Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 31, 1891, Page 5, Image 5

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Kilpatrick- Koch
Dry Goods Co.
Wish to Call Your Attention to a Few Special
8 oz. California Grev
Flannel, 29c. Usual
Price, 50c.
Special Extra Quality
Grey HlanWet, 75c per
6 11). Grey Blanket,
$1.00 per Pair.
1.66 PER 8AOK j
A Heavy Scarlet Flan
nel, at ujfe. ThU
mint lie seen to be ap
preciated. One Case
Double Width Twill
Dress Goods In Plain
Plaids and Stripes, 5c a
Yaid Sold all over
the country at 15c.
11 . .. 1..
eigne uniiciretvs
Merino Underwear
24, 26,
2ie 25c
:8, 30, Vests
-note Prices:
and I-ants
Winter W 16, 18, 20, 22
w me i7c 2ie 2t:c 28c toe the same Price.
Ladies all Wool Hose, (seamless) Double Heels and
Toes, 25c a pair, worth 35c.
Our $1.25 Kid Gloves ("Foster Hook") the ladies tell us
would be cheap at $1.50. Every pair guaranteed.
We will
Men's Underwear
put our 50c
garment in the city.
We are really too busy to quote further. Your
tion of our store and prices is respectfully requested.
Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods Co.
1518-1520 0 Street. Telephone 448.
Prompt Attention Paid to the Delivery of
Orders Received by Telephone.
Jl?e (t08t Important ueit of 1891
ED, A. CnCKCII, Manager.
tANSING ft OLIVER, Proprietor!.
T09day, flovefflber 23d.
Tkeopenlngof thlsboiuitlfol temple of amusement characterizes a. now era In dramaUo
Interests In Nebraska' fair capital city. It Is a
I And only Complete Ground Floor Theatre I
Company of Legitimate and Refined Actors!
Dramatic Star In Lincoln, Miss Lillian Lewlsl
Play of Absorbing Interest and Thrilling Situations!
Orchestra of Ability and Acknowledged Excellence!
Sounding Board Possessing Marvelous Accustlc Properties!
Seatlnc Arrancement of Unquestionable Comfort and
And Charming Effect In Draperies, Metal and Stucco Workl
System of Decoration In Fresco Adornment!
And In fact the New Lansing will be the Model Theatre of the United State.
Contlniud from 8lh pac
Mr. A. W, w returned Wednesday
from n throw weeks visit with Mis. Hoover
in Kansn City.
Mr. nml Mm. J. II. Douglas of Omaha
woio In tho city tills week visiting tho Tamlly
of C, I Jones,
Nate HilislKrctr,tlio Iriopresslblo Kiokuk
drummer wasn Lincoln visitor sovoraljdaj
this week.
Mr. Ike Stern, ho of Keokuk millinery
fiuiiK was booking orders Wednesday In
Mrs. V. M. Leonnul went to Now York
City Thurdtiy evening to Iu gone tlireo
Mrs. Joseph Uoohmer left yeterdiy for
tiilncy, 111,, onn visit to fiiviuls nml re
latives. Mr. Charles I). Trnphageii left Thursday
uvenlng for n visit t'j Peoria nml Chicago.
Mr.. Isahclla N.ipp is the guest of her
eoiilu, Miss D.iiih l.oomls In Hist Lincoln.
Hull prngi iiiiis, the newest for the spasm'
lb'.H-'J Just icetdvod nt tho Coimukii olllce.
MIhs Ni'lllo lltylfsrt of Hnutli OihiIiii is tho
guest of Mrs. K. !. Ivhapp, IIWU O street.
(Ilmi. 11. It. t).iwos of Marlotti O. Is visit
ing his sou Mr. C. (1. Dawes of this. city.
Mrs. J. V. Ilnrnmil of Omaha Is the guest
of Mrs. A, H Coirroth of lilOJU street.
Miss Maikaiet llnlrd litis gone to Weeping
Water to ivniilu n couple of iveks,
Mrs. C llluckw nudum! Miss Mary lletinett
left Wednesday for Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs. A. H. Williams mul daughter left
Monday lor Youngsiowii, O.ilo.
Mls (Icorgic llnwkc of N'ohinsku City Is
the guest of Miss llallle Ho pir.
Mr. II C. M"Muker of I'lattsmouth was
In tint city n few days this week.
Mr. II, J. Ilargravcsof Kansas City was
hi thu city a few days tills week.
Miss Anna llarr Is enjoying n visit with
Topekn friends and relative!.
Miss Anna I-'unke will entertain. the Tnes.
Evening chili next wook.
Col. l'reil llcuzingcr Is expected to return
from the east today.
Mr. nml Mrs. J. M Childress mo visiting
at Coieyvlllo, Teiin.
Hon. William Neville of Plattmiouth was
in Lincoln Monday.
Hon. II. E. Hush of Hoi hedge, is in the
city for ii few- das,
Mrs. Mary McCabo departeil Moiiilay for
New York City.
Mr. mid Mrs. V. II. Kooto left Monday for
Memphis Tenu.
Mr. M. J. Oreovy of Onrilia was in the
city this wee':.
Mr. Frank I Hi it has returned from 111 h
western trip,
Mrs. II. Mitchell is spending a few days In
Keokuk, In.
John A. Eyler of Onulia was in the city
this week.
Mrs. Mary Smith is visiting relatives in
Dr. Spjlir r.itur iu 1 Mon lay from his Deli
ver trip.
Mr. O. W. Gerwl; spent Sunday hi
Mr. P. 0. Cusslily has returned from Okla
homa. Mr. E. J. Laniard left Monday for Now.
ton la.
Mr. W. Ii. Z-hrung left Thursday for Chi
Tim HI. .ton (Iniette.
When I hellH'd Vm run the local on thtHU
Joo tlarcltc,
I mwupnii familiar terms with ever one I inrti
For "items" were my stock In trade. In that
my callow Hum
Hofnro tho muses tempted mo to try my hand
at rlijnu'i
lleforo I found In icrses
Those sisithlng, gracious mercies
Less prnrtlciil hut iiiiich litirn ulorloiis than a
well Illicit purse Is.
A votary of Minimum, I hustled 'round mid
And helped Vm rim tlo lural on tho fit. Joe
riielnlNirsof theday lieitnuat half paslfla.m,
for the farmers came In early mid I had tn
tackle llichis
And many a liolile lillnf news I unlimited to
11 y those discreet attentions which all farmer,
folk admire:
With my dally commentary
On alTalis of farm and dairy
Tho tnno of which anon with sulillo pufferies
I'd ar
Uh, many a peck of apples and of poaches til J
I uet.
When I helpid 'cm run tho local on tho Ht.
Dramatic news was scarce, hut when n min
strel show was due,
Why, .Mllloii Tootle's oiera houso was then
my rende.lolls;
Judge (Iriihh would ulvu mo points about tho
latest leunl case,
And Dr. Itiinclelel mo print hlssermon when
Of fexers, fractures, huntnra,
('otiitisiiius, ilts and tumors,
Would Dr. Hull or Dr. Ilalnes conllrmoriiall
llits rumors;
From C'oliiiiel Dawes what railroad news tticro
was I iiscil to Kelt
When I helped 'em run tho local on tho St. Joo
For "personals" tho old Pacific Houso was Just
the place:
PnpAhcll knew tho pcdlurccs of all tho hu
man nice!
And when hu'd uln upall ho had, ho'd drop a
subtle wink
And lead the way wheroono uiluht wet ono's
whistle wlthadrlnkl
Those drinks ul tho Pacific,
Wlifti iIiivm wkio HiKlnrlllc.
Wcro what I'ailslnus (piny excuse my French!
would call "mnunllliiiiel"
And freiiiciitlj an invltatlnii to a meal Til net,
When I liulped'rtii run thu local on thutit.Jou
And when In rainy weather nows wasscafcu
ns well ns slow,
ToKaxton's hank or Hopkins' storo for Items
would I K;
Tho Jukes which Colonnt Saxtou told wcro old,
hilt uimhI enoiiuh
For local nppllciitlou, In Hen of hotter stuff.
And when the ducks wcro ll)liuc,
OrthutlshhiK well worth trjlim
Oosli! hut thou "suirls" at Hopkins' store
could heal tho world at lylni;!
And I 1 printed nil their )arns (lliouuh not
without icKrcl),
When 1 helped Vm run tho local on tho St. Jot
Special Prices
Wo will not he uiiilcr old iiy iiuioue.
(looil cloaks for tl. reitulnr VI koihIs
Nice cloaks f r H.v) ti uulnr f.l uraile,
KIcKiiut cloaks lorN, leuillnr l IM riule.
Ilther Knidcs nljusl iilmul half price.
llos'siiltsi (HI Wllllll 1W.
Hoy.' suits I.WI Woilh ).l Ml.
Hoys' Hulls '.'.() woi III l im,
I'lns. Ion paper,
Needles, Ion paper.
AkhIo liilttousilo u umss.
Itulilicr llppcil lead H'iicls pic do..
UiirlliiK lions lie,
41 ii wool hose only V.V
Fust Pluck corsets fiilc. win III T.V.
Turkish towels leeiii'li.
PJU sheets wrlllliu paper I'.'n.
i.eutsiioj l.lslo tlireud huso only S.lo.
Special pi Ices In uiuleiwi'iir
Hpeclnl prices In lnencurliiliis.
Hpcclnl prices In rllilmiis; lluesl stock In
Special prices In linens of nil kinds.
Special prices In iilllts.
Special hamulus In tluwiiio mid haulwaio
1'eiithersiiuil lips ut halfptlco.
fiihoxm curds hooks nml cics, nil sires, lo u
silk twlsl, le ii spool.
HIIU thread 4e a spool.
No Irouolu lo show uooils. We are hero for
We will u
The story of how Artemui
Ward passed his lust
Thanksgiving Day
in London will he told by hit
Harriet Maxwell-Con
verse, in our Thanksgiving
Edition. There will also be
a Thanksgiving story by
E. J. Edwards and sonic ap
propriate poetry, all of which
will be s)i
Splendldlu illustrated!
that purpose.
Ileiueiulier the place.
nit he undeisolil hy
I'd go to Colonol Wallet
tho "atatcsm.
Miss Lillian Lewis
Will present u the opening attraction, Mr. Martson's Great French Play, entitled
in which she has met with eminont success, the press of the country having the
following unanimous opinion.
Mo play ever possessed stronger situation. It Is exciting from beginning to end. It
demands rare dramatic force, which Miss Lewis certainly possesses. 8ho Is Inlenso In tragic
pMoagea of her role, tender In her love making, and Htroug la her hatred, which culminates
in the scono of the assassination,
, Her costumes in "Credit Lnratne" arc exqulslt and wore made by Worth of Paris. As
Lenora, Miss Lewis lias u part that draws out her greatest powers. Blie sustains a oharacter
Id which she love and hates with equal eoso. Him Is a court beauty in iho time of Lewis
Mepoleonand Is assisting the French Minister of t'ollco to entrap a younr. Republican, but
Caiui In lovo with her victim and finds nor affections returned. Tho young Republican,
Rameau, Is entrapped butshooonceals nor truo character and Involves her entire fortune
torescuo him alter having pirsuaded him to Invest In "credit Laralne" worthless i look.
Wnkt lfi.
Thu au Is one of rapid progress -and we
are iu it. Our patrons are nmoug the most
progressive of the nation. They are quick to
t'ike advantage of a Rood oiler. We iiiake a
Kieat many; but when we recently nlTcrcd n
set of memoirs, either of Urant, Sheridan,
Hherniiiu, McClellau, or I'e, In their resjiec
tlve original tslltlons, for .'i(J cents a set, in
connection with a year's Mibscription to
thlspajier, $'J f-"r0 Inall wo fairly outdid
ourselves. Thousands of orders have already
Ikcii received b the publishers, so that if
our friends wish to nvail themselves of this
extrnoullnary opportunity, they must wake
up. No such offer has everbeforo been made
to the lending public, mid it is doubtful if It
will ever bo duplicated, Auuiii we my,
"Wako up!"
The Leader,
1211 O STREET,
The Great Cheap Store.
For squibs K)lltlcal
Or Colonel James N. Humes,
with the silver toiiKiio;"
Should some old ptimccr tako sick and die,
why, then I'd call
On Frank M. I'osckiHo for tho "life" and
I'oseitate knew 'em alll
IjOU Tiitlar used lo pony
L'p descriptions that wero tnncy,
Of toilets wijrn at party, lull or conversazione,
For tho ladles wero addicted to tho nt)lu called
When I helped 'em run tho local on tho St. Joe
Bo was I wont my dally round of labor to pur
sue, And, w hen came uluht, 1 found that thero was
Ht 1 11 to do:
ThoteU'h'riipli to edit, yards nml yards of proof
to rend
And reprint to be Kathcrcd to supply tho print
ers' creed
Oh, hut It takes nullity
Combined with versatility
To run n country dally with appropriate abllltyi
There never was a smarter lot of editors, I'll
Than wo who whooped up local on tho St. Jo
Yes, may bo It was Irksome; may bo n discon
tent Itebellloiis rose amid tho toll I dally underwent;
If no, I don't remember this only do 1 kuow;
My thouxhls turn ever fondly to that tlmo In
old St. Joe.
The jears that speed so fleetly
lime blotted out completely
All else than that which still remains to solace
mo so sweetly;
Tho friendships of that tlmo ah mot they are
as precious yet
An w hen 1 was a local on tho St. Joo Oazcttel
Kuueno Field lu Chlcuco Nows.
in nil LENGTHS and
SIZES and in
COLORS, including the newest Parisian fall shades. Wc
also have a few hundred dozen pair in other popular brands,
At About Two-thirds Usual Prices,
Miss Lowls Is surrounded by the slrongost company which lias ever supported her, In
ins Edinouu uouier, i-oune i-omoroy, Ariiiur r.inou, .Mimre.i null,
Ralph Hell, and others, and she Is to be congratulated on a proJuctlou, which
ulter Kytlnite,
u ai artlsuo
lndlni Edinoud Collier, I-ouhe 1'omoroy, Arthur Klllott, Mildred Hall,
Ralph llell, ana omcrs, anu sue is to oe c
and as complete as has over been staged
Tuesday Evening Miis Lewis will appear in "ARTICLE 47," and
Wednesday Evening will be produced her great success, entitled- "AS IN A
performance In the open-
nieh-class entertainments will foltowat seasonable Intervals, and the public
assured tuai no -juko snows or interior organizations win appear ui mis limine.
t?Mt RSH.ll!
Tho houso will be kept open an hour one night after the
inrvMli for lnsnectlon.
There has beon aroused n decree of expectation and Interest that has rarely manifested
lUolf In ovorwliolinlug uuinborof letters requesting scats for th opeulug. They have boon
0mlngla from all parts of tho state for the last six weeks, and there seems lo bo no way out
of It but to follow tho old eslabllshodoustum, and that Is, on the dedication of a now theatre.
No. 1 will havo first choice, and No, 2 second choice, and soon until all are suppllod tn
a Ilka manner Tho auction snle will be hold at Hie office of tho Capital Hotel, Monday
evening, November Vth, at 8 o'clock.
iiemk.miii:k nun guano tiianksoivino matinkei
The regular prices of seats, after the first night will be arte, OOc, 7Bo and
SI. 00, and Matinees will bo Stftc, SOc. and 7Sc.
Arrancemonts haie be-m nriile with all Railroad companies for ratoi during the open
lna week. For further Information, address
ED. A. CHURCH, Manager.
The Opening or tin- I.uimlui;,
Just now tho opening of Lincoln's new
thespinu templo is tho subject of much talk
and tin olfnlr promises to outshine all other
social events. It will bo a gala occasion.
Tho lHautlful now theatre iu all Its Korgeous
splendor will 1h viewed by the multltudo mid
fashion, fancy mid Intellect will vie with
each other iu looking their prettiest to enjoy
the occasion. It might bo well here to intro
duce another subject that for vital Impor
tance is of eininl Importance. Wo refer to
the bargains tint L. Meyer & Company lire
now offering III drygoods. The winter goods
are ull iu and with it are found all the hea
soiis most substantial mid stylish materials.
In dress goods this (Inn Is showing an attrac
tive lino while iu hosiery, corsets, gloves,, blankets, ipillts, etc., their stock
is very complete, mid prices, ns usual are
such ns to indues all callers to buy. No (let
ter place to buy tho winter's wearing nppnr
el l to be found Iu the state. The grocery
depiu fluent Its a big one too, is always
active, and wagon load ufur waon load
leaves the stole tilled with edibles fr our
town people. Our linden a is not slow to up
pieclate 1 1 rnt c'ass mm vice and g'Wid go xls ut
low prices. They can net best of intention,
frecll lllld wholemxile gro.-eiies just as repre
sented and this of con ix) accounts for th
IHipularit) ot the houe of I.. .Meyer ,V Co.
II jou liau-ut tried t Hiding at this well
known mid old established place you havu
been losing both time and money but its
not too into yet. (iho tliein n call.
Down by the I.ano.
There dwells a maid across tho street
Alasl alackl and wellawayl
And once our optics chanced to meet
Oh, hitter, bitter was tho day!
For I tho hour to beguile
Tho maid was very fair to seo;
Did meekly venture on a smllo
Oh, woo Is mo! Oh, woo Is mol
And thlnkinu that tho maid smiled back
For 1 am very near of sight;
I seized a pen from off tho rack
And large upon a sheet did write,
"Meet mo at eight, down by tho lane,"
Where I at eight did swift repair
Alas! I ne'er shall walk again!
It was her father met mo there.
-lloston Courier.
first Great Annual Sale of Kid Gloves
Every Lady will leave our glove counter well pleased as wc
have for our fitter Miss L. Crow, the expert fitter of the
West or East
Monday and Tuesday, 26th and 27th, wc will offer to
the Ladies of Lincoln the greatest Bargains in Corsets that
was ever placed on our counters. LADIES, do not miss the
chance of a season to secure bargains in Corsets at about
your own price.
1023 O STREET.
A poor, lorn tramp to Cnrsus said:
"Clivo mo a quarter, please,
You iirow) rich; while I'm soioor
My skin bugs at tho knees."
-Detroit Frco Press.
A Warm Kiss.
Jock Did you hear about tho trouble
that Miss Siimmerglrl got Into?
Tom No.
Jack She threw a kiss at Harry nnd it
fell on tho piu.a and net It oil lire New
York Herald.
Special Notice
We have moved to our new and
beautiful store 1338 O street, where
we are prepared, better than ever be
fore, to satisfy the demands of the art
loving public, for the choicest Paper
Hangings and interior novelties the
country affords. Our grand opening
will be announced later.
1338 O ST.
Jl fc .S Mfir
A. C. .IKMKK, t'icsldeiit
N. II. Our old locatiin, 1134 N street oceanic too
creasing business. It Is now for rent.
C.uu. Klwic'K, Manager
small for our rapidly In-
Artists' Materials & Novels
Bee what IIerH)sieiun)r it Co., have in
cloaks, di es goods and millinery. Prices
tho lowest.
Henry Haiphaiu, harness, suddlerv and
turf goods, II'.' 1101 th KloNcuthkticot, opposite '
npltiil Hotel '
Tint ilaziir, UUIl O street, has levelved
niiothei-lot of tlsh cloaks. They will be
placed on sale about the middle of next '
tie ninvred. '
Oargojle Theru's la-en h great Improve
inent iu medicine lately. For instance,
.loctnrh don't bleed patients n they used to. ,
nioobumper Don't they? Well, I paid
h doctor k bill of 5-I00 only last week. Low
ill Citizen.
lllne Laws.
(live us a Trial Order.
A) el's I'leserw- Hook
contains all tho latest mid most approved
recipes for caiinlnzand pruservuigjfiuit, mid
for liliiking Jellies, jams, iiiaiinalades, sweet
ami sour pickles, catsups, etc. Written ex
piessly for Dr. J. C. Ayer - Co., by n cele
brated authority on culinary matters.
Kvery recipe tested and proven to lie the
best of its kind, Koud n '-.'-cent stamp to Dr.
J. U. A)er iV Co., I.owoll, .Musk.
CJLfef- V,A
4il? 1 r If
And now 11 colovd man has In-en arrest
ed in Massachusetts for taking a walk on
Bunday. Harper's llazar.
m spent as men aj
Keep YOUR BUSINESS, and, incidentally,
YOURSELF, Before the Public.
Don't Depend on Them to Discover You I
i, 'i
-. a-gW)C. -.-