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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, ibcjt 4 pr ISjV O J7 orb, $msgj Nickel Savings Stamps Good (or Depjlt in the Nebraska Sav ings Bank will be found for Sale at the Following Places: Herpolsheliner A Co., Exposition Dopart nicnt Store. Clnson A- Fletcher. Wall Paper and Htattun cry, UiMO. A. L. Shnder. DriiKs. Hooks, Paints, OIU mill Notion. Fifteenth anil O. llitldwlu Pros., Hardware, 1217 0. McKenuy A Son, Drugs, Htiiuonery, and Notions, 'J7I2 0. Btclncr A Hchcilt, Dispensing DrilKKlsts, corner Twelfth mid I'. lljorknmii A- I.liul wnll, Druggists, '.Ml North Tenth. J. M. Ilrond, lrocerle, ele., fWd Ninth Twenty-seventh. I.lmloll Hotel, Corner Thirteenth mid M. W. (lno Miller. Confectionary and Notions University t'liice. D. .!. Hullo, Oenornl Merchandise, tic, Went Lincoln Charles K. MeMnrniy, Groceries anil Meut, llclmont. Chicago and Erie R. R (r.:tn Clilcnvo A Atlantic K'y.) n Connection w lib the Erie Railway kohms jTin: :oni.y; use IIKTWKKN Chicago and New York Undui-jOneMiumeinont. SOLID TRAINS. Tho TltrotiRh Trains ot tills Line between Chi cago nml New Yor are run solid, twin avoiding annoyance mid confusion orclmnvlin: ears or iuIs'Ihk connections. Vestibule Limited Service Vostlbuled f.lmlted Trains, consisting of liiii;- boko, HinoKlnu and Day Coaches, with Pullman DIiiIiir and. Slcunlin? Curs (heated by steam, llishted by bus), over this Mnu3 Even- I)av In the Year. Pullman Service to Boston. A Pullman lluifet Sleeping Unr to and from lloston tWIly via this route. This Im tho ONLY MN13 lliiiiiilnit Pullman Cars between Chicago and lloston. BUCKEYE R O V T E To Columbus, Ohio, and Ashland, IC. Pullman Sleeping Car between Chlcngo and above Points dully. Trains Arrive ami l.oave Dearborn Htallon, CIllCAOO. For further Information, call on the nearest Hullroad Ticket Agout, or address W 0 Btnearaoa, & M Tucker, D I Roberts, Gen. Pass. Am. Oen. Mur. A.a.P.Aut. New York. Cleveland. Chicago Santa Fe Route ! Atcbison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service lietvveen Kansas Cilv and PUGULO.COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City and GaUeston. The Short Line Between City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Piincip.d Points in Teas. TheOnlv Line Running Tluongh the OKLA'IIOMA COl'NTRY. The Onlv Direct Line to the Pan Handle Foi Maps and Time Tables and Infm illa tion Regaidlng Rates and Routes Call on or Aihiiess E. L. PALMF.K. P.issengei Agent, 4 1 1 N Y. Life Building, O JVC J X-I -A. , IK'S: 33 . A FAMOUS GOOSE STORY. Tliri Mixing l.rg ninl Muxr II Vh Ac counted Pur. "Wust scrape I cber got Into with ile Mnrsii John win ober lleuny. She wiw u liarrlciiuu In deui days. Shu come Into ile kitchen oucu where I was liulpln net de dinner ready, an de cook had gono to de spring house, nil nhosujs: "'Child, what Jo cooklli dat smells mi nicer' " 'Dut's n goose,' I niiyn, 'cookln for Mursn John's dinner. We got quality,' says , polntlii to de dinlii room do'. "'(Junlltyl' sho says. 'Spec I know what do quality Is. Dut's for yon an de cook.1 "Wld dat sho grabs a carvln knife from de table, opens dodo' oh do big oven, cut olT a leg oil do koosv, and dls'poars round do kitchen corner wld de leu in her luoiif. "Fo' I knowed whar I was Marsa John come to do kitchen do' and says, 'Glttln late, Chad, bring In do dinner.' "You see, major, dey im't no tin and down stairs In do big house, llku It Is hcio; kitchen an dinlii room all on do snmu Ho', "Well, sah, I was scared todef, but I tuk dat goose and laid him uldde cut side down on du bottom ob do pan 'fo' do cook got hack, put some dresslu and stullln ober him and shet de stove do', Den I tuk do sweet potatoes an do lioinluy an put 'em on du table, and den I went back In du kitch en to get do h.ikcd ham. I put on du ham an some mo' dishes, an Mnrsa says, looklu up: " 'I t'oilght dcro was. n roast gooso, Chad?' " 'I an't yord nothlii 'bout no goose,' I ajs, 'I'll ask du cook.' "Next inluuto I yerd olo Mnrsa n-hol-lerlns " 'Mummy Jane, uu't wu got n, goosol' " 'Lotd-u-mussyl yes, Mursn. Chad, you wu'thless nigger, au't you tuk dat gooso out ylt?' " 'Is wo got n goose?' says I. " 'Is wu got a gooso? Didn't you help pick It?' "I scu wlmr mj liar was short, an I snatched up a lint dish from do hearth, opened du oven do, uu slide du gooso ill Just as he was, an lay 1 1 1 lit down befo' Mursn John. " 'Now see what du ladles'll iiavofor din- I tier,' says old Mara, plckiu up his carvln knife. "'What'll you tako for dinner, miss?' says I. 'Haked hum?' " 'No,' she says, looking tip to wlmf Marsii Jobu sat; 'I think I'll tako a leg ob dat goose jess so.' "Well, tnursu cut olV du legun put a llttln stullln an gravy on it wld u spoon, an sayn to me, 'Chad, seu what dat gemiuan'll have." '"What'll you tako for dinner, sab?' saj-s I. 'Nlco breast o' goose, or sllco o' ham?' "'No. I think I'll take a leg ob dat goose.' "I didn't hay iiullln, hut I knowed bcry well bo wu'u't u-gwluo to git it. "Hut, major, you ougbter seen olu inarsu looklli for de udder leg ob dat goosol Ho rolled him ober on du dish, dls way an dat way, an den hu jabbed dat olo bono han dled carvln fork in him an hel him up olier do dish an looked under him an on top ob him, and den hu bays, kinder sad like: '"Chad, whar is du udder lug ob dat goosu?' " 'It didn't hub none,' says I. "You mean to say, Chad, dat do goose.) on my plantation ou'y got one leg?" " 'Some ob 'em has an soinu oh 'em im'r You see, mnrsa, wo got two kinds In i pond, an wu was a little hurried today, o Mummy .lane cooked dls one 'cause I cotched it fust.' " 'Well,' said hu, looklu like hu look when hu send for you in de little room, I'll huttlu wld yo niter dinner.' "Well, dar I was sldverln an slinklu In my shoes, an droppiu gravy an spliliu du vvinu on thu tablecloth, I was dat shuck up; an when do dinner was ober hu calls all do ladies an gemmen, an says: 'Now comedown to du duck pond. I'm gwlno to show dis nigger tint all du gooses oil my plantation got mo' dun oiiu leg.' "I followed long, trapesln after dowhola kit, an b'iliu, an when wu got to do pond" here Chad neatly went into a con vulsion with suppressed laughter "dar was do gooses slttlu on a log In du middle ob dat olu green goose pond wld one leg st uck down ho an du udder tu der du wing." Chad wan now on ouo leg, balancing himself on my chair, thu tears running down ids cheeks. " 'Dar, inarsa,' says I, 'don't you beol Look at dat olo gray goo.e! Dut's de berry match ob du unu wu had to-day.' "Don do ladies all hollered an do gem men laughed ho loud they jerd 'em at do big house. "'Stop, you black scoundrell' Marsn John says, his face gottiu white an he a-Jerkln his handkerchief from his pocket. Shool' "Major, I hope to have my brains kicked out by a lamo grasshopper if ebery ouo ob 'em gooses didn't put down do udder legl' " 'Now, you lyin nigger,' ho says, ralslii his cauo ober my head, 'I'll show you '"Stop, Marsn Johnl' I hollered; "tnn't fair, Han't fair. " 'Why an't it talr?' says he. " ' 'Cause,' says I, 'you didn't say "Shool" to do goose what was oil do table.'" Century. I'nlil In Kind. A Hoosler lad of twelve years was in dustriously nt work upon a pllu of wood in bis mother's hack jard, when ho was uppioaclied by a playmate. "Hello, Hen," said thu youngster, "do you gut anything fercuttln thu wood?" "Well, I reckon I do," leplled Hen. '.Mn gives mo a cent a day fer iloiu It." "What yer goin to do with yer money "Oh, sbu's savin it fur inu, and w he 1 get enough hhu's golu to get me a new u ' Youth's Companion. From Mid Ktperlentu. jpfc I ;i&. ,te1 r.!.. ... fl Kb ..d' 1 . ii-'i-, ',.t .:, ' StfM: J s Hit o v..,, mv n infjrrr What u splendid piofi inti' He I'd lather he a eleigyniau. fslie- Win? lie Hi cause then no one would answer I aie back - Harper's lliijir. , v U- liupriiirit I'rovrrlm. Ho laughs best who does not laugh at n woman vv hen she thinks them Is a mollso In thu room. A rolling stone never "gets theiu," When a Muted husband comes In bytho window a lint Iron Is apt to lly out at thu door. A bird and a bottle In hand Is worth two boarding house dinners anywhere else, Every man's house Is his servant girl' castlu, Thu rate is not always to thu horse you put ) our money on. A run In time saves the nine. If at llrst you don't succeed, lie, Hu again -Tom Hall In Life. Tim Wruiitf Kind of Cupper. 7$i "What Wrts Liomy's trouble with tlio authoillles In Ituuier" "lie was told If he threw a copper Into the Fountain of Vrevl hu would return to Home." "Wlii'ii) was thu harm?" "lie tried tn I blow a policeman In." Truth. .MMllfiil nlril, Rlii) (severely) -I have been Informed that you Intend to give a bauhelnr dinner to your friends on thu iluy liefoio wo mu to be married. Now, as I understand It, a bachelor dinner is for thu purpose of tak ing leave of a gang of fellows whom no gentleman would Intioducu to hit wlfo, mid I should Just like to know why a gun tleinuu should havusucli lie My dear, you have been misin formed. I haven't the least Intention of giving a bachelor dinner or taking leave of anybody. "You haven't?" "Of course not. I shall meet them every night at t he club just thu siimu as before." New YorkVeekly. Ills I'IinI. A schoolboy of Incorrigible laziness sur prised his parents thu other day on return ing home from school, by proudly Inform ing them that hu had secured thu prize for English grammar. "The prlzu for English grammar!" ox claimed his astonished father. "Why, I have always understood that you aru thu very last boy In thu class." "So I am, father," returned young hope ful, "and It was really Dick Porter who got the grammar pi 1e, hut hu left It In thu train when wu changed at Chapman Junc tion, and sol collared it sharp." Loudon Figaro. Heard In the Mulit. "Mamma, please gimme a drink of water. I'm so thirsty." "No; you are not thirsty. Turn over and go to sleep," (A pause ) "Mamma, won't you please gimmu u drink? I'm so thirsty!" "If you don't turn over and 'go to sleep I'll get iipnntlspnuk J out" (Another p-mse.) "Mamma, won't you pleaso gimme u di Ink when you gut up to spunk inuf" Life. Tun Klnils, An ordinary tliuuderstorm is said to travel nt thu average ratu of thirty miles an hour. Of course, that Is thu plain, or dinary thliudeistorm that mutely goes loallug along for the purpose of souring milk and committing minor depredations. Tlit tliuuderstorm designed especially to catch you out in jour now fall suit and silk hat swoops along at a much faster rate. Detroit Fieo Press. She Could Walt. A Tuxas lady sent her servant over to thu house of a sick tieiphlior. "Mrs. Smith Mituit mu over to ask how your husband am conilu on dis inawuingl'" "Very bad, Indeed. Thu doctor says hu may dlo any minute," was thu reply, "Den I reckon I had better wait a little while, as I hasn't got iiullln elsu to do juss now." Texas Sittings. A Cletnr Child. Gretchen (to her little brother) Do bo quiet, HaiiHchen; don't you hear that there's a visitor in the next room? Ilanschen How do you know? You haven't been In! Gretchen Hut I hear iiiamnia saying "My dear" to papa. Tagllchu Hundsclmu. A .Serious Outrun. Justice Stuffy What charge do yon bring against this prisoner!' Ollicer O'Toole Hu was staliu fruit off a Dago widout pnyin fur it. Just leu Sttitfy Prisoner, you aru charged with Impersonating an ollicer, how do you ple'idf Now York Herald. Method III Nero's MudnitM. What the Teacher Told Hobble-When Home burned thu F.mperor Nero was play ing ullddle. What Hobble Told His Mother thu Teach er Mild -F.mpeior Nero was playing a fid dle, so the) burned Homo Truth It Wasn't 1 hem, A country girl wrote to her lover, "Now, fit urge, don't vein f.ile to lie at thu Night ingales' Hel i eat tonight" Oeorgtt wrote back that "in the bilulit lelcon of youth Woitester's I'nnbrlilged theio's no such word as 'fiilo.'" Oncea Week. A I'imllMll Aieidelll. Friend Were theio any incidents in thu foot ! ill game toilav v Piayi i Only one A mule in an adjoin inu tied In ike loo-e, got mixed up with I the L-aiiic and was pietty badly hurt. tJood News. No ll.iuuer uf IIsn, Iluelor It l a little dlllieult to diagnose joilli.ise. I'elliaps Jou have been eating l'atieii-imposhiiiie nils hotel ituii on the F.uiopi an plan New Yolk Weekly Nothing In I v., i. Lad) Little is"), Uu't that jour mother calling )ou I.iltln Hov Yex'm "Whj don't yuu nnsiver lier, then?" "Ill 'I VH " lllHlll Nl'Ws THE ARIZONA KiCKEH. Niitliliic to rir from Toir Wo urn Nil to (let Ihrrn. Poult SIIOOTINO As we wore comlna acioss the sand lotsthuntheruvnultig, aftot spending a couplonf very ngreeahlu hour attlmiulotm residence of thu Widow Jack son, some would be assassin, who wasll) hiding, 11 red sl bullets at us from a to volver We think It was Tom Hlgelnw. We think o because Tom hassliot ntuvery body In town and never lilt any one. lit didn't bit us Helug armed only with a bowle knife, wu lit out us soon asthushoot lug began, and the last bullet went tee feet above our head. We did think of hunting Tom up yester day and splitting his ear Willi u bullet as i great mural lesson, but on second thntight we (.onuluded not to waste the time. Ilu'll keep on hinting away around this town mil II somebody gets vexed at the nolso ami then he'll suddenly go hence Wu don't want his f unci ill expenses on our hands. IIi.'h A SlMlsritliiril Last week, as no ticed by our coutempoiary In adoubluleadivl in llelo with three scaro bends on It, Jhn lleiislmw, who owns thu cactus much out i. n thu Tucson road, refused tu take hi ropy of The Kicker out of tho poslolllce. Jim not only owed us ?1..V) on suhscilp lion, but refused Ids paper to hurtour del lugs, lie's been sine on us over since vvt refused to lend him our white shirt tin. onlv one in town to go on a drunk In. We waul to show an accommodating spirit toward all, and wu have tho namiiol beluga good fellow, but wu wnnttos.iv right here and now that wu believe a com moii wool shut Is plenty good enough foi any iiiati In tins town to get drunk In. II It Isn't, he'd better stay sober. When we saw Jim's little game w mounted our uiuloaiul rodu over to Inter view him lie was expecting us, Oik bullet went through our hat and another raked our mule, lint after that Jim hi) down anil we dug the bullet out of his shoulder ninl helped hlui Into his dugout, lie not only paid us nil an ears In spot cash, bill a dollar on advance subscription null as soon us able to move about be wit personally canvass for subscribers. Wi: Siiai.i. (!i:t Tur.itr.. List Frlda) evening we wem nominated for mnyor bj acclamation, and this Is equivalent to nil election We don't deny that wu sough, the nomination We have had our eje ov It for a) ear pist Wu shall also do oill level best to snow our opponent under, We have been moved tn this coursu by P l desire to see thu town well governed and j beiiillse we believe thu uiiijor should bt the lepresentativo mini of the town, Wt me that man Thciu's no use In lllllnu ami hacking and talking about modest) mill self conceit and all that. Wu lead tbit town Wu know inoio than any ten men I In it rolled together Wu shall maku tin I best tua) or thu town bus ever had, ami w shall see thai all thu city printing Is given to Thu Kicker nt legal rates. M. Quad It New York World. An Auxloiia Inquirer, Vulet Doctor, don't; on llnd thntniaa ter Is growing terribly tlilnf Doctor No harm in in that, friend; he mis getting too fat. He will bo much bet ter In health when hu ii thinner. Yalet (disappointed) Very likely, only I shan't bo able to wear bis clothes. Ho- Why Hu llnd Unit. A cute joung Detiolter fond of his hone nnd fond of Ids joke was quizzing a quaint old fell j v from tho country thu other day whom In had met for tuu llrst time. "I understand joti'vo got some pretty good horses," lie veutuieil. "Yes," said thu old ouo warily, "I've got some good ones," "Anything rapid?" "Not overly. You see I alu't raisin for speed any more." "No; why not?" "'Cause there alu't much In It forme anyhow. I done fairly well till about four years ago, when I backed a line 3-thiee-old agin a mule one of thu boys owned, and fteucu that I'm kinder discouraged like." "Hacked a lions o against a iiiulu?" re peated tho young mail, Innocently sur prised. "Jcs' so." "And what was thu result?" Thu old man's eyes twinkled. " 'Bout what was to bo expected," he aid with a chuckle. "Thu diiru inula kicked tho 3-year-old full of holes in two minutes." Fourteen men laughed all at once, and thu llfteenth, who was the Dctroiter, went away by himself for as much us half au hour. Detroit Freo Press, HARDY & PITCHER - HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF - 5HSaSHSa25HSHSHEa525HSaS5HSHSH5aSH5aSHSS5H5asaSHsa5eSa5H5asaSH5H5asa5aSH fU FURNITURE .0" i; 5HSHSaSHEnSHSH52SBSaSH5H5HSHSHSH5HSa5a5H5clSa5asacl5aSHS71S5aSHSa5H5H5c1SHSHHSaSH5aS l X 211 South 11th St. l'clepliono 176, I i Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty :W AIT Not for Barnum but for the- Cjmnd Opening Of the most llcgmu Building and Largest Stock of FURNITURE liver Show in the West. It will Pay you to Wait. A. T. Gruetter & Co. 13th between 0 and P. YOU GET FITS And the right kind as well, as excellent wear and latest style in Shoes when patronizing Parker & Sanderson. See their fine line of shoes for SUMMER WEAR lOOO O ST. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH ICE CREAM FOR SUNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Hon Bons and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. IN THE CITY. LINCOLN, NEB. US FOR j V OFFICE 1001 0 Street jji u t H t,J-"i' l