Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 28, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    lywymfyp vnwi'ipf wwteiw '"" ,irT?yr V"
"T-r' -r-f Ttrrrwwfww"
' ""? wwPTfWj
i . . . Miiwaijiw,
Nver Buy a Carpet
Exposition Carpet House
In Draperies
we show nil the newest thing In house
drupe, ami have nn attractive line ol
Lace Curtains
, Always tee the Exposition Carpet Store
before ordering.
K you Deposit your Savings
in thk
Lincoln Savings Bank
Safe Deposit Co.
H.K.cor. UlhandPHt.
Atjttio Unto of
S-Five per Ct. per Annum-5
Have WOO n week unit It amount with
Blerost In nvo year to il,fioo.ou.
o'Bankopons nt ;! it. in. to 9:90 J. in. nnd
Saturday ovonliiRi, ft to 8 p. in.
! to Rent la Burglar and Fire
Proof Vaults.
CAPITAL $200,000.00.
American:! Exchange
National! Bank.
L M. lUyinoml,
Lewis Oroitory,l
Vivo President
I), a. Winn.
An,, ashler
kmli Mm$
Lincoln, : Nebraska.
OJictrs ami Directors:
Joan H. Wright, lre. T. K. Handera, V..P-
J. It. McOl ay, anhler.
A 8 llaymon 1). Hl'Ioiu, Thoaoehrnn K
tt Hlier, ha Weil, F I. HhoUlon.
General Hanking Biulness Transacted.
Account Solicited.
-ao to-
Steam Laundry
2014-16 O Street,
OMce 138 N. nth St.
Tele. 579.
fine ButtUablnota a per doxen. Hpeo U
to stuoenu. can ana see our wor.
Open from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. Honday.
Studio, 12140 Street.
&W&, W.Airf.H..,.. .v
iwMMwewili 1 '".' "i'..t..
HWiUk VlklaSSPRte. -i a. t.iUi.B.H" .
A biiifitr Miier o .tfoifrni 'Viiim,
Publlliod Saturday.
AiMrtxs all onmmiinioatltins direct to tlin oftlon
Conrlnr HulldliiK, IIM N Hired.
L. Wkhski., J Ii,, Kdltor nnil Hole Proprietor.
KutnroilnttliM Poiloltlco or Lincoln
nn second class matter.
Try Iienvltt's Coal Creek Canon,
Carpets and oiirtaln In no-vest di
HerK)lilielnior fi Co'.
Miss C. J. (Iiillmolto, mollsto, Uttn Hlock
over Miller & Paine. Take elevator.
China firing every Thursday nt Comwrvn
tory of MihIo. IMIth Itussoll.
Our work speak Tor Itself. It needs no
brag or bluster, Imply your own opinion
will testify to It" merits. The Studio Io
Uruinlo l on the ground floor, centrnlly lo
cated nnd n beautiful place. Cull nnd see us
at l'J4 Hontli Twelfth street.
The lladleut Homo Ik no now fnko hut hint
an established reputation for economy nnd
beauty, Dunham & buck. ol agonta, 1120 O
Coal of every sln from the last mines
In Ohio, Kmitiieky, llllnola, Missouri, Co'oni
do nud Wyoming for iwlo liy Oeo. A. Hay-
... . . ...... . it ,1 1 r i ......
mcr. Telephone .ww. urnco not u imn,
Never huy n hleyelo or wheel of any make
or (llacrlptinu until you hive wen K. H.
Otithrle, 1MO O street. Ho handles the moat
celebrated wheel nnd make price that never
fall to cITect n trade.
Bicycles f all kluda nnd all mnke skill
fully repaired on ahort notice. Wronehes,
oil can, tire and other supplies always Tor
ale nt UeorRu : Fiihetto, 144J O trcot.
Don't fall to eo the lino dlspliy or Carver
Ulilo cutlery, ten and coffee ita rhown by
Hudgo fc Morrk
When buying homo blanket, plush
robes and fur robin, just oiupilre nt
north tltli street, opposite Capital hotel.
Handsome French pinto hand glass, 4x11,
plush trliuinetl, for Me, nt the Great Ten
Cent Store, 118 South Twelfth street.
Cloak nud novelties, fur trlmmod nud
plain for laitlea and chlldien, very low nl
llerpolsholinor & Co.
Henry Harphnui, harnem nud anildlory,
142 north lllh atreet, oppoalto Capital hotel.
Wedding Invitations.
We nro headquarter for these goods and
furnUh them from the cheapest printed card
to the (Incut engraved work. Having hod
even year experience we kep posted
on tho moat stylish ilealRiii abolutoly eo,
rect form, etc All weusk Intending pur
chaser 1 to cull and Inspect samples or tho
work wo nro dally turning out. ll!U N atreet.
Kjre and Kar Hnrgeon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oeullt nnd aurist, 1!XV1
O atreet, telephone iiTft, Lincoln, Nebr.
Ynutltllena -Kurotni Fuae l'remrtluu,
Luillea, If you want most elegant fncoprci
arntlon, try thl one. It la puro m aprlnx
water j no lead, aedlinent or other iuuiioua
luUtAiicv. It mnkea your khi aofl, freali,
and clear; rumovea tan, blotches, dlacolora
tlona, nnd luimrU 11 jwarly complexion.
If your face 1 not what you ileslro it, try
"Youtnlleno". I guarantee It to give iierfecl
atUfactlon. I have sought for a prepara
tion that will make eomploxlnna freah and
young looking and nowI have found it, re
tailed at two dollar or three for live. I have
eeured tho agency for this truniy article.
J, II. Hauucy, Drugglit, Lincoln, Neb.
Tho Union l'aclllo Hytem.
Ha placed in daily aervico a solid train be
tween Lincoln and Sioux City making olosu
connections at Columbus with main line
train for all xlnt went, with Albion, Cedar
Hapld, Ord and Grand Island nnd brnuchea,
except Sundays. Lincoln and Sioux f.'irj
dally connecta closely in union ilopot, Sioux
City, with the evening train or 'vmnectiiig
lines for tho not th nud vast. For full partic
ular apply at 1044 O street or u depot.
The Hot Nprliivsof ftnkutiw
These sprlngt are rapidly Iwumllitf irno 1
on account or the wonderful ourntlvn pro 1
tlva of tho waters, and the many nmvoloa
cure which hnvo been oITooUhI tiy tho thei-
mal Imths.
The town and springs mo 'l?il'i.t fully situ
ntetl hi n nleturesiiue vnlKn- in tho Black
Hill country, alKniudlug In beautiful Kviiln
elTtv'ts, mid nt an altitude of 3,1U0 foet uba'vo
the sen level; thus liikiirltig a pure uluiO'l'
phere nnd exhilarating climate, absolutely
free from malaria.
Under the enterprising and progressive
management of tho Hot Springs commuy
mauy ilcwlrablo improvemenU hnvo lieen
inado; among the numlier the erection of n
commodious bath house llttwl up with all
modem conveniences for the comfort of
gueMa. New hotels have been built nnd com
fortably furnished throughout, conducted In
llrstclaR stylo and at reaMnable rati.
Thoso who prefer stopping at a privato liouse
will llnd many desirable boarding places
where good Hccnmmodntlons are furnl1ieil
at moderate prices.
Tho suiierior dally servico now afforded by
the Darlington Itoute to Hot Springs, with
through sleeping car accommodations from
Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora and Grand Island,
make the trip an easy and enjoyablo one;
and for tho benefit of all who ileslro to tet
the efllcaoy of the waters, round trip tickets
at reduced rates, good for ninety days are
now on sale at all offices of the Durllngton
For pamphlet, descriptive of the springs,
and full information as to rates, time, etc.,
apply to any agent of the company, or to
J. Fuanoih, Ueu'traa'r& Tk't Agt.,
OulyTeu (JO) Ceutaa l'ack.
The celebrated "Uurllngton lloute" apply
log card are now sold at ten cents per pack,
(50 cent I the usual price for such cants),
Whist, high-five nnd euchre parties will soon
be in order, and wj would suggout that you
lay In a stoca of theae card for future re
quirements. A. C. ZtBUBH,
City Passenger Agent
1 .,'.Tnt-rm.,n
A Fetching Costume That Was Mails for
Mrs. Wlllln K. Vanderbllt Nntes and
Opinions 1111 the l'realllng Modes from
the Facile Fan of Olive Harper.
(Hieclal Oorrontnnitnnca.
Nltwr YoitK, Nov. 25. Thoso ladies
who iniiko 11 attiily of their ifiirmotitH nnd
thow who nro contoiit to follow aoinu
0110 oIhu'h lilunt will find Unit tho plcttiro
Kown illnslrutixl horn la u anfo model to
follow. This la npproprlntoly iiiiulo in
hitinlaoino iniitoiiul, as it la ono of thoio
deslgiia Unit novor go out of fashion. It
wan 0 vol veil by
Minn Blnnclm
Um od ley, tho
y o 11 n nniiiinl
nl 11 tor. Tho
front of tho ahirt
and tlin sleoveH
nro of Hoft Kmy
bluo falllo, tho
edgea of it InjIiik
onilirolilercil 1 11
Bilk of tho annio
aim do. Tho
alcoveHuro doublo
))iiffed nnd tho
forearm portion
la ombroldored in
tho wimo color.
Tho front lias a
vest composed of
o r 0 iwu colored
PlOTUitK mown. Spnniah Inco in n
wldo jabot. Tho iirhicoDHo Imok In of
soft Clilnii ailk in dullcnto wood brown
and Krt'on, nnd the ilcop band of velvet
around tho akirt la of moidoro brown
vulyut. Thoro Ih a rulT of laco around
tho nook. Tho draping in vory graceful
mid tho wholo makea n ilroaD tliat in a
real plonauro to tho oyo.
Of courao oach lady ahonld chooso tho
colon beat milted to her complexion, nnd
modifications can bo inndo in any man
ner to pleoHO tho owner. A rotty climigu
is to have tho meovos shirred two to three
inches wido in tho mlddlo of tho arm. If
it in intended only for 11 ten gown, salmon
pink and moss green mako a beautiful
combination. So do brown and ivory,
bluo nnd brown, nud thoro aro many
other combinations that artistic tasto or
tho fruits of tho remnant counter may
I3y that I mean tliat in many of tho
largest stores short lengths of silk, satin
velvet, etc., suitable for tho fronts or
backs of gowns, can bo bought at 11 con
sldernblo reduction from tho price it
would have cost if cut from tho piece,
nud by aid of this fortuuato circum
static" many ladies of very limited
income iiiauago to dress vory handsome
ly. It would need about 21 yards of
falllo and 4 of India to mako this hand
some gown, and if tho fair young wearer
can mako it herself it could bo mado at
a cost of not over six dollars. Just
think: and will keep in stylo uu indefi
nite period. And they call us extrava
801110 of tho dainty minor fancies of
tho season are too lovely to describe nnd
too cunning to put in unfeeling type,
but I must : a word in favor of tho
oxquklto bits of aprons worn at home
by ladies of all ages. Ono is of flue
linen lawn with a laco flounce, with
three rosettes of white ribbon catching
up tho festoons of tho flounce. Tho
heart shnped bib is held up by two white
rosettes and the strings nro oach two
yards long, of ribbon, and tio in long
loops and ends.
There is an exquisite gown which
was recently finished for Mrs. Willie
K. Vanderbilt by tho ladies' tailor of
Now York, and I verily believe that
tho idea was stolen from Ella Wheeled
Wilcox, as it is just like ono of hor
gowns. It is of Aldornoy colored cheviot,
nud how simply it v.
is made cati be
judged from tho
picture, but it
looks as though,
llko Topsy, "it
The bock is
plaits nt tho back
centor u-am. The
opening on tho
right sido has
several rows of
narrow brown
Cnstle bnld and
rounded bronze
buttous. Tbo col
lar has a frttlo
ovcrcollar, mini '1
tnero nvo tiny my
cull's mn J if iii tho
hiiiiiq ui'lmer.
Clin Whoolor
Wilcox's dress is
Of a soft woolly
Mils. W.
pearl gray, zaudo
In almost tho-juiuio style. Ono hns only
to boo a Jady in a gown llko this beside
the highly ornamented creations of tho
Parisian dressmakers to realize wlint per
fect tasto means.
Among tho many evidences of tho reign
of good tasto is the fact that there is
very llttl falso hair worn now. Ladies
are not ashamed if they have not a heavy
head of hair any more, nnd they dress
their scanty locks us prettily as they can
and stick pretty pins nnd shell combs
into it and it is all right; groat quanti
ties of rhlnestono jeweled pins, stars,
etc., aro worn to pin tho hair this sea
son; often oih) sees them in the street.
Of course, when a woman lias a fino
head of hair sho is going to display it, nud
I don't blame her. I noticed the other
night that Mrs. Leslie Carter has a glori
ous head of hair. Glossy and red it
looked, but whether red or chestnut it is
magnificent and envelopes her llko a
mantle when it is down. The style of
dressing hair varies with the quautity
ono has nud tho shape of tho face, but
eoft little curls and wavy bangs will
probably never go out of fashion again.
The rest of it is brought up high on tho
head and twisted into puffs where thin
and rolls where abundant. The tight
little German brnids in a knot at tho
back is best liked for street wear.
OlJVK Hakpkk.
1L 1
I v
t Id I 'Ji a
a i sm
i1. m m
f V
"Tlint was thostioke of a master hand,"
Mild the boy when the school U-nther punish
il him.
Ileadipiarleis fur ladles hats, tho great 2.1
lent store, 1121 O nil cut.
Tlie theatrlinl mechanic Is not quarrel.
hiiiii', but he often lliiils it necessary to raise.
11 cceiie.
Our coiiiotltors adveitlse ladles "cheap
hats as well as good". Wu sell jgood hata
clump,' Great 2,'i cent storo 1124 O stroot,
The farmer nho closely packs his load of
wood Is sm e to strike the p ipular chord.
billies flue velvet huts milliners prices
3 00. We make to 01 iter the same fur t:i,25
at the great 'St cent store.
Misses iii, usual price 1. 00. Thogieat
25 cent storu sells tliem for.40 cents.
Tho man mIio makes 11 had break ought
not to be employed on n railroad train.
One trial will convince you that wo are
lenders In ladles linn hats at pi ices that as
tonish nil. Cleat 2.1 cent store, 1124 O street.
1 know a bunk whcicou a wild time giowg.
I'lieio isn 11111 011 it.
Ijulloa felt hats 115 cents lit the great 25
tent store.
Tho iiinu who wants tho earth is HatMlod'
if he secuies tho dust.
largest stock of tlnw aro nt the great 25
tout stoio.
Hrore Curds for Card Parties.
Wo have Just placed on sale n lieautlful
now score card which is delighting all that
have seen It. It is now, neat and nobby and
Just the thing for card pintles. We also
have u neat cord mid tassel Mich (is Is used on
luill program which me much neater than
tibbons, easier mid more quickly put on and
lastly aie much cheaper mid look hotter.
Ahvuys call at tho CoiMiiKiiouioo before giv
ing cm d parties and wo cuu supply you with
score sheets and trimmings that aro both or
iginal mid cheap.
Klegnnt lino of holiday rikhIs, novelties,
toys mid 111 1 goods nt Hcrpolslieimer & Co.
at Ion est prlcei.
Wedding Invitations Wossol Printing Co
Etchings, engravings, water colors, pas
tels, etc., artUtlcally ri tuned, make hand
somo Christmas presents.
212 South Eleventh street.
100 finest engraved calling cards and pinto
for f'J.(n nt Tiik Couiincii olllce.
I ho city.
CIS Xcc" anthracite, finest hi
See the now IblW score cm ds for card
ties nt theCouiUKH olllce.
The reulnsulai' busc burner is the latest
mproved heater in the mill ket. ltoforo bu
iug, call nud see 11 full Hue nt Duiiliiiui &
lluck, 11211 Ostieet.
Fino bbque doll heads with hair, 10c. The
Great Ten Cent Store, 118 South Twelfth Ht,
Hotnllng tho O stieet giocer says he is
liumaii mid makes mistakes but will cheer
fully lectify them. That is more than somo
Call on Leavltt bcfoie
'& O street.
buying your coal,
To the secretaiios or secret nnd benevolent
societies of Lincoln: Tho Hoye Dliectory
Company, wishing to give complete iufoi mil
lion in regard to nil such societies, mure
rriecially for the benefit of visiting biethren,
icquestyou to fumUli them at your earliest
convenience with cot rtct name mid number
of lodge, of what order, time and place of
meeting, and names of elective officers. Ad
dress Uoyk Diukotoiiy Co.,
Tremoiit House City.
Picture FramliiK.
Mr. K, C. White, for tho mst reven yenrs
at the head of the framing department of
Findlay's, the leading art storo of Kansas
City, has now charge of tho picture, framing
department of Geo. A. Cramer fcCo.,212
South Eleventh . Wu can now unsure our
nations that all future work will bo of the
blithest order.
Wake Up.
The ago I one of rapid progress -and wo
are in it. Our patrons are among the inoht
progieive of the nation. They nro quick to
take advantage of a good offer. Wo make a
great manv; but when we recently ntrored a
set of memoirs, either of Grant, Sheridan,
Sherman, McClellau, or Lee, in their respec
tive original editions, for 50 cents n set, in
connection with a year's subscription to
this paper, 2 15 50 In all wo fairly outdid
ourselves. Thousands of orders hnvo nlready
been received b the publishers, so that if
our friends wish to nvall themselves of this
extrti"rdluary opportunity, they must wake
up. No such offer has over before been made
to the reading public, nud it is doubtful if it
will over Ihi duplicated. Axaiu we say
All the latest styles of picture mouldiiiizs.
Work guaranteed,
212 South Eleventh stieet.
8e what Herpolshelmor & Co.,
cloaks, drcs goods and millinery,
the lowest.
hnvo In
A 1KAK I luntrUfcf loMfl
Itach aiijr fairly Itt it Hm)irKiiof aiilni
ailwlocil rau tin! wrdt. tiid who,
lflfr liiilructitn(vlll bfk Induilriouiljr
'iiaw la tarn Thrt Th ) Ullar
Vtar la llilrwii lot IliUa wlirrvTfrllirr lift I wllliJaoruriiUh
ih l tuition r f milujr mtut,t y hl4j jri u ran rani ilii mount.
n nionvr mr mnniaa atriuiBf !. r naiijrvnu quirkl,
4f9 lm m Mriikr fruui th tllctriii 1 rcuuntj
LtllrBly l.uglil mij uld.d will, tm lintnrnl l.r
ld Nl
,d HOI. I l. ull
ing o.rr psifiw .r ri 11 inn ..IT
II .fll.yl.r. lUi'.l . AJ,h,...t cur..
AI.I.ICN, lies: HO. Am ulu, Mulue.
C is I
23, 1891
li'- ifr i i i
arc convenient, in tact tney are
use. We lead in this style of
are displaying the handsomest line of Business Suits ever
opened in this city. We are in the race to stay, and promise
better value and more style, greater variety and better satis
faction than you can get elsewhere.
We arc showing a nice line of those popular
which we invite you to sec at the
" s jT " Tix
We keep In sight of all th-) people, swlngloi; high o'er hill unci steeplo, liieneu world anUstitr, whalourspleuiTliI bargains are.
M. II. Nlsbet lltstho fret' from a stock thill Is complete.
Telling ollior worlds tho news, wlioro to purchase liniles' shoes.
tW For tho opera, tho bull room or streot wear, we show uitrucil ve and cxcluslv ty
13X5 O St. S. B. NIBBBX. 1015 O St.
"Grover's Soft Shoes for Tender Feet."
Ed. G-- "5TjLa?ES,
1120 O Street.
German National Bank,
O.K. Montgomery, President.
I ionium II. Helinborg, Vice Prest.
Joseph llochmer, Cashier.
O, J. Wilcox, Asst. ashler.
Transacts a General Banking Bnslness
Issues letters of credit, Uriiwilrufts on all parts
of the world. Foreign collections a specialty
OMIre, Cor. lOlli uiul Hts.
riiune 7111.
Yard n,
lOt, 1 uiul V
I'liotie 707.
' "WKWlWi'ilinil WU ftttr ttteyfft
OklPVa'fafM 4
tlie proper
thing for business
Clothing as in
nil others nnd
Canon City Coal
Also Ilest Qraile of
Hard Coal
frtjWVV'i a? ' rlfflV
Please do not he deceived by imitations of our
famous Canon City Coal. Satlsfv ourself as to
tlie GENUINE before ordeilng'.
JI -..',