Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 31, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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I J.
.? V
t .
n specialty.. -A
full of Dr. Warner's mid nnd Hull' Corset
III larue assortments,
Wo liuM) Urn iiHi'iicy lor
o Buttorlck's Pnttorns.
The. CouiiiKH will not lw responsible fir
any debts nmito by nny one in It inline, tin
r n wrlttn order nccouiMiulc the snmo,
300 JflfflggjLffl8 !
IlmifjIiiK In l'flrft frimi
$1.00 TO $20
The Courier Can tie round At
Hotel Lincoln Nowii Stand.
Windsor Hotel Now Htnnd.
Capital Hotel New Htmul.
Odell' Dining U nil New Htnml, IIUS O HI,
The Uothnm New Stand, IIH Houtli lltli Ht.
The A pox, lit North llth Street.
Kd. Young. I0S0O Street.
Clason, Kletoher A Co., 1IS0 O Htrcet.
Westerned!' Barber Shop, llurr lllock.
IntcrnHtlounl Now Emporium, IZttO Ht.
UouTon Uigur Store, l!M North llth Ntroot.
Mooro'i New Stand, lis Houtli llth Htrcet.
aTAn extra supply of papers la always left
ai ma uotunm, in
upplleirun ihort.
enso other Newmlenlorn
Eight Annual
Oct. 26-27-28.
1 137 O Street.
Church Advertisements.
Commencing April first. Tin Couiukh
will insert notices pertaining to sociables,
festival, lecture, meetings and sermons for
all churchc free of charge. A(lvertiemeiit
for entertainments where nn admission Is
charged will tie Inserted at one-half tho reg
ular rate.
l-acal anil 1'oraonat.
Whltebrerst Coal and Lime Company.
Ruth M. Wood, M. D 1220 P ttreet.
Ue Leavitt' telephone , 300, for coal.
Lincoln Ice Co., l(MO O St. Telephone 118.
The Little store ha removed to ISO icuth
12th ttreet.
Eugene Hallett, diamond merchant, 113 N
Eleventh street.
Geo. A. Raymer, con) nnd wood.
300. 1134 O ttreet.
at the WblUdireatt
Canon City Coal
Coal and Lime Co.
A beautiful line of veiling has arrived at
the Bacar, 1028 O street.
For fine millinery at econom ical price see
Herpokhetiner 6 Co'., flue line.
Ladies kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin
coln 8team Dye works, 11(W O street.
Professor O. W. Hill, teacher of Elocution
and Oratory, CSS south Eleventh street.
Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs. !).
D. Catlln professional masseur, 1220 P street.
We tell the genuine Canon City too.
Belt, Weaver & Co., 1045 O street. Tel
ephone -HO.
Ladles can have their party dresses cleaned
by the French dry process at the Lincoln
steam dye works 1105 O street.
Applications for rental of Turner hall for
socials and dauclng received at P. J. Woblen
berg's cigar store, 128 8. llth street.
Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by
the French dry clenulng process, only 15 cts.
at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 1105 U street,
"Not how cheap, but how good" is the
motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call
and see their work, 124 south' Twelfth street.
Orders for piano tuning left w 1th Young
and Elder, 208 south Eleventh street, will
receive prompt attention by 8. O. Quick.
Never order a photograph or picture of
any kind until you have seen the work done
at the new Studio Lo Grande, 124 south
Twelfth street.
Gentlemen should now get out their lat
summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam
dye works 1103 O street and have it cleaned,
dyed, repaired or pressed out.
You can get a greater variety, of wool
underwear in lames, mens and chl Wrens' at
HerpoUhelmer & Co. titan In any other
house in the west. Prices the lowest.
Wedding invitations, either printed or en
graved in the finest style of the art at The'
Cocrixh office. Correct forms and best
quality ot stock guaranteed. Samples cheer
fully shown, ,
Original round oak stoves, the only air
tight round oak stove on the market, conse
qttaatly the most economical la consumption
of futJ. Hold only by Dunham and Buck
1U6 street.
A distinctively fashionable nml distinguish
ed gathering (if eoplo crowded tho First
Presbyterian cliurch Wednesday evening to
witness the ceremony uniting In tlio holy
Isindsof limit imnny, Dr. Charles Frank Lndd
nnd Miss Minnie Hello tatta. The ceremony
wn announced to occur nt half past six
o'clock! but ere this hour arrived the largo
auditorium was ovet Mowing with tho youth,
beauty nnd Intelligence of the cltys and tho
young jH'opto were but n part of the great
throng. The fair lirlilo coming to Lincoln In
childhood' days, has (wtssed tho greater pirt
of her life hero, ami growing up to joting
womanhood has endeared herself to old ami
young nllkc, of nil, by her dimming
uny nnd obliging disposition, her many and
varied attainments umsiiig her to bo much
sought after and hcecsdtntliig a consldern
bio sucrlllco of time on her uu t, complying
with sweet nmliihlllty to thn many dom-uids
llimlo llKin her she has deserved nnd won the
genulnogintltudonnd highest r.'ganl of alt.
Hence It was that thosu who knowing her as
u winsome girl, vlod with each other In do,
tug honor by their pro-ence to tho beautiful
bride. Her young associates, too, In whoso
legnrdnml affection sho has over held llrst
place, evinced special pleasure nt tho good
fortune of their fneii.l, their familiar faces
heightening nppnclalily tho color and bonll'
ty of tho In-nutlful scone which tho lutcilor
of thocdlllco presented, Tlio ladles of tho
congregation unknown to nuyoiiu but them
selves had bestowed decorations lavishly mid
with striking taste, tlio organ and pulpit
platform being hidden from view by maws
of palms and chrysanthemums.
(tuesti weruMited by Mr. Frank C. Zeh
rung, Mr. Frank H. llurr, Mr. John T. Dor
Kali, Mr. W.U. Clarke, Mr. UrorgoN. Fores
man, nnd Mr. W, K. Hardy,
At (I ;!!0 o'clock ns the tuneful nnd iuspli lug
strains of Iihengrlu'H wrddlug ninrch lllleil
the church In nKnso to Mm. Ilnguall' del
icate touch, tho bridal party entered. First
cnuio tho usher named above, then came
Misses Hoho J-'ostor and Florence I'utuim
strewing lloweis In tho path ot the brldo who
followed. Miss (attn, always beautiful, was
a vision of lovllness Indeed. Bbo wn attired
in whlto faille silk udornod with white chif
fon lace. Hho wore a veil, nnd a sho moved
gracefully down the left aisle, her queenly
bearing nnd charming demeanor drew forth
a universal exclamation of admiration.
The groom and liest man, Mr. 11. B. Free
man, emerged from tho study on tho right
nnd met tho bridal jwtrty in front of the nl
tar, where nt this moment tho ofllclnting
clergyman, Dr. E. II. Curtis and Dr. W. 8.
IjtxUa, the father of the bride npieared. The
ushers wore arranged on either tide. Dr.
CurtU used the Epkcoiwil mnrrlnge service
with nu Introduction nnd ending improvised
by himself. Subdued melody emanated
from the organ while the words were lielng
pronounced nnd the ceremony won rendered,
If possible, with more than tho usual impres
sIvenesR. The wtrty retired through tho
right aisle, Dr. Iiddiiud his bride leading.
Dr. C. F. Laiht, while hU residence in this
city has been coninmttvel limited, has In
the few years which bo ha (Hissed here, re
ceived the distinguished social recognition
which his graceful accomplishment have
merited. Like his fair hi ido he Is blessed
with all thosu qualities which go to mnko n
genial couiauton and no young gontloiniin
In Lincoln Is more generally liked and es
teemed. He is n member of the leading so
cial organisations nnd is well-ami favorably
known throughout the city. In his choen
profession he has won marked distinction
and is numbered among tho brightest and
ablest of his professional iissocUtei. His
high social XMltiou and uusIiicni standing
have given him special prominence mul
it Is n pleasure to record that both
ho and his brldo deserve eptl con
gratulations, for never was there it couple m
manlfehtly suited each for tho other. In
ersonal npoariiuce tho groom is manly and
dlgultled and as they passed out ot the church
at tho cIomi of tho ceremony, tho newly mat
ed pair made nn unusually handsome nnd
striking npiearnnce. The ceremony was fol
lowed by a brilliant reception nt tho resi
dence ot tho brides parents, Dr. nnd Mr. W.
H. Lntta, 1128 L street, attended by tienrly
300 guests. The house was tastily decorated
nnd tho dwelling was thronged with people
until after nine o'clock when, attended by n
ituniW of friends, Dr, and Mrw. Ladd left
for the Missouri Pnciflo depot where they
took the train for Bt. Louis, from which
place they go to Whitehall, III., tho old homo
of the groom. They will return to Lincoln
in about ten days and after December llrst
will be at home at Twe,nty-sccond nnd Wash
ington streets.
The high mtwiii lu which bride and groom
are held was evident In the array ot wedding
gifts winch were very numerous mid costly.
Such a collection, has never before been seen
lit this city. At 8:30 the medical student ot
Cottier university of which Dr. Lntta is dean,
apiKMired nnd serenaded the bridal couple.
Besides Governor and Mrs. Thayer and many
prominent Lincoln eople, the following
from out of town were at the reception: i.Ir.
Clarence E. Brown, of Omaha; Mlssot Min
nie und Georgio Hnwke, ot Nebraska City;
Mrs. Will Uector, of Nebraska City; Mr. W.
Farnham Hmith, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs.
if, Q. Alkenlierry, Mis Mauatn Aikeuberry
nnd Mrs. A. W. White of IPlattsmouth; Mrs.
George Hentou, of York; Mix. Will Bnpp, of
Council Bluffs.
excellently fiirnl'lird by tho I'hlllormoulu
orchestra, insisted by Miss WllloUghby.
Kcficrlimcnts were served In tho Imll nnd
the occasion throughout wns n most enjoy,
nblo one. Following is n list of those pres
ent t Messrs nnd M'lnincs L. Mbernnn,
M. Kohn. M. Meyer, M A. Newmnrk, L.
Meyer, I. Friend, II. Khrllch ot Ut, Joseph,
I. ()iKiilieltner, M. 0ii'nliolmcr, I, llrucks,
U, Wesel Jr. H.iiii Wessel, J, lletilller, L,
llerkMin. L. HellwIg.J, Bhcmlierg, T. Wile,
II, Goldsmith, H. I'olwolsky. Mlss. l'aulliio
Goldsmith, Ida Friend, Ida Olnunsoii, Ulleu
I'r.'end, 1'aiilmu Friend, Amnmln ICohu, lton
Kohli, Halllo lhrksoii. Messrs Henry
Mayer, K. Iledit, J. OpiH'iiheliuer.A. Eisner,
C. W. Gunnison, K. M. Fri-ml, Mam Itlch,
ljulo Ilasse, Geo. Viola, Leo GllKgeu
helnier, Willie Meyer, Meyer llarr. A. II.
Bplesbeiger, Iiuls Colin,
A leceptlou was tendered Hov, ami Mrs.
John Hewitt Monday evening by ( senior
warden, Mr. J, H. Wnlsh, tho vestry of the
Holy Tiiulty pnrlsh nt the residence of Mrs,
Amanda I'litmau, M south Twelfth street
nml was attended by fully live hundred eo
pie. Mr. Piiiimm, .Mr. II, J Wnlch, Hov.
and Mis. P. II, Oakley presented the guests.
Hev. Dean Gardner of Uiiiaha ilcllvcied it
In let iiddresi to tho couple in who-e li'juor
the ivceptloii was given, after which Mr. H.
J, Wnlsli preoilted n beautiful case of silver
given by tho parMi. Dr. M. II. Gardner
presented n crown nnd cross lu behalf of the
Mount Moduli commnmlery. Hov. nml Mrs.
How lit were the recipients ot numerous other
costly pre'entsiiud HMiouded to the presen
tation ss.eches in n very hnppy manner.
Following from tho New Yoik Tribune of
Thui'Mlny of Inst week will bo of Interest to
the many friends of tho the groom:
F01.HOM Mii.i.ku At Nyiick-oii-lludson,
Wednesday, October 21, 1MU, by the
groom's father, Hov, Author Folsom, Anna,
daughter of Dr. E. II. Miller, to Morris W.
Folsom, ot Lincoln, Neb,
Mr. nml Mrs. Folom arrived in the city
Tuesday nnd Aero tho guests of Mr, and
Mrs, N, G. Elder lu Enst Lincoln for it few
dnys but nro now nt homo i.t 1225 K. street,
Mrs, FoIhoiii Is it lady ot rare chnrms and
many womnuly uccomplMimeut mid will
receive a warm welcome to tho new homo ot
her adoption.
Commenting on n recent musical fete
given lu Denver tho Times givoi the follow
lug complementary notice to n lady well
nnd popularly known in this city. "Mrs.
Knte B. Cheney who snug so churmlngly nt
tho Broadway theatre Saturday evening
has lately located in Denver. She is tho
K)NsesMr ot a pure, sympathetic nnd finely
cultivated voice, and Is it great addition to
tho musical circles of tho city," Mrs.
Cheney is it sister of Mm. Thomas Howell
where she has been visiting during the tutst
summer. Tho lady's many friends In Lin
coln will be pleased to learn of her success.
The engraved, stationery department of
tho Wessel Printing company has met with
greater success than over this season, Near
ly all the Invitations for the recent wed
dings have been Issued from this otllcn and
scarcely n day passes but that one or moro
ders are received. tVo kH'p posted on the
correct forms and proper styles In this line
and can always supply them on short notice.
Either printed or engraved invitations exe
cuted lu tho finest work ot the art. Our sam
ples tell tho tale call and see them before
The East Lincoln Whist club was delight
fully ntertnlued Wednesday afternoon at
the home ot Mrs. W. U. Iloberls, 2020 Q street.
There were present: Mesdames Sawyer,
Stevens, Charles Pace, Smith, Brown, Unto,
W. B. Humphrey, lloberts, Holyoke. Belm,
Tuttle, I. W. Lansing, Uoyet". L. C. Pace,
Travis. At 5:30 an elegant luncheon was
served nfter which tho club adjourned to
meet next Wednesday ut 2 p. in. with Mrs.
W, B. Humphrey nt 2811 Q street.
A farewell reception was tendered Mrs.
Jessie .Welch Tuesday evening, it being tho
eve ot her depai tore for New Yoi k . A Inrgo
company ot friends were royally eiitettaiued
by tho charming nnd elllcient busters, Miss
Minnie LeOraud. Tho music for tho occa
sion was delightful and was under the direc
tion otl'iof. J, Brezee. High, live was the
leading feature of the evenings entertain
ment Mid they rcynl price fell respectively
to Mrs. Welch nnd Mrs. Robert Kizer.
venlent nml cheap. Call nt CouiUKit o41ce
mid see them,
Mr. Harry Nott of Oumlm, editor and
proprltor of thn Western .Merchant, wns the
guest of Mr. W. Morton Smith Thursday
nml Friday.
Mr. nmlMrs. II. Ehrlich, aftira few days
visit with their relatives. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ixiti
Wemel, 182? L stieet, lettlinod to St. Joseph
Miss Mny Eaton of Dallas, Texas, arrived
in this city Wedni slay nnd will spend tho
winter with her mint, Mrs. M. K. Hestwlck.
The Plymouth Literary club will meet nt
the lesldeuco of Dr. Moore next Tuesday
evening, All nro cnrdlnlly Invited to attend,
Anion Iluckstnir Is doing Colorado Springs
nml it letter to n friend rnys he is feeling
excellent ami hns gained eighteen pounds,
Mrs. Alt. J. Shilling returned Thursday
after it I hi ee weeks visit in Chicago, llloom
Ington, Ills, and Perry In,
Continued on pigo C.
llxcflloiit Locution to Kent,
Thi part of the store room now being
vacated by tho Interior Decorative Co.
tl.'M N street Is for rent ton suitable tenant.
The Intoi lor Decorative Co. ociied lu this
location last spil'ig. Their buines tins
Increased to such enormous proHrtlotm as
to make the one half of the stole loom 25
by 1 10 feet limdopi'itri. This shows the
value of the stoics which has nil the modern
Improvements, Iticiu ling steam heat, water,
closets, rear entrance and platform to re
ceive goods; is large, light, nml nlry nml
handsomely lltted up. For terms etc. cnll
at olll"o phono 253,
Score Curds for Cant 1'artles,
We hnvo Jut placed on vale n beautiful
now score curd which is delighting nil that
have seen It. It Is new, neat and nobby and
jti't tho thing for caul pintles. We iiImi
hnvo n neat cord and tassel Mich as is uod on
ball programs which nro much neater than
ribbons, easier nml moro quickly put on and
lastly are much cheaper and look better.
Always call at the CouitlEHofllcobcforo giv
ing card parties and we can supply you with
score sheets nml trimmings thnt nro both or
iginal nnd cheap.
Ilnllet now has n benuty In n Lincoln
souvenir skoii nnd one that bids fair to
take rank with the finest specimens of work
in thnt Hue. It ohona the cnpltnl building
in the bowl of the soou nnd In such innnner
ns to give an excellent view of a big part
of the prominent structure. The engraving
and raised work Is artistically executed and
how much skill nml careful attention to
each detail . It Is n beautiful souvenir and n
most creditable i epresentatlen of Nebras
ka's beautiful cnpltnl city. This spoon and
design is the exclusive property ot Eugene
Hallett and ho will accordingly retain tho
sole right lo sell them nt his own popular
place of business. If you haven't seen this
poon, its time you were wcmllng your wny
towards Ilnllett's.
'Salt Creek."
The Salt creek question is of vast impor
tance. On this dejMMid tho proper sowerago
of our city. If elected sanitary district
trustee I shall fulfill the trust and give you
good sewarago ns soon as it can be done,
without fear, favor or politics. Respect
fully, E. 11. Andhuh.
handles the Coal Creek Canon
We Invito attention to our cloak depart
ment, promising to show tho largest nnd
most attractive stock of stylish garments
over displayed in Lincoln. Our stock is
made up from tho lines of several ot the
largest mauufacturles In the country and
wo think we can satisfy any taste.
Very respectfully,
Milleh & Paine.
Don't be deceived by buying Inferior
grades ot coal but get the Only Genuine
Canon City nt Barton's, corner Tenth und
O streets. Telephone 710.
The first Pleasant Hour vtrty of the season
was held at Lincoln hotel Thursday evening
and although tho attendance was not ns
large as on some previous occasions tho en
joyment realized was fully equal that of any
(Mtrtv ever given In Lincoln. On this occa
sion many new and elaliorato commies made
their first npHaranco and tho scene present
ill wns one of moro than usual beauty and
brilliancy. Tnot artlclpants were: Misses
Lealn Shears, Carson, Fannie Smith, Kittle
Miller. Anna Fuuke, Gertrude. Laws, Georgio
and Minnie Ha wke of Nebraska City, Mar
garet Balrd, Maud Miller, Martha Fuuke,
Alice Cowdry, Dena Loomls, Maud Burr,
Vay Marshall, Nellie Kelly, Rachael Brock,
Fnuuio Hawley, Jeaunetto Wilson, Lulu
Clark, Bertlo Clark, Maude Smith, Halllo
llooer, Olive Latta; Messrs, Charles llurr,
W, E. Hardy, Frank Hathaway, Clarence
Brown of Omaha, Harry Kuatt ot Omaha,
Will Claike, Harry Krug, George Fores
man of Omaha, F. U. Zehruug, II. 8. Free
man, Otcar Fuuke, W. Morton Smith, Char
les Hall, Martin Altken, John Dorgnn, C. 11.
Riciitcr, Fred Howe, Charles Mngoon, Fred
Boole, Robert Joyce, Will Hammond, Ed'
ward Fitzgerald, E. J. Fitzgerald, Frank
Burr, Dr. Reeves and Lieutenant Perilling;
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BuckstafT, Mr, and Mis.
K, K, Haydeu, Mrs. Brantleld of Barnsvllle,
Ohio, Mrs. Redder of Nebraska City and
Mr. C. E. Loomls.
Lincoln Lodge No. 377, 1. O, B. B. gave a
vey successful hop at the new Turner ball
Monday evening in celebration ot the third
anniversary of the lodge and there were
about titty couples in attendance. The hall
was beautifully decorated aiid the inuilo was
WediiO'ulay afternoon at the hom of tho
bride's parents, Washington, Iowa, Mr.
James Miller of this city, was married to
Miss Ella Brindley, by Rev. Wing, directly
nfter which the happy couple left for this
city, nml nro now at home nt 1001 R street.
The bride is not a stranger lu Lincoln, hav
It'g visited here several times as the gue st of
her sister, Mrs. W. R. Cambridge, nnd her
return is u source ot much pleasure to her
many friends.
The ceremony uniting in mnrrlnge Mr,
Charles Klimnet and Miss Adah II, Vlvyan
took place Wednesday evening promptly nt
eight o'clock at the residence ot the bride's
(tarents, Twenty-ninth nnd N streets, and
was erfoiined by Rev. F. S. Stein under n
beautiful marriage bell. Mr. ond Mrs.
Kfnuuel will mako Lincoln their future
home nnd number a host ot friends lu this
city who wish them happiness nml success.
Mr. nnd Mrs, M. Well, late ot Clyde, Kns.,
lire now at homo ut 1228 II street. Mr,
Well some time ago purchased nu Interest
In the Lincoln Pulnt und Color company,
where he may now be found taking au
active part in the management of that
thriving manufacturing und jobbing In
dustry. Mr, nnd Mrs. Well speak well of
their newly adopted homo where they have
received u generous welcome.
Tho progrms used nt tho owning party
of tho Pleasant Hour club were decidedly u
novelty and u very pretty one too. Ic was
neat and compact und very conveniently
arranged for handling. Muster ot ceie
luouies, Flunk Zehruug made the tvelccllou
from tho attractive line ot new d.tuce lists
that woio reoo'ved only a few weeks ago ut
the CtiUHltUl otllce.
A reception wits given by the meuibeis of
Lincoln lodge K. ot P, Tuesday evening ut
Cnstlo hull lu honor of Mrs. A. Young of
Coucoid, N. 11., supreme chancellor ot I he
Py thluu tUtoi hood. There was it large num
ber in attendance und the evening pus.-ed
very pleasantly with from Grand
Chancellor, W. S, Hamilton and others.
Miss Pauline Goldsmith 137 north Eigh
teenth stieet eutel tallied it number ot friends
yesteiday ufteinoou in honor of Miss Levy
cf New Orleans, who is visiting her aunt,
Mrs. M. Ackermanii.
Mr. Clarence E, Brown of Omaha was in
tlio city thl'i week attending the Luttu-Lidd
nuptials and the Pleasant Hour club party
and was outertaned by Mr. William h.
Mhs Minnie Hnwke nml Mrs. Will Rector
of Nebraska City attended the Iattit-Ludd
nuptials Wednesday and the Pleu-uut Hour
club party Thursday evening.
Mr. Robert D. Mulr nml Mist LiM E.
Hathaway will be mairled ut the home of
tho bride's parents, 1001 M street, Wetnes
day at five o,clock.
Ladles entertaining at card will do well to
see our new score cards. They are neat, con-
Cottier Art school open for students Wed
nesday, Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday of
each week from 0 a.m. to 4 P.M. Rooms 01
02, Latta block, 137 south Eleventh street.
4:t Mihh L. Muut'itv, Director.
"OI t" anthracite, finest in
the city.
See tho new lbltt score cards for card
ties at the Couiukh otllce.
Lndles hnir dressing, Miss Johnston, 111
O street.
All meals nt Odell's hew dining hall re
duced to twenty cents. No credit nnd no
tickets to anyone. The meals ure snme ns
formerly and tho pi ice lower than ever.
This mnlces the board nt Udell's cheap and
he best in tho state for the money.
Now Is tho tune to get stoves for the win'
ter. Dunham iV Buck have a big line ot ull
the finest makes. They also repair old
stoves, set them up nnd furnish part needed
at reasonable cost. Cull, 1120 O street or tel
ephone 300.
The WhitebrenstConlnnd idmo company
is always nt the front supplying the finest
grades of all kinds of coal
Wo nru oltcrlng bargains tlintj you
cannot resist in tho following depart
ments. ULOAKS.LDRKHS 0001)3
DEItWEAIl. Heo our stock beforo
buying elsewhere, o
1109 0 STREET,
Our SpeciHLTies :
Wedding Invitations,
Reception Cards,
Party Invitations,
Ball Programs,
Calling Cards, Etc.
Eitfier ?r fitted Engraved
Seven years experience gives us knowledge of what is
the proper thing required for Weddings, Balls, Parties, Ban
quets, and all occassions where particular and fine work is
needed. Our forms are guaranteed correct and prices
1134 N Street.
eleph one 253
Call on Leavitt liefore
1133 O street.
buying your coal,
The handsomest things in Indies head wear
at Herpolsheimer & Co's millinery doart
Only the finest cuts nnd choicest ments
served to customers of Chlptuan & Sheen,
1.141 O street. Phono 180.
The celebrated Egg Shampoo removes
dandruff and promotes the growth of tho
hair. For sale tiy Miss Johnston, 1114 O
Cnll on Henry Harpham, 142 north llth
street, opKslte Capital hotel for harness,
whips, surcingles, curry combs and brushes,
harness oil, uxta grease nml uxlo oil harness
Leavitt handles Canon City, Domestic nnd
New Kentucky.
One hundred fliiot engraved calling cards
ami plate only 2..V) ut Wessel Printing Co.,
1130 N street.
100 finest engraved calling curds und pinto
for ".." at The Couiukh otllce.
Gi nml cloak exhibit ut Herpolsheimer &
Co. tallies nnd children's clonks in the
greatest variety at the lowest prices.
tadta will consult tholr best Interests by
oi deiiug their meat und game at Cliipmsii
and Sheen, 1.111 O street. All orders either
in person or over telephone IbO will be
promptly delivered,
IT VW9R91a9tfJBl Oft'
For Ladies and Misses. Stvlish. vnt Pivir-tiVnUU u:..i..
. J J- - --. wiwlv. ,it 1N.IUIIL
Prices, and an Assortment the Largest.