Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1891)
4 lUCji CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, mm s1 w POPULATION OF LINCOLN 66,000. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COtt.TBNTII ANM) PST. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS n specially, A full of Dr. Warner's and nnd Hall's Corset IIOMRKV, UNIIKMWKAH AND Kill UI.OVKS hi hirito assortments, Wo huvo the iiurney fur The Buttorlck's Pnttorns. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. TAKE NOTICEI Tho Couiukh will nut lie resioiisililo for anyslelit inndo ly nny one In Its uniitc, mi aaa 11 written order nccouiuhlcfl tliu same, RIBBONS! WE ARE IN IT! 1000 piece All Silk, Snlln Edge, Uros Grnln Klhbon nt unheard of prices. No. 3 -jcyd. No, $ mid 7 10c )d. No. 9 nml laiajicjd. No. ifi nml 22 15c. All Color nml Widths. M, Ackormann & Go. Famous Corner, 1 145 O St. Tim Courier Can lie Found At Hotel Lincoln Nnwa Htiiml. WlmlMir Hole) Now Hliiml. npltnl Hotel News Hliiml. Odcll'a Dlnliw Hull NowhHIhii.I, IUS O Ht. Tho (lotlutni News Hliiml, 1IH Mouth 11th Ht. Tlio Apex, 111 North lltli Htrrol. Kd. Young, HKO O Htrcot. Insou, Kleiounr A Co.. UJO O Htrcet. Wcstorllelir Harbor Hhop, llnrr lllocu. International New Kmporlom, 1211 0 HI, lion Ton Uigur Wore, las North lull Htreot. Monro's News Miind, Ms Houtli 1 It It Htreot. gVAn extra supply of imperii Is always ton t tlio (lothnni, In enso other Newsdealers supplies run short. A fi OR A In search of useful nrtlclcs for Uolldny Presents should Inspect the large line shown by W. R. l&cnnls Si Co., 1137 O trcet. Furs, Seal Caps ami Gloves, 'Fur Capes, Silk Umbrellas, Silk llrncvs, Night Robes, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Warm gloves and Mittens. All the latest and handsotncst things In Neckwear, Sil ver mounted Walking Sticks, Church Advertisement. Commencing April tlrst. Thk Coukikh will Insert notices perUlnlng to sociable, festivals, lectures, meeting nml sermon for all churches free of charge. Advertisements for entertainments where an admission is cbarged will be Inserted at oue-lmlt tlio reg ular rata. A W I I 1 L' t ami Personal. Eugene Hallott, dlnmond merchant, 118 N Eleventh street. Goo. A. Itaymer, coal nnd wood. 'Phono 300. 1IW O street. Canon City Coul at the Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Ladles kid glows cleaned or colored at Lin coln 8tenm Dye works, 1100 O street. ft-ofessor G. W. illll, teacher of Elocution and Oratory, 035 south Eleventh street. For .useful and .novel presents for die holidays call at the Uasar, 1043 0 street. Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs. 11. D. CatUa professional masseur, 1330 ! street. Something new in trick bankr, 10 cents at the great 10 cent store, IIS south 19th street. We sell the genuine Canon City too. Belts, Weaver &Ca, 1W5 O street. Tel ephone HO. For scavenger work, day And night, drop J. C. Field a postal and Jso will promptly call and see what you want. Ladies can kave their parly dresses cleaned by the French dry process at the Lincoln steaadye works 110) O street Applications for rental of Tumor hall for socials and dancing received at P. J, Wohlon berg's eigor store, J 3d 8. Uth street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the Preach dry cleaning process, only IS cts. at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 1105 O street. "Not how cheap, but how good" is tho motto of the new Studio Lo Grande. Call and see their work, I'M south Twelfth street. Orders for piano tuning left with Young and Elder, SOS south Eleventh street, wiU receive prompt attention by S. C. Quick . Never order a photograph or picture of any kind until you have seen the work done at the new Studio Le Grande, ISM south Twelfth street. Gentlemen should now get out their Ian summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam dye works 1105 O street and have it cleaned, dyed, repaired or pressed out. Latest studies and a full line of artists materials at popular prices at the new Lin coln frame and art company, with Elite studio, 330 south Eleventh street. Original round oak stoves, the only air-, tight round oak stove on the market, conse quently the most economical in consumption of fuel. Sold only by Dunham and Duck USD O street. Ladles will consult their bent interests by ordering their meat and game at Chipman r and Sheen, 1MI O street. All orders either , i la parson or over telephone 180 will bo promjitly delivered. Mis M. Ilnye ha gone to Han Delgo, Cnl. Mr. W. Leonard hn gone to Now York City. Mr. T. Krnmbvll left Hundny for Oneida, Midi. (icnernl J. C. Mcllrldo Is In Galveston, Texas, Ml Mary Hollnwell I visiting In i'lilln delpliln, Mr, Fred Howe left Huudny ovciilug for Florida. Mr. liarry (I, ltecdeu Ihm gono to Ixmi Angelc. Mr. Artemus Hobert left Wednesday for Chicago. Mr. T. C. Monger went to Iudianoln Monday. Mr, F, 13, Hliowcrmnu has gone to Em poria, 111, Mr. C, W, Pace went lo Evnusvillo, Ind,, Wednesday. Miss Jennie Grove left Inst week for Shel don, Illinois, Mr. Fraud lloud of Omaha wa In Lin coln Monday. Mr. A. Jlrueo ColTroth went to ilrokou How Tuivdny, Mis Alice Mill In visiting relative In Franklin, Ohio. Mr. II. J. Harvey departed Tuesday tor Now York City. Frank Umland departed Monday for Wostllold, N. Y. Mr. U. N. Smith left last Saturday for Sprluglleld, Muss. Mr. Wing II. Allen of Oninlia suut Sat urday in Lincoln. Mr. L. (J. VundenWg left Saturday for SniiAiitonlo, Texas. Mr. mid Mis. I). M. l'ltchcr left Wodnos dav for Oswego, N. Y. Mr. Frnnk Davis will sHnd Christmas week in Keokuk, Iowa. Mix Martha Fiiuko has returned from n pleasant visit In York. MIb Uohu Carson Is spending tho week with friends In Oiimlin. .Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Gregg departed Satur day for Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. W. M. Kolioin visited Omaha nnd Council lllulTs Wednesday. Mr. and Mm J. M. Gregg departed Sutnr day for Snn Antonio, Tex. Messrs C. W. Lnwsou nud II. W. Mooro left Saturday for Milwaukee. Mis Kato Scotlior'n ha gone to Fremont to visit her frieu.1, Miss Kvu Iahi. Mm. Jay and MIhs MI1111I0 C. Jay liavo gone to Denver for a two weeks visit. Mr. Harry tfrug left Monday for Chicago where he oxhxjI to remain hoiiio weeks. Mr. W. M. llenton and family left Satur. day mornliiK for IjiiuiiiIo and Clieyenuo. Mrs. Frot Nelson of Collegu Spriugs, In., is the. guest of her sister, Mrs. W, Q. Doll. Misses Gertrude and Carolu Hill leave for Beatrice totluy to remain over Sunduy. Miss Vesta O. Greer left Thursday .for Chi cogo where she will Hiend Christmas week. Mm. Thomas A. Williams left Tuosdny for St Louis where she will mako her future homo. New Year's ovo has boon decided upon as the date for the next Pleasant Hour arty. Miss Eleanor and Mr. Will ltu)iuoud will entertain their friends Wednesday, Decem ber SlOth. Misses Alloyuo mid Gladys Uechtul of Omaha arc tho guests of Miss Huth ilumlltoii. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W. Kessler of Ferry, la., are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. AU. J. Shilling. Mr. H, H.King of J. W. Winger & Co. returned Sunduy ovening from a business trip to Chicago. Mrs. A. L. Hicliurds of Eureka Springs, Aik., is tho guest of Mr. uud Mm C. L. lllch ards in this city, Mr. J. J. Imhoir, accompanied by his nephew, Mr. Defcubaugh lett Tutsday for Southerlaud, Fla. Mr. Louis Ktttzeu&tieu left Wednesday for .St. Louis wheru he will accept a position as traveliug salesman. Tho family of Judge Uroady of Deatrlco have IllOVed to thlsdtv nml InUn nnaauulnn of the Kemlck house. Thoro will bo 11 business meeting of the Pleasant Hour club Monday at noon at Mr. C. II. K chter's store. Miss Tiieo Laws will arrive in Lincoln tomorrow from Chicago oh a week's vaca tion with her parents. Miss Clara Thomas of Chicago is visiting Miss Ella VnnDunborg nnd will remnln in Lincoln about a month. A beueflt ball will Ix given ht Temple hall Clirlsmas night in liehalf of tho uiMubers of the Lansing orchestra. Lincoln Division, No. 18 of railway yard masters association Indulged in a dance last evening at Temple hall MetarsW. Morton Smith, Sam E. Low, Joseph Digger, nnd Mr. Bazlr Walsh will fcpend Sunday at Beatrice. Mrs. U Westerman and sou nud Mr. II. 8. Wehterman loft Wednesday for n visit among relatives in St. Louis. Mrs. Frank D Taggart of Cheyenne is en joying a delightful visit with her sister Mrs. W. D. Wolcott, 10J5 II street. The Cotillion club will hold their second geruutn Chistma evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sheldon. Mrs.Loretty Wood of Trenton, N.Y., lias arrived in Lincoln and will spend tho whiter with Mrs. E. Fowler, 1027 n street. Capt. W. F. TibbiU, the vonerablo and vet erate traveling passenger agent of the Den ver & HloGrundo Hy. , Is In the city, Dr. O. E. Spahr returned to Lincoln Sunday from York, Pemi. whither ho had been called by tho death of his brother, Th Plymouth literary club met Tnonlnv evening ut tho home of Mm. U. Murpuy, H.MI A street and thn stiliject for tho ovening, Washington Irving, was very successfully carried out, Mr. Geo. O. tlMeii and wife, left Tlmmday for Princeton, III., to eiid tho holidays. During tlirlr nliseuco they will visit Chicago, Airs. Iiwls Smith and Charles Kldwetl left Monday for Clillllcotlie, Mo., where they weio culled by tlio lllncfs of thdr father. Mcvtr. L. A. nnd Ahrcham Kfeusky ileiailisl Suinlay for Albany, N. Y. to consult a physician nlxmt tho hitter's health. Mr. Howard M. CaMibeer will entertain n largo cnuipany of friend nt dancing Wednesday livening In honor of tho MImc Klllwin, Mr. and Mr. Haltur, MIm Halter, and Mr. Frank P. Hhepard left Wednesday evening for Denver to attend tho wedding of their hrotlier, Mr. A. II. Halter. A club for tlio study of 8hnkcenro wa formed Monday evening nt tlio residence of Professor Hnwn on C street, Tho club will Im lead by Professor Sherman, Tlio Plymouth Literary club will hold their next meeting Tuewlny evening nt Mm. AllvnV 1707 VnMliirlin .Inwt Hull. Jnct, contlmintloti of Wanhlngtnn Irving. Mr. UnWt Htunrt of Chleniro. tirilitntif. of tho American Cereal company, nud Mr. K. ft. Howell or Cisler ilapliis, la., wero In tlio city this week 011 Imnortnnt hmtl- mm. Mr. Edgar Wiwsel, for past two year connicted with tho Coukikh left yesterday for Chicago where ha expect to enter n now field nml his ninny friend hero wish him success. Abraham Kmwtrelch, a young lad of four teen arrived Thursday from llmilg, Ger many, coming tho eutlro distance nil escort. Ho Is n bmght young man and will mnko his homo with his undo, Mr. A. Kntrenstein, Sr lli'l J street. Mr. and Mm. C. K. VaiiDuson entertnlnod tlio Three Tnhlo Card club Thursday even ing In a most delightful maimer. Prizes weio won by Dr. Trogden and Miss Dornn. Those pi uncut wero Messrs and Mi-sdmiies W. 11. Cnmlirldge, II. II. Kelilnoudor, Hal Nortliaiii 11. O'.Noll, Dr. Trogden and Miss Dornn. l'ror. Ilngiml's ndvnnced pupils gave n very Interesting soiree muslcalo last even ing CoiuikmIUoiis of lleethoven, Weber, Hair, Chopin, Moskowskl, and Jnel wero rendered by Mlsse Abbot, Ellison, C11L berlsoii, Hollowbiish, Uarnes nud Mrs. Oarlock. Tho programme was pleasantly varied by two elocution numbers by Mrs. Stein uud Kut on, pupils of Prof. Hill. Miss Georgia Iirmer nud Mr. ANipiltlt of St. Joseph wero very quietly married Tuesday morning nt tho homo of tho lirldo's parents on II street. Tho Hov. Edward II. Curtis olllelnted uud only tho Immediato friends and family weio present. Mr.andMis. Alsqulth left lu tlio afternoon for Chicago whore they will remain nliout n mouth before going to St. Joseph which will bo their f ut 111 e homo. Tho "Larking Club" was entertained Tuesday evening by Miss Peternian nt her homo, Twenty-seventh and K street. High llvo was In order and tho evening assed all to rapidly In splto of tho gentle men having turned tlio clock back an hour Those present were: Misses Hale, Haiti, Smith, Skldmore, Hallott, mid IJuncher; uud Messrs Hollihhir. W.r nuu...... Camptiell, Hale, Stewart, and Gone llolllster. Tho Hayden Art club held Its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening at Palladlnn hall. A very Interesting pro gram was carried out with Mm. A. M. Hall as leader of tho evening. A series of tableaux under tho direction of Ml ks Sarah Wool Moore, Illustrating pictures of Eng Hah aithta was followed by paiers by Mm. II. II. Wilson, Mis. A. J. Sawyer and others. Mm. Dr. Rachel Loyd gave a emonal reminiscence on Alma Tedenla which was very entertaining. Mr. O, W. Tusoey was married to Mr. J. P. A. Illaclc Wednesday evening nt tho homo of tho bride's mother, Mr. H. Web ster at Vtil M street. Hov. CnrtU nllli.lntli,,. The wedding was a quiet one, only luimedl- uo renin ves noing present. Tho bride, who is a sister of Messrs O. W. nud W. W. Webster, bus been a resident of Hasting where she is well nud favorably known. Tho groom Is a prominent bunker of Hloom tugton. Neb., where tho nnwli- innm-liul couple will mako their future home, Miss Florence Urlscoo who has been in Chicago since fall intending tho Chicago sehool of art wns brought homo u few dnvs ago by her room mate, Miss Dessio Tuttlo, with n severe attack of Lugrlp)e which has since develop with typhoid fever. Mis liriscoe as well as her parent huvo tho deep sympathy of their many friend in Lincoln. Later -Buuie the above 1ms lieen placed la type Alls flrlscoe imssiNl tn ilu liriiriiim- shore where pulu U unknown. The de ceased was a nrigiit ornament nud legions of friends mourn her loss. The Tuesday Evening club was dellpht fully entertained th's week by Mis Clara Walsh nt her homo on J street. Those present were: Misses Gertrude Laws. Olive Latta, Anna Jiarr, Dena Loomis, Cora Hardy, Clara .Valsh, Klttlo Weston, Maud Miller; Messrs W. E. Hardy, W. Morton Smith, Ham K. Law, Oscar Funke, F, Connoll Zehrung, C. D. Mullen; Mr. and Mrs, Cunningham ud Mm. A. liruce Colfrotll. Miss Lenla MIhuiim mm to membership. Tho unxt meeting will be .ouu iu 11 urniuaiic tuuerKlluilleut aim will le held New Yenr's ove nt the home of Miss Gertrudo Laws oa 11 street. Mr. and Mm. C. W. Hoxio entertained a company of friends last evening ut their pleasant homo on A stieet. High llvo wa tho entertainment of the evening nud the prizes awarded wero very beautlf ul. Tempt ing refreshments wero served during the evening. Those present were: -.essrs and Mesdames, E. It. btzer, Rudge, R. D. Steam, R. E, Moore, Cuntleld, Davis, Tmphagen, J. E. Rigg, Maul, Dr. Everett, Mellcfc, J. D. Harris, Tate, John Haiber, Dr. D.iytou, Ekward Uignell. John Cllleii, A. Hurlbut, Myron Wheeler, Dr. Houtz. A. W. lxw, Hnl Northam, Salshury, Keith, Alfred Shilling, Douglas Shilling Colonel and Mis. Mary II. Dry, Mrs. J. a. Waller of StulK.n vllle. Ohio, Misses Stoarn nud Steams and Mr. Charles Miller. The sixth blweeklv nnrtv nt tim iir.i. vit club was entertained by Mr. and Mm. A. u, juiiiiiejer ai ineir noiiie H'JO L street Tuesday evening. The ladles flrt prize fell to Mrs. IV. A 1'r.i,., (,. cutting the cards with Mm. Charles M. ncvier, uer only competitor. Tlio ladles second was won by Mm. Wilson. Tho gentlemen llmt nud second prizes were secured by Messrs A. O. Meiinnrd and T. J. Piemou respectively. Those present were: Messrs ulut Mesdames J. C. Allen, F. W. Huldwln, E. E. Hrown, F. A. Urowii. H II. CNrk. Oko P(vi. k i.- , a I Hurlbut. W. F. Huirmuii, A. K. Kennard, Clms. M. Keefer, A, O. Moore, H. K. Mooro, W. A. Creston, C. E. HIiiijv, M. II. Tllton, Cnl Thompson, O, M. TIioiiiiviii, W, C. Wilson; Miive Ginco Griffith, Hndlo Gra ham., snd May Moore: Messrs T, J. Pier sou, Alfred Pussoy, and Charles llcthel. Mfs Kstelln lsinle eutertnluel a large company of young asoclates Vslneslny evening nt tho homo of her uuents, Mr. and Mm. Iiuieuco Ijeonlo 011 K stris't. Tho charming you.ig hostivM was assisted In receiving nnd enteilniiilug her friends by Misses Hello Henchly mid England and .Mrs. FoiVbinud nud her mother, Mm. Dr. Miller. Tho evening passed very pleasantly with uiiislo and game and wa thoroughly en Joyed by all present. Delightful refresh ment wero served (luring tlio evening. The participant wore! Misses Margin Winger, Fuxln Towuloy, Atinlo Hmltli,, Grace Dennett, H utile Hoirman, Klorenco Putnam, Clara llownnl, Aguess Wobb, Illid Hamil ton, Arlo Hpraguo, Grace Saiidei-s, May Lllllbrldgo, Itprllo Cox, Rose Lllllbridgo. May Htinlwell; Mastora Roy Rlchanls, Aurthur Joins, Frank Hooper, Ralph Hath awny. Fred Funke, Nelson Dennis, Edwin Funke, Htntlord Hewitt, Roynl Asliby, Owen Oakley, Clarke Lnu, Frank Hyatt, Frank Raymond, Georgo Hosteller, George Holmes, and Herliert Readily, A number of Lincoln's enthusiastic young men connected with the lending bnnks and olllctfi of tho city have effected n purmntient organization looking to the formation of an ludooidcht millllu couimy and they have nlready rooeivol assurance of llnauclul backing and support from n largo number of business men nud bankers of tho city. A tcuiKrnry president and secretary have been chosen nnd a canvas for now uicmboiN and nu elTort to enlist the support and yiiimtliy of tho business men will now be tho subject nlined nt. A feature of tho matter I that LI ucoln will lie represented at the nntloral gathering hi Oninlia next June. A competent drill master I being looked for nud negotiations huvo about boon closed with 11 gentleman who, lu ad dition to the instruction lu the uiauunl of iirms, will glvo proper attention to tliu setting up of u now reci ult nnd will glvo a thorough com so In calesthonlcH. These young men will undoubtedly mako nu excellent showing nt Omaha nud they should huvo tho hearty support of tho business men of our city. Christmas time and diamonds for Christ mas are syunnomous at Eugene Hullottx. Just now tho fair hollo and the Illustrious beaux are figuring on these brilliant tokens for tho happy holiday tlmo nud ero another fortnight goes by many of Lincoln' jiopu luco will be wearing these beautiful nnd co-t-ly emblems of affection that last forever What Is moreplenslug tothoeyoor what moro substantial can Ihj secured for gifts? Aside fr'Mii tho lino of diamonds Hallott also show 11 must uttiuctive line of wutches, clocks, silverware and n dozen and 0110 other beauti ful and artistic subjects in tho Hue of Jew elry. Mr. Ilnllctt's) store I Just now nu ne tlvo scene nud seeker for the beautiful lu holiday gifts lire there to bo found ut all times (11 largo numbers. Don't fall to call there before making your purchase of gifts. He can supply you at prices from $1.00 to 1,000. A Prii-ciit for Kverv 1. There tiro few so poor but that thoy can buy something for n token and If you have .-. cenw or y..tK( to spare for such purchase, your money w III do double duty nt L. Meyer nnd Co'. This linn seems to hnvo n certain prestnge thnt keep thorn lu the Trout row of KpuIarity and at these times, moro than ever, Is their mummothstoie filled with ea ger purchasers of holiday goods. Thoy show n nice lino of funcy goods, dress goods, wool en goods, glove, mlts, hoilery, mutllem, silk an J linen handkerchief, etc., and the figures nsked for thorn uro not holiday prices either, but bargains such a the firm usually sell nil good at. The firm has a number of extra salesmen now employed for tho holiday trado so that alt comers will receive duo and cor teous attention and each erson can make selections with tho same comfort uud satis faction tint characterize all dealing ut this storo. And by the way wo nearly forgot to remind you that 1.. Moyer & Co' grocery department Is now fairly teeming with delic ious viands for tho Christmas dinner and thut it would be well for the devoted house wife to look to It thut she secure nil that Is fresh ami duslrublo now and got first choice before tho selection is broken. Meyer & Co., always keep n bountiful supply, but there's no telling what a holiday demand may be. Thoy carry tho finest Hue of Imiiortod goods as well us ull the Ixut domestic (goods in the market ami you can get Just what your ap petite craves for, nt such times It U hoove one and ull to make purchases em ly. When you wuut a suitable present for n rel ative or friend or an excellent menu for your tuble, L. Meyer & Co., U tho place to look for it. One of I.lnralu's Must rrituilueut, Of the several houses In Lincoln that, are now prominently before the public, none are more popular or better kuotvu than the Lincoln Furniture Co. who but lecently 0H-ntsl in Lincoln uud have already es tablished themselves in the conlldenco and good will of our citizeuiL Tho CouhIeh take pleasure in culling the attention of its readers to tho coinimny s advertisement in this issue. Their career In tills city dates trom August 'JVtli. Their manner of con ducting business fills a long felt wuut in Lincoln and enables the people to make their homo comfortable whuther they huvo the ready cash or not. Mr Challi who has charge of the business stated to our representative ytstoiiluy thut business had been more than satisfactory and that they were here to stay. Visitors uud purchasers ure equally welcome. They Invito you to call and see them uud huvo the liibtulluwiit plan explained. Jt gives an excellent opportun ity for all classes to fumUli their homed us their desire muy dictate. Loriiuir's Christmas dirts. Nowhere in Lincoln can u linger assorU meiit or ulcer lino of Holiday gifts lie found than ut Lormors, l'J12 O street. What nicer can lie given then a pretty piece of cut gloss, u set of chiiiu, u parlor or ban quet lamp, a llsh set, fancy figures, or any of tlio hundred and 0110 other article that they are showing. Lormor is making sjieclal prices on certain lines and It will pay yen to cull and look tlio beautiful lino of goods oyer before making purchases. W InvltA atti.llthm tn fiui- itl.mb tli.ttn.-fr meiit, promising to show tho largest nud iuusv unriitwvu biovk oj Kiyiisu garments ever displayed in Lincoln, Our stock is made up from tho Hues of several of the largest maiiufncturle in the country uud we 111111K we can suiisiy any taste, Very roseelfully, M11.1.KU & Wedding invitations, either printed or eu graved lu the finest stylo of the m tat Tun CouiiiKK olllce. Correct form and liest quality of stock guaranteed. Sample checr ully shown, Ribbons! The Greatest llnrgnln in Come to Our Store If You Are Interested. No. 5 Fancy Ribbon 3c worth 8c. No. 7 Fancy Ribbon 5c worth 10c. No. .2 Fancy Ribbon 10c worth 20c. No. 5 Best Gros Grain 7c worth 1 2c. No. 7 Best Gros Grain 10c worth 15c. No. 9 Best Gros Grain 12c worth 18c To make it more attractive we will add to this sale 8 pieces 32 inch plain China Silk worth 65c at 48c a yard. 7 pieces 21 inch plain China at 23c worth 40c. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST ! J W WING6R & CO. INSPECT OUR COLOSSAL STOCK OF CHRISTMAS GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. It is within the reach of all, rich or poor. Call and look us through. We ca surely please you. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO., EIiPOSITIOIISr STOEES.. ACOM HEATERS ACOM RANGES Dangler Gas Heating and Cooking W. B. WOLCOTT. Telephone 273. iXnws. SUBSCRIPTIONS, Artists' Materials tP Novels AT THK GOTHAM, 1136 O ST. Give us a TUIIE PAXTS Ribbons! Rlblxins wc ever offered, v 130 South Eleventh St:. STATlONUlir Trial Order. -CAXVAS SrjiETCUBRS ml Ns. "7rfltf M' sssSrrssH' IstsssBaflKEJl JMsWsssB ' sssssHsWaJssHH! BssMLssbIsbssssH ssHITfSlsssIl sssssLBylTrJ )7TTTsff IiJ-lLlSSSSSSB aBBsisZrl?lSsM 1 sLtrt, LaOgjlMl ssssssssssflsssssflssttslsssssssssssssssH ssisHllH j 4 M