CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVKMBKR i.,, ib9t "P-! ? I i f Nickel Savings Stamps Good (or Deposit in the Nebraska Sav ings Bank will be found for Sale at the Following Places: llcrpolsliclmcr A Co., Exposition Depart ment Hlore. ClnsonA Fletcher. Wnll Paper nnd Station ery, 1120 O. A. L. Blinder, limns. Hooks, Paints, Oil ami Motions, Kirtccntli and O. Ualdwln Hros., Hardware, 1217 0. MoKonny A Hon, Drug, Hlattonery, unci Notion, 2712 O. Htolnor & HclieuU, DIsponslitK Driiiriilsts, corner Twolfth nnd 1'. lljorkninn A Mmlwall, DniKKlitM, 22() North Tontli. J. M. llroiul, Groceries, etc, hs8 North Twcnty-soventh. l.ludoll Hotel, Corner Thirteenth nmt M. W. Uhko Miller, Confectionary and Notions University Place. K. .1. Guile, General Merchandise, etc., West Lincoln. Charles K. McMurrny, Groecrles mid Meat, Uolmont. Chicago and Erie R. R (liiito Chicago & Atlantic ll'y.) In Connection with the Erie Railway F0KM8 ITIIK lONIiY; LINK IIKTWKKN Chicago and New York Under Ono Management. SOLID TRAINS. Tho Through Trains ol this I.mohetweoii Chi cago ami New YorK arc run solid, tint avoiding annoyanco and confusion orchauxltiK cars or mlnlni; connections. Vestibule Limited Service Vostlbnled Limited Trains, consisting of ling- KWo, Hmoklmc and Day Coaches, with Pullman Dining and Sleeping Oars (heated by steam, lighted by gas), over this Lino J Every Day In the Year. Pullman Service to Boston. A Pullman lluifet Sleeping Car to ami from lloston dally via this route. This is tho ON (A 1,1 Ni; Uunnlng Pullman Cars between Chicago and Uoston. BUCK EV E ROUTE To ColumbusOhlo, and Ashlnnd, Ky. t'ullmau Sleeping Car between Chicago and above Points dally. Trains Arrlvo and Leave Dearborn Station, CHICAGO. For further Information, call on tho nearest Hall road Ticket Agent, or addr VI 0 Rlnearson, & M Tooker, D I Bouerti, Oen. Pass. Agt. (Jen. Mgr. A,O.P. AeI. New York, Cleveland. Chicago Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R, R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between Kansas City and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City and Galvchton. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal 1'olnts in 1 oas. TheOnlv Line Running Through the OKLA'HOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan Handle. For Maps ami TimeTahlcb and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Addicss E. L. PALMER. Passenger Agent, 411 N.Y. Life Building, OM .A. I-I JL. , NEB. Mhot frutii Mnnjr Lookers. A maiden speech One stick of tattl fruttl, please. Buffalo Express. The soda fountain will soon become In flexible. -llliiKlinuiton Republican. People allllcted with sleeplrssne.i'i should go to sen In n naphtha launch, Pittsburg Dispatch. Tho man who gets his deserts In this world usually hns no "pudding." YonK ers Statesman. In homo eases It would ho Itettor If truth crushed to earth could not riso ngnlu. Atchison (Unite. Wo tip tlio scales to learn our weight, mid tip tho waiter to avoid n wait. Illifg hamtoti Repuhllcan. "Mlna Is n patient wait," remarked the young doctor as ho wit lonely in ids olllco Ualtlnioro Atnerlcnii. It Is n good rule to pay as you go. Hut some men must Ihi goliiK very slow If tliey go as they pay. Now Orleans Picayune. Tim kliiKiif Coren Is named Li HI. Some of tho surrounding nations would like to make him llo low, Baltimore American. Tho llowurs that bloom In tlio sprint;, trn-la, have n good deal to do with the breach of promise case in tho fall. Dallas Nows. Photographers tiro never progressive. They always Impress you with tho Idra that you must not move. Richmond Ro cordur. Wo always onvy n fat woman when wo see her latiKhlug. Thero seems to 1m so much of her that Is IiuvIiik a good time. Atchison Glolx!. Tho man who complains that tho ser mon Is too lotiK Is the same olio who thinks tho mlnlstrel performance Is too short. Yonkurs Statesman. Her Nun llniiuy. An old woman who was selling peanuts from a basket was silting In tho shado of Homo freight near tho Fort Iajo steamer binding, and after we had talked n bit she said: "Five years ago my son Danny win drowned In this very slip I often comn down he ii! and sit and think of him." "That, was sad to lose a son that way," I replied. "And such a good boy an my Danny wast He never nave mo ono moment's worry." "How old was ho?" "OoIiik on twenty, sir, and ho dearly loved his own mother. Ho sat right on that beam there with his feet over the water, and ho probably fell asleep. All to once ho fell In, and though the boys tried to Have him ho nuviir citmu hp again. It was an awful blow, sir." "Must hnvo boon." "But perhaps it was for tho best after ill. for ho hadn't been gone two days when tho police came to arrest him on four dif ferent warrants, and they said ho'd hnvo been sure of nt least twenty yearn In state prison. Poor Danny, ho was such a good boyr-Now York Evening World. Oooil Out of Kvll. I. How to See the Illood Vvisela of the Kye. Purklnje discovered n very simple and highly entertaining experiment by means of which tho retina, with all Its veins and blood vessels standing out In relief against it, can bo thrown into tho ulr before one's eyes. It is called tho nrliorescent figure, from Its likeness to a many branched tree, and is produced In tho following manner: lu a dark room nt night move a caudle backward and forward lwfore tho eyes, these being firmly fixed on the wall be yond. After a few seconds the nlr will as sume a reddish appearance, and running over it in nil directions may be seen the veins nnd blood vessels in bold relief, while toward the center of the figure there rises up a dark trunk, from which the veins branch out on all sides. The trunk is visible where the optlo nerve enters the eye, nnd this experiment is chiefly interesting to the student as proving that tho parts of tho retina which actually receive nnd produce the sensation of light must lie behind the blood vessels, since these cast their shallow onto it, ami we nro enabled to see them, as wo see any other object, externally. Chambers' Jour nal. The Chair of Pence. In the old church nt Beverly, Yorkshire, England, high upon the wall back of the pulpit, thero Is a projecting stone seat bear lug this inscription: "Haeo Sedes Lnpiden Freed Stool Dlol tur, I. e Pads Cathedra; Ad Quiitn R.-US Fuglendo Ptrveuleus Omulmodam JJubut Securltatem." That is to say, "Tills stone seat is culled Freed Stool, or Chair of Peace; to which, if any criminal llee, ho shall hnvo full pro tection." It is related of one Jack KalTerf, vho killed n jockey at the rneu of 1705, that hi managed to get to the "Freed Stool," upjo which ho sat until ho died rather than sur render. St. Louis Republic. A Model's Courtthlp. L. M. Bates was the first Jobber to em ploy a model on which to trv Hamuli's of cloaks. His llrt model was a tall, strik ing, Drown haired, self reliant young w mi, who iimmI to say that during tho llrst weeks of her e.perieucu she "felt like ft flunk," because the salesmen hcrullnUcd her and tried to make love to her. Ono day a buur from the far west fell in lovo with her lu fiiruiM, mnirled her, and took her away. New Vork Sun. Flr.t Ainu,. All. First .Merchant Well, my button took llrst prl.u lu Its class at tho fair. Second .Merchant That's good. Havo many competitor l1 First Merclmut-Wull, no. Fact Is, I had nocotuputltois, but several promised to exhibit, hut did not. Jewelers' Circular. II. HI. HIS WIFE WAS SICK. He Had llime Hie lloat He Could, bat Hhn Didn't Improve. An old follow from Possum Rldga was In town In quest of a doctor, and nftereon slderahln Inquiry succeeded In locating one. Striding across the street the old chap entered the olllco of a young M. I)., nnd addressing a man who wns reading a newspaper said I "Ilow'ruyo, mlstorr" "(lood morning, sir." "Say, nlr ye tho feller what runs this yer concern f" "Hlrf" cried tho M. I), severely. "I axed If y tho chap what hangs out nt this shop." "1 am tho physician who offices hero, sir." "Ohl .lest so. That's what I wtu drlvln at, so It's nil right. It's your business to fling medicine, I reckon?" "I prescrlbo remedies for tho sick." "Yerdowhutf" "Prescrllo medicine. Tell people what to take and how to take it." "Uh, huh. Then yer tho feller I wns look In for. I want some medlclno for the old 'omau," "What kind of niwllrliiof" "Oh, I hain't partie'lar 'bout tho kind. Jest anything that's convenient and cheap?" "But, man, wo must give a remedy to lit the case. What do you think nils your wife?" "Hain't no idea what." "Is sho very sick?" "Wal, no, not very. Sho's Jest sorter under tho weather." "Just complaining, eh?" "No, she don't complain overmuch, but she grunts a power." "Is she able to gut about?" "Ilaliit been onto' tho bed since harvest time. She was uncommonly stout up to that time, nn made, a full hand In tho har vest ever' day. But nuiico that she nlnt been wiilh shucks." "Sho overdone, herself, perhaps?" "Reckon not. I worked right along the side of her, ilolu ever' bit an grain as much work in sho did, an It never got me down." "Yes. Well, what do you think Is the trouble?" "Cnshamity, mister, 1 halnt n ghost of n notion. I know, though, she's blamed bad tuck." "How is her appetite?" "Pin afeerd It ain't ralo fustrnte." "Rather weak, you think?" "I diiuno if it halnt sorter." "What does she eat?" "Will, sho halnt eat nothln for three days." "Nothing for three days?" "Not er bite, mister." "Well, I should say her appetite was not llrst rate." "I was nfeerd it was fallln." "Haven't you ilonu anything for her?" "Why, yes, yer bet I have. Pvo done over'thlng I could think of." "Hnvo you given tier medlclno of any kind?" "ImIh of It." "What havo you given her?" "Will, oer'thiug thero was about tho house. Pvo give 'or pokeroot ten, polecat oil, turpentine, condition powders, nn lost night I guv her a big dose o' hoss Hutment. I thought shore that last would fetch 'er right out, but it didn't 'pear to help 'or n denied bit. It's que re. too, for it's power ful good fer bosses." "Well, well, that beats mo." "Yer Ixit. It beats me, too, dock. I never would a believed that thnr hoss lini ment would a failed. Reckon ther old 'oman must bu sorter porely when nouoo' them tricks won't faze her." "It's n wonder, man, that sho isn't dead." "Think so? Reckon mebby, then, she would n been dead if I hadn't doctored her up so keerfully." ".Man, It's a downright shame to hnvo that woman lying there like that." "Yer right it is, dock, for asides tho ex pense, it's a heap of trouble to tend on her. Then titer's tho corn getherin an tho win ter wood gettln comin on, nn, by jinks, it begins to look like I was goln to hnvo nil tho work to do myself. It's not only u downright hIiiiuio to hnvo 'er lyin ther, dock, but it's blamrid unhandy. Ever' thing is goln to rack 'bout the place, tho fences gcttiu nlf down nn the tnters rottin, an over'thlng, since sho halnt been able to look after 'em, I thought she ort to he got up out o' the bed someway, so I reck oned I'd git n llttlo medicine from you. Even if it costs me live or ten cents, I 'low it 'ud be cheaper in tho eend than to let 'or hang on au wear the thing out." Now York Tribune. Story of Mitii with m Sure Thing. This is the dispatch ho sent to a friend at the race track just before ho Invited every ono In Bight in to have n drink: "Put thirty dollars ou for me. Missed train." This is tho reply received as ho wns or dering the third round nnd telling every one that he had n dead sure twenty to one shot in the second race: "Put thirty dollars on what?" This is the answer he made all haste to send: "On Stlck-iuthe-Mud to win the second race. Don't full." This Is w4int the ticker said as he told the bartender to put halt n dozen bottles on the ice: "Second race Stlck-in-the-Mud llrst, Old Hoss second. Time, 1:51." This is tho dispatch he received as ho was about to order tho llrst of tho half dozen bottles opened: '"." late. Why didn't you give mo tho name ih"y7urjlrst telegram?" This is tho rejdv ho sent as he walked Dpdvll linrcn out of tho hotel biifvQom and started In the direction of the government pier: "Can you give mo tVo iinmo of a good asylum for idiots ai.d feeble minded sport?" Chicago Tribune. AmilhiV Cwte. Frances It Is that tlrrsomu Mr. Cobalt, with Ills eveilastliiK Kalilile ou art. Iaura(hotly) I tliluk lie amounts ton Kood dealt lie Is quite wedded to his art. Prances A case where marrlugo seeniH to boa failure. Life. I ,' - I ' :1 A Nkepllnil Pnllent, The other day n stylishly dressed gentl man called on one of the leading dontlsi lu Paris, llo was Introduced Into tho coi fv- (luhtUU llltft I list mtti. suiting ami operating room. "Monsieur, I am Count , ." Ex change of hows. "I want n complete sot of, teeth put lu." "Nothing more simple," "Beg your pardon, not quite so simple. I havo n few stumps left that require pulling out llrst. But hitherto I havu always shrunk from thu operation. I am dread fully tender and tho ery thought of the Instruments makes mo" "But, count, jou won't feel anything," "Certainly, I have heard that you em ploy aini'M belles; that Is why 1 came here." "They are Infallible." "Infallible, ou say?" "Most assuredly." "I have Ism told that iM'foro, but enn you prove It?" "Prove It? l,ook hero, I will myself Ill halo the fumes of tho liquid contained In this hottlonud )ou will sen" "That they render you Insensible?" "To everything, You may pinch mo, do what you like with mo" "You don't say sol" "You mil) take my word for It." And the dentist, put on his mettle, sat ilown, took u whiff out of tho bottle nnd fell asleep. When ho awoke, tho noble, pa tient had disappeared, nnd carried olT with him the dentist's watch and nil ' o money he had in his drawer. Chroulqtio. fulled Attain. A wealthy Austin iluilo Is lu (he hnbltnf giving lu tines on art to which ho Invites Ids friends, who would rather take medi cine than attend. (Blhooly In particular Is vury export In making excuses, but last week the iluiln got the best of him. "You will be ou hand at my leeturo ThiiD-dny night, will you not, dllhooly?" "There Is nothing lu thu world I would like better, but. I have an engagement, fur Thursday night. If It was uuy other night of the week nothing could keep me away," replied (illhooly, looking as sad as If he was giving up an oyster supper. "I thought that was what you would say. 1 don't deliver my lecture until Friday night, so jou are foiled again." Tumis Sifting. A Vnliiuhlii Tiiulo. Charllu has just learned to read, nnd he tries his new iiccoinpllshiueiit at every op portunity. The other day ho was slowly spelling out from a newspaper tho dver tlsemeiit of somebody's patent mo "l think with sorrow of years of suffering I spent la-foro took j our wonderful tonic. Ho much pain I might have lieo spared.' What does that mean, Harry "Don't you know that?" replied the brother contemptuously. "That? , that means if ho had taken tho tonic hi i ho had thu sulferlng ho'd havo been 1 long agol" Harper's Bazar. Making Horn of it Mnnl. "I'm going with Tom Trotter, tho Ya le va rd football player, to tho reception to morrow night." "How can you go with such a groat, overgrown boy?" "Why, just think how ho can break through tho rush lino for supperl" Har per's Clear Proof. "My wife Is a singularly Ingenious woman," remarked thu married man. "iudeedl" bald the bachelor, with a lan guid effort nt interest. "IndeedI assure you. It wns only yes terday that she found a new place to hide my slipjHirs." Texas Sifting. ' ' ' ---- ..... ,.,...-..,,,. IIIS MJWll Hitherto Foreign to It. Tom I hear tho manufacturers of the Etlckfast mucilage are putting something new into it. Jack Something now? what Is It? Tom Something to make it stick. Yaukeo Blade. AH Ho Wnntixl. She You would lie tho lost man in the world I'd fall in lovo with. He That's all I'd ask. I don't want you to lovo anybody after mo. Texas Slftlugs. Vlnlhlu Kvldcnce. At tho Cutler's Will these razors cutf The dealer, stripping down his shirt col lar and exhibiting u splendid gash There, eo for yourself) SobremesA. HARDY & PITCHER s- HAVH SHSHSESHi E5HSc!SH5SH5HSHS5HHHSH5HSHSHSHS35HSHSaSH525ESHSH5H5H5HSE5a5HSa5e FURNITURE P SESE5T25HSHSHSESH5H5H5HSE5E5H5H5B5H5E5HSaS5E5H5r!S5S5H5H5H5HSE5HSB SrS 211 South llth St. KHfiBil Telephone 176, Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty DO NOT FORGI'T GRAND -OF- A. T. Gruetter & Co.'s Mammoth Furniture House, MON.'A Y.NOVEMBER 16th. Music afternoon and evening by Aug. Hagenow's New Lansing Theatre Orchestra. Kveryboby is invited to call and inspect the Finest, Largest and Cheapest Stock of Fur niture ever shown in the west. A. T. GKUETTE1? & CO. 124 to 134 North 13th. Opposite New Lansing Theatre Hloek. YOU GET FITS And the right kind as well, as excellent wear and latest style in Shoes when patronizing Parker & Sanderson; Sec their fine line of shoes for SUMMER WEAR - 1009 O ST. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH US FOR ICB CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER,' AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Bon Bons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. THE LARGEST STOCK OF - IN THE CITY.s- LINCOLN, NEB. TUB DATE OP THE OPENING OFFICE '1001 0 Street. , v