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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1891)
Wt'aSS fesi.f,rfi $ HA I' 'jiH 9mVFxS?wh 5S pfMt1 && .! GffiS' $' f.1 -.'."wm it A- PoPdl UR PAPER op APPHRM T!Alz5 " Vol. O No 4ti Lincoln. Nkiihasica, Satumoay, Novkmiiick 7 lelOl. Pkicic Fivic Cknts rmmes irLZiW I lBCFPP FWI lK?Mi .K R? R W'rMf&l d! 5 w"ra?.r.M Ba2jisia!six?d - fo& (.Mr. ms - .... ryMPwwifi, T - X It HSfl$9 M4 lglf?g"gFsvfy z- r z "cLr;-t,'''t),(l'tl'l'u'ti)'7 uja- THEuS qftgiy Pretty much everyUxly In Lincoln, f lnk It, knows Dick Ilorlln of Omnhu iintl will lo Interested In his social adventures. Our Dick is ii grant society limn, ns you must know, but hits passed tlio ngo at which most moil select mntos for lift'. Dick's murringcu Mo chnncos linva liven tliu subject of moru or less sly Joking on tho part of his friends, and llko n shrewd strategist ho sometime ngo be gan taking tho wind out of their wills by Jok ing nbout It himself. Tho audacity of tho thing has liroved n ihiiuuit novelty to this steady goer, ami ho has taken to his now sport with a keen relish. Tho danger with sjiortsineii of nil kinds Is that they will pur sue their giimo witli such n singleness of pur poso tlmt tho clmso is II bio to limit them over ii precipice or into some other dllllculty. Now tlmt' tho trouble with our Dick. Tho mild pleasantries at his own expense with which he began pulled on his appetite, and his ingenuity Invented more exciting meth ods. Ho finally reached tho point of bluntly asking his young lady friends if they would marry him. It was all in njoke, which they understood, and they responded with shafts of badinage tipped .with wit mid sarcasm. That la, most or them did, but n few days ago ho put tho question "Will you mnrry moT' ton young lady from abroad who was visiting her undo In Omaha. They hud only met a few times, but our Dlek is n winner, and in this case ho had won so easily ho didn't know it. Ah soon as tho young lady in ipjestion could recover from her surprise and regain her self-jmssessloii sho shyly res ponded : "I will nslc uncle, Mr. Hcrlln." And that Is how it happened that Our Dick has been on tho ragged edge. Dot ween our selves, sub rosn nml don't tell It to Dick tho girl In nil seriousness placed tho mutter before her uncle. The undo, knowing Dick's propensities, laughed at tho mutter us u good joke, nud his uioco dropped it. Dick is etill waiting for tho returns with much curiosity mid some trepidation. Hut, for goodness sake, don't give it awuy. Chauncoy Depow mndo the statement In an Interview publlsheil a few tlays ago that Americans were coming to bo a nntioii of gamblers. In support of this projiosltloii ho called attention to tho stock exchanges, tho race tvnek jiools, base ball iool rooms, elec tion betting, etc. Hut there Is ouu bit of consolation: we are not quite as bad as our neighbors on this terrestrial ball. Where, for Instance, Is there any gambling institu tion In America to coniMira to the Montu Carlo hell I A meeting a- held few days ago of the stock holders In tho coiuuiiny tlmt controls tho gambling privilege at that place. From the olllclnl statement It up penrs that the prollts of tho year weroUl,. 000,000 francs (about f 4 ,.'00,000. ) The com. puny set aside 0,000,000 fumes for a working capital for tho ensuing year, leaving K m,t profit of 12,000,000 francs to be distributed among the stockholders. Tho gambling pilvllego runs twelve years yet mid tho com pany pays aM,000 u year fur it. A fund of S.'.O.OOO is set nsldo to liillueiieo the chief French newspapers to handle tho institution gently. Tho actual working expenses, sudi as salaries to tho immense stair of croupiers, detectives, dramatic and operative mipuuies, the orchestra, etc., amount to about $1,000, 000 n yeur. The company is also bound by Its contract to pay the expenses of the gov ernment of thu little municipality. The management have added a wing to their building and will extend operations by run ning mote games. It Is also stnttd that din ing .March last suveral plungers bled the con cern for u million francs. Tne prince of Monaco, who granted the gambling piivilcgu thinks some of refusing to extend ft when lis present term has expiied. It seems that the Yankee doe-u't monopo lize all tho speculative sclcutlll.' genius lying around loose. An Kiigllsh colltctor oer lit India has been expkdiug powder lor the purpose of producing rain, nud lie claims to luivo met with some success. Hut we still lend thu poccnMon. Vu have two ploueels in that sort of thing, and we Imve two meth ods of reaching the sitiuo result. If one should full we may try tho other two strings for our bow, don't you see O, you may let tho englecoiitiiiuu to scream! An Illinois girl of twenty-two, Miss 1-uiiny M. .Stevens of Kreeport, disputes tliu claim oi tlio Deveupoit, Iowa, gill to being thu llrl female court leporter. Miss (Stevens was appointed nil ollleiul court stenographer in September, lb1)". This biehlciideot gold cure for diuukeii-nes-sisu queer thing. It seems almost too good to bo true that an absolute guarantee able cure has been discovered for that diseas ed condition of the nervous system which demiiudsiilcoholic stimulants, but thoevideu ces all about ouu who gets over thu country a bit are too palpnblu to be doubted. I liuve recently been In Omaha, Chicago and else where, and in all of these I have met either friends or acquaintances who have been cuitd of the teriihlo habit. Olio of thu queer things is to mil up nguihst one of thuso 10 jeueiuted fellows whom you have known for years previously us a cniillrmed sot. Thu chaugu is astonishing, and I tell you that u man can't hell) boliuvinu such evidence. Kntiin burnt t nmmtit fitteintit to ilenv thu new I discovery by saying "O, It won't ha perma nent." HupiKJso it dosen't. If it will holier b drunkard for only it year it will have proved u grand blessing. Another of tho queer things is to see thu Woman's Christian Temperance Union in some kcctlons lighting thu Keeluy treatment for drunkenness. Kven Mlsi Fiances Will ard, who hus been a sort ot a leiimle Moses in ttiupeiuiico work, has been throwing dis credit upon this great boom to mankind, Write lu Chicago 1 saw Ople Head, who hud j been through tho mill nud come out purlllod, .and he explained Miss Willtrds uuro.isonliu opiosiiioii ny mo theory timisiio was airniii of losing hor mission as an agitator If tho new treatment should 1st generally adopted I can hardly buliovo that so nohla u w-oiuiii as Miss Willtinl can bo moved by m pitiful n Jealousy, and yet how shall ono explain her opHwltlou to n treatment which oilers so much of )ioH) to thousands of drink-cursed human belugsf And, besides, thu treatmout apears to bo lurmless so that even if It did little or no good why hIiouM nnyono regret trying itf Hut there Is another side to human nature. In Chicago tho men who have been pulled out of the slough of dusiond Imvo hiiided together under the name of the Hlchlorldo of Gold Club nml they are nobly administer ing to humanity by helping other suircrcrs to their redemption. Now, tlmts what I call practical religion as well as liumaul tarn Ism. Hut woman, Ood blow her, Is coiuiiigarouud to look at this mutter from tho right point of view. Up In Minnesota tho W. (J. T, U. has oxprossod confidence in tho Keely treatment and soino of Its, mem bers oven proK)se to aid the cause of human ity by helping to send drunkards to an institute. Shaking of tho gcod impulses of tin hu man heart, here comes tho news that two of the Viinderbllts luivo built n half million dollar block in New York to bo used for many social and educational puroses. Thero are school-rooms, reading-room, nud bath-rooms, gymnasium, and restaurant, nil large, for tho cdlflco measures 75x100 feet and is five stories high. Thero are club rooms for boys and for girls, for King's Daughters and Kndouvor Bocictios, a penny savings bank, nml apparently, conveniences for many other enterprises tlmt have been suggested for tho benefit of the very largo mid deserving class that Is too poor to pro vldo such things for themselves. Thoro will bo n very larjfo and well-appointed kinder garten, and schools, both day and night, for technical classes of the most practical kind. Hoys will bo taught shorthand, typewriting, typesetting, woodcarvlng, and tlio use of tools, and girls will have a chance to lengthen their lives and save their tempers by learning cookery, dressmaking, and hcuskceping. The restaurant will supply good food at cost, nud tho toiiemeiit-houso eople, of whom there nre many thousands within ten minutes' walk of tho building, will uover luck opportunity for bathing comfortably. Ixxitures and other enter tainments are to bo given frequently, ami, Indeed, nothing reasonable, necessary, and practicable seems to have been forgotten. A Mild Winter. Wo were coming down to Jay street from tho West Shore depot In Hobokcu when thu conversation turned on the weather, nml nfter a bit ono man observed: "Well, I've got my mind mndo up to see one of tho hardest winters wo luivo hnd for the lust twenty years." "Yes, so luivo I," replied n Becond. "All signs point to thu fact that wo are to Imvo u long, hard winter." "I've been out in tho country," added n third, "and I'vo been taking notice of va rious signs. The corn husks nro thicker than usual, tho frogs have gone down deeper, the birds nro going south much earlier. Gentlemen, prepuru for a tough winter, and heaven help tho poor!" "Look-n-herol" said n big, ugly faced man, as ha pushed himself forward, "who's n-tulkln about n Imrd winter? I'm n-tellln you that this Is goln to be the mildest winter wo have had In twonty-llve rears, and I know itl There won't bo n freeze-up before January, and you'll see buds on tho trees In Fenruary. You won't even have to light your coal stoves." Thu crowd looked at him lu n doubtful way, and ho unbuttoned his pcujucket and continued: "Does anybody doubt my wordf Does anybody heru stick to It that it's going to bo n hard whiter?" Ho was sized up and nobody doubted. iiiueeu, tuo man who uau opened mo Mll ect felt culled upon to explain: "Wlille I said I expected to see n very hard winter, I didn't exactly mean in this locality; I meant way out west." "So did I," ndded two or three voices i chorus. "Well, that's all right," growled the big matins ho buttoned up his Jacket again. "I'm not running anything outside of this btato. I say It's goln to bo like Juno nil winter, and I'm achlii to meet n feller who thinks I'm n pansy left over from last sum tiierl" New York Evening World. Some of Ills Jukes. Friend I saw somo of your Jokes in ft hook. Humorist (flattered) Ah. what bonk was that? Frfend-rl foruet tint iintm. If. iunu u book miblUlipl a hundred years ago. 1 law it in ii secondhand book store. Yan kee lilade. Ill Kxciiie. Young Wife Harry, how can you take to much notice of other women? You used to tell me that I entirely filled your heart. Young Husband Yes, dear; but thcre'i such a thing as enlargement ot tho heart, you know. Hoston Transcript. Limited. "I suppose you tuko nfter your fatlisr, Johnny?" "I tin, if thero Is anything left to take." S'ew York Herald. Tim ". furniture House. When new enterprises first launch their respective establishments on tho community for public patronage, little Is generally oxiected in way of trade at the start. How ever this lms not Iteen thu case with the now furniture house of Hudgo nud Morris. Tlio firm opened busiuesi in this lino only a few weeks ago and over since tho Initial day tho business has leen largo and constantly on the Increase. Thu success has been so great that each member of tho firm is now fully convinced that what was at first considered an experiment now looms up as a flourishing business enterpilse. Speaking to ono of the llrniyostoiduy rcgatdlug the statu of trade, lie said ' Its Hue, and in siui'i departments our fltst Invoice has already been exhausted, For Instance In sideboards w-o Imvo sold all of our first I a I except ono and that is iilioutas good ns sold. Imvo another shipment of four cars of furniture on the road uowniid woe.xHctto bo well supplied again next week lu nil depaitmelits," Kudgc, Mori Is iV Co. nro enterprising merchants, far seeing mid courteous gentle men. This now move has given them n most decided advancement lu commercial circles of Lincoln and they are to be con gratulated upon the success they have achieved. In the liiinlwiire depnituieiit tho firm doing its customary large volume of business and lit all times tho large force of assistants mi) found actively nt work supplying tho wants of a largo p ntronnge. Only h Half Nlrlku. Ah ii citizen was crossing the Campus Martins tho other evening hu was halted by a young man In a statu of dilapidation, who said: "Mister, I'm not asking for money to pay for lodgings, for I can sleep on the grass yet, but" "Hut you want something to eat?" "No, sir. I'm used to going without that. I don't feel thu need of eating moro than onco u week." "Well, then?" "I want you to help mo get to Denver, wheru I know I can strike a Job." "All right tako t Ills-good night," enld thu citizen, ns ho moved on. Tho young man stood looking nt thocoln under an electric light, when ho was Joined by his partner, who inquired: "How much did you git?" "Ten ceiita." "Whnt did you tell him?" "That I wanted to get to Denver." "Jim, what a chump you nrel Denver if only half way to San Francisco. Whf didn't you go thu hull dlstunco mid gift twenty out of him?" Detroit Freo Press. Illustrated Phrases. niancuo suddenly colored when sho hcan) Harry's volcu below. Harper's Ilaznr. ACCII)i:NTAI.LV OVKIS-JIEni). -Life, t AU)NK AT LAST. Wedding Invitations Wessol Printing Co. We sull the genuine Canon City ton. Hotts, Weaver ,t Co., llll'i O street. Tele phono -1-10. (Irnud cloak exhibit nt Herolshc!iucr it Co. I-ailli's nud children's clonks lu the greatest variety at tho lowest prices. The Peninsular base burner is tho latest Improved heater lu thu mniket. Bel ore buy ing, cull and see a full line at Dunham & lluck, ll'Jil () street. Untitling thu O stieet grocer says hu Is human and makes mistakes but will cheers f u lly rectify them . That is inoru than somo will do. Call on I.eavltt before buying your con, I Hill O street. H ASSSBsApSSWInlC- Hpeolnl ( omtint t'oirespondouee.l Nkw Youk, Oct. ill. 1MII -Tho iniioli talk ed of "La Clgulo" was brought out at the Harden Thcatieon Monday evening. It was orlRlnnllycoinM)sid by Ainlrnn of "Olivette" nml "Moscolte" funic, but Ivan Caryl touch ed It up for Uiudouers. Chlvot and Duru wrote the original libretto and It was put In to KnglMi by K (' lluiimnd of "Punch". It deals In n heav manner with tho fable of thoiintniid giusshopHr, thu latter fiollck Ing through thu suiumeraud wasting its sub stance lu riotous living, being conqiellcd to crave assistance froiutliuludustrloiis former, lu the opera, the nut and ihogruslinpcr are slsteis, tliu former thu prima donna, tlio lat ter the village maiden. Thero are but three catchy uiimhcis, one beginning with "Ouu Day Miirgot," the second a gavotte, and the third a conceited piece. Thu llbiutto Is of collisu well wiltteii and thu liiuslu Is always agreeable. That tho liook Is not interesting may not astonish anyone, for thu Kiigllsh cuinlo opera Is woefully dull. Tho principal feiitiiroof thoierfoiiniiiicu to ruvo alsnit Is I.illliin Hussell. Her voice wnHjiiingiilllceiitly pure, ringing nud unerring. Hhu lms never npenrisl to lietter advantage, although It Is not K)sslbl'i to compliment, heron her acting, In Paris the putt Miss Hussell slugs wuscrcus ted by the wonderful Jeanne Clrniiler. Our own Lillian sings hotter and looks better. Tho ojiern was put on, literally regardless of exjieiise, and nothing produced on this side of thu Atlantic speuks more plainly of man agerial liberality. Tho ICondals, having been pulled over tho coals for their poor produc tion of "Home"' last week, Imvo ransacked tho cellar of tho Star Theutre, for latter scenery, nud i chenrsod so vlgoiously as to give n good production of "Thu Ironmaster," which by the way has been done to death by tho Kendal company. At the Windsor thea tre, Leoniild Oiover let loose his "Wolves of Now York," whMi has pleased east sldo nu illonces Immensely, and which Is sure to Minko a good deal of money for him lefoio the flowers bloom ngalii. Taking It as a whole, the thenti leal business lu Now Yolk continues poor, and but few managers or or ganizations are making money. Du.M.ui'. Under tliu heading of "Danger in Door Checks" thu New York Tiirutrleiil World gives space to thu following: Tliu melan choly tidings reguidlug the terrible allllctlou which John A. Hunter, iimniiger for (I ray & Stephens lms met with sl-oiild be a warning to people who occupy positions necessitating the handling of theatte tickets. Mr. Hunter Is today totally blind anil in thu opinion of tho most celchinted oculist thu cause of bis sudden and sad misfortune, s duo to the pois onous liigiedieuts used ill picparinglho col oring for piisteboiuil tickets. It appears Hint dining last season whllu Mr. Hunter was busily engaged in giving out letlirn checks nt the door of a theatre, ho had occas ion to nib Ids eyes, nud lu doing this tho sup position is tlmt tho moistmo or his tlugeis having become contaminated by the deadly color of the tickets, aecideutly cnino in con tuct witli the ball ofjthu eye. At any rate, shuitly niter thu inblilng pi oei ks thu eye beenme lunch iiiflumcd, and on tliu following day tho suffering was so intensely painful that Mr. Hunter sought the advice of a ph)ticltiu who, iiuiii investigation, found that such serious complications had reullcd I hat it was beyond human power to pieserve the sight. All that medical aid could do was done. In u lew Jay , however, thu sight had left thu eyu forever. Kviry attention was now dlrtctcd to the other eju which had lie gnu to grow alarining, but nothing serious was similised. Aside Hum a J eciillur sensa tion, now nud then, ihcie seiuieil to be no iitcd tor iiuciislucs.-, ami Mr. Hunter continu ed in lunging the details of Ins business until the close of thu miisoii. A lew weeks ago, witbotil thu slightest win uing tliu awful iu alijilliin can hi and now thu victim Is at his home in New ink, N. J , unable to lit hold the sunlight an it si reams in tin ought hu ulndou. While sympathising with Mr. Hunter, we cannot itlinln fiom cautioning ticket selleis and takeis against thu deadly poisiou cou tuillisl in some of the coloi sol the tickets, esKCinllv gleeu nud blue. He caret ul how (li haudlu tluin." Malinger IM Church is happy in thu uss siirniice that ihtplte nil pitdlctlous to thu contmry the Ijining will potMvely be coin pletid and iindy lor the opening sewial dus In ndvuiiee ol the niheitised date. Much of l he Intel lor duoratiug Is now done; thu scenery is nearly nil (Minted, nud thu principal work remaining Is putting up of the seats which lme already arrived, hanging thu diapcries nud the final finishing up. '1 hi heavy woik is all done, and by the way, us tho decoiatlng piogi esses It liccuiuc plainly evident tlmt tliu Interior of thu new theatlu will moiti than Jiistily the most e. tiavngalit prnmists tlmt Imve been miidu for It. The )iiate Loxis, (sKciully, will be mm vels of beauty and luxury. Sol Smith Itlltscl), while in the clt) u few dns ugo, In foruusl Mr. Cliiuch that the Ionising, In his opinion, would be one of thu handsomest theatiis lu Aliieildi. He likeutd It to the Tiemout, lioston, ln Itations to the om-ii-lug which n ill ot cur .Monday evening, Novell! ber -!."d, luiM" ban Miit to many prominent men: lolui M. '(Illusion, K, HosevMtter, lCx (low James K. Iloyd, (io John M. Thayer and many (dliels (f iqual note nru uxeftcd, and thele will he the umal sieechmukiug Incident to such vents. It will bu again occasion lu ew'iy way. Mls l.liliau U-wis, w ho is mi cling with woinlei fill success every whfie this season, will glvu a umgulllceu pii-entatlon ot ',"( t (lit Unalne." Applica tions for nats in e much moieiiumeroiis than was cxpecUd, and eeiy thing points ton biilllaut siH'ial as well us a memorable dramatic event on thu twtuty-third. Thu nrruugeuieuts have uut been lully completed ns yet, nud further particulars will bu foilh- coming lu a week or two, It Is Mr. Church's Intention to glvu n prlvntn reception lit thu press a few days prior to the foi nml opening, The date will he announced later. Tho following cm rerpoudelico will explain Itself. KniTou CotmiKii! Two weeks ago I wrote you in reference to ixtorlloualu prii'o that thu Fiiuku man- ngi'incnt was charging to see plays that lu other cities thu tegular prices were charged. in your issue or October -'Ith you print an Item defending thu opetn house by saying .Manager Mclteynolils says "Hussell charges Jl.fiO every wheio." Now 1 am prepared to to show-Oiimlm, Denver, nud other papers which show that HusseUV liest seats weru sold nt l. Is lids fair fo Lincoln ntniisu iiietit putiousf I don't think so. Fur.yiT.NT Tiikatiik (Iiikii, Lincoln, Nov. '.', 1MU. Upon the receipt of this coiiuumilciitlou a i epoiler culled on Malinger McHuynolds to ucei tain tliu facts hi the matter. At llrst hu dcclluisl to givu any explanation saying hu was no niivlco at managing an Opera Hiuisunuddld not see why hu was culled upon to defend Ids business acts lu matters of this soi t, but finally favored thu rexrter with thu following letter from Mr. Fred (1. Herger, Hoi Hinlth UusHell's manager, mid It will lie seen therein that In order to seen i e this attraction ho was coniiellisl to submit to the prices demanded. Mr. Mc lteynolils endeavored to get a regular rnte nud thu following letter, which may bo seen ut this olllce was tlio reply: TaIIOII (lllANI) Ol'KHA HolIHi:. Denver, Oct. 1(1, Jb!). Mr Dhah .MoKkvnoi.dhi As iH'fore, thero will I hi no agent In Lin coln for our coinuiny nud I know that you will see that all Is ntteudisl to proMrly. Thu aier Is no doubt nt hand and I herein send you copy for all that Is required. The new play Is a great success and will fill the house I nm sure. ,Voii ic;ni(fii( prlcm, ice me ;ifrifii( crrrjiiieiv thin sciimm (u ti.M for brut wiiIh timl I must iixk joi In make soiiic portion of your lions? nt Unit jiWiv. No tioulilo whatever to get It iiiul it adds Just that much to the receipts. U'e are turning ieople away moro than half thu time. Drop mo u line so 1 shall know all is O. K. I shall nrrivii Monday nfleruoon direct from Denver. Kindest regards, Yours etc. FlIKI) 0, Hkikikii. Mr. W. 11. Crane, whom Lincoln theatre goers Imvo not hnd an opportunity of seeing for several seasons, reapiMinre.l at tho Fuiiko Inst evening Uforo uu linmenso and cultlr vnted nudlence. Tho erthlislai.tlo characte of the reception given Mr. Cruno recnllisl the old time popularity of the famous dual com bination of which Stuart Hobson was at the head, "The Senator" which, by tho wny, lms seldom been seen outside of the lending cities of the country, Is essentially u politi cal economy, and the talented authors have with line tact ami discrimination produced a clear cut, s)werfully drawn jiortrnlture of one of the mijst absorbing phases of Ameri can life a photograph that Is remarkably life like. Plays dealing with isilitlcs are plenty enough ; lint "The Senator" sheds a now light on a subject which If propoily treated, cuiinot but ls Interesting. Tlio title is u fair index of tlio character of tliu play. Mr. Crime's Impersonation of tlio Senator is an ideal bit of stagu craft. He has modeled his characterization upon the noted United States senator from Kansas, Mr. Plumb, and those who saw mill heard the fluent statesman last evening nt thu Funke witnessed what Is said to bu a striking Imitation of thu Kansas senator. Kven tliu peculiar usu of thumbs is a I'ltimbisui. Mr. Crane's veisa tlllty is patent to the least observent and his artistic personation of the title role in thu comedy mils take high rutik with the actors g-icutest achievements. Membeisof thu sup poiting coinpuny were given ficqucnt opHir Utilities for the display of real then tile abili ty and to their credit Ut ft wild, they gener ally embraced tho occasion. Msttle Vlckeis npK-aied at the Funke Monday evening in "A Circus Queen." The attendance was not veiy large, but liberal applause was bestowed on some blight Milnls lu tho comedy. It is not a stioug play nud cuu not lie said to add toMlssVlckeis'iepiitatiou as an actress, td.miiiit's him.. To witness the exciting scene of two loco motives racing on double t nicks, with nil t'ut attendant iioisunnd startling elfeets, is some thing of exciting Interest; to say that such u scene is now living produced, is to say n good deal for tho one who Is icsKiiisihlu for It, but such Is tlio fact. This scene is thu work of Goo. C. htnley, a veiy clever actor, who will iiiH-ur tonight ut Fuukit's in his successful comedy diniiia, "A Hoyal Pass. " It is not a semeless fince-comedy, nor a wild mid im probably sensation, It is a drama of thu best class, culling foi th u few tears and much laughter. Aiiiumlier of pleasing songs an apjuopi lately lutrodiictd. t(lnsit plane is bestow tsl upon the siipKitiiig company. We predict that Geo. C. Staley in "A Hoyal Pass," will prove one of thu finest attractions of thu season. rt:llllY-llA(!.NAM. l-OM-KIUh. Thu llrst of these concirts will Ut given Wednesday ewuing next by thu gieut blind pianist, Kdvard Baxter Peiry. Tickets at N. P. CmtU " Co', mid Clasou Klelchel '. TDK I Molliu 'Ihompsou, the talentisl and dash , lug yomu coiiifdlcumi who has attaimsl Midi I widu M))iilurfty ns "Pilvsy Winks," the lend j tug soubitttu lolu iu tlie fa re la I play of "Thu i Hustler," which will lie seen ut Fuuku's , Thursday evening su daughter of the veter- , uu John 1 hoiniison, of "tin Hand fume. It can truthfully U said tlmt Miss Thouipsou ! whs "Iki-ii iu thu business," she liuving niadu l her professional debut lu her lather's com - ' ........ .., ,1... f .. I.f... .... .1. ......-. sj... t.-. ........ I'llllJ.lll IIIU Vflllll'l IIM..IIi.l. U, .-.II, 4- (111119- co, ut thu tender ugo of two years, and has leeii an active and valualilo iueiiiUr of the ci aft ever since, Mi-s I'hoinpsou po-sj-es-es rare versatility, Ulngnii nirompllshisl sing er, ngrnceful dnneer, nud u well-sdioohd, all around actress. Tho somersault song and "" , as pel rorinisi ny ss Thompson In 'Tho Hustler,'' ha, biought thu little Indy mom leiiowu I Imu slut crnves for, "Thu Hustler" Is a priMluctli.n nml deserves n big house, TIIKATIIICAMIOKMIP, George Hui rett's Kiigllsh coinpuny ilMiand- isl nt MyrnciiMu, N. V., Get. Sill. ThoMnry Knsthiku l-'ugllsh company Is to bu reorguiilzed under tliu muniigemeiit of II. H. Taylor. Seats for thu Jclleisou and IMoreiicu pro duction of "The Hlvnls" will go on sulo Moil day ii.oi nlng. "Spike" lleimessy nud "Kid" .Mi Coy of "TlioH!ownwiiy"i puny nut said to bi wilting a book, Mrs. Irfingtry is Usikisl nt thu Now York Hlandur I for January li'ith, when her Amer- Icau tour begins, Thu oN'iilug of the now opera house wil bo unit of tho hading mclnl events of Thanksgiving wistk. "Yon Yonson" has been booked for n nm lu Now Yotk this winter nt Manager Duu lovy's Pnik Thentre. Thu sulo of seals for the Lansing opening night will (Kwltlvcly tako placu Monday u ve iling at eight o'clock nt the Capital hotel. Mr. William II. ("rune's new play "New port" by Cllntoii'.Htuurt, Is not regnrdisl ns n very brilliant success by tne gooil proplo of Milwaukee, who saw it for the llrst time on Monday. Hudolph Peters, n former stage attache of tho Funke, but for two years ist stage car penter of the Halt Lake theatre which was recently destroyed by lire, has rutin nod to Lincoln to accept n similar position nt tho now I,milug. Me Ken llnuklii will not make a starring tour with Frank Mayo, but will glvu "Thu Canuck," which was presented hero last win ter, another trial. Ills oicnlng was in Oma ha Sunday at tho Gland and on Monday he Introduces the piece iu Han Francisco. Geo. C. Htaley's "A Hoyal Pans" which was seen heru for the first tlmu last yenr, will bo rcieatsl tvuight ut tho Funke. On the occasion of the oieiinig H-rformnnce of this stirring play lu Omnliii this week at thu Faruiim street thentre, thu "H. II. O." sign was displayisl long beforu tho curtain went up. Jack Hoyal, tint part Mr. Harry Lacy plays lu Mr, A. C. Wheeler's play by that name, is an entirely new ruie, for which thu talented young actor Is receiving prnlso from all quar ters. Thu play has mailo a marked success In the ICast and next week lieglns IU Vmr of the West, osulug nt Cincinnati on Monday. Jack Hoyal will be seen at the Lansing thin season. I tin Killing I'liolull. Pupa Well, daughter, did you glvu tlmt poor country editor tliu mitten, as 1 told you to do? Daughter Yes, papa. I'a pa And what did ho say? Daughter He usked If itwero by your request, and I told him It was. Papa What did hu say to that? Daughter Ho asked If you couldn't muko It a pair of mittens ami a full suit of clothes to mutch. Det rolt Freo Press. Htlll Hometliliir lnrii. ll Mrs. WIckstalT I hear that your daugh ter has just graduated from a young lady' reuilnury. Hus she entirely finished her studies? Mrs. Hlngs Oh, not Shu Is studying; Kiigllsh now. Truth. See thu new 1W()J scoru curds for curd par ties ut the Coi'llllilt ii It Ice. Few of our Nsiploiireawiiruof tho fact that there l a place In Lincoln w heru bicycle and safety wheels may lie rented by tho hour or day. K. It. Guthrie, l.MO O street, now makes a siecialty of this brunch of his business. Never buy a bicycle or w heel of any niuko or inscription until you h-ivu seen E. H. Giitlu ie, 1M0 O street, Hu bundles tho most celebrated wheels nud makes prices that never fall to effect n trade. Hotnling the O street grocer has full lluo of Hiitavia, New York, fiuit nud vogrttnblos, also their miiiceiueut. The Ferguson Music hoiiso lms iiiomsI to lifil'j O street, wheie they still sell tliu famous Fischer, New Kiigluiid, and Wash burn pianos, also the Story mid Clink or igans. Don't forget toe place l;Ktv! Ostrtet, I - In another iut of ttstuy's iaper will bu 1 found the display udveitiscmcnt of P. lt..v..... .1... ..w..l.. ............. t r.. i... ....t... IHII l, HI, 111,- i-Aviiisit r (irni, llll lilt- KVUUlltu , Cumin Head it, then go and givu your older for tho coal you really I want. 1 p sSz-w li