"TTFiTT"'MV'TTirT,"r 'w TIT" TTK'JS P" 'lfltyill.W CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1891 iwv i .n Special Prices AT THE LEADER NEW STORE, 1211 O STREET Wo will not 1k undersold hy nuyoiic. flood clonks for II. regular 12 Kood. Nleo cloaks f r II. V) rciiiilnr f.1 grade. KloKimt cloaks for .', rcitiilnr f I.INl grade Other grades utjusi iiliont hnlr price. Hoys' suits t ro wurlh l-'uo. Hoy.' suits II..V) worth $.H0. Hoy' hiiIIh 2.(M worth l.tt). IMiik, la 11 paper. Needles, lo u paper. Agllltl lllltlOIINllO 11 gross. Iluhber tipped lend cnclls lOo dor.. Curling lions Oc, 10c wimiI hose only '.Tw Kimt liliick corsets ftv. worth 75c. Turkish towels lu moll. llM sheets writing paper Vie. licntNiUlj l.lsie thread hose only 2aC. Special prices In nutlet wi'iir. Hpoclnl prices In lucn curtains. Special prices In rlliliotiHj llnost stock In Lincoln. , , . , , , Hpcclnl prices In linens of nil kliuli. Hpecliil prices In quilts. Special barnnln-t In tinware and hardware. rY-nthcrs and llpsnt hair price. A0.0UO cards Ihmikh nml eyes, nil tilzes, Ic 11 cnnl. Hllk twist, lo n Hponl. Hllk thread 4c 11 spool. No trouble lo show uonds. Wo urn hero for Unit purKse. Wo will not ho undersold by anyone. llomomber tlio place. The Leader, NEW STORE, 1211 O STREETVT The Great Cheap Store. Before you gather round thr. annual banquet board you should read our THANKSGIVING EDITION. It will have appropriate origi nal stories, poetry and humoi and will be profusely illus trated. Order Extra Copies Now. The story of how Artemus Ward passed his last Thanksgiving Day in London will be told by his cousin, Harriet Maxwell-Converse, in our Thanksgiving Edition. There will also be a Thanksgiving story by E. J. Edwards and some ap propriate poetry, all of which will be Splendidly Illustrated! VARIOUS VERSES. Two llypoerltee. I. She Mt In her cozy chamber. With the curtains nil drawn light. Curled tip In n great big looker, Fair and awoet In the soft lamp Unlit. A bonbon Imix on tlio tnblo With choicest of swets uis tilled, Which shu dalnllly nibbled while writing The words that her loier thrllledi "Oh, 1 long for yon now, my ilnrlliivj Without you my llfo sooins drear, There la novor a bit of comfort For mo unless you arc near!" II. Ami her lover read the. loiter As ho snt lu his bachelor's don, With his feet cocked up on tlio mantel, In tlio iisunl way of men, With a bo of clKars at his elbow Ami n plpo anil a glass near by, And tlio smoke clouds wreathed above hli As ho echoed her lonely cryt "Oh, 1 long for you now, my darlliiKt Without you my llfo seems drear; Theru Is never n bit of comfort For mo unless j mi tiro near." Somen lllo Journal. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY Fair anil Yt Uuralr. Redo nil other girls transcended, Uivollest creiituro of her kpiius, Never charms more nicely blunded To suggest n perfect Venus. Wlntilngest of liOVo's sweet tcnchorsl Kyes she hnd with depths entrancing, Exittlsltety chiseled fentures, I.lps her siren spell enhancing. Fascination's rapt enchnlncrl Kvery glntico of hers enthused met Yet una never woman plainer Than was Hello when alio refused me. Huston Courier. Queen of tlio Hoarding School. Bho was the queen of tlio (startling school, Hnd every icirl for a chum. For she hnd surreptitiously Procured a box of gum. Now York Herald. JlKKr. Bho has h cunning habit, That of calling people "Jlgijerss" She know sever) thing ns "Jlguers" Mnry Jones, cats, canes unci toddy, Everything nnd ovcryliody; Trousers, horses, dot; and niggers Aro by her trnuslntcd "Jiggers." When she feels Inclined to Bay, In her unless, elfllko way, "Papa's socks will soon lit Wllllo," Bho could never bo so sUly Ab to rashly mention thoso Useful garments known ns hose; Hut of speech rings lu some llguros And for "socks" alio uses "Jiggers." How to Btop It 1 have (Inured, Hut must glvo It up Pin Jiggered. Wllllam II. T. Shndo lu Now Vork Clipper. Pl TOUR iERTl51Ni? A Cheerful Old Suit. 'Neath troplo suns and arctto skies Ho Kiiyly sailed n whaler; And when ho wished for cxcrclso Ho uay ly whaled n sailor. Indianapolis Journal. llreacli of Ktliinette. Continual fnun Hth page Tlio Initial jMirty of the Henrietta club occuril Krlilny evening "t Masonic- Temple nml was n mnrkod success In every pni tlc-u-lnr. The music wns furnished by llrown's orvhcstrn nml Mr. J. C, Miller ulllclnled ns master of ceremonies. Tlio club Is eomosed of ii Nipulnr set of young jieoplo who hnvo handed themselves together for n moiisoii of plvnsnut gatherings where the terpslcoro will predominate and Miclnl intereouiso will make the affair one of mutual advantage to ill. The liillllnnt oonlug was n most iMlftlitful nlTnlr nml It Is lo be IiomI Is only thu forruntier of tunny sliull ir events In the clubs cxlstanco. Tin) pill tlclinuta were ; Messrs nud Mcsdnmcs Hcott, Hinlth Htewnrl, Cliirksou, Uivo; Missis Tnlliot, I.oug, Klrker, Kremiin, Htoeti, Knsey, Lornier, (.'nrmody, Knnpp, Hlo), Aliilth of Ht Joseph, Weaver, llnmmonl, Heck t, Dol'm i Messrs Miller, McUosh, Wnlsh, VW'klmch, (Irnhiiiu, Howie, Klcmktiur, (lillllth, I'lillllps, Kvuns, Mltsner, HelTloy, Painter, ComstiK'k, Professor 11(11. Dnnlel WIiik, Mullen, Phil WluK, Charles Chirk, Will Clink, Kliuliiill, Hrown, Wnllou. Wediiiwliiy nfteriuKin nt the beautiful home of the bride's parents 'JIM P street, oc curred one of this prettiest wmMIiikm ever so lemtilred In Lincoln. The contiiictliiK imic tles were Miss Kiln Mue Mellck. youngest ilHtiKhter of Hon. nud Mrs. H. M. Mellck nml Mr. Ivret A. McCnnilles of this city. The Interior of lu house prewutisl n brilliant and lienutlfiil npKnrnnco Ih-Iiik elnbointely tlecoriited with cut llowefa and tree ferns. Piomptly nt live o'clock the niN)lutisl hour, Miss Mnml Hnmmouil playisl the wedding march fiom Iihennilu nml Mr. McCiiihIIchs with his liest tmiu, Mr. John (liiilwini up t Mired, followisl by the brldoiiud her father. They took positions in the window bower which was heavily bunked with smllax and cryKMiitlienninis, ubovo this beltiK suspendisl n lienutlfiil loveis knot of unriiittlous. Hev. K. H. rStiliiorrJt.Pnurschuicli delivered nil utile Kcrmnu. The KUests formo I n H4'inlclrele nrouuil tlio hiiudsomo youiiK cou ple during the Impressivo ceremony, nud the scene presented wus u very striking one. The In idu worn n IiiiiiiIkoiiio brocaded satin dress ti limned with chiltono lnuo nud rose IiiiiIh, white sllpiiein un I cloven nud diamond oinnmeulH. After tliu relntlves nml frlendi hnd liestowisl conrntulntlotM up. m the joiiiik couple ami hud seen the IhviiiU fill wrdillni; Klfts, u light luncheon wus serv tsl and Mr.niid JIih. McCaudless depnrte! oil the ;) train for CIiIchko, Pittsburg, Ph., and other point. They will return in about thii'o weeks nud will bo ut hoiuont the resl denco of Iho brides paientH, 'JI44 P stieet 'I hoso pieM.'iit were: Messrs and MesilameH, E. M. Hubbiird, A.I). McCnmlless, J. C. Biilhhtiry, Kdwnid lli;mill, Kdwnrd H. Hl.er, A. Hurlbut, T. ii. Denton, John Mc.MmiiIkmI, ti. J. Tuttle, II. M. Hlce, Hum. E. McCluy, John MuCluy, ThoimiM Cochran, Uiuii hu hikii, F. K. EiisIkii, Edwuid Holmes, It. I). Stearns, .IiiiIko Field, Jud(;e Htewatt, A. C. I.nnndon, 11. 11. Oraliiiin, H. Parker of Hannibal, Mo., William Prod of CuIciiko, II. Hunterof Omnhii, John Uindoii of Howard, Milliliter, W. Ij. Dayton, lxmlo Meyer, DoukIum KIiIIIIiik, J. H. Iaoiiiuv: or Uewltt, Neb., A. C. Hill of Mluduu, Neb,, C. N. Crim dull, Edwnrd E. Melick of Davey, Neb., II. K. HnstliiBs, iind Dr. mid Mm. Holyoko, Mk-s Kute McClny, Nellie Cochnin, Helen Tuttle, Daisy Tuttle, Kutle Mellck, Currlo Mellck, Hubbard, Kuto Damrow, Clurklu Puce, Delhi Armstioue;, Miiud Hammond, Urnham, Messrs Tliomns Hall, Elmer Htopli enson, W. U- Hyer, W. M. Comstock, Halt HelllliiK, O. W. Ciandall, Nelson Ituiulnos, F. A. Alllti, Horbert Lalnl, Will JMcClny of C had ion, L. E. Guns of CIiIciiko, Flunk Puttinof CIiIciiko, OeoiKo Toustlot, Dr. F. A. (Jrahuiii nud Dr. II. K. Keruian. A GREAT MAGAZINE. The Outiiry's rriiRritiiiine In I8IU A New "Life nf Columbus" Articles for Kiirmers, ete. That gient Amei lean Mrlodlcnl, The Cen tury, Is koIiik lo outdo lis own unrivaled record lu lis proKiiiui for iHlfJ, nml us umny of Its new tenturei IwhIii with tlio November number, new readers should coiutuotico with that issue. In this numlicritro the opiuluK ehnpters of "TIIK NAtll.AMKA." n novel by Hudynrd lvlpllnn, (ho fa mous author of "Plain Tales from the Hills," written lu colnl unit Ion with un American w titer, Wolcott llnl i slier. It Is the story of n youtiK mnn nud n young woman from n "booming" Colorado town, who go to India, he Is lu search of n wonderful Jeweled necklace, culled "Iho Null luhhii" ((rout which thustoiy takes It name) ntid file Is a physician to women. Tlio novel dcsctlhos their rcmiirknblh iiihentillis at the court of mi Indian innhiirajiili, lleslilesthls, The Century will print thiini other novels during the yinr, and n great, number of shot t stoiles by lliu best American story wrltois. The welhhnown humorist Edgar W, Nye ("Hill Nye") Is to wt lie u series or nllltlslug sketches which ho calls his "autolilogni lililcs'tlmlli'st one of which, "The Alttobi oginphy or a Justice or tho Pence," U in No vcmhor. Tills number nlso contains n vulii nblu nml sungestlvo mliclo on "Tliu 1'iHid Hupply of tlm l'llturc," which every fiinner should lend, lo Imi followed by n liiliiitior of othei a UK (lltKAT I'llAlTKUI. VAt.UK TO KAIIMKIIH, tieiiting ess-cliilly of the ivlntlons of tha (loveruiiieut lo the fanner, what It Is doing mid w hut It should do. This seilca will In clude oonti Ibutlous from ollleors of tlio Do iiiirtinetit of Atirlculturc. and other well- known men will illscu "The Farmer's Ills content," "CooH'niliou," etc., etc. A celohinted Hpanlsh writer Is lo furnish ii "Mlo or Columbus," which will be brllll atitly lllilstiated, and the publishers or the (Viiftirjlinvi) arranged with Iho managers or tho World's Fair to print articles on tho buildings, etc One of tho novels to appear In IMC! Is A HTOIIY OK NEW YOIIK UKK by the author of Tlio Anglomanlacs," and tliu magazine 'will contain ii great deal about tho inetiopo lis during tho year, -nmoiig other things ti M-rles of IllustriiUsl articles on "Tliu Ji-ws In New York." In November Is mi lllustrnted description of "The Players' Club," founded by Edwin llooth,mid one of tho fentures of tho Kilendidly lllustrnted Christinas (Decem ber) number is an in liclu on "Tho llowery," To get the Century send the yearly sub scription pi Ice ($4.00) to tliu Century Co., Union Himaro, Naw York, N. Y. The Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods Co. Wish to Call Your Attention to a Few Special Quotations: 8 o. California Giuv Flannel, njc. Usual Price, 50c. Special Extra Quality tiicy llliitikct,7so per l'nlr. () lb. (iruy llliinkct, if 1 00 per l'nlr. Pillsbury's Best XXXX FLOUR 1.56 PER 8AOK nnnmit ' I" needless to SPKliI A 1 1 Mcak of the ipiab OrUUinUn'yorthls Flour. A Ilcnvy Hcnrlct Finn ncl, nt ujc, Till tntul be seen to be ap preciated. One Case lloitble Width Twill Dies Goods In Plain Plaids nud Stripes, c a Ynnl. Sold nil over the country nt 15c. 2'b 2IC jfi, 28, 30, Vests and Pants '5c 8c 30c the same Price. (soainless) Double Heels and Winter Weight Children's Merino Underwear note Prices: Sizes 16, 18, 20, 22, 7c ioc i.jc 17c Ladies all Wool Hose, Toes, 25c a pair, worth 35c. Our $1.25 Kid Gloves ("Foster Hook") the ladies tell us would be cheap at $1.50. ' livery pair guaranteed. We will put our 50c Men's Underwear alongside any 75c garment in the city. We arc really too busy to quote further. Your inspec tion of our store and priccA is respectfully requested. Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods Co. 1518-1520 0 Street. Telephone 448. . Prompt Attention Paid to the Delivery of Orders Received by Telephone. Miss Lurkbctter Ain' dat Ruble Gom pen Htnn'in ngin d' lum'pn.st? Miss Furey Ymis, da's him; but we doan' speak no mo'. Miss Lurklxittur WhuiTerf MUs Furey He done escohted mo inter Ctipoy'a rest'rator lust night, 'u .vhnt yo' a'posuf Mlsi Lurklietter HtiHtettf Miss Furey Wnss 'n dnt. I ketched lilin entln fried oyesters wlv Iich rnzzer. Once u Week. Knnw What He Wanted. Btrnnger Do you know where Sidney place isf Policeman That isn't what yoti want to know. Stranger That's whut I nsked you. Policeman But is that what you want to know? Stranger It In. Policeman I do. Stranger Thank you. Life. An Impolitic Thing. "YoiinR IeKilcnp Is a smart fellow," s.ild tho malinger of the col'.. .Ion depart ment to the great lawyer. "Yen? Wlint'n he been dolug uowP' asked tho great lawyer. "Why, he wns in the office alone yester day when he heard that Silk & Satin were financially embarrassed. We were holding one or two claims against them, and ho rushed out and slapped on un attachment just fifteen minutes liefore they closed their doors." ''Got In ahead of every one, did her" "IJeat every other creditor," said the manager. Tho great lawyer looked pleased. "It was a good piece of work," he said. "I llko to Nee u young man with some en terprise and brains. What did you do?" "I told hi in it was a good piece of work." "Wlmtl" The grent lawyer looked startled. "Why, I complimented him for his promptness nud busluesH sense." ''Merciful heavens, man, that will never dol" cried tho great lawyer. "He'll bo asking for more salary, (Jo out and tell him that if he hadn't been here tho olllua boy could have done It just as well." Chi cago Tribune. The Missing "llutrher." "hook a-lierel" said an old fellow who got on at Hrightou to the conductor of a train t day or two ago, "I'vu bin wnltln half an hour for that boy to come around." "What boyf" "Why, tho follor with pri.o packages." "They aro not allowed on this road now." "They hiiln'tr What's tho matter that they hiiln'tr" "Because passengers found so much fault with them." "You don't sayl I'd llko to know who raised any rumpus about it." "It was a general complaint; the public claimed that It was u swindle." "Wall! wall! The public must bo a cu rious sort o' critter. Why, sir, I paid tw'cuty-livu cents for a prize package on this roud two years ago and got 'nuir pens, pencils, paper and envelopes to last mo llf teeu years, and on top of that I driiwcd a locket which the hull family have bin tiikln turns weariu to meet In cvei since! Swindle! Why, sir, I calkerlate I robbed that poor, Innocent boy of jest about ten dollars, and I was expectln to see him to day and oiler III 111 II vo dollars to git tho blamed thing oil my conscience!" Detroit Free Press. Wanted It Ended. A Methodist preacher of a, colored church made an interminable call on one of the sisters of his flock. Her pickaninny daugh ter grew weary of his conversation nud whispered In an audible tone, "Mamma, has he done fergot to bring his amen wid htiur" Texas Sittings. Enough to Keep Him Ilusjr. Wife I've got to go to a dress reform meeting tonlgfit. You won't be lonesome, will you, deurf Husband Oh, no Indeed. I have several buttons to sew on. Cloak Review. Unisons for n Naval Mllltln. Yachting, the highest typo of pastime, has fortunately In this country become tho most popular amusement. Kvery city on our seaboard, every town upon our lakes, has Its club and Its licet. Tho dlacl pllno Is above thu average, tho system ex cellent, the mnjorltyof tho crew Ameri can nud handy with oars and sails, the owners Inllucntlnl and ready to fraternl.o and learn from the academy graduates, and yet the navy, prior to the last twelve mouths, has done little to turn this pas time of the people into tlio channel of pa triotic duty. Several abortive attempts have been made, hut have failed because leading yachtsmen were more Intent on obtaining iiuifoitn and title for themselves than men or gunners for ships, whllu tho navy was naturally Jealous of thesu cabin seeking gentlemen, when what It needed was fore cast lu IiiiikIk. During the last year, however, 11 great change Is noticeable lu tho relation Ikv tweeii the sci vice nml thu country at large. Iteceut naval literature deals less with for eign molels for cruisers, and more with methods to American!! our personnel. Coincident with this awakened interest Is congressional action tending toward an en lurged navy mid a revived merchant ma rine. To far-seeing minds, the times arc therefore ripe for some organization look ing toward tho advancement of our ocean power. Wlillo there is no nation which theoret icnlly cares more for Its seafaring men than ours, It, Is doubtful if there is any people, that has practically dono so little for its sailors. Unlike England, thu United States Isnf continental magnitude, nnd the citizens of the west, while rivaling the in habitants of the hc almai-d In their honor of tho navy of tho past, are totally Ignorant of the details of a niau-of-war or the life of Us officers and crew. If the army nud tho mllitiaaru mutually helpful, how much more does the navy need an intermediary to keep Its record liefore thu people! J. W Miller in Forum. Jtye Tost Important luept of 1891 GRAND FORMAL OPENING -OF Til It NKW- LANSING THEATRE! KD. A. OIIDKOII, Bfaaarrer. I.ANHINO OLIVER, FroprUton. for)day, )foveT)ber 23d. in di All He I Expected to Know. Mrs. Fnngle (to Professor Grubbe) So you are a government cbemlstf Professor Urubbs Yes, madam. "Do tell me; what Is the latect in baking powders." Detroit Free Press. The Only Way. "I wonder if a man could see Europe on two dollars u dnyf " "Ho could if he had a rich wife." Llf. little, Willing to Fallow Directions, Photographer liaise tho chin a please. Victim Am I all right otherwise? "Yes." "Just want tho chin a little higher?" "Yes. That's all." "Anything to accommodate you." (Takes out his false teeth, closes his mouth uiul his chin comes up to his uoso. Chicago Tribune I "They say brain." "Where did ho get Itf" ''What tho waterl" Jlo-the braln."-Llfb, Koine Doiihl. ltohliison has water on tho Where Ills Help Whs Needed. A timid ttni 11 from down east was out with a party blackberryiug It fell to his lot to liulp ti lady, whose weight w is near JC0 pounds, over into a neighbor! g Held "MUs Mary," said ho to her. "shu . I help you oier the fencer" "No," said hhe; help the fence." Ami overt.hu went nml left him to adjust thu top rails at his leisure. Texas Sittings The opening of this beautiful temple of amusement characterizes a new era Interests In Nebraska's fair capital city. It Is a I And only Complete Ground Floor Theatrel Company of Legitimate and Refined Actaril Dramatic Star in Lincoln. Mlt Lillian Lewiil Play of Absorbing Interest and Thrilling Situation! Orchestra ol Ability and Acknowledged Excellence! Sounding Board Possessing Marvelous Accustlc Properties! Seatlne Arrangement of Unquestionable Comfort and venlcncei And Charming Effect in Draperies, Metal and Stucco Warkl System of Decoration In Fresco Adornment! And in fact the New Lansing will be the Model Theatre of the United State. tie 1 Cs Wake Up. The age Is ono of rapid progress -and we aro in it. Our patrons are among tho most progressive of the nation. Thoy nro quick to Uke advantage of a good offer. We make a great ninny; but when wo recently offered n set of memoirs, either of tirant, Hherldan, Khermnn, McClellnu, or I.oe, in their resec tive original editions, for oO cents a set, in connection with a year's subscription to thlspner, t'i 15 Willi nil wo fairly outdid ourselves. Thousands of orders have already been received by the publishers, so that if our friends wish tonvall themselves of this extrn'Milliinry opportunity, they must wnko up. No such offer has everlieforo Iteen made to the reading public, mid it is doubtful If it will ever Ui duplicate!. Asalu wo say "Wuko upl" Cheap Hates to lleuxr. Thoso desiring to visit Denver will soon have a splendid opiiortuulty. Tliu Mining Congiess will beheld lu thu "Queen City" November 1Mb and lUth, and It is expected a gieat many will visit Denver mid other Colorado cities ntiout this time. Fir tho es lieclal accommodation of theso visitors tlio riilon Pacific has made a rate or ono nud one third fare the loiuid trip. Tickets will bo on sale Nov. Kith, and will l) good for re turn passage until and Including Dei-emlter titli. For further information regarding time or trains, etc., apply to K. II. Slossou, Agent Union Pacific System, Lincoln. Miss Lillian Lewis Will preeeot as the opening attraction, Mr. Martaon'i Great French Play, entitle "Q REIDIT E.ORA1N El" la which she baa met with eminent snooeee, the pram of the country baring the following unanlmoua opinion. No play ever possessed stronger situations. It Is exciting- from beginning to end. It demands rare dramatic force, whloh Miss Iewls certainly possesses. She Is lntea In trafte passages of her role, tender In her love making, and strong la her hatred, which cnlsalnatee In the scene, of the assasslnstion. Her costumos in "CrttlU. )rti(ii" are exqutslt and were made by Worth of Paris. As Lenora, MUs Ixswls lias a part that draws out her greatest powers. Hhe sustains a character In which she loves and hates with oipjal eaao. Him Is a eourl beauty In tne time of Lewie Nepoleon and Is assisting the French .Minister of Police to entrap a young Republican, bat Call In love with tier victim and tlnds her affections returned. Theyouug Itepablloan, Rameau, Is entrapped butshooouruals her true character and Involve ber entire fortune torescuohlm after having piraunded him to Invest In "Credit &rauie" worthless stock. Miss lcwis Is surrounded oy the strongest company which lias ever supported her, la- 1011, Ainureu nan, wauer nyunn, arlUMW g Kdinnnd uoiuer, i-onue romoroy, Ariuur kiiioii, Miiureii nan, waiter jcyun lieu, and others, and suo is 10 im oongruiutaled on a production, wnien u eludln luinh and aa complete as has over been staged Tuesday Evening Miss Lewis will appear in "ARTICLE 47," aad Wednesday Evening will be produced her great success, entitled "AS IN A LOOKING GLASS." Hlgh-ctuu entertainments will fotlownl seasonable Intervals, and the pobllo aaa rest assured that no "fuko" shows or Inferior organizations will appear at this house. The house will be kept open an hour one night after the performance In the open ing wnok for Inspection. There has been aroused a deereo of expectation and Interest that bus rarely manifested ttaelf in overwhelming number oflctters requesting tents for tho opculug. They have been eenilnit In from all parts of tho stnto for tho hist six week, and there seems lo bo no way out of It but to follow the. old established custom, and that Is, on the dedication of a new theatre. to o3xXj "rzxx: ciioics or ar.Ta -a.t vctioit. will hnvo first choice, and No. 2 second choloe, and soon until all are supplied la ueiu at uie otnoo or tne unptuii uotei, ilt be londay Wondeis nf Science. Illinks If you hnvo so much trouble with jour teeth, why don't you get artl llclal onesr Thu Idea of being bothered that way lu this marvelous nguof scleutillu nud mechanical progress! I got u full set only n few mouths ago .links linked! Are thoy a successf" Illinks Success? 1 should say so. Why 1 cau almost eat with tlium. Govil News .Imitation of it Theory. Kthel After miirrlugu wu two ahull be one, shan't wo (ienrgef (ieorge Theorotlcnlly; though I doubt If they will make out the board bill that way, Now York Sun See Hotallug 1 miipla syrup. thu grocer for new, pure See what IlerpoNheliner tc Co., cloaks, dress goods and millinery, tho lowest. hnvo lu i Prices I Henry Iiiiipham, harness, saddlery and turf goods, ll'.'noitli Eleventh street, ophite pltal II tel Tho Hazar, W O street, has received another lot of stylish cloaks. They will lo placed on sale about the middle, of next woek. Miss M. II. Chiipiu will ivopou her nit studio, fourth lloor Mc.Murtry block next week and will lie ptepated to teach crayon iind charcoal drawing, oil, water color nnd chlnu painting. HKclitl chit ivu's classes every Saturday. Order work promptly executed. Take elevator. No. a like manner Tim auction sale will evening, November fill, nt 8 o'clock ltl'.MKMIIr'U Ol!U ailAXn TIIANKSOIVINO MATINKKI The regular prices of seats, after the first ulg-ht will be 33c, SOo, 70e aad 1,00, and Mat limes will be UAo., 60c. anil 78c. ArrHUgementa have Isvn m tdn with all Uailro.id coniaiiles for rates during the open ing wessk. For further Information, address ED. A. CHURCH, Manager. Xlill'S- STATOXEtr SUBSCRIPTIONS, Artists' Materials up Novels -AT- THE GOTHAM. 1136 O ST. Glvo its n Trial Order. TUIIE PAIXTS- CAXVAS STRETCHERS