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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1891)
agiBtas 'jsjxjusmwaw? mmatStmm; inmm ' w "wag wiwnp 3ftftViyn.lA"'-''ar-''p-lii""' ' ' t- n CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1S91 h K. i' 2a r I .KWil rK.i.HM"5',5fl Mrs. Graham's Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream creates natural charms of com plosion. It makes the skin soft, smooth and velvety, and prevents the formation of wrinkle, blackheads, etc. Ladies who use it preserve a youthful appearance when they are no longer young. Delightful for clensing the face from cosmetics or other im purities. Harmless as due, and as nourishing ahd refreshing to the skin as due is to the llowor. Price $1.00. All druggists sell .it. TUKGUKATEU NEW YORK THE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT CON TAINS OVEn 3,000,000 PEOPLE. IHlVtJ KTIO WHM nt OIOOVTW 0 lt COUNTH Will ooiut Ui H WHKMItKW "0" ttuO 0 1HIIMM0' TMI At Tlirlr I'rrtKnt lUIn of tlicrm Niw York nml llruoklrii Will Mnvn 4,000,. 000 tir Morn In 11(10 Nrwr York the ttrruml Oily Innlir World. lHwlnl CorrpniNiiuteiirr.1 Nkw YoitK, Oct. Stt.Tlmt Now York In tlio metropolis of thu notion mid the Iiiritet city on tlio western continent In known to every one, l)tit there iiro other Now York facts of which ninny Ameri cans urn ignorant. Tho central fact has been stated thus! Tlnro nro inoro Now Ytukors llvltiK ontcldo of tho city jiroor than In It. This woro some tlnto u para dox, hut tlio eleventh census iiiiikun It very plain. Another, and perhaps n bettor, way ol stating it would bo thus! If all tho people who live In tho metropolitan tUstrlct and iiuiku Now York their placo of business and pleasure eouhl bo counted in It, an Is doiio in London, Now Yoik would rank next to London among tho world's cities, and not very far behind it. Tho circle of cities and suburbs which aro prnc tlcally parts of New York Is divided by rivers, bayM, ridges and "Hats," leaving them In different coimtlcH and states, and requiring englnooiliig of tho very highest order to combine them in one municipality. Tho Hudson Ih fully ten times as large as tliu Thames at Westminster bridge. East liver Is many times as largo as the Thames at its western entrance to Lon don and in all thu London vicinity there is no elevation to compare with Hoboken heights. Yet tho people of Urooklyn, of Stnton Island's towns, Jersey City, New ark and tho Oranges aro every whit as much Now Yorkers as tho people of Chelsea, Kensington and Greenwich are Londoners. Tho annexed table, therefore, presents tlio real population of the American me tropolis. Tho city hall in New York is taken as a center and u circle drawn around it with a radius of thirty miles. Within that radius tho people live on tho business done In New York city, and about 000,000 of them are in tho city overy day. Trains leave their stations every half hour or so of mornings mid return in the same order of evenings. VAniOUS VERSE3. "VST Cliicago,Rock Island & Pacific Ry Tho DIRECT ROOTK to nnd from CUIOACO, XOCK IBLAND.AVENronT, DES MOINES, OJUNCI1. MI.UTF3. WAT1UITOWN, 8I0UX AI.r.B, inNMBAPOMU. ST. PAUL, OT. JO0 SPIt, ATCHISON, IiEAVENWOUTIl. KANSAS CITY.TOPUXA, DXNVCU, COLOHAUO Ql'NOB bad FU&HLO. SOLID VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS ef Through Cochi, 01oojn, lre Hecllnlni: 'Chulr C(r nnd Dlnlnit Oirn dully lwtwri CHI caoo, Drs MoiNKa, ojunciji niiurra n, OMAHA, nnd batwarn OIIICACiO nnd DEKVKll COLOHAUO SPIUNOQ nnd SUEDLO vU Ct loph, cr Xnuaaa City cm.t Topokn. Via Tho Albert Lea WoutOr 'nit Kxpr TmlnB dnl'.y between Chlcnif. nnd Mlnneiiiolli nad bt. mil, with TltllOUOll lUcllnliiir Chnlr Cut (FltKKl to nnd n-om tho volcu nnd Knnta City. ThrouiiU Chnlr Cm nd Blepr between Tcarln, Dplrlt Itko nn Jlloux rnlli vli lloclt Itlnnd. For Tickets, Nnpe, Folcl-r, or dcelred inform.i tlon. oiH'ly ot nny couixjn Ticket Ot&ce, or nddrus I. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN Ctjn'l Manager. Oou'lTkt,& l'nm. AKt.. CUICAOO ILL N'V Sl ATLAfJTIC tiiNdor-N 'ufahflfflBmazec AND IKtTITUTI OF r!IMAlllr, northern!, end Typewriting. U the Imt nnd UrsMt Collrvoln (he Wret. OH) Stvidrnte In ntteixlemv lt jeer. HtudrnU prepervd lor tmtlncee In from Aiat enontlu. Kiwrlencrl faculty, l'rnxnal Inatrucllon. Beeutttul llhutretnt oetnloirue, ciillen. JonrneU. end enechuen of prnmanthlp, eent f rro liy nddn'Mlni ULLIURIDOK ROOSX, Lincoln, Neb .SitriiliilliiM. If I Mtu lull lit)' Indy'x Imt, M Juy would li' liiti'hi', For owrj' 1 1 mo nliu xitw n piny I'd ltiityrrul llllllii'liiti'. If I wvrv Imt to)' IhiIj'i'I(.', I'm Mini IM not demur, For ulit'ii aim llioiiKht tlio iiiot nf mr I'd ln'ijulli' full of liur. If I "cm Imt my liuly'n nloo, I'm xiirti tint! I would pli-itKc, For "In1. 1 nliu put ma on IM lvo Hit I nt im I it Ki'iillu nillriru. Hut If, pi'rcliniu v. In filturo ilny. A lllHll" I Hllllllllt lit', Tnoulil rluo mu mticli, for tlir: know Tlml nliu'il lt down on m. -1,'ltmk Itu U'tv TIip Tlim. Itonr llii-lr piijin wttli tlio twins DnrlliiKlnliil How Im nliilks nUiut tlio 'liniiilmr on li wlilli)h'Kli''inilimnliliiil How tliry twlnkli', twliiklo, twinkle, In llm ley nlrnf nlulil, Wlillii llm Blurx Unit over nprlnklo All tlio liniMUH Ki'i'iu locrlnklo Willi it cr)Hliilllno ili'lluhli Ki'i'pluu linn1, llinc, time. In iv Milt of mu'iirlnn Hi) mo, To tlio twin l In itliiilntloii Hint so mmlc- llll) llllli From tint I Int. tw Ins, twin, twins, Twln, twins, twins- Front tliu uliouplfiK unit tliu ullltiif of tlm tw Ins. -Detroit Froo Prose. 'TIs I'.stT Thus. " III tlio Mimliei- kIhw tf ittitttmn, Now tlm cliiiiiiploti liitsvliiill nine, Willi tlio prcstluiwif thu pi'tinitnt, IVi'llntf iMitnlroiis uri'itt ntnl tlnu, Hint It forth tltilo tho nilliiirlis In III" pride of nil Its fniiici And 'Us then uri'iit erowiU nsscmblo For nil exhibition uniiio. And tin')' Ken tho lofty chiunploiis, Tlioituh tiny phtywltli (skill iitul spunk, llenleii IT loT lly thu IIiikIc of I'mliink. -II. K. M. In Now York Sun. A WE8TEflN WRITER OF NOTE. Cilgene K. Wre. "lroniiilll," Who Is lllulily I'rulsMl by llowells. (Hprrlnl Corri'spondiinL'B.l Aiiilrnk. Kan,, Oct. aO.Kunlly ilrot iiiioiik tho ninny poets of Kntiwi, and itaiidlng IiIkIi unions the wsts literary workers, after dinner speakcts, orators and K)litlctaiis, Is Hueiio V, Ware, or "Ironiiiill," ui ho niiis his verso. It was of Mr. Ware that W. I). Howells, in n recent review of "Ithyuies of Iron ijuill," said: "What HU'es L-tjieclal (uall- An Ktri'lli'iit Iti'iisim. I'npa nml his ttitvst "'tt nt tnhlu Inuellier, An J tnlkt'il of thu InrllT, thu crops unit tho nriitlicr, Tlio Itidliitt oitlliKik, thu wotnnti'n convention, And other mieh nmttern, Ion iiinii)' to iiionllim Wlillo iMir lllllo Dot.whoillstlnctlyprt'ferreiL l.lku most of her mux, to lio neon unit bu henril Whosu pittlulivo, In fiict, tieured thu olid of It tctlier Wn wnltltnt n chiiucu for her own It tt lo word, A pntisuciimu nt lust; nt tho very first knock lnit Hho Hi'leil opporttinlty wasn't It shockttiK? Aiiilclmttcred so fust Hint her father, aston ished, Concluded his Dot must bo sternly ndtnon Ishud. "My tlenr llttlo ulrl," was his terrlblu way, "Whut makes )oit so noisy, I wonder, today? A lilt of jour toiiutto I shull luivu to bu dock Inc." Hut Dot answered buck, with no bIrii of dis may, "I'ii talklti liotnuso I's dot mituptlti to sny." -at. Nicholas. E3b SHOES. The nervous old Indy who lived In her Shoe could not have found n home for her family In noythlnu we keep. We keep nil sles but nothing equivalent to a tenement house. In nil grades of Shoes our stock Is complete, embracing Congress, Iiutton, I. nee, nnd the Comn on Tics, in Kid, Calf, and Kangaroo. Also a full line of Slippers, etc., etc., Rubbers, etc., etc.. etc. 1015 O STREET. S. E3. NISBET, NEW GOODS. MAI' OF THE MKTHOI'OMTAX DISTRICT. When a county is entirely within the metropolitan thirty mile limit it is count ed entire; if it isdivided by the circumfer ence of tlio circle the towns within the circle aro '""Minted, and if n town is thus divided it is credited with a part of it population corresponding with tho are.t which is within the limit. Thus esti mated, the population of tlio metropolis on tho New York side is as follow: Now York county t.M.VHH KltiBs county (Urooklyn) KJS.1i; Queens county (Low Island) l.J.O'O Ulchmnnd county (Stnten Island) 61, Ut; Westchester county (In limits) U8.V, llocklaud county (In limits) ll,iv Total in Now Vorkstato S.tVIT.oV IN NKW JUUSKV. Hudson county (Jersey City) Zi. Uertfctt county tT.'-'.M Cssox county ,.,.,..,,,, mi.irci Union county T-iu; russule county (In limits) lOl.tll'i Morris comity (in limits) IL'.lol Someriut county (In limits) 7.:tm Middlesex county (la limits) ()" Moiimoutli county (In limits) 31,1.! Ladies' and Children's lair Gutting and Shampooing a Specialty, -AT- SMLWESTERFIELD'S It C'Hii't Il Hone. It was In a Madison avenue car. Ho took out a piece of paper on which theio were many llgures and said: "I've been trying to Invent a puzzle to put oil the market this winter, but I can only get so far with it." "What is It J" asked the other. "This represents a street car. Thero are twelve man on one side and eight womeiii on the other." "I see. You want to got ton on a side." "No, I don't. Another woman gets on the car, making nine women to twelve men." "Kxactly." "Shu must have a seat, but all are occu pied. Shu looks at the eight women, but untie of them moves. She looks at thu twelve men. anil" "And ono of them gets up and olfcrs her a seat, of course." "Yes, of course. Now, what I want Is to placu her among the eight women." "My dearslr," Mild thu other as he turned away, "you had ticttcr tackle thu problem of perpetual motion. It can't bu done. If there weren't but seven women It couldn't lie done. Hither have your ninth woman get oil and take a hack, or let one of thu men bobui and goout on the plat form ami catch a cold which will result in his death.' Nuw York World. 11URR : I1LOCK. Ladles Uso Dr. I. Hue's t'erlodlenl Pills from I'arls, Krouce. That positively ro 'llAvn Huniiressloas. monthly deranireinents And Irregularities caused by cold, weakness, -shook, anemia, or KeneriU nervous debility. Tho lursu proportion of Ills to which ladles nnd misses are t'.Hti! Is the direct result or a disordered or irrotcitlnr menstruation. Hap K lii Lincoln by II. W, lirown, iirinuitt, disordered or irrotciuiir meiisiriiiiiiou. .-sup. protsloii continued rosilll In blood polsoiilnii undo, iluKoiat t u tsln l. li puulcavo or I for tt. siu dlreot mi muelpi of prlei sold BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PttfEQT IH lUMl-MATCMLESt II Will s f lUWDI trt U ltu M tulwwi urn tbtt L pior wyt viria wtrt pviiirin t M r M A T- Jrft AS j&tm -41r-lV wr MAH eti kt.lTSOMO ssc viuubous i mi rttpxu. YOUNQ MEN OR OLD, sfrli( rron NEBV0UI DI- 1L1TT. Loit r rslllsx MSI- ..-'. .- - i i. rariiisi IIIIIHI. MIBUI kt4 Worrr. Ilsil4 D,Um,sl. or is rZlIOMAL WKASMItl. m rtsUrs to rssrCCT HEALTH til tho H0ILB VlTALttr at STB0NO MIS, Ms rruo ssa rowtror jittion. V clslm by years ol practice by our cxeliislv nirilnxls u unllorui 'MOMOrOLY Or SUCCESS" III iri'M- ! !! tlloaAftAA SB Atlkiiiti itrirv A AfllctlontorMcD. Trstlmonlals "r" ' from &8ttca Atitl Terrttorlca. OUR NEW MORSlwtfofBSTiatre.1. It wbll. to css. fall IspUBStloss fsr HOME XXI AT KENT. Yott csa bo rULLT SE1I0KED si thomtsll ksvtbBbruc. EosdourttitlinoBlsli. AdsrtMstomci KRIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y, Total in New Jersey 8;.;'!il Total In metroolU 3.M-VVI A very narrow strip of Connecticut, within tho limits, and, of course, the federal employees at Sandy Hook and elsewhere, aro omitted. But if any critio objects to the thirty mile cir cuit, let him describe a tweuty mile circuit on tho map and he will rind all tho considerable cities within it, and the aggregate still far above U.000,000. And, contrary to popular opinion, the metropolitan area Is gaining population faster than any other in the world, un less Chicago be an exception. Here is the per cent, of growth of the principal places in the twenty mile circuit in tho decade of 1880-00: New York, 25.02: Brooklyn, 42.110: Jersey City. 8.V02; Pat ersou, 53.3U: Passaic, 09.45; Orange. 42.09; Newark, oM.20, and many smaller places at a much greater rate. One fact '.vhich astonishes even tlio New Yorkers who have not made a study of it is that there is yet so very much room for growth within tho metroiioli- tan district. Accustomed to think and speak of Manhattan island as a "natural land monopoly," "an overcrowded hive," many long residents in tho city do not know that there aro still on the northern prong of tho island miles on miles of timbered hills and secluded vales almost uninhabited, and similar regions of far greater extent on Long Island and in Now Jersey. If the general average for the nrea be maintained for twenty years, tho "Great er Now York" of 1010 will exceed London In population. .Now York and Brooklyn aro rapidly approaching a union. That consummated, the Now York of 1010 will bo as completely a mitt as London Is, with a population not far from 4,000,000. 'Names and numbers still have such an luiltleiicu on the popular mind that both cities will no doubt find it profitable to unite "to beat Chicago," if for no other reason. J. H. Bi:aui.c. A TbrlllliiK Novul In Tb rue Cusps. I. Night In Chicago! Tliu darkness was simply intense as George O'GalT arrived at the halt door of the McSliaughiU'ssyH. Genrgu was madly in love with the only daughter of the house (ami lot) of Me Sliatightiessy. Gladys was her name. II. To resume, tliuthreadofotirstory, George pulled the lvll. Thu door was opened with a sudden swiftness which is only possible to a girl on thu shady side of twenty-eight, as Gladys was. She hteppeil out on the stoop. There was no one tberel III. But Gladys thought she heard a faint moan; a horrible suspicion crossed her uiltid; ralslnu her right foot carefully from thu door mat she saw something move; she stooped down, picked it up, brought It Into the hallway, looked at It carefully, screamed and h ooued away. "It" was George I Brooklyn Eagle. K. T. WAUK. ty nnd truth in tlio verse of Ironn,ulll U his humor and Ills poetry. Ho can be nothing on a small scale, ami his fun is of a coolness ami giimncss that seem tho play of surface moods in a Titnu." Fur ther on ho calls cei tain of the poems "un utterably delightful," which Is prniso enough, coming from such a source. Mr. Ware comes of an old Mas-saclm-setts futility and was bom at Hartford May 21), 1841. Ho served through tho entire war, and was mustered out ns a captain in the Iowa cavalry. Ho studied law ami was admitted to tho bar in 1871 at Fort Scott, Kan., where ho still ro ubles. Ho lias been state senator eight years, commissioner to tlio Yorktown and Washington centennial celebrations, was appointed major general of tlio Kansas state troops and has held many other honorary positions. His work in the literary world has been in tho Hue of vigorous, masterly verse, which hits had a wide circulation and been translated into many lan guages. May 80, 1880, ho was appointed to deliver the Memorial Day poem at Arlington, which he did beforo tlio pres ident, cabinet and tlio great audience. In all his writings Mr. are is intense ly sympathetic with tlio toiler. His "Washer woman's Song" lias met witli a popularity given to but few poems of tlio century. In n very humble cot, III u rather iiillet siiot, hi the suds and In tho sonp Worked a woman full of hope, it starts, ami its tenderness lias given it u welcome in almost overy written tonguo ami in every land. "Tlio Tobacco Stein mers" is another song of labor that is rt favorite, while "John Brown" is found in even school reader, and is given by critics as tlio liest ever written on tho subject. Then there is much in it semi humorous vein, with a big, hearty satire if tho phrase isadinlssiblo thatnwak ens an admiration for tlio versatility of the writer. These aro naturally of n more local applfc.ition, but find it wel come in every paper and magazine of ills state. But writing is secondary with Mr. Ware. Ho is first of all a successful lawyer and politician. On tho cars, while being cariiel to tho scene of a political rally, arm) reunion or session of court, the poems that add so much to his fame and popularity aro comtxwed and written. In person Mr. Waro is tlio personifi cation of good health and spirits. Six feet in height, weighing 200 pounds and with a frank, hearty address, be is tho roversoof tlio ideal poet, dining ontnoon shine mid distilled rose leaves. Ho works hard, and enjoys it His voico and presence aro commanding, and few can embellish a jiost prandial address with a better assortment of digestion provoking anecdotes. Connected, as ho has been, so prominently witli Kansas life,' lie is recognized ns ono of tlio state's leaders. Outside of the stato nnd throughout tho Mississippi valley his mime is familiar as that of one who has put into fitting rhyme the pulsations of tho busy, earnest life that there exists. ClIAItl.KS MOIIKAU HaIIQER. HlfrTrtftrt&GwiWiY- ooMllHCOmBKi k U(&)n2SaM TiEB Formerly of HUFFMAN & RICHTER. 1039 0 STREET. NB3LV LOCATION, Fret Work, Sgreens and Panels CABINET WORK OF ALL KINDS TO OHDER. Full Line of JSI RNTELS Alays iD stock ARE SHOWN IN OCR NEW WaREROOMS. NEBRASKA CABINET WORKS, counters and wall gases. mm M Street. SIDEWALK AND BUILDING BRICK Bt AND- VITRIFIED PAVERS J.A.BU GKSTAFP L-I S. E. MOORE, NKWKST KKKKCTS IN Fine Waft papers AND DECORATiONS Call and examine the laigest line in the City. None but the bet workmen employed. Prices that can't be beat step T.ii.ti..M. mo. H34 o STREET. In. P p E R Just the Hume. There was a boy alioiit ten years of ago watching a letter box on South Fifth ave nue so sharply that 1 finally asked him the reason. Jiiht then a carrier came along and emptied the lio.x and passied on, and the boy heaved a sigh of relief ami said: "Ho took It Just tlio same." "Whatf" "I dropped a letter in without any stump on it, and it went just the same, and I'm two cents ahead." Now York Evening World. A Nt'ri'Miiry Adjunct, IBOOKGUIVB BVCHRG. m. Bn4 Piwlal Nolo to Jolix 8 minus. O.T. A. 1, It. I. 1. K. Il Chlrsiru. nd rroelie, pottage paid KH uvea ui cra. uu rvrrj nanuivu. TU Ut ttl.ii. -C J..trt. il ..Jllltlltltly increasing, while that of China is dimin ishing. Tlio Increase is at the rate of more than :i..V.K),000 pounds yearly. Most of tlio Japaue.,e tea Is consumed in tins United States ami Canada. ? k s-Jk. vrj vr J I' ftJI.Vl. .. He (hopelens, but seeking consolation) Niiwtliat you have met Tom Walkover, joii have no further uu for me. She Oh, jea 1 liae, I linl you to mako him jealous, Life. A lllslui: I'nliilur. Paius. Oct. 15'. Alexander Hurrison, whose famous painting, "Le Crepusculo" ono of tho few great marine pieces over painted was engraved for the frontis pleco of The Midsummer Century, is at present one of the most conspicuous American artists in Europe, A tall, slen der, dark haired, dark eyed young man, he wears eyeglasses . and has the erect carriago characteristic of tho marina service, in which his early youth was ' passed. It was whilo in the United States navy, during which lto scoured 1 the seas, that his wonderful observation 1 and sympathy developed, leading him to i seek expression on canvas. A Philadel I phlan by birth, Alexander Harrison has lived in Paris ten years. His atelier is ruo Notre Dame do Champs, opposito tlio studios of Uouguereau ami Elizabeth Gardner. Ho is a great favorite and leader anion;; the younger artists, and a vital factot in the organization of tlio Salon on Clump do Mars, "Why does Harrison paint tho sea so tenderly';" inks a French critic "Bo caio lie knows it, because lie loves it." To Harrison tho founder of the Lazaro school owes much of his success. It was his recommendation that enrolled Ainelio Itives Chanter among Lazate's pupil-., giving to the school a fashiona ble eclat and t faulting in Lazaro coming tills summer to Anieiica to diiect his pupil's studies at her homo lit Virginia. I- It. M ' An interesting war telle iiofsebsed by 4 rt Miiucio, Imt., is the ling that was wrapped about the body of Oeueral Lyon, tlio llrt northern t'tnernl to lose his life in tlio late war Tho ling was canied by tho Second Kansas legv incut. H. W. BROWN DRUGGSITWBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferr '? Finest Flower inc' Garden Seeds. 12 7 South Eleventh street. LINCOLN'S NEWEST AND FINEST STABLES W. J PUATT. Proprietor. First CI ass Livery Rigs At nil Hours Day or Night. Family Carriages, Gentlemen's Driving Rios, Etc. BOARDING DEPARTMENT. We ate ei.peci.illy well prepaied to board n limited number of horccs and having the largest and fineft equipped Mnhlo in the city, can takchct of care of all en tiustul lo u Our hiiihle Is light and roomy with unsurpassed ventilation, All vehicles ami harness recede ilailt cle tiling and liluats leave the stable in, clean six lbh appearance. CALL AX It Si:ii US-(,'i; I'S A TRIAL. Telephone 518. Stables 1639-1641 O St. w HEN YOU WANT FINE JOB PRINTING See the WESSEL PRINTING CO. ! I Outi Mr !. vii or lusnr . .t1 t -' ! . T .' Ifr. v.tU, f-