Z WWW 8 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 189! mrMi POPULATION OF LINCOLN 65,000, H. R. NISSLEY&CO. COH TKNTII ASM) I' ST. LADIES'jFURNItHINC GOODS n specialty, A full of Dr. Winner's inl mid Hull's C'ros IIOMKKV, l'Nlir.UVi:.l AM) KID IILOVKt lu hiritonsuirtiuviils. t Wo hnu iliu iwnoy for Tho Buttorlck'a Pnttorns. H. R. NISSLEY&CO. TAKE NOTICE! I'IioCouuiku will not bo i-ft.KMillilo f(.r ny debts made liy nny oiu In n name, iiii- a written order accompanies tho same, WE CAN SUIT YOU. 'A4&TW. H niM'I.AVIMl 3Qfl Trimmed Hats ! Hanging In I'tlrr from Sl.OO TO $20 call and see tiii:.m. Tho Courier Ohm he Pound At Hotel Lincoln New Stnnil. Windsor Hotel News Htnmt. Capital Hold New Wand. Otlcll'H llliilim Hull News Stand, IUS O HI. Tho Gotham News Stand, IIH Month 1 It It St. Tho AH'X, 111 North lltli Street. Kt. Yuiiiiii, ItKOO Street. I'lason, Fletcher A Co.. US) O Street. Weiternold's Harbor Hhop, llurr HIooK. International News Emporium, I2tt O Ht. lion Ton Ulgnr Store, 1!W North lltli Htrcct. Moore's Now Bland, llf! South lltli Street. Hr-An extra supply of paper I always left t tho (lotham, In enso other Newsdealers supplies run short. FALL STYLES DUNLAP HATS W. R. DENNIS & CO. 1 137 O Street. Church Advertisements. Commencing April first, The CoimiKii will Inner t notices pertaining to sociable, festivals, lectures, meetings iitul sermon for nil churches free of charge. Advertisements for entertainment where, an admission I charged will l Inserted at ono-linlf tlio reg ular rate. Local ami Personal. Whitebrerst Coal ami Lime Coniiany. Ruth M. Wood, M. I 14M 1 street. Use Leavltt's telephone , SU50, for coal. Lincoln Ice Co., HMO O Rt. Telephone 118. Tho Llttlo store has removed to 1119 south 12th street. Eugene Hallett, illamoml merchant, 113 X Eleventh street. Geo. A. Raymer, coal niul wood, 'Phone 3110. liaiO street. Canon City Coal nt the Whitebreaat Coal and Lime Co. For line millinery at economical prices tee Hertwlslielmer & Co's., lino line. 100 finest engraved calling cards and pinto for IU..W at Tkk Couhikh otllce. Ladies kid gloves cleaned or colored at Lin coln Steam Dye work, 1HH1 O street, lYofessor O. W. Hill, teacher of Elocution and Oratory, KB south Eleventh street. Cabinet laths for ladles given by Mrs. It, D. Catlln professional masseur, ISM 1' street. Ladles can have their party dresses cleaned by the French dry process at tho Lincoln steam dye works 11W O street. 8. C. Quick, tuner and repairer of Pianos and Organs. With Young & Elder, ',S south Eleventh street, Lincoln, Neb. Applications for rental of Turner hall for socials and dancing received at I. J. Wohlen berg's cigar store, I'JS 8. 11th street. Flannel shirts cleaned w lthout shrinking by the French dry cleaning process, only IS cts. at Lincoln Steam Dyu works, 1110 O street. "Not how cheap, but how good" Is the motto of tho new Studio Lo (1 ramie. Call and see their work, 1VU south Twelfth street. Tho celebrated Egg ShanijKX) removes dandruff and promotes the growth of the hair. Tor sale by Miss Johnston, 11U O street. Never order a photograph or picture of any kind until you have seen the work done at the new Studio Le Grande, l'-M south Twelfth street. Gentlemen should now get out their Ian summer's suit, take it to the Lincoln Steam dyeworks 1105 O street and have it cleaned, dyed, repaired or pressed out. You can get a greater variety of wool underwear in ladles, mens and children' at llerpolsheimer & Co, than In any other house in the nest. Prices the loweu. Wedding Invitation, either printoo. or en graved In the finest style of the art at Tiik Courikk ofHce. Correct forms and bent quality of stock guaranteed. Samples cheer fully shown. Original round oak stove, the only air tight round oak stove 011 the market, conse quently the most economical in coutumptiou of fuel Bold only by Dunham and lluck, 1190 O street. TTuA IS From tho lown City iViiiniinm of 11 re cent date wo "xtr"0t the following "Lnt evening at the homo of tho bride's mother, Mrs, Julia M. Hutchinson, In this city ik- eurrisl the man Inge of Mis Sophy W. Hutchinson mid .Mr. Jihn I., Ts-lors of Lin coln, Nebraska. Tho event was In every respect one of the happiest which ha ever taker place In this city, where IhiDi tho con tracting parties were well and widely known, lown City has given from among her daugh ter many fail' brldi hut few with whom those who knew her could bo more lotho to pat t, even on so phsisant 1111 occasion, n with tlm brl'lo of liit evening. Miss Hutch inson was one i.f a fuu.ily whose diiugliteis have been known for ttuo woilhaml genuine aiiMiupllslimeut. Until the bride and tho groom were gtiuluntc' flom the state linl xorslty, and to Us gissl lullucuco may l tiaceel tliooilglu of tho lovo which has tlnis Joined two excellent lives. Mr. Teeters, who was a tneuilier of the cliihs of ')?! Is now a 1 IfOtig member or llio bar at Lincoln, Nebras ka, being a mciulier of the law lltui of Stev en', Lovo ,fc Teeteis. Tho ceremony took place In tho spacious parlors, which were elaborately docointed with Mowers, prompt ly ut 7:!' o'clock. Thohrldo was attlied In a gown of white silk, tho groom in couveu tloiial suit of black, ami the words which 111111I0 them ninii Mini wife weio very delight fully spoken by the Itev Dr. li N. Ilanett, otlliNcliy. Duly lolathes and liitiiiinto friends weio present. After tho congratula tions and tt pleasing luncheon, Mr, ami Mis. Teeter took tho leu o'clock tiiiiu for Lin coln, where they will at once occupy their own home. They will be lollowcd by the well wishes of a hoft of friends." Mr ami Mis. Teeters aio now nt homo as liWI C stieet. Mr, and Mrs, A. Ilurlbut gavo a delight ful card paity Wednesday evening at their new and elegant homo on Sixteenth stieet. The house was beautifully decorated and Mr. and .Mrs. Iluitbut proved charming eu tcitaliicrs. The royal prizes felt resiHftivo ly to Mr. E. E. llrown and MissOllvo Iitla, TIuko pieseiit were: Messers and Mesdames, E. K. Crlloy, K. E. llrown, A. J. llnckMair, U C. llurr, C L. Llpplucott, George Clark, F. W. Ilaldwlii, It. A. Perry, A. V. Jiuiseii, C. ThotiiKou, O. M ThompMiu, Alva Kluard, George llrown, A. II. Weir, 8. E. Moore, Walter llargieavcs, John Dooltltlc, Mis. Thomas lleiitou, Dr. and Mrs, It. L, Gilllii, Mlssas Sadie llecker and Ollvo Iwitta, Messrs John Dorgau, C. E. Montgomery and U. II. lllchter. On Thursday evening .Mr. and Mrs. Hurl but wero again at home to their friends and on this evening the prkos fell to .Mrs. Cap tain Paine and Mr. Edward Holmes. TIiom) present on this occasion weio; Messrs and Medaines, David Wise, R. E. Moore, Clias. Uauimoud, Douglas Shilling, Edward Holmes, J. W. Winger, O. W. Webster, Samuel Mellck, V. 1. Wolcott, George Cook, F. A. llrown, H. II. Patrick, Captain Paine, H. 1). Sterns, J. Sakhory, Charles lleefer, A. G. llllhneyer, Mrs. Pollock of Chicago, Dr. and Mrs. Dayton, Catettcer and Wrlghter, MUs Jamison of Chicago and Mr. Phillip Wlrg. The popular F street club which has stood the test of time for three seasons has been reorganized for tho social pleasures of tho coining winter and at their last meeting the following officers wero elected: president, Mrs, Mary D. Manning, secretary, Mr. Clias. Mills, executive committee, Mesdauies Tip ling, F. A. llrown and Ijimly ;ciark. The memtHTshlp of the club Is limited to sixteen couple ami they all reside on F street. The evenings are sent at momticrs houses in var ious past times, cards however being the principal attraction. Tho llrst regular moot ing occurs at Dr. Manning's Thursday eve. Following Is a list of tho iiiciiiIhts; Messrs and Mcsdames, F. A. llrown, Dr. C. 11. Man ning, Ed. lllgnell, F. A. Holms, Prof. Austin, E. Hlbner, T. H. llenton, Landy Clark, H. M. Warren, Clias. Mills, Tlpllng, Dr. Caso lioer, A. J. Sawyer, Mrs. Hard and Messrs C. 11. Hutchlns and M. I. Aitkeu. Tho Omaha Krvehhr pays Lincoln talent a pleasant tribute in its last Issue, as follows; "Monday evening V. S. Marshal and Mrs. Slaughter celebrated their tweuty-llftli an niversary by giving a thoroughly dellgh tful reception at their pretty homo in Kouutzo place Tho feature of tho evening was a recitation by Miss Almena Parker, professor of elocution at the Cottier unlveisity, Lin- coin, wno is certainly wonderfully gifted. Mr. Wills McCuue, who has been n member of the Trinity cathedral choir for a few years sang several solos most exquisitely and shared tho honors with MUs Parker. Notwithstanding the disagieeable night the house was thronged with oplc. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wolcott entei tallied n company of frleirlsnt their hospitable home. Eleventh and II streets, last evening. Tho time passed very pleasantly with cards as ths feature of the evening's entertainment. Those pi esent were. Mes.rs mid Mesdames, R. S. Mcintosh, A. O. Kleiner, II. F. Cow dry. F. W. Baldwin, Walter Hargreaves, W. R. Dennis, II. P. Foster, II. D. Patrick, Henry Smith, S. E. Mooie, O. M. Thompson, Snyder, P. W. Plank, Hoehmer, Sutton, Henry Zehrung, Dr. H. F. llalley, Dr. Man ning, MIsies Nellie llalley, Dennis, Hollow bush, Mr. Rlchter, Me-slaiues Hollowbush Vauliruut nud May of Chicago. Mr. Morris W. Folsom left Saturday for Nyack-on-the-Hudsou wheio on tho Twenty- llrst of iMober ;at high noon he will wed Miss Anna Miller. Tho ceremony will be witnessed only by relatives and a few inti mate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Folsom will ar rive in till city aUnit November llrst and after December llrst will be at home to their friends at l'."JS K street. Mr. Folsom has been engaged In tho real estate business here for thepatt two )ears and is Kipularly known In both buiucvs and social circles, while his bride is a highly accomplished young lady tgieatly esteemed in her Now York home. Mr. Frank DrUkell and Miss Gertrude Perkins were married Thursday evening nt home of the bride's parents, I'-JviO S street. Rev. Mr. Hull rtormed the ceremony after which the young couple, weio serenaded by a number of the lady friends of the bride. Those present were: Mr. anil Mrs. DrUkell, Mr, and Mis, Nicholson, Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Edith Teny, Mrs. Rykest. Misses Clara Moore, Strum, Katie and Hattlo Simmons, Me&sis. J, Johnson, J, A. Field, James Hasbrnuck ami C. Calkins. The Henrietta club, a now organization has been launched In the social swim, with the following officers to guide its destinies; president, C. li. McCall; vice-president, C. W. Weckbach J secretary, Geo. L. MeUuer; treasurer, R. It. Wlllson; executive commit tee, Clias. Miller, A. M, Stewart, and F. R. Gruham. Tho first party will bo given Wed nesday the UMli. Lat Friday evening at tho home of Mr. W, E. Hardy, there was organized a now Chautauqua circle which commence . tho season's woik with a satisfactory inem-i 1 Ix'ishlp and tho assurance of a profitable j winter The cliclo was nained after James 1 Itilssell ltwell. Mr. Hardy was elected j plesldetit and Miss Delia Lontnl, secretary., Mr Clias, McCall has severed his coiinect thins Willi W It MoAillnir .V-Hnii. lo neeeiit. ' - , 1-1 the position of licnil cleik made vacant at Hailo' by Mr. Itdilainler who will soon launch Ids own coimueicinl cams1, ha vim; purchased the ding hinduc of F. A Pylo & Co,, wheie ho will bo found after next week, At tho last business meeting of tlio Pleas ant Hour club it was dcclibslto give the Mist party Thuisday evening, October y.ith at tho Hotel Lincoln. Memls-rs of tho club are looking lornnid to this event with III lillfes Interest and it promises to ben notable event. There Is already some talk of the annual Charity Isilli buiso far 110 active measures have been taken liipiepuratiou for tho same. It Is to be IioksI that this ciodltahln Institu tion will be maintain! il thlsyeai as usual. llamUoiuely engraved can Is 1110 out an nouncing the wedding of Dr. Chml'-s Frank bnlil and Mls .Minnie Hello Latin to take place Wednesday, October 'JS, First Presliy leilau clmicli. A reception follows at tho home of tlio bildes parents. Mr. John L. A1011 and Miss Llzio Mines were ipiietly married Wednesday evening at eight o'cloclt at tho homo of (ho bride's pa tents, '.'Hill IC stieet. The Rov. Dr. F. S. Stein pteforuusl tho ceiemoiiy In tlio pies eucoof relative only. A letter fiom Mr W II. Shelling says "Will you please change the address ofTlIK Coi'liimt, ft om our fotiner location lu l.ln- coin, to ligau City, tTtali Territory, whole wo 1110 at present sojourning, auioug the "Saints In .Ion." Dr. J II, Imhoir who has Ix-en nik'IiiIIhl; the sumiiier with his parents In this city, left Monday lu company with his father for tho south where they will travel extensively before Dr. Imhoir settli-s in Ito.tuoke, Vn., his now home. The old established llrm of Perry .t Harris of which F. II. Harris Is now manager, has left the little st 10 location and removed to more cent 1 ill ipiaitersat llik'l U street, oc cupying tho west half of Pyle's iphaiinacy. Mrs. W. L. Hutcliliisouaml daughter ar rived Thursday from Itockvllle, lud. Mrs. Hutcliliiscii Is the sister of Mrs. James Heatou and will be her guest for several wivks. Cards are out announcing tho forthcoming nuptial of Mr, John Cuulmghaui, of this city, Wl .Miss Mary Welch, of Codl., Oh lo., to take place at the bride's homo October Wth. The laillef of the Pythian slstcihood tend ered n reception and banquet to tho repre Kcutatlvc of tlio grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias at Castle hall Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. llonnell left yesterday for Chicago, their future homo. Misses I.I7..I0 and Ida llonnell nro as yet Lluconites but ex pect to Join their parents next neck. Mr. (J. S. Dowell, editor of tho Perro Free Press, siK'iit several days In tho city thU week visiting his brother-in-law, Prof, Hon neo of the state university. Mr. L. P Gould of tho firms of Wester man, Low & Gould arrived in the city last week with his family and will hereafter make his homo in Lincoln. Mr. Will Huffman had the misfortune to sprain an ankle while alighting from a street car tho other day and tho result is he now navigates on crutches. Mrs. F. II. Kelly of Now York visited her brother Mr. A. J. Rlghy Saturday and Sun day enrouto to Perkins county, where she will Join her husband. Mrs. Emma Seaman departed Monday for Chicago ami other Illinois points. She will visit about a mouth among relatives and friends. MUs Gerti tide Marquette will kmuI the winter in New York, devoting most of her time in art studies and visiting relatives aud friends. Miss Martha Fuuke will be nt home to her friends Thursday afternoon auJ evening, nt which time cards aud dancing will lie indul ged lu. Miss Anna llrody of Heat rice, aud Miss Wightouof Altooim, Pa., visited Monday lu Lincoln with tho MUses Gertrude and Caro la Hill. Mr. James Henton has returned from the national convention of funeral directors which was held at Richmond, Va. Mr. Charles M. Hovoy, state auditor of Kansas and a former resident of Lincoln is visiting old friends lu this city. Lieutenant and .Mrs. T. W, Griffith left Saturday for Ft.Clarke, Texas,, where they will mako their future home. Mr. E. UiMllka, president of the Union State bank of Harvard. Neb., tvas in the city on business Wednesday. Mr. J. A. Kaydeu nud family returned Saturday after spending two weeks with relatives at Mt. Vernon, la. Mr. John Moore aud Mr. E. W. Maitlaud of Wymore sH.ut Sunday at Mr. A. M alt land's 191S Prospect street. Mrs. H.J. Polleck after a three weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. D. Wlso, returns home to Chicago today. Congressman William I), llyrum of Indi ana was the guest of Congressman llryau a few hours yesterday. Mis Hattie Pitcher of Cedar Ripids, It., is visiting Mrs. F. W. Townseud, Thirty seventh aud P stieets. Miss Chic llrown leaves for liortou tomor row to complete her already excellent musi cal education. Mis Dena Loomis has icturued from Om aha aud lllair wheio sho spent a few days this week. Mr. W. S, Page, assistant general superlu dent of the Rock Island was in the city this week. Mr, Abe Kseusk after an illness of three weeks has recuperated sulllclent to leavn his bed. Mrs. Lou Wessel has returned after a visit of ten days at the old home In St. Joseph, Mrs. F. S. Potviu and daughter, Miss Daisy returned to Seattle Wednesday. Miss Marie Lord of Loudon is visiting her brother Dr. Roland Lord of this city. Mr and Mrs. William Morgan of Chey enne are visiting friends in this city. Rev. E. O. linker returned Thursday after an absence of two weeks lu Chicago, Mr. Frank Stewait of Alliance, Neb,, is visiting his sister Mrs. J. E. Hill. Mr. Edward ilc.hiuauu of Johnston, Pa , is visiting Lincoln relatives. Mr. C. M. Riggs of Beatrice was in the city a lew days this week. Miss Rachel Hrock will entertain the Thim ble Club this afternoon. Mr. W. II. Clarke returned Saturday from In- Dakota Hot Springs. Hlieiltr McClay returned home from Hot Spill gi, H, I)., Tuesday. Governor Thiyer was In Omaha Weilms day on olllclal business. Mr. John 8. ami Miss Ann Kiuger left Monday for Areola, Ills. Mis. Sat ah touppo and sou are .pending a few d'iys hi Chicago. Mr. F. M. Vniillnrn of Clmdron was In Lincoln this week. Mr. A. C.Celmer Is In Chicago. He will 1 etui 11 luiinrmw. Mr, J. M. Knox left Monday fnr a week's visit at DesMolnes. Hon. li. A. Walrus of I tea tike was (11 tho city Wedms l.iy. MessmJohn anil Erlck Haul spent the week In Chicago. Miss Anno Fuuke has been visiting in Om aha this week. .Mr. A. (I. iVmies has returned from Hot Springs, S. D. Mr. O. C Hell of Ited Cloud was in the city Monday. Mr. C. A. Selgler was a corn palace visi tor (his week. Mr. and Mrs. C. D Mosher went to Chi cago Monday. Mrs. M. A. Ward Is visiting at IVnlriu Du Chleii, Wis. Koiiiiiiii'h l.crllllc.. The Piilladlau Literary Society of tliestato unlveisity, has engaged George Keiinun, tlio celi'bi ati'il Sibei inn tinvolcr, to lectute in Lincoln .Monday, October "il, at the Methodist church. Subject: "Russian Politi cal Exiles." Tickets ut Cliisoii A: Fletcheis. Ilotl-elliilil (loud for .Side, Mr. David WIo having decided to give up housekeeping, all the household goods, consisting of lurnlluie, caijiets, stoves, gas llxtuies, piano and brlclabrack, also a horse, phaeton and cutter, all to bo sold at private sale commencing Monday, October lllth at ten o'clock a.m., IMS K street. llallet Is nowadays one of tho happiest men lu tho city and really has a gosl cause to w. 'I here Is scarcely 11 day g(M by but what he makes a sale or two of some valua ble diamond, unil it has como to that point In tho Jewelry lino in Lincoln that when the people want diamonds they go to llallet for them'. Every houso makes 11 seelalty of some particular article lu their Hue, and while other houses see lit to my their ntten tlou to tho smaller wares, llallet has made the diamond department n siecial feature aud study, ami if you are wanting anything in that line you certainly cannot afford to buy I h' fore llrst consulting this popular house. His now Hue of settings are now in, ami he will take great pleasure In show lug them to you at any time, although you are not now ready to buy. Of course you know tho place Hit North hloventh street. tallies hair dressing, M'ss O street. Johnston, 111 tanvttt City. handles tho Coal Creek Canon To the Ladles. Mrs. C. J. Todd, has just returned from Chicago, ami Is now prepared to give her patrons the latest styles lu dress making. Host class of work solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. UKi't O street. All meals at Odell's new dining hall re duced to twenty cents. No credit and no tickets to anyone. The meals are same as formerly and tho price lower thnu ever. This makes tho board at Odell's cheap and ho best In tho state for the money. The Whltebreast Coal and Lluiu company is always at tho front supplying the finest grades of all kinds of coal Grand cloak exhibit at llerpolsheimer & Co. tallies and children's cloaks in the greatest variety at tho lowest prices. Now is tho time to get stoves for tho win ter. Dunham & Huck have a big line of all the finest makes. They also reiwir old stoves, set them up and furnish parts needed at reasonable cost. Call, ll'Jtl O street or tel ephone !1W. Commutation tickets at Brown's restau rants (good nt either place), live dollars for four dollars, ThU makes prices lower than any other place In the city when tlw prices charged on bill of fare I considered. Ladles will consult their liest interests bj ordering their meat and game at Chipmau and Sheen, 1S41 O street. All orders either 111 person or over telephone IN) will be promptly delivered, Wedding Invitations Wcsk'1 Printing Co. Call on Leavltt before liuylug your coal, lHKI O street. Rotating the O street grocer is still deck, commanding the vessel in a storm trade. Wool combination suits f r ladles at $ '.'.!i"i nsult. The lHst In tho world for tho money at HerH)sheiiner iS: Co. The handsomest things in ladles head wear at llerpolsheimer Si. Co's millinery depart ment. Only the llnest cuts nud choicest meats sei ved to customers of Chlpmntl & Sheen, 1SU O street. Phono 180. AkoiiIs Winiteil, We want agents everywhere to sell Our Little Nigger. Tho funniest and most laugh able trick out 10 n day can bo made sell ing them. All you have to do is to show it, it tells itself. Send 15 cents for sample and term to, Geutral Agency ami Novelty Co,, Room Sit, li. South Clark St., Chicago, III. A (iooil One One thousand dollars will lw paid by The Queen to the lady or gentleman, girl or boy, forming the largest list of English words (of pot less than four letters) fiom the letters contained in "Cueeu Souvenir Spixjli,'' Five hundred dollars will b imid to tlio one send ing the second largest list aud one hundred add Itiouiil good prizes given in order of mer it. Those sending list must enclose 1.00 for one ytm's subset iptiou to Tho Queen, a largo forty eight page, family magame. Conqiet itors enclo.iiu llfteen C. S. two cent stamps extra to cover exeiise of mulling, et3., will receive free one of The Queen's elegant Sou venir Skm)iis of Canada. The Queen Is the most (Kipulur family publication ami has the largest circulation of any in Canada. Sam ple number with full puticulaisof couqieti tlou KtpaId for six U. S. twoceut stamps, Address Tho Cnuadiuu Queen, Toronto, Can. ALWAYS THE J i iAilNGSR&CO. 1109 0 STREET. Our SpeciALTies: Wedding Invitations, Reception Cards, Party Invitations, Ball Programs, Announcements, Calling Cards, Etc. Sitfter ?r iuted Engraved OUR WORK SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Seven years experience gives us knowledge of what is the proper thing required for Weddings, Balls, Parties, Ban. quets, and all occassions where particular and fine work is needed. Our forms are guaranteed correct and prices reasonable. CALL AXD SEE OR WRITE FOR SAMPLES. WESSEL PRINTING CO. 1134 N Street. LINCOLN, NEE. ELEGANT NEW CLOAKS sa llHuH m For Ladit's ,unl Misses. Stylish, yet Practicable at Right Price,, and an Assortment the Largest. HERPOLSHEIMER & CO. Wo lire olI'erlUK barKiilus that you cannot reslsllln tho following depart- Ma--t4fr Sift " .pSB-w0l incuts. CLOAKS, DUK8M 1 CJOODS BLANKETS, HOSIERY AND UN DEKWEAIt.aSee our Mock'lbcforo buying elsowheie. ;r CHEAPEST ! Telephone 253. LINE OF and TOP COATS ft sKSt 5H W BB A -yi J&&Ubi &M .Ortsumi