.N f"ri Ct ' (i f 8 wSSSSB .-.-Wifr'' POPULATION OP LINCOLN 65,000. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COR, TENTH AND 1' ST. LADICrjFURNISHINC COODi -n pcoliUy.' A full of Dr. Wnrncr'- nnd mid Hall's Corel IIOMKKY, f NIIKIUVKAK AND Kilt UI.OVKH In Inrgo nort nu nt , Wo hnc llio iimucy for The Buttorlck's Patterns. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. TAKE NOTICEI Tho Counttn will not be ivijkhkIIiIo (or any debt nindo liy nny one In It imnio, tin a written nnlcr Accomimnlr the nmo, WE CAN SUIT YOU. IMNI'I.AYIMI ftflfl Trimmed Hats ! tanging In Price, from $1.00 TO $20 CAM, AND HKK TIIKM. The Courier Can be Found At Hotel Lincoln New Htniiil. ' Windsor Hotel New Htnml. Capital Hotel New Htnml. Odell's Dining Hall New Htand, IMH Q Ht. The Gotham News HUml, 118 Houlli llth HU The Apex, Ul North llth Street. Ed. Young. 1030 O Htreet. ClMon. Kletoher Co., 1130 O Htreet. Westerner's llnroor Hhop, llurr Wool. International New Emporium, ltt O Ht. turn Ton cigar Htore, lis North llth Htreet. Mcnire'a News 8t;tml, lis Houth llth Htreet. trAn extra supply of paper I always lea at tho Gotham, In cno other Newsdealer applies run short. Eight Annual FUR 1 OPENING Oct. 26-27-28. 18 .'W. R. DENNIS & CO. 1 1 37 O Street. Church Advertisement. Commencing April tint, Tub Courikr will insert notice pertaining to sociables, festivals, lectures, meeting nml sermon for 'all churches free of charge. Advertisement (or entertainment where an admission is cbarged will be Inserted nt one-half the rcg vkurrate, Lacal and Peraonal. Whltebrerst Coal and Lime Company. Ruth M. wood, M. D lltWP street. Um Leavitt' telephono , !S00, for coal. Lincoln Ice Co., 1010 O St. Telephone 118. The Little ttorehai removed to 1SU KUth 13th (treet. Eugene Hallett, diamond merchant, 113 N Eleventh street. Oeo. A. Raymer, coal nnd wood. 'Phone 39a UM O street. Canon City Coal at tho Wbitebreast Coal and Lima Co. A beautiful line of veiling has ni rived at the Baxar, littl O street. For fine millinery at econom ical pricci see Uerpobheliner & Co'., line line. Ladle kid glove cleaned or colored at Lin coln Steam Dye works, 1100 O street. Professor O. W. Hill, teacher of Elocution and Oratory, C35 south Eleventh street. Cabinet baths for ladles given by Mrs. 13. D. Catlin professional masseur, ViM V street. Ladies can have their party dresses cleaned by the French dry process at the Lincoln steam dye works UM O street S, C. Quick, tuner and repairer of Pianos and Organs. With Young & Elder, 'JOS south Eleventh street, Lincoln, Neb. Applications for rental of Turner ball tor socials and dancing received at P. J. Wohlen berg's cigar store, 138 S. llth street. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only 15 cU. at Lincoln Steam Dye works, 1105 O street. "Not how cheap, but how good" Is the motto of the new Studio Le Grande. Call and ev their work, 1.4 south Twelfth street. The celebrated Egg Shampoo removes daudruff and promotes the growth of the hair. For sale by Miss Johnston, 1114 O street. Never order a photograph or plctura of any kind until you have seen the work done at the now Studio Le Grande, l'J4 south Twelfth street. Gentle men should now get out their la't summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam dye works 1 105 O street and have it cleaned, dyed, repaired or pressed out. You can get a greater variety of wool uswWwear in ladies, mens and chlldreus' at Herpolsheimer & Co. than in any other house In the west. Price the lowest. Wedding Invitation!, either printea or en graved in the finest style of the art at Tub Courier ottc. Correct forms and best quality of stock guaranteed. Samples cheer fully shown. Original round oak stoves, the only air tight round oak stove on the market, conse quently the most economical 111 consumption of fuel. Sold only by Dunham and Buck, liaflO street t-H--"! AUTUMN LEAVES. Tor the Co. HUH. There conic n time In some folk live When thought nil poetry run, Homo vv rllo to pn nwny the tlmu And olhernjii'i for fun. A I mil one of the ninny kind Without much rj inn or renon I'll try my hniul nt writing 11 poem Ami rnll It the Autumn Hensoii. A .von iironwnro October I here, The seen ul month of Hie full When tint little bird seek Southern homo And Jack r'rnt begin to rnll, Tlie brveio I blow lug iiinnng the tree And tvhUper ng 11 ud retrnln A It tell of Autumn tiiihlna And whiter coming relgu. The lovely Mower nro fndlng fiit, The sky look dull nml grey, A lliey rcnllrr the summer hn passed Aild they two mut pns nwny, The urns I slow 1 1 turning brown, The tree uru growing bare, A the Aulumn leave come rustling Pulling gently hern mid there. The lieaullfiil Autumn lenve thnt full Uf red unci brown nml gold, To u tho Autumn of life root 1 1 'Hint we too, urn getting old. And mny the Autumn of our live I'nmi ii lienutirul nml 11 fnlr A the Autumn leave tluit nround 11 full And me ciiltered everywhere. J.K.M Mr. Hei ry Finwley of Dcndwoo I, I In tlw city. Mr. Eugeiia Wnuglo I vltltlig nt Lou, vllle, Ky. Mr. ni'ntn Held left Sunday for Wool stock, lown. Mr. nnd Mi. H. L. Ailfin left Wliicdny for Henttle, Wnli. ' Mr. Gertrude ami Cntoln Hill vlsltt 1 Mondny In Oii.nhii. VV Mr. 8. H. Wllllnmtoti departed Thursday for Alexandria, S. D. ' The I. O. II. II. will give n soclnl hop Mon day nt Tinner' hnll. Mr. J. E. Edwin hn retui .led from a trip through tho Northwtit Mr. Thome Hooper depn-ted Wivlnr i'iy for Snn llernnnllno, Cal. Mr. Jamf Canon nnd F. Mlchealson left for Chicago Wcdntudny. Mr. Bam O. Adler I enjo).'iig a visit nmoug friends In Omahn. Mr. C. E. Wright of tho WaIioo Wnp wns In tho city Thursday, Mr. S. A. Vnrner of tho Sterling Press, spent the week In this city. The speclnl glove snlo nt the Baxar wi'l continue during next wek. Mr. W. U. Gemoml, of Hot Spi ngs, S. D., was In the city this week. Hon. 11. S. Mill) of Beatrice, wr in the city Wednesday 011 business. Mr. Ii. W. Hutchinson of Marysl!'e, Kas., Is spending a few day In the city. Miss Mary Anderson and Miss Ida Welti left Monday for Colorado Spring. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sheiianl and Mis Mo Elwatn left Monday for Pueblo, Col. Mr. nml Mrs. F. W. Morgan of Welling ton,, O, are stiemling a few clays In the city. Mr. C. C. Lewis returned Thursday after a pleasant visit friend and relative in the East Mer John McMnnlgal, J. A. Hnrley nml Thomas Benton have returned from New York. Mis Florence Terry left Tuerdny for Brooklyn, N. Y., which will bo hor future home. Mr, Anna L. Perry and family departr 1 Wednesday for Now York City, their future home. Mr. W. J. Hyatt, Mrs George, nnd Tom Hyatt have gone to Los Angeles to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Weasel are entertaining their pnrenU, Mr. and Mrs. II. Ehrllch of St. Joseph. Mr. W. P. Miles of Choyene and Judge Heist of Sidney were in tho city on business this week. The Thimble Club was delightfully enter, talnrd Wednesday afternoon by Miu Hallie Hoojier. Dr. Alma Coe departed Saturday for Poo atello, Idaho, whither sho was called by the Illness of her son. Mrs. Ueebe of Wahoo, Neb., visiled her daughter, Miss Jennie, at the conservatory Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. D. B. Alexander are the guesU of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Little for a few days while enroute to California. MIm Kilble Dorgan retui ned to her home In New Hampton, Iowa, Wcdne day after a visit of About three, months In this city. Mrs. C. C. Hosford of Campbell, Minn,, and Mrs. Dr. Brnndorn of Mllford, ore visit ing with Mrs. U. W. Lnmb, or this city. Mrs. J. M. Tolln of St. Louis, who ha been visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Lemon of this city, returned home Wednesday. Mr. S. H. Burnham departed Wednesday for Broken Bow to look after his tanking iweretu. lie win be a'went about a week. Mrs. K. M. Saunders who has been tho guest of Mrs. M A. McClure for several days, left Wednesday for her Imnio in Wich ita. Col. Fred BenrJiicer tins returned from the east and is now rusticating in Omaha where he Is temporarily doing good service on the Bee. Mr. William Hyatt and son Thomas nnd Mih Katie Ueorge departed Thursday for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will spend tho winter. At the last meeting of the Tuesday Eve ning club, Mr. Sam E. Low, Miss Maud Mil ler and Mis Lulu Clark were elected new member. At the business meeting of the Pleasant Hour club held Monday evening Messrs, Sam E. Low, Oscar Funke and J. J. Perilling were elected members. Mrs. John C. Salsbery, daughter Edna and son John left Thursday for Hannibal, Mo., where she will visit at her old home for a week or ten diy. Mr. James T. Josliti, assistant cashier of theKockford National bank of Kockford, II!., is visiting with his brother-in-law, Mr. Ft auk Blish of this city. Mr. John Evans and Mrs. George Bunnelt CAPITAL CITY COURIER, -p--- - of Umnim, nml Mr. Emma Wnlch of Ninth Platte nre the guest of Mr. nml Mr. W. Ii. Wllllnin, lir.VNMreol. Mr. A. V, Scott find brld, nee Ml Kllle Leec, returned Turilnynfter n two week' wi-ddlng Hip vllt rnf, They me now til home.lt WJ Vino stieet. Thoilnughtet nfn prominent government hnve to step in nnd look over the line your orilclnl nml n i tilnrjnung gentleman will Uelf i.imI ul all mi I 1l.1v In Nnl'iillllb.r. mill rntl!4 of Invltntlou w'H i md next week. ... ... .....j ............,,,.,..-. ....... The newest d-lgii In hn'l proarniii", cull Inn card, nml In slms niinounceiurut', tho himbomt-Rt line everstinnn In I.liu'oln weiu received jrMeiilny nt TlIK CnUliIKH ollliv. Mb Hi-leu Tmilo loturned to Iit home In llcnttlce, Momlny after n itlennnt vl t with her sitter, MIm Toole who I nt tho liend of the ilmtvliig depiiitniHUt In the Lincoln n'IiooIp, Ituv. nnd Mi. John Hevltt of Holy Ttlnlty will bo teudeied 11 ollver ii'iulveruiry reception nt the home of Senior U'niileii, Mr. II J W11M1, with Mi. Amiimln I'utiiniii. MInh Smith Clnk, in company w.ththo foui'iliildiiiiof Mr. mid All". Mnuilt, It'ft for New Yotk where they will tnke pinnge for Allien, (liei'ce, to Join hei sNt-r, Mr. J. J. Miiuiitt, The CoUlllKllI fiuthorited to stnto thnt the Inltl.il pnrtv of the new lleiith'tfi (,'lub will not I'iko place Wi tueMlay evening, the (lute hnvlug been K)ipomJ to I'lldny NovciiiIkt llth. .Mr, J IV.ink Hurt- of the Vlt.-ilU I paving nml pies: I lulck compiiny left U'l-iloi-dny for AtrliUon, Kn., to ntleml the ronventloii of tho ptiviug lukk mnmifiictuier of the MIr-hiuiI Vnlley. .iir. imviii vv matimi r.imlly cxih-oL to re- jnove to Chlcngo next wi-ek, where they will reside in tho rutin e. .Mr. U Lew 111 cutitiiuo hi biiilue In Lincoln, nml It will ho tint tin ged by hi brothel -In Inw, Dnvhl Goldhurg. Mr. Jiiine H. Hiu row nml MU Addle White weio quietly tiinrifed nt the Usher lesldencti, 514 nuith Nineteenth stieet. Tui-i- dny evening nt 8 osclocl.. The ceremony wit pcifoim d by Jinilce Foxwoithy In the presenco of n few friend of tho contract lug pnrtli'. Mr. Lnmbeit C. lleeslcy of Oiunhn nnd Mis Dellnpheno ltos of thi city weio iunrrle.1 nt high noon Wedues-diiy nt the homo of tho Initio's patent, 174:11' stieet, Hev. F, S .Stein pei forming the ceremony' Mr. nut I .Mrs. Bvesley nre both well known in this city, thi former hnvlug been cou nt : 1 with tho Pncitlo exptes in this city for several Jems, Tho young couple de pnrttd utoticv for Oinnhu where they wi'l reside In the future. At tho residence of Mr. T. II. Leavitt, K17 South Thiiteeiith sttcjt, MomUy, October lUth, (Kctirrtl tho wrilil'ngof Mi Muzlo Mc Klwiiln, of WnshlngtouCouit House, Ohio, nnd Mr. William E. Shepnrd, the electrician of the Lincoln Stuet Knllwny Comxiny. Tho ix'ieuiony was ei formed hy the Kov. Lewis Gtegory In the piesenco of 11 small company of frio.ids. After 11 shott witling trip thov will be nt homo Ht l'-Ml G street, Mr. nml Mrs. Maxwell depnrted Tuesday for South Bend, Wash, where Mr. Maxwell ha organized the Citizen's National bunk. They will reside there In tho futute. Mr. Maxwell was formerly uslitnnt cashier of tho Capital National bunk of this city nml ha long Iteen popular In both business nnd social circles. Both Mr. nnd. Mr. Maxwell have resided In Lincoln since childhood and their depmturo is the cause bf deep regret to their host of friends in this city. Tho Tuesday Evening Club wa veiy pit arantly entertained last Tuesday evening by MIm Cora Hardy t fclgliteentb and M stn ets. The program consist d of a illscurs ion on Italy nnd wn rendered by Minse Grace Gritllth, Maude Smith, Anna Bai r and Dr. C. F. Lndd. Those present were: Misje Olive Lntt-v. Gertrude Law, Anna Funke, Maude Smith, Anna Bnrr, Grace Gritllth, Deim Loom!, Corn Hardy. Mesors. : O. W. Gerwlg, Will Hardy, F. C. Zel-iung, H. S. Freeman, W. Morton Smith, C. D. Mullen, Mr, nml Mrs. A. B. CofTroth. Mr. ami Mrs. W. B. Wolcott cavo another delightful card party Monday evening nt their pleasant homo on II strt st. The com pany compod the following: Messr nnd Mesdames, Marshall, Senr, Bewick, Doo little, Cook, Appelget, llnwley, WniUworth, Yatw, Wright, VnuBrunt, Jones, Grlfllth, Turner, Klchnrds, Preston, Clnrk, Brown, Halter, Crltn, Tllton, Winger, Criley, Dny ton, Lyman: Menlmue. T. W. Crissey, Zeh rung and Zletner; Misse. Kato StiMldmd, Inltn Burgev-H Ami Fntmlo Hitwley; Messrs, Otto Mohrensteeker, Eugene Thompson and Dr. Spahr. There wa n plenint gathering of ladles and gentlemen Tuesday evening nt the resi dence of Hev. Norman Plass, l?i"i Washing ton ttreet, the object being to organize 11 literary club. Tho new club starts out with eighteen charter members, ami the otllcers are as follows: President, Norman Plas; vice president, Mr. Dawes; secretary and treasurer, Miss Jessie Love. Tho meeting will bo heltl every Tuesday evening nt the home of the members, and tho club will bo known as the Plymouth Literary Club, the meetings or whichnre oikmi to all vvlte wish to join. After a short but interesting program the club adjourned to meet again Tuesday evening nt the resilience of Mrs. Ally n, 1 7.1 v asbington street. The PatiloU were very delightfully enter tallied last Wednesday evening by Mr. nml Mrs. A. S. Hitymon'd tit their beautiful home 011 It Street, Tho heuse wns tastefully decor ated and the lower floors were canvused where dancing was indulged in. Those present wete: Messrs and, Mesdiunos Gere. Hniwood, Boehmer, Holmes, Lewis, I. M, Raymond, Dnwes, Oakley, Buinhsm, Bur ges,, Ogden, Green, Buekstuir; Misses Surah Holmes, Cora Ilauly, Anna Funke, Ella Raymond, Katie Miller, Fannie Smith; Messrs OttoMolnensteckei,, Robeit Rlch- ter, Oscar Funke, W. E. Ilardv, Cm I Funk II. P. Fniicoti, Captain Phillip, nml Llei e. Ieu e nam rursmng. Continued 011 page 5. Mr. C. A. Isaacs of New Yorif, represent ng the wellkuonn fur hotisu of E. Shukeit, New York ami Kama City, is at the Lin coln hotel with nliaudso tie line of furs nml fur goods. Mi. Isaacs visits Alaska yearly for his hou.o 10J. elect skins and thus it may lie uudersto l that ho thoroughly under stand his buii ess. His line is now open for the inspection of the ladles at the Liudell hotel. For further particulars, see ndvei tu rn ut page live. The sale of diamond at Hulletl's still con tinues and the jieoplo continue each day to reap bargains m these piecious stoics. Ami whynotf Halletl's II119 is alway ir excel Itut and his goods never fall to coma up to the standard of representation. Too peoplu have become so accustomed to buy their dia mond there that its a foigone coucliMlou and useless to even look elsew hei e. Coiupm isons are odious, is the old saving, and In this case it proves only too ttue, when Hal letts stock of diamond is brought into com- SATURDAY, OCTOBER pnrlsou with that of various would be com petltor; nml not only I Hnllett tock u-l-ihly Inrgo hut It nlu carries with It the illxtlncrlnii of aliowliiK nil tho newest elTect in novel nml I itn stylo netting, nml among tln-nt the very pretty Tlirnny setting. Ob, wo rnu't do Justice to Hnllelt' stock of din iiioinl with pen, imiier nml col I tvpe you'll t'aiiglit In the Act. Tim Trncher Tlierii I nno of my bright est Imi) silting over there 111 thnt rock vv rltlug, wlillo hi companion. nro wasting their tltno In Idle piny. No doubt ho I vv rltlug hi lesson out for tomorrow. Here, Jimmy, let 1110 sen what ) on nro writing. Jliiiiny Nti'ni, I don't vvuiitto. "Ah, sou hi modesty I Come, I want to rend It" Thi In wlintslio remit "IMeiie cxuiisu my son Jaine from school todny, iih ho I needed nt ho" Boston New. Favorable Symptom. "Well, vv hut sort of 11 night hn niiidnm liwlr" "lleiivcn Ik? pntlctl, Ilerr Doctor, hu In decidedly better Sho drunk 11 basin ol beef tea this tnornlli nlitl when she hud llnlslied he threw the basin at tho sorv tint' head." Gcuernl Aii7elger. On n While Horse. Ethel That fortune teller told me tlmt my lover would come iltllug on 11 white hor-c. What could h.ive put thnt lilcn Into her head .Maud Possibly ho noticed thnt new bottle of Tit Inn red bleach on your dress ing table. New York Herald. . Hiipettltiou. "Why didn't you put u vvntcli pocket In my new vent I sent you my old 0110 iih n pattern.'' "I thought you wouldn't need one, sir, iih I found tho pawn ticket for your watch In one of the, pocket." LiiMtlgo Hlnttcr. A Mitigating Circumstance. Hostetter McGlnnl It is mean of you to lie iiIwiivh iibiiMing your friend Jones bo hltid his back. Gus do Smith 1 can't see it thnt way. If I nbiiHO him to hi fnco he will pound the life out of inc. Texas Sittings. lilrsl for n Knetor. "How do you like your new place, m torf" "It's very nice, Indeed. There's been more sicklies in Iludville In tho past week than there was In Hollowtown In it year." Epoch. IMPORTANT. To the Ladle of Lincoln nml Vlclult). On October '.Vith, 'JTthnud Ubth wu will give our Eighth Annual Fur Opening. We will have in ntteutlnnco onoof tho let Furriers in this country. He will toko measures, nml draft patt rns, thereby insuring n iierfcct lining garment. We will show the Intest London nnd Pnrl styles, for the sercon of 1S'.H-W. Newmarket, iniintMs, stcques, walking coat, rackets, military nnd shoul der enpes, in nil tho jiopulnr furs, viz; seal, mink, martin, otter, beaver, otj Th's I nn opportunity to see tho ltrgest lino of Hue furs lit tho West. Inspection I urgently so licited. Any of the s implo garmonts will bo for sale. Furs retnih 1 nt wholesale price 011 dates named. Don't forget tho dates. W. R. Dkn.nis Si Co., Hatters and Furriers, HUT O St. "Husslnn 1'iilltlcHt Exiles." Kennan's only lecture in Lincoln will be given nt the Metlu list church next Monday under auspices of Pnllndiau Society of Sttte University. Reserved sent nt Clnxon & Fletcher's. Only n few reserved seats left. Prices 5'J anil 85 cents. Leavitt City. handles the Coal Cnek Canon We Invite attention to our clonk depart ment, promising to show the largest nml most attractive stock of stylish garments ever displayed in Lincoln. Our stock is made, up from tho lines of several of tho largest manufactories- In tho country and wo think we can .satisfy any taste. Very lespectfully, MiLLKit & Paine. Lenvitt's "0i lec" anthracite, finest in the city. La dies hair dressing, Mis Johnston, O street. Ill All meals nt Odell's new dining hall re duced to twenty cents. No credit nml no tickets to anyone. The meals 1110 same as formerly nnd the price lower than ever. This muKes the board at Odell's cheap nnd he best in the state for the money. The Bazar, 103) O street, tins another lot of stylish cloaks, They placed on sale about the middle week. received will be of next Tho Wbitebreast Coal nnd Lime company is always at the front supplying the finest grades of all kind of coal Cnll on Leavitt before UiKI O stieet. buying your coal, Hotnling the O street grocer Is still on deck, commanding the vessel In a storm of trade. Tho handsomest thing in ladles head wnr nt Herpolsheimer & Co's millinery depart ment. Only tho finest cuts nnd choicest meats sei veil to customers of Chipmuu & Sheen, I.1I1U street. J'houelSO. A;eiit Wanted, We wnnt ngents everywhere to sell Our Little Nigger. Tho funniest nml most luugli able tiick out $10 n dny can lie made sell ing them. All vou huve to do is to show It, it lells itself. Send IT, rents for sample nml terms to, General Agency mid Novelty Co., Room oil, l!Ki South Clark St., Chicago, III. Call on Henry Hnrpham, 14'.' north llth street, opKsito Capital hotel for harness, whip, surcingles, curry combs nml brushes, harness oil, nxh greavi nnd axlo oil harness s mp, Leavitt handles Cnuoii City, DomuUio and Now Kentucky, One hundred lluest engraved calling cut ds ami pla'eonly f-.W nt Wei.el Piiutlug Co., 118)1 N street. The Peninsular baso burner is tho latest Improved heater In the luntket. Before bu iug, cull ami see 11 full Hue nt Dunham Buck, 11.(1 O stieet. 100 lluest engraved calling cauls nnd plato for I8.f" nt Tu Couuikh olllce. 24, 1891 BBSK2sSBSr ALWAYS THE J W WINGeR&CO. 1109 0 STREET, Our SpeciHLTies: Wedding Invitations, Reception Cards, Party Invitations, m Ball Programs, Announcements, Calling CtardsEtc. Citfter f?v inted Engraved OUR WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Seven years experience gives us knowledge of what is the proper thing required for Weddings, Balls, Parties, Ban quets, and all oeeassions where particular and fine work is needed. Our forms are guaranteed correct and prices reasonable. CALL AND SEE OR WRITE FOR SAMPLES. WESSEL PRINTING CO. 1134 N Street. LINCOLN, NEB. ELEGANT NEW CLOAKo Hri f Hr For Ladies anil Misses. Stylish, yet Practicable at Right Prices, and an Assortment the Largest. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Wo'nro olleilng bargains thnt you riuotrcslt''u thelfollnwlng depart ment. CLDAKH, DRESS GOODS BLANKETS, HOSIERY AND UN DERWEAR. Heo our Ktock'ibeforo buying elsewhere. CHEAPEST ! $: Telephone 253. LINE OF and TOP COATS w lv J4 f r taFl '3 l5y LI 'fe k -' r- I- ' -r .i Sj-tMivd wJjl.l.CtM'if. -TT STrSIMlW.IM TT rtT