Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 14, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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n specially.'
A full f Dr, Warner's nnd mid Itull'n Corsets'
III liirKUHHuiiriiiii'ittN,
Wo have I beam ncy lor
The Duttorlok's Pattorna.
Tho Couhikh will not U rvsKnslhlo for
ny tloltta nimto by nny onn in It name, uti-
a written order accompanies tliu same,
ftflfl Trimmed Hats 1
Hanging In I'tlce from
SI.OO TO $20
The Courier Can be round At
Hotel Mncoln Now Htnml.
Windsor Hotel Now Htnml.
CnplUI Hotel News Htnml.
Odell's Dining Hnll Now Wand, MM O HI.
The Gotham New Bland, IIH Houth llth Ht.
The A pox, HI North lltli Htreet.
Kd. Young. HMOO Htreet.
Clason, Klclohnr A Co., I ISO O Htrcel.
Westcrfleld's lUrlior Hhop, llurr HlocK.
Internntlonnl Now Emporium, 1X15 O Ht.
llonTon Cigar Htoro, 18 North llth Htreet.
Moore's NowsBinml, 118 Houth llth HtrcoU
KTAn extra Mipply of paper li always Ion
at tho Uothiun, In cnso other Newsdealer
supplies run short.
1 137 O Street.
Church Advertisement.
Commencing April Unit, Thk Couiuku
will Insert notice pertaining to sociables,
festivals, lectures, meeting nml sermons for
nil churches free of charge. Advertisement
(or entertainment where an nilmlmlon ls
charged will 1m inserted nt ono-half tho reg
ular rate.
Local and Personal.
Whltebrenit Coal ami Lime Company
Uw Leavitt' telephone , SWO, for coal.
Lincoln Ice Co., 101U O Bt. Telephono 118.
Eugene Hallott, diamond merchant, 113 N
Eleventh street,
Geo. A. Raymer, cool nnd wood. 'Phone
890. 1134 O Htreet.
Canon City Coal
nt the Whltebreast
Coal and Lime Co.
Ladle kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin
coln Steam Dye work, 1100 O street.
Professor O. W. Hill, teacher of Elocution
and Oratory, 0U5 south Eleventh street.
Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs. 0.
D. Catlln professional masseur, 14M P street.
The handsomest thing In ladle head war
at HerpoUhelmer & Co1 millinery ik'iart
meut. We sell the genuine Canon City too.
Betts, Weaver &Oa, 1045 O street. Tel
ephone 440.
For scavenger work, day and night, drop
J. C. Field a portal and he will ptomptly
call and see what you want.
Ladle can have their party dresses cleaned
by the French dry process at tho Lincoln
steam dye work 1105 O street.
Applications for rental of Turner hall for
socials and dancing received at P. J. Wohlen
berg's cigar store, 128 B. llth street.
Flannel shirt clem i without shrinking by
the French .ry cleaning prisis, only 15 cU.
at Llucrm Bteant Dye works, 11 O street.
"Not how cheap, but how good" is the
motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call
aud see their work, 1-1 south Twelfth street.
Orders for piano tuning left with Young
and Elder. 208 south Eleveuth street, will
receive prompt attention by B. C. Quick
Never order a photograph or plctura'of
ny kind until you have seen tho work done
at the new Btudio Lo Grande, 124 south
Twelfth street.
Gentlemen should now get out their lat
summer's suit, tako It to the Lincoln Bteam
dye works 1105 O street and have It cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out.
Wedding invitations, either prlutoo, or en
graved in the finest style of the art at The
Covmkb office. Correct forms and best
quality of stock guaranteed. Sample cheer
(ally shown.
Original round oak stoves, the only air-,
tight round oak stove on the market, conse
quently the most economical in consumption
of fuel. Bold only by Dunham and Buck
1130 O street.
Ladle ill consult their best interests by
ordering Uaelr met and game at Chlpman
ad Sheen, 16410 street. All orders either
ia txtcaoa or over telephone 180 will be
jcoBsptly delivered.
ThoCoillllKlt Invito cnntrinmions i
lll. .... ..I...... I All ...., illllW. 1l(tl('() III
parlies, weddings etc., mint by mail .,,r ''J1"1
thoonicowlllboHinnkfully received, WriM
on lull oiin side f llio paper nml bo particu
larly rarcftil a In hh1IIiik nnd writing or
names unci numbers. All copy shmild bo"
not Inlor Hint, Tluinwliiy. Brief mention will
bo mcopttd lip In ln a.m. Krlilny.
Mr. V. W, Wilson I In Chicago.
Mr. H, T. Ondd left Thursday for Denver.
Mr. F, W. taw Is, left Monday for Boston.
Mr. II. (J. Hector left Lincoln Monday for
Mlm Kllin Howell I vIMting In Butte,
"Mr. J. II. McDIII IcftTitemlny for Ht. tan
Is, Illlnok
Mrs. Anna French left Thursday for West
Halem, Ohio.
Mr. J. H HocdevkiH) left Tuesday for Mon
tesotio, Wash,
Mr. II, Huulster left Thursday for Hot
Bprlngs, Ark.
Mrs. Mary Tailor Is visiting relatives in
DavetiKirt, In.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark A, Tllton nro visiting
in ICnhHAN City.
Hon, II. H. Adams of Month Oiunhn was in
the cly Monday.
M r. H. Culm Is spending n few days nt
Coloi nilo Hprlugs.
Mrs. Ooorga A. Dniiu denrtod Thurwlay
for Cnuiilen, N. Y.
Miss Gertrude. Hmltli I nt Konrney attoiul
lug the convention,
Mr. 11, II. Alexander left Tuesday for
Chatnliersburg, I'a.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. MofTatt left Thurstlay
for TnllaiMKMut, Ga.
Mr. and Mm. P. Con verso are visiting in
McMlnnville, Teun.
Mr. J. 11. Archibald loft Thurstlay for
Bail Francisco, Cal,
Mr. E, G. Deye of Syracuse was in tho city
on buslties Tuesday.
Mr. D.C. Hrnnchof Omahn vislUvl Lin
coln friends Holiday.
Mr. George L. Bmlth of Omnlin spent
Thursday in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Btlllnmn have, returned
from a visit to Denver.
Mr. M. W. Travis and daughter departe 1
Wednesday for Chicago.
Mr. D. H. Norwood nnd (laughter left
Thursday for Ban Diego, Cal.
Mr, Thomas W. Moore Jias gone to High
land, Col., for a short vacation.
Miss Dona Loom! will eut ertiilu tho
Tuesday oveulng club next week.
Mr. Harry Nott of Omaha was tho guest
or Mr. W. Morton Bmlth Tueoday,
Mis Carola Hill and her friend Miss
Jewel Cleaver spent Tuesday in Beatrice.
Mrs. Cal Thorn won and Mrs. D. A.
Campbell wero Omaha visiters Thursday.
Mr, and Mr. J. W. Winger will Imj nt
homo to their friends Friday evening
Mrs, K. H. Gurthrlo departed Thursday
forn visit among i olatlve in Paducah, Ky.
Mr. Michell Kilgnllon nnd Mnrtiu McKen
on of Omaha are visiting friends In Lincoln.
Mr. John II, Jllloy of tho Bioux City Jour
nal visited hi parent In thin city this week.
Mis Agnes Alexniulor of Hastings is visit
ing Mr. Kent D. Ilinford, 11U0 Locust street.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Btcckdalo of Chicago,
are the guosti of Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Bald
win. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Barstow pf I'lattt
inouth spent Bundny with friends in this
Mis Denn Ioomi entertained the Lowell
Chautauqua circle vory pleasantly Monday
Major Hastings, deputy UnlUnl Btatv
marshal), left Thursday for a trip through
tho northwest
llev. Daniel Wilson, Mr, Richard Mitchell.
and Mr. D. Jackson departed Thursday for
Klngnsher, 1. T.
Professor E. M. Llppelt of Peru, Neb., was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McVicker
a few days this week.
Miss Lulu Clark left Tuesday for a some
what extended visit In New York City and
other eastern oint.
Mr. Woodbridge of Omaha was in the city
this week looking after the Interests of Ills
piano and organ business.
Mr. A. W. Lane and wife loft Tuesday for
Kearney to attend the Y. P. S.'C E. associa
tion and returned yesterday.
Mr. L, Boyd of Omaha waa the guest of
A. W. Lano, Monday evening and accom
panted him to Kearney Tuesday.
Mr. Arthur Alexander, an old resident of
Lincoln, but now editor of the Byracuse
Journal was a Lincoln visitor this week.
Mr, Emauual Hmlth an Iowa banker has
purchased a resldenco on E street near
Seventeenth and is in the city preparing te
remove his family here.
Miss Clara Walsh returned Tuesday from
an extended vWt with relative aud friends
In Illinois aud Michigan.
Mis Jeanuette Wilson will entertain
her friends the twenty-fifth of tliU mouth at
the home of her aunt, Mrs, J. D, McFarland.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Talt and Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Barber will lie at home Wednes
day evening to a number of invited guests.
High live will be the attraction.
Mr. M. R. Appel of Lancaster, Pa., an
attorney aud a nephew of Mr. John K. llarr
of this city, arrived in Lincoln Thursday
with a view to making it bis future home.
A veiy pleasant meeting of the Plymouth
Literary club was held Tuesday evening at
the residence of the Rev. Norman Plass,
The meeting next week will be at Mrs.
Allyn's 1707, Washington street!
Mrs. B. R. Cowdry entertained a few
friend at cards Saturday afternoon In hon
or of Mr. Cowdry of Chicago. The enter
tainment took the form of high Ave and the
royal prize were won by Mis Martha Funke
and Mrs. Pbelp Paine. The paitlcipant
we re: Mesdames E. E. Brown, E. P. Holme,
Phelu Paine, L. C. Burr, C. C. Burr, Hay
Thompson, W. 8. Latta, U. O. Phillip, G.
L. taws, John Kehrung, Williams, W, II.
Wolcott, Jones, Ilartlett, White, Tho. Hen
ton, MIsm Martha Funko, Olive tatta and
Gertrudo taws.
Tho Cat hollo fair oponod In Bohanaii' hall
Thursday nveulim under most favornhlo
'clrriimstnnces. Mayor Weir, niienedthe fair
closing with the winds: "Ideclaro thlsllantr
formally opened and ready for business "
Ills lomark worn tollowod by short speeches
from tlm llshop ami Mr. Win, Mctaiighllu.
Tho fait will cntitluuo one week, closing
Thursdny evening.
Miss Klngsloy, who for nine years has
been n valued In the Lincoln High
icliool, left for Ciieyenuo Hnturdsy lo enter
tho High school of that oity. Mist Kings
ley's now Ksltliii is ouo of honor and
resH)usllilllty, I nit tho.) who have known
her best heio feel n mured that
she will IIH It most prollinbly to tho school
aud with honor to herself.
TuoMlay oveulng Mr. A, C. Zoliuer ten
dered n complimentary luiuipivt to thu gen
tlemeli Mho linve been connected with tho
liultdllig of tho now tauxlng I heat in. Tho
pnity consisted of thu following! Mcfr
Horn and Hmltli, tho conti actor; Mr.
Cnstlo-llert, scetilo ait 1st; Messis tanning
and Oliver, Malinger Edward Church, and
Chief Newlwrry, llio waiden. Tho cpreml
miisu most dellcloiiRono, comprising nil tho
luxuries in tho lino of viands nrd It Is putting
it mildly lo say that all did ample Juillco to
tho occasion. A host nod hostess Mr. and
Mrs. Koliuor havouo uH)ilor.
"Tho Woodmen of thu World" and their
friends enjoyed themselves In social gather
ing at their elegant lodgo rooms 151(1 O street
Thursday evening. Among tho large gath
ering of luvitul guest wuru: Mcknoi-s and
MewlamiH A. L. Mauchesk'r, J. II. Niuleu,
M. C. Fluid, Dr. L. A. Piatt, C. II. Cnprou,
C. O. Calklti. O. II. tapp, T. W. Coleman,
H. K. Hnlo aud Prof. House, Dr. J. II. Hag
gard. Prof. Ilooso delivered a splendid ad
dress on the advantages and wisdom of lo
longing to fraternal oi tiers, uiglng tho mem
boi to work nnd incrcaso their iiumtiorH,
An elegant supper wo served in tho unto
room, after which high live, dancing and
other amusement worn enjoyed by all.
Prof. Seidell's orchestra furnished musio for
tho occasion.
Tho nuptials of Mr. A. M. Conkllng and
MlsaMn)rlo Mawo wero Holuinnizetl nt thu
home of tho bride imreuts. Mr. and Mr. F.
C. Mawe, 1711 N street nt eight o'clock Thurs
day evening. Tho Rov. John Hewitt olllclat
etl. Tho bride wa attired In a vory pretty
traveling costumo nnd carried n tioquet of
white roses. There wero present only tho
immediate relative nnd a fow Intimate
friend of tho family. Immediately after
tho ceremony n very tempting wedding sup
ier was discussed and onjoyed. Tho gi oom,
who I well known in Lincoln, wa recently
appointed state soclnl of tho Etpiltablo Ltfu
Insurance company. Mr. and Mr. Conk
llng will make Lincoln their future homo
ami have tho well wishes of their numerous
friend for future happiness.
Ouo of the most enjoyable meeting of tho
successful nml popular organization known
ns tho Thlmbluclub was tho one given Satur
day nfternoon and evening on which occa
sion it wa entertained by tho Misse Gert
rudo and Carola Hill at their pleasant homo,
Seventeenth and L streets. Tho young la
dle mot at four o'clock nnd passed tho nfter
noon hour very prolltably, Bieclal men
tion should bo Hindu of the work produced by
His member of tho club which is very artis
tic and relied much credit uixm tho young
ladles, Tho gentleniou mado their apiiear
mice at half iwBt six when a tempting re,
past wa served after which the oveulng was
devoted to games, conversation etc., and
passed very rapidly aud pleasantly to the
haupy wti tlclpauts who were: Mlsse Jowel
Cleaver, of Milwaukee, Maud Miller, Hullio
Hooper, Fanulo Hawley. Florence Hawloy,
ltaclmel Brock, Olive tattu, Maudu Bmlth,
Jennie Underwood, Gertrudo Hill, Carola
Hill, Messrs H. B. Freeman, C. Y. Smith,
W. Morton Smith, William Meyer, John
Dorgun, Robert Joyce, Sam. E. taw, Lew
Marshall, Fred W. Houtz mul C. D. Mullou.
An nfternoon party at card with Mr. Dr
W. L. Dayton as hostess wa u most delight
ful occnMou occurlng Thurstlay nt 1827 C
street. High llvu was thu nbtoiblug topic
aud freely discussed two royul prizes being
awarded Mr. C. W, Hoxio and Mrs. R.
O'Neill while Mrs. N. C. Abbott and Mr.
Strickland cousolcd themselves with booby
pilze. Elegant refreshments added mater
ially to the aftoi noon pleasure. Tho invit
ed guest were: MedamtN. C. Abbott, Dr.
Appolgot, F. W. Baldwin, F. A. Brown, E.
K. Criley, Goo. Chirk, Geo. Cook, Walter
Davis. Blllmeyer, Kd. Bignell, W. R. Dennis,
Will DeimU, F. L. Boweis, Dr. ifolyoko, Dr.
Mitchell, O. M. Thompson, A. Hulbuu, B.
Puikor, B. M. Melick, H. O. Phillip, C. M.
Koefer, W. B. Wolcott, It. E. Moore, E. It,
Hirer, C. W. Hoxle, R, D. Stearin. C. Dam
row, S. E. Moore, F. Hall, R. O'Neil, C.
Strickland, F. L. Sheldon, R. N. Townley,
R. E. Glffen, W. B. MoArthur. C. Rudge,
G. W. Lormer, Allen, J. B. Wright, A. E.
Kenuard, A. W. Field, L. Btull, A. H. Weir,
J. C. Balsbury, Ed. J. Rlggs, Dr. Manulug,
W. N. Rehleauder, H. B. Hoyt, Dr. F. A.
Snyder, Tecumseh, nnd Mis Brownlee.
There are spoons for souvenir and souve
nir spoons, and them is as much difference in
them as to merit as there i in November
weather iu Nebraska, Just at pi esont every
one that admires beauty, art and economy in
a meritorious souvenir spoon, representative
of Nebraska's capital city, goes ,to Eugbiie
Hullett and secuies
new siecial design , Tim
Mr. llulktt lias mado
tationls ono that for
ono of his
spoon on which
quito u repu-
neatness of
design ami artistic execution of engraving is
the handsomest that can bo found In tho city.
The bowl of the spoon 1 in black, showing
entire capital building eugraved tluough tho
surface leaving that massive structure stand
out boUilytln brilliant silver. The work on
tho tianillo is also ery pretty una never falls
to please. Call ill and let Hallett show ou
Ins line of souvenir spoons of all kliuls.
Score Card for Card l'nrtles.
We have just placed on sale a lienutlf ul
new score curd which is delighting all that
have seen it. It i new, iwat nnd nobby and
just the thing for caul parties. We also
have a neat cord aud tassel uch us Is used on
ball programs whlcli are much neater than
ribbons, easier aud more quickly put on aud
lastly are much cheaper and look better.
Always call at the Couhikh office before giv
ing cuid parties and we can supply you with
score sheet and trimmings that are both or
iginal aud cheap.
We invite attention to our cloak depart
ment, promising to show the largest and
most attractive stock of stylish garments
ever displayed in Lincoln. Our stock l
made up from the line of several of tbe
lurgest mauufacturie in the country and
wo think we can satisfy ,any tuste.
Very lespect fully,
Millkh & Paine.
100 finest engraved calling cards and plate
for tV.W at Tut Couhi-h office.
What Attractions hiiiI Intliirenieiit are
Ollnrrtl Hettlnrs nnd Investors In
Frrsnti C'oiintr.
Mr. W. J. Dealer a represontntlve of
llownrd k Wilson Colony Company, has
Ikhmi In tho city stivcinl dn Introiliiclug a
most sucinuftil plan whereby Llncolultes
may liecmna proHrty owners In California
f i ult lands, nil planted nnd cultivated U)
iHMirlng ago by resKinslblo parties. Tho
Idea Is that any ouo desiring to engage In
fruit culture In Fresno County, California,
for health aud profit, should uddresr tho
Howard & Wilson Colony Company,
Mndorn, Fhhiio county, California, and they
will send you full lufoimatlon a to how you
can get n smill fruit farm on tho install
ment plan all planted and cultivated until
In full healing, by responslblo xirtle. Tl.u
cost of planting mid cultivating to be taken
out of tho proceed of tho crops Hint grow
on tho laud.
This colony Is located ouo and ouo half
miles west of tho town of Madera, six years
old and has a Mipiilatioii of over 1,'JOO, nml
Is on thu main lino of tho Houthern Pacific
Railroad, 185 miles south of Han Francisco,
In tho great Han .fouitiln Vatley,
Gen. J. C. Mcllrldo who has boon appoint
ed Lincoln agent for tho company can fur
nish local applicants with full lufoimatlon.
Ornutl Opening of tho Lansing Tlieittre
Itvduct'd lUlii Kxmirshius.
Tho II, and M. have authorized it round
trip rnto of faro and n third for parties of
twonty-llvo or moio from NovemU'r ISIrd
to iWtli lucliislvo from nil noil competativo
point within llfty mile of Lincoln Ticket
good for ono day fiom dnUs of snlo,
Tho now Lansing is one of thu grandest
theatres In tho United Htatc and tho ohhi
lug attraction Is fully In keeping with it
matchless magnillceuco.
Application for heats, either by mall or
tuleginm, will have pioiupt nnd enrefu
attention, Addres all coiumuulcation to
tho undersigned. En. A. Ciitmcii.
Mr. W. J. Dealer, after n fow days visit
hero In tho Interest of tho Howard & Wilson
colony company of California loft yestoulay
for Rising City.
Tho biggest 25 cent doll you over saw can
bo had only nt the great 10 cent store.
bundles tho Coal Creek Canon
Most elegant and largest assortment of
dolls in the city nt exceedingly low prices at
tho great ten cent store.
Fine harness that is reliable and handsome
ly made will be found nt E. It. Guthrie's at
right price.
Cottier Art school open for students Wed
nesday, Thurstlay, Fi iday and Saturday of
each week from 0 a.m. to 4 r.M. Room 01,
02, Latta block, 1U7 south Eleventh street.
4:t Miss L. Muui'iiY, Director.
Leavitt' "Oft lec" anthracite, finest in
the city.
A veil table wonderland of toys from ono
cent up at tho great ton cunt storo.
Seo tho new 1802 Bcoro cauls for card
tie at thoCouiUKK olllco.
Lndies hair dressing, Miss Johnston,
O street.
All meals at Odell's new dining hall re
duced to twenty cents. No credit nnd no
tickets to nnyono. The meals are same as
formerly aud tho prlco lower than over.
This makes tho board nt Odell's clieup and
ho best in thu statu for the money.
Handsome lup robes, comfortable and
warm, and at reasonable price may be
selected from E. R. Guthiie's lino assortment
1510 O street.
My I what an assortment of toys. No
trouble to find what you want at tho groat
ten cent storo.
Now Is tho time to get stove for tho win
ter, Dunham & Buck have n big line of all
tho finest make. They also reialr old
stoves, set them up and furnish part needed
ut reasonable cost. Cull, 1120 O street or tel
ephone UV0.
Tho Whitebreast Coal and Lime company
is always at tho front supplying the llnost
grades of all kinds of coal
Only the finest cuts nnd choicest meat
set ved to customers of Cliipmun & Sheen,
1541 O street. Phone 180.
Tho celebrated Egg Shampoo remove
dandruff and promote the growth of the
hair. For sale by Miss Johnston, 1114 O
Call on Henry Harplmm, 142 north llth
street, opjioslto Capital hotel for harnos,
whips, sui clugles, cm ry combs aud brushes,
harness oil, uxl4 grease and axle oil harness
Leavitt handles Canon City, Domestic and
New Kentucky.
Ono hundred finest engraved calling cards
and plate only $2.50 at Weasel Printing Co.,
li;l N street.
Seo tho new" 1803 score cards for enrd par
tie at tho Couhikh olllco.
Few of our jiooplo uro awnro of tho fact
that there is n place in Lincoln where bicycle
and safety wheels may be r en tod by tho
hour or day. E. R. Guthrie, 1510 O stieet,
now makes a specials of this branch of hi
Hotallng the O street grocer has full lino
of Batavia, Now York, fruit nnd vegatubles,
also their mincemeat.
Beautifully decorated chlua cospitors
50 cents nt tho great ten cent storo.
Wo soil the genuine Canon City too.
Betts, Weaver & Co., 1045 O street. Tele
phone 440.
Grand cloak exhibit at Herpolshelmer &
Co. Ladle and children' clonks in the
greatest variety at the lowest price.
The Peninsular base burner is tho latest
Improved heater Iu the market. Before buy
ing, call and see a full line at Dunham &
Buck, 1120 O street.
Hotallng the O stieet grocer says ho is
human and makes mistakes but will cheer
fully rectify them. That is more than some
will do.
Call on taavitt before
lliili O street.
buying your coal,
1109 0 STREET.
For Ladies and Misses. Stylish, yet Practicable at Right
Prices, and an Assortment the Largest.
The following was rntbor more epigrammatic than cpltuphlo In rcuard to Itov. John
" llcncnl li this spot lies burled
fine chest Itliln another:
1 he outer diet was nil that's good:
Who siivsso oftho other ?"
, William Wilton, burled In 1 ambreth, certainly did not write the epitaph which bears,
relation o him:
"Hoieljcth W. W..
Who never more will trouble vou, trouble joii."
Nor, wo may safely assert, did Owen Mooro himself pen tho following:
"Owen Moore has none away,
Owlii' more than ho could pay." '
James W at t of course tool: no part in the concoction of this elusion:
"At rest beneath this churchyard stone
Lies stingy J lininy Wyutt:
Ho tiled one innrnlnitjust at 10
And Saved n til nor by It."
A useful hint Is wrapped up In tho following:
"Died orthlu shoos, January, l&lfl."
Have vou seen our beautiful New Htoru and the lovely Paper HiWKlng illsnlnycif
therein? We hnvo a surprise In store fm on.
A a "'Sent. The Interior Decorative Co. Cnrl B,?,,UBer
1338 O STREET.
Dangler Gas Heating and Cooking.
S T O E S.
Telephone 273. 230 South Eleventh St..
eM m
sV iiF hbT KvTcft
Wo nro ollerlng bargain thatyou
cannot resist In the following depart
DERWEAR. Hto our stock before
buying elsewhere.
uls S "SISb
v3eHmn3 kj ijJ5V r
sMn9iffif BvktiD EJKBfll
auiwumm ' - - ... - -mm