c fiBfe srLfi:fa At&rfim o'O'O'OO'OOurs' M-Ss, . I H Vin".. . K "PoPdllAR ' FAPElVop AX9PEFW -TIMES " Vol.. 0 No 4G Lincoln, Nbhkaska, Satukday, Octoiuck 17. lt01. F'WICIC KlVIC CltNTS ('"ZTTIf k . , , , ..AfUVr'l J, c:.vAW mism tt r i' f ii-r- m1 rrj-i t r i "T"vi -rivri ii l (.? VTVmWl' . 1 ."Vr"rr , W' t M StTA Jt JlT".-' .. -w 11 t. J i 1 i lO'Id 1kT. -v ,..1VViLiull . X .... I. .... iiB mjBB ivicv- iirn r , , . -i v "n. -. . rrj ' iska T . i - ivi iwv. x. -.vSi,.j'nuirvc,is' v- jf. l -- - - v.ii" , rv (i 1 1 i i i i i W8&mp2 Ho win only it "news butcher" on n through train. Tim short coat and thu jionk I'd coji gave liliu mi nlr of boyishness, lint his face had lines of manhood. Ho wax hearing the end of his run, hud put up his trashy novels mid high-priced fruit and sut down iu tho vacant wilt with the evident pur oso of lielng sociable. A feeler of his drew out n query from thu traveler, nnd then tho newsboy unbosomed himself of his jihlloso. phy. ''Oh, It's u good business,1' ho rosjiond ed, earnestly. "Tho secret of tho whole thing Is, when you catch a sucker work him for nil there is in it. You seen them books of mountain scenery 1 sell for n quarter, didn't you, those tins with n long stilug of pictures Hint fold upf When n hayseed asks how much they is I nxk him how many ho wants, Ho never wants more'n one, and 1 tell him t'i. A granger alwayH wants to beat down tho price. If I told him ten cents lio'd want 'er for n nickel. Well, after lots of confab ho probably otters a dollar. Do 1 take itl Well, I should smile, and that countryman is tickled Ixicautto he thinks lie saved a dollar. A darky is it good deal tho same way. Ho never wants to pay the llrst price you ask him. When 1 nsk him, 'flow many do you wnnt I' and he says one, I tell him him the pictures are ten Jeents apiece or two-ilfty for tho lot. And then I make u motion to tear oil a picture. Tho coon sayn: 'Hold on there, boHs, don't do that.' Thou I pretend I think ho wanU live, tell him he can have 'em for ilfty cents- and count 'em oil as though I intended to tear 'em from thu strip. He sto8 me again, and finally ollVrs me a nickel apiece for the twenty-llvo pic ture. Of course 1 take htm up 'to nivo time,"eciiil rate to him' and all that suit of thing, you know. You see that's where I make my money, 'litem books aio twenty five cent. I get one-lltth for selling 'em, so 1 have to turn iu twenty cents to the boss. When I catch u sucker for a ilullnr and a ininrter you see I makes 11.0.1 out of it." When asked what he made out of the busi ness, the young fellow leplied: "Well, 'taint as good as it used to be. When I wus running on the Now York Central, maklti' a round trip every day between Albany and New York. I usel to go homo Haturdny night and trow ?..' and $40 Into my motheis lap. Sometimes it was $.10 a week and never less than i'. I was only V-i years old den, an1 the old man said he'd take care of it. He's takln'caruof it yet. an' that was six teen years ago, but I gues I can paddle my own canoe. Them was the days when we told two and three dollar books. Wo didn't have these 'ere cheap, paper covered books. Now I make u little rake oil by putting up the price of the stuff. Maybe you didn't no tice it, but none of my books liuvu the price printed on 'em. I just tuck a nickel extra ou 'em, and if I sell twenty In u day that's good for 81.2.1. See On some runs, wheie there Is lots of drummers I stand in with 'em. I take back their old books, allowing 'em a nlckle, and then I sell them books again and make n big round prollt- I tell you the boss don't get much out of that deal. Speaking of judging people, the kxpiaci ous young man intenupted energetically: ''Greatest business on earth to study human nature I I'll bet I can go through this car with an armful of books and lay down in each seat a book that will hit that passenger's peculiar Idea. You noticed I didn't stop nnd chew the rag with you when you said you didn't want that book, didn't you I Well there are some people who want to be talked to. They kinder want some tiling uud you sorter have to bulldoze 'em into buying. I ran onto a young feller from the country a vilo ago, and he seemed to think lie hud to buy a book every time I came round. I worked about eight dollars' worth ou'o him, and then he, pitiful sort of like, said that he couldn't buy any more, only one. He said he was goiu' to college and ho w anted u copy of Iloccacio's book awful bad ami would pay mott anything for it. I said I sold 'em once iu awhile, but pretended it was against theiulesand the law to sell it. He kept beggin' for it, and when 1 got him worked I I said I would sell him a copy I had bought for another feller down tho road, but he must shove it into his grip and not look nt it until he got home. He handed over a live dollar bill and I catno back with a copy of Ham Jones' Sermons, the biggest book I had. Just as I handed lt to him the conductor came in. 'There's the con, he's watching me!' nnd I dropped the book into his grip. I pretende.l I wanted to take it back and the feller crossed hU heart he wouldn't open the grip until he got home, I saw him once af terward, but he wouldn't look at me. Now, I claim I did that young country feller a good turn. He probably read them sermons and they probably done him some good, Oh, I c-nn make more at this business than I could nt a trade or clei king iu n store. And I enn teach a boy so he'll make fifteen dol lars a week if he'll only dons I tell him. No, I'm no good for anything else. I suppose I'll stick to It until I get died." A sninrt darky was taken down the other day in a way that he is likely to remember until he shuttles of this mortal coil, lie was n waiter on a dining car, and one of tliOM) smart young negroes who like to show on their smartness. His table caught a man whose dress was something of a back number and he sized up the passenger for a ilfty cent tip, Instead of waiting for the diners order he nodded knowingly, smiled iisMiriiigly, pilckly ejaculated, "I've got you," and mode for the kitchen. Tho traveler had no time to make a remonstrance, and jwitieiitty awaited his leturii. Indue cause of time the darky came back, His tiny was piled up two layers thick, nnd If there was some thing ou the bill of fare that he didn't biiug the supply must have run out. Evidently this smart waiter forgot nothing. He spread out the dishes befote thu waiting guest, who calmly watched the pi weeding uud snld not a word. When the task was llnMied, tho young fellow stood in tho aisle with a teaming countenance and gazed at the stran ger for nu approving nod or smile. Hut the stranger did not npprove. Ills dignity hud been olTended. In a deep buss voice with n ragged edgo on it lie roared out: "Tnkei away this trash and bring mo it bill of faro' The stranger was a senator from one of tho new western states. All the duky walteis nnd potters ou tho trnlu mndo life miserable, for tho smart waiter, and it will Ihj a long tliuo before he hears tho Inst of it. 1'iobnbly you have run across that new fangled match that will not take flro unless you strike it ou the sido of one of tho boxes In which they nro put up. if you hapeu to bo traveling iu a Pullman car when some fellow offers to bet that ho can light ouu of those matches without using nltoxdou't tako him up. Most people don't tako a Pullman unless they have long trls to make. That means considerable tliuo to kill, and thu smoking room Is the greatest place lit the world for men to get together to swap ex orleiices and other luteiesting llctlons. If there Is anything that will raise tho dander of an average man It is to tell him he can't do n simple little thing that looks perfectly easy. For years ho has b"on accustomed to striking matches on the soles of his shoes or the scat of his trousers, and to bo handed n little stick with brimstone top and lw told he cannot light it without using n prepared box is like slinking a rtsl rag In a bull's face. For awhile theru were sninrt fellow on tho road picking up now a fiver and then i tenner on wngers of that kind. Hut human Ingenuity has been nt work, nnd now there nre bright men betting that they cnu do the trick. I saw one do It tho other day. He took the matchbox, rubbed the sitidpnperc 1 box on the bottom of Ills shoe and then struck the match on the shoe. Other smart investiga tors have discovered a way of lighting these matches by striking them iu it ecullar man ner ou tho plate glass windows of the Pull man car. Hence, I say unto you, don't bet ou another man's game. The west ought to organize it corps o! mis sionaries to go east and educate the people down there ou the enoi mous sizo and re sources of this section nnd Its marvelous growth iu iKipulatloii. A I.lncolnilu just back from nu eastern trip says the general Ignorance of this country that prevails among the people living enst of the Allegha ny mountains is something astounding. Years ago they may have heard of Lincoln as a likely town of 10,000 people, ami judg ing from their own slow gait, they now think of it as a place of perhaps 1.1,000 un til someone informs them to the contrary, and then they listen to the truth with an in credulous air as much as to say; "Well, per haps it's so, but I fear there is a great deal of western exaggeration In the llgures. Tills gentleman had a number of easterners ask him if he very often met such and such n person iu Denver or St. Paul or Kansas City. They seem to think theso places not only villages but located in adjoining coun ties, so that u resident of one might know al most any citizen of tho others. Of course theru are educated and traveled people who kuow better than that, but it is true of tho masses that they are lamentably ignorant of the west. This section begins ut the Alle guides and Is like u foreign land to them. They need missionaries. V Tho Improvement iu street car locomotion duiitig the past two years would have been it marvelous thing in any other age, but wo uro ou thu eve of new wonders gi eater than any that have gone before. A storage sys tem to do away with overhead wires, lias been the dream of inventors, but Kdisou an nounces a new plan that solves thu riddle. He will send the electric cm rent along the rails. There will be neither overhead nor underground wires, neither slot Iu thu street nor storage battery In tho car. The current will be picked up trom the rails by the wheels and transmitted to thu motors witlt which electric cars are already equipped, Tho inventor's greatest dilllculty wits to pick up thu current when the track was coveied with mud. In Now York last week Kdisou announced that lio had solved that riddle, uud he says his new system is perfect uud will revolutionize things. This woudeiiul wlzznrd seldom makes preinatuio statements and it is asserted tlmt lie lias kept every pi omise thut hu lias over niadu noout loan oiiilng electrlcul appliances. New Yoi kei s uiu bunking ou tiie now street cur system. Many of our readers will readily recogule the bright and intelligent features of Miss lllsland In the illusteraiion shown ou our ilrst puge. They will also recollect tlmt lady's wonderful trip around tho world and the CouitlHll'H personal interview with her whllu thu editor was iu New York just after lier return. Our literary people know perhaps still more of Miss lllsland as her work in 77ic Cosmojioliliin was of such brilliant nature as to win inuiiy friends and admircis besides starting tho great boom t at The CwuiiojHilituH has since enjoyed. Therefore her recent marriage iu New York to Mr. Charles Wetmore, a prominent young attor ney of the metropolis, Is tho more interesting Miss HlsUud has recently returned from Europe, w hero she has leeu since May, lb'.KJ. During her sojtiru she has enjoyed a round of sight-seeing and entertainment by English friends. A few weeks before .Miss lllsland left England for home she became engaged to Mr. Wetmore, who had gonu over fioni America to secure her promise. Ma is lit) years old and is the junior member of thu law Hi m of Harlow & Wetmore, SO Wall street. Ho was Iwrn in Ohio and came to New York In Ibso. He is not fond of society, but Is admired by all with whom he comes iu contact, socially or iu business. Miss Ills land uud Mr. Wetmoru ilrst met at a bull given by it country club ou Ixiiig Island, be toie she left for her European trip, audit deep admiration for each other sprung up, Tlieie was no engagement, however, until a few weeks ago. Thu wedding was it quiet one, as both Miss lllsland and Mr, Wetmore are a vol so to any ostentation. There was no wedding trip, and they went Immediately to their home at East Sixteenth street. Miss lllsland was born at Camp Island, Fairfax Plantation, on tho Tceho, near Now Orleans. Her family, one of tho oldest In the South, lost Its entire property while she was n child, and several years ago Mls lllsland started out to gain her own livelihood nnd assist her family by writing for tho press. She did considerable work for tho New Orleans VYmiM-AJfiiioonif, and later hecamu llteiaiy editor of that paper. letter shu went to New York, and while literary editor f the Cosmopolitan undertook her famous Journey across the 1100 degrees of longitude. It is probable Miss lllsland will not wholly for. sake tho literary Held, for she avers tlmt its pursuits uro nu Intense pleasure to her as well ns a business occupation. She is a wo man of clever intellect uud 'tvnt lellneinent. BjHnSMSWMMJMHHM Hill St(3' LlB" 'V',''-"nMl?'BfoaIkl JBtw.iiiiBsEiCi3luBsHi IHHEMMflHMIfl MISS A younger sister is one of the editors of the llhulrali-d American, and with her auothei sister Is living, Tho mother and thn young est daughter still ieide in the South. No Danger. Lady Aren't you nfrnld, my boy, thnt It you play in the sun without your hat on you will get tunned? Johnny Nop. Pa nln't at homo nnd ma's got rheumatism of the arm. Truth. W llrnak tile Iteruril In Hit, furniture Trade. A solid train of twenty car loads of fiiru tore containing the finest, largest and cheap est stock in this Hue ever shown In the state, will arrlvo for usSatuiday morning at 10 o'clock on the 11. & M. pusenger tracks Seventh and I' streets. The cars for this train have U'eu completed Iu Chicago from Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, hlo, Penn sylvania, New York mid other states anil have been formed together with other cars loaded In Chicago Into tho above mentioned secial train. We have taken sih-cIiiI pride to advertise thu city by placing ten fts t banners on each side of all tho cms, stating iu large letters that this train of twenty cats I of furniture is for the city of Lincoln, Neb. i It has been acknowledged by nil furniture manufacturers that tills is the Ilrst intnnco that any ouo llrm iu tho Cuited States iuts smpeii iu a soiiii tram oi twenty cars at ouo shipment for thu letall trade. Don't full to see this train. Alttl. TlIKO, UHl'KTTt:il& Co. 121-181 north llMi stieet, near O street. Leavitt handles Canon City, Domestic and New Kentucky, Call ou Henry Harpham, II'.' north 11th street, opHsito Capital hotel for hitl'llc, whljis, surcingles, curry comb ami brushes, harness oil, nxi greas.) and axle oil harness soap. See Hotallng thu grocer for new, pure majilu syiuj). Bee wliat HerpoUlieiiner it Co., have iu cloaks, di ess goods and millinery. Prices thu lowest. Lenvltt's "Cl lea" anthracite, finest in the city. The somewhat xvullar tactics of tho man agement of "Thu Old, Old Story," In seeking to present the play iu a false light, prejudic ed mi Intelligent public. Thinking jHsipto are pi operly suspicious of it dramatic com pany which by ail fill advel Using schemes at tempts to win success under the iiiimo of tho "Lyceum" or 'I'liue other equally well and favornbly known name, and they also look with some iIImi ut ou a play that claims In HISLANl). llamlng letters to ho the equal of "Tho Hen rietta" "The Chaiity Hall," "Men and Wo men", He. This species of fuklsm was In it self siiltlcfeiit to keep people, away from Funke'h Monday night. Then too, It was a very disagreeable night. Hut there was a very fair sprinkling of people present and most of them were agreeably disappointed. "The Old, Old Story," while It Is little else than a pot p'uirrl of tlneo or four familiar comedies nevertheltss possesses genuine in terest. Hud iith tlitii'iiiiitiuiii' iilti.il, Mi........... ! Wet nod Sabel have gathered together is , iwifeetly able to stand iiion its own merits, without ho questionable liorrowed aid of ! the fame ot thu New Yoik Lyceum com j jinny. "Tho Old, Old, Story" is jiroH-rly speaking n cuuedy-druma, closely resembling-In construction and treatment, DuMlllo I and lielnsco's "Men and Women," with tho I bank and its dishonest olllclals, tho same founding, trusting women. There are some I original jeissiges and a few really strong I noinls. C'lias. T. U'niiiui. i,a v..i, ..i.. i HeekinHii'' did very well, pel haps because he had very little to do. Ptrelval West as "Sid ney Ileekinan" the bunker's son uud jMiitiier, ought to get out of the theatiical profession as soon as jKissihle. Tho audience Monday night w n visibly relieved when ho suicided. The suicide ought to havu occurred iu the Hist act. Kininet C. King its tho English man, "l'hllllis Harleigh" was manly, dlgul lled uud graceful, lnterretlng his .art with Intelligence and ability. Wilson Deal, "Dr. Cyi us lills." suggested a eel tain well known comedian, hut did his woik vlfectivuly and made it distinct impression. Miss Kniiulu Mclntyre's "Loulso Schuyler" was leallya charming bit of acting. Sho Is an attrac tive woman uud Is withal an nctress. Miss Hertlno Hoblnson was lively and chlo as tho doctor's daughter and Miss Isalwl Martin was it frisky and not iiiiosslhlu widow. Tho ladles gortiis weiostilkiug, Miss Mclntyre's lielng sjieclally haiidsoiuu Theru weru a number of so-called "gags'' iu theilay which were jialjiably sujiellluous and should havu been omitted Tho minstrel performance at thu Funku Thin sdny evening was marred by the intro duction of specialties winch would havu been eminently lilting in a production of thu I. Illle Clay order but which nro very much out of jilaco in a lellued show. Feinulo lui jiersouutious are always coarse. In Emer son's Minstrel compan) they weiu esjiecially obnoxious. For some reason or other Hilly Eniei son does not ujiour at his best this J ears but hois Invuilahly entei tabling, and theru weie soiiio exceptionally strong jmrts. Thu Eiueison caiiiiauy contains a number of good voices, making the singing u notable lentuie. Mr. Hairy Iveuutdy, tho ventiilo qulst, elicited much ajipluiise by his wonder ful exhibition of tho art of voice-throwing, his jiart of the jiei ioi iiiaucu being ouu of thu best featuies Monsieur Ism Florestanof Paris, aiear ed bt-loru a most distinguished audience at thu Lincoln hotel Thursday evening iu mon ologues en costume, from "Tho .Merchant of Venice", "Hamlet", "Willi,", "Charles 1", etc. Florestun displayed marked ability iu his rendition of selection fioui theu jditys, and if thu auditors were a lriilcdisnKtutod, It must bo i emumbered that monologues are not ns n rule, a very satisfactory form of en tcitalninent. TONIOIITHI'I.AYllll.l,, Tho attraction at Fuukcs tonight Is Mr, Alfird Ficc moot's sensational uiclodrninn, "77," it iluy that lias been before the inih- Ilo several seasons. It Is made up of start- ling and Interesting situations and has a most fascinating plot throughout, Tho Ilrst act opens In the South, showing it beautiful duelling and plantation M'ont', In thn thhd act Is tho brilliantly Illuminated mansion of the i Ich banker and the scenery Iu lis en tirety is beautiful uud realistic. "vn IIIIHll VINITOIIH." Thomas E, Murray and Frank Davis, two popular character comedians, will appear at Fuuko'sopern hoiiMuit bntni"erfornianco Monday In "Our Irish Visitors," tho nota ble success of Murray us "Col. Ollhooloy." This will bo tho seventh season of farco comedy, anil with Mr. Murray us "Col. till hooley" it Is probably good for somu years more. Fiauk Davis is also it partleiuary clever Irish comedian, and will lie seen ns "Jerry .Mdlulnes," Twootheis whose work should contribute much to tho entertainment nro Will O. Petrlu uud Mngglo Ellse. The company also Includes Ed 'landlord, Irene Hernandez, Hesslo Sears, Mario tlllerand, Helena Coo and May Nugerut, which Is under the able direction of James E. Nugeiet. "hociai, hkhhiun," One of tho present season's successes, and one that has won for Itself n prominent place Iu the l auks of the popular farco comedies of tho day, will lie presented at the Funko Tuesday evening under tho odd sounding title "A Social Session." Those who are acquainted with Social Sess ions will nt oncu understand that a good time is in contemplation, and thu eminence of the cast who have been Inti listed with tho ire seiitatiou of this captivating comedy, allows no room for doubt as to the success that will attend their cliuit when combined with tho unusually funny scenes utid situations, bright dialogue and catchy music which pre dominate iu "A Social Session." The coin jinny cm ry us it sujijilemeiitary feature the famous Hlack llusxir Ixmd uud orchestra, which are conceded to be thu llliest on tho load, "KTAULKIIIT" WKD.NKHIIAY r.VK.NI.NO. Miss Ventolin Jiirheuti, who will appear nt Fuuke's Wednesday evening, has had a varied and interesting stage exjiuriuuco. She has been on thw stage almost since child hood. Her lultal npearancu was limdo at the ago of 10. two months after graduating. Her Ilrst role wits Hebo in "Pinafore," with tho Dull 0eru Company, at the HUtudard Theatre lu 1S79. Sho jilayed Evangeline with Illce for two years with great success. From burlesque to tmgody Is quite n Juui. but Miss Jarbcaii hits accomplished it suc cessfully, Shu siipsirtsl Mine. Modjeska for six weeks at the Fifth Avenue Theatre in New York. The season ufter thnt sho aji- ien red with John Stetson's great cast com jinny. Tho last two seasons lieforo her star ring tour, shu was again prima donna of thu Dulf Opera Company. A remarkable fact about JarUall is that shu has never bu-li Idcntllled with n failure, and has always been connected with the mot jiroiiouuced successes. All her own costumes uud nearly all of the eoiiiany's, weio designed by her self. Mhs Jin beau will aijK-ar In "Starlight" Iu this city. (IK I1KNEUAI. 1NTKIIKHT. (tiliuore's band will give two concerts ut Hohaiian Hall tho latter jmrt of the mouth. Theio are a number of strong itttracticus booked for the Funku during tho next three weeks. Professor Fossler of thu state university, Iu his lectin e on "Faust" iu the university chapel Tuesday afternoon, referred briefly to tho representation of "Faust" recently given in this city by Ixtwis Morrison and , company, He commended Morrison's "Mop hlstopheles," but declared that tho other parts were, with baldly an exception, Iu very Inconqietent hands Iu, which Judgment I lie is upheld by the majority of dlscremluat- iug critics. Ho also said that the production as a whole, making due allowance for there- ! strict Ions of it traveling company, was it disappointment. Mellt Wilis, II AIwhjk Wills. I When a house that has been In the same lino of bushiest, in the same hx-ittiou anil ! i doing thu same legitimate husltitss for ten I I consecutive yeais, theio must lie something I substantial and rcsonsible about it. Time I tests all tilings mid certainly iu the past the pa ti ons of ljiiiu Meyer & Co,, have had ample and rcjioaled opportunity to test theli dealings, their representations, eto. Iu all these eai sthls popular llrm has catered to Lincoln's most piomlneiit people us well as thu pojiulnr element of trade and that the have always given thu lust of satisfaction Isceituliily evinced by the fact that theli business has always shown it decided iucrcnsv Peojilu that ujijiieciatu good goods at reason able prices, lair mid sqtiuio dealing, every thing as i-cjucseiiicd and courteous treat inent, always Hud trailing at L. Meyer &Co's both pleasant and prolltable. Iu their ilr goods department they itie just now showing the latest pnsluets from thu looms of the most celehruUd mills of this and other coun- tiles. Pal ticuluiy is this the case Iu tho line 1 of dress gixxl., llauuels.aud all whiter good J and it will pay ya to cull and Investigate llieso (acts iieloiu making piuvlmses. In their giocery line L. Mover A; Co. ulwujft handle thu best tluittlieiiinrkctalt'ordsuud lu their largo and willed stock will always In- 'found everything that is tempting to the pilate, pure and wholesome for thu stomach ! and easy on thejnilsuaud jiursu. You should 1 always make it a punt to tiadeal Meyer's. I A nile lor I lie Ijiille.. ' Tho fact that the fair sex do not attend , auction sales is very excuvihle from the fact , that theie is seldom ,iuy jiiovlsiou Hindu foi , their comfort, and oft times too no attention Ntld to their bids, etc. lu another part of this I Mie will; lo .found thu display adv. announcing the Auction Sato of Watches, Diamonds, and lu fact ull tho Hue juwelr) of the well known homo of J. II, Trickuy (b Co,, IIKKI O street. A rcinrtci' of tho Cotiili:itsteiM'd hi yesterday to attend tho sale and to sou what was being dono In way of dlH)slng of tho good. There was n largo attendance mid everyone that secured goods mi their own hid seemed to 1st well (doused with their bargains mid well they might bo, for at tho prices that thu goods went yosteniay It seemed like giving them away, Observing a number of ladles present, tho roHrter askisl Mr. Trlckey whether there had been any special airatigeiueiit made for them to attend tho rnle, "Yet sir," said Mr. Trlckey, "wo always look out for tho ladles hero. Wo see to It that they receive proH'r attention and j-eservo a cer tnlu iHirtluu of thu store for their use. You see those curds up theio don't youf Wo liuvo chairs for tho ladles and allow no smoking; at nil nud none hut gentlemanly behavior Is over tolerated, Iu fact our sales have been attended by our Ixst citizens nnd ladled generally Hud somu acquaintance or friend hero when they conio In. You can tell tho fair readois of tho CoUltlKli that If they will conio iu wo will guarantee; that they will Hud much to interest them hero." The hiiIo nt Trickey's continues Indefinitely and anything will bo put up for sulu that Is desired. Of course tho earlier thut you attend the sale the better will ho tho assort ment of bargains to select from. For tliuo of sales, nud further information consult tho advertisement. Milton Montgomery Do Shyster linn left this plncu, ud Im driving through tlM Berkshire. Edward Jenkins Sjiluk took a imall purty out sailing last week. Mrs. Mary Miiriiliy-O'Flynu has been stojijilng at tho Crulicm hotel. Mr. Arthur lirlokiiinn Stubbs was out with his four iu hand mi Friday. Ilar jier's linear. One hundred lluet engraved o.illlng cards and ila'e only f,'..'0 at Weol I'riutiiij Co., li::o N street. The PeuiiiMihtr lte burner i the latest imjiroved heater in the market. Hefore buy ing, call and eo a full line at Dunham &; Huck, ll'.'il O street. Hoiiitt NovImI Krliuvi. Mm3 (iir Mi n i -.HlH.FS'-HHW nrw iwrr t wrr yMjjj-K&t3mm w: r.rr--1TTr1rrlTlllliTft(l1Bnllr-''-, rrilittaud 'SSSSSSSSBlSSlfSGSStim