mufflers, Silk Suspenders, Silk Umbrellas, Elegant Night Robes and Full Dress Suits -to which we call GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE COR. 0 AND TENTH STS. MENS' SLIPPERS. A nice Christmas present. I have them displayed mak ing inspection of them an easy task. Call, inspect, and select a pair. ED. G. YHTES, 1129 O STREET. AT A. BLOGH'S on all Fine and Medium Priced Dress Goods, Silk, Velvets and Plushes, and the most complete line of Ladies' and Misses' Reefer Jackets in the city, all at Special Price for the Christmas trade. Call early and make your selection ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. most. .A BLOCH. 1 43 0 st. flnmrinn WnHrmnl Dnnl ucimau liauuiiaj uaiiA, r.vmr.v .vkii. C.K. MuntKOinory, I'resldent. Merman II. Hdmbern, Vice l're. Joseph llaelliuer, ('ashler. O.J. Wilcox, Asst. Capital . . . $100,000.00 Surplus . . : 30,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Issues letters of credit, draw drafts on all parts of the world. Korelmi collections a specialty , miM m ' your attention.- .-.i,-. : . i m'.p $ j;i S D fM " . "V, ;w tffrrr ..naniim , kJI L.I wr ' 1 mmiMm ibbil ' 1 mx," . .BBDIDI BMIaW M. .aaaaaHaalaaH BaBHial ) t J ' ' K-